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WHAT IS Cry of balintawak? At Melchora Aquino’s house August 23

Cry of balintawak was the beginning of the Philippine FOURTH STATEMENT:

Revolution against the Spanish Empire. At the close of
AT Kangkong, Auugust 22 & the cry occurred in the house og
August 1896, members of the Katipunan secret society Jaun Ramos
(Katipuneros) led by Andrés Bonifacio rose up in revolt
somewhere in an area referred to as Caloocan, wider than
the jurisdiction of present-day Caloocan City which may
Supposed evidence and documents
have overlapped into present-day Quezon City.
Such as Publication and news about the event have
The cry of balintawak
• Masangkay papers, statements of Valezuela,
Issues and Controversies of the “cry”
Vicente Samson, Francisco Carreon, Isaac Del
• The real date when the uprising happened are still Carmen, Briccio Pantas, Tomas Remigio, Cipriano
not clear Pacheco, and Eusebio Kasapio.

Some witnesses states that it happened on an earlier in order to understand the event of the revolution,
date and in different places. Historians have difficulty the only source of information from within the rebel camp is
pinpointing on when the uprising began. Some said that it is mainly the Masangkay papers, the pbllished statements of
when the katipuneros have gathered while the others said it Valenzuela, Vicente Samson, Francisco Carreon, Isaac Del
is the shredding of cedula personal Carmen, Briccio Pantas, Tomas Remigio, Cipriano Pacheco,
and Eusebio Kasapio.
in the earlier days the revolution was named as “ Cry
of balintawak” however, due to Agoncillo’s Book the Revolt of • The El comercio ( evening newspaper on business
the Masses, it has been changed to “ Cry of Pugad Lawin”, matters) is the source of the Spanish side of the
even tho, according to many critiques, the source is not event.
reliable due to Valenzuela’s inconsistent statement
• Another sources is the telegram of Col. Pintos de
• Historians have different interpretations of the Ledesma on August 27, 1896. Pintos reported to
term “Cry” Governor Blanco.

• The narrative of Sastron provides the detailed

1. First Encounter
description of the first encounter in Balintawak or
2.Literal Translation of “Unang Sigaw” = not much help. the “disturbance” as the referred to it.
The “Cry” at Pamitinan Cve, Montalban in April 1895, • The foreman, a british journalist was an indirect
happened year prior to the outbreak of hostilities in eyewitness of the event.

3. Torn Cedulas in the book of Agoncillo’s his definition

of “ Unang sigaw “ or “ cry” is the tearing og cedula
personal by the cedula personal by the katipunero.

4. Formation of a revolutionary Government

Pio Valenzuela

Made inconsistent public statements about the “cry”


Between August 23 and 25 in BALINTAWAK


At Apolonio Samson house at balintawak August 23

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