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Welcome to the A) The inn is built on the ruins of the wrecked tower. The 3 story cottage is unremarkable.

Tin Ear
rotating bookcase in the inn master's office hides the entrance to the caves below. There are
scuffs on the floor. B) Earthen torch lit tunnel slants 120 feet gently downward. C) When
entering this natural cave the swishing of the pool from E can be heard. The walls are very
For low to mid level players irregular (this is GM speak for “hides the opening to area D”). There is a noticeable traffic in
by Ro Annis the dirt leading onward. D) Just behind the bottleneck is a hidden opening that
is the lair of a Huge Albino Centicrawler. It will only attack a lone person
Rest easy in the cozy atmosphere
loitering in the cavern or if someone is (foolish) enough to intrude its
AND pay no mind to the
whisperings of the locals. A lair. It was born deaf and immune to the IOofM charm effect.
E) Cave, water spills from an opening on the far side into a
Oh here’s Leo, (the
pool. The easy way across is by hopping on 3 large
owner of this fine
stones. The largest stone is unbalanced, A player who
establishment) serving
stands on the edge will cause it to tumble into the pool.
up free beetle cakes
1d6 Blood Leaches will attach to exposed flesh for every
and Nargrog! There..
minute submerged. F) Chute, with rough hewn steps. Note also
nothing to be concerned
water from the pool above rushing downward. Halfway down is very
about.....wait is that organ music?
obvious hand hold...this is a trap that causes an axe blade to swing
Backstory: Leo is the grandson of Theo de Leo, from the wall (save or suffer 1d10 damage. G) A vast cavern,
Mage, Tinkerer and MADMAN. Mostly the latter, a the stream has etched a channel across the floor
mob razed the tower sending him to his doom.
Death was not the end, but just a new beginning.
B to cascade over the edge into a
water filled abyss. Leo
His soul lives on within his greatest creation, the Infernal Organ of sits playing the
Madness. Infernal Organ
The Timeline: Role play some eating and drinking with the locals. and the notes
are deafening.
They have no clue as to what's going on. They believe the big blank C
spots in their memories, bruises and sore limbs are a result of the local D Prowling
are 3
brew, Nargrog. Leo will sneak off to crumple in a heap leaving his
attractive daughter, Cleo (or son if we are being PC) to pour the Nargrog. Centicrawlers that
Leo has in fact slunk down to play his Grandad’s organ*. The defunct wizard in E insure nothing will
the machine can mentally summon interrupt the music.
Leo to play (the organ can’t play (Note: Theo built the
itself ). Once this artifact gets machine originally to keep
cranked up every sentient being F the Centicrawlers at bay. Not
in a 1 mile radius is automati- only is his soul trapped in the artifact it
cally CHARMED. The only also allows him absolute control over all
being not affected is the sentient beings in a 1 mile radius when
player who everyone agrees some one plays the
has the poorest musical keys). When the
taste. Everyone else players arrive
becomes unwitting slaves there will also be
and slowly shambles around I 1d6 townsfolk
gathering up things of value G carrying various
to schlep it all down to area treasures (rugs,
J. The only way to break the grain, pickles, etcetera)
charm is by slapping the J into the area J. If Theo
thrall in the face, repeatedly. needs to dispatch the players,
Every strike has a cumulative he can summon an additional 1d3
1% to free the victim. Every Centicrawlers from area H each
ten slaps inflicts 1 point of H minute. H) The cliff drops 80 feet to a
damage. Theo can only look vast underground lake. The chewing of
through the eyes of any one bones and skittering of tiny insect feet can be heard if
slave at a time, so it is up to the you listen closely. Any player here will encounter 10% per minute
Crypt Lord to decide if he 1d3 Centicrawlers or worse. I) Hallway carved in the living rock. There
notices. If so, he will act is a stout timber laying in the floor, otherwise featureless. There is a trap
appropriately. door pit that is a chute to the lake (area H). To enter the swag vault players
must get past a locked portcullis, which may or may not be open, depending.
2015 One Page Dungeon designed by Ro Annis J) Swag Vault. 20 x 50 chamber with an arched ceiling and open (with bars) to the This work
is licensed under a Creative Commons underground lake. The townsfolk have been bringing their tapestries, ornate furniture,
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence pocket watches, snuff boxes and other bric a brac into this hoarder’s paradise for genera-
tions. OMG, the smell. Careful searching will yield 8,984 Gp in coins and gems, 2 random
* No “organ” jokes, allowed
Magic items and a Deck of Many Things.

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