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Hormone Balancing Guide


J E S S I C A D R U M M O N D D C N , M P T, C C N , C H C
In the spring, the focus is on increased activity, renewal, deep cleansing, and the liver.

“If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way
later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would
pick more daisies.”
Nadine Stair

Spring brings the opportunity to focus on cleansing the body, mind, spirit, and
environment in an active way. Spring brings warmer weather, more physical
activity, more sunlight, and a chance to release anger.

When it comes to women’s health. Spring is the best season to detoxify excess
environmental estrogen and strengthen the liver. Spring is associated with fertility
(though there’s no science to support that you’re more fertile in the spring.) It’s
an ideal time to birth an idea that was revealed to you in the winter. Winter and
summer are the yin seasons of rest and rejuvenation while spring and fall are the
more productive seasons.
Spring Nourishment

• Foods are eaten either raw or lightly cooked.

• Quick sautéing or light steaming are ideal cooking methods in the spring.

• Eat plenty of leafy greens for liver cleansing.

• To build up antioxidant stores in the body, be sure to eat plenty of spring onions and garlic.

• Sweet flavors should be emphasized in the spring. Not the sticky sweetness of candy or
processed baked goods, instead lean towards the natural sweetness of root vegetables,
cooked grains, or small amounts of honey or maple syrup.

• Liberally use spring cooking herbs such as mint, basil, rosemary, and dill.
Spring Nourishment

• Awareness of anger and other negative emotions bubbling to the surface

• Tired or achy

• Light or energetic

• Relaxed

• Grouchy

• Irritated with your friends or family

• Irritated with me!

• It might feel challenging to stick with it when some of your habitual 

comfort foods are not available

• You might feel some withdrawal headaches if you generally drink 

a lot of caffeine


Women are discouraged from expressing their negative emotions. These emotions can be
suppressed for a long time. Then, once a woman embarks on a spring cleanse some of these
emotions can rise to the surface.

The best tool that I have found for a woman to deal with repressed negative emotions is to allow
them to flow. It’s essential to learn to sit with and feel negative emotions. Avoid distracting
yourself to avoid feeling the emotional pain. Doing this can be really challenging because most of
us were not given any tools for healthfully expressing our negative emotions. 

Do you feel comfortable crying?
Do you feel comfortable expressing your anger?

Do you have safe people who support your emotional expression? What healthy forms of
expression, such as yelling, journaling, dancing, singing, etc. do you use to express your

It is difficult to heal physical pain unless you learn to accept the flow of negative emotions. When
negative emotions are avoided or repressed, they eventually present as physical symptoms. It’s
important to learn to accept these negative emotions, anger and all of her cousins, as absolutely
normal. Allow your body, mind, and spirit to feel these emotions. Every human goes through the
full spectrum of emotions. Allowing them to flow and accepting them as normal is essential to
Spring Nourishment

1 | Y O U R D A I LY J U I C E

Explore the world of fresh pressed juice.

If you’re struggling with moderate to severe adrenal fatigue, blood sugar issues, or it’s just
really cold where you live, juicing alone is not the best option. But, you can certainly add 1 juice
per day or a few times per week to a nutrient dense nutrition plan.

If you’re generally healthy and live in a climate that’s starting to warm up in the spring, getting
familiar with fresh pressed vegetable juice can be a tasty and fun way to add a blast of
detoxifying nutrients and hydration to your detox regimen. Wheatgrass shots, beet juices, and
green juices are best for deep detoxification and a big blast of micronutrients.

2 | M O R N I N G PA G E S

Start the spring with a new journal.

Each morning write three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing. Morning Pages
can be an ideal tool to clear your mind and create space for any suppressed emotions to flow.

Click here for more information about Morning Pages.

Spring Nourishment

3 | P L AY W I T H Y O U R E X E R C I S E R O U T I N E

Spring is a time for renewed focus on activity.

While winter is an important season of rest and recovery, spring is a season of activity and
productivity. If you have not been exercising, check with your doctor before you begin.
Once you’re cleared… energetically, spring is great time to start an exercise program!

Exercise is simply movement and should feel like play. 

Hate running?. Don’t run. Love running? Run.

What kind of movement does your body crave? This is the perfect season for exploration. Try a
new class at the gym. Go hiking with a friend. Take a Spring Break ski trip, and this year try

For many people it’s a mindset shift to enjoy exercise. And yet, most people love to move. Our
bodies are built for movement.

What is one new way you can play with movement this week?

4 | T H E L U X U RY O F F R E S H F L O W E R S

This exercise is simple. Buy yourself some flowers, or flirt a bit to encourage someone else in
your life to buy them for you.

Place them in your home and enjoy them.

Another option: buy a flowering plant and plant it in your garden.

Enjoying the simple beauties of life is essential to health.

Flowers are natural art. Delight in the beauty of our world.

Spring Nourishment

5 | T H E A R T O F T H E L E I S U R E LY H U S T L E 

(Feminine Productivity)

If I’m being honest, this is a concept that I continue to struggle with.

I have decades of “getting it all done on time and with excellence” of conditioning to overcome. I
still have an inner straight A student in my mind. And yet, this perspective is essential to
creating a balance between getting stuff done, maintaining inspired feminine energy, and
avoiding burning out.

Tonya Leigh, one of my mentors, explains this idea well.

My take is that when there is a lot to be done, I get organized, I focus, and I enjoy! I adore my
work. And, yet there are busy times when deadlines loom and my inner critic comes out to play,
telling me, “It’s not good enough.” “It’s not ready yet.” “Or, you will never finish this on time.”

My response is simply to slow down. Take a dance break. And then get focused.

Often the killer of productivity is simply being distracted.

If you enjoy your work, it’s simply fear of how it will be received that tends to shadow it with
perfectionism and stress. I recommend shifting your mindset this week.

Notice every part of your workday that you enjoy. Notice how much productivity stress you’re
actually creating by procrastinating.

Look for ways to take pleasure in the hustle and by stopping to smell the roses along the way.

Finally, create each piece of work as a gift to the world.

Think of your work as art, not as a test.

Now… get out there and leisurely hustle!

Spring Cleansing

6 | Y O U R N E G AT I V E E M O T I O N G P S

This exercise is the silver lining to allowing your messy, negative emotions the space to come
out to play.

Negative emotions (as well as positive ones) are key guides to answering the question, “Am I
on the right track in my healing (life) journey.”

To put this simply, the language of your soul is in your body’s sensations. If you’re on the right
track, your body feels open, comfortable, relaxed, excited, tingly, and such.

A choice that will likely take you on a detour (no judgment, maybe that’s exactly what you need
to do for now, just be aware) will feel closed, painful, uncomfortable, tight, gripping, and so on in
your body.

At least once a day this week, take your emotional GPS for a test drive.

Think to yourself, “What would I like to do right now/ have for dinner/ wear/ etc.?”

Mentally lay your choices out in front of you, and notice how your body feels as you consider
each option.

Make note of the sensations, choose, and then see what happens. Fascinating!
Spring Nourishment

Every detoxification organ is involved in every season, and yet in every season there is a focus.
In the spring the focus is on the liver.

Spring is the season for emotional and physical release. It is the season for renewed activity,
and to start taking action on any new ideas that were unveiled during the quiet rest of winter.

Start with physically strengthening the liver (and the rest of the body) by enjoying this
nourishing program. This nutrition will give your body the energy it needs to enjoy spring
adventures and action.

Plan to commit to the nutrition plan for at least 3-4 weeks to get the full effect.

After the program, slowly resume your previous eating habits one at a time and notice if they
are contributing to weight gain, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, skin irritation, painful periods,
sexual pain, loss of libido, or other common symptoms. If you notice unpleasant symptoms
when you resume your normal eating habits, note that you are likely sensitive to some of the
foods that we eliminated on the cleanse.

Connect with your local healing team or our nutrition clinic if you need further support: http://

Use caution if you are on medication, pregnant, nursing, are under a doctor’s care, or in any
other unusual situation. This program is appropriate for your entire family. Just be aware that
women who are pregnant, nursing, or young children may need to eat more often to maintain
good energy and stable blood sugar. While this is not an intense detoxification program like
juice fasting, most common food allergens have been removed from this program which can
result in detoxification symptoms.

Always speak to your doctor before beginning any new nutrition program especially if you’re
pregnant or breastfeeding.

Spring Nourishment

• Stress
• Processed Meats (except for low nitrate lunch meats as a shortcut)
• Canned Beans (except for Eden Foods brand)
• Conventional (not organic) Animal Protein
• Fish that are heavy in toxins
• Sugar or artificial sweeteners
• Wheat or any other gluten containing grains
• Caffeine (reduce if you’re not ready to let go.)
• Trans fats or partially hydrogenated oils
• Flours
• Processed foods
• Fast foods
• Dairy
• Soy
• Eggs (unless you are not sensitive to them.)
• Peanuts
• Corn
• Alcohol

Spring Nourishment

Vegetables Proteins
• Pastured Lamb
• Mustard greens • Pastured Pork
• Dandelion greens • Organic Poultry
• All spring leafy greens • Low toxin Fish
• Broccoli
• Asparagus
• Onions
• Garlic
• Sprouts
• Lettuce

• Strawberries
• Radishes • Peaches
• Peas • Cherries
• Green Beans

and any other delicious spring 

vegetables you can find in your region!

Fats and Oils

• Olive oil
• Coconut oil
• Avocado
• Ghee and Grassfed butter

(if not dairy sensitive)

Spring Nourishment

Nuts and Seeds Grains

• Almonds
• Black Sesame Seeds • Millet
• Poppy Seeds • Sweet Brown or Wild Rice
• Walnuts • Quinoa
• Buckwheat
• Amaranth
• Oats (be sure they’re gluten free)

Beans • Basil
• Pinto • Bay Leaf
• Black • Dill
• Cannellini • Cumin
• Lentils • Fennel
• Chickpeas • Ginger
• Great Northern Beans • Rosemary
• Mint
• Lemon Balm
• Milk Thistle

Breakfast Berry Green Smoothie
Lunch Spring Chopped Salad with Simple Broiled Chicken
Dinner Carrot Soup with Brown Rice and Crispy Shallots

Breakfast Chia-Cherry Smoothie
Lunch Pilaf with Toasted Almonds
Dinner Sauteed Spinach with Garlic and Raisins with Broiled Chicken

Breakfast Oatmeal with Fresh Berries and Toasted Almonds
Lunch Broccoli-Leek Soup with Quinoa
Dinner Lamb Chops with Mint and Small Bitter Greens Salad

Breakfast Spinach + Shallot Frittata
Lunch Gluten Free Pasta and Spinach with Mint-Pistachio Pesto
Dinner Salmon En Papillote with Asparagus & Sweet Potato Wedges

Breakfast Watercress Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado
Lunch Asparagus and Cashew Stir-Fry Over Brown Rice
Dinner Pan-Seared Halibut with Steamed Broccoli 

with Toasted Hazelnuts and Roasted Garlic

Time Saving TIPS


• Shop for groceries
• Make big batches of one or all of the following to have cleansing dishes right at your fingertips:
- Cook 2 cups of dry quinoa (makes 4 cups of cooked quinoa)
- Pick one of the 3 soup recipes 

(divide into mason jars and store in fridge for easy serving sizes)
- Juicy Broiled Chicken
- Peel and freeze bananas in plastic baggie for smoothies


• Make your “overnight oats” if you’re having muesli for breakfast!
Basic Smoothie 

Mix and Match Formula

8 oz. liquid from Liquid Column Blender
2-3 items from Bulk + Nutrition Column Liquid measuring cup
1-3 items from Sweetener + Flavor Column
1-3 items from Superfoods Column

Recommended Protein Powders: See attached guide.

Can be added to any smoothie recipe to make it a
complete meal.

The Formula

water 1/2 cup 1/2 banana 2 tbsp ground

cooked oatmeal (frozen is better) flaxseeds
coconut water
1/2 cup 1/2 cup 2 tbsp
unsweetened pureed pumpkin frozen berries chia seeds
almond milk
1/2 cucumber 1/4 cup powdered
coconut milk frozen mango greens
3-4 leaves kale,
rice milk spinach, collard greens 1 tsp vanilla 2 tbsp
extract raw cacao
replacement 1/2 tsp ginger 2 tbsp
powder psyllium husks
1/2 tsp
1/2 avocado cinnamon 1/4 cup
fresh herbs
1 - 2 tbsp 1/4 tsp
natural peanut nutmeg 1 tbsp fresh
or almond butter grated ginger root
1/2 pear
or apple

lemon slice

* certified gluten free oats

Berry Green Smoothie
(using Mix and Match Smoothie Formula)

1.5 cups of unsweetened almond milk Blender
or water Measuring spoons
1 scoop of protein/meal replacement Dry measuring cup
powder (such as Vega)
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 cup baby spinach or kale 

(torn off the stems)
1/4 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh
1/2 cup strawberries, frozen or fresh

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth and enjoy.
Chia Cherry Smoothie
(using Mix and Match Smoothie Formula)

1.5 cups of unsweetened almond milk Blender
or water Measuring spoons
1 scoop of protein/meal replacement Dry measuring cup
powder (such as Vega), optional
2 tbsp chia seeds
½ frozen banana
⅓ cup frozen cherries

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth and enjoy.
Basic Breakfast Porridge 

Mix and Match Formula

Made too much quinoa or brown rice for dinner? 

Leverage those leftovers by enjoying them in a tasty breakfast porridge! It
couldn’t be easier.

1 cup grain from Grain Column 
 Measuring spoons
(See Note below) 
 Dry measuring cup
1-3 tbsp of items from Sweetness Column Liquid measuring cup
1-2 tbsp of items from Nuts + Seeds Column Medium saucepan
0-2 items from Extra Oomph Column Wooden spoon
1-4 items from Seasonings Column 

(just a dash less than 1/4 tsp)
1/4 cup of item from Creaminess Column (optional)

1. Bring water and grain to a boil. (See Note below).
2. Add fruit/dried fruit,Nuts+Seeds,“Extra Oomph.”
3. Lower heat to low and cook for 5-7 minutes, or until creamy.
Stir in “Creaminess” component if desired.
4. Add sweeteners like raw honey or maple syrup to taste.


If using uncooked grain, ratio of water to grain is generally 2 to 1. If using cooked grain, ratio is
1:1. Except for Irish/steel cut oats:
- Cooked/leftover brown rice: 1 cup of water for 1 cup of cooked brown rice.
- Cooked/leftover quinoa: 1 cup of water for 1 cup of cooked quinoa..
- Rolled oats (uncooked): 2 cups water for 1 cup rolled oats (uncooked).
- Irish oats, the ratio is 4 to 1. So 4 cups of water for 1 cup of Irish/steel cut oats.
The Formula


oats apple slices chopped nuts 1 tbsp grated
 cinnamon almond milk
ginger root
quinoa banana slices toasted nuts ginger coconut milk
2 tbsp ground
rice dried coconut flaxseed nutmeg

dried cranberries 2 tbsp sea salt

chia seeds
maple syrup


raw honey

* certified gluten free oats

Warm Irish Oats (Steel Cut Oats)
(using Mix and Match Breakfast Formula)

1 cup gluten-free steel cut Irish oats Liquid measuring cup
(such as McCann’s) Measuring spoons
4 cups water Dry measuring cup
1/4 cup chopped nuts of your choice Chef’s knife
(walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds) Cutting board
1/4 cup dried cherries or raisins Medium saucepan
Sprinkle of cinnamon and/or ginger Wooden spoon


Steel cut oats take longer to cook than regular oatmeal (about 30 minutes) but, there’s a

Night before: 

Bring water to a boil, add oats and stir. Turn off the heat and cover. Go to bed!

Next morning: 

When you get up the oats will have been slowly cooking all night – all you have to do is
heat it up!
Add a cup of cooked oats to a bowl (or Tupperware to bring to work).
Mix in any toppings you desire.


If you don’t want to take the shortcut (sucker), here’s what you do:  
1. Bring water to a boil.  
2. Add oats to the boiling water, stirring well.  
3. When porridge is smooth and starting to thicken, reduce the heat to a simmer 

for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add toppings and serve!

Oatmeal with Fresh Berries 

and Toasted Almonds
(using Mix and Match Breakfast Formula)

1 cup rolled oats 
 Liquid measuring cup
(or leftover brown rice or quinoa) Measuring spoons
1 cup water or almond milk Dry measuring cup
1 tbsp ground flax seeds Chef’s knife
1/2 cup fresh blueberries Cutting board
1/2 cup fresh strawberries, sliced Medium saucepan
1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted Wooden spoon

1. Bring oats and water to a boil.
2. Place almonds on baking sheet and toast in toaster oven or oven at 350 degrees 

until golden brown.
3. Lower heat to medium, add flaxseeds, and cook for 5 minutes, or until creamy.
4. Serve topped with berries and toasted almonds.
Spinach and Shallot Frittata

2 shallots, peeled and thinly sliced Liquid measuring cup
2 cups spinach or baby spinach Medium bowl
1/4 cup extra-virgin Dry measuring cup
olive oil Whisk
Sea salt Chef’s knife
Freshly ground pepper Medium nonstick skillet
6 large organic eggs* Cutting board
Wooden spoon

1. Preheat the broiler.
2. Peel and mince the shallots.
3. Heat olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add shallots and saute until soft. Add
spinach and stir until it begins to cook down. (Or just add leftover steamed or sautéed
greens to the pan).
4. Break eggs into a medium bowl, season with salt and pepper lightly, and whisk with a fork
until yolks are broken up.
5. Pour egg mixture over the veggies in the skillet. Lift pan and swirl the mixture so it spreads
out evenly in the pan. Cook over low heat until eggs are set on the bottom.
6. Transfer to the oven to broil until the top sets and turns golden brown, about 5 minutes.

* Skip if this is your first time cleansing or if you already know you are sensitive to eggs.
Garlicky Tahini Dressing

1 cup tahini (sesame seed paste) Liquid measuring cup
1/2 cup lemon juice Dry measuring cup
1 clove garlic Chef’s knife
Water (just enough to thin it out and create Cutting board
desired consistency) Small bowl
Salt and pepper to taste Fork (or small whisk)

Blend all ingredients in a bowl with a whisk (or blender) until combined. Serve over brown rice,
quinoa, steamed vegetables, or in a wrap with chicken and veggies.
Mint-Pistachio Pesto

1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
3 cup fresh parsley
1 clove garlic, peeled
1/4 cup shelled pistachios

(toasted, optional)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
sea salt

1. In a food processor or Vitamix blender, place mint, parsley, garlic, and pistachios and pulse
until roughly chopped.
2. Slowly pour in olive oil as you pulse, until it turns into a paste. Add sea salt to taste.

Enjoy with lamb chops, over pasta, or store in an air-tight jar for future use.

Chopped Spring Detox Salad

(Inspired by the “Use a Spoon” Chopped Salad at The Dressing Room Restaurant (RIP!) in Westport, CT)

1 cup sugar snap peas, trimmed Chef’s knife
5 radishes, trimmed and thinly sliced Cutting board
½ cup sliced fresh strawberries or whole fresh Medium bowl
blueberries Tongs
1 cup sliced radicchio
1 cup sliced endive
1 cup baby spinach
1/2 cup almond slivers

Mix together celery, carrots, apple, lettuces in a large bolw. Add 1/4 cup of simple vinaigrette.
Toss to coat and serve.

Make it a heartier meal by adding white beans or topping with basic broiled chicken.
Watercress Salad
with Grapefruit and Avocado

2 ruby red grapefruits Cutting board
2 ripe avocados Chef’s or paring knife
1 bunch of watercress Serrated knife

1. Section 2 grapefruits. Cut off the peel with a serrated knife like a bread knife. Then with a
paring knife, gently slice along each section to pull out the sections without any pith. See
here for a visual:
2. Peel and slice avocados.
3. Rinse and dry watercress and roughly chop.
4. Arrange watercress on a plate, top with grapefruits and avocado and drizzle with olive oil
and sea salt.
Basic Soup 

Mix and Match Formula

2 tbsp from Fats Column Liquid measuring cup
1-3 items from Aromatics Column, sliced or minced Measuring spoons
1-2 items from Accent Veggies Column, thinly sliced Chef’s knife
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Cutting board
Any number of items from Main Ingredient Column Large saucepan
1 item from Liquid Column
 Wooden spoon
(amount depends on amount of veggies) Immersion blender
1-3 items from Accent Column (or regular blender + slotted spoon)

1. Put the olive oil or butter in large pot over medium heat. Let butter melt.
2. Add aromatics and cook, stirring occasionally, until they soften, about 5 minutes.
3. Add sea salt and pepper and stir.
4. Add main ingredient and stir.
5. Add enough broth or water to cover the vegetables and bring to a boil.
6. Stir, lower the heat to a simmer, and cover until vegetables are tender, 15-25 minutes
(depending on the water content of the main ingredients and how small you sliced them).
7. Remove pot from heat, puree with an immersion blender or add veggies to a blender/food
processor using a slotted spoon.
8. Return to pot (if you used the blender/food processor), taste and adjust the salt and add any
other spices or herbs that tickle your fancy.
The Formula


butter garlic carrots asparagus beef broth coconut milk

olive oil ginger root celery broccoli chicken broth fresh herbs

leeks carrot vegetable toasted

broth pumpkin seeds
onions cauliflower
water maple syrup
tomato spices (curry,
kale ginger, etc.)

other root veggies

(e.g. parsnips)

summer squash
(e.g. zucchini)

winter squash
(e.g. butternut)
Creamy Carrot Soup
(using Mix and Match Soup Formula)

2 shallots 1 large or medium-sized pot with lid
8-10 carrots Vegetable peeler
2 tbsp olive oil Good knife
broth (about 3-4 cups) Cutting board
salt + pepper Wooden spoon
Blender or immersion blender

1. Slice shallots. Cut off both ends of shallots, peel off the skin, and slice the into thin slices.
2. Slice carrots. Peel carrots, slice off the ends, and cut into thin slices, about 1/2-inch thick (don’t have
to be anal about it). You should have about 3 cups.
3. Heat oil. Heat up big pot over medium heat, drizzle in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil (a nice “glug” of
the bottle). Swirl pot to get oil to cover entire bottom.
4. Add shallots to pot and cook until soft and slightly brown at some edges, stirring every 30 seconds or
5. Add carrots, 3 grinds of salt and 3 grinds of pepper. Stir.
6. Add enough broth to just cover the carrots by an inch.
7. Turn heat up to high and bring to a boil.
8. Simmer. When carrots come to a boil, turn heat down to low, stir, then cover the pot.
9. Carrots are cooked. Check carrots - they should be tender, meaning you should be able to easily
pierce with a fork. If not, let them cook for another 10 minutes. When tender, turn off heat.
10.Puree soup...

- if you have an immersion blender, just stick it in the pot and blend away until soup is smooth.

- if you don’t have an immersion blender, use a slotted spoon to transfer the veggies (cooked 

carrots and shallots) to a blender (ontly fill 3/4 of blender, do it in batches if you have to).

- DO NOT put top on blender if the soup is still hot, it will freaking explode Put a dish towel over 

the top of the blender and blend veggies on low until they are smooth (you may need to add 

some of the liquid from the pot to help it along).
11.Return soup to pot, stir, taste, and add more salt if you need to.


Spice it up with a sprinkle of ground ginger or cardamom when adding the carrots.
Broccoli-Leek Soup
(using Mix and Match Soup Formula)

2 tbsp olive oil Liquid measuring cup
2 leeks, rinsed and thinly sliced Large saucepan
Sea salt Measuring spoons
Freshly ground black pepper Wooden spoon
5 cups broccoli florets, chopped Chef’s knife
4 cups chicken broth or water Cutting board
Immersion blender 

(or regular blender + slotted spoon)

1. Heat the oil in large pot over medium heat.
2. Add leeks and cook, stirring occasionally, until they soften, about 5 minutes.
3. Add seasonings (salt and pepper) and stir.
4. Add broccoli.
5. Add the stock - enough to cover the vegetables and bring to a boil.
6. Stir, lower the heat to a simmer, and cover until vegetables are tender, 15-25 minutes.
7. Take soup off heat, puree with an immersion blender or add veggies to a blender/food processor
using a slotted spoon.
8. Return to pot (if you used the blender/food processor), taste and adjust the salt and add any other
spices that tickle your fancy.


Sprinkle with fresh herbs, like chives.
Use frozen broccoli instead of fresh.
Serve with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt.
Lentil Soup
(using Mix and Match Soup Formula)

1 tbsp olive oil Liquid measuring cup
1 onion, peeled and diced Large saucepan
2 carrots, diced Measuring spoons
1 celery stalk, diced Wooden spoon
1 tbsp fresh thyme or 1 tsp dried thyme 
 Chef’s knife
1 tsp sea salt Cutting board
2 (15-oz) cans beans, drained and rinsed 
 Immersion blender
(lentils, garbanzo, aduki, kidney, cannellini) (or regular blender + slotted spoon)
4 cups broth or water
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley

1. Put the olive oil in large pot over medium heat and sauté garlic and onions for 2 minutes.
2. Add carrots, celery, thyme, sea salt, beans, and stock.
3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook 15-20 minutes.
4. Puree with an immersion blender (or remove half of the beans and vegetables and puree in a blender
or food processor until smooth). Return to pot.
5. Garnish with fresh parsley and eat.
Basic Steamed Broccoli

with Roasted Garlic and Toasted Hazelnuts

2 bunches broccoli 
 Large saucepan 

1/2 cup olive oil Baking sheet
1/2 cup hazelnuts 
 Steamer basket 

Sea salt Chef’s knife
6 cloves garlic (or Garlic Oil ) 
 Cutting board 

Fresh lemon Small saucepan

1. Follow basic directions for steaming broccoli (see Videos tab).
2. Meanwhile, toast and skin hazelnuts (see below). Roughly chop.
3. Roast garlic: Place olive oil and garlic into a small saucepan and cook over low heat until
garlic turns just golden, about 4-5 minutes. Alternative: Use garlic oil you’ve made earlier.
4. Take garlic oil off heat, add chopped hazelnuts, juice from 1 lemon, sea salt, and pepper. 

Stir to combine.
5. Drizzle garlic oil and chopped nuts mixture over the steamed broccoli. Gently toss to coat and

How to Toast and Skin Hazelnuts

Heat oven or toaster oven to 375 degrees.
Spread the hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet and toast, tossing occasionally, until the skins
darken and blister a bit, 5 to 6 minutes.
Remove from oven, take a clean dish towel in your hand and pick up a handful of nuts, cover
them in the towel and rub your hands together over the towel until most of the skins fall off.

Replace hazelnuts with walnuts, pecans, or almonds.
Replace lemon with lime.
Sauteed Spinach 

with Garlic and Raisins

1/4 cup olive oil
2-5 garlic cloves, peeled
2 cups spinach or baby spinach, rinsed
1/4 cup golden raisins
sea salt

1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat.
2. Add the garlic and saute until it’s golden brown.
3. Slowly add in the spinach, let it wilt and keep adding until it’s all in.
4. Sprinkle very lightly with sea salt.
5. Gently stir to let spinach wilt down more and meld with flavors, then toss in the raisins.
6. Stir for a few minutes so the raisins get juicy and plump. Take off heat and enjoy!

Cauliflower and Green Beans

1 head of cauliflower
1 pound of green beans
3-5 peeled garlic cloves
1/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup water or broth
Pinch of sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

1. Trim the ends off the green beans if you didn’t already get them pre-trimmed.
2. Chop up cauliflower into bite-sized pieces 

(watch the video for this awesome trick I learned from Tim Ferriss’s 4 Hour Chef.)
3. Put all of the ingredients – the cauliflower, green beans, garlic, water, 

salt, and pepper – into a large pot.
4. Stir and heat up over medium heat.
5. Cover the pot. Stir every 10 minutes or so.
6. After 40 minutes…done! Turn off heat and serve or save for later – leftovers are good for up to 3 days.
7. Enjoy it alone, along with a green salad, or you want a bit more energy and focus, top it with a nice poached
egg for some protein.
Asparagus and Cashew Stir-Fry

1 bunch of asparagus Measuring spoons
1 tbsp olive oil Grater
1 tbsp toasted sesame oil Dry measuring cup
1 tbsp grated fresh ginger root Large skillet
1/3 cup cashews, chopped Chef’s knife
2 tbsp coconut aminos Wooden spoon
Cutting board

1. Snap off the ends of the asparagus. Cut into 1-inch pieces.
2. Heat oil in a large pan or wok over medium-high heat. 

Add the ginger and stir-fry for 1 minute.
3. Add the asparagus and stir-fry until crisp-tender, about 4-5 minutes.
4. Add chopped cashews, stir in coconut aminos, and serve.

Replace the cashews with almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, or pecans.
Replace the asparagus with bok choy.
Add diced or shredded chicken or cubed tofu to make it a full meal.
Serve over brown rice, quinoa, or soba noodles.
Gluten Free Pasta with 

Garlic and Oil and Sautéed Greens

This is a great “end of the week” dish when you’ve run out of fresh food and are
feeling to lazy to run to the store - just leverage what you’ve got in your pantry and
your freezer to whip up a really satisfying meal!

1 pound brown rice pasta Measuring spoons
1 tbsp olive oil Colander
1 package frozen spinach or broccoli florets 
 Chef’s knife
(or 2 cups of fresh) Large skillet
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Cutting board
2 garlic cloves (minced if you really love garlic, Medium saucepan fitted with steamer
kept whole if you prefer just a hint of garlic) basket
1/2 cup frozen peas Wooden spoon
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Cook brown rice pasta according to package directions, but take off 1-2 minutes off
cooking time.
2. If using frozen peas, place them in the bottom of the colander so when you drain the
cooked pasta, they will defrost and combine with the pasta.
3. Steam frozen greens to defrost. (Or steam fresh veggies with a sprinkle of sea salt
until bright green.)
4. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and sauté until golden
brown (about 2-3 mins).
5. Add cooked pasta to the pan and stir to coat with garlic and oil. Add defrosted
greens and stir to coat.
6. Take off heat, season with salt and pepper, taste and adjust.

- Stir in 1 (15-oz.) can of cannellini or garbanzo beans.
- Top with sliced broiled chicken.
How to make
Basic Grains

A great base for any salad, porridge, or pilaf. Here are the ratios, cooking times,
and basic process for cooking any grains to mix and match use in many of these
tasty recipes


Brown Rice 1:2 50 minutes

Quinoa 1:2 15 minutes
Amaranth 1:2 20 - 25 minutes
Millet 1:3 20 minutes
Rolled Oats 1:2 10 minutes
Irish Oats 1:4 30 minutes

1. Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
2. Add grain, stir ,and lower heat to a simmer.
3. Cover and cook until water is absorbed and grain is tender. 

See general cooking times above. For oats, stir occasionally.
4. Take off heat, let sit covered for 5 minutes and serve.
Brown Rice or Quinoa Pilaf
with Toasted Almonds

1 cup cooked quinoa (or brown rice) Cutting board
2 cups water Chef’s knife
Pinch of sea salt Baking sheet
1 bunch of asparagus or broccoli Small bowl and fork or whisk
1 cup slivered almonds Microplane or grater
1 cup grated carrots Medium bot fitted with steamer basket
zest of 1 lemon

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice (about 1
lemon) 2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tbsp raw honey

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Snap off ends of asparagus spears and cut into 2-inch pieces.
3. Steam asparagus or broccoli until still bright green and crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.
4. Toast almonds on a baking sheet in oven or toaster until lightly browned.
5. Make Dressing: whisk together olive oil, mustard, lemon juice, coconut aminos, and honey until
creamy and well combined.
6. Grate carrots and lemon zest.
7. Place quinoa, asparagus or broccoli, toasted almonds, zest of 1 lemon, 1 cup of shredded carrots in
a large serving bowl. Pour dressing over the pilaf and gently toss.
Super Easy (and Juicy) 

Broiled Chicken

A great make-ahead dish for adding to protein to stir-fries, salads, burritos, etc! 

I usually make about 4 or 5 at the beginning of the week to use for several days.

About 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless, 

Measuring spoons
white-meat organic chicken 
 Chef’s knife
(breasts, cutlets, or tenders) Cutting board
2 tbsp olive oil Baking sheet
Sea salt and pepper Tongs

1. Season both sides of each chicken breast with salt and pepper.
2. In a large, airtight, plastic bag place chicken and olive oil. Toast to coat and set aside for
10 minutes or up to 12 hours.
3. Preheat the broiler.
4. Take chicken out of bag with tongs, shake off excess oil, and place on a baking sheet.
5. Broil the chicken very quickly, turning once, cooking no more than 3-5 minutes on each
side. To check for doneness, use a thin blade knife and cut through the center – should be
white or slightly pink.
6. Let sit on a cutting board, loosely covered with foil, for about 5 minutes to let the juices
settle back into the chicken.
7. Serve right away or store in an airtight container for later slicing into a salad, wrap, etc.
Pan-Seared Halibut 

with Toasted Almonds

1 (4-oz) fillet per person of wild-caught Saute pan
halibut Spatula
1 tbsp unrefined coconut oil or sesame
sea salt
1/4 cup slivered almonds

1. Heat oil in saute pan over medium heat.
2. Sprinkle sea salt and pepper on both sides of each fish fillet.
3. Cook fish on first side over medium heat for 4 minutes.
4. Flip and cook on other side for 3 minutes. While fish is in pan, sprinkle layer of almonds on top.
5. Flip over and cook for 2 minutes. Add almonds on other side.
6. Flip again to cook and toast almonds on other side. Halibut is cooked when fish is flaky and 

no longer translucent.
7. Take off heat and serve.

- Replace almonds with chopped hazelnuts, pecans, or macadamia nuts.
Salmon en Papillote with 

Asparagus & Sweet Potato Wedges


1 small sweet potato or yam per person Measuring spoons
2 tbsp olive oil Baking sheet
sea salt Parchment paper
INGREDIENTS | SALMON & ASPARAGUS Small and medium bowls
1 bunch of asparagus Whisk
3 tbsp whole grain or Dijon mustard 
 Cutting board
(or mixture of the two) Chef’s knife
juice from 1 lemon Tongs
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1(6-8 oz) salmon fillet per person

1. Preheat the oven to 450 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Slice the sweet potato in half, lengthwise. Slice each half into 5-6 wedges.
3. Add sweet potatoes to medium sized bowl with two tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Toss to coat.
4. Lay potatoes in a single layer on the parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
5. Rinse and dry asparagus and snap off the ends.
6. In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, lemon juice, and olive oil.
7. Take a second piece of parchment, about 15 inches long, fold in half then unfold.
8. In the center of one half, layer about 4-5 asparagus spears and sprinkle with sea salt.
9. Place the salmon fillet on top of asparagus, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and spoon on 2
tablespoons of mustard sauce.
10. Fold parchment back over to cover salmon. Starting at the right hand crease, fold the parchment
over itself to create a small triangle. Fold that piece over itself and continue folding to create small
pleats all the way around the parchment. When you’re done, you should have a half-moon or
“calzone” shape.
11. Take out the potato wedges, push them to the perimeter of the baking sheet. Place parchment
packet in the middle.
12. Lower oven heat to 400 and bake packet and potatoes for another 10 minutes.
13. Remove from oven, slice through the packet - it’s ready! Top with more dijon sauce if you’d like.
Lamb Chops 

with Herb-Dijon Marinade
Adapted from French Women Don’t Get Fat, the Secret of Eating for Pleasure by Mirielle Guiliano

Lamb chops, ¾-inch thick (1-2 per person) Shallow baking dish
4 tbsp olive oil Oven proof dish (if broiling)
1 tbsp Dijon mustard Tongs
2 medium shallots or garlic cloves Food processor or good blender
½ cup fresh mint Measuring spoons
¼ cup fresh Italian parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper.

1. 30 minutes before cooking, place chops in a shallow baking dish.
2. Combine olive oil, mustard, shallots, mint, and parsley in a food processor. Pulse until it becomes
a medium-textured paste. Brush each side of chops with the herb-Dijon paste and let marinate at
room temperature for about 30 minutes.
3. Preheat broiler (or grill).
4. Place chops in an oven-proof dish and broil (or grill) about 3-4 minutes on each side 

for medium-rare. 

Remove from heat, let sit for 5 minutes to allow juices to settle back in. Serve!
Pureed White Bean 

or Chickpea Dip

Perfect no-fuss party snack that you can quickly whip up with pantry staples.

1 (15 oz.) can cannellini or garbanzo beans,
drained and rinsed 1 garlic clove
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice*
1/3 cup olive oil, plus 4 tbsp
1/4 cup fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley leaves
salt and pepper

1. Place beans, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley in food processor.
2. Pulse until mixture is coarsely chopped. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Transfer puree to a small bowl. Serve with crostini, fresh vegetable sticks 

(like carrots or celery), or pita chips.

- This can also be served in a gluten-free wrap or wrapped in a Collard green leaf 

with grilled vegetables or with grilled chicken and greens.

* Skip if this is your first time cleansing or if you know you are sensitive to citrus.
Refreshing Nori Wraps

Toasted nori sheets 
 Cutting board
(the stuff they wrap sushi rolls in) Chef’s knife


2-3 grated carrots
leftover brown rice or quinoa
sliced avocado
sliced cucumber

1. Place nori sheet on a flat, dry surface. At the end closest to you, lay the veggies, rice, or 

any combination of the above ingredients flat along the width of nori sheet.
2. Roll up the ingredients. Slice roll in half and enjoy!
Chunky Guacamole

3 avocados Chef’s knife
1 large tomato Cutting board
1/2 red onion Medium bowl
Juice of one or two fresh limes
Sea salt
Fresh cilantro

1. Slice the avocado, tomato, and onion into equal-sized chunks.
2. Gently mix all ingredients into a medium-sized bowl. You want to make almost a salty
lemonade/limeade with the lime juice so be generous with it.
3. Garnish with extra cilantro and serve with tortilla or multigrain chips (check ingredients for
sneaky sugar!)

This would also be great in a sprouted grain wrap with chicken, beef, or fresh veggies like romaine,
carrots, and peppers and onions.
Substitute lime with fresh lemon.

Heather Pierce Giannone is a certified holistic health coach and Creator of Go Feed Yourself -
a digital program teaching you how to make fast, healthy meals that keep you focused and

She also shares free recipes and easy cooking how-to videos on her website and on her
YouTube show, The Feed with HPG.
Hormone Balancing Guide

© 2017 Jessica Drummond | All Rights Reserved

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