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Volume 7 / Issue 05 May 2019 Annual Subscription ` 180

Breaking Bonds
Even the Umbilical Cord
has to be broken for life
to thrive. From then on
the nature of Human Life
makes many a bond and breaks
quite a few. Like the Seed
that sprouts has to break its
bond with the shell that
sheltered it, to make a
larger bond with the
Earth and the Sky.
Bonds of love, companionship,
nourishment and blood
all shall be broken for
one who longs to grow
and touch the Divine.

Grace & Blessings



Dear Readers,
Beauty, success, fame and fortune – between the eternal and the
some seem to have it all. Kangana changeable. In our Mahabharat series,
Ranaut is undoubtedly one of them. Sadhguru throws light on the central
The consummate artist is at the characters of this epic, Krishna and
height of her career as an actress and Arjuna, and a possible connection, if
film director. Still, even the greatest not an identity, with the mythical pair
success doesn’t necessarily bring Nara–Narayana.
fulfillment – quite the opposite, as What’s more: With the second
Kangana recently revealed to us. In sharing in our On the Path of the
this issue, read her honest personal Divine series, let us introduce Maa
account about her journey as a Gambhiri to you. Be inspired by her
seeker, and learn what the key was to unconventional journey from a young
“Finding the Missing Piece.” Spoiler aspiring pilot to an Isha sanyasi. The
alert: It might have something to do noteworthy events we recap in this
with Sadhguru. issue span from Samyama, Youth and
In her upcoming movie, Mental Hai Truth in UK, to Inner Engineering in
Kya, the indomitable actress gives L.A., a Lieutenant Governor at a rural
center stage to one of the most Isha Vidhya School, and much more.
burning topics in modern life. Mental Last but not least, if you are looking
health issues, particularly anxiety, for light, healthy recipe ideas to beat
have been skyrocketing in the past the summer heat, our “Quinoa Crunch
decade. In the article “Alignment Salad” is a must-try. Enjoy!
against Anxiety,” Sadhguru offers a The Editorial Team
surprisingly simple remedy which, if
practiced consistently, can make a
veritable difference.
The way human beings live has
changed drastically in recent times,
which begs the question, “Is the
Sanatana Dharma Still Valid Today?”
It depends, Sadhguru says, and clears
any ambiguity in this month’s Lead
Article. Find out how he differentiates

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Part 54: Who Are Krishna and

Is the Sanatana Dharma Still Valid Today? 06 Arjuna Really? 11
Finding the Missing Piece Maa Gambhiri 17
Kangana Ranaut Shares Her Samyama Experience 4 Absolutely Balanced and Dignified


Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20
Is the Sanatana Dharma Still Valid Today?
In Sadhguru’s Words 6
MUSINGS Quinoa Crunch Salad 21
Alignment against Anxiety 9
Why Proper Posture Makes a Difference
Something Valuable 23
Part 54: Who Are Krishna and Arjuna Really? 11


Eight Days of Silence with Sadhguru 13
Samyama 2019 at the Isha Yoga Center

Youth and Truth Enters the UK 14

Sadhguru at the London School of Economics

Bliss in the City of Angels 14

Inner Engineering with Sadhguru in L.A.

Mechanics of Mysticism 15
Influential US Rabbi in Conversation with Sadhguru

Kiran Bedi Visits Isha Vidhya School 15

Puducherry’s Lt. Governor Meets Rural Students

Adiyogi Divya Darshanam 16

A Spectacular Sound and Light Show


Finding the Missing Piece SHARING
Kangana Ranaut Shares Her Samyama Experience

In this excerpt from an interview, Kangana Ranaut opens up on how, at the peak of her career as an actress, she
hit rock bottom as an individual. Find out how she first met Sadhguru, and how she has experienced her journey
with Isha so far, up to the recent Samyama program that she participated in.

Kangana Ranaut: My journey with Isha started a People usually think that I wanted to be an actress,
year ago, and that was the time where I was at a but mountain people1 are not very ambitious.
dead end in my life. When I stumbled upon acting, that’s when I felt
that everyone was talking about making a career or
From the Himalayas to Bollywood wanting validation. Being successful became very
When I look back now, I think I’ve had a very important to me. I became hugely successful. The
dramatic journey – as a child as well. When I was six, kind of box office success and critical acclaim I’ve
something happened. It was a disturbing incidence, seen, no one had seen so far, and that was where
which made me feel like a part of me has been things got really bad for me. I was not interested
violently pulled out of me. From that day onwards, in any relationship. I was not interested in success.
the world seemed a bit unreal to me. Something in Even today, people say, “How come you are so
me changed, and I remember doing things which fearless? Why do you always do things which are
are bizarre for any reasonable person, things which going against your career?” It’s easy to see I really do
are completely against my survival. You know like at
the age of fifteen, I left home. I was homeless. I was 1   Kangana Ranaut was born and grew up in a small town
sleeping on roads. in Himachal Pradesh


not care, because it means nothing to me; it did not “No, you do it.” Then I started to do other levels of
do anything to me. I started to feel lost. It came to meditations like Shoonya and Shakti Chalana, and
a point where my life became very dark, and I could all of that.
see no hope. I was at the peak of my career, but I
had to live with that sort of emptiness I had in me. Samyama: Shiva in Me
When I started Samyama, I was very scared
A Book as if Written by God because it’s a very subtle process and Sadhguru
Fortunately, I stumbled upon Sadhguru’s book – it says it may happen or it may not happen to you.
was Inner Engineering. My sister was expecting; she And then suddenly, I think on the fifth or sixth day,
had loads of time and was going through a lot of it just opened up, and it happened to me. I’m so
good books. She was like, “I found this book and this grateful that I did this. It’s very difficult to express
is what you need.” I said, “I don’t read ‘guru books’ these experiences in words. Before this, Shiva as
and all that.” She just left it with me. I saw his picture a dimension was something that I could mentally
and it was like I was struck by lightning. I had read understand. But after Samyama, he unleashed
a lot of Vedanta, books on quantum physics, karma Shiva in me; he has become my breath. I could tell
yoga, Gita, Osho, everything possible on spirituality. that this is what was missing for me.
When I read his [Sadhguru’s] book, it seems like God
has written it. Like a first-hand experience of what
it is like to be Shiv, that boundless limitlessness. I
said, “This is very different, and I would like to meet
this person.”

Shambhavi: Becoming Light

He was in the US and that urge was so strong, I
took the next flight to meet him. He was initiating
people into Shambhavi, and he initiated me into
it. In my first personal meeting with him after
initiation, he looked at me and he said, “You should
do Samyama.” Samyama is actually, literally PhD
of Isha; it’s the highest available course. I’m like,
“I don’t need to go that fast. I’m very happy with
Shambhavi,” and I was. It gave me a lot of things
back like my exuberance, and Shambhavi can give I have found what I had lost, and now everything
you very high energy levels. makes sense. I feel for the first time in my life that
something has happened so profound to me. No
amount of success, awards, money, relationships
have ever touched me, other than this experience.
I’m just so fortunate to be in this world, at this time
when Sadhguru is there. He literally held my hand
and took me through this. When he met me, he
knew what I was lacking. That’s the most important
thing, because I don’t think I would have made it
without him identifying what is missing in my life.
I’m going to be always grateful to him.

Something in you unlocks, and you just become very

light as a person. So I said, “Sadhguru, I don’t think
I need Samyama right now.” And he kept saying,



Is the Sanatana Dharma Still Valid Today?

Is the Sanatana Dharma eternal and unchangeable? That depends, according to Sadhguru. Find out which
parts are universal and for always and what can and should be subject to revision over time.

Questioner: What does the Hindu Sanatana is what happens to you – it is an experience. But the
Dharma actually mean? And is it diluted today? raga or the shruti is already set. Now it is for you
Sadhguru: There is no such thing as Hindu Sanatana to find the right rhythm for it, so that life happens
Dharma. It is simply Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana beautifully, like a wonderful music.
means eternal. Something that is eternal is always If you do not find the rhythm, the same shruti that
true. If you had come here a hundred years ago, facilitates life will crush you. Sanatana Dharma is
you would be dressed differently, and you would be the dimension of life which does not change, which
doing something else. If you had come a thousand is the basis of our existence. How you dress, what
years ago, again you would be doing something your profession is, how you deal with your family,
different. Maybe you would be a farmer or your relationships, and society, is different from
a fisherman. generation to generation, from person to person.
What we are doing, how we are dressed, how we But the laws that govern my life also govern your
speak, how we act today is a generational thing. life and every other life.
It is of the times. It keeps changing. How the next
generation will act, how they will dress, what they
will do, will be totally different from the way we do These laws are not an imposition but the
it right now. This is one dimension of life – we call foundation of existence.
it smriti. Smriti literally translates as “from memory.”
What you have learnt by memory is smriti. But there
is shruti, which can be interpreted in many different Whether it is a worm, an insect, a bird, an animal, or
ways. One dimension of it is, it is the tune of life. The a plant, all of them are ruled by Sanatana Dharma,
tune is not set by you – it is creation. the fundamental laws that govern existence. This is
Only if you understand the shruti of life, can you not a penal code imposed by human beings upon
find the rhythm. This is what Bharata means. Bha each other, for control and some semblance of
means bhava or the experience of life. Ra means sanity in society. Transactional laws have to change
raga, which is the shruti of life. Ta means tala. Bhava from generation to generation. That is a different


matter. Sanatana Dharma is not a transactional whatever you are, Sanatana Dharma applies to
dharma – it is an existential dharma. everyone, because these are the laws which guide
the fundamental process of life. Smritis are different.
First of all, let us understand the word “dharma.”
Your smriti and my smriti are different. What is
Dharma means “the law.” Dharma does not mean
true in Andhra Pradesh is not true in Tamil Nadu.
religion. In this culture, we do not know what religion
What is true in western Tamil Nadu is not true in
is. We are only looking at what the underlying laws
southern Tamil Nadu.
are for your life to happen in the best possible way.
Because we understand unless you stick to these Either we are doing the same thing that our
laws, your life cannot happen well. These laws are parents, our culture did, or, in reaction, we are
not an imposition but the foundation of existence. doing the opposite thing. But this is a constantly
If you figure this out well, if you know the laws, changing process. Not only from generation to
and you are in tune with the laws, then your life generation, in our own life, every few years, our
happens effortlessly. If you do not know, you will smritis are changing. From our memory, we are
simply suffer for no reason. changing many aspects of our life. But shruti does
not change, because it is not set by you – it is set by
Does Sanatana Dharma belong to a Hindu or an
creation. Sanatana Dharma means to understand
Indian person or some other person? –That is not
what governs your life. Once you understand that,
the point. These are the laws that govern existence.
you live a profound and beautiful life.
No other culture has looked at it with such
profoundness. Because of that pride, we may say, In this culture, no one is talking about morality,
“This is Hindu Sanatana Dharma.” But we are limiting commandments, what you should do, what you
the possibility of Sanatana Dharma by adding the should not do, “If you do this, you will go to heaven.
word “Hindu” to it. Hindu is a geographical identity. If you do that, you will go to hell.” All this is not there
The land that lies between the Himalayas and Indu because we inculcated this dimension: If you are in
Sagara is Hindu. tune with the laws, you do not need punishment.
You do not need reward. If you understand the
Sanatana Dharma applies to every life, wherever
traffic rules and you are driving accordingly, you do
they may be born. It even applies to unborn life and
not need a policeman.
the life that is dead. Sanatana Dharma talks about
how to handle the unborn, the born, the grown-up, Sanatana Dharma is what is governing the laws
the dead, different stages of life, and all dimensions of nature. When we say laws of nature, right now
of life. But smriti is something that every generation they say there are over 1 trillion life forms on this
should reinvent or amend. Social transactions have planet, but I think there are many more that you
to evolve. Evolution does not necessarily mean to have not even seen. From a micro-organism to a
do something better than the previous generation. human being and everything in between, they all
It is just that because situations are changing, we have come from the same soil. From the same soil,
are evolving to fit into those situations. a tree or a creeper are growing. From the same
soil, you have eaten, and you have this kind of
Situational transactions always have to change and
body. From the same soil, I have eaten, and I have
evolve. We can debate and say that how people
that kind of body.
ate a hundred years ago is not the way we want to
eat today, because our work habits have changed.
When you were plowing the land, what you ate and
how much was different. How you do things must Essentially, the entire system of yoga
be constantly amended. Even in the constitution, is about being in tune with the rest of
there are fundamental rights that are absolutely existence, so that your life happens joyfully,
sacrosanct – you cannot touch them. Everything
else is available for amendments, improvements, exuberantly, to its fullest capacity.
and knockdown.

You cannot become a tree, a dog, a cat, a cow, an

Sanatana Dharma applies to every life, elephant, or a tiger – do what you want. The source
wherever they may be born. is the same, but look at the manifold expression.
So obviously, there is a law governing it, no matter
what. It is fixed like a railway track, and you are
going on it. The only question is, how fast and how
This is a very profound way of seeing life. Wherever
far will you go? How profoundly do we perceive the
you are, whether you are Indian, Hindu, non-Hindu,
law, and how much are we in tune with it? If you put it together in organized way, because this level
understand the fundamental law that is governing of understanding has not been there.
all this and you are in tune with it, you will live
This has happened to us because we had about six to
effortlessly. If you do not understand it, every step,
eight thousand years of uninterrupted culture. This
you will struggle.
is why we call ourselves Hindu – this uninterrupted
Essentially, the entire system of yoga is about being growth and flourishing of this culture happened
in tune with the rest of existence, so that your life because of two main geographical features. The
happens joyfully, exuberantly, to its fullest capacity. Himalayas protected us in the north; people did not
The only thing that can go wrong with your life is cross easily. In the south, the Indian Ocean was the
this: do you find full expression to your life or not? barrier. Once the invaders learnt how to cross the
What can go wrong with a tree? The only question Himalayas and how to navigate the Indian Ocean,
is, will it grow into its full capacity, or will it die as a we were done. That is what happened to us in the
half-grown tree? last one thousand years.
The same is true with the human being. If you are So is Sanatana Dharma diluted today? It is not even
in tune with the laws, you will grow to your full in our hands to dilute it. Individual understanding
possibility. If you are not, you will become stunted in may be diluted. From person to person, there may
some way. Fundamentally, this is our only concern, be different dimensions of understanding. But you
even if people are not aware of it. All their desires, cannot dilute Sanatana Dharma, because it is the
ambitions, and longings are about becoming a full- basis of existence. You cannot dilute it, because you
fledged life. If you want to become a full-fledged did not create it. In every age, people think there
life, understanding the laws on whose basis this is something wrong with the younger generation.
life is happening, is very important. The Sanatana There is a quote which says, “The children now
Dharma does not belong to you or me – it is laid love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
down by creation. It is for you and me to be in tune authority; they show disrespect for elders….” Who
with it. said this? Socrates said it.
Even in those times, he thought the same thing.
Now, parents are thinking the same thing, and our
If you are in tune with the laws, you will parents thought the same thing about us. I do not
grow to your full possibility. think like that about the younger generation. I see
that there is a possibility. The question is what kind
of footprint the previous generation leaves – that
Here, we understood and codified it, and put it decides what kind of footprint the next generation
together in a certain way. This does not mean that will leave. To leave a responsible footprint means
in the rest of the world, no one knows about it. Many inspiration and cultivation, not imposition.
individual people know about it. They may not have
written it down as shruti and smriti. But a whole
lot of human beings around the world have been
in tune with it, because everywhere, human beings
have blossomed and lived well. But no culture has


Alignment against Anxiety
Why Proper Posture Makes a Difference

In response to a student’s question at Bennett University, Greater Noida, Sadhguru suggests a little
known practice to alleviate anxiety. Want to know how it works? Sadhguru explains its mechanics and
effectiveness on the level of the human system as well as the cosmos.

Questioner: Sadhguru, I suffer from anxiety. Why is created from within. If an invasion happens
does it happen, and how can I control it? from outside in the form of an infection, that is
a different matter.
Sadhguru: Mental health is a sensitive thing… When
it comes to physical health, unless you have some
kind of infection that comes from outside, the rest
of the ailments are all coming from within us. What Health is created from within.
is coming from within you, is it your responsibility?
If your body is creating an ailment from within, is it
your responsibility to fix it? When it comes to mental health, it is far more
sensitive to say this, but still – if what happens to
Is it not true that any number of people who lie in
your body is your responsibility, is what happens
bed like a potato till noon time are suffering from
to your mind not your responsibility? There may be
many ailments? They thought others are idiots who
many contributing factors. Even physical ill health
get up at 05:00 o’ clock in the morning and run,
may be caused due to many factors. The same may
swim, play, or do something else. They thought they
be true with mental health too. But we need to
were really enjoying life, just eating and sleeping.
separate sadness from psychological illnesses. You
But after some time, it takes a toll on the system.
cannot go to your doctor and fix your sadness; he
Then they think it is someone’s fortune to have
may also be sad.
good health, while they have ill health. No! Health


If you are medically ill, they can fix you to some extent in such a way that the body does not need your
with medication, which is a continuous manipulation muscular support, that it is so well balanced that
of chemistry. But the most sophisticated chemical if it sits, it simply sits. Just do this for a few hours
factory is right here [in the human body]. Suppose a day, and you will see – you will feel much better.
your chemistry was in your hands, would you cause There are other more complex processes that you
anxiety or ecstasy? Definitely, your choice would be can do to come out of this problem. But at least try
ecstasy, the highest level of pleasantness. this much – geometrically, keep yourself in such a
way that there is no stress in the system.
The problem is just this – your chemistry is out of
control, for whatever reason. There may be genetic
patterns, there may be pathological reasons, there
may be outside stimuli, many things. But still, is it not The simplest thing is you just
your fundamental responsibility to take charge of learn to sit properly.
your physical and mental health? The moment you
think it is not yours, stalemate – it is completely out
of your hands. If you see that it is your responsibility, Initially, it looks like there is an effort, but once you
everything may not be fixed tomorrow morning, sit like this, you see that without effort, without
but you can start moving towards well-being. stressing any particular part, the body just stays
there. Geometry is most important. This is true of
anything physical in the universe – how efficiently
something functions depends on how well-
The problem is just this – your chemistry is
structured it is, geometrically. Let’s say an engine, for
out of control, for whatever reason. example. If you call something a really good engine,
it means it is geometrically well-aligned; there is
no friction. If you call a building well-designed, it
means it is well-structured, geometrically.
This is very important – the responsibility of who you
are, what you are, what you are not, must move to It is similar with this body and with the entire cosmos.
you. This is my fundamental mission: from religion Right now, the planets are going around the Sun.
to responsibility. Religion means responsibility is up Are they handled with steel cables or something? It
there in heaven for everything that goes wrong in is just the geometry. If the solar system goes off its
your life. The problem is you are on a round planet geometric alignment, it is finished. Only because of
and the damn thing is spinning. Nowhere in the perfection of geometry, it is working. Similarly with
cosmos is it marked “This side up.” If you don’t even your body: On one level, the whole system of yoga is
know which way is up, inevitably, you are looking about getting your physical geometry aligned with
up in the wrong direction. the cosmic geometry, so that being here becomes
absolutely effortless.
How come something “up there” is responsible for
what you are? It is time we take this responsibility –
then we can do the best we can do. Will everyone
Where there is geometrical perfection,
on the planet be of the same level of physical and
mental health? No, that will never happen. But are there is no effort; there is no friction.
we doing the best we can about ourselves? That is
most important. What we can do, must happen.
If we do not do what we cannot do, there is no Whether you name it stress, anxiety, or whatever
problem. But if we do not do what we can do, we else – essentially, there is friction in the system. So
are a disaster. it is important that first, the system is geometrically
well-aligned, and next, it must be properly
lubricated. There are ways to do this. Where there
…are we doing the best we can about is geometrical perfection, there is no effort; there is
ourselves? That is most important. no friction. That is what you have to bring into your
system. Do not allow these small things to take
over your life. One little anxiety bothering you all
the time can limit and destroy the process of your
There are simple ways to bring balance to the
life. This must be fixed as early as possible.
system. There is chemistry; there are various
glandular functions happening in the body. The
simplest thing is you just learn to sit properly. Sit



Who Are Krishna
and Arjuna Really?

In this excerpt from the one-of-a-kind Mahabharat program, Sadhguru answers a question on parallels
between Arjuna/Krishna and Nara/Narayana – or are they one and the same? Find out about the dynamics
of these duos, and how their different responsibilities complement each other.

Questioner: Sadhguru, you have likened Arjuna and one level much more or absolutely consciously, on
Krishna’s relationship to that of Nara/Narayana. another level more compulsively. A compulsive life
Can you tell us more about that? is capable of more action; a conscious life should
not be very active. That is the symbolism.
Sadhguru: This theme of Nara/Narayana manifests
in many different ways. The significance of this is, Krishna comes as a charioteer; he does not fight; he
even if God comes down to man’s world, he needs is not in the action. When you commit the “crime”
man’s assistance. Even if God lives in your home, of being both conscious and action-bound, in many
he needs your assistance – otherwise it does not ways, you cripple yourself and limit the duration
work. You may have divine presence with you, but and scope of your life. So they acted in tandem. If
without your assistance, still it will not be fruitful. Krishna himself chose to be action, then the scope
That is the message. and duration of who he is would come down. But in
this life, the duration does not matter for him; he is
Different Names, One Concept only looking at the scope.
Nara/Narayana, in this combination, acted many
times. Are Arjuna/Krishna the same people? Arjuna,
Action – Yes, Fruit – No
we can say, is the same being. To some extent, Only the human mind and the human body are
the memory carries him and gives him a certain individual. So here, the “something more” [which
bone density which we call destiny. We will look is beyond body and mind, is universal and] comes
at Krishna later because there is no such thing as in the form of Krishna/Narayana. That “something
Krishna. Krishna is like a wisp. That which is the basis more” always travels with Arjuna/Nara. Krishna
of everything is manifesting itself in a certain way; says, “O Arjuna, I am bound to you. I will be with
it could dismantle itself anytime. In other words, you every moment of your life, in everything you do.
Nara means the same source manifested in a more Leave it to me. Don’t hesitate, just act.” You need
compulsive manner – Narayana means the same to understand the intelligence behind such words.
source manifested in a more conscious manner. The normal understanding would be, “Oh, Krishna
said, ‘Leave it to me,’ so I will leave it and sleep.” If I
Because of the burden of consciousness, [Narayana’s
tell someone, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care,” the idiots
own] action gets limited. He chooses someone
won’t do anything.
[Nara] who is a little more compulsive for action.
The same theme reflects in other cultures – God When Krishna says, “Leave it to me and act,” he is
and his Son acting in tandem. Nara/Narayana only saying, “Leave the results to me. Don’t leave
means just this – the same source manifesting on the action to me. The action is still yours. If you


were to leave the action to me, you wouldn’t exist.
I would act myself – why would I need you? Leave
the fruit of action to me – you keep the action.” It
That which is not is the only thing that can
is very important that you understand this and are be free from everything.
conscious of it every moment of your life – that the
action is yours, but the fruit of action is not yours.
There are many forces beyond your understanding, That which is, is bound to be in some kind of a
perception, and imagination. In this galaxy, the solar wheel, some chakkar, some kind of spin is going
system, and the Earth as a planet are just specks. on all the time. No matter what you do, you spin
out of one chakkar and spin into another chakkar,
Pure Action versus Consciousness endlessly. Whether you like it or not, you are a part
The forces that are acting upon this planet right now of it. For example, if dirty politics are going on in
are not in your perception. Some force in this galaxy the country, whether you like it or not, you are a
may do something – you may disappear, the planet part of it. If it spins out of control, it will suck you
may disappear, the solar system may disappear, in. “We are sitting at the Velliangiri Hills; we are not
the very galaxy may disappear. Even the galaxy concerned about all the nonsense that happens
is a small happening in the cosmos. That is why outside” – that is not true. If it spins out of control,
when the yaksha asked, “What is the most amazing it will suck you in. Anyway you are part of some
thing?” Yudhishthira said, “The most amazing thing chakkar, consciously or unconsciously. Better to be
is, though humans are mortal, they think they there consciously. The only way to come out of all
are forever and they are everything.” Ignorance chakkars is to cease to exist.
is the most amazing thing. People manage to A Living Formula
remain ignorant, no matter how many times you
remind them. Every day, even Krishna reminds himself that Shiva
is the way. To cease to exist is the way. The kaya
So Arjuna is pure action. Krishna is consciousness. (body) will anyway die; it will anyway cease to
Krishna goes on reminding his “action tool” [Arjuna] exist; the earth will absorb it. Whether you are a
that this is the way, but the action tool begins to Yudhishthira, a Duryodhana, or a Krishna – the
think it is by itself. You popped out of this planet earth will absorb you. The kaya is not the problem;
from nowhere, and you will go back one day, but you the other aspect of who you are is the problem. To
think you are a complete world by yourself. In your make that cease to exist is the whole game. That is
perception, the cosmos cannot exist without you. the fundamental formula that Krishna is trying to
When you sleep, hasn’t the cosmos evaporated? give out. It is not like a teaching. He is making his
The Only Way Out life into a formula, to make that which is beyond the
body cease to exist, because that is the only way
Right now, you exist, and you are in this chakravyuha, you can be free.
a wheel trap. You don’t know how you got into it;
To be continued.
for sure you don’t know how to get out of it. But
if you cease to exist, you are out. Suppose you are The Mahabharat series is based on Sadhguru’s talks
sitting in a hall; all doors are locked; you do not during the one-time Mahabharat program that took
know how to get out. But if you just evaporated, place in February 2012 at the Isha Yoga Center.
you are out. You are neither inside nor outside, but Through the lives and stories of the varied characters,
you are out. So we divined how to cease to exist. Sadhguru takes us on a mystical exploration into the
That is why whatever action is fine, but when they wisdom of this immortal saga.
want to go beyond that, everyone looks at Shiva.
Krishna did not start a single day of his life without
worshiping his personal linga that he carried with
him always. No matter what, no matter where
he was, even in the eighteen days of the battle,
though everyone sees him as God, Krishna always
worshipped the linga before he started his day.
Because the only way out is to cease to exist. Shiva
means that which is not. That which is not is the
only thing that can be free from everything. That
which is, is bound to be in some kind of a trap.


Samyama 2019 at the Isha Yoga Center NEWS AND EVENTS

guidance. Sadhguru himself summed up the

program in this tweet: “Over 3500 intense seekers
plunge into high voltage spiritual sadhana of total
silence and the grace of #Samyama. Rare are such
beings in today’s world.”
Participant Dr. Urvi Chauhan shared, “I have been
one of the privileged 3500 odd participants who
were initiated into Samyama. There are no words
to express the profoundness of this offering and gift
of a lifetime…a virulent seed was sowed; left on us
to nurture and fathom.”
Giving a glimpse of what it takes to facilitate such a
program, Ishanga (teacher) Manjari said, “We were
Isha Yoga Center, 8–15 Mar 2019:
just 300 volunteers catering to 3,500 participants
What is Samyama? “Samyama is a state where you spread across two halls. None of us had even a
become fully aware that you are not the body, you moment of rest. I could clearly feel Sadhguru’s
are not the mind, you are not the world around,” is presence and grace lifted all of us up, and made it
how Sadhguru defines the experience. possible.”
Samyama, that is also an advanced program: Another participant, actress Kangana Ranaut,
eight days of intense meditation under Sadhguru’s describes her Samyama experience on p. 4–5.


Youth and Truth Enters the UK
Sadhguru at the London School of Economics

London, 27 Mar 2019: With the

launch event of Youth and Truth in the
UK, Sadhguru created a stir among
the students of the prestigious
London School of Economics and
beyond. From existential questions
about life and death to current
political affairs, to social issues of
abuse and gender discrimination,
no question was off-limits in this
sparkling conversation. When the
discussion came to the ongoing
conflict between Pakistan and India,
which has been unresolved since the
partition in 1947, Sadhguru offered
a practical solution: an economic
union in South Asia, bringing
together the nations by creating
economic ties and growth. The
simple rationale being that if you
want to be well, everyone around
you has to be well too.

Bliss in the City of Angels

Inner Engineering with Sadhguru in L.A.

Los Angeles, 30–31 Mar 2019: The sprawling

city of L.A., famed for its film industry and
hedonism, may not be the most obvious
destination to explore deeper dimensions of
life. But perhaps exactly the realization that
fulfillment cannot be found on the outside,
motivated many of the over 3000 participants
to attend the Inner Engineering Program
with Sadhguru and engineer their own life
from inside. It was springtime in the city, as
a blossoming of a different kind unfolded at
the Convention Center in the heart of vibrant
Downtown L.A. A participant shared, “There
are no words to express how deeply this has
moved me. It has been a journey for me of
joy, tears, pain, bliss all encompassed into
one and has left me so incredibly fulfilled. Life
finally makes sense and nothing can replace
this completeness that I feel within myself. I
will be forever grateful to all the volunteers
for their loving dedication and to Sadhguru
for being a beacon of light in my life.”


Mechanics of Mysticism
Influential US Rabbi in Conversation with Sadhguru

Beverley Hills, 3 Apr 2019: On a

warm California evening, Rabbi
David Wolpe, named the most
influential Rabbi in America by
Newsweek magazine, spoke with
Sadhguru on the “Mechanics of
Mysticism.” Crossing religious, ethnic,
and cultural borders, the event
featuring a Rabbi in conversation
with a Mystic from India was hosted
by the Persian American Women’s
Conference. In their lively exchange,
they touched upon subjects
spanning from the cyclical nature of
existence, to raising children, human
empowerment, and looking at life
just the way it is. Sadhguru’s zinger
that if you look at life without any
prejudice, you can’t help laughing at
it, sent a ripple of laughter through
the Writers Guild Theater and had
the audience in splits.

Kiran Bedi Visits Isha Vidhya School

Puducherry’s Lt. Governor Meets Rural Students

(Coimbatore), 3 Apr 2019:
It was a proud moment for
the students and staff of
the Isha Vidhya School in
Sandegoundenpalayam, a
few kilometers away from
the Isha Yoga Center, when
Puducherry’s Lieutenant
Governor Dr. Kiran Bedi
visited their school. Dr. Kiran
Bedi not only showed great
interest in the Isha Vidhya
methodology, but seemed
to be visibly touched by the
interactions with students,
teachers, administrators, and
the central academic team
of Isha Vidhya. She even sat
down on the floor for lunch
with the students.


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Maa Gambhiri
Absolutely Balanced and Dignified

In this series, each month, one of our Isha Brahmacharis or Sanyasis shares their individual background,
observations, and experiences of what it means for them to walk this sacred “Path of the Divine.”
Here, Maa Gambhiri candidly recounts her transformation from a young aspiring pilot to a devoted sanyasi,
Sadhguru’s metamorphosis from a yoga teacher to a Guru, how the Dhyanalinga consecration impacted
Sadhguru’s body in front of their eyes, and other landmark experiences from the early days until now.

“Sorry, this parking space is reserved for Jaggi,” the I drove in early and stole his parking spot! Feeling
volunteer told me politely. “How unfair,” I grumbled very satisfied, I sat in the class. Third day, his parking
as I drove from one lane to the next, trying to find spot was available, but I chose not to take it. That
another parking spot. I had come essentially for my day, I sat in attention, listening to every word with
sister who wanted to attend this yoga class, hoping absolute focus. To my surprise, he came up to me
it would help her asthma condition. I somehow after the class and casually talked to me about my
landed up with the responsibility of dropping flying experience. That night I did not sleep.
and picking her up, hence I also landed up in the
I had no clue about what a spiritual path is, what
class. As an active girl just out of my teens training
enlightenment is, or what a Guru is. And I didn’t
to be a pilot, the yoga class was certainly not
know who Sadhguru is, but I felt I had known him
something I fancied.
forever. There was an utter clarity within me that
So here I was, sitting grumpily in the class, expecting day that this path, whatever it was, would be my
someone like a gym trainer to walk in and show us life, but I had no idea how. From then on, I started to
some yoga poses. To my utter disappointment, a actively volunteer. Since I was so young, my parents
few minutes later, a bearded man entered the class were worried whether I really understood what it
in his white kurta and dhoti, walking very gently. meant to walk this path. So they met Sadhguru to
Though I found Sadhguru’s voice very arresting, understand what was happening.
I didn’t pay much attention. In fact, the next day,
After the meeting, Sadhguru advised me to take a


three-month break and see if this was what I really certain sadhana, so I sat with her either meditating
wanted. My parents packed me off to UK, but of or assisting her in cooking for the brahmacharis.
course, my clarity was for real and I came back just She used to serve us a meal on full moon days.
in time for the 90-day Wholeness program. I am However, after our first meditation session, she
grateful to my parents who respected my decision walked straight to Sadhguru’s desk, picked up a
and blessed my journey ahead. diary, and handed it to me saying, “Henceforth, you
write all Jaggi’s appointments in this and send it to
From Yoga Teacher to Guru him” – I protested mildly. But she insisted. I took
What I saw of Sadhguru during the 90-day it thinking that I was not going to do it anyways.
Wholeness program matured my relationship with Never knew her grand plans of leaving her body the
him in so many ways. Every day, he would come very same evening.
looking very different, and exuding totally different I have the diary with me till date. Not just as a
energy. For the first 30 days, each day he would souvenir from her but a huge reminder of the
conduct a new yet explosive meditation. Many possibility that exists here. In my moments of
of us had visions of life beyond our normal sense despair and frustration, it has kept me going.
perception. At the end of the 90 days, I felt as we
moved from being friends to disciples to devotees, The Cost of Consecration
so too, Sadhguru’s persona morphed from being a
Meanwhile, Sadhguru had started working on
yoga teacher, to a mystic, to a Guru. I simply stayed
the energy processes related to Dhyanalinga
on as a fulltime resident after the Wholeness – it
consecration and we had no idea what it meant.
was not a matter of choice anymore.
Sadhguru had been preparing us for the event that
Finding My Balance he might leave his body after the consecration – he
had, in fact, already built his samadhi beforehand.
After the Wholeness, my energies opened up in We were in turmoil within ourselves; while we
such a way that I was facing peaks of joy and peaks wanted Dhyanalinga to be consecrated, Sadhguru’s
of hell within me on a daily basis. For a 20-year- life was too precious for us. Not knowing how to
old girl, it was too much to bear sometimes. A help the situation, we brahmacharis decided to do
day came when I felt I had hit the pit within, and whatever we could to ease his life.
I called up Sadhguru for help. “I have given you all
the tools that can bring you out of this,” was all he
said and put the phone down. I thought about it
and made my own sadhana schedule. For the next
48 days, from morning 10:30 to evening 5:30, I sat
on a stone under a neem tree, and did three hours
of AUM chanting and three hours of Sukha Kriya
followed by Samyama meditation. This brought me
an inner balance that till today carries me through
situations in so many ways. This was a turning point
in life that grounded me to the path. I was initiated
into brahmacharya in 1996.

Vijji Akka
We were just five people at the ashram in the
beginning. Our beloved Patti would cook for us We were all very young, so first we decided that
over the fire wood stove. A small security shed we would not fight amongst ourselves and that we
doubled up as kitchen cum dining. I used to assist would sort our differences among ourselves instead
Patti in her work. Sadhguru would join us in cutting of bothering him. Second, we started doing the Chit
vegetables whenever he was in the ashram. Vijji Shakti meditation to wish a long life for him.
and I connected very well with each other from the Sadhguru wouldn’t give us a date for the final
very beginning. Whenever she was in the ashram, consecration as he wanted his system to be fully
we used to do our practices together. On the day ready. We were living at the edge of our lives
she left her body, actually I was with her through waiting for that day. On 23 June 1999, Sadhguru
the day. said that the consecration would happen the next
On 23 January 1997, a full moon day, Sadhguru day. He told me to invite only a few very disciplined
called and asked me to be with Vijji. She was on a volunteers who would not disturb him in the final


phase of this process. So we had about 150 –200 The Bliss of the Pain
people sitting in the dome.
Something very different happened to me during
During this process, the invited meditators sat the yatra in 2009. While going up to Kailash, I had
with their backs to the Linga and brahmacharis sat an accident where I suffered multiple fractures in
facing the Linga. Sadhguru was on the avudaiyar. my wrist. The pain was unbearable. They gave
Towards the end of a certain process, he said me several injections and painkillers, but nothing
“Agna.” We followed the instructions he had given worked. At some point, I found myself chanting
us earlier and went along with the process. Then “Shambho” within myself, and soon enough, I was
he said “Vishuddhi,” then “Anahata.” When he said chanting “Sadhguru” in the same way. Slowly, I
“Manipuraka,” he bent forward as if in pain. Then he realized there was a distance between the pain and
said, “Swadhishthana,” and he looked unstable on me. The excruciating pain was still very much there,
his feet. Finally, we heard him say, “Muladhara,” and and yet, I was not in pain.
next we saw him fall down. I instinctively ran and
put my hand under his head before it would hit the When I returned from Kailash that year, I knew
avudaiyar stone. By then the other brahmacharis something fundamental had changed within me.
also came and gathered around. I realized that for as long as I have known, since
childhood, no matter how joyful I was, I always
We carried him out to a vehicle and to his house had an inexplicable pain within me – that pain was
and did not see him for three days after that, gone!
except for a brief appearance for the gathering
of volunteers. Even then he had to be supported Another time, when I was feeling low, I went on
by the brahmacharis. I was restless, hoping for a my usual evening walk towards Shivapadam. As
reassuring word about his health. Three days later, I I walked, feeling the gentle breeze on me, I felt a
got the message to come and meet Sadhguru, and calmness overtaking me. I slowed, and looked at the
there he was sitting on his easy chair, smiling and mountain. I felt a feeling of allinclusiveness creeping
looking glorious. I held on to him and wept. He was up on me. The sky, the mountains, the breeze, the
in tears too. Everything felt perfect in that moment. trees, and all the life around felt as one within me.
He was there, alive... with us. The feeling lasted for a while. For many days after
that, I walked barefoot as I felt very connected to the
With the consecration finished, the activities touch of the earth, and I felt a sense of deep silence
multiplied and we were all multitasking. From within. My most wonderful and transformative
housekeeping to kitchen to ashram administration, moments happened when I least expected them.
my own activities kept growing.

An Unexpected Revelation
Later in the years when lsha Yatra became my
primary responsibility, Sadhguru asked me to
explore if we could take meditators to Kailash
Manasarovar in Tibet. So in 2006, we took the first
160 meditators on this sacred yatra. I was busy with
organizing work and never once thought of Kailash
and Manasarovar in a spiritual context. It was an
activity which had to be done well.
Envy of the Gods
In the initial years, from the humble beginning on
When Sadhguru’s jeep stopped at one point and I
a small piece of land, we would dream of a time
saw him getting out, I too got out of my vehicle.
when the world would recognize Sadhguru for who
There was a large lake in the distance straight
he is. It is extremely heartwarming to finally see
ahead. Something shifted within me as I looked at
that happening. From accompanying Sadhguru in
it. My eyes welled up. I turned towards Sadhguru,
his search for this ashram land till today, it is my
and he was in tears too. Since then, organizing
privilege to be on this journey end to end. Sadhguru
Kailash Manasarovar yatra each year has become
had once said that we must create a space that
an integral part of my life. Though it means
even the Gods would envy. Well, I live with the One
insurmountable jugglery to safely send hundreds
who makes them.
of meditators from different countries to a barren
high-altitude region in China, I unreservedly feel This is an excerpt of Maa’s sharing. Read the full
fortunate and blessed to be given this responsibility. article on the Isha Blog.



Date Program Place Contact

Isha Yoga Center,

83000 93555
3–6 May 2019 Guru Pooja Training Velliangiri Foothills,
[email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

14–17 May 83000 93555
Shoonya Intensive Velliangiri Foothills,
2019 [email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

18 May 2019
Shivanga Sadhana Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Initiation (Gents) Coimbatore [email protected]
1 Jul 2019)
& local centers – India

Isha Yoga Center,
May 2019 Isha Yoga Summer
Velliangiri Foothills, [email protected]
21–25 Program for Children
Coimbatore – India
May 2019

8-Day Hatha Yoga Isha Yoga Center,

29 May – 83000 83111
Velliangiri Foothills,
5 Jun 2019 Program [email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

29 May – 21-Day Hatha Yoga 83000 83111
Velliangiri Foothills,
18 Jun 2019 Program [email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

In the Lap of the 83000 93555
14–15 Jul 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Master [email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

16 Jul 2019 Guru Purnima Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Coimbatore – India

Nanmai Uruvam Isha Yoga Center,

84484 47707
16 Jul 2019 Ceremony with Velliangiri Foothills,
[email protected]
Sadhguru (Ishanga 7%) Coimbatore – India

Sannidhi Yantra Isha Yoga Center,

94890 00333
16 Jul 2019 Ceremony with Velliangiri Foothills,
[email protected]
Sadhguru Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

Yantra Ceremony 84484 47708
31 Jul 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
with Sadhguru [email protected]
Coimbatore – India

Kailash-Manasarovar 8144 123 123

4–20 Aug 2019 Nepal/China
Sacred Walks [email protected]

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit


Quinoa Crunch Salad


1 cup uncooked Quinoa (or

Samo/Mordhan/Saamai rice)
1 Pomegranate
1 cup chopped Italian
(flat-leaf) Parsley or freshly
chopped Coriander
½ cup Almonds
½ Lime
2 small Oranges (sweet)
3 tsps. Olive oil
½ tsp. Salt; more to taste
¼ tsp. black cracked Pepper
½ tsp. Cumin powder
1–2 chopped Avocados
(or Guava)


How to cook the quinoa: How to prepare the salad:

1. Pour the quinoa into a mesh colander and rinse 1. Slice and gently toast the almonds; set aside.
under running water. Drain well.
2. Deseed the pomegranate and place the seeds in
2. Combine the rinsed 1 cup of quinoa and 2 cups a bowl. Add to it a cup of chopped coriander.
of water in a saucepan.
3. For the dressing, in a separate bowl, add the
3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. juice of two small oranges, half a squeezed
Then decrease the heat to maintain a gentle lemon, three teaspoons of olive oil, salt and
simmer. Cook until the quinoa has absorbed all pepper as per taste, and half a teaspoon of
of the water (in about 10 to 20 minutes). cumin powder. Beat the ingredients together
with a spoon to blend it.
4. Remove the pot from heat, cover, and let the
quinoa sit for 5 minutes. In this step, the quinoa 4. Mix the quinoa with the pomegranate seeds
will pop open and become nice and fluffy. and coriander and add the dressing.
Remove the lid and fluff the quinoa with a fork.
5. Cut the avocado or guava into thin strips.
Add salt to taste. (Optionally, stir a drizzle of
olive oil into warm quinoa for extra flavor.) 6. Adjust the salt to taste. Gently fold in the
avocado or guava right before serving.



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Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR


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When you get the angles Right

within and without there shall be Light

a || ISHA
FLOWER May 2019

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