Music of The Spheres

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Manly P Hall

Music of the Spheres:

An Introduction to the Phytagorean
System of Sidereal Harmonics

Rays from the Rose Cross,

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Magazine of Mystic Light,
edited by Mrs. Augusta Foss Heindel, October, 1927, pages
Music of the Spheres: An Introduction to the Phytagorean System of Sidereal Harmonics

by Manly P Hall
Rosicrucian Symbolism
T he design as a whole represents a shrine, and is consequently symbolical of the human
body, which is being perfectecl into a living altar wherein the spirit shall be
enshrined. Our daily lives are building this shrine, but never until our bodies are
prepared to receive it and are glorious enough to do it justice will the spirit of light
descend upon our altars.

The two pillars represent the positive ancl negative expressions of life supporting the
entablature, which represents spirit, for the spiritual consciousness of man depends for
its expression and its elevation upon both the positive andnegative elements of

Straight lines are always symbolical of God, the Father, and Jehovah, the Holy Spirit,
which are both masculine principies, while curved lines symbolize the female principle,
consequently the Christ, who while representecl as male is without question the
spiritual feminine. Therefore the two pillars of the Father and the Holy Spirit are united
by the arch of the Christ, whose symbol is the sun in Leo as shown by the keystone of
the arch. It is the sun ray which, absorbed by matter, dies that the life latent in the
earth may be liberated.

The two pillars also symbolize the heart and mind united by the Christ illumination.
With their ornaments they are likewise symbolical of the pituitary body and the pineal
gland, while in the third ventricle represented by the alcove below, the star of Bethlehem,
the Christ in man, is born of the union of Joseph and Mary, the two pillars of the

At the top of each pillar is the sign of Aquarius. Through one pillar Saturn rules Aquarius,
while through the other pillar Uranus rules it.

In the center is the Rosicrucian emblem consisting of the Cross, the Wreath of Roses,
ancl the Five-pointed Star.

The cross represents the four fixed signs: the lion, the bull, the man, and the eagle; also
the beasts of Ezekiel and the cherubim of Genesis. The cross is symbolical of matter and
material form which constitute the divine cross carried by the spirit. The twelve half -
circles at the ends of the arms of the cross represent the twelve primal elements, the
twelve hierarchies, the twelve mystery schools, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve
jewels of the high priest's breastplate, the twelve prophets, the twelve patriarchs, the
twelve apostles, the twelve commandments (ten of the Old and two of the New), and the
twelve initiations. The four limbs of the cross again symbolize the four elements
known as fire, earth, air, and water; also hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon; also the
four vehicles of man, the mental, the emotional, the vital, and the physical; also the four
orders of creatures who are now laboring in their unfoldment; also the four dimensions of
spiritual con- sciousness. In alchemy they represent salt, sulphur, mercury, and azoth, said
to be the basis of the philosopher's stone.
The letters C R C upon the three upper limbs of the cross stand for the name of
Christian Rose Cross and also for Charity, Righteousness, and Compassion, the keynotes of

The seven roses upon the cross are very important; they represent the seven vowels
which anímate the unspeakable consonants, also the seven musical notes. They are the
seven churches of Asia, the seven vials, the seven trumpets, the seven days of creation,
the seven Elohim, the seven colors, the seven spirits of the dawn; they also represent the
seven blossoms or centers of spiritual consciousness in man, the seven spirits before the
throne, the seven lesser mystery schools, the seven world religions, and the seven
great Initiates. They represent the seven fundamental laws of nature as they are taught in
the Rosicrucian philosophy; they also symbolize the seven years of each septenary period of
life, the seven globes of our earth chain, and the seven rounds of these globes, all of which
globes are contained within our physical body; they symbolize the seven root races of
mankind unfolding upon the cross of experience, and the seven sub- races of each of the
root races. They are also symbolical of the seven senses when unfolded, and the seven
liberal arts and sciences known so well to Masons ; also the seven stars of the plough
now callecl the Big Dipper, which was worshiped by the ancients; they also represent the
seven basic metals. They are the seven days of the week sacred to the seven religions of
the world; also the seven ductless glands.

The star represents man with arms outstretched and feet apart. With one point
upward it symbolizes mentality raisecl out of the four points of matter. This star is
also symbolical of the soul body which shines out in those who have placed the
wreath of roses over the cross of matter by liberating the life centers from form. Each
one of the points has thirteen rays, which represent the Master and His twelve disciples.

At the right is a burning lamp and above it the sacred spear. These represent the positive
or mental path of initiation. The lamp is symbolical of the human mind, and the flame is
the tiny fire that burns at the upper end of the spinal column fed by the transmuted life
essences. This is the lamp of the Rosicrucian, which burns as long as there is fuel for it,
which fuel comes to those who live the regenerate life. The sacred spear is symbolical of
light, for wherever it is found it disperses the demons of darkness. It is the sacred
weapon with which the centurion pierced the side of Jesus to liberate the Christ. Each of
us must pierce the body of matter with the spear of life and light to liberate the spark of
divinity, and this process represents the path of flame-the way of reason, logic, and

On the left-hand sicle is the Holy Grail Cup, from which are rising flames seeking to
purify the heart floating in their midst. This represents the opposite path to that of the
burning lamp, for this is the way of the mystic, while the other is the path of the occultist.
With love and intuition this path leads to the Lords of Compassion, while that of the
blazing lamp leads to the Lords of Reason.

The Grail Cup represents the heart path and the purification by fire; it is passive while
the spear is active. In the grail cup of our living bodies are concealed the waters of
eternal life, but few there are who can draw them, because the well is deep. The flames
are the flames of suffering and experience which burn away the dross and o:ftentimes
scorch the heart. Nothing can be liberated :from the human heart until it is broken. The
jewel in the front of the Cup represents the ruby-diamond of the philosopher, while the
two handles are love and charity; its three feet are the threefold spirit of God, the divine
Foundation. The lamp has but one handle, that of reason.

These two opposites are united at the veil of the temple; they are united by the arched
bow of the Christ. It is the union of these two, the heart and the mind, which is in
truth the Chemical Marriage of Christian Rose Cross. Let it be known now that you and I
are each Father C. R. C. wandering in search of light and truth, and our spiritual
consciousness is buriecl in the hiel- den room as was his. Christian Rose Cross is the spirit of

The two roses in the pedestals below are ancient Rosicrucian symbols ancl the seal of the
Brothers of the Rose Cross, as has always been known to the ancients. In the blossoming
forth of the Rosicrucian rose there is symbolized in its unfolding petals the liberation of the
consciousness of man. As in the heart of the flower the golden pollen is concealed, so as the
last petal of human consciousness is unfoldecl, the gold of the philos- opher is revealed in its

The little tablet beneath ''Contents'' is macle to represent an ancient scroll, and is
symbolical of the way in which the seed atoms of the body roll up in scroll-like fashion the
records of daily actions, to be unrolled backwards during the post-mortem retrospection.

There is a great deal more that could be said concerning these symbols, but each
individual should reason out for himself what they mean to him. The entire figure
represents nothing more nor less than the human body, the living temple of the living
God, which the Rosicrucians have called the microcosm. But as man was made in the
image of his God, it is also symbolical of the macrocosm or the great world ruled over by
God and His seven Sons.

It was in this way, by symbology, that all of the ancient Rosicrucian doctrines were given to
the world. The student of occult philosophy will do well to consider these symbols in the
light of his own knowledge, for when he does this, he will find out just how much or
how little he knows, since symbolism can only tell one the things which he has already
earned the right to understand. In fact this is all any teaching can do. If we live the life
of compassion, purification, knowledge, service and broadmindedness, we will have little
difficulty in understanding the symbols of the Rosicrucians.

- From Manly P Hall’s ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLISM - The Symbology of Our New Cover Design

Rays from the Rose Cross, Edited by Mrs. Augusta Foss Heindel, July, 1923, pages 113-114 and 130.
The Rosicrucian Teaching

T he Rosicrucian Fellowship is composed of men and women who study the Rosicrucian
Philosophy known as the Western Wisdom Teachings as presented in The Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception. This Christian Mystic Philosophy presents deep insights into the
Christian Mysteries and establishes a meeting ground for Art, Religion, and Science. Max
Heindel was selected by the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross to publicly give out the Western
Wisdom Teachings in order to help prepare mankind for the coming age of Universal
Brotherhood, the Age of Aquarius.

The work of the Rosicrucian Fellowship is to spread the gospel and

heal the sick. This is achieved by making the Western Wisdom
Teachings available to all who are willing to receive them, by
providing a Healing Department which emphasizes spiritual healing
along the principles of right living, and by making The Rosicrucian
Fellowship books and home study courses available upon request.

These correspondence courses include: studies in Esoteric

Christian Philosophy using the basic textbook, The Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception; a Bible study course that helps to bring a
Max Heindel's Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception may be better understanding of the satisfying truths contained in the
read online or downloaded Bible; and studies in Spiritual Astrology as a key to the Spirit,
as an e-book.
designed toward spiritual development and self-knowledge, as
well as an aid to healing through Astro-Diagnosis.

One of the basic conditions on which the Western Wisdom Teachings were given to Max
Heindel was that no price should be put on them. This condition was faithfully observed by Mr.
Heindel and is still adhered to. Although the Rosicrucian Fellowship books are sold, the
services of our Healing Department, the Correspondence Courses, and the various School
activities continue to be offered on a free-will love-offering basis. The Rosicrucian Fellowship
has no connection with any other organization. There are no membership dues or fees.

External Links
Rosicrucian Fellowship

Simplified Scientific Christianity

Boletín Rosacruz Internacional
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel, is an excellent handbook summarizing the

metaphysical point of view as this relates to the origin of the universe and man."
- From Manly P. Hall's Great Books on Religion and Esoteric Philosophy

"O Conceito Rosacruz do Cosmos, de Max Heindel, é um excelente manual que resume o ponto de
vista metafísico em relação à origem do universo e do homem".
- Da obra Grandes Livros em Religião e Filosofia Esotérica, de Mainly P. Hall

"El Concepto Rosacruz del Cosmos, de Max Heindel, es un excelente manual que resume el punto de
vista metafísico ya que se relaciona con el origen del universo y el hombre".
- De los Grandes Libros sobre Religión y Filosofía Esotérica de Manly P. Hall

"La Cosmogonia dei Rosacroce, di Max Heindel, è un eccellente manuale che riassume il punto di
vista metafisico poiché si riferisce all'origine dell'universo e dell'uomo."
- Dai Grandi Libri Sulla Religione e la Filosofia Esoterica di Manly P. Hall

"La Cosmogonie Rosicrucienne, de Max Heindel, est un excellent manuel qui résume le point de vue
métaphysique car il se réfère à l'origine de l'univers et de l'homme."
- Des grands livres sur la religion et la philosophie ésotérique de Manly P. Hall

"Die Rosenkreuzer-Weltanschauung von max heindel ist ein ausgezeichnetes Handbuch, das den
metaphysischen Standpunkt zusammenfasst, weil es sich auf den Ursprung des Universums und des
Menschen bezieht."
- Große Bücher über Religion und die esoterische Philosophie von Manly P. Hall

"Hence the disciple of the Ancient Wisdom is taught to realize that man is not
essentially a personality, but a spirit." —Manly P. Hall

This free ebook was designed by Rosicrucian Students and dedicated to the Rosicrucian Fellowship as
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