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Samahang Magsasaka Sa 53 Hektarya Vs.



Petitioner Samahang Magsasaka ng 53 Hektarya is an association of farmer-beneficiaries duly

recognized by the DAR. Petitioner alleged that its members had been cultivating the disputed land of the
case for many years prior to the effectivity of R.A. 6657, known as the "Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Law". Respondents are the registered owners of three parcels of land located in Macabud, Rodriguez
(formerly Montalban), Rizal, previously owned by Philippine Suburban Development Corporation which
planned to develop it as a residential subdivision. In 1979, it was sold to Vinebel Realties, Inc. through an
extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Petitioner alleged that in 1994, the landholding was sold to respondents
without any DAR clearance, in violation of Section 6-D of CARL.

On July 7, 1994, the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer of Rodriguez, Rizal issued a Notice of Coverage to
the disputed land. On February 21, 1995, respondents applied for exemption from the coverage of CARL
based on its provision in Sec. 10, that is, the property is above 18% slope and unfit for cultivation,
supported by the certification from Ruben A. Cabreira, Deputy Land Inspector, Community Environment
and Natural Resources Office, Antipolo, Rizal, certifying that the land was partly developed, sporadically
planted with mangoes, guava, and other seasonal crops, and with over 18% slope. On March 31 and
August 7, 1995, the Regional Director of DAR-Region IV denied respondents’ application and Motion for
Reconsideration, respectively. On August 24, 1995, respondents appealed the two Orders of the
Regional Director to the DAR Secretary but on April 19 and July 9, 1996, Sec. Ernesto D. Garilao denied
the appeal and respondents’ Motion for Reconsideration, and in his April 19, 1996 Order, Sec. Garilao
stated that a review of all the ocular inspection / field investigation reports submitted by DAR personnel
concerned reveals that the subject properties have been consistently described as suitable to
agriculture and present agricultural development.

There is actually no conflict between the two certifications issued by CENRO of Antipolo, Rizal in which
the first certifications issued by Deputy Land Inpector Ruben Cabreira refers only to one of the three
parcel of land known to be partly developed whil the 2nd certification issued by Geodetic Enginner III
Romulo Unciano pertains to all the lots subject to be partly rolling and agricultural in nature, so the
second one should prevail since it is not only the latest but it is also more complete as it refers to all he
lots subject.

On appeal, OP set aside the DAR Secretary’s Orders and exempted the property from the CARL
coverage. Petitioners filed two Motions for Reconsiderations but both were denied by OP through its
two Resolutions. Petitioner appealed the Resolutions of the OP to the CA through Rule 43 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure. The CA ruled that the petitioner was not a real party-in-interest and not being
actual grantee of the land but mere qualified beneficiary, had no legal standing to sue and lacks the
legal standing to raise the instant appeal. On the exemption of the land from CARL, the CA found that
the OP’s Resolution was supported by substantial evidence; hence, the CA did not substitute the OP’s
findings of fact. Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration was then denied by the CA in its Resolution.


Whether or not the petition raises only questions of fact.

Whether or not petitioners are real parties-in-interest in this case.

Whether or not the subhect landholding may be exempted from the coverage of the comprehensive
agrarian reform.


The petition should be dismissed.

This petition originated from an application for exemption from CARP which was filed by the
respondents before the Regional Director of the DAR. Petitioner entered the picture when the DAR’s
Orders were reversed by the OP. Petitioner’s lack of capacity to intervene in the case may not have been
an issue before the OP since in administrative cases, technical rules of procedure are not strictly applied.
In fact, Sec. 50 of R.A. 6657 expressly allows farmer leaders to "represent themselves, their fellow
farmers, or their organization in any proceedings before the DAR."

More importantly, petitioner is not a real party-in-interest in this case. According to Sec. 2 of Rule 3 of
the Rules of Court, a real party-in-interest is the party who stands to be benefited or injured by the
judgment in the suit or the party entitled to the avails of the suit. In the case at bar, members of
petitioner Samahan are mere qualified beneficiaries of CARP. The certification that CLOAs were already
generated in their names, but were not issued because of the present dispute, does not vest any right to
the farmers since the fact remains that they have not yet been approved as awardees, actually awarded
lands, or granted CLOAs.

It is only unfortunate that petitioner failed to comply with basic procedural requirements. We must
again emphasize that these procedural requisites were promulgated to ensure fairness and orderly
administration of justice. While the Court sometimes disregards the rules of procedure in the interest of
justice, we find that the present case does not merit such leniency. The requirement that a party must
have real interest in the case is essential in the administration of justice. Thus, having resolved that the
respondents have no legal standing to sue and are not the real parties-in-interest, we find no more
necessity to take up the other issues.

WHEREFORE, we AFFIRM IN TOTO the December 14, 2001 Decision and the February 26, 2002
Resolution of the CA, with no costs.

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