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Transpo - Midterm 2nd Set – 56 International Container v Prudential Guarantee

TOPIC: Arrastre Services
[G.R. No. 134514. December 8, 1999.]
"Claim for indemnification of the loss having been denied by [ICTSI] and [the] brokerage,
INTERNATIONAL CONTAINER TERMINAL SERVICES, INC., Petitioner, v. PRUDENTIAL consignee sought payment from [Prudential] under the marine cargo policy. Consignee received
GUARANTEE & ASSURANCE CO., INC., Respondent. a compromised sum of P66,730.12 in settlement thereof. As subrogee, [Prudential] instituted the
instant complaint against said defendants [ICTSI and brokerage].
"Traversing the complaint, [ICTSI] counters that it observed extraordinary diligence over the
subject shipment while under its custody; that the loss is not attributable to its fault or its agent,
PANGANIBAN, J.: representative or employee; that consignee failed to file a formal claim against it in accordance
with PPA Administrative Order No. 10-81; and that the complaint states no cause of action. By
way of crossclaim, it sought reimbursement from defendant brokerage in the event it is adjudged
When cargo is placed on a vessel at the "shipper’s load and count," the arrastre operator is to pay the loss.
required only to deliver to the consignee the container van received from the shipper, not to
verify or to compare the contents thereof with those declared by the shipper. A claim for "In its Order dated March 3, 1992, the court a quo upon [Prudential’s] motion, declared
reimbursement for the loss, damage or misdelivery of goods must be filed within 15 days from defendant brokerage in default for failure to file [it’s] answer within the reglementary period.
the date the consignee learns of such problem(s).chanrobles law library Acting on [ICTSI’s] motion, the court a quo, in its Order dated May 27, 1992, allowed the former
to present its evidence ex-parte against defendant brokerage relative to the cross claim.
The Case
"On May 19, 1993, the court a quo rendered a decision dismissing the complaint against
defendant brokerage for lack of evidence.
For the resolution of the Court is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
assailing the March 10, 1998 Decision and the June 23, 1998 Resolution both promulgated by "In its Order of July 12, 1993, the court a quo, upon motion of [ICTSI] and [Prudential], vacated
the Court of Appeals in CA-GR CV No. 52129 reversing the trial court’s dismissal of the the decision dated May 19, 1993 and set the case for hearing to give [ICTSI] an opportunity to
Complaint for the collection of a sum of money filed by Prudential Guarantee & Insurance Co., cross examine [Prudential’s] witnesses." 1
Inc. (Prudential) against International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI).
On November 8, 1995, the trial court 2 rendered a Decision dismissing Prudential’s Complaint
The Facts against ICTSI in this wise: 3

"Failure on the part of the consignee to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract with
The challenged Decision sets forth the facts of this case as [ICTSI], [Prudential] is not placed in a better position than the consignee who cannot claim
damages against [ICTSI]. Hence, the complaint is hereby DISMISSED."cralaw virtua1aw library
"On April 25, 1990, mother vessel ‘Tao He’ loaded and received on board in San Francisco,
California, a shipment of five (5) lots of canned foodstuff complete and in good order and Reconsideration was denied by the Regional Trial Court in its Order dated December 27, 1995.
condition for transport to Manila in favor of Duel Food Enterprises ("consignee" for brevity). 4
China Ocean Shipping Company issued the corresponding bill of lading therefor.
Disposing of the appeal, the CA 5
"Consignee insured the shipment with Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. against all risks
for P1,921,827.00 under Marine Insurance Policy No. 20RN-3011/90. "WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and, in lieu
thereof, judgment is hereby rendered ordering [appellee] International [C]ontainer Terminal
"On May 30, 1990, the shipment arrived at the Port of Manila and discharged by [the] vessel MS Services, Inc. (ICTSI) to pay appellant the sum of P66,730.12 with legal interest from May 13,
‘Wei He’ in favor of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. for safekeeping. 1991, until fully paid, plus 10% of . . . said claim by way of attorney’s fee." 6

"On June 1, 1990, A. D. Reyna Customs Brokerage ("defendant brokerage" for brevity) withdrew Reconsideration of the CA Decision was denied in the herein challenged June 23, 1998
the shipment and delivered the same to [the] consignee. An inspection thereof revealed that 161 Resolution. 7
cartons were missing valued at P85,984.40.
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Transpo - Midterm 2nd Set – 56 International Container v Prudential Guarantee
TOPIC: Arrastre Services
Ruling of the Court of Appeals to have acknowledged receipt of the goods in good order and condition.

Lamberto Cortez, petitioner’s witness, testified that he personally examined the shipment and
The appellate court found ICTSI negligent in its duty to exercise due diligence over the shipment. identified the gate pass which covered the delivery of the shipment and which was
It concluded that the shortage was due to pilferage of the shipment while the sea vans were countersigned by the consignee’s representative. He explained the import of his examination as
stored at the container yard of ICTSI. follows: 15

It also ruled that the filing of a claim depended on the issuance of a certificate of loss by ICTSI "A: Before I sign this gate pass, sir, the representative of the consignee [gives] it to me then I
based on the liability clause printed on the back of the arrastre and wharfage receipt. Since write down the items, the goods to be delivered so that it will be mounted in the truck of the
ICTSI did not issue such a certificate despite being informed of the shortage, the 15-day period consignee. After mounting it, it will go to our office then I will check the number of the container if
given to the consignee for filing a formal claim never began. By subrogation, Prudential, as it is properly padlocked, and if it is okay, I will place there okay and I will sign it to be
insurer of the consignee, was entitled to hold the ICTSI liable for the shortage. countersigned by the representative of the consignee, sir.

Assignment of Errors Q: In other words, Mr. Witness, you said that this particular shipment was padlocked?

Petitioner claims that the appellate court committed reversible errors (1) in ruling that ICTSI A: Yes, sir.
failed to adduce convincing evidence to rebut the finding of the independent adjuster and (2) in
allowing the Complaint despite the failure of the consignee to file a formal claim within the period x x x
stated on the dorsal side of the arrastre and wharfage receipt. 8

This Court’s Ruling Q: You also stated that the shipment was okay, will you point to that particular portion of the gate

The Petition is A: After the physical check-up, I placed there okay, meaning it ha[d] no damage, sir."cralaw
virtua1aw library
First Issue: Proof of Negligence
The assailed Decision ruled that the petitioner was negligent, as evidenced by the loss of the
The legal relationship between an arrastre operator and a consignee is akin to that between a original seal and padlock of the container, which were subsequently replaced with safety wire
warehouseman and a depositor. 9 As to both the nature of the functions and the place of their while the shipment was still stored at the ICTSI compound. 16
performance, an arrastre operator’s services are clearly not maritime in character. 10
The appellate court cites, as proof of petitioner’s negligence, the Survey/Final Report of the
In a claim for loss filed by a consignee, the burden of proof to show compliance with the independent adjuster, Tan-Gatue Adjustment Company, Inc. (Exh. "F"). 17 The Report
obligation to deliver the goods to the appropriate party devolves upon the arrastre operator. 11
Since the safekeeping of the goods rests within its knowledge, it must prove that the losses were
not due to its negligence or that of its employees. 12 "The 3,439 cartons comprising [the] balance of the shipment were found and accepted by
consignee’s representative in good order.
To discharge this burden, petitioner presented five Arrastre and Wharfage Bill/Receipts, which
also doubled as container yard gate passes, covering the whole shipment in question. The short- "In our opinion, shortage sustained by the shipment was due to pilferage whilst the sea vans
landed shipment was covered by the gate pass marked "Exhibit 5." 13 The latter bore the containing the shipment were stored at [the] [c]ontainer [y]ard of the [petitioner], [at] North
signature of a representative of the consignee, acknowledging receipt of the shipment in good Harbor, Manila but we cannot categorically state as to when and who undertook [it] due to the
order and condition (Exh. "5-e"). Thus, we see no reason to dispute the finding of the trial court absence of documentary evidence.
that "the evidence adduced by the parties will show that the consignee received the container
vans . . . in good condition (Exhs. 1-6)." 14 "The customs safety wire as well as the padlock of Sea Van No. HTMU-803515-6 where the
short (missing) cartons discovered may have been tampered [with]/opened and returned/re-
By its signature on the gate pass and by its failure to protest on time, the consignee is deemed closed with finesse which [was] unfortunately not noticed during delivery and prior to opening at
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Transpo - Midterm 2nd Set – 56 International Container v Prudential Guarantee
TOPIC: Arrastre Services
consignee’s warehouse.
Second Issue:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
"All the sea vans were reportedly full of contents when examined by the customs examiner for
tax evaluation of contents. Period to File a Claim for Loss

"The [ship agents] and arrastre contractors[’] representative reportedly refused the invitation of Petitioner contends that the appellate court misconstrued the liability clause printed on the dorsal
the consignee to witness the stripping/withdrawal of the same from the sea vans at their side of the Arrastre and Wharfage Bill/Receipt. The contentious provision of this document
warehouse averring that the shipment per Bill of Lading was shipped under [" ]Shipper’s Load reads:chanrobles law library : red
and Count" hence, loss/damage, if any, to the shipment is not their liability.
"‘Liability Clause’
"We thoroughly investigate[d] this particular case at International Container Terminal Services,
Inc., North Harbor, Manila[,] but up to this time no person(s) and/or group(s) could be pinpointed "‘The duly authorized representative of herein named CONSIGNEE, and ICTSI hereby certify to
liable [for] the shortage of 161 cartons, hence, the delay [in the] issuance of this report." 18 the correctness of the description of the containerized cargo covered by this CY GATEPASS, the
issuance of which constitutes delivery to and receipt by Consignee of the containerized cargo as
The adjuster insists that the shipment was complete when the customs examiner opened the described in this CY GATEPASS, in good order and condition, unless otherwise indicated. This
sea vans for tax evaluation. However, the latter’s report was not presented. Hence, there is no CY GATEPASS is subject to all terms and conditions defined in the Existing Management
basis for comparing the cartons subjected to customs examination and those which were Contract between the PPA & ICTSI[;] PPA Administrative Order No. 10-81, ICTSI shall, however,
delivered to the consignee. be liable to the extent of the local invoice value of each package but not to exceed P3,500
Philippine currency for imported cargoes and P1,000 for domestic cargoes (consistent with
More important, the consigned goods were shipped under "Shipper’s Load and Count." This Administrative Order 10-81 unless revised), unless the value thereof is otherwise specified or
means that the shipper was solely responsible for the loading of the container, while the carrier manifested or communicated in writing together with the invoice value and supported by a
was oblivious to the contents of the shipment. 19 Protection against pilferage of the shipment certified packing list to ICTSI by any interested party/ies before the discharge of the cargo and
was the consignee’s lookout. The arrastre operator was, like any ordinary depositary, duty- corresponding port charges ha[ve] been fully paid. This provision shall only apply upon filing of a
bound to take good care of the goods received from the vessel and to turn the same over to the formal claim within 15 days from the date of issuance of the Bad Order Certificate or certificate of
party entitled to their possession, subject to such qualifications as may have validly been loss, damage or non-delivery by ICTSI.’" 22
imposed in the contract between the parties. 20 The arrastre operator was not required to verify
the contents of the container received and to compare them with those declared by the shipper Petitioner argues that the 15-day limitation for filing a claim against the arrastre operator should
because, as earlier stated, the cargo was at the shipper’s load and count. The arrastre operator run from the time of the delivery of the goods to the consignee, and that the latter’s failure to file
was expected to deliver to the consignee only the container received from the carrier. a claim within said period is sufficient ground to deny the claim for loss.

Petitioner claims that the absence of a request for a bad order survey belied the consignee’s On the other hand, the appellate court overruled the trial court, because the filing of the claim
assertion that the shipment was filched while in ICTSI’s custody, and that such absence did not was dependent upon the issuance of a certificate of loss, damage or nondelivery. Since the
stop the 15-day period from running. Normally, a request for a bad order survey is made in case petitioner did not issue such certificate, the 15-day limit, the CA opined, did not begin to run
there is an apparent or presumed loss or damage. The consignee made no such request despite against the consignee. Private respondent argues that the clear and unambiguous language of
being provided by the petitioner a form therefor. the liability clause does not support petitioner’s construction.

The lack of a bad order survey does not toll the prescriptive period for filing a claim for loss, We agree with the petitioner. In order to hold the arrastre operator liable for lost or damaged
because the consignee can always file a provisional claim within 15 days from the time it goods, the claimant should file with the operator a claim for the value of said goods "within fifteen
discovers the loss or damage. Such a claim would place the arrastre operator on notice that the (15) days from the date of discharge of the last package from the carrying vessel . . ." 23 The
shipment sustained damage or loss, even if the exact amount thereof could not be specified at filing of the claim for loss within the 15-day period is in the nature of a prescriptive period for
the moment. In this manner, the arrastre operator can immediately verify its culpability and bringing an action and is a condition precedent to holding the arrastre operator liable. This
liability. A provisional claim seasonably filed is sufficient compliance with the liability clause. 21 requirement is a defense made available to the arrastre operator, who may use or waive it as a
matter of personal discretion. 24
From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that the appellate court erred in concluding that the
shortage was due to the negligence of the arrastre operator. The said requirement is not an empty formality. It gives the arrastre contractor a reasonable
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TOPIC: Arrastre Services
opportunity to check the validity of the claim, while the facts are still fresh in the minds of the The shipment arrived at the port of Manila and discharged by the vessel MS Wei He in favor of
persons who took part in the transaction, and while the pertinent documents are still available. ICTSI for safekeeping. The brokerage withdrew the shipment and delivered the same to the
Such period is sufficient for the consignee to file a provisional claim after the discharge of the consignee. An inspection there revealed that 161 cartoons were missing valued at P85,984.40.
goods from the vessel. 25 For this reason, we believe that the 15-day limit is reasonable. Consignee learned of such shortage on June 4, 1990. It filed claim for loss on October 2, 1990.
Claim for indemnification of the loss having been denied by ICTSI and the brokerage, consignee
We should hasten to add that while a literal reading of the liability clause makes the time limit run sought payment from Prudential (insurer) under the marine cargo policy.
from the moment the shipment is discharged from the carrying vessel, this Court has chosen to
interpret this condition liberally in an endeavor to promote fairness, equity and justness. 26 A The appellate court found ICTSI negligent in its duty to exercise due diligence over the shipment.
long line of cases has held that the 15-day period for filing claims should be counted from the It also ruled that the filing of a claim depended on the issuance of a certificate of loss by ICTSI
date the consignee learns of the loss, damage or misdelivery of goods. 27 based on the liability clause printed on the back of the arrastre and wharfage receipt. Since
ICTSI did not issue such a certificate despite being informed of the shortage, the 15-day period
In the case at bar, the consignee had all the time to make a formal claim from the day it given to the consignee for filing a formal claim never began. Prudential, therefore can hold the
discovered the shortage in the shipment, which was June 4, 1990, as shown by the records. ICTSI liable for the shortage.
According to the independent adjuster, the stripping or opening of the sea vans containing the
shipped canned goods was made at the consignee’s place upon receipt of the shipment. After Issues:
discovering the loss, the consignee asked the adjuster to investigate the reason for the short-
landing of the shipment. By the time the claim for loss was filed on October 2, 1990, four months 1) Was ICTSI negligent in its duty to exercise due diligence over the shipment?
had already elapsed from the date of delivery, June 4, 1990.
2) Did the consignee fail to file a formal claim within the period stated on the dorsal side of the
arrastre and wharfage receipt?
Prudential did not explain the delay. It did not even allege or prove that the discovery of the
shortage was made by the consignee only 15-days before October 2, 1990. The latter had to Held: 1) No. The consigned goods were shipped under “shipper’s load and count”. This means
wait for the independent adjuster’s survey report dated September 7, 1990, before filing the that the shipper was solely responsible for the loading of the container, while the carrier was
claim with the former. By that time, however, it was clearly too late, as the 15-day period had oblivious to the contents of the shipment. Protection against pilferage of the shipment was the
expired. consignee’s lookout. The arrastre operator was not required to verify the contents of the
container received and to compare them with those declared by the shipper because as earlier
In any event, within 15 days from the time the loss was discovered, the consignee could have stated, the cargo was at the shipper’s load and count. The arrastre operator was expected to
filed a provisional claim, which would have constituted substantial compliance with the rule. 28 deliver to the consignee only the container received from the carrier.
Its failure to do so relieved the arrastre operator of any liability for the nondelivery of the goods.
29 More specifically, the failure to file a provisional claim bars a subsequent action in court. 30 The legal relationship between the arrastre and consignee is akin to that between a
The rationale behind the time limit is that, without it, a consignee could too easily concoct or warehouseman and a depositor. As to both the nature of the functions and the place of their
fabricate claims and deprive the arrastre operator of the best opportunity to probe immediately performance, arrastre operator’s services are clearly not maritime in character.
their veracity.
2) Yes. In order to hold the arrastre operator liable for lost or damaged goods, the claimant
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby GRANTED. The assailed Decision and Resolution are SET should file with the operator a claim for the value of said goods “within the 15-day period from
ASIDE, and the trial court’s Decision is REINSTATED. No pronouncement as to costs. the date of discharge of the last package from the carrying vessel.” The filing within the period is
in the nature of a prescriptive period for bringing an action and is a condition precedent to
SO holding the arrastre operator liable. In an endeavor to promote fairness, equity and justness,
however, a long line of cases has held that the 15-day period for filing claims should be counted
from the date the consignee learns of the loss, damage or misdelivery of goods.
In the case at bar, the consignee had all the time to make a formal claim from the day it
Facts: Mother vessel Tao He loaded and received on board in San Francisco, California, a discovered the shortage in the shipment, which was June 4, 1990, as shown by the records. By
shipment of five lots of canned foodstuff complete and in good order and condition for transport the time the claim for the loss was filed on October 2, 1990, four months had already elapsed
to Manila in favor of Duel Food Enterprises (consignee) under “shipper’s load and count”. from the date of delivery. In any event, within 15 days from the time the loss was discovered, the
consignee could have filed a provisional claim, which would have constituted substantial
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Transpo - Midterm 2nd Set – 56 International Container v Prudential Guarantee
TOPIC: Arrastre Services
compliance with the rule. Its failure to do so relieved the arrastre operator of any liability for the
non-delivery of the goods. The rationale between the time limit is that, without it, a consignee
could too easily concoct or fabricate claims and deprive the arrastre operator of the best
opportunity to prove immediately their veracity.

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