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Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Wastewater Operator Certification

Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide

January 2009 Edition

Subclass I

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Bureau of Science Services
Operator Certification Program
P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707

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Printed on 02/17/12
Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

This operator's study guide represents the results of an ambitious program. Operators of
wastewater facilities, regulators, educators and wastewater businesses, jointly prepared the
objectives and exam questions for this subclass.

How to use this study guide with references

In preparation for the exams you should:

1. Read all of the key knowledges for each objective.

2. Use the resources listed at the end of the study guide for additional information.

3. Review all key knowledges until you fully understand them and know them by memory.

It is advisable that the operator take classroom or online training in this process before attempting
the certification exam.

Choosing A Test Date

Before you choose a test date, consider the training opportunities available in your area. A listing
of training opportunities and exam dates is available on the DNR Operator Certification home
page It can also be found in the annual DNR "Certified
Operator" or by contacting your DNR regional operator certification coordinator.

This Study Guide is the result of the efforts of the following workgroup individuals:

Dan Tomaro, Wastewater Training Solutions

Joel Jodarski, Silver Lake Sanitary District
Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point WWTP
John Wilson, Fremont WWTP/MCO
Kay Curtin, Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc.
Jenchie Wang, Symbiont
Gary Hanson, EarthTech
Gerry Novotny, WI DNR-Madison
Hannah Fass, WI DNR-Madison
Jack Saltes, WI DNR-Madison

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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

Table of Contents
Part 1 - Biological Removal
Chapter 1 - Theory and Principles
Section 1.1 - Definitions pg. 1
Section 1.2 - Wastewater Characteristics pg. 2
Section 1.3 - Biological Principles pg. 3
Section 1.4 - Performance Limiting Factors pg. 6
Chapter 2 - Operation and Maintenance
Section 2.1 - Definitions pg. 6
Section 2.2 - Reactors pg. 7
Section 2.3 - Methods pg. 8
Section 2.4 - Biosolids Issues pg. 9
Chapter 3 - Monitoring, Process Control, and Troubleshooting
Section 3.1 - Definitions pg. 9
Section 3.2 - Sampling & Testing pg. 10
Section 3.3 - Data Understanding & Interpretation pg. 13
Section 3.4 - Corrective Actions pg. 14
Chapter 4 - Safety
Section 4.1 - Definitions pg. 14
Chapter 5 - Calculations
Section 5.1 - Calculations pg. 14
Part 2 - Chemical Removal
Chapter 6 - Theory and Principles
Section 6.1 - Definitions pg. 16
Section 6.2 - Origins & Impacts pg. 16
Section 6.3 - Chemicals & Chemical Reactions pg. 18
Section 6.4 - Perfomance Limiting Factors pg. 22
Chapter 7 - Operation and Maintenance
Section 7.1 - Methods pg. 23
Section 7.2 - Equipment pg. 25
Section 7.3 - Handling and Storage pg. 27
Section 7.4 - Preventive Maintenance pg. 28
Section 7.5 - Biosolids Issues pg. 28
Chapter 8 - Monitoring, Process Control, and Troubleshooting
Section 8.1 - Sampling & Testing pg. 29

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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

Table of Contents

Section 8.2 - Process Understanding & Interpretation pg. 29

Section 8.3 - Side Streams pg. 30
Section 8.4 - Corrective Actions pg. 30
Chapter 9 - Safety
Section 9.1 - Regulations & Procedures pg. 31
Section 9.2 - Equipment pg. 32
Section 9.3 - Chemical Considerations pg. 32
Chapter 10 - Calculations
Section 10.1 - Calculations pg. 33

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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

Part 1 - Biological Removal

Chapter 1 - Theory and Principles

Section 1.1 - Definitions

1.1.1 Define aerobic (oxic) [O2].

A condition in which free and dissolved oxygen is available in an aqueous environment.

1.1.2 Define Anoxic [NO2,NO3, SO4].

A condition in which oxygen is only available in a combined form such as nitrate (NO3),
nitrite (NO2) or sulfate (SO4) in an aqueous environment.

1.1.3 Define Anaerobic [Ø].

A condition in which free, dissolved, and combined oxygen is unavailable in an aqueous

1.1.4 Define Phosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs).

Microorganisms (bacteria) that uptake and store orthophosphate in excess of their
biological requirements.

1.1.5 Define Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs).

When organic material undergoes fermentation reactions, smaller and more readily
available organic molecules are formed known as volatile fatty acids (VFAs). VFAs typically
found in wastewater are acetic acid (acetate) and propionic acid. VFAs provide the food for

1.1.6 Define Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA).

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are energy-rich carbon polymers inside a bacterial cell,
which are converted from readily available organic molecules such as volatile fatty acids
(VFAs) in the wastewater. PHAs are the intracellular energy storage of the phosphorus
accumulating organisms (PAOs). The PAOs utilize PHA as a energy source to uptake
phosphorus from the wastewater in the aerobic zone of the biological phosphorus removal

1.1.7 Define Sludge Age.

Sludge age is the length of time a particle of activated sludge stays in the treatment plant
measured in days. In a biological phosphorus removal plant, sludge age is the amount (lbs)
of mixed liquor suspended solids in all the biological reactors divided by the suspended
solids withdrawn from the system per day (lbs per day of waste activated sludge).

1.1.8 Define Selector Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT).

The given time it takes wastewater, including any return flows, to pass through a tank

1.1.9 Define Polyphosphate (Poly-P).

Polyphosphate is a string of phosphate (PO4) groups joined together. It is present in all

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cells but the PAOs are capable of accumulating excess polyphosphate in their cells thereby
accomplishing biological phosphorus removal.

1.1.10 Define Selector.

A selector is part of the treatment system that selects for a specific type of microorganism
by providing an environment (anaerobic, anoxic, aerobic) that favors its growth.

1.1.11 Define Fermentation.

The process where bacteria degrades organic matter under anaerobic conditions, such as
in a collection system, primary clarifier, anaerobic selector or fermenter tank.

1.1.12 Define Substrate.

The food or chemical on which an organism depends for growth. The organic matter in
wastewater (as measured by the BOD5 test) is a substrate for the microorganisms in
activated sludge. In biological phosphorus removal systems, volatile fatty acids are a readily
available substrate used by phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs).

1.1.13 Define Soluble BOD.

Soluble BOD is a sample that has been filtered through a 0.45 μm filter. Soluble BOD
includes Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs) and organic material that will readily ferment to create
more VFAs in an anaerobic selector.
Section 1.2 - Wastewater Characteristics

1.2.1 Discuss the importance of the influent BOD or COD and total phosphorus ratio in enhanced
biological phosphorus removal.
The success of removing phosphorus biologically depends upon the amount of organic
material, expressed as either BOD5 or COD, and total phosphorus, in the influent
wastewater entering the anaerobic selector. An adequate amount of organic material must
be available to support phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). Studies of operations
have shown that a BOD5 /P ratio of at least 20:1 or a COD/P ratio of at least 45:1 is
needed for biological phosphorus removal.

1.2.2 Discuss the importance of the wastewater volatile fatty acid (VFA) content in enhanced
biological phosphorus removal.
The organic material entering an anaerobic selector must be soluble and readily available
to phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). The smallest molecules that organic
material can be broken into are volatile fatty acids (VFAs) that are then utilized by PAOs to
form and store PHA's for later use. It is this VFA use and PHA storage that is the primary
mechanism that gives PAOs a selective advantage.

Municipal wastewater that ferments in its travel through a collection system can be a good
source of VFAs for EBPR operations. The VFA most easily utilized by PAOs is acetic acid

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1.2.3 Discuss the change in influent wastewater characteristics due to excessive infiltration/inflow
(I/I) and the effect on biological phosphorus removal.
I/I can dilute the organic matter in the raw wastewater resulting in an insufficient supply of
volatile fatty acids to the PAOs. Higher flow rates associated with I/I can reduce the
hydraulic detention time in the anaerobic selector. High flow rates can result in the loss of
solids from the clarifiers. This will increase effluent phosphorus because of the phosphorus
stored in the biomass. Loss of solids may also result in the “washout” of PAOs from the
plant because of their relatively slower growth rate.
Section 1.3 - Biological Principles

1.3.1 Describe the basic theory of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR).
EBPR relies on the selection and proliferation of a microbial population capable of uptaking
orthophosphate in greater amounts than their normal biological growth requirements.

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal is a process that uses alternating anaerobic and
aerobic zones to provide an environment that encourages the growth of Phosphorus
Accumulating Organisms (PAO). PAOs store excess polyphosphate in their cell mass and
phosphorus is removed with the waste sludge. See figure

Graphic Courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point


1.3.2 Describe and show the mechanism of biological phosphorus removal (EBPR).
See figure below. The unique feature of EBPR is the anaerobic selector used in the
treatment process.

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1.3.3 Discuss the reactions that occur in the anaerobic zone. See figure above.
Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) use poly-phosphate and glycogen stored in
their cells as energy sources to enable them to uptake VFA. VFA are converted to
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and stored in the cells of PAOs. As they take up VFA, the
PAOs release orthophosphate into the mixed liquor. PAOs do not grow in the anaerobic
zone but their ability to uptake food in the form of VFAs gives them a competitive advantage
over other bacteria.

1.3.4 Discuss the reactions that occur in the aerobic zone. See figure above.
In the aerobic zone PAOs use PHA as a source of carbon and energy for metabolism and
cell growth. PAOs will also restore their supplies of glycogen and poly-phosphate in the
aerobic zone. To replenish their stored poly-phosphate, PAOs will take up excess
phosphate from the mixed liquor which is the mechanism of biological phosphorus removal.

1.3.5 Describe and show the phosphorus and BOD profile through a treatment plant.
In the anaerobic zone PAOs will rapidly take up BOD (as VFAs) and release
orthophosphate into the mixed liquor. As the wastewater passes through the anaerobic
zone VFA will rapidly decrease and orthophosphate will increase. In the aerobic zone BOD
will continue to decrease. As PAOs restore their poly-phosphate supplies in the aerobic
zone the concentration of orthophosphate in the mixed liquor will rapidly decrease. See
figure below.

Graphic courtesy of Jenchie Wang, Symbiont

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1.3.6 Describe and show the concentration profiles through the plant of glycogen, VFA, PHA,
Poly-P, orthophosphate.
Under anaerobic conditions PAOs take up VFA from the mixed liquor and store it as PHA
within their cells. To do this PAOs use the glycogen and poly-phosphate as energy sources -
depleting their stores of these compounds.

Under aerobic conditions PAOs use up their stored PHA for metabolism and growth and to
restock their supplies of glycogen and poly-phosphate. To build up their supply of poly-
phosphate PAOs will take up excess orthophosphate from the mixed liquor in the aerobic

See Figure below from WEF MOP 25, 2005. It despicts typical concentration
profiles in a generic EBPR system.

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1.3.7 Discuss how the anaerobic selector favors PAOs.

Under anaerobic conditions, PAOs are at a competitive advantage to uptake a readily
available food source (VFAs) and therefore "selected for" in this environment. Most other
bacteria cannot uptake the VFAs under anaerobic conditions.
Section 1.4 - Performance Limiting Factors

1.4.1 Discuss the effect of nitrate and dissolved oxygen in the anaerobic zone.
If nitrate or dissolved oxygen are present, uptake of VFAs and phosphorus release will be

1.4.2 Describe the possible impact of nitrification on biological phosphorus removal.

Nitrification is the process where ammonia is converted to nitrates. If nitrates are present in
the anaerobic zone(Ø) it becomes anoxic (NO3). Denitrifying bacteria under anoxic
conditions will uptake VFAs, thus decreasing the VFAs available for PAOs.
Chapter 2 - Operation and Maintenance

Section 2.1 - Definitions

2.1.1 Define struvite.

Struvite is magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4(H2O)6). It forms hard, very
insoluble, white, yellowish-white or brownish-white crystals.

2.1.2 Define nitrification.

A biological process where nitrifying bacteria convert nitrogen in the form of ammonia
(NH3) into nitrite(NO2-) and nitrate(NO3-) under aerobic conditions.

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2.1.3 Define denitrification.

A biological process where bacteria convert nitrate(NO3-) to nitrogen gas(N2) under anoxic
Section 2.2 - Reactors

2.2.1 Describe and show typical enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) reactor
Graphic courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point.

2.2.2 Discuss why anoxic zones are used along with anaerobic zones as part of biological
phosphorus removal.
The recycle of nitrates to the anaerobic selector will interfere with the biological phosphorus
removal process just as oxygen would. Anoxic zones are provided to denitrify (NO2 + NO3
-> N2) recycle streams. Where recycle streams, for example, return activated sludge (RAS),
contain nitrates, anoxic zones can ensure that nitrates are not returned to the anaerobic

2.2.3 Discuss the importance of selector hydraulic residence time.

Hydraulic residence time (HRT) is a very important operational parameter in allowing
enough time for EBPR reactions to take place. Hydraulic residence time is the contact time
between the incoming influent containing the readily available organic substrate and
nutrients with the microorganisms (PAOs). The amount of VFAs in the incoming wastewater
will determine the optimum HRT for the anaerobic selector. Higher VFAs in the influent
require less HRT. Conversly low VFAs in the influent require a longer HRT. A HRT of 1-3
hours in the anaerobic zone is all that is usually needed for the necessary biochemical
reactions to occur for successful EBPR in municipal wastewater treatment plants , provided
sufficient VFAs are available. The hydraulic residence time of an anaerobic selector can be

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effected by high influent flows caused by infiltration/inflow (I/I) and high return activated
sludge (RAS) rates with resultant poor phosphorus removal.

2.2.4 Discuss the importance of sludge age in the treatment system on biological phosphorus
As with all activated sludge systems, sludge age determines how long the biomass stays in
the biological part of the treatment system. Because biological phosphorus removal is
compartmentalized into anaerobic, anoxic and aerated zones, all biological zones must be
taken into consideration when calculating sludge age. Selectors are usually much smaller
than that of aeration zones and should be taken into account when determining sludge age.

The proper sludge age ensures the optimization of the biochemical reactions that need to
take place and for the biomass to uptake excess phosphates in the aerobic basins. (see
key knowledge 1.3.5). Too short a sludge age and insufficient treatment can occur with
resultant poor effluent quality. As sludge age increases in an activated sludge system,
nitification becomes a factor and the need for anoxic zones becomes critical for
denitrification and the removal of nitrates. Long sludge ages such as in extended aeration
systems, can lead to secondary release of phosphorus through biomass decay. Long
sludge ages can also result in biochemical reaction problems for PAOs. Sludge ages of 5-
30 days are likely to be observed in successful EBPR plants.

2.2.5 Describe and show the different treatment configurations used for biological phosphorus
There are many types of enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems. Some of the
more common types you may hear about are A/O (Anaerobic/Oxic), A2/O
(Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic), Modified Bardenpho, University of Capetown (UCT and Modfied
UCT) and various oxidation ditch designs. While some are complicated, all employ the
basic theory and principles of EBPR design, an anaerobic zone for PAO selection and the
release of phosphorus, anoxic zones for nitrate control and aerobic zones for phosphorus
uptake. For additional information about the various configurations used for EBPR, see the
references listed at the end of this study guide.

2.2.6 Describe how bacterial solids are kept in suspension in selector tanks.
Mixed liquor suspended solids are kept in suspension through the use of various
submersible mixers as well as the motion from influent and recycle flows and baffling.
Section 2.3 - Methods

2.3.1 List some operational and design parameters that are important in successful biological
phosphorus removal.
For wastewater treatment plants utilizing biological phosphorus removal, specific conditions
must exist for them to function properly that favors phosphorus accumulating organisms:

1. BOD5 (or COD) /Total P ratio: As discussed in key knowledge 1.2.1, the influent BOD5
or COD to total phosphorus ratio is critical for PAOs to grow, function, and take up
phosphorus from solution. The influent BOD5 or COD must be in a form that is readily

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available to PAOs, such as volatile fatty acids. A minimum BOD5/total P ratio of 20:1 or a
COD/total P ratio of 45:1 is needed for successful bio-P removal.

2. Sludge Age (SA) and Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): The contact time between the
influent and the bacteria (HRT) as well as the proper sludge age (SA) for the microbial
biochemical reactions to take place in the biomass are critical for PAO growth, metabolism
and selection. These parameters are further discussed in key knowledges 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.

3. Temperature: Research shows that effective phosphorus removal has been shown to
occur between 5- 30 C as long as proper sludge ages are provided for cold and warm
weather temperatures. In fact, PAO’s may be at a selective advantage in colder
temperatures (5-10 C).

4. Internal Recycle Flows: Internal recycles are used in EBPR systems to create favorable
conditions for PAO selection and growth. Common internal recycle flows include return
activated sludge (RAS); anoxic zone to anaerobic zone recycles and aerobic to anoxic zone
recycles. In all cases, an operator must pay close attention to avoid returning oxygen or
nitrates to anaerobic zones.
Section 2.4 - Biosolids Issues

2.4.1 Describe solids production using biological phosphorus removal.

Generally there will be fewer solids produced with EBPR than with chemical precipitation.
However, depending on its configuration, an EBPR plant may generate more solids than a
conventional activated sludge plant with no phosphorus removal.

2.4.2 Describe the effects of phosphorus removal on land applications of biosolids.

The amount of biosolids that can be applied to agricultural land is determined in part by the
nutrient needs of the crops grown. Chemical precipitation and EBPR will both increase the
phosphorus content of biosolids. This may reduce the amount of biosolids that can be
applied per acre of land. Phosphorus in EBPR biosolids may be somewhat more soluble
and therefore more available to crops than chemically precipitated phosphorus, which is
more tightly bound.

2.4.3 Discuss operational problems caused by the formation of struvite.

Struvite deposits can clog pipes and valves, interfere with instrumentation and reduce the
operating life of equipment such as belt filter presses.Struvite commonly forms in anaerobic
digesters where ammonia, magnesium and phosphate are present and pH increases.
EBPR plants with anaerobic digesters have a higher potential for struvite formation than
conventional activated sludge plants.
Chapter 3 - Monitoring, Process Control, and Troubleshooting

Section 3.1 - Definitions

3.1.1 Define "secondary release".

The release of phosphorus in a EBPR system not associated with substrate (food) uptake.

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Secondary release is a release of phosphorus in your plant where you do not want it to
Section 3.2 - Sampling & Testing

3.2.1 List process control lab tests that are used to monitor phosphorus removal.
- Total Phosphorus
- Orthophosphate
- BOD5
- Soluble BOD5
- Nitrates
- COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
- VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids)
- Percent Phosphorus content in total suspended solids.

3.2.2 Describe Total Phosphorus, its sampling locations, and the reason for sampling.
Total phosphorus is the sum of all orthophosphates and condensed phosphates, soluble
and particulate, as well as organic and inorganic fractions using acid digestion. Total
phosphorus is then determined by either colorimetric, spectrophotometric, or ion
chromatographic methods.

Sampling Locations: Influent, Primary Clarifer, Effluent, Recycle Streams, and Effluent.

Reason for sampling: It is important to know and monitor the amount of phosphorus at
these locations in order to make process control changes. Effluent phosphorus results may
also be required by your discharge permit. It is important to know what the levels of
phosphorus are entering your facility because high Influent phosphorus loading could be the
cause of high effluent phosphorus levels.

3.2.3 Decribe orthophosphate, its sampling locations, and the reason for sampling.
Orthophosphate is the soluble or reactive form of phosphorus. Orthophosphate can be
determined without acid digestion using simple test kits that can quickly determine
orthophosphate levels using colorimetric measurement. The test kit estimates total
phosphorus. Operators can compare total phosphorus results to orthophosphate results and
determine a multiplication factor which can be used to determine a total phosphorus value.
Orthophosphate will be some fraction of the total phosphorus. It is good to monitor the
wastewater flow entering and leaving the anaerobic selector for orthophosphate on a
regular basis. The anaerobic zone effluent should be three to four times (3X-4X) higher than
the influent. This tells the operator if a good phosphorus release is taking place in the
anaerobic zone.

Sampling Locations: Influent, Primary Clarifier Effluent, Anaerobic zone, Aerobic zone,
Recycle streams, Final Clarifiers and Effluent.

Reason for sampling: Quick and easy way to estimate phosphorus levels. Monitor
phosphorus release in the anaerobic selector.

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3.2.4 Decribe BOD5, its sampling locations, and the reason for sampling.
BOD5 is the measurement of oxygen utilized during a five day incubation period at 20
degrees Celsius. It is used to determine the organic strength of the wastewater. The BOD
concentration entering a bio-P facility is important to know along with the influent
phosphorus concentration in order to determine a BOD to Total Phosphorus ratio. This ratio
should be 20:1 or greater. If this ratio is lower, the facility would be considered BOD-limited
and may have trouble achieving good biological phosphorus removal.

Sampling Locations: Influent and Primary Clarifier Effluent.

Reason for sampling: To monitor BOD5:TP ratio.

3.2.5 Describe soluble BOD5, its sampling locations, and reason for sampling.
Soluble BOD is a BOD5 test run on sample that is filtered through a 0.45 μm filter. The
soluble fraction of the BOD entering the anaerobic zone is important to know because
PAOs are able to gain their competitive advantage in the anaerobic zone by being able to
use the soluble fraction of the BOD entering. The success of the bio-P process is
dependant on having readily degradable food source or SBOD available to the PAOs.

Sampling Locations: Influent and Primary Effluent.

Reason for sampling: To have information on the amount of food (BOD5) that is more
readily available to the microorganisms, especially PAOs.

3.2.6 Describe nitrates, its sampling locations, and reason for sampling.
Nitrate-nitrogen is an oxidized form of nitrogen. The nitrates found in wastewater are
generated by the nitrification process. Nitrates are measured by using either an ion-specific
probe or a colorimetric test. Portable test kits are available to measure nitrates for process
control purposes. It is important to know if nitrates are present in the anaerobic zone. This is
important because if the bio-P process is to be successful, no nitrates can be present in the
anaerobic zone. If you nitrify at your facility, you will need to denitrify before the return
activated sludge enters the anaerobic zone. Sidestreams should also be tested for nitrates.

Sampling Locations: Return Activated Sludge, anaerobic zone, aerobic zone and

Reason for sampling: To monitor nitrates entering or in the anaerobic zone.

3.2.7 Describe COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), its sampling locations, and reason for
The COD test is a measurement of the amount of organic compounds in a sample. COD
has advantages over the BOD test for process control because the results are available in
about three hours rather than five days. The COD to P ratio for EBPR should be at least

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Sampling Locations: Influent, Primary Effluent, Final Effluent.

Reason for sampling: Monitoring the COD:P ratio.

3.2.8 Describe VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids), its sampling locations, and reason for sampling.
Volatile Fatty Acids provide the food that PAOs uptake in the anaerobic zone. Sufficient
VFA's must be present entering the anaerobic zone for successful EBPR. Testing for VFA's
in the influent to the anearobic selector can help determine if VFA's are a performance
limiting factor. One reference states that 5 - 10 mg/L of VFA's are needed per mg/L of
phosphorus to be removed (MOP-29, pp272). For total volatile fatty acids as acetic acid,
Standard Methods 5560C can be used. This method is good for process control - VFA
information. Standard Methods 5560 C is a distillation lab procedure that provides VFA
analysis for water soluble fatty acids up to six carbon atoms. Calculations and reporting are
on the basis of acetic acid, the most easily useable fatty acid by PAOs.
Additionally, analysis for the individual volatile fatty acids can be by gas chromatography,
but this may be beyond what is needed for process control information.

Sampling Locations: Influent entering an anaerobic zone.

Reason for sampling: To determine whether VFAs are a limiting factor for EBPR.

3.2.9 Describe the percent phosphorus content in total suspended solids, its sampling locations,
and reason for sampling.
A sample is filtered through a 0.45 um membrane and the phosphorus content of the filtered
and unfiltered portion is determined. The phosphorus content of the solids is the difference
between the filtered and unfiltered samples. The percent phosphorus is the calculated by
dividing the phosphorus value by the total suspended solids of the sample and multiplying
by 100 to give percent.

Sampling Location: Wastewater Activated Sludge (WAS).

Reason for sampling: Phosphorus is removed with the sludge therefore the percent
phosphorus in the sludge indicates the effectiveness of the process. It is also important to
know the phosphorus content of sludge for land application programs.

3.2.10 Discuss in-line monitoring of the biological phosphorus process using oxidation reduction
potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) meters.
While dissolved oxygen is often used to monitor anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic processes,
it is limited in its accuracy in measuring very low levels to zero oxygen in solution, thus true
and actual anaerobic or anoxic conditions cannot be measured with a dissolved oxygen

In wastewater, the oxidation-reduction potential is the tendency of the solution to either gain
or lose electrons. Oxidizing agents take on electrons while reducing agents give up
electrons. Raw wastewater typically contains more reducing agents than oxidizing agents
and in the biological treatment of wastewater, bacteria, in the presence of oxygen, oxidizes

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these reducing agents.

ORP measures the movement of electrons in wastewater solution. It is a measurement of

the ratio of oxidizing and reducing agents in solution. ORP is measured in millivolts (mV). It
is an excellent and preferred method for measuring anaerobic ( a highly reducing
environment), anoxic ( a reducing environment) and aerobic ( an oxidizing environment) , all
necessary and very important conditions needed in the successful biological removal of
phosphorus from wastewater.
The range of ORP readings for such environments can be found in Figure below.
Graphic courtesy of Gronsky, et al., 1992.

Key to Figure:
1 - Organic Carbon Oxidation 5 - Polyphosphate Breakdown
2 - Polyphosphate Development 6 - Sulfide Formation
3 - Nitrification 7 - Acid Formation
4 - Denitrification 8 - Methane Formation

Section 3.3 - Data Understanding & Interpretation

3.3.1 Discuss the fate of phosphorus as it passes through a treatment plant.

All of the phosphorus that enters a treatment plant in the influent will leave the plant in either
the effluent or settled sludge. When using chemical phosphorus removal, the metal
phosphate precipitate settles with the sludge and the phosphorus is removed when sludge
is wasted. When using biological phosphorus removal, the phosphorus accumulating
organisms (PAOs) settle with the sludge and are removed during sludge wasting.
Phosphorus that does not settle with the sludge will be discharged in the effluent. While
some of the effluent phosphorus is dissolved (orthophosphate), total suspended solids
(TSS) in the effluent also contains phosphorus. Adequate sludge wasting and keeping the
effluent TSS low will help keep effluent phosphorus low.

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3.3.2 Discuss factors that result in secondary release of phosphorus and its effects.
Secondary phosphorus release can be defined as phosphorus released from a cell which is
not associated with intercellular energy storage. In other words, the secondary phosphorus
released is not able to be taken up by the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs)
which results in a higher phosphorus concentration in the liquid phase, and a reduced
phosphorus removal efficiency. The primary causes of secondary phosphorus release are:

1. The retention time of anaerobic selector of bio-p process is too long.

2. The retention time of settled sludge in the clarifier is too long.

3. The retention time of aerobic stage of a bio-p process is too long, causing
cell lysis and phosphorus release.

4. The long storage of waste sludge causing phosphorus to be released back

into solution and then returned back into the plant through sidstreams.
Section 3.4 - Corrective Actions

3.4.1 Discuss a control strategy for nitrates.

If a treatment plant is required to remove ammonia, the plant will be designed to nitrify. Many
plants will nitrify even if ammonia removal is not required if a longer sludge age is used.
Care must be taken not to introduce nitrates into the anaerobic zone with RAS or mixed
liquor recycles or side-streams.

If ammonia removal is not required, nitrates may be controlled by maintaining a short sludge
age although this can be difficult. RAS, mixed liquor and side-streams should be managed
to limit the nitrates returned to the anaerobic zone.

An anoxic zone is often incorporated in BPR plants to promote denitification.

Chapter 4 - Safety

Section 4.1 - Definitions

4.1.1 Discuss the potential safety hazards when operating a biological phosphorus removal
1. Falling in while sampling.
2. Slipping on wet or icy conditions.
3. Biohazards of sewage.
4. Sample preservation and analysis (strong acid).
Chapter 5 - Calculations

Section 5.1 - Calculations

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5.1.1 Will an influent wastewater to a treatment plant be amenable to biological phosphorus

removal if the influent BOD5 is 275 mg/l and the influent phosphorus is 12 mg/l? A ratio of >
20:1 is needed.

Influent BOD5 = 275 mg/l

Influent P = 12 mg/l


Influent BOD5/Phosphorus Ratio =

Influent BOD5(mg/l) ÷ Influent Phosphorus (mg/l)
= 275 mg/l ÷ 12 mg/l
= 23:1 = YES, this ratio indicates it will be amenable to biological phosphorus removal

5.1.2 Determine the hydraulic retention time in an anaerobic selector.

Influent Flow = 1.25 MGD
Selector Volume = 0.050 MG


Detention Time (Hrs) =
[Tank Volume (MG) ÷ Influent Flow (MGD)] × 24hrs/day
= [0.050 MG ÷ 1.25MGD ] × 24 hrs/day
= 1 hr

5.1.3 Determine the sludge age in a biological phosphorus removal plant.


Total Volume of the Anoxic, Anaerobic and Aeration Basins = 475,000 gallons
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids = 2200 mg/l
Wasting Rate = 12,000 gallons per day
WAS concentration = 4000 mg/l


Sludge Age (Days) = Mass of solids in biological reactors (lbs) ÷ Solids Removed Daily
= [Total Reactors Volume (MG) × MLSS (mg/l) × 8.34] ÷ [WAS Rate (MGD) x WAS
concentration x 8.34]

= (0.475 MG × 2200 mg/l × 8.34) ÷ (0.012 MGD × 4000 mg/l × 8.34)

= 8715 lbs MLSS ÷ 400 lbs WAS

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= 22 days

5.1.4 Given data, calculate the phosphorus load from the sidestream (decant) from a sludge
storage tank.
Decant Flow = 75,000 gallons = 0.075 MG
Decant Phosphorus Concentration = 35 mg/l


Phosphorus Load (lbs) = (Decant Flow in MG) × (Phosphorus Concentration in mg/l) × 8.34
= 0 .075 MG × 35 mg/l × 8.34
= 22 lbs per day

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Part 2 - Chemical Removal

Chapter 6 - Theory and Principles

Section 6.1 - Definitions

6.1.1 Define eutrophication.

The process of excessive growth of plant and algae in receiving waters due to dissolved
nutrients and their decomposition.

6.1.2 Define "Chemical Precipitation".

Precipitation is the formation of a solid in a solution during a chemical reaction. Soluble
phosphorus can be changed to a solid that will settle and can be removed with the sludge.
Several different metal salts are commonly used to chemically precipitate phosphorus.

6.1.3 Define "Metal Salt".

A term used to describe iron, aluminum, and calcium compounds used in chemical
phosphorus removal.

6.1.4 Define Coagulation.

The clumping together of very fine particles into larger particles (floc) caused by the use of
chemicals (coagulants). The chemicals neutralize the electrical charges of the fine particles,
allowing them to come closer and form larger clumps. This clumping together makes it
easier to separate the solids from the water by settling, skimming, draining or filtering.

6.1.5 Define crystallization.

The formation of solids from solution due to changes in temperature and concentration.

6.1.6 Define flocculation.

The gathering together of fine particles after coagulation to form larger particles by a
process of gentle mixing. In biological wastewater treatment where coagulation is not used,
clumping may be accomplished biologically.
Section 6.2 - Origins & Impacts

6.2.1 Explain how the discharge of phosphorus may impact receiving waters.
Phosphorus is one of the key nutrients that contribute to eutrophication and excess algae
growth in rivers and lakes. The decomposition of excess plant matter may reduce the level
of dissolved oxygen in the receiving water which affects aquatic life.

6.2.2 List some major sources of phosphorus in influent wastewater.

A. Human wastes.
B. Industrial wastes.
C. Household wastes.
D. Cleaners and detergents.

6.2.3 Discuss the potential phosphorus loading from hauled wastes.

Hauled wastes, including septage, holding tank waste, leachate, and commercial and
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industrial wastes, can be significant sources of phosphorus. It is good practice to sample

each load of hauled wastes. The cost of phosphorus removal should be considered in
setting fees for treating hauled wastes.
Section 6.3 - Chemicals & Chemical Reactions

6.3.1 List the most common chemicals (metal salts) used for phosphorus removal.
1. Ferric Chloride
2. Ferrous Chloride
3. Ferrous Sulfate
4. Aluminum Sulfate (alum)

6.3.2 Describe the characteristics of the chemicals (metal salts) used for phosphorus removal.

1. Ferric Chloride
2. Ferrous Chloride
3. Ferrous Sulfate
4. Aluminum Sulfate (alum)

1. Ferric Chloride (FeCl3).

• Acidic (may lower pH) and alkalinity.
• Very corrosive.
• Fume-producing.
• Supplied 33-36% solution (11-13% iron).
• Several grades available.
• Stains concrete and other materials.
• Can affect UV disinfection.
• May affect effluent chloride.

2. Ferrous Chloride (FeCl2)

• Acidic (may lower pH) and alkalinity.
• Very corrosive.
• Fume-producing.
• Supplied as 18-28% solution (8-13% iron).
• Stains concrete and other materials.
• May affect effluent chloride.
• May affect UV disinfection.
• Potential impurities.

3. Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4)

• Acidic (may lower pH) and alkalinity.
• Very corrosive.
• Fume-producing.
• Supplied as 23-25% solution (5-7% iron).
• Stains concrete and other materials.
• Should be stored in indoor heated space.
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• May affect UV disinfection.

• Potential impurities.

4. Aluminum Sulfate (alum) Al2(SO4)3

• Acidic (may lower pH) and alkalinity.
• Moderately corrosive.
• 49% aluminum sulfate (8-9% aluminum) in liquid form.
• Also available in dry form (powder). Must be mixed with water before use.
• Very temperature sensitive in liquid form (must be kept above freezing).
• Clear, light green or yellow liquid.

6.3.3 Describe the use of polymers in phosphorus removal.

Polymers can be used as a supplement to enhance phosphorus removal through
coagulation-improved settling. Polymers are usually added prior to secondary clarifiers.
Improved solids and phosphorus coagulation in final clarifiers would improve secondary
clarifier performance.

6.3.4 Describe crystallization characteristics of phosphorus removing chemicals.

As the percent of product increases, the temperature at which it crystallizes at will increase.

Ferric Chloride (FeCl3)

-42ºF at 35% solution
+20ºF at 42% solution

Ferrous Chloride (FeCl2)

+28ºF at 25% Solution
+42ºF at 35% Solution

Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4)

+42ºF at 25% Solution

Aluminum Sulfate (Al2(SO4)3)

+32ºF at 8% aluminum sulfate

Crystallization is to be avoided because it is difficult to redissolve, plugs pipes and

equipment and forms a solid layer in storage tanks making its removal difficult. Room
temperatures should be kept warm enough to avoid crystallization

6.3.5 Describe the chemical reaction of the ferric chloride with phosphorus. See Figure
Graphic courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point

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6.3.6 Describe the chemical reaction of the ferrous chloride with phosphorus.
Graphic courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point

6.3.7 Describe the chemical reaction of the aluminum sulfate (alum) with phosphorus. See figure below. Graphic courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point.

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6.3.8 Describe the chemical reaction of the ferrous sulfate with phosphorus. See Figure
below. Graphic courtesy of Jeremy Cramer, Stevens Point.


6.3.9 Summarize the information of the chemicals (metal salts) used for phosphorus removal.
Graphic courtesy of Jenchie Wang, Symbiont.

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Section 6.4 - Perfomance Limiting Factors

6.4.1 Describe the effect of wastewater characteristics on phosphorus removal.

Actual chemical usage depends on the competing reactions and wastewater characteristics
such as pH, alkalinity and very fine particulate materials (colloids). Wastewater
characteristics and competing chemical reactions in the wastewater between the metal salt
and phosphorus will result in the need for increased metal salt addition above what was
calculated. Biological removal of phosphorus in upstream processes could result in
decreased amount of metal salt addition than calculated. Sampling phosphorus
concentrations just upstream of the chemical dose point will help in fine-tuning chemical
feed rates.

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6.4.2 Explain the importance of mixing in chemical phosphorus removal.

Good mixing ensures uniform dispersion of metal salts and efficient chemical use.
Overdosing with the metal salt can partially compensate for poor mixing.

Ideally high intensity mixing at the dose point would be followed by a mixed flocculation
zone. However few treatment plants are designed with rapid mix basins. More typically
metal salts are added at locations where turbulence occurs such as at pump suction lines,
mechanical or aerated grit basins, flow-splitting structures, aerated flow distribution
channels or at hydraulic jumps in Parshall flumes.

A flocculation zone should provide sufficient detention time (15 to 20 minutes) to complete
the reaction. Gentle mixing promotes flocculation. The enlarged center feed well on a
flocculating clarifier provides such a flocculation zone. Where a flocculation zone is not
provided metal salts should be added far enough upstream of a clarifier to provide
adequate reaction time.

6.4.3 Explain how inflow and infiltration (I/I) affects chemical phosphorus removal efficiency.
Infiltration and inflow (I/I) of clear water into sanitary sewers can change the characteristics
of the influent wastewater. If the influent wastewater is diluted by I/I, a chemical feed system
that is flow-paced will deliver more chemical than is needed. Excessive I/I can cause peak
flow rates that reduce the detention time in the treatment plant. Reduced detention time can
directly effect phosphorus removal by inhibiting flocculation and settling. Phosphorus is
removed from the treatment plant with the waste activated sludge therefore solids carryover
from overloaded clarifiers will increase effluent phosphorus.
Chapter 7 - Operation and Maintenance

Section 7.1 - Methods

7.1.1 List the methods used to determine the amount of phosphorus removed from chemical
storage tanks.

1. Ultrasonic Sensors
2. Sight Glasses
3. Scales
4. Bubbler Tubes

This monitoring equipment should be cleaned and maintained for accuracy of readings.
Sensors and scales should be calibrated as recommended by the O&M manual.

7.1.2 Discuss the following dose points for phosphorus removal chemicals and polymer.
Metal salt additives requires good mixing to provide effective contact of the chemical with
phosphorus. The dose point may depend on facility design and mixing capability.

A. Prior to primary clarification

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- Metal salt addition upstream of primary clarifiers enhances
suspended solids and BOD removal.This reduces loading to
the aeration basin.
- Odor control (especially iron salts).
- Convenience and mixing capability.
- Iron compounds may help balance nutrients in anaerobic
- May reduce struvite formation.

- The result in greater chemical usage.
- May require additional chemical addition downstream.
- May result in higher biosolids production.
- Could affect nutrient ratio and pH for biological treatment.
- Target dosages can be variable due to competing reactions in
the primary clarifier and secondary release in the biological
treatment system.

B. Addition to secondary treatment (aeration basins)

- Good mixing in aerated basins or lagoons.
- Fe+² is oxidized to Fe+³ thus improving reaction with
phosphate (PO4¯³).
- Orthophosphates are readily available.
- Convenience.

- Not recommended for attached growth systems.
- Could effect pH, alkalinity and nutrient ratio.
- Not recommended for unmixed ponds/lagoons.
- Iron discoloration of structures and equipment.

C. Prior to final clarification

- Efficient and high level of removal because most phosphorus
is the orthophosphate form.
- Enhances final settling.
- Less interfering or competing reactions.
- Cost effectiveness.

- Inadequate mixing.

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7.1.3 Discuss the chemical storage precautions for a prolonged shutdown, for greater than 1
month, of a chemical feed system.
The chemical metering pump and associated piping should be flushed with clean water.
Maintain the proper temperature for any stored chemical.

7.1.4 Describe factors that effect the amount of metal salt needed to remove phosphorus in a
pond system.
The initial estimate of the metal salt dose needed to remove phosphorus in a pond system
can be calculated in the same manner as for an activated sludge system. As with activated
sludge, competing reactions will require more metal salt than the theoretical dose. Total
phosphorus in a pond includes soluble and particulate phosphorus and phosphorus
contained in algal cells. While the metal salt will react with orthophosphate to create an
insoluble precipitate, algae and particulates will also settle with precipitate.

7.1.5 Discuss the ways in which phosphorus removal chemicals can be added at a pond or
lagoon system.
For continuous dosing, metal salts to remove phosphorus are usually added to the last pond
or lagoon where the precipitation reaction and settling can occur. The chemical should be
added where good mixing of the chemical with the wastewater can be achieved, such as
the upstream manhole prior to the last pond or just before an aerator. For batch dosing of
aluminum sulfate (alum), in fill and draw systems, some operators use a small motorboat
and manually apply the alum where the propellor can provide the mixing.

7.1.6 Explain how a pond is "batch treated" using a small motorboat or pontoon type boat.
Alum is typically the phosphorus removal chemical applied to a pond by boat. The boat is
fitted with a tank to hold the chemical. The chemical drains by gravity to the propeller area
where it is mixed into the pond. The boat travels and applies chemical in a gridwork pattern
across the entire pond surface. The floc that forms is allowed to settle for 24-48 hours and a
sample of the treated pond is taken to assure it meets effluent limits before the pond is
discharged. This can be an inexpensive and effective method to treat and remove
phosphorus from ponds and lagoons. Care must be taken in shallow ponds when boat
propellers are used for mixing so as to not rile up the solids settled in the pond or damage
the liner.
Section 7.2 - Equipment

7.2.1 List the basic equipment used in the process of removing phosphorus by chemical
A. Chemical storage tanks.
B. Piping system.
C. Chemical feed pumps.
D. Electrical controls.
E. Monitoring equipment of chemical storage and usage.

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7.2.2 Describe the function and the most probable location in a phoshorus removal system of
each of the following.
A. Back Pressure Valve:

The back pressure valve is located in the discharge piping of the chemical metering pump.
The purpose of the back pressure valve is to maintain a constant discharge pressure on the
chemical metering pump. This ensures that the chemical output will remain the same as the
level in the storage tank changes.

B. Pressure Relief Valve:

The pressure relief valve is part of the chemical metering pump discharge line. The
pressure relief valve is set to open at a discharge pressure normally 20-25 psi over the
back pressure valve setting. If the discharge pressure increases to a pressure over the
pressure relief valve setting caused by a blockage of the discharge line, the relief valve will
open and release its pressure back into the chemical storage tank.

C. Chemical Metering Pump Suction Check Valve (positive displacement pump):

The chemical metering pump suction valve is located on the bottom of the chemical
metering pump head.
The suction valve allows the flow of chemical into the chemical metering pump head cavity
during the suction stroke. During the discharge stroke the suction valve stops the chemical
within the pump cavity from going back out of the suction valve.

D. Chemical Metering Pump Discharge Check Valve (positive displacement pump):

The chemical metering pump discharge valve is located on the top of the chemical metering
pump head.
The discharge valve does not allow the chemical to flow back to into the pump head cavity
during the suction stroke while allowing the flow of chemical out of the pump cavity during
the discharge stroke.

E. Pulsation Dampner:

The pulsation dampner is part of the chemical metering pump discharge line.
The pulsation dampner acts as a shock absorber on the discharge line. The dampner
reduces the discharge pressure surge on the discharge line during the discharge stroke of
the chemical metering pump.

F. Backflow Preventer:

A device installed on a water supply line that will prevent blackflow of water or chemical
back into the water supply system.

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7.2.3 Discuss how chemical metering pumps can be controlled to feed chemical.
A. Manual
B. Automatic
1. Flow
2. Time
3. Residual

7.2.4 Discuss the types of chemical feed pumps used in chemical precipitation of phosphorus.
Positive displacement and peristaltic feed pumps are commonly used for feeding metal
salts. Either pumps can be adjusted automatically, allowing for the appropriate dosage.
Section 7.3 - Handling and Storage

7.3.1 List the materials and conditions for the storage and feeding of the following chemicals:
A. Iron Salts:
Ferric chloride, ferric sulfate and ferrous sulfate should be stored in tanks made of
fiberglass reinforced plastic (frp), polyethylene, or saran-lined steel. The tank must be
surrounded with a containment area in case of a leak. Feed pumps should be compatible
with the chemicals being used. Schedule 80 PVC piping and valving is commonly used. The
storage temperature of metal salts is an important factor to remember.

B. Aluminum Salts:
Aluminum sulfate should be stored in tanks made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (frp),
polyethylene, or 316 stainless steel The tank must be surrounded with a containment area in
case of a leak. Feed pumps should be compatible with the chemicals being used.
Schedule 80 PVC and stainless steel piping and valving is commonly used. The storage
temperature of metal salts is an important factor to remember.

7.3.2 Discuss ways to control corrosion from phosphorus removal chemicals.

A. Vent storage tanks to the outside of the building and away from equipment and
air intakes.
B. Select chemically resistant materials.
C. Ensure proper ventilation of the storage room to the outside.
D. Keep equipment and area clean.
E. Maintain proper chemically resistant paint or coatings.

7.3.3 Discuss what needs to be checked or done when switching from one phosphorus removal
chemical to another.
Because of their characteristics, the different phosphorus removal chemicals should not be
mixed. The storage tanks pumps and piping must be drained and flushed with water and the
water removed before changing to another chemical. The operator must make sure that the
pump and the materials used for seals, valves, piping and storage are compatible with the
chemical being fed.

Operators should contact their consultant for changeover assistance.

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The capacity of the chemical metering pump must be sized properly for the new phosphorus
removal chemical. New feed rates need to be calculated and feed pump adjusted

The storage temperature of metal salts is an important factor to remember.

Section 7.4 - Preventive Maintenance

7.4.1 Describe maintenance requirements for chemical phosphorus removal systems.

A. Inspect tanks and piping for cracks, leaks and metal salt deposits on a
regular basis. Repair as soon as possible.
B. Check equipment for corrosion from chemical fumes. Locate source of
fumes and repair or replace corroded parts, if necessary.
C. Check for developing line blockage by monitoring chemical metering pump
discharge pressure. Consult with chemical supplier.
D. Confirm the heating and ventilation systems are working properly.
Repair if necessary.

7.4.2 List the preventive maintenance procedures for chemical feed pumps.
Operators should always read the manufacturer's instruction manual and follow the

A. Check and change oil in the gear case as suggested in the

manufacturers O&M manual.
B. Check the seals and fittings for leakage. Repair or replace as
needed with components intended for the type of chemical being
C. Keep pump and motor clean.
D. For positive displacement pumps, replace inlet and outlet check
valves and pump diaphragm as recommended by the manufacturer.
E. For peristaltic pumps, replace pump tubing as recommended by
Section 7.5 - Biosolids Issues

7.5.1 Discuss how much more biosolids could be expected to be produced using chemical
precipitation for phosphorus removal.
Additional biosolids will be generated when chemical phosphorus removal is used.
Increases in biosolids can vary depending upon the influent phosphorus, the chemical used
and the application point. Overall, plant biosolids increases are commonly 10-25%.

7.5.2 Discuss the build-up of sludge in lagoons/ponds using chemicals for phosphorus removal.
Solids will accumulate in the the pond where precipitates form and settle. The amount of
chemical sludge produced is 7.5mg chemical sludge per mg phosphorus removed for alum
and 10mg chemical sludge per mg phosphorus removed for iron. Sludge depths should be
measured annually and sludge removed as needed to avoid any release of the phosphorus
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from the settled sludge and organic material.

Chapter 8 - Monitoring, Process Control, and Troubleshooting

Section 8.1 - Sampling & Testing

8.1.1 Describe how an operator or municipality could identify influent phosphorus loading to a
treatment plant.
Operators can survey businesses and industries for phosphorus containing products they
use or produce. They can also sample for likely sources of phosphorus by sampling
wastewater discharges, and identifying the industries which have high concentrations of
phosphorus. Regular sampling of industries and the establishment of a phosphorus removal
surcharge through a sewer use ordinance will encourage waste minimization.

8.1.2 Identify some important sampling locations for determining phosphorus concentrations in a
wastewater treatment plant.
A. Influent - This sample will determine the amount of phosphorus entering
the plant.
B. Sidestreams - This sample identifies internal sources of phosphorus.
C. Effluent - This sample will determine the amount of phosphorus remaining
after the treatment process.

8.1.3 Identify a test method that can be used for process control other than total phosphorus
digestion methods.
A test kit for reactive phosphorus (orthophosphate) may be used to estimate phosphorus
concentrations for process control. These tests are colorimetric tests that allow for fast
results to enable timely process control adjustments.

8.1.4 Describe the method to preserve samples for phosphorus at a later date.
Samples which are not to be analyzed on the day they are collected must be preserved with
sulfuric acid to a pH of <2, cooled to 6°C or less but not frozen and can then be stored up to
28 days.
Section 8.2 - Process Understanding & Interpretation

8.2.1 Describe the difference between total phosphorus and reactive phosphorus
Total phosphorus is the analytical result following a rigorous acid digestion of a wastewater
sample. This typically includes phosphorus associated with suspended solids and
organically bound forms, as well as more soluble and reactive forms.

Phosphorus occurs mostly as phosphates in wastewater. Phosphates that respond to

colorimetric tests without digestion of the sample are termed "reactive phosphorus", which
is largely measured as orthophosphate. (H2PO4, HPO4, PO4) Orthosphosphate can be
thought of as the form of phosphorus that is dissolved, reactive and most readily available to
microrganisms and aquatic life.

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8.2.2 Discuss why the optimization of chemical addition for phosphorus removal is important.
Too low a dose of metal salt can result in variable effluent phosphorus concentrations as
well as violations of permit limits. Too high a dose can result in wasted chemical, increased
chemical costs, biological (pH/alkalinity) problems and plugging problems in piping/valves.

8.2.3 Discuss the significance of the forms of phosphorus in wastwater.

Total phosphorus consists of soluble and particulate phosphorus. Metal salts function to
primarily remove soluble phosphorus, which is measured as orthophosphate. The effluent
total suspended solids should be minimized in order to ensure meeting a phosphorus limit.

8.2.4 Discuss the difference between theoretical calculated dosage and the actual applied
dosage in meeting effluent phosphorus limits.
Wastewater characteristics and competing chemical reactions in the wastwater will result in
the need for increased metal salt addition above what was calculated. Conversely,
biological removal of phosphorus in upstream processes could result in decreased amounts
of metal salt addition than calculated. Sampling phosphorus concentrations just upstream of
the chemical dose point will help in fine-tuning chemical feed rates.

8.2.5 Describe the effect algae can have on effluent suspended solids and phosphorus being
discharged from a pond/lagoon.
In a treatment system such as a pond or lagoon, phosphorus is a primary nutrient utilized by
algae for growth. Excess phosphorus can result in algal blooms. Algae carried out with the
effluent can not only result in effluent suspended solids violations but may also contain
phosphorus associated with algal cells. It is important that when using a metal salt to
precipitate out phosphorus, excess algae is not discharged. This will ensure meeting
effluent limits.
Section 8.3 - Side Streams

8.3.1 Discuss common wastewater treatment sidestreams and their potential effect on
phosphorus removal.
Sidestreams are flows that are recycled back through the treatment plant from other unit
processes or operations. Most commonly, sidestreams originate from biosolids treatment,
processing and dewatering such as decants from digesters and sludge storage tanks and
filtrates off dewatering belts, presses and thickeners. Sidestreams with elevated levels of
phosphorus will affect the chemical dosage requirements of the metal salt being applied.
Sampling all sidestreams for phosphorus is critical for good process control and proper
chemical addition.
Section 8.4 - Corrective Actions

8.4.1 State the possible causes and corrections for exceeding effluent phosphorus limits after
metal salt addition.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Chemical metering equipment is not working properly.
CORRECTION: Inspect and ensure all chemical metering equipment and piping is

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operational and performing as required.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Too low a dose.

CORRECTION: Wastewater characteristics and competing reactions require more
chemical than calculated. Add more chemical but no more than needed to meet the effluent

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Influent phosphorus loads are higher than normal.

CORRECTION: Sample influent wastewater for phosphorus. Recalculate the dosage rate.
Locate sources of high phosphorus and try to reduce.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Dose point not effective.

CORRECTION: Evaluate if the metal salt should be applied at a different location.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: High effluent suspended solids.

CORRECTION: Review plant operations and determine why effluent solids are elevated (I/I,
old sludge, clarifier problems, etc).

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sidestream phoshorus.

CORRECTION: Sample sidestreams for phoshorus and if high, reduce sidestream flows
and phosphorus loadings accordingly. Modify biosolids treatment and dewatering
operations if possible. Treat sidestreams with metal salts if needed.
Chapter 9 - Safety

Section 9.1 - Regulations & Procedures

9.1.1 Discuss the importance of maintaining chemical delivery, storage and usage records.
All phosphorus removal chemicals are considered hazardous materials. Therefore all
amounts delivered, stored and used need to be accounted for. Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) are required to be kept on-site and available. Contact the DNR in event of a spill.

9.1.2 Discuss the reporting requirements for phosphorus removal chemicals under Federal, State
and Local laws.
In order to comply with Sections 311& 312- Community Right-to-Know Requirements of
Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III), Wisconsin
Statute 166.20 and Chapter SERB 1 of the Wisc. Admin., Code, the Wisconsin State
Emergency Response Board requires that all facilities having a hazardous chemical with
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) present at their facility in large volumes (greater or
equal to 500 lbs) to annually submit a Tier two, Emergency and Hazardous Chemical
Inventory Form. If there are questions about the need to report hazardous chemical storage,
contact your county hazardous waste coordinator.

The laws require that the chemical inventory report be annually sent to:

-State Emergency Response Commission.

-Local Emergency Planning Committee.

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-Local Fire Department.

The report shall include the following information:

1) Chemical and common name of the chemical.

2) Estimate of maximum amount of chemical at the facility in the proceeding
3) Estimate of the average daily amount of chemical at the facility in the
proceeding year.
4) Description of the manner of storage.
5) Location of the stored chemical at the facility.

9.1.3 Discuss preventative spill measures and procedures when handling phosphorus removal
Storage tanks must have secondary containment that equals the volume of the storage tank.
During unloading of delivery vehicles, place containment pails under potential leak points
and when uncoupling fill lines. Inspect and maintain fill lines and valves. Inspect storage tank
and hardware for integrity.

Provide on-site containment equipment such as absorbent boom, sandbags, etc., and seal
your yard/storm drains to prevent off-site loss of chemical. Pay attention to what you are

9.1.4 Discuss what should be done in the event of a phosphorus removal chemical spill.
1. Any spill of hazardous material should be reported to DNR within
24 hours and to the local emergency response agencies.
2. Contact CHEMTREX for further spill response and cleanup advice.

9.1.5 Discuss the proper procedure for entering a chemical storage tank.
Section 9.2 - Equipment

9.2.1 Describe the safety equipment to be used when working with phosphorus removal
The operator should wear protective clothing that includes acid-resistant gloves, a rubber
apron, and a face shield. Emergency shower and eyewash should be nearby. All ventilation
systems should be properly working. When handling dry products, respiratory and eye
protection should be used.
Section 9.3 - Chemical Considerations

9.3.1 Discuss the potential hazardous reactions which may result if the following chemicals are
mixed together.
A. Ferric chloride and sodium hypochlorite. The mixing of ferric chloride
and sodium hypochlorite will cause a uncontrollable release of

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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

chlorine gas.

B. Aluminum sulfate and sodium hypochlorite. The mixing of aluminum

sulfate and sodium hypochlorite will cause an uncontrollable release
of chlorine gas.

C. Ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. The mixing of ferric chloride and
aluminum sulfate will cause a exothermic reaction (releases heat) and
a release of acid fumes. The reaction is caused by the different types
of acids that are used in the manufacturing of the metal salts. Ferric
chloride is manufactured with hydrochloric acid and aluminum sulfate
is manufactured with sulfuric acid.

9.3.2 Describe the hazards associated with phosphorus removing chemicals.

The iron metal salts are acidic, highly corrosive and produce fumes. Alum is mildly corrosive
and produces fumes.

Alum, upon evaporating after a spill can be very slippery. Polymers are slippery when wet.
Chapter 10 - Calculations

Section 10.1 - Calculations

10.1.1 Given data, calculate the phosphorus loading to a plant in pounds per day.
Flow = 2.7 MGD
Influent total phosphorus = 6.9 mg/l

Pounds/day = Flow (MGD) × Influent phosphorus (mg/l) × 8.34

Pounds/day = 2.7 MGD × 6.9mg/l × 8.34
= 155 pounds/day

10.1.2 Using metal salt chemical data, theoretically calculate the amount of chemical salt solution
to add in gallons per day to remove phosphorus.

Influent flow = 2.0 MGD

Influent phosphorus = 8 mg/l
Metal salt solution
Specific gravity = 1.40
Percent (%) metal in solution = 12.5%
Metal to phosphorus removal ratio (weight basis) = 1.8 : 1.0


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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

(1) Determine the amount of influent phosphorus to remove

lbs phosphorus to remove = (flow in MGD) × (phosphorus concentration in mg/l) × (8.34)

= (2.0 MGD) × (8 mg/l) × (8.34)
= 133 lbs phosphorus

(2) Determine the pounds of metal salt in a gallon of solution knowing the specific gravity.

lbs metal salt/gallon = (specific gravity) × (8.34)

= (1.40) × (8.34)
= 11.68 lbs metal salt/gal

(3) Determine the pounds of actual metal in a gallon of metal salt solution with a certain %
metal content.

lbs metal/gallon metal salt solution = (lbs of metal salt/gal) × (% metal)

= (11.68 lbs) × (0.125)
= 1.5 lbs metal/gal

(4) Look up removal ratio for the metal salt being used.

(5) Determine the pounds of metal needed to remove the incoming pounds of phosphorus.

lbs/day of metal to add per lb phosphorus to remove = (removal ratio) × (Influent lbs of
= (1.8) × (133 lbs phosphorus)
= 239 lbs/day metal to add

(6) Determine the gallons per day of metal salt solution with a certain % metal content to
thus add.

Gallons of metal salt solution to add = (lbs of metal to add) ÷ (lbs metal/gal)
= (239 lbs metal) ÷ (1.5 lbs metal/gal)
= 159 gallon/day of metal salt solution

10.1.3 The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources NR 101 Wastewater Fee Program
assesses an annual fee for the amount (in pounds) of phosphorus discharged each year.
The rate for phosphorus is 34 cents ($0.34) per pound discharged times an adjustment
factor of 2.451. Given a total annual amount of phosphorus discharged, calculate the NR
101 wastewater fee.
Total phosphorus discharged = 6950 pounds
Rate = 0.34 dollars per pound
Adjustment Factor = 2.451

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Introduction to Phosphorus Removal Study Guide - January 2009 Edition

Amount Due = (lbs P discharged) × (rate) × (Adj. Factor)
= (6950 lbs) × (0.34) × (2.451)
= $5792

10.1.4 Given the specific gravity of a metal salt solution and actual % metal content, determine the
pounds of actual metal in a gallon of metal salt solution.
Ferric chloride solution with a specific gravity of 1.40 and 12.5% iron content.

lbs metal salt/gallon solution = (Specific Gravity) × 8.34
= 1.40 × 8.34
= 11.7 lbs/gallon

lbs metal/gallon metal salt solution = (lbs metal salt/gallon) × (% metal)

= (11.7) × (0.125)
= 1.46 lbs/gallon

10.1.5 Given data calculate the phosphorus loading in pounds from a sidestream.
Sidestream flow = 60,000 gallons per day
Phosphorus Concentration = 25 mg/l

Sidestream Phosphorus Loads (lbs) =
(Sidestream Flow in MG) × (P Concentration in mg/l) × 8.34
= (0.060 MG) × (25 mg/l) × 8.34
= 12.5 lbs phosphorus per day

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References and Resources


TREATMENT PLANTS (Primary Resource)
(2006) Manual of Practice No. 29. Water Environment Federation and the American Society
of Civil Engineers/Environmental and Water Resources Institute. McGraw-Hill Publishers.
Available through inter-library loan at


PRINCIPALS (Primary Resource)
(1991) 2nd Edition. Richard Sedlak, Editor. The Soap and Detergent Association. Lewis
Available through inter-library loan at

3. Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

(2008) Manual of Practice No. 11 (6th Edition), Volume 2 – Liquid Processes. Water
Environment Federation. McGraw Hill Publishers.

4. Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants – A Field Study Training Program

(2002) 5th Edition. California State University –Sacramento, Office of Water Programs

5. Advanced Waste Treatment – A Field Study Training Program

(2006) 5th Edition. California State University –Sacramento, Office of Water Programs

6. Phosphorus Removal – Design Manual

(1987)(1976) US Environmental Protection Agency Technology Transfer, EPA/625/1-87/001
Center for Environmental Research Information, Cincinnati, OH

7. Optimizing BPR Plant Operations For Achieving Sustainable Low Effluent

(2007). Barnard, James L. and Mark T. Steichen, Black & Veatch. Water Environment
Federation –Nutrient Removal 2007.

8. Phosphorus Removal in Lagoon Treatment Systems

(1992). USEPA Special Evaluation Project Report. Water Compliance Branch-Technical
Support Section. USEPA Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604

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