RPP in English

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School : junior high school

Lesson : natural science
Class : VII
Semester : II
Material : organizational life system
Meeting :I
Time Allocation : 3JP X 40 minutes
Method : Guided Discovery

A. Core competency
1. Appreciating and practicing the religious value that students are professed.
2. Respecting and putting into practice the behaviors of being honest, disciplined,
responsible, caring (tolerant and cooperative among each other), well- mannered and
confident in interacting effectively with the social and natural environments in which
they interact and live.
3. Understanding factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge in accordance with
students’ curiosity on science, technology, art, and culture related to tangible phenomena
and events.
4. Attempting, processing, and presenting things in concrete domains (applying,
analyzing, synthesizing, modifying, and constructing) and abstract domains (writing,
reading, calculating, drawing, and composing) based on what have been learnt at school
as well as on other sources having similar concept or theory.

A. Basic Competency
3.6. Identify organizational life system from the cellular level to the organism and the
main composition of the constituent cells.
B. Indicators
3.6.1. Explain the concept of the hierarchy of life
3.6.2. Explain cellular concept
3.6.3. Explain the way to observe plant cells using a microscope

C. Objectives Explain the concept of the hierarchy of life through discussion Explain cellular concept through discussion Explain the way to observe plant cells using a microscope through practicum

D. Material
1. Fact
Cell organelles are contained in epidermal cells of rhoe discolour plant namely cell walls,
anthocyanin pigments, chloroplasts, stomata slits, cover cells and neighboring cells. In
the onion plant, epidermal cells are composed of nucleus cell, cell wall and cytoplasm,
while epithelial cell organelles that are contained in the cheek namely the cell nucleus,
core membrane, cell membrane and barr body.

2. Concept
The hierarchy of life or commonly referred to the biological hierarchy is the order
of life organization level from the lowest to the highest. Biological hierarchy structure
is started from cells that have the smallest or micro structure until the largest structure
or macro, namely the biosphere.
Cells are structural and functional units of living things. In the biology hierarchy,
cells are at the lowest structural level. Each organism is composed of one of two cell
types that are structurally different, namely prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells are cells that do not have a core membrane, whereas eukaryotic cells
are cells that have a core membrane.
Prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria, including cyanobacteria. Prokaryotic cells
do not have membrane-wrapped organelles. The cell boundary is the plasma
membrane. Outside the plasma membrane there is a rigid cell wall. Prokaryotic cells
that are found in bacteria have movement organs in the form of flagella and pill
(sticking structure).
Eukaryotic cells have cell organelles that are covered by plasma membranes. The
outer cell boundary in animal cells is the plasma membrane, while the outer boundary
of cells in plant cells is the cell wall.

3. Procedural
a. Plant Cells
The steps that need to be done to find out the organelles in plant cells, namely:
1) Determine the formulation of the problem, hypothesis and research variables.
2) Prepare tools and materials such as microscopes, object glasses and cover glass,
razor blades, tweezers or needles, petri dishes, pipette drops, leaves of rhoe discolour
plants and water.
3) Make a transverse incision on the leaves of the rhoe discolour plant, place an
incision on the object's glass, then drop it with water, and cover it slowly so that air
bubbles are not formed. Observe under the microscope and draw visible parts of the
cell and mark the information.
4) Make discussions and conclusions from the results of observations that have been

E. Instructional Method
Approach : scientific
Method : practicum, observation, group discussion and presentation
Model : Guided Discovery Learning
F. Instructional Activities
1. First Meeting

Stages Instructional Activities Time Allotment

Pre activity 1. Greeting 10 minutes
2. Asking the students
to pray together
before start the lesson

3. Asking students’
4. Checking students’
5. Telling the main
objectives that should
be achieved by the

Whilst activity Observing 1. Giving motivation 100 minutes

and apperception
a. Asking the
students to
analyze the
building around
the school such as
: classroom,
teachers room,
headmaster room
and the others
along with its’
function and what
happen if those
building is broken
or not available
b. Instructing the
students to
observe the
picture of plant
cell and
informing the
organelle cell of
the plant based on
the picture given
2. Explaining briefly
about the topic of the
concept of life
organization and
plant cells
3. Dividing the students
into 5-6 groups
4. Distributing the
worksheet into the
Formulating the Guiding the students to
problem and formulate the problem, the
propose the hypothesis and identifying
hypothesis the variable
Guiding the students to plan
Planning to or formulate the solution
solve the through attempts and asking
problem students to prepare the tools
and material needed

Guiding the students in doing

Practicum practicum by instructing the
steps that is needed to be
done in observing the plant
1. Guiding the students
Observing and in observing the plant
collecting the cell by using
data microscope
2. Guiding the students
to writhe down the
obtained result of
1. Asking the
Analyzing the
representative of the
group to present and
discuss the result of
the practicum that is
2. Giving feedback or
Close activity Conclusion Asking the students to 10 minutes
conclude the practicum that
has been done based on the
worksheet given.

1. Giving assignment in
form of exercise
question or quiz
2. Telling the material
that will be learned in
the next meeting
3. namely the
difference between
plant cell with animal
cell and asking the
students to learn it at

4. Asking the students

to pray together
before closing the
5. greeting
G. Media, Tools, and Learning Sources
1. Media : Power point
2. Tool and Material : students worksheet (attached)
3. Learning Sources :
a. Buku siswa kelas 7 Semester 2 oleh Wahono Widodo, Fida Rachmadiarti, Siti
Nurul Hidayati
b. Sumber lain yang relevan (internet, majalah dll)

H. Assessment
Assessment Method Instruments

Cognitive Written test Essay test

Psychomotor Observation Observation Sheet for Science Process

Skills and Rubrics

Affective Observation Attitude Observation Sheet

Students’ worksheet01

Class/semester : VII / II

Topic : Life organization system

Sub topic : Cell

Time allotment : 3 x 40 minutes

Instructional model : Guided Discovery

I. Title
Plant cell

II. Objective

Identifying the structure and organelle in plant cell

III. Problem Formulation


IV. Hypothesis


V. Variable

1. Independent Variable


2. Dependent Variable


3. Control Variable

VI. Research Design

1. Tool
a. Microscope
b. object glasses and cover glass
c. razor blades
d. tweezers or needles
e. petri dishes
f. pipette drops
2. Materials
a. leaves of rhoe discolour plants
b. Water.
3. Steps
a. Make a transverse incision on the leaves.
b. Place the incision on the object's glass! Then, drop it with water! Cover it slowly,
do not form air bubbles!
c. Observe it with weak magnification! Then, observe it with strong magnification!
d. Observe the visible parts. Draw in your assignment book.

VII. Observation Table

Picture Information
VIII. Interpret Results and Observations
1. Based on the observation that you have done, how do the structure and cell
organelles in the plant cell?
2. Based on the observations you have done, what are the cell organelles in plant
IX. Conclusion
Make conclusion based on your observation!








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