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(IT) Part-II (Annual) 1 Syllabus

Department of Distance Education

Punjabi University, Patiala

M.Sc. (IT) Second Year
Session:- 2018-19
Univ. Exam Int. Ass.
Marks Marks
MS(A)-211 Web Technology 80 20
MS(A)-212 Java Programming 80 20
MS(A)-213 Software Engineering 80 20
MS(A)-214 Computer Networks 80 20
MS(A)-215 Programming Lab-IV 60 40
MS(A)-216 Programming Lab-V 60 40
MS(A)-221 Computer Graphics 80 20
MS(A)-222 Linux Administration 80 20
MS(A)-223 Modern Information Systems 80 20
MS(A)-224 Artificial Intelligence System 80 20
MS(A)-225 Programming Lab – VI 60 40
MS(A)-226 Programming Lab – VII 60 40
Total 880 320

The Candidate's who get admission through lateral Entry in M.SC. (IT) Part II
after passing PGDCA Examination will have to pass the following deficient papers of
M.Sc. (IT) Part I :-
MS(A)-113 Computer Organization & Architecture
MS(A)-114 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
MS(A)-121 Object Oriented programming Using C++
MS(A)-122 Data & File Structures
MS(A)-123 Visual Basic
MS(A)-125 Programming Lab-II
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 2 Syllabus

i. 90% marks would be awarded on the basis of the internal test conducted during
2nd PCP.

ii. 10% marks would be awarded on the basis of alternative of both PCP's

MS(A)-211 : Web Technology

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Introductory: Internet Basics: Networks, Protocols, TCP/IP, Internet Addresses, Ports,
Sockets, Name Resolution, Firewalls, Protocol Tunneling, Proxy Servers, Internet
Standards, governing the web HTTP, MIME, Inside URLs, Web applications, Overview
of clients/servers web communication, comparison of web servers, Common Gateway
Interface CGI.
Web Page Designing: Introduction to markup languages; HTML: list, table, images,
frames, forms, pages style sheets CSS; XML: DTD, XML Namespaces, XML schemes,
Presenting XML with CSS and XSLT, XML-DOM, What is XHTML?

Client Side Scripting: Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions,
objects; Event and event handling; Browsers and the DOM, JQuery: Syntax, Selectors,
Events and AJAX methods.
Server Side Programming: PHP: Introduction, requirements, PHP syntax, data type,
variables, strings, operators, if-else, control structure, switch, array, function, file
handling, form, sending email, file upload, session/state management, error and
exception, PHP Database for dynamic Web pages.
Introduction to Servlets: Servlet Basic Servlet Structure, Servlet Lifecycle, Servlet APIs.
Writing thread safe Servlets. Setting Cookies and Session Management with Servlet API.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 3 Syllabus

Reference Books :

1. Jeffrey C Jackson, “Web Technology – A computer Science perspective”, Persoson

Education, 2007.
2. Chris Bates, “Web Programming – Building Internet Applications, “Wiley India,
3. Xavier, C, “ Web Technology and Design” , New Age International
4. Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI”, BPB Publication.
5. Ramesh Bangia, “Internet and Web Design” , New Age International
6. Bhave, “Programming with Java”, Pearson Education
7. Ullman, “PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide”, Pearson Education
8. Deitel, “Java for programmers”, Pearson Education
9. Dustin R. Callaway, “Inside Servlets” Pearson Education.

MS(A)-212 : Java Programming

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Introduction to Java, Why java is important to the Internet, Steps for compilation and
execution of java program, Object Oriented Programming, Data types, Variables, Arrays,
the Simple types, Floating Point Types, Operators, Arithmetic Operators. The Bit wise
operators, Relational Operator's, Boolean, Logical Operators, Control Statements.
Introducing Classes : Class fundamentals, declaring objects, Assigning object Reference,
Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, this keyword, Garbage collection,
Overloading Using Objects and parameters, Argument Passing, Returning Objects,
Recursion, Access Control, Static, Nested & Inner Classes. Exploring String class using
command line Arguments. Inheritance.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 4 Syllabus

Interface: Defining, Interface vs Abstract Classes.
Packages : Defining a package, CLASSPATH, Access protection, Importing Packages,
Defining an interface, Implementing Interface. Exception handling fundamentals,
Exception types, using try & catch, throw, throws, Java's Built in Exceptions, Creating
your own Exception subclasses.
File Handling: reading and writing files. Java and Database: JDBC Basics, Working
with database. Threading, Multithreading, Applets, Event handling, Introduction of

Reference :
1. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1999.
2. Lemay, L. : Teach yourself Java in 21 days, Tech.
3. Griffith : 1001 Java Programming Tips.
4. Sulalman : Java Programmers Library.

MS(A)-213 : Software Engineering

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.


1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Software Engineering : History, Definition, Goal; The role of the Software Engineer, The
Software Life Cycle, The relationship of Software Engineering to other areas of
Computer Science, Classification of Software Qualities, Representative Qualities,
Software process models: Waterfall model, prototyping, spiral; Tools and techniques for
process modeling, Management of software engineering management functions, project
planning and organization.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 5 Syllabus

Requirement Analysis: The requirement process, types of requirements, Characteristics

and components of SRS, Data flow Diagrams, Data Dictionary, UML diagrams for
specifying behaviors ,metrics, verification of SRS.
Design and Software architecture: The Software design activity and its objectives,
Abstraction, Modularity, Coupling-Cohesion criteria, Object-Oriented Design:
generalization and specialization, associations and aggregations.

Coding: Programming standards and procedures, programming guidelines,
documentation, and Code verification techniques.
Verification and validation: Approaches to verification, testing goals, principles,
Equivalence class partitioning, Boundary value analysis, mutation testing, graph based
testing, cyclomatic complexity, test planning ,automated testing tools, features of Object-
Oriented testing.
Software maintenance: The nature of maintenance, maintenance problems, maintenance
techniques and tools.
Software re-engineering, reverse engineering, forward engineering: forward Engineering
for Object-oriented and client/server architecture, Building blocks for CASE, CASE tools
and applications.


1. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli, “ Fundamentals of Software

Engineering”, 2nd edition Pearson Education. 2003.
2. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, “ Software Engineering : Theory and Practice”, 2nd
edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. P.Jalota, “An Integrated Approach to SoftwareEngineering”, Narosa Publications.
4. Roger.S.Pressman,” SoftwareEngineering-A practitioner’s Approach”, 3rd

MS(A)-214 : Computer Networks

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 6 Syllabus


1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Computer networks: uses of computer networks, Goals and applications of networks,
Topologies, Categories of Network, Concept of Protocol Services, Reference models:
OSI model, TCP/IP model, Comparison of TCP/IP and OSI models, Introduction to
Novell Netware, and ARPANET.
Data Link Layer: DLL design issues, elementary data link protocols, sliding window
Medium Access Sub layer: Static and dynamic channel allocation, Multiple access
protocols - ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Collision Free protocol, BRAP, MLMA,
Binary countdown, Limited contention protocol, Urn Protocol, Adaptive tree walk
Introduction to IEEE standards for LAN: IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.4, IEEE 802.5, IEEE

Network Layer: Brief discussion on need for network layer, routing algorithm,
congestion and its control methods, internetworking
Transport Layer: Transport service primitives, quality of service, barkeley sockets,
elements of transport protocols, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
Internet protocols: Principles of Internetworking, connectionless internetworking,
Internet protocols, Network Security: Security requirements and attacks, encryption
Public key encryption and digital Signatures. distributed applications: SNMP, SMTP,

1. A.S. Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999.

2. Data Communications & Networking by Forouzan, Tata McGraw Hills.
3. D.E. Cormer," Computer Networks and Internet”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley
Publication, 2000.
4. D.E. Cormer and D.L. Stevens," Inter-networking with TCP-IP: Design,
Implementation and Internals", Vol. II, Prentice Hall, 1990.
5. D. Bertsekas and R.Gallagar, “Data Networks”, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1992.
6. Stevens W.R.," UNIX Network Programming," Prentice Hall, 1990.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 7 Syllabus

MS(A)-215 : Programming Lab-IV

Maximum Marks: 100* Max. Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%

This laboratory course will mainly comprise of exercise based on subject MS(A)-
211 named Web Technology.

Maximum Marks for University Examination : 60

MS(A)-216 : Programming Lab-V

Maximum Marks: 100* Max. Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%

This laboratory course will mainly comprise of exercise based on subject MS(A)-212
named Java Programming.

Maximum Marks for University Examination : 60

MS(A)-221 : Computer Graphics

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Graphics Hardware: The Functional characteristics of the systems are emphasized.
Video Display Devices: Refresh cathode -ray tube, raster scan displays, random scan
displays, colour CRT-monitors, direct view storage tube, flat-panel displays, 3-D viewing
devices, virtual reality, raster scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 8 Syllabus

Scan conversion algorithms: Line using DDA and Bresenham algorithms, Circle using
polar, Bresenham and Mid point algorithms, Ellipse using polar and Mid point algorithms
2-dimensional Graphics: Cartesian and Homogeneous co-ordinate system, Geometric
transformations (translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection, Shearing), Composite
transformations, Two dimensional viewing transformation and clipping (line, polygon
and text).

3-dimensional Graphics: Geometric transformations (translation, Scaling, Rotation,
Reflection, Shearing), Composite transformations. Mathematics of Projections (parallel
& perspective). 3-D clipping.
Hidden line and surface elimination algorithms, z-buffer, scan-line, sub-division,
Painter's algorithm.
Illumination Models: Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection, refracted light, texture
surface patterns, Halftoning, Dithering.
Surface Rendering Methods: Constant Intensity method, Gouraud Shading, Phong

1. D. Hearn and M.P. Baker, “Computer Graphics”, PHI New Delhi; Second
Edition, 1995.
2. J.D. Foley, A.V. Dam, S.K. Feiner, J.F. Hughes,. R.L Phillips, ”Introduction to
Computer Graphics”, Addison-Wesley Publishing company, N.Y.; Second
3. R.A. Plastock and G. Kalley, “Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill, 1986.

MS(A)-222 : LINUX Administration

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 9 Syllabus

Introduction: Overview of Linux, Linux's History, Advantages of Linux, Minimum
System Requirements; Installing Linux: Choosing Text or Graphics Installation, Setting
up your Hard Drive, Understanding the Swap Space, Creating the Linux File-system
partition, Setting up the mouse, root password and Ethernet, Configuration X, Selecting
packages to Install, Creating the Boot Disk. Using LILO boot manager: Installing
LILO, LILO make-file, Updating LILO, Removing or Disabling LILO, Troubleshooting
LILO. The Boot Process, Startup Scripts, Shutdown, Halt and reboot, Creating a New
Login, Virtual Terminals, Running as root.
Basic Linux Commands : How Linux Commands Work, Command Options &
Parameters, Input and Output Redirection, Mian pages, Wildcards : * and ?, Environment
Variables, The process status Commands : ps, termination command : kill, the su
command, the grep command.
Linux File System : Common types of files, filenames, Inodes, The root directory, How
directories are named, Navigating the Linux file System : pwd command, Absolute and
relative filenames; cd command, Creating and Deleting files : Cat, Creating Directories,
Moving and Copying files, Moving Directories, Removing files and directories,
Important directories in the Linux file System : / , /home, /bin, /usr, /usr/bin, /var/spool,
/dev, /sbin, /etc.
File and Directory ownership, Groups, Changing group ownership, File Permissions,
UMASK Setting, Changing File Permission, Changing directory permissions; Bash :
What is Shell ? How the Shell gets Started, The most common Shells;

Shell Scripting: Creating and Executing Shell Programs, Using variables : Assigning a
value to a variable, Accessing the value of a variable, Positional Parameters and other
Built-In Shell Variables; Special Characters, Conditional Statements : if Statement , case
Statement; Iteration Statements : for Statement, while Statement, until Statement, shift
Command, select Statement, repeat Statement, Functions.
Editing and Typesetting : Text Editors vi, The vi Editor, Starting vi, vi modes,
Inserting Text, Quitting vi, Moving the Cursor, Deleting Text, Copying and Moving
Text, Searching and Replacing Text, Setting Preferences.
Configuring the X Window: Xfree86 Software Distribution, Choosing an X Server,
Installing Xfree86 Manually, Installing Xfree86 using a Script, Path Environment
Variable; Configuring Xfree86; The xconfig and XF86Config Files in Detail: Pathnames,
Keyboard Setting, Mouse Definition, Monitor Model, Video Cards, The Xfree86 Server,
Testing Xfree86 Configurations, The .xinitrc File.
Linux for System Administrators: System Administration Basics, The root Account,
Starting and Stopping the System, Booting from a Floppy, Using LILO to Boot, Shutting
Down Linux; Mounting File Systems : Mounting a Floppy, CD-ROM, Creating a New
file System, Un-mounting file Systems, Backup and restore: Compressing files with gzip,
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 10 Syllabus

Using tar and cpio; Setting up your System : Setting the System Name, Using a
Maintenance Disk, Forgetting the root Password, Setting the Login Message.
Networking & Network Services: What is TCP/IP? IP Address, Ports, Sockets, Subnets,
Routing, Hardware Requirements, Configuring the Network, Configuration Files, Testing
and Troubleshooting, The netstart Command, ping, traceroute, Mail, News, NFS, www,
FTP, Telnet, DNS.
Network Security: Firewalls.

1. Tim Parker : Linux Unleashed Third Edition, Techmedia, 1999.
2. Tackett, J : Special Edition using LINUX, PHI.
3. Norton, P. : Complete guide to LINUX, Techmedia.
4. Komarinski, M : LINUX System Administration Handbook, AW.
5. SUMITABHA DAS : UNIX Concepts & Application 2nd Edition, Tata

MCA(A)-223: Modern Information Systems

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.


1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Introduction to Systems and Basic Systems Concepts, Types of Systems, Information
Systems: Definition and Characteristics, Types of Information, Role of Information in
Decision Making, Types of an Information system: Operations Support Systems and
Management Support Systems, Comparison of EDP/MIS/DSS.
An overview of Management Information System: Definition and Characteristics,
Components of MIS, Frame Work for Understanding MIS: Robert Anthony’s Hierarchy
of Management Activity, Information requirements and Levels of Management, Simon’s
Model of decision- Making.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 11 Syllabus

Functional Information Systems: A Study of Marketing, Personnel, Financial and
Production information systems, Input transaction documents, applications and reports of
Marketing, Personnel, Financial and Production information systems. Models for
functional information systems.
Concept of Knowledge: Definition and characteristics of knowledge, Difference between
data, information and knowledge, Knowledge versus experience. Types of knowledge:
Explicit and Tacit knowledge. Nonaka and Takeuchi theory of knowledge creation:
Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization (SECI) Model.
Introduction to knowledge management and knowledge management systems. The
process of knowledge management: Creation/ capture, storage and retrieval, transfer and

Text Books :

1. D.P. Goyal, “Management Information Systems: Managerial perspectives”,

Macmillan India Ltd.

Reference Books :

1. J. Kanter, Management information Systems, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Gordon B. Davis & M.H. Olson, Management Information Systems: Conceptual
Foundation, structure & Development, McGraw Hills Publishing.
3. Robert G. Murdick & Joel E. Ross & James R. Claggett, Information Systems for
Modern Management, Prentice Hall of India.
4. W. S. Jawadekar, Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing.
5. Bryan Bergeron, Essentials of Knowledge Management, John Wiley and Sons.
6. Infosys Campus Connect Foundation Program Volume 1 – 3, Education & Research
Department, Infosys Technologies Ltd, Bangalore.

MS(A)-224 : Artificial Intelligence

Maximum Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%


The question paper will consist of three Sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have
four questions each from the respective section of the syllabus and will carry 16 marks
for each question. Section C will consist of 7-16 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry a total of 16 marks.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 12 Syllabus


1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each
from Section A and Section B and compulsory question of Section C.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Introduction to AI : Definition, Nilsson's Onion Model explaining basic Elements of AI
and AI application Areas.
Introduction to Prepositional Logic: Syntax, Semantics, Inference methods in
Prepositional Logic.
Introduction to Predicate Logic: Syntax, Semantics of Predicate Logic, Clausal form,
Resolution, Unification, Inference Mechanisms.
Knowledge Based Systems : Meaning of Knowledge, Types of Knowledge,
Components of Knowledge Base System.
Knowledge Representation : Approaches to Knowledge representation, Issues in
Knowledge representation, Knowledge representation using rules. Semantic Nets,
Frames, Conceptual Dependencies, Scripts, CYC. Knowledge Acquisition : Definition,
General Learning Model, Types of Learning, Factors affecting Learning.
Knowledge organization & Manipulation: Introduction, Issues in organization and

Dealing with uncertainty: Symbolic reasoning under uncertainty-Introduction and
logics for Non-monotonic reasoning, Implementation issues.
Expert systems : Basic Components & architecture of Expert systems, representing and
using domain knowledge, ES-Shells.
Applications of AI : Game Playing-The minmax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-beta
Cutoff’s Planning-Overview, Components of Planning System, Natural Language
processing : Overview, Syntactic processing, Semantic analysis, Morphological,
Discourse and Pragmatic processing.


1. E. Rich and K. Knight, "Artificial Intelligence", Tata McGraw Hill.

2. E. Charnaik and D. McDermott, "Introduction to Atificial Intelligence",
Addison-Welsley Publishing Company.
3. Dan W. Patterson, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert
Systems", PHI.
4. W.F. Clofisin and C.S. Melifish, "Programming n PROLOG", Narosa
Publishing Co.
5. Sanjiva Nath, "Turbo PROLOG", Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
M.Sc. (IT) Part-II (Annual) 13 Syllabus

MS(A)-225 : Programming Lab-VI

Maximum Marks: 100* Max. Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%

This laboratory course will mainly comprise of exercise based on subject MS(A)-221
named Computer Graphics.

Maximum Marks for University Examination: 60

MS(A)-226 : Programming Lab-VII

Maximum Marks: 100* Max. Time: 3 Hrs.

Minimum Pass Marks: 35%

This laboratory course will mainly comprise of exercise based on subject MS(A)-222
named LINUX Administration.

Maximum Marks for University Examination: 60

Type Setting By: Department of Distance Education,

Punjabi University Patiala. (H.S)

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