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GIS\RS Training Evaluation Test

Date Time 1.5 Hrs

1. GIS stands for ____________.

a. Geographic Information System b. Geographical Information System

c. Geo Spatial Information System d. Geological Information System.

2. The two data models which are used to store and prepare GIS data usually are
Raster and ________ data models.

a. Database b. Directional
c. Vector d. Geographic.

3. The attribute data linked with the shape files basically represents _____
component of the theme.

a. Temporal b. A- spatial or Non Spatial

c. Locational d. Geological

4. ________ is the process by which the themes are prepared in digital form by
taking a survey sheet, a satellite image or topographic sheet as Master.

a. Digitizing b. Transformation.
c. Ground Truthing. d Rubber Sheeting.

5. First step in the work flow for any GIS Project after Planning Phase is _____.

a. Publications b Data Management and storage.

c. Data Acquisition. d Analysis & Decision Making.

6. For preparation of thematic data, a survey sheet or satellite image is required

which must be ___________.

a. Un registered b Un Transformed.
c. Geo-referenced d. Exported.

7. One difference between Geographic and Projected Co-ordinate System is that

Projected Co-ordinate System allows many ______ analysis than Geographic.

a. Overlay b. Geometrical
c. Spatial d. Non Spatial
8. We can digitize our features by using the geometrical elements of Point,line
and _______.

a. Editing Tools. b Polygon.

c. Circle d. Rectangle.

9. The technique to export data from one format to another format or to view one
data in different software with out losing original is called ____________.

a. Data compression b. Data Interoperability

c. Data Enhancement. d Data formation.

10. _________ is the technique of converting 3D globe to 2D surface without


a. Projection. b Transformation
c Digitizing d. Geo-referencing.

11. The Science by which we can analyze, study and explore the properties of the
object or phenomenon with out touching it physically is ______________.

a. Remote Sensing. b Space Science

c. Satellite Engineering. d Geomantic.

11. The resolution which decides the number of bands composition of a specific
satellite is ______________ resolution.

a. Radiometric b. Spatial
c. Spectral d. Temporal

12. The subset of EM energy which we assign a sensor to sense is known as

a. Band b. Spectrum.
c. Visible Range d. Infrared

13. The structure on which remote sensing sensor is equipped is known as

a. Satellite b. Telescope
c. Platform d. Air Craft.

15 The process of extracting the area of interest from a Satellite Image is called

a. Sub-setting b. Mosaicing.
c. Histogram equalization d. Classification
Q2. Practicle Task

 On your desktop there is a folder with the name GIS_Test.

 There is a satellite image of FDA City project area.
 You have to create the vector data of
Main Canals.
 You are free to choose the geometry type, but it should be logical.
 You are directed to use UTM-Zone-43N as your co-ordinate System.
 You have to calculate the length, Area and Peremeters of your Geographic
 You have to add atleast 3 fields with the name and data type as given
 Name Text
 Agency Text
 Area Integer
 Perimeter Double

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