Vowel Diphthongs Ew PDF

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When the letters e and w are next to each other in a word,

they form the long U sound that you hear in flew and stew.
Circle the best word to complete each sentence.
1. There are a _______ lights on. blew few

2. My brother _______ the ball to me. threw pew

3. I love to _______ bubble gum. new chew

4. Sam _______ it was my birthday. mew knew

5. The storm _______ my house down. blew hew

6. The birds _______ south for the winter. flew news

7. My glass has _______ on the outside. dew stew

8. I bought a hammer and five _______. screws few

9. Lisa loves diamonds and _______. jewels pews

10. The _______ reported a robbery. news chews

11. Phil bought a brand _______ car. new few

12. It’s time to _______ my subscription. renew new

13. My mom made _______ for dinner. dew stew

14. The plant _______ to be five feet tall. grew hew

15. I _______ a picture of a dog. blew drew

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