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RJ Oil Production - Projects

Zero Harm – Only Safe Production

Safe Working at Heights

All Work at Height tasks shall be planned and performed in a safe manner through appropriate risk
management and the implementation of suitable controls to prevent injuries due to falls.
Work at Height Risk means any task where there is a risk of a fall of person or material from one level to
another that is reasonably likely to cause injury to that person or any other person. This includes but is not
limited to work on temporary structures, roofs, climbing on vehicles and use of scaffolds, portable ladders
Personnel Controls:
• Persons who intent to work at height must be trained and certified medically fit.
• Medical testing is mandatory for people required to work at height and must include conditions such as
vertigo & acrophobia or illnesses that may affect the person or the work. The frequency of medical
testing shall be yearly or as determined by a risk assessment or medical officer.

Process Controls:
• Prior to any work at height being carried out a hazard assessment need to be
conducted. The hazard assessment must identify all possible falls from height
and emergency situations during the expected activity and the potential for
injury. The risk of the fall must be controlled through the appropriate use of the
hierarchy of control, which in order of priority is:
Eliminate the need to work at height.
Implement fall prevention wherever practicable to provide a safe working area
using stable work platforms / scaffolding, anchoring points / lifeline, edge
protection and covers etc.;
Utilise tested and certified fall restraint devices such as short lanyards with
harnesses, static lines, retractable lanyards, rope grab etc.;
Utilise tested and certified fall protection systems such as fall arrest
harnesses and lanyards, nets, guard rail, toe board, bags etc., including when
working on elevated work platforms or man lifts.
Implement a work at height procedure, instruction and/or permit that manages
the risk of a fall by a person from one level to another;
Ensure pre-use inspection of fall protection tools and equipment by user and
periodic by competent person.
Identify possible emergency situations and prepare rescue plan. All
members of rescue team shall be briefed about it.

• It must also include restrictions on work time

considering weather conditions, night work etc.
• Where overhead work is being conducted, barricades
must be erected around the work area and cover the
floor opening to protect others below from falling objects;
• Only inspected and certified temporary working platforms
such as scaffoldings and mobile platforms shall be used
for working at height.
• Only inspected ladder, installed with safe angle and
secured, shall be used as access following 3 point
contact rule.
Remember our Goal is
To provide 100% fall protection & eliminate fall potential

Bulletin- Sept 2019

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