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Formalization of UML Use Case Diagram—A Z

Notation Based Approach

Sabnam Sengupta1 ,Swapan Bhattacharya2
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 700032, India.
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract- A Unified Modeling Language (UML) [1, 2] use case in a precise way the properties, which an information system
diagram is a visual tool that provides a way for developers to must have, without unduly constraining the way in which
come to a common understanding with system’s end users and these properties are achieved. This abstraction makes formal
domain experts. The behavior of a use case can be specified by
specifications useful in the process of developing a computer
describing a flow of events in text for an outsider to understand it
easily. The flow of events of a use case is specified in an informal system. A formal specification can serve as a single, reliable
structured text. Therefore, it is not possible to automate the reference point for all associated with the entire software life
verification of tracking requirements captured in a use case cycle. Because it is independent of the program code, a formal
diagram in the design phase. On the other hand, Z is a formal specification of a system can be completed early in its
language, which is non-executable, but, a strongly typed development. It can be a valuable means of promoting a
specification language. We here propose a structured-expandable
common understanding among all those concerned with the
format of a use case, which is expressed in Z notation and then
represented visually using an Entity-Relationship diagram. system.
Implementation of our approach would bridge the gap between a The Z notation [3, 4] is a strongly typed, mathematical,
formal language, which is mathematical and difficult to specification language. It is not an executable notation; it
understand and UML use case diagram that is visual, easy to cannot be interpreted or compiled into a running program.
comprehend and that is used widely to capture requirements. There are some tools for checking Z texts for syntax and type
Development of a tool based on this approach will produce a
errors in much the same way that a compiler checks code in an
visual representation of a formalized UML use case diagram,
from which automated traceability and verification of the design executable programming language. Z is a model-based
phase can be achieved. notation.
One of the other main ingredients in Z is a way of
Index Terms: UML, Use case diagram, Z notation, decomposing a specification into small pieces called schemas.
Formalization, ER Diagram, Traceability, Automated The schema is the feature that most distinguishes Z from other
verification. formal notations. In Z, schemas are used to describe both
static and dynamic aspects of a system.
I. INTRODUCTION As “abstraction” is the key concept for both use case
A use case is an object-oriented modeling construct that is diagrams and Z notation, we here propose an approach to
used to define the behavior of a system. Interactions between “formalize” UML use case diagram using Z notation and
the user and the system are described through a prototypical representing it visually using a Entity Relationship diagram as
course of actions along with a possible set of alternative that is understandable for the users and developers.
courses of action. Primarily, use cases have been associated
with requirements gathering and domain analysis. However, II. REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS
with the release of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Lots of research work is going on in the direction of
specification version 1.1, the scope of use cases has broadened formalizing UML using Z notation. There are a very few
to include modeling constructs at all levels. Due to this works in the direction of visualizing Z notation, [19] is an
expanded scope, the representation of use cases has taken an example of the works in that domain. In the domain of
increasing importance. formalization, some of the works are getting done with an
UML use case diagrams are important for visualizing, objective to map Object-Z [6], which is an object-oriented
specifying and documenting behavior of an element. They are extension to Z with UML and some of the works are done
applied to capture the intended behavior of the system being with an objective to formalize UML with Z or any extension
developed without specifying how the behavior is of Z. A comparison of formalizing approaches of UML class
implemented. When the system is implemented, collaboration constructs in Z and Object-Z is presented in [12].
or sequence diagrams realize the use cases. As in Z, a system is modeled by representing its state, a
Formal specifications use mathematical notation to describe collection of state variables and their values,- and some
operations that can change its state, most of the works focus not prescribe any strict format or style for writing one. To
on representing or translating UML class diagrams with Z address that, we propose a structured, expandable format of a
notation or Object-Z. Some times, state diagrams have been use case, from which, we propose to derive a Z notation
used for this purpose. schema. The schema is type-checked using ZTC [5], a Z
We here summarize some of the relevant works, which is notation type checker and then represented visually using an
focused on the formalization based on Object Z, and then, ER diagram. We demonstrate our approach with the help of a
based on Z or any extension of that. A XML/XSL approach case study of a retail system.
for projection of Object-Z concepts to UML is discussed in Our approach would bridge the gap between UML use case
[10], whereas in [11], a mapping for translating systems diagrams that has become a de-facto industry standard for
modeled in UML incorporating OCL in Object-Z is proposed. capturing requirements and understandable by the users,
An extension of the development method Fusion/UML that domain experts and developers, and Z notation, that is formal,
translates the results of analysis and design into the formal i.e., mathematical and difficult to understand by the users and
specification language Object-Z is proposed in [13], which the developers. A tool based on our approach would generate a
also establishes a consistency relationship between analysis visual representation of a “formalized” use case diagram from
and design. A translation between some of the UML models which automated verification in the design phase can be
into Z and Lustre formal specifications in order to use a achieved. Our approach can be diagrammatically represented
theorem prover and a test generator to validate the models is as in Fig 1.
proposed in [14]. Here Z is used to validate the static part of
the UML model using RoZ as a tool and Z-EVES theorem
prover. In [16] a meta-model-based transformation between Use Case Z Notation Type
Diagram Schema Checking
UML and Object-Z is presented, whereas in [17], a framework using ZTC
that integrates UML with Object-Z is presented to support
requirements elicitation and analysis activities. a precise and
ER Diagram
descriptive semantics for core modeling concepts in Object-Z
and a formal description for UML class constructs is presented
in [18]. Fig 1: Diagrammatic representation of the approach discussed in this paper
A meta-modular framework for the combined use of UML
and Z is presented in [7] by using templates and generics. At IV. REPRESENTATION OF A USE CASE DIAGRAM USING Z
the instantiation-level, UML models are translated into Z NOTATION SCHEMA
specifications by instantiating the corresponding meta-level In this paper, we propose to map events of a use case with
semantic interpretations. This approach is entirely based on the use case itself. So that, when requirements are captured
UML class diagrams. A method for formalizing syntax and using use case diagrams, if some restrictions are enforced on
semantics of UML state-chart diagrams using Z is discussed in the structure and relationship among the use cases themselves
[8]. This paper discusses the hierarchical and concurrent and the use cases and their events, we can formalize the use
structures of States. AML, an augmented object oriented case diagram using Z notation. This will help us tracking the
modeling language, which is based on UML and Z and a requirements in the design phase and also verifying that all the
supporting tool Venus are presented by Xiaoping Jia in [9], requirements have been addressed in the design automatically.
but this paper did not present any technical or theoretical The following diagram is a UML use case diagram which
breakthroughs. Again, AML consists of UML class and to shows an actors and use cases and relationship among the use
some extent state diagrams. An extension of Z notation is also cases.
performed for this purpose and Zext is introduced. [15] is
focused towards the formalization of the primary UML UC1 UC2
constructs used to build class structures. Soon-Kyeong Kim,
David Carrington in [18], use various diagrams to visualize a <<I>>
Z specification, which includes both static and dynamic UC3 UC5
aspects of formal specifications including complex constraints UC4

in the visualization scope.

As said earlier, most of the works discussed in this section, UC: Use Case; E: Extends; I: Includes
focus on formalization of either UML class diagram, or,
statechart diagram. In this paper, we propose to formalize Fig 2: A UML Use Case Diagram
UML use case diagram based on which automated traceability
Interestingly, although the UML defines a use case, it does not
and verification in the design phase can be achieved.
prescribe any strict format or style for writing one.
We here propose a structured-expandable format of a use
case in the following manner.
In this paper we have used Z notation as a standard for Use Case Name
expressing the UML use case diagram in a formal manner. 1. id
2. Brief Description
Interestingly, although the UML defines a use case, it does
4. Relationship
4.1 <<extends>> Z is a non-executable but strongly-typed specification
4.2 <<includes>> language. ZTC is a type-checker for Z, which determines if
5. Flow of Events
5.1 Basic Flow
there are syntactical and typing errors in Z specifications.
5.1.1 Event 1 There is no compiler for Z. ID ZTC accepts two forms of input: LATEX with oz or zed Description
packages, and ZSL. The ZSL form of input (plain text style)
5.1.2 Event 2 ID for the schema Event is as follows: Description
5.1.3 Event 3
Schema Event
………………………… id: Z
………………………… ucId: Z
5.2 Alternate Flows desc: seq char
5.2.1 Alternate Flow 1 type: seq char Event 1 where Event 2 type Є {basic, alternate}
…………………….. ucId = dom UseCase
……………………. end schema
5.2.2 Alternate Flow 2
5.2.3 Alternate Flow 3
We represent each event of the Flow of events or The ZSL form of input for the schema Event is as follows:
Alternative flow of events using a Z notation schema: Schema UseCase
id: Z
Event relationshipId: P Z
id: eventId: P Z
ucId: relationshipId = dom Relationship
desc: seq char eventId = dom Event
type: seq char #eventId  limit
type Є {basic, alternate} end schema
ucId = dom UseCase
#ucId = limit and the global variable limit can be written using ZSL as:
We now represent the structure of a use case using a Z limit : N
notation schema: axiom
limit = 1
end axiom
relationshipId: and the ZSL form of input for the Relationship schema is:
eventId: Schema Relationship
relationshipId= dom Relationship id: Z
eventId = dom Event ucId: P Z
#eventId  limit relType: seq char
where “limit” is a global variable can be axiomatically relType Є {<<extend>>, <<include>>}
ucId = dom UseCase
defined as #ucId = 2
end schema
limit :
All these ZSL forms of input are saved with .zsl extension.
For example, the ZSL input form for the schema is saved as
limit = 1 “Event.zsl” and so on.
After saving these input files with the .zsl extension, ZTC is
and Relationship is a schema defined as: run to check for type errors with the command:
ZTC Event.zsl –T
requesting a type report.
relType: seq char SCHEMA
relType Є {<<extend>>, <<include>>} We can represent the Z notation schemas representing a Use
ucId = dom UseCase
Case, an event and a relationship between two use cases in an
#ucId = 2
ER diagram as shown in Fig 3:
At this stage, we can make a class of a class diagram be the
child of a UseCaseClass. This will help us automated tracking
requirements captured in a use case in the design phase.
id With an extension of our approach we can achieve
formalization of UML diagrams from which automated
id UseCase Event verification, consistency checking and execution is possible.
We now explain our approach with the help of a case study
of a retail system.
id desc

Relationship IX. CONCLUSION

Software development is a human intensive activity and the
relType need for better and higher quality software has led to the
evolving field of software engineering. In the recent decades,
Fig 3: ER diagram derived from Z Notation Schema of Use Case Diagram we have witnessed a phenomenal increase in the functional
This ER diagram is implemented in the tabular format as and structural complexity of software systems being produced.
below: Object oriented methodology has emerged as one of the most
Use Case ID Use Case Event ID Event Desc common paradigms for design and development of
Name information systems today. Timely production of such
products and verification of their functional correctness has
been major challenges. In particular, it has been observed that
Relationship Relating Related Relationship incorrect or incomplete specification of the software is often a
ID Use Case Use Case Type major hindrance in the development process. A Formal
ID ID Specification, on the other hand, is made in a formal language,
and hence is unambiguous, and can be tested for correctness.
It is cost-effective to formalize characteristics at initial stages
VII. CASE STUDY of software development. So, it makes much more sense from
The use case diagram of a retail system is given in fig 5 in the perspective of cost effectiveness as well as software
Appendix. evolution if we can formalize the behavior of the system right
We are considering a system where both the customer and a at the functional specification level.
customer service representative can place an order and track The adoption of UML as a standard for modeling functional
an order. The customer service representative can also give specifications of object-oriented systems has made modeling
instructions for shipping an order and bill a customer. The simpler and easy to understand with lots of tools supporting it.
customer service representative can also give instructions for However, UML being a visual language is semi-formal in
shipping a partial order provided a “Place Rush Order” option nature and hence formalizing functional specification using
was selected by the customer while placing the order. All UML has triggered challenging opportunities of research in
these activities include an activity “Validate Customer” this domain. There is mainly one direction of research -
The partial Table structure of this system corresponding to focusing on formalization of one or more UML diagrams.
the ER diagram is given in Table 1 and Table 2 of Appendix. In this paper, we propose to formalize Use Case diagram,
For brevity, only parts of the table structures are shown. which has become a de-facto industry standard for capturing
requirements with Z notation and again represent it visually
Formalization of UML diagrams would empower us
In future we intend to focus on automated verification of achieving automated execution at different stages of software
requirements captured in a use case diagram in the design development that will remove ambiguities at all stages.
phase. In order to do so, we can derive a “Use Case Class Our work is a step forward in that direction.
Diagram” corresponding to the proposed ER diagram. This
“Use Case Class Diagram” is different from UML class
diagram and can be represented as in Fig 4.
[1] Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson; The Unified Modeling
Language User Guide (1999)
* [2] OMG: Unified Modeling Language Specification, version 2.0. Available
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Class * Hall International, 1992.
[4] Jim Woodcock, Jim Davis; Using Z Specification, Refinement and
* Proof, Prentice Hall, 1996
[5] Xiaoping Jia, ZTC: A Type Checker for Z Notation User’s Guide
Version 2.2, October 2002
[6] Smith G.O., The Object-Z Specification Language. Advances in Formal
Methods. Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000)
Fig 4: Use Case Class Diagram corresponding to the ER Diagram
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[11] David Roe, Krysia Broda, and Alessandra Russo, Mapping UML Conference (APSEC'00) 12 05 - 12, 2000 Singapore
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models thanks to Z and Lustre, Proceedings of the International


Place Order Place rush order


Customer Track Order Validate Customer


Ship Order <<include>>


Customer Service
Representative Ship partial order

Bill Customer

Fig 5: Use Case Diagram of a Retail System


Use Case ID Use Case Event ID Event Type Event Description

01 Place Order 01 Basic The customer or the representative enters the product ID/s
using keyboard.
01 Place Order 02 Basic The system checks whether the product ID/s is/are valid or
01 Place Order 03 Basic The product ID/s is/or valid and the system prompt the user
to enter the customer ID and pin.
01 Place Order 04 Basic The “Validate Customer” use case is included.
05 Ship Order 29 Basic The customer service representative enters the customer Id
and order Id using keyboard.
05 Ship Order 30 Basic The “Validate Customer” use case is included.
05 Ship Order 30 Basic The system validates the order ID.
05 Ship Order 31 Basic The system shows the product/s associated with the order
and if they are available or not.
05 Ship Order 32 Basic If all the products are available, the representative generates
a “Ship” order, the use case ends
06 Ship Partial 39 Basic “Ship Order” use case is extended.

Relationship ID Relating Use Case ID Related Use Case ID Relationship Type
01 01 04 <<include>>
02 02 01 <<extend>>
03 03 04 <<include>>
04 05 04 <<include>>
05 06 05 <<extend>>

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