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Loresco, Sammy S.
Sanchez, Karl Dominique T.
Fabro, Erwin U.


This chapter highlights the related literature, related studies, and conceptual

framework of this study after the thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers.

Related Literature

Plastic Bottles

A type of bottle or a plastic container intended for single use that has a neck

smaller than the container with a closure. It has also a capacity of sixteen fluid ounces (16

oz.) to less than five (5) gallons is commonly known as “plastic bottle” [1].

According to the report that was done by the United States Postconsumer in 2015,

the years after World War II is the first availability of the plastic bottle in commercial

which costs relatively expensive. The cost of manufacturing plastics has dropped while

the production of it increased as the industry expanded in the 1960s because of its

advantages such as being lightweight, cheap, easy to shape, and hard to break. Every

liquid product became available in a plastic bottle and water is the most ubiquitous plastic

bottled item from 1970s through 1990s. Less than 25% of all the plastic bottles

nationwide were recycled [2].

Rope Weaver
Loresco, Sammy S.
Sanchez, Karl Dominique T.
Fabro, Erwin U.
Rope weaver is a device used to interlace three or more strands of yarn or wire to

create a variety of materials, including rope, reinforced hose, covered power cords, and

some types of lace.

Machine Design

The plastic bottles will be cut into long straps. These straps with the same length

will be lined up and twisted together into one single line of rope using a motor in order to

produce the plastic rope. Then, it will be tested with The Universal Testing Machine to

test the strength of different sizes of plastic rope produced.

Related Studies

Saad et al. (2017) build a fetch and spin’s machine capable of processing plastic

bottles into new plastic products which is straps and rope. They found out that the

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle plastic have high strength characteristic where

Revive bottle got 22.38 N/mm2, Mountain Dew bottle got 18.72 N/mm2, Coca cola bottle

got 19.57 N/mm2, and 100 Plus bottle only got 11.27 N/mm2 which indicates that PET

rope is almost as strong as the rope at the market which is 22 N/mm2 at the same size of

cross section.

Tachwali (2005) presents an Automatic Plastic Bottle Sorting and Classification

System for recycling which the sorting is based on bottle material chemical composition

using near infrared spectrometer as well as on the bottle color using charged coupled
Loresco, Sammy S.
Sanchez, Karl Dominique T.
Fabro, Erwin U.
device (CCD) camera. These tests performed to evaluate the proper NIR spectrometer

hardware setup for the automatic plastic bottle sorting project. The final outcome of the

research is a plastic recycling station that can sort and classify plastic bottles based on

their chemical composition and color.

According to Pavel and Ian (2016), the amount of plastic bottles that everyone uses

and throws into the garbage can every day is truly massive. This represents an economic

waste, since the plastic of bottles is a commodity that is worth money and can be reused.

Also, from an ecological perspective, this poses several problems. So they came out with

an idea of creating smart pocket-size tool which can be used easily to cut any plastic

bottle – of juice, soda or other – into a fine plastic rope that can be used for many

purposes. “So we thought about it and asked ourselves: What if we could just smartly and

easily cut plastic bottles and turn them into convenient ropes? That’s what made us

develop the Plastic Bottle Cutter”, Ian said.

Loresco, Sammy S.
Sanchez, Karl Dominique T.
Fabro, Erwin U.
Internet sources

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