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Our Member is :
1. Caesar Nucleon Bayu P.
(Lord Voldemort)
2. Candra Wulandari
(Ginny Weasley)
3. Marfuatul Fitriyah
(Hermione Granger)
4.Nana Destari
(Luna Lovegood)
5. Riska Wilurjani
(Prof. Olympe Maxime)
6. Yoga Wiratma
(Harry Potter)
SMA NEGERI 1 SINE 2013/2014
Harry Potter is a well known magician. The story told about

Harry Potter and his friends from school of magic Hogwarts’s school

is following the portkey’s tournament, then one of the tournament’s

participant will be killed by an evil magician Lord Voldemort.

In the night Voldemort come to Harry’s bedroom. Voldemort

said that he will come back and kill Harry Potter and destroye the

Hogwarts school.

Voldemort :”Harry Potter, long time no see with you”

Harry :”Voldemort...”

Voldemort :”I come back to kill you and destroye Hogwarts”

Harry :”No. You can’t do it. We have Prof. Dumbledore, He will

Protect us”

Voldemort :”A stupid Dumbledore. I doubt it. Can he protect you


Harry :”Alohomora”

In the school, Hermione, Harry and Ginny talk about

Voldemort that suspected will come back.

Hermione :”Have you heard a news about Voldemort’s comeback?

Ginny :”It’s so danger, our head master Prof. Albus Dumbledore is

Going in overseas, so no one can protect us and Hogwarts”

Harry :”I think Voldemort will comeback. I met him last night. He

Said that He will comeback to destroye Hogwarts”

Luna :”Ginny, wait me”

Ginny :”You go to class first”

Luna :”Have you known, Hogwarts will hold a Portkey’s Tournament”

Ginny :”Really? Then who will become tournament’s participant?”

Luna :”Prof. Dumbledore had choosen four participant for this

Ginny :”Whether it’s participant will be taken from us?”

Luna :”I think so”

In the afternoon one of Hogwarts’s teacher Prof. Olympe

Maxime give an announcement about Portkey’s tournament and

mention who will become tournament’s participant.

Olympe :”Good morning everyone”

All :”Good morning”

Prof. Olympe :”I will give an announcement that Hogwarts will hold a

Portkey’s tournament”

Prof. Olympe :”Silent please. I will mention tournament’s participant.

Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley

And the last participant is Harry Potter”

Luna :”Harry Potter?”

Ginny :”Do you think if I become tournament’s participant?”

Luna :”I’ve thought before it”

Ginny :”I’m afraid, many peoples said that not little of tournament’s

Participant dead cause defense against black magic is weak”

Luna :”I know the solution. Olympe maxime has a ingredient to black

Magic’s potion”

Ginny :”Do you mind I’ve to steal it?”

Luna :”If you want”

In the night Ginny get in Olympe maxime’s room and steal the

ingredient but Olympe know it.

Prof. Olympe :”Reducto”

Ginny :”I do it cause I’m afraid to fail in this tournament”

Prof. Oliympe :”Then, What’s the function you learn in this magic

Ginny :”My defense against black magic is very weak, I’m afraid”

Prof. Olympe :”No one needs to fear dear. Now You’ve to go to your


Today is time for Portkey’s tournament, all of the tournament’s

participant have been ready for doing the tournament.

Hermione :”Are you afraid?”

Luna : “Yes”

Hermione :”We won’t die”

Luna :”How can we overcome it, when Voldemort come for killing us?”

Hermione :”Say the magic formula then comeback to Hogwarts”

Prof. Olympe :”Are you ready? Three, two, one go....”

Ginny : “Voldemort will come”

Hermione :”You and Ginny have to continue the tournament”

Harry :”Then, what will you do with Luna?”

Luna :”We will comeback to hogwarts and tell Prof. Olympe that

Voldemort has cameback”

Hermione :”Cause this is a tournament so you and Ginny have to fight

To get the portkey”

Harry :”Yes”

Hermione :”Harry if something happen, connect your stick with

Voldemort’s stick, collect your powers and then break the


Harry :”OK”

Hermione and Luna :”Expecto Patronum”

Voldemort :”Harry Potter, you’ve been bigger and more popular now”

Ginny :”Sectum...”

Voldemort :”Avada Cadavra”

Harry :”Ginny, are you Okay?”

Ginny :”Can you help me?”

Harry :”What can I help you?”

Ginny :”Take the portkey”

Harry :”You’ve killed my friend”

Voldemort :”And I will kill you now”

Harry and Voldemort :”Expelliarmus”

Harry :”Sectum sempra”

Prof. Olympe :”My child”

Hermione :”Ginny... Oh my God”

Luna :”What happened?”

Hermione :” I shouldn’t ask her to accompany Harry. It’s my fault”

Luna :”No. It’s my fault”

Prof. Olympe :”No... No ones wrong”

Harry :” Voldemort that has killed her”

Harry killed Voldemort with his magic formula, he take the

portkey from Voldemort’s after that. Ginny has been killed by

Voldemort. It’s the ending story of Harry Potter.

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