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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12



Time allowed: 21/2 hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. This paper has been divided into four sections.
Section A: Reading Comprehension 10 marks
Section B:Writing 15 marks
Section C: Grammar 15 marks
Section D: Literature(Text Books) 40 marks
Total 80 marks
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Marks are indicated against each question.
4. Do your paper in a neat handwriting.

Section A: Reading Comprehension

Q. 1 Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Street hawkers are seen everyday by us. They are a common feature of city life and are found in
every city. A street hawker is a mobile shopkeeper who carries his wares on his head or a handcart.
He sells all kinds of things like vegetables, fruits, ice-cream, eatables toys and other things of daily
use. He goes from one street to another to sell his wares.
A city hawker caters to the need of the people and supplies them goods at their homes, so he is liked
by people who get things at their door step. His way of selling good is charming. He shout sin the
street in a interesting tone Some hawkers ring bells and some make strange sounds, others sing
songs in order to attract the attention of their customers.
A hawker belongs to the poor section of the city population. He lives a hard life and has to work the
whole day to make both ends meet and thus feed his family.
(i)When and where are street hawkers seen?
(ii) Mention the things that a street hawker sells.
(iii) Complete the sentence: Some hawkers ring bells and some ………….. sounds, others ………… in
order to attract the attention of customers.
(iv) What kind of life does a hawker live?
(v) Trace wounds from the above passage which mean the opposite of : ‘buy’ and ‘rich’.
Q. 2 Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12

Robert Bruce was a prince. He wanted to do a lot of good for the people of his country. However the
king of the neighboring country took away his throne and kingdom and sent him out of the country.
Robert Bruce tried six times to fight against that king but failed. He now lived in a hut outside his
One day, while lying on the bed, his eyes fell on a spider. It was hanging by a silvery thread from a
log of wood. It was trying to swing to another beam of wood. Each time it treed to do that it fell back
again. The spider tried six times without success. Then it tried once again. Prince Bruce was sure it
would fall. What a surprise! The spider was able to go on to the beam with the thread. That was the
first thread of his web. In this way the spider wove his web.
Robert Bruce learnt his lesson from the spider . he rose fromhis bed . He gathered his soldiers and
fought against the king . He was able to get back his kinglom .The spider taught him the lesson
‘’Try,try again untill you succeed’’.
(i) What did prince Robert Bruce want to do?
(ii) Who took away the kingdom of Robert Bruce?
(iii) What did he see on the ceiling of the hut?
(iv) Complete the sentence:
The lesson that prince Robert Bruce learnt from the spider was…………

(v) Make pairs with the following words .Each pair should have similar meaning:
Gathered ,succeed, collected , win.


3. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him/her to grant you fee
Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in games.

4. Write a paragraph on any one of the given topics:

(i) Rainy Season
(ii) A Visit to a Book Fair
(iii) Value of Trees


5. Choose the correct verb from the brackets and fill in the blanks:

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(iii) We ……………..a bear in the wood last week .(saw/see)

6. Translate the following sentences into Hindi:
(i) I eat fruits every day.
(ii) We went to Nainital in summer holidays.
(iii) She is singing a song.
7. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the:
Once upon (a) …………… time many mice lives in (b) ………………. house. There was plenty of food in
(c) ………… house. (d) …………….. mice lived happily. One day (e) ………………… cat came there and
swallow (f)………… mice.
9. Choose the correct preposition and fill in the blanks:
(i) We must not talk ……………………..the class (in/on/to)
(ii) Do not throw paper……………………….the floor .(at/on/in)
(iii) My father bought me a gift ………………the shop.(from/of/in)


10. (a) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Do any one)
Mridu didn’t have much time to wonder about whose slipper they were, because Ravi dragged her
to the backyard, behind a thick bitter –berry bush. There inside a torn football lined with sacking
and filled with sand, lay a very small kitten, lapping up malik from a coconut flaf shell.
(i) Where did Ravi take Mridu?
(ii) What did he show her?
(iii) Complete the sentence: The little kitten drank milk…………………
(iv) Which word in the passage means……………….’to pull from one place to another’
The shop had certain quiet destination. There was no sign upon it other than the name of Gassler
Brothers; and in the window a few pairs of boots. He made only what was ordered, and what he
made never failed to fit. To make boots-such boots as he made –seemed to me then, and stroll
jseems to me mysterious and wonderful.
(i) Name of lesson.
(ii) What was the name of the shop?
(iii) What did the shop sell?
(iv) Pick out a word from the passage which means……………….’very fine’
(b) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12

He wore a question marks for tail,

An over coat of gray,
He sat up staight to eat a nut.
He liked to tease and play.
(i) Who is ‘he ‘ in these lines
(ii) What does its tail look like?
(iii) Pick out a pair of rhyming words.

When everybody is praising the sun,

The rebel remarks on the need for rain
When everybody is greeting the rain,
The rebel regrets the absence of sun
(i) When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want?
(ii) What does a rebel regret when it rains?
(iii) Which word in these lines mean……………. ‘to welcome’?
11. (a) Answer any two of the following in one word or one sentence each:
(i) whose advice did the king go to seek?
(ii) Name the musical instrument that Lalli learn to play.
(iii)Who hides in the shed in the poet’s garden?
(b) Answer any two of the followings in one word or one sentence each:
(i) What is the camel popularly known as?
(ii) In which season did soapy want to go to the prison?
(iii) What was the name of author’s pe elephant?

12. (a) Answer any three of the following questions in 20-30 words each:
(i) How did gopal get inside the palace to see the king agter he had bought the fish?
(ii) Why did the greedy couple borrow the mill and the mortar?
(iii) When is grown –up likely to say:
‘’don’t’ talk with your mouth full.’’?
(iv) Why did the author visit Mr. Gessler’s Shop so infrequently?

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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12

(b) Answer any three of the following questions in 20-30 words each:
(i) Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?
(ii) Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time . Why?
(iii) How can camel do without water for days together?
13. (a) answer any two of the following questions jin 30-40 words each:
(i) Who was the bearded man? Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?
(ii) How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
(iii) Why did the author order so many pairs of boots? Did he really need them?
(b) Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words each:
(i) How do the smaller dert animals fulfill their need for water?
(ii) In what way is and ant’s life peaceful?
(iii) How did kari enjoy his morning bath?
VALUE BASED QUESTION the text given below and answer the questions that follow:
Laws are rules that control the behaviour of members of a society . laws are applicable to us in all
the fields of human activity. It is our duty to obey laws everywhere ,wheter in school , in family in
playground or in a society laws ensure a friendly. Peasceful and fealess living . law of nature teaches
us to beave in a proper manner with all the natural thigs arournd us. Disobedience to the laws
creates troubles and disturbances in our lives.
(i) Arrnage the following acitivities under the two headings in the table given below:
Lawfull Lawless activity

(a) Jumping red light while driving

(b) Eating inside Metro Rail.
(c) Keeping the city clean.
(d) Not using mobile phone wite driving
(e) Stealing things from shops.
(f) Buying ticket in a bus
(ii) What kind of activities does soapy do in the story ‘ the coap and the anthem’? would ykou
call him a resposible citizen of the society?

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