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Aloizah Caanawan

Alaizah Caanawan

Sandrine Mae Dela Cruz

Millennial’s are always curious about new things. They want to experience
different things that are opposed to what they already knew, that’s why to come up to
the idea to serve them Coffee Jelly. The product is made of coffee, creamer, sugar and
jelly. The product which is Coffee Jelly is very affordable and it is tasty that it will be
worth the customer’s money.
We will start producing small batches at first to introduce it to people. Because
we are just new in this industry, we plan to introduce it to people we know or
acquaintances at first. The business is a partnership type for we will divide the financing
and management into nine. We plan to equally divide the management among us. And
also the profit that we will earn will be divided among us.
Our business aims to satisfy the needs of our customers for delicious foods and
provide them a nutritional treat for such an affordable price. Our team will channel a
friendly and pleasant atmosphere in every customer we will interact and productive
environment in which our group can work happily. We will sincerely value each of our
Our customers are the students, faculty teachers and staff, and our neighbour as
our team residents in different places. We seek far and responsible profit, enough to
keep the team financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate the future
investors for their investments and risk.
This business is owned by the partnership Lady Ciane Cruz, Jennifer Guerrero,
Noreen Martinada, Jexcel Obligar, Catherine Ramirez, Mary Jade Santos, Sarah
Santos, Sylle Sagon and Abegail Sigua. We have a share capital amounting to
PHP500.00 that we divided to buy equipments, materials and ingredients for the
The key to success for Coffee Jelly Product will be repeat business and the right
food with a right price. This business plan describes a profitable business and a
competitive team with good growth prospects.
Customers need to fulfil their satisfaction to our product. To assure and
reasonable them that the money they spent on buying our product is worth it. They play
a very significant role to every business because customers are the one who use
patronize and support a particular product and service.
Jelly is a food substance that can be taken at any time of the day without fear or
suffering from any side effects. Jelly is known to be highly nutritious as it contains more
than seventeen amino acids. These include the eight acids that are most essential for
the proper functioning of the human body. Thus jelly nutrition is extremely important and
helps in growth and development of the body. Jelly contains antimicrobial and
antibacterial characteristics. The nutritious contents of a jelly is also vital as it. It
provides fatty acids, protein, vitamin B, and various other kinds of important nutrients
such as aspartic acid to the body. Aspartic acid is known to muscle, tissue and cell
Jelly is made from sugar, acid and fruit juice and is a clear spread that is firm
enough to hold, to hold it shape. Jellies also can be made from ingredients other than
fruit, such as herbs, tea, wine, liquors, flowers and vegetables. Jellies are sweet and
soft made by boiling sugar and fruit juice until it is thick.
We deliver the goods physically to its target people particularly in the student
who are attracted in sweets and colourful product. For students and faculty teachers of
Immaculate Conception Parochial School or for the working people who want product
that are more health conscious and provide more nutritional value. And last, for the
ordinary citizens who are interested in desserts with affordable price that will put a smile
in their face.
We aim our business to be perceive that sell in affordable snack and at the same
time delicious. To become a successful business and our expected outcome about our
product are exploring a variety of Coffee Jelly Product, a perfect dessert.
In the business world, every company has their competitors which they have
complete for the success. This competitors may offer the same products to the
customers. They may have same goal to maximize profits to grow and to succeed.
Effectively, every business is at the battle fighting to get the same resources and
territory of the customers.
 Customers is one of the aspects that we must consider to make companies
competitive advantage. To identify the characteristics, population, segments and
social groupings of our target customers.

 Variety is a factors, Filipinos has different taste when it comes to desserts.

Filipinos spend time and money when choosing the right kind of dessert that they
will eat.


 Students – this includes people who are attracted in sweets and colourful

 Working People – this incudes teachers, administrators, faculty staff and etc. who
want product that are ore health conscious and provide more nutritional value.

 Ordinary Citizens – this includes people who are interested in desserts with
affordable price.

Our need customers that we have is sufficient to reach invest and grossing up money,
to buy new materials that need to supply our customers of our coffee jelly.

 Flexible management because we are hands on in the business.

 The beautiful product packaging of the products showing the originality and

 The business also sell retail jelly for those who cannot afford to buy
Our team is comprised of people and has an experience of selling simple products in
different people that surrounds us. Our team is focusing in the findings of different taste
of products of what our customer’s needs. We can improve and produce a product that
will be different to our customers and will be bought by our dear customers. Some of us
have different skills and talented in producing these products and these will be a big
fight for us.


Head of Cook Marketing/ Finance

Coffee Jelly



Nine of us will handle the business and we divide ourselves in three heads for the
function of each head. As the chart shown above, by heads has given its functions and
each duties. This is just a small business and still advertising the product when our
business will be improve.
The following are contingency plan that we made for our business;
a. If the sales increase in what we did not expected, we will produce more of our
products for the satisfaction of our customers. But if the sales decrease,
advertisement is the powerful way to attract people to buy in our product.
b. If the cost become higher in what we did not expected, we will compute the cost
of our materials and made our product fit for the number who bought in our
c. Offering discounts may help in selling our products if our competitors lower than
the price.
d. If our product do not sell, we plan to try another different or add some ingredients
or flavours depending on the customer’s preference and wants.
Our price will always consider the quality of the jelly that is distributed, from ingredients,
nutritional content, even on its packaging, this is to assure them that the money spent
on buying the product is worth it.

The 4p’s

A. Product
Coffee jelly is affordable and a delicious product. It is good for students and for
special occasions and it can make the customers satisfied.

B. Price
Coffee jelly consumers will buy our product not only for its affordability but also
because of a good taste it has and benefits that they can get. We will sell for only
20. We will offer its product at fair and reasonable price that make sense to the
purchasing customer. We assumed that the customers are finally well-off and
can afford to buy our coffee jelly product.

C. Place
Were just in 2nd floor Senior High Building room, Grade 11 Section Sapphire.

D. Promotion
We use different marketing strategy to attract our customers. Our goal is to be
known our product and have a good relation to our customers.
We will use marketing strategies like online visibility (example; posting on
facebook, twitter or instagram) and by the word of mouth by telling our customers
that our product has a good taste. Also we will tell them to recommend us to their
friends, co-teachers and relatives. These strategies make our customers aware
to our business.

Source of Funds
Alaizah Caanawan PHP 100.00
Aloizah Caanawan PHP 100.00

Sandrine Dela Cruz PHP 100.00



 Jelly 30.00
 Creamer 32.00
 Nescafe Coffee 28.00
 Cheese 30.00
 Nestle cream 52.00


 Plastic container 100.00


 Water 10.00
 Electricity 8.00
 Transportation 10.00

TOTAL 300.00

Name of Ingredients Operating No. of Unit Selling No. of Total Cost of

DATE Total Product
Product Expenses Servings Cost Per Price Servings Sales
Serving Sold

2, 2018 Jelly
PHP 272 PHP 28 PHP 300 50 pcs. PHP 6 PHP 8 50 pcs. PHP400 PHP 300 0

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