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A Qualitative Research

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School

Sacred Heart College

Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the

Practical Research I

Neil Joshua Z. Camaligan

Jose Mayo P. Pataunia

Patricia Anne Eclavea

Marion Izavell J. Gilbuena

Hajica Mae D. Jalla

February 2019



Nowadays, people tend to categorize students’ academic capability based on the

track students are taking in Senior High School. Senior High School offers different strands

in which these strands have certain subjects allotted for the students that will serve as a

guide and preparation for their college. One of these strands is the Humanities and Social

Sciences strand in which it is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of

the wall. Unlike Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), which focuses on mathematical and

analytical skills, Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) is more on language ability,

reasoning, communication, reading and writing skills. Majority of the students these days

are much undecided in to which path they will be taking and most of them falls under

HUMSS strand.

The HUMSS strand revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and

speaking skills because if you haven’t noticed yet, people who choose this strand are

aspiring to become members of the society who will be dealing with a lot of people. (e.g

teacher, psychologist, lawyer, etc.) Honing these skills are crucial for them to establish

effective communication with people when they are working. For these reasons, half of the

subjects involved in this strand focus on Language and Speech. While Mathematics and

Science are still included in their daily schedules, they are not too difficult since they do

not belong to the specialization subjects of the said strand. (Rosalia, 2015)
Furthermore, students under the HUMSS strand are expected to have

communication and interpersonal skills. One of the challenges faced by students under this

strand is the reading and writing requirements they have to finish. Teachers will give tons

of reading materials, writing and research topics, and other assignments that may include

a creative output like poems, paintings, and speeches. These activities require analytical,

creative, and communication skills. This strand does not focuses on analytical,

mathematical and logical skills unlike the other strands so other people see to it that

HUMSS is the easiest strand you can take. (Biliran, 2018)

The researchers came to agree to the study about the perception on the effects of

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) as the most brain-dead strand by the selected

HUMSS students of Sacred Heart College because they want to know how these effects

affect the students in their performance in school both in academic performance and

socialization. The researchers also want to know the possible solutions to prevent this

mindset coming from other people.

The purpose behind this study is to give and propose some methods for keeping the

antagonistic considerations of individuals about students taking the HUMSS strand and see

this strand as an exceptional one. The researchers concentrated on discovering approaches

to reduce the disbeliefs and improve HUMSS students' inspiration, conduct and in

accomplishing their deeds.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the perception of grade 11 HUMSS students as the most

brain-dead strand in Senior High School of Sacred Heart College. Specifically this sought

to answer the following questions and will serve as a guide to the researchers:
1. What are the factors why people consider HUMSS as the most brain-dead

strand in terms of:

1.1 peer;

1.2 subjects;

1.3 grades; and

1.4 behaviour?

2. What are the effects of the perspective of other people in Grade 11 Senior High

School to the students of HUMSS in terms of:

2.1 academic performance; and

2.2 socialization?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the perception of Grade 11

HUMSS students to their own academic performance in school?

4. After gathering all the results of the study, what could be the proper guide that

the researchers may give to the HUMSS students regarding the way other

people see their strand as empty-headed?

Assumptions of the Study

Based on the problem of the study entitled, Perception on the Effects of

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) as the Most Brain-Dead Strand by the Selected

HUMSS students of Sacred Heart College, the following assumptions are made:

1. The factors on why people consider HUMSS as the most brain-dead strand are

as follows:

1.1 The strand does not involve any mathematical and analytical skills;
1.2 It is cheaper than other strands;

1.3 Peer groups’ choice; and

1.4 This strand has a low standard in accepting grades.

2. The effects of the perspective of other people in Grade 11 Senior High School

to the student of HUMSS are the following:

2.1 The perspective of other people will let HUMSS student degrade

themselves in what they are doing in school.

2.2 HUMSS students will be more motivated in proving other people wrong

about their strand.

2.3 HUMSS students will have a hard time in socializing with others because

of the way they see them as brain-dead.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of the perception of Grade 11 HUMSS

students to their own academic performance in school are the following:

3.1 The advantages of the perception of Grade 11 HUMSS students to their own

academic performance in school are they will have more strength to excel

more in such activities.

3.2 The Grade 11 HUMSS students will not have any courage in continuing and

pursuing the strand they took.

4. The ways will a seminar about HUMSS strand can help manage other people’s

way of thinking about this strand considered as the most brain-dead are the


4.1 It will help other people see HUMSS strand as an exceptional and not just

a brain-dead that is composed of students whom they see as trash.

Theoretical Framework

Strands in senior high school are divided to their own path with their own way on

how to help each students academically; on which they could use to see their bright future

on their different jobs. HUMMS strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the

other side of the wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot

of people. Humanities and Social Science or HUMSS is what they took in senior high

school if they desire to possibly work as part of our Government, to become a Teacher,

Lawyer, Journalist, Anchor, Historian, Economist, Police, etc. In short, these are be the

people that wanted to help and wanted to do their best for the greater good of our country.

They see these people as the hope of our nation, doing what’s the best for all.

This strand covers a wide range of disciplines that delve into the investigation

and inquiry of the human conditions that uses empirical, analytical, and critical methods

of studying human behaviour and societal changes. Students pursuing college degrees

on this strand will have a deeper understanding of arts, culture, literature, politics,

and society and how the complex interplay of these facets help them appreciate

individual behaviour and social group and the pressing issues corresponding them.

Katrina T. (2017), my thoughts on the Academic Track Hierarchy. There are few

things more frustrating than having a hierarchy built where it wasn’t needed in the first

place. They set to build a hierarchy where the most challenging is the best strand for you.

This hierarchy is set to be discussed for the next generation to think that taking the strand

that aligned to your course will not define how wide your thinking skill is.

The pressure to put on students of Humanities and social studies (HUMSS) students

may know it best. There are many phrases tossed around when discussing strands, some
more insulting than others such as “walang kuwenta,” “for those who aren’t good at math,”

or “patapon.” However, despite their harshness, many of these sayings are still thrown

around, more so directed to those whose strands are not particularly known for their

specialization in mathematics or science. Likewise, those who have chosen HUMSS as

their strand for senior high school should not be looked down upon or degraded by those

of other strands. While it is true that excelling in mathematics and science is highly praised

and rewarded in our society, those under the HUMSS strand are equally worked as those

under the STEM strand, but in a different way. Instead of numbers on a board, the HUMSS

students are made to think creatively by submitting carefully worded outputs such as news

articles, and creative writing pieces. Such processes and activities allow the students to

hone their skills as creative and critical thinkers; a vital aspect of a person in the 21st


They set their minds into “HUMSS as senseless people,” otherwise, they should

see it equally like the other strands. For it is discussing on how to make our nation known

and able to amend a great society for the next generations. They might not see the greater

side of a HUMSS student, but wait until these HUMSS students take up the stage.

Zoe A. (2019), “HUMSS ka lang”. There’s nothing new to this problem,

institutions, corporations and even families have looked down on the liberal arts and social

sciences courses for years. Their perspective was there’s no point on pursuing liberal arts

other than that it’s a prerequisite to legal philosophy school time. They think that liberal

arts and social sciences courses was only circulating on being a law student and a politician.

Which in fact there are a lot of job prospects that a HUMSS student could get. Parents

argue that there are no viable careers for humanities majors. Even friends don’t get the
point of learning history. Asking questions “What are you going to do in HUMSS? Become

a politician?” and following up a statement “Isn’t being in HUMSS easy, since you don’t

deal with science or math?” “How will you make money from liberal arts? Better to become

a doctor or be in business.”

HUMSS not only cover up political science which many people were thinking of,

but it also tackles literature, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, communication and

psychology. Studying HUMSS doesn’t automatically mean you plan on becoming a

politician or lawyer; you can also be a writer, a counselor or even a broadcaster. The

assumption that every HUMSS student will end up to be a politician and assuming that

every student who take up a course in STEM is going to med school.

Senior High School strands have different topic on which they are focused on

studying. Based to the statements cited, academic strand hierarchy can see clearly in the

society nowadays, since K-12 program were approved. These were connected to the study

because some people really see it as the most brain-dead strand. Where students chose these

strands because they can’t handle the subjects given to other strands. Which they think

STEM was for only those who are good in math, science, and particularly for the smart

ones only and ABM if you are good at accounting, numbers, and business math and

HUMSS are for those people who are still undecided or for people that has nowhere to go.
Conceptual Paradigm

 Demographic Evaluation and

Conducting a
profile of the Interpretation of
Seminar for
selected Grade Perception of the
Selected Grade 11
11 HUMSS Selected Grade 11
HUMSS Students
Students Students on the
about handling and
according to their effects of the
managing the
age, sex. humanities and
thoughts of other
 Perceptions of social sciences as
people regarding
the selected the most brain-
dead strand their strand.
Grade 11
HUMSS on the through interviews
effects. and questionnaires.

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm Showing the Assessment of the Perception of Selected

Grade 11 HUMSS Students on the Effects of the Humanities and Social Sciences as the

Most Brain-Dead Strand.

The system approach will guide the researchers in their attempt to determine the

perception of selected Grade 11 HUMSS of SHC (Sacred Heart College.) The study will

attempt to help and manage other people’s way of thinking as seeing the HUMSS strand

not being good at their own academic performances. The paradigm above, illustrated in

Figure 1 shows a conceptual paradigm design primarily to guide the researchers through
the course of the study. It presents the variables of the current study together with the

process and expected output.

The Input Process Output approach will be utilized in the study. The first step is the

input phase whereby the researcher will ask for the demographic factors particularly the

age, gender, perception of selected grade 11 HUMSS on the early exposure their pupils,

and effects of what other people say about their strand are the components of the input of

the study.

The next step is the process wherein the researchers will have the analysis of the

demographic variables, perception of selected grade 11 HUMSS students will comprise the

process of the study through interviews and questionnaires.

Lastly, after the process, the results on the analysis will be intended for the HUMSS

strand to be guided based from a conducted seminar that talks about HUMSS strand as an

exceptional one.

Scope and Limitation

The researchers used the qualitative design in analyzing the different data about

HUMSS strand to be obtained. Furthermore, the researchers also used the descriptive

narrative method to gain the opinions and perceptions of the respondents.

The researchers have chosen Sacred Heart College, Lucena City to conduct the

study because they know that the locale is more accessible for them. The researchers have

chosen 20 students, five (5) each section in Grade 11 coming from the HUMSS strand to

be their respondents. Before the researchers seek the perception of the respondents, they
first asked permission to the principal of senior high school to allow them in conducting a

study in the said school.

In conducting the interview, the researchers used a semi-structured interview with

an open-ended questions for the respondents to further explain their thoughts and

perceptions. The researchers also used a recorder for them to easily analyze the answers of

the respondents. And finally, the researchers considered the rights of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the results of the study would be beneficial to the


To the students. They will be apprehensive of the academic strand hierarchy that

started to occur nowadays. Also they will have an idea how to stop and prevent it from

happening, and able to have enough knowledge to avoid the effects of it to their co-students

in the school.

To the parents. They will have awareness about what is happening on their child

while living in this generation and able to guide their child to their bright future.

To the teachers. They will understand the behaviour of the students towards their

peer because students experienced being looked down by their co-students based on the

strand they took in senior high school as stated in the study. They may be able to guide the

students to build up their personality and serve as a good example to the eyes of their


To the current researchers. They will understand the effects and factors on why

students looked down to strand of HUMSS. They will able to help other students to be
aware of it and able to avoid it from happening to other students who are taking up HUMSS

as their strand in Senior High School.

To the future researchers. This study will help them acquire more insights on the

academic strand hierarchy and its possible effects to the students. This may serve as a guide

and useful material for the follow up research about the perspective of other people towards

HUMSS as the most brain-dead strand.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally by the researchers.

Academic Performance. It refers on the way on how students participate in terms of

academic aspects.

Brain-dead. It is how other people see HUMSS strand; extremely stupid.

Effects. It refers to the possible impacts of other people’s way of thinking to HUMSS


Humanities and Social Sciences. Also referred to as HUMSS which is for learners who

aim to take up journalism, communication and liberal arts, education and other social

science-related courses in college.

Perception. It is the way people see, understand and interpret something.

Socialization. It refers on the way students interact with other people.

Strand. It is the type of academic track where grade 11 students belong.



This chapter consists of two parts: Related Literature and Related Studies,

respectively. It contains data that has similarity and connection with the information and

are needed to back-up the current research.

Related Literature

This part presents the literature that gives related information that will facilitate

better support in the study to be made; moreover, it includes current thoughts on HUMSS-

related research. The aim of this literature review is to provide different perceptions on

HUMSS strand to guide the research.

In connection with Senior High School (SHS), Department of Education (2015)

states that the K-12 program offers a decongested 12-year program that gives students

sufficient time to master skills and absorb basic competencies. Senior High School is two

years of particular upper optional training that students may pick a specialization dependent

on fitness, interests, and school limit. The decision of vocation track will characterize the

substance of the subjects that the students will take in Grade 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall

under either the central subjects or explicit track. SHS covers the most recent two years of

the K to 12 program and incorporates Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will experience

central subjects and subjects under a track of their decision (,

n.d). The K to 12 Program spreads Kindergarten and 12 years of fundamental training (six

years of essential instruction, four years of middle school, and two years of Senior High

School) to give adequate time to authority of ideas and aptitudes, create deep rooted

students, and plan graduates for tertiary training, center dimension abilities advancement,
and business. Every student in SHS can pick among three tracks: Scholarly; Specialized

Professional Vocation; and Sports and Arts. The academic track includes three strands:

Accountancy, Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS);

and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Students experience

drenching, which may incorporate gain while-you-learn openings, to give them significant

presentation and genuine encounter in their chosen track (Official Gazette, 2012).

According to Mapua University (2016), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

is a strand under academic track in Senior High School that is designed to effectively

prepare students who seek to pursue a college degree on liberal education, and it is about a

variety of subjects, looking at the world and its people from various points of view.

Students who will take this strand will learn about ideas and beliefs that have guided human

beings and shaped civilizations for thousands of years. The learning activities are directed

towards the development of critical thinking. This strand will take introductory courses,

which will give students a wide knowledge of subjects and will guide them later on in

choosing their major discipline.

In addition to Ron Ronquillo (2017), he stated that there are so much more than

learning about people in taking up Humanities and Social Sciences. In HUMSS strand, it

revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because as you

can see after they take up the course they wanted to pursue, they dealt with a lot of people

around them. Honing these skills are crucial for them to establish effective communication

with people when they are working. More of the subjects or ½ of the subjects in HUMSS

were focused on language and speech. Even if Mathematics and Sciences are also included
on their daily schedule, they are not too broad since they do not belong to the specialization

subjects of the said strand.

Bittar (2016), stresses that unfortunately, in this country, and in this culture,

Humanities and Social Sciences still need defending. It was no surprise for HUMSS

students, which they would be underestimated especially when it came to the other

academic and even non-academic strands; that to an extent, they would be treated with

lesser importance. “That’s just Humanities and Social Sciences. That won’t get you

a real job in the future.” Hence, it also came to no surprise, when this teacher, who’s being

barked at online, had this opinion. It is also going to be no surprise when and if the number

of people wanting to enroll in this strand would gradually decrease every year as the stigma

against it is still very much alive and loud. People are diluting the fundamental importance

of “soft sciences,” and are passively equating HUMSS students to people who “still don’t

have a sense of direction in their lives.” A lot of people put so much premium on courses

that will yield a “high-earning job” in the future, to the point that everything related to the

arts and social sciences are unfairly viewed as useless and a waste of time and money; that

HUMSS are for people who are stupid, and who were never smart enough to get in the

other academic strands.

These are the factors on why students took HUMSS strand and on why people

consider HUMSS as the most brain-dead strand:

The gaining capability of a student’s picked calling is said to be a factor that impacts

their vocation way. Students may discover one part of their profession that is more

monetarily compensating than another, or that working their way through the positions

holds more prominent budgetary motivation than remaining in a similar activity. Students’
own budgetary needs are likewise liable to impact the profession decisions they make.

Opportunity is the third factor that has formed profession decisions for students.

Opportunity may impact how students have seen their future as far as the sensible

likelihood of a future specifically profession fields. The issue of destitution has assumed a

critical deciding job in the open doors accessible to all (McQuerrey, 2006).

Moreover, personality and behavior assume a major role in the picking of the

correct vocation. A student’s personality and behavior must act naturally roused sort, as to

research profession conceivable outcomes from at an opportune time in their lives, and not

the lingering type that holds up till they are constrained to choose. Students must consider

important the job grades play in restricting open doors later on. Splaver (2000), mentioned

that it is imperative for students to have a decent comprehension of their selves, their

identity, in the event that they are to make smart profession arrangements. McQuaid and

Bond (2003), also mentioned that impression of being reasonable for specific employments

additionally has been observed to be affected by various elements including ethnic

foundation, year in school, dimension of accomplishment, decision of science subjects,

mentalities and contrasts in occupation attributes. A large portion of the students need

sufficient data with respect to different professions henceforth the decisions that they make

are implanted in their view of the perfect employment and the subjects they think about in

auxiliary school (Taylor et al, 2004).

Parents also have a big impact on the profession ways their children seek after. A

parent may encourage a youngster into a livelihood like their own, or to one that has

exhibited high gaining force. The students may wind up pulled in to a specific profession

as a result of their parents' expert history, which likely has given them a direct point of
view on that sort of work. Numerous students grow up romanticizing the callings of their

parents. On the off chance that they generally admired their mom and respected her

instructing aptitudes that may impact them to seek after a vocation in training. Parents may

likewise deliberately or unexpectedly push their children toward a specific profession way,

particularly in the instances of family-claimed organizations, where parents anticipate that

their kids should assume control over the organization. Still different parents apply weight

on their children to take a stab at specific prominent professions, feeling they are urging

their kids to achieve high (McQuerrey, 2006). One reliable finding in research proposes

that young people's own yearnings are impacted by their parents’ desires. Parental help and

consolation are vital variables that have been found to impact vocation decision. Kids may

pick what their parents want just to satisfy them (Taylor et al, 2004).

As indicated by Pummel, Harwood and Lavallee (2008), the outside impacts that

assistance to shape a student's profession decision are likewise affected by significant

others through social help from friends. Individuals around contribute a great deal in one's

basic leadership. Companions may impact an individual decision of profession. A student’s

interest might be influenced by peers for the reason that one needs to be with them in

satisfying dreams or a specific vocation. Schoolmates additionally assume an important

role in the development of a student's accomplishment, related convictions and qualities,

regardless of whether these colleagues do not generally compare with the companion

gathering of relaxation time and enjoyment. Developments of students’ interest were really

affected by their peers and classmates. (Frenzel et al, 2010).

Related Studies

In order to gain a more detailed insight into the concept on the effects of Humanities

and Social Sciences as the most brain-dead strand to HUMSS students, numerous sources

were reviewed to identify related data that could serve as foundation for the study. The

following are related studies that will back-up the research.

As mentioned by Elnasin (2017), in all strand that K-12 is offering, HUMSS is

being discriminated that most of the people think it is the easiest strand. Elnasin, together

with her co-researchers, examined the differences in each student’s perception towards

HUMSS. They conducted an online survey with Senior High School students in Lyceum

of the Philippines University, Batangas City enrolled in different strands. They found out

that students think others chose HUMSS to surpass senior high school. The study they

conducted aims to change the mindset of the people that HUMSS is not a basic strand

which means it covers not just political science but literature, anthropology, philosophy,

linguistics, communication and psychology. This finding proved that this strand is not a

piece of cake like what other people think. Hand outs, research papers, speech, reports, and

on how can you stand up alone in front of the class are only some of the things HUMSS

students do on their daily basis. They concluded that hearing someone saying “HUMSS ka

lang” will never be okay for HUMSS students because it is their future, passion, and

happiness that are stake on the line. All strands have different struggles and no matter what

strand you are students should not drag each other instead, focus on what you are facing

and never underestimate anyone for what they really love of doing.

This study shows the competency of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) and Accountancy, Business Management (ABM) on interacting with

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). It relates on this study through showing the

attitude of HUMSS students on how they manipulate such perceptions towards their strand.

Whether the STEM and ABM think that they are more superior than HUMSS in terms of

academic performances.

As proven by the study “Assessment Schemes in the Senior High School in the

Philippine Basic Education” (Magno, 2016), the survey results showed that students who

took HUMSS strand exemplify English and science skills. HUMSS students also shows

aptitude in verbal analogy, syllogism, number and letter series. They also inclined on social

science, creative arts, human relations management, personal service, politics, etc. The

finding was also supported by the Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review (2016)

which stated that the Humanities and Social Sciences are just as much pillars of society as

the maths and sciences are. Math and science, while they may improve and progress our

world, do not have the same effect on culture and tradition as the humanities and social

sciences thus, sciences deal with people as organisms, but it is the social sciences that will

take the person as a human being.

As per the study led by Garcez (2007), it was discovered that by expanding vocation

advancement exercises, which incorporates defining profession objectives, students had a

higher confidence. Possibly progressively critical, be that as it may, is that students were

increasingly fulfilled about the instruction they were accepting. This will, thus, ideally lead

to students having a more profound want and pledge to prevail in their instruction. Another

result of a higher confidence, is that those students picked more troublesome objectives

than students with low senses of confidence. She noticed that magnificent detailed

arrangement for showing guardians and educators how to show youthful students to set
vocation objectives. The arrangement requires an all-out network exertion through

instructors, guardians, and organizations. Students must be allowed and given a chance to

distinguish and investigate their ideal professions. They can achieve this through the

"School to Work Progress" or "Occupation Shadowing System." Through the agreeable

endeavors of the whole network, students can distinguish profession decisions, set vocation

objectives, and have higher senses of confidence at an early age. At last, they will

additionally go into their training and have a superior shot of prevailing in the "do or bite

the dust" world in which we live, profession choice.

The manner in which standards are applied is highly important in ensuring their

success in facilitating student learning and in promoting positive outcomes. To start with, it

is important to understand that standards call for a change in the assessment and teaching

approaches. Assessment and standards are intertwined, an aspect that makes them both core

parts of the instruction program and the curriculum (Tannehill, 2015). Unlike the traditional

standards application approaches where the content that students are expected to attain is

predetermined, with testing carried out to ensure that students have known such standards,

to facilitate proper learning, it is important for the assessment process to be based on

establishing whether the students are able to apply the knowledge they have leant as opposed

to simply accumulating facts. In addition, as opposed to using standards to foster competition

among the students and to rank them against each other, it is important for the state to ensure

that the standard-based assessment is directed at providing all the students with a level

ground whereby they are assessed against the established standards according to their needs

in order to foster achievement of an acceptable level of proficiency and to establish a culture

of success (Peacock, Hart, & Drummond, 2012).

Together, these studies implicate that the perception of other people towards

HUMSS strand has a huge impact to the students who are taking this strand. Therefore, it

may affect the students in their academic performance and socialization.



This chapter presents the research methodology and procedures that will be used to

answer the research problem in this study. It includes the research design, research locale,

research population and sample, research instrument, data-gathering procedures, and

ethical considerations of the study. This will help the readers thoroughly understand what

will happen through the process of the study. It will also facilitate easy understanding of

the interpretation of the findings that will be discussed in the next chapter.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers select the qualitative approach so that it would give an

understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations regarding the perception

of selected Grade 11 HUMSS students as their strand being considered as the most brain-

dead. Specifically, phenomenological study in order to have a deeper understanding on

how these students experience the effects of this particular situation in which people tend

to degrade them because of their chosen track. This design aims to gather the information

which will be needed by the researchers.

As stated by Giorgi (2012), it is appropriate for the phenomenological study that is

being delve since it focuses on different aspects of a lived experience for the researchers to

gather data from the HUMSS students. Qualitative research pertains about exploring issues,

understanding phenomenological study and answering questions by analyzing and making

sense of semi – structured interview and in-depth conversations. Semi – structured

comprises of a few key questions that help characterize areas that will be studied yet
additionally enables the interviewee to wander so as to seek after on thought or reaction in

more subtleties.

Research Locale

This study will take place at Sacred Heart College, Lucena City during the school

year of 2018-2019. Sacred Heart College was founded by Hermana Fausta Labrador in the

year 1884.

It is a private educational institution located at the City of Lucena, Quezon

Province. Sacred Heart College had its roots in the vision of a simple and saintly woman

named Hermana Fausta Labrador whose exemplary life was moulded on the Vincentian

spirituality. It stands for 134 years and it continues to develop through the years. Sacred

Heart College entertains pre-elementary pupils up to college students.

The researchers select this locale to give benefits to the Grade 11 HUMSS students

of Sacred Heart College in order to guide them on how to face different difficulties on such

negative perspectives being thrown at them by other people. They would be able to share

the knowledge they got from this research to co-students and other friends. Also, the school

will provide the necessary data and information needed in this study.

Population and Sample

The Grade 11 HUMSS students will be the respondents of the researchers’ study.

Non –probability sampling will be coordinated in this study wherein individuals from the

sample are drawn from the populace dependent on the judgment of the researchers. Laerd

(2013), the aftereffects of a study utilizing this sampling technique are generally one-sided.
There is no arbitrary choice of individuals of the sample from the population. Randomized

or randomization process is not considered in this strategy of getting a sample.

Specifically, purposive or intentional sampling will be utilized in the research to

probably choose a specific gathering of groups dependent on the specific criteria, purposes

or factors. The majority of the students who fill in as the respondents came from Sacred

Heart College.

Research Instrument

The researchers will plan a semi –structured interview as their specific source of

information and data which will be required on the researchers’ study. The interview

timetable will be partitioned into two unique segments. The initial segment is the statistic

profile of the Grade 11 HUMSS students of Sacred Heart College, and the second part is

the view of these students towards the path on how other individuals see their strand. The

information that will be accumulated is exposed to examination and interpretation. The

analyzation of the performed interview will be utilized to approve the reactions of the

researchers’ respondents, which are the students of Grade 11 HUMSS of Sacred Heart


To ensure the legitimacy of the questions of the semi – structured interview, the

figured inquiries will be introduced to an expert which is a professional in the field of senior

high school education. The recommendations amid the approval of the planned questions

by the expert is actualized on the made instrument by the researchers.

Data Gathering Procedures

After the approval of the research instrument, the researchers will compose a letter

routed to the school main of Sacred Heart College to request that authorization lead the

research. At the point when the letter has been endorsed, the information of the research

entitled "Perception on the Effects of Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) as the Most

Brain-Dead Strand", will be gathered through direct or talk with strategy. This technique

includes an immediate contact with the interviewees, especially the students of Grade 11

HUMSS of Sacred Heart College. The researchers will get the data by making inquiries

and requests from these students of Sacred Heart College. This strategy will give steady

and increasingly exact information and data since clarification will be given to the students

of Sacred Heart College.

The researchers will utilize the semi –structured interview since it will comprise of

a few key questions that will help to characterize regions on the study that will investigated.

This will permit the Grade 11 HUMSS students of Sacred Heart College to connect

completely so as to seek after a thought and reaction to the investigation likewise.

Data Analysis

The researchers will play and listen a few times to the tape accounts they have made

together with perusing and re-perusing the content to evaluate the nature of the information

before the analysis. By centering the inquiries and subjects, they will compose the

information by looking at the appropriate responses of the respondents to distinguish

consistencies and contrasts of the data. They will sort and arrange the information they got

to diminish the information into littler groupings to be increasingly reasonable. The

researchers will enter and sort out the information and check it for mistakes. At that point,

they will analyze the information by gathering it as indicated by subjects. In conclusion,

they will translate the outcomes to orchestrate into a coherent entirety.

Ethical Considerations

The standards of research morals will be guaranteed in leading this research through

entirely observing the following: (i) Any part of the research study would not make

reference to the names of the respondents, especially the Grade 11 HUMSS students of

Sacred Heart College. (ii) The researchers would not sincerely or physically harm the

respondents to accumulate the information that are requested in this study. (iii) Noting

references of the materials that will be used in the study will be legitimately done to

appropriately obey copyright laws. (iv) A correspondence letter will be presented to the

school main of Sacred Heart College to offer authorization to lead the interview required

on the study. (v) Validation of the research instruments that are required on the study will

be oppressed. The recommendations will be joined in the instrument that will consolidate

on the researchers’ study.

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