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2. A juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do

a. Civil obligation b. Natural obligation c. Moral obligation d. Social obligation

3. They give a right of action to compel their performance

a. Civil obligation b. Moral obligation c. Natural obligation d. Social obligation

4. The oblige has a right to enforce, the obligation against the obligor in a court of law
a. Civil obligation b. Moral obligation c. Natural obligation d. Social obligation

5. This is based on equity and justice

a. Civil obligation b. Moral obligation c. Natural obligation d. Social obligation

6. The person in whose favor the obligation is constituted

a. Obligor b. Obligee c. Passive Subject d. Debtor

7. Synonymous to obligee
1. Creditor 2. Active Subject 3. Debtor 4. Passive Subject
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

8. The person who has the duty of giving, doing or not doing
a. Obligee b. Obligor c. Active Subject d. Creditor

9. Synonymous to obligor
1. Creditor 2. Active Subject 3. Debtor 4. Passive Subject
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

10. The object or subject matter of the obligation

a. Prestation b. Vinculum c. Active Subject d. Passive Subject

11. The efficient cause or juridical tie why the obligation exists
a. Active subject b. Passive subject c. Prestation d. Vinculum

12. The duty not to recover what has voluntarily been paid although payment was no longer required
a. Civil obligation b. Natural obligation c. Moral obligation d. Juridical obligation

13. The following are sources of obligations derived from law, except
a. Contracts b.Quasi-contracts c. Delicts d. Quasi-delicts

14. Cannot be enforced by court action and depend exclusively upon the good conscience of the debtor
a. Civil obligation b. Natural obligation c. Moral obligation d. Social obligation


15. A owes B P1,000. A, knowing that the debt has prescribed nevertheless, still pays B. Can A recover
what he voluntarily paid?
First answer Yes, because B has no right to demand the payment affected by A
Second answer No, the payment extinguished the natural obligation.

a. Both answers are correct c. Only the first is correct

b. Both answers are wrong d. Only the second is correct

16. The duty to pay taxes and to support one’s family are obligations arising from
a. Law b. Contracts c. Quasi-contracts d. Delicts

18. A supports B, a minor because B’s father refuse to support B. The father is obliged to reimburse A.
The source of obligation is
a. Contract b. Quasi-contract c. Delict d. Quasi-delict

19. A juridical relation resulting from lawful, voluntary, and unilateral act and which has for its purpose
the payment of indemnity to the end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense
of another


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