Civil Law Reviewer

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This law cannot be given retroactive effect even if it expressly so provides:

Atty. Crisostomo A. Uribe a. Procedural law
b. Curative law
1st Quiz c. Ex post facto law
d. A law creating new rights
Part One e. None of the above
True of False
Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true. 13. “One year” from January 1, 2016 is:
a. December 30, 2016
1. Laws shall take effect fifteen days after their complete publication in the b. December 31, 2016
Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided. FALSE c. January 1, 2017
2. A law shall be given retroactive effect only if the law itself expressly so d. January 2, 2017
provides. FALSE e. None of the above
3. Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, and their violation or non-
observance shall not be excused by disuse, or custom or practice to the 14. The following shall be governed by the nationality principle, except:
contrary. TRUE a. Family rights and duties
4. When the courts declare a law to be inconsistent with the Constitution, the b. Status of persons
latter shall be void and the former shall govern. FALSE c. Legal capacity of persons
5. Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations shall be valid only d. All of the above
when they are not contrary to the laws of the Constitution. TRUE e. None of the above
6. When the laws speak of years, months, days or nights, it shall be understood
that years are of three hundred sixty-six says each; months, of thirty days; 15. Capacity to act:
days, of twenty-four hours, and nights from sunset to sunrise. FALSE a. Is the fitness to be the subject of legal relations
7. Penal laws and those of public security and safety shall be obligatory upon b. Is inherent in every natural person
all who live or sojourn in the Philippine territory. TRUE c. Is acquired and may be lost
8. Laws relating to legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the d. All of the above
Philippines, even though living abroad. TRUE e. None of the above
9. Under the Abuse of Rights Principle, every person must, in the performance
of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty 16. The following circumstances modify or limit capacity to act, except:
and good faith. FALSE a. Age
10. Juridical capacity, which is the power to do acts with legal effect, is b. Insanity
acquired and may be lost. FALSE c. Penalty
d. All of the above
Part Two e. None of the above
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
17. For civil purposes, the foetus is considered born if it is alive at the time it is
11. If a law is silent as to the date of its effectivity and it was published in the completely delivered from the mother’s womb. However, it is not deemed
Official Gazette on January 5, 2016, it is effective on: born if it dies within twenty-four hours after its complete delivery from the
a. January 19, 2016 maternal womb if:
b. January 5, 2016 a. The child is born less than 9 months from the death of the child’s
c. January 20, 2016 father
d. January 21, 2016 b. The child is born less than 8 months from the death of the child’s
e. February 5, 2016 father
c. The child is born less than 7 months from the death of the child’s

d. Any of the above 6. Children conceived or born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate.
e. None of the above FALSE
7. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of three months
18. If there is a doubt, as between two or more persons who are called to or has failed within the same period give any information as to his or her
succeed each other, as to which of them died first whereabouts shall be deemed to have no intention of returning to the
a. The older is presumed to have survived conjugal dwelling. FALSE
b. The younger is presumed to have survived 8. The conjugal partnership shall be governed by the rules on co-ownership in
c. The male is presumed to have survived if the other is a female all that is not in conflict with what is expressly determined in this Chapter
d. They are deemed to have died at the same time or by the spouses in their marriage settlements. FALSE
e. None of the above 9. The community property shall consists of all property owned by the spouses
at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter. FALSE
19. A minor may not have the rights to institute an action for annulment if he 10. A donation by reason of marriage may be revoked by the donor if the
actively misrepresented as to his age under the principle of: marriage is not celebrated. TRUE
a. Laches
b. Prescription Part Two
c. In pari delicto Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
d. Estoppel
e. None of the above 11. The following marriages are void from the beginning for reasons of public
policy, EXCEPT:
20. This is rule is based on a presumption established because of the obligatory a. Between second cousins
force of law. It is dictated not only by expediency but also by necessity. b. Between step-parents and step-children
a. Ignorantia legis non excusat c. between parents-in-law and children-in-law
b. Stare decisis d. between uncle and niece
c. In pari delicto e. between the adopting parent and the adopted child;
d. Estoppel
e. Dura lex sed lex 12. The following are grounds for legal separation, except:
____________________________________________________________________ a. Adultery
b. Conviction of a crime involving a penalty of at least 2 years
2nd Quiz and 1 day
c. Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner
Part One d. Drug addiction, whether or not existing at the time of marriage
True of False e. None of the above
Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true.
13. A marriage license is required in the following:
1. A marriage license shall be issued by the local civil registrar of the city or a. A marriage in articulo mortis between passengers or crew
municipality where both contracting parties habitually reside. FALSE members of airlines
2. Marriages between the uncles and nephews are incestuous and void from b. A marriage in articulo mortis between persons within the zone of
the beginning. FALSE military operation
3. An action for annulment shall in no case be tried before six months shall c. A marriage between Filipino citizens abroad solemnized by a
have elapsed since the filing of the petition. FALSE consul
4. The marriage settlements and any modification thereof shall be in a pubic d. A marriage where the residence of either party is so located that
instrument. FALSE there is no means of transportation to enable such party to appear
5. If the future spouses agree upon a regime of conjugal partnership of gains, personally before the local civil registrar
they cannot donate to each other in their marriage settlements more than e. None of the above
one-fifth o their present property. TRUE

14. For a child to be legitimate, he must be:
a. Conceived during the marriage 19. This is required for a child by artificial insemination to be a legitimate child
b. Born during the marriage of A and B, husband and wife, respectively:
c. Conceived and born during the marriage a. The child was conceived as a result of artificial insemination of C
d. Conceived or born during the marriage b. The child was conceived with the sperm of A
e. All of the above c. Both A and B authorize the artificial insemination in a written
f. None of the above instrument
d. The authority or ratification of such artificial insemination may be
15. The effects of legal separation are the following, except: signed after the birth of the child
a. The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other e. None of the above
b. The absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall be
dissolved and liquidated 20. Natividad is the widow of Mariano. Melitonia is her mother. Rupert is her
c. The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting grandchild. Generoso is her brother. Crescente is her nephew. Who will first
from the innocent spouse by intestate and testamentary be compelled to give support to Melitonia?
succession. a. Melitonia
d. The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to the innocent b. Rupert
spouse, subject to the provisions of Article 213 of this Code c. Generoso
e. None of the Above d. Crescente
e. Mariano
16. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling shall be prima facie ____________________________________________________________________
presumed to have no intention of return to the conjugal dwelling:
a. After 90 days 3rd Quiz
b. Immediately after leaving the conjugal dwelling
c. After 6 months Part One
d. After 1 year True of False
e. After 5 years Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true.
a. Both are true
17. The conjugal partnership shall be liable for all debts and obligations b. Both are false
contracted during the marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for c. No. 1 is true, No. 2 is false
the benefit of the conjugal partnership of gains. In case of insufficiency of d. No. 1 is false, No. 2 is true
said assets, the spouses shall be liable:
a. Solidarily
b. Jointly 1. Statements [B]
c. Alternatively An action for legal separation shall be filed within one year from the time
d. Cumulatively the innocent spouse became cognizant of the cause. FALSE

18. This shall be excluded from the community property: If the husband does not actively look for the wife who left the conjugal
a. Property acquired during the marriage by onerous title by either home after her adulterous acts were discovered, there is condonation.
spouse FALSE
b. Property acquired during the marriage by either spouse who
has legitimate descendants by a former marriage 2. Statements [B]
c. Property acquired before the marriage by gratuitous title by either The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other from the
spouse time the decree of legal separation becomes final and executory. FALSE
d. Jewelry
e. None of the above

The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting from the e. None of the above
innocent spouse by intestate succession of he gave cause for legal
separation. FALSE 8. The decree of legal separation shall have the following effects, except:
a. The marriage bonds shall not be severed;
3. Statements [B] b. The absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall be
An action for annulment on the ground that the defendant was affiliated dissolved and liquidated but the offending spouse shall have a
with sexually-transmissible diseases found to be serious and appears to be share of the net profits earned by the absolute community or
incurable will prosper. FALSE the conjugal partnership
c. Provisions in favor of the offending spouse made in the will of the
Non-disclosure of the wife’s pre-marital relationships with another man innocent spouse shall be revoked by operation of law
constitutes fraud as a ground for annulment of marriage. FALSE d. All of the above
e. None of the above
4. Statements [B]
If one of the contracting parties was only 19 at the time of the solemnization 9. The decree of annulment shall have the following effects, except:
of marriage, the action for annulment on the ground that the marriage was a. The absolute community of property or the conjugal partnership, as
solemnized without parental consent should be filed within 5 years from the the case may be, shall be dissolved and liquidated
time the party attains the age of 21. FALSE b. Donations by reason of marriage shall remain valid, except
that if the donee contracted the marriage in bad faith, such
The action for annulment of marriage on the ground of fraud must be filed donations made to said done are revoked by operation of law
within 5 years from the solemnization of the marriage. FALSE c. The innocent spouse may revoke the designation of the other
spouse who acted in bad faith as beneficiary in any insurance
5. Statements [C] policy, even if such designation be stipulated as irrevocable
Concubinage is a ground for legal separation. TRUE d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Abandonment of petitioner by respondent for more than one year is a
ground for legal separation. FALSE 10. A petition for legal separation may be filed on any of the following
grounds, except:
Part Two a. Final judgment sentencing the respondent to imprisonment of more
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only. than six years
b. Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage,
6. The obligation of supporting a spouse ceases after the following, except: whether in the Philippines or abroad
a. Dissolution of the marriage by the death of a spouse c. Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner; a
b. Declaration of nullity common child, or a child of the petitioner
c. Annulment of marriage d. Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without justifiable cause
d. Legal separation for more than one year
e. None of the above e. None of the above
7. A petition for legal separation may be filed on this ground:
a. Grossly abusive conduct directed against a common child, or a 4th Quiz
child of the respondent;
b. Attempt of petitioner to corrupt or induce a common child to Part One
engage in prostitution True of False
c. Conviction by final judgement of a crime involving moral Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true.
turpitude a. Both are true
d. All of the above b. Both are false

c. No. 1 is true, No. 2 is false
d. No. 1 is false, No. 2 is true 6. A parcel of land is presumed to belong to the community if:
a. It was acquired by gratuitous title
1. Statements [D] b. It was acquired by onerous title
The property relations of the spouses shall be governed primarily by the c. It was acquired before the marriage
provisions of the Family Code. FALSE d. It was registered during the marriage
e. None of the above
X died in 1987 survived by Y, his widow. If X did not execute a marriage
settlement, the regime that shall govern their property relations shall be 7. The fruits from the exclusive property of a spouse shall form part of the:
conjugal partnership of gains. TRUE a. Exclusive properties of a spouse in a conjugal partnership of gains
b. Conjugal partnership properties only if the property was acquired by
2. Statements [B] gratuitous title
The property relations of the spouses, both being Filipinos, shall be c. Community properties if property was acquired by gratuitous title
governed by Philippine laws, regardless of the place of the celebration of d. Community properties if property was acquired by onerous title
the marriage and their residence. FALSE e. None of the above

Donations between prospective spouses made in the marriage settlement in 8. Which among the following is not a ground to revoke a donation by reason
consideration of a future marriage, shall be revocable if the marriage does of marriage:
not take place. FALSE a. When the marriage takes place without the consent of the parents or
guardians as required by law
3. Statements [D] b. If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is complied with
In order that the donation by reason of marriage involving a movable may c. Donations made in the marriage settlements, if the marriage is
be valid, it must be made in writing, FALSE judicially declared void ab initio
d. Upon legal separation, the donor being the guilty spouse
In case of foreclosure of the encumbrance and the property is sold for more e. None of the above
than the total amount of said obligation, the done shall be entitled to the
excess. TRUE 9. The property regime of the spouses married I 1989 will NOT be absolute
community of property if:
4. Statements [B] a. No marriage settlement was executed
The marriage settlements and any modification thereof shall be in writing b. The marriage settlement is void
and executed during the celebration of the marriage. FALSE c. The marriage settlement specified absolute community of property
d. If one of the contracting parties is a surviving spouse who
If the future spouses agree upon a regime of conjugal partnership of gains, contracted a subsequent marriage without liquidating the
they cannot donate to each other in their marriage settlements more than community property
one-fifth of their future property. FALSE e. None of the above

5. Statements [B] 10. This shall be excluded from the community property:
Donations of present property shall be governed by the provision on a. Property acquired during the marriage by onerous title by either spouse
testamentary succession and the formalities of wills. FALSE b. Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has a child
before the marriage
The conjugal partnership shall be governed by the rules on the contract of c. Property acquired before the marriage by gratuitous title by either
partnership. FALSE spouse
d. Jewelry
Part Two e. None of the above
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only. ____________________________________________________________________

QUIZ #1 [unknown source] d. Any incumbent member of the judiciary within the court’s
Part One e. None of the above
True of False
Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true. 13. A marriage license is required in the following:
c. A marriage between Filipino citizens abroad solemnized by a
1. The degree of legal separation shall entitle the spouses to live separately consul.
from each other as the marriage bond shall be severed. FALSE
2. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in accordance with the 14. The following marriages are void from the beginning for reasons of public
laws in force in the country where they were solemnized and valid there as policy, EXCEPT;
such shall also be valid in the country. FALSE a. Between second cousins
3. An action for legal separation cannot be filed except within one year from
and after the date on which the plaintiff became cognizant of the cause and 15. The effects of legal separation are the following, except:
within five years from and after the date when such cause occurred. FALSE c. the offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting from
4. The absolute community terminates when there is a decree of legal the innocent spouse by intestate and testamentary succession.
separation. TRUE FALSE (Pero for me parang false to)
5. That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own, shall be the 16. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling shall be prima facie
exclusive property of each spouse. TRUE presumed to have no intention of returning to the conjugal dwelling:
6. Children conceived or born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate. a. After 90 days
7. Children conceived or born before the promulgation of judgment of 17. The conjugal partnership shall be liable for all debts and obligations
annulment or absolute nullity of the marriage under Article 36 shall be contracted during the marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for
considered legitimate. TRUE the benefit of the conjugal partnership of gains. In case of insufficiency of
8. Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the marriage she was said assets, the spouse shall be liable:
pregnant constitutes fraud. FALSE a. Solidarily
9. Bigamous or polygamous marriages are void. FALSE
10. Marriages between stepbrothers and stepsisters are void. FALSE 18. This shall be excluded from the community property:
b. Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who
Part Two has legitimate descendants by a former marriage.
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
19. This is required for a child by artificial insemination to be a legitimate child
11. A marriage between 1st cousins is: of A and B, husband and wife, respectively:
a. Valid because they are more than 4 degrees removed from each c. both A and B authorized the artificial insemination in a
other. written instrument.
b. Valid because they do not belong to the direct line
c. Void because it is incestuous 20. Natividad is the widow of Mariano. Melitona is her mother. Rupert is her
d. Void by reason of public policy grandchild. Generoso is her brother. Crescente is her nephew. Who will first
e. Voidable because of a defect in consent. be compelled to give support to Melitona?
c. Generoso
12. Marriages may be solemnized by, except: ____________________________________________________________________
a. Provincial Governor, within the province;
b. Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious QUIZ #2 [unknown source]
c. Any consul or vice-consul in the case provided in Article 10. Part One
True or False. Write the letter only.

Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true. Mild characterological peculiarities, mood changes and occasional emotional
a. Both are true outbursts cannot be considered as root cause of psychological incapacity.
b. Both are false TRUE: Basis: Choa vs. Choa
c. No. 1 is true, No. 2 is false
d. No. 1 is false, No. 2 is true
Part Two
1. Statements [B] Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
A marriage solemnized in Makati City by Mayor of San Juan is void.
FALSE: Reason: Jurisprudence 6. The following marriages are void from the beginning for reasons of public
policy, EXCEPT:
A marriage is void if solemnized by one without authority to solemnize marriage. a. between step-parents and step-children
FALSE: Reason: exception is good faith b. between parents-in-law and children-in-law
c. between uncle and niece
2. Statements [C] d. between the adopting parents and the adopted child;
The lack of certificate of legal capacity does not affect the validity of the marriage. e. none of the above
TRUE: Basis: Recio vs. Recio
7. This may involve a prejudicial question in the case for bigamy:
The subsequent bigamous marriage shall be automatically terminated by the a. legal separation
reappearance of the absent spouse. b. annulment of the first marriage
FALSE: Reason: Recording of the affidavit c. annulment of the second marriage
d. nullity of the second marriage due to psychological incapacity
3. Statements [B] e. none of the above
If both spouse of the subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, said marriage shall be
void ab initio and all testamentary dispositions made be revoked by either spouse. 8. There is fraud which will make the marriage voidable if:
FALSE: Reason: by operation of law a. Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final judgment of the
other party of a crime.
Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final judgment of the other party shall b. Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the
constitute fraud resulting in a voidable marriage. marriage, she was pregnant.
FALSE: Reason: Moral turpitude c. Concealment of sexually transmissible disease, if found to be
serious, existing at the time of the marriage.
4. Statements [B] d. All of the above.
Concealment of sexually transmissible disease, regardless of its nature, shall e. None of the above.
constitute fraud resulting in a voidable marriage.
FALSE: Reason: should be existing at the time of the marriage 9. That the petitioner freely cohabited with the other spouse is a defense in an
action for annulment of the following grounds, EXCEPT:
The root cause of the psychological has to be alleged in a petition for declaration of a. lack of parental consent
nullity of marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code. b. that the respondent was of unsound mind
FALSE: Reason: Need not be alleged – based on jurisprudence c. that the respondent was physically incapable of consummating
the marriage with the other
5. Statements [A] d. that the consent of petitioner was obtained by fraud
Under the present Rules on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Marriage under e. none of the above.
Article 36 of the Family Code, expert opinion need not be alleged in the petition.
TRUE: Basis: Barcelona case 10. The following have the right to institute an action for annulment, EXCEPT:
a. the injured party, within five year after the discovery of the fraud

b. the parents of the party who was only 19 years old without If the future spouses agree upon a regime of absolute community of
parental consent, within 5 years from the time the child attains property, they cannot donate to each other in their marriage settlements
the age of 21. more than one-fifth of their present property. FALSE
c. the injured party, within five years from the time the force,
intimidation or undue influence disappeared or ceased. 5. Statements [C]
d. the spouse, who had no knowledge of the other’s insanity, at any Donations of future property shall be governed by the provisions of
time before the death of either party. testamentary succession and formalities of wills TRUE
e. none of the above The community property shall consist of all the property owned by the
____________________________________________________________________ spouses at the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter. FALSE

QUIZ #3 [unknown source]

Part One
True or False. Write the letter only. 6. A petition for legal separation may be filed on any of the following grounds
Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true. except:
a. Both are true a. Final Judgment sentencing respondent of imprisonment of more than
b. Both are false six years
c. No. 1 is true, No. 2 is false b. Contracting by respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether
d. No. 1 is false, No. 2 is true in the Philippines or Abroad.
c. Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner; a
1. Statements [C] common child, or a child of the petitioner
Adultery is a ground for legal separation TRUE d. Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without justifiable cause for
Abandonment of petitioner by respondent for more than one year is a more than 1 year
ground for legal separation FALSE e. None of the Above.

2. Statements [B] 7. The obligation supporting a spouse ceases after the following, except:
An action for legal separation shall filed within one year from the time the a. Dissolution of the marriage by death of the spouse
innocent spouse became cognizant of the cause FALSE b. Declaration of nullity
If the husband does not actively look for the wife who left the conjugal c. Annulment of marriage
home after her adulterous acts were discovered, there is condonation. d. Legal separation
FALSE e. None of the above

3. Statements [B] 8. Which among the following is not a ground to revoke a donation by reason
The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other only from of marriage:
the time the decree of legal separation becomes final and executory. a. When the marriage takes place without the consent without the consent
FALSE of the parents or guardians as required by law
The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting from the b. If it is within a resolutory condition and the condition is complied with
innocent spouse by intestate succession if he gave cause for legal separation c. Donations made in the marriage settlements, if the marriage is not
FALSE celebrated.
d. Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty spouse
4. Statements [B] e. None of the Above
The marriage settlements and any modification thereof shall be in a public
instrument FALSE 9. The property regime of the spouses married in 1999 will NOT be absolute
community of property if:
a. No marriage settlement was executed

b. The marriage settlement is void
c. The marriage settlement specified absolute community property 11. The status of the child in relation to the father or the mother and may be
d. If one of the contracting parties is a surviving spouse who used to indicate paternity or maternity is known as:
contracted a subsequent marriage without liquidating the a. Legitimacy
community property b. Paternity
e. None of the above c. Maternity
d. Filiation
10. This shall be excluded from community property:
a. Property acquired during marriage by onerous title by either spouse 12. A child conceived before the death of the husband [A] of B but born one
b. Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has month after the marriage between B and C is:
legitimate descendants by another marriage a. Legitimate child of A and B
c. Jewelry b. Illegitimate child of A and B
d. None of the Above c. Legitimated child of B and C
____________________________________________________________________ d. illegitimate child of B and C
e. Legitimate child of B and C
QUIZ #4 [unknown source]
13. A died on January 1 2011. His widow, B, married C on May 1 2011. D
PART 1: TRUE OR FALSE was born on October 15 2011. In the absence of proof to the contrary, D
will be considered as the:
1. Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate. a. Legitimate child of A and B
FALSE b. Illegitimate child of A and B
2. The action to claim legitimacy may be brought by the child during his or her c. Legitimate child of B and C
lifetime and shall be transmitted to the heirs should the child die during d. Illegitimate child of B and C
minority or in a state of insanity. TRUE e. none of the above
3. Children conceived and born outside of wedlock may be legitimated. TRUE
4. The effects of legitimation shall retroact to the time of the child’s birth. 14. Legitimacy of a child may be impugned on the ground that it was
TRUE physically impossible for the husband to have sexual intercourse with the
5. Legitimation may be impugned only by those who are prejudiced in their wife:
rights within one year from the time their cause of action accrues. FALSE a. right after the solemnization of the marriage
6. The adopter must be at least sixteen years older than the person to be b. within the first 30 days of the 300 days which immediately
adopted. FALSE preceded the birth of the child
7. When the surviving spouse or the illegitimate children of the adopted c. within the first 180 which immediately preceded the birth of the
concur with the adopters, they shall divide the entire estate in equal shares, child
one half to be inherited by the spouse or the illegitimate children of the d. within the first 120 days of the 300 days which immediately
adopted and the other half, by the adopters. TRUE preceded the birth of the child.
8. Payment shall be made within the first five days of each corresponding
month. TRUE 15. After the death of the alleged parent, the filiation of an illegitimate child
9. The person obliged to give support shall fulfil the obligation by receiving may be established by any of the following EXCEPT:
and maintaining in the family dwelling the person who has a right to receive a. The record of birth appearing in the civil register
support. FALSE b. An admission of illegitimate filiation in a public document
10. When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is c. An admission of illegitimate filiation in a private handwritten
given by a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim from the former. instrument and signed by the parent concerned.
FALSE d. The open and continuous possession of the status of an
illegitimate child.

16. If the husband resides in the municipality or city where the birth took
place or was recorded, the action to impugn the legitimacy of the child shall True or False
be brought within:
a. 1 yr from the knowledge of the birth or its recording in the 1. A marriage shall be voidable if either party was afflicted with a
civil register. sexually-transmissible disease, existing at the time of the marriage,
b. 2 yrs from knowledge of the birth or recording in the civil regardless of its nature. FALSE
register 2. The absence of any of the formal requisites shall render the marriage
c. 3 yrs from knowledge of the birth or recording in the civil void ab initio. FALSE
register 3. A marriage settlement may be valid even if not in a public instrument.
d. 4 yrs from knowledge of the birth of recording in the civil TRUE
register 4. Children of the subsequent marriage conceived after the reappearance
of the absentee spouse shall be illegitimate. TRUE
17. The consent of the following is required except: 5. A motion filed within three months from the filing of the petition for
a. adoptee, if 10 yrs old or over legal separation may be validly acted upon by the court. (Not sure if
b. biological parents of adoptee, if known True or False)
c. spouse of adopter 6. Donations by reason of marriage are those which are made in
d. parents of adopter consideration of the same, and in favor of both the future spouses.
e. all of the above (Not sure if True or False)
f. none of the above 7. The future spouse cannot donate to each other in their marriage
settlements more than one-fifth of their present property. Any excess
18. The following are necessary for a Filipino to be able to adopt, EXCEPT: shall be considered void. FALSE
a. of legal age 8. X died in 1987. In 1991, a petition for the settlement of the estate of X
b. of good moral character was filed. The property regime of spouses X and Y will be conjugal
c. has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude partnership of gains in the absence of a marriage settlement between
d. emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for children the spouses. TRUE
e. none of the above 9. The action for annulment of marriage may be filed by the parent or
guardian who did not give his or her consent within five years after the
19. In case of adoption, husband and wife shall exercise joint parental child attained the age of majority. FALSE
authority in the following cases, except: 10. Donations of future property shall be governed by the provisions
a. if husband and wife jointly adopt on testamentary succession and formalities of wills. TRUE
b. one spouse adopts the illegitimate child of the other 11. Under the regime of absolute community of property, the husband and
c. one spouse seeks to adopt his own illegitimate child wife place in a common fund the proceeds, products, fruits, and income
d. all of the above from their separate properties. FALSE
e. none of the above 12. Property registered in the name of the husband during the
marriage is presumed to belong to the community. FALSE
20. The following are necessary for an alien to be able to adopt, EXCEPT: 13. A marriage solemnized in 1988 between a stepbrother and a stepsister
a. in a position to support and care for his children is void. FALSE
b. of good moral character 14. Whatever may be lost during the marriage in any game of chance,
c. has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude whether permitted or prohibited by law, shall be borne by the loser
d. emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for children and shall not be charged to the community. TRUE
e. none of the above. 15. The lack of certificate of legal capacity does not affect the validity of
_____________________________________________________________ the marriage. TRUE
16. The absolute community terminates only upon the dissolution of the
marriage. FALSE

17. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of one a. a marriage in articulo mortis between passengers or crew
year or has failed within the same period to give any information members of ships
as to his or her whereabouts shall be prima facie presumed to have b. a marriage in articulo mortis between persons within the
no intention of returning to the conjugal dwelling. FALSE zone of military operations
18. Domestic adoption is essentially judicial. TRUE c. a marriage where the residence of either party is so located that
19. The conjugal partnership between spouses shall commence at the there is no means of transportation to enable such party to appear
precise moment that the marriage is celebrated. FALSE personally before the local civil registrar
20. Children conceived and born during the marriage of the parents are d. marriages among members of the ethnic cultural communities,
legitimate. TRUE provided they are solemnized in accordance with their customs,
rites or practices
Multiple Choice e. none of the above
21. A marriage between 2nd cousins is:
a. void because it is incestuous 25. X, a Roman Catholic, and Y, a Baptist, had been living together as husband
b. void by reason of public policy and wife without the benefit of marriage since January 1, 2008, although
c. void because they are more than 4 degrees removed from each both are capacitated to marry each other. On March 1, 2011, in a birthday
other party in Quezon City, X suffered a heart attack. Believing that X was about
d. valid because they are within the 5th civil degree to die, Y asked Z, a parish priest of Palo, Leyte, to solemnize her marriage
e. valid because they are beyond the 4th civil degree to X. Z solemnized the marriage. Today, X is still practicing
his profession. Is the marriage valid?
22. A, 22 years old, and B, 20 years old, applied for a marriage license on a. Valid, despite the absence of marriage license because they
January 2, 2011. Without parental consent or advice, the civil registrar have been living
issued the license on January 5, 2011. They were married on May 1, together as husband and wife since January 1, 2008.
2011. Is the marriage valid? b. Valid, because X survived the heart attack.
a. Valid, because all the essential and formal requisites are present c. Valid, despite the absence of a marriage license.
without any defect in the former or any irregularity in the latter. d. Void, because the priest had no authority to solemnize
b. Voidable, because one of the contracting parties is below 21 and marriage in Quezon City.
there was no parental consent. e. Void, because of the lack of a marriage license.
c. Valid, but there was an irregularity in the issuance of a
marriage license. 26. A and B, both Filipinos, got married in Tacloban City in 1991. Thereafter,
d. Void, because the license had already expired. A went to New York to work as a nurse where he met C, also a Filipino
citizen. He became a citizen of New York in 1998. In 2001, A obtained a
23. Both B and C are residents of the City of Makati. They obtained a divorce decree in New York capacitating him to remarry. In 2002, A
marriage license in Quezon City. They were married in the City of married C. In 2003, B married D in Tacloban City. Is the marriage between
Manila by an RTC Judge of Pasay City. Is the marriage valid? B and D valid?
a. Valid, because all the essential and formal requisites are present a. Void, because A and B were Filipinos at the time of the
without any defect in the former or any irregularity in the latter. marriage, therefore Article 26, par. 2 does not apply.
b. Voidable, because of some irregularities. b. Valid, because when B married D, A was no longer a Filipino
c. Void, because the marriage was solemnized outside the citizen.
jurisdiction of the solemnizing officer. c. Void, because A was still a Filipino at the time the
d. Void, none of the contracting parties habitually resides in the divorce decree was obtained, thus, did not capacitate B to remarry
city where the license was issued. D.
e. Valid, despite some irregularities d. Valid, because a divorce decree was obtained by A,
thus capacitating B to remarry.
24. A marriage license is required in the following:

27. The marriage of A and B, both Filipinos, were solemnized in London in c. legal separation
accordance with the laws in force in London and valid there as such. The d. all of the above
marriage is also valid here in the Philippines even if: e. none of the above
a. A and B are first cousins.
b. B was only 17 during the marriage but there was parental 32. The following are obliged to support each other, EXCEPT:
consent. a. spouses
c. It is a bigamous marriage not falling under Article 41 of the b. parent and the illegitimate child of his legitimate child
Family Code. c. parent and his illegitimate child
d. There was mistake as to the identity of the other party. d. legitimate brothers and sisters
e. none of the above e. none of the above

28. The marriage of A and B, both Filipinos, were solemnized in London in 33. The obligation of mutual support between spouses ceases after the
accordance with the laws in force in London and valid there as such. The following:
marriage shall be void here in the Philippines if: a. dissolution of the marriage by the death of a spouse
a. A was 18 years old, without parental authority. b. declaration of nullity
b. It is a proxy marriage. c. annulment of marriage
c. A and B are stepbrother and stepsister. d. all of the above
d. A and B are adopted children of the same adopter. e. none of the above
e. The marriage was solemnized by the Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom. 34. This may involve a prejudicial question in the case for bigamy:
a. annulment of the first marriage
29. In 1989, A married C. A’s husband [B] had been absent since 1983. B b. nullity of the second marriage due to psychological incapacity
was in danger of death at the time of his disappearance. The marriage of c. legal separation
A and C is: d. all of the above
a. Valid, because the law only required an absence of 5 years. e. none of the above
b. Valid, only if A had a well-founded belief that her husband
was already dead without the need for a judicial declaration of 35. The following are not obliged to support each other:
presumptive death. a. spouses
c. Valid, if B is generally considered as dead and believed to b. parent and the illegitimate child of his legitimate child
be so by the spouse present. c. parent and his illegitimate child
d. Void, because of the absence of a judicial declaration of d. brothers and sisters not legitimately related
presumptive death . e. uncle and nephew
e. Void, because the law requires a period of 7 years of absence.
36. The property regime of the spouses married in 1999 will NOT be
30. This petition cannot be tried before six months shall have elapsed since absolute community of property if:
its filing: a. No marriage settlement was executed.
a. declaration of nullity b. The marriage settlement is void.
b. annulment c. The marriage settlement specified absolute community of
c. separation of property property.
d. all of the above d. If the surviving spouse contract a subsequent marriage
e. none of the above without liquidating the community property.
e. None of the above
31. The marriage bond shall be severed in case of
a. declaration of nullity 37. A donation by reason of marriage may be revoked by the donor in the
b. judicial separation of property following cases, EXCEPT:

a. If the marriage is not celebrated and the donation was made in d. for debts due to laborers who have rendered service
the marriage settlement. for the repairs and improvement of the building
b. When the marriage takes place without the consent of the e. none of the above
parents or guardian, as required by law.
c. When the marriage is annulled, the done acted in bad faith. 42. This is NOT required for a child by artificial insemination to be a
d. If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is complied legitimate child of A and B, husband and wife, respectively:
with. a. The child was conceived as a result of artificial insemination of
e. none of the above B.
b. The child was conceived with the sperm of A.
38. The following will NOT dissolve both the absolute community and the c. A and B authorized or ratified the artificial insemination in a
marriage: written instrument.
a. death of one of the spouses d. The ratification of such artificial instrument must be signed
b. annulment of the marriage before the birth of the child.
c. legal separation e. none of the above
d. all of the above
e. none of the above 43. A child is legitimate if he was:
a. conceived during the marriage
39. This property may still be included in the absolute community of b. born during the marriage
property: c. conceived and born during the marriage
a. property acquired through intestate succession during the d. conceived or born during the marriage
marriage e. all of the above
b. the fruits of the property acquired by intestate succession during
the marriage 44. After the death of the alleged parent, the filiation of an
c. property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who illegitimate child may be established by any of the following:
has legitimate descendants by a former marriage a. the record of birth appearing in the civil register
d. all of the above b. an admission of illegitimate filiation in a public document
e. none of the above c. an admission of illegitimate filiation in a private
handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned
40. In the will of X, a parcel of land was validly bequeathed to A who was d. all of the above
married to B at 5pm on June 1, 2011. A and B executed a marriage e. none of the above
settlement where they agreed for an absolute community property
regime. At 10am on June 1, 2011, X died. This parcel of land will form 45. The consent of the following is required, EXCEPT:
part of the: a. adoptee, if 10 years old or over
a. conjugal partnership of properties b. biological parents of adoptee, if known
b. absolute community c. spouse of the person to be adopted
c. estate of X d. legitimate son of the adoptee, if 10 years old or over
d. separate property of A e. illegitimate son of the adopter

41. The family home shall NOT be exempt from execution, forced 46. Under the Family Code, the children of this marriage cohabitation
sale or attachment, EXCEPT: cannot be legitimated:
a. for nonpayment of taxes a. adulterous
b. for debts incurred prior to the constitution of the family home b. bigamous
c. for debts due to laborers who have rendered service for the c. incestuous
construction of the building d. all of the above
e. none of the above

47. Unless otherwise provided by law, a child is illegitimate if:
a. conceived outside a valid marriage Part One
b. born outside a valid marriage True of False
c. conceived or born outside a valid marriage Consider the statement true only when it is absolutely true.
d. all of the above a. Both are true
e. none of the above b. Both are false
c. No. 1 is true, No. 2 is false
48. A died on January 1, 2011. His widow, B, married C on October 1, d. No. 1 is false, No. 2 is true
2011. D was born on December 15, 2011. In the absence of proof to the
contrary, D will be considered as the 1. Statement 1
a. legitimate child of A and B Under the regime of conjugal partnership of gains, the husband and wife
b. illegitimate child of A and B place in a common fund the proceeds, products, fruits and inc…. properties.
c. legitimate child of B and C FALSE: Art. 106
d. illegitimate child of B and C
e. none of the above Statement 2
A marriage solemnized in 1989 between the adopted child and a child of the
49. In case of adoption, husband and wife shall exercise joint adoptee is void.
parental authority in the following cases, EXCEPT: FALSE: Art. 38 (7) legitimate child of the adopter
a. if husband and wife jointly adopt
b. if the spouses are legally separated from each other 2. Statement 1
c. one spouse adopts the illegitimate child of the other Donations of future property shall be governed by the provisions on
d. all of the above testamentary succession and the formalities of wills.
e. none of the above TRUE: Art. 84(2)

50. Upon conviction of a parent or the person exercising parental authority Statement 2
of a crime which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction, the A marriage contracted by any person during subsistence of a previous
parental authority shall be: marriage shall be null and void.
a. terminated FALSE: Art. 41… unless before the celebration… the prior spouse had
b. suspended been absent for four consecutive years....
c. reinstated
d. prima facie terminated 3. Statement 1
____________________________________________________________________ Concealment of sexually transmissible disease existing at the time of the
marriage, if serious and appears to be incurable, constitutes fraud.
Notes: TRUE: Art. 45(6)
1. Pages 1-5: 1st to 4th Quiz. Ito iyong actual quizzes natin.
2. Pages 6-10(1st column): Ito yung galing kay K, same lang sa sinend ni R, hinati hati Statement 2
lang ito into 4 quizzes. The community property shall consist if all the property owned by the
3. Pages 10(2nd column)-14(1st column): Same yung sinend ni M___ and R, ang naiba
lang kay R may sagot. Pero may feeling ako na own answers lang yun ng source ni
spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter.
R kaya medyo di trusted hehehe FALSE: Art. 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in the
4. Pages 14(2nd column)-18: Ito na yung galing kay kuya R. Actually medyo same siya marriage settlement… and Art. 92.
sa #3 kaya lang iniiba yung sentence or dinadagdagan ng words na “NOT,”
“EXCEPT,” and others kaya naiba iyong sagot. Kaya naiiba yung sagot. If may 4. Statement 1
exactly same question but magkaiba answer sa #3 and #4 I suggest follow yung #4. An action for annulment shall in no case be tried before six months shall
5. Red fonts: Either conflict yung sagot or di ko maintindihan pagkasulat. have elapsed since the filing of the petition.

FALSE: Art. 58. An action for legal separation… Illegitimate children may establish their illegitimate filiation in the same
way and on the same evidence as legitimate children.
Statement 2 TRUE: Art. 175
Under the Family Code, an action for legal separation shall be filed within
five years from the discovery of the cause. Statement 2
FALSE: Art. 57. … from the time of the occurrence of the cause Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has a child
prior to the marriage shall be excluded from the community property.
5. Statement 1 FALSE: Art. 92(3)… by other spouse who has legitimate descendants
X died in 1987. In 1991, a petition for the settlement of the estate of X was by a former marriage
filed. The property regime of spouses X and Y will be conjugal partnership
of gains in the absence of a marriage settlement between the spouses. 9. Statement 1
TRUE In case of death, absentee or unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental
authority shall be exercised by the oldest brother or sister.
Statement 2 FALSE: Art. 214 … exercised by the surviving grandparent
Statement 2
6. Statement 1 Only children conceived or born outside of wedlock of parents who, at the
The absence of any of the essential or formal requisites shall render the time of the conception of the former, were not capacitated to marry each
marriage void ab initio. other may be legitimated.
FALSE: Art. 4. … except Art. 35(2) unless such marriages were FALSE: Art. 177. Only children conceived and born outside of
contracted in good faith… wedlock…

Statement 2 10. Statement 1

The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a period of three months The family home must be part of the properties of the absolute community
or has failed within the same period to give any information as to his or her or the conjugal partnership.
whereabouts shall be deemed to have no intention of returning to the FALSE: Art. 156. The family home must be part of the properties of
conjugal dwelling. the absolute community, or of the exclusive properties…
FALSE: Art. 101… his or her whereabouts shall be prima facie
presumed Statement 2
Children conceived and born before the judgment of annulment or absolute
7. Statement 1 nullity of the marriage under Article 36 has become final and executory
A marriage solemnized in 1990 between collateral blood relatives whether shall be considered legitimate.
legitimate or illegitimate, up to the fourth civil degree is incestuous and ???
void from the beginning.
FALSE: Art. 38 and 37. *Qualify that as to the brothers and sisters, Part Two
who are also collateral blood relatives within the fourth degree, their Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
marriage is incestuous and void from the beginning.
11. There may not be an irregularity in the issuance of marriage license even if:
Statement 2 a. None of the contracting parties habitually resides in the city where
The family home, constituted jointly by the husband and the wife or by an the license was issues
unmarried head of a family, is the dwelling house where they and their b. There is no certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage of an
family resides, or the land on which it is situated. alien who is one of the contracting parties
FALSE: Art. 152. … family reside, and the land on which it is situated. c. There is lack of publication of the application for a marriage
8. Statement 1 d. There is lack of parental advice

e. None of the above party in Quezon City, X suffered a heart attack. Believing that X was about
to die, Y asked Z, a parish priest of Palo, Leyte, to solemnize her marriage
12. A marriage between 1st cousins is: to X. Z solemnized the marriage. Today, X is still practicing his profession.
a. Valid because they are more than 4 degrees removed from each Is the marriage valid?
other. a. Void, because the priest had no authority to solemnize
b. Valid because they do not belong to the direct line marriage in Quezon City.
c. Void by reason of public policy b. Void, because of the lack of a marriage license.
d. Void because it is incestuous c. Void, because X survived the heart attack.
d. Valid, despite the absence of marriage license because X
13. A, 22 years old, and B, 20 years old, applied for a marriage license on subsequently survived.
January 2, 2011. Without parental consent or advice, the civil registrar e. Valid, despite the absence of a marriage license because they
issued the license on January 15, 2011. They were married on May 5, 2011. have been living together as husband and wife since January 1,
Is the marriage valid? 2006.
a. Valid, because all the essential and formal requisites are present
without any defect in the former or any irregularity in the latter. 17. A and B, both Filipinos, got married in Tacloban City in 1995. Thereafter,
b. Voidable, because one of the contracting parties is below 21 and A went to New York to work as a nurse where he met C, also a Filipino
there was no parental consent. citizen. In 1998, A obtained a divorce decree in New York. He became a
c. Void, because the license had already expired citizen of New York in 2001. In 2002, A married C. In 2003, B married D
d. Valid, but there was an irregularity in the issuance of a in Tacloban City. Is the marriage between B and D valid?
marriage license. a. Valid, because a divorce decree was obtained by A, thus
capacitating B to remarry.
14. Both B and C are residents of the City of Makati. They obtained a marriage b. Void, because A and B were Filipinos at the time of the marriage,
license in Quezon City. They were married in the City of Manila by an RTC therefore Article 26, par. 2 does not apply.
Judge of Pasay City. Is the marriage valid? c. Valid, because when B married D, A was no longer a Filipino
a. Valid, because all the essential and formal requisites are present citizen.
without any defect in the former or any irregularity in the latter. d. Void, because A was still a Filipino at the time the
b. Void, none of the contracting parties habitually resides in the city divorce decree was obtained, thus, did not capacitate B to
where the license was issued. remarry D.
c. Valid, despite some irregularities
d. Void, because the marriage was solemnized outside the 18. The marriage of A and B, both Filipinos, were solemnized in London in
jurisdiction of the solemnizing officer. accordance with the laws in force in London and valid there as such. The
marriage is also valid here in the Philippines even if:
15. A marriage license is required in the following: a. A and B are first cousins.
a. A marriage among members of the ethnic cultural communities b. B was only 17 during the marriage but there was parental consent.
b. A marriage in articulo mortis between persons within the zone of c. Bigamous marriage not falling under Article 41 of the Family
military operations Code.
c. A marriage between Filipino citizens abroad d. There was mistake as to the identity of the other party.
d. A marriage where the residence of either party is so located that e. none of the above
there is no means of transportation to enable such party to appear
personally before the local civil registrar. 19. The marriage of A and B, both Filipinos, were solemnized in London in
e. None of the above. accordance with the laws in force in London and valid there as such. The
marriage shall be void here in the Philippines if:
16. X, a Roman Catholic, and Y, a Baptist, had been living together as husband a. was 18 years old, without parental authority.
and wife without the benefit of marriage since January 1, 2006, although b. It is a proxy marriage.
both are capacitated to marry each other. On March 1, 2011, in a birthday c. A and B are stepbrother and stepsister.

d. The marriage was solemnized by the Prime Minister of the United b. Annulment of the first marriage
Kingdom. c. Annulment of the second marriage
e. None of the above d. Nullity of the second marriage due to psychological incapacity
e. None of the above
20. In 1989, A married C. A’s husband [B] had been absent since 1983. B was
in danger of death at the time of his disappearance. The marriage of A and 36. If the wife left the conjugal abode
C is: a. The court can compel her to love with her husband under pain of
a. Valid, because the law only required an absence of 5 years. contempt
b. Valid, only if A had a well-founded belief that her husband was b. The court can compel her to live with her husband under pain of
already dead without the need for a judicial declaration of contempt only if she left the conjugal abode without just cause
presumptive death. c. The husband may still be compelled to give support
c. Valid, if B is generally considered as dead and believed to d. The husband can be compelled to give support even if the
be so by the spouse present. abandonment was without just cause
d. Void, because of the absence of a judicial declaration of e. None of the above
presumptive death
e. Void, because the law requires a period of 7 years of absence. 37. The property regime of the spouses married in 1999 will NOT be absolute
community of property if:
21. –?
22. –? a. No marriage settlement was executed
23. –?
24. –? b. The marriage settlement is void
25. –?
26. –? c. The marriage settlement specified absolute community property
27. –?
28. –? d. If one of the contracting parties is a surviving spouse who
29. –?
30. –? contracted a subsequent marriage without liquidating the
31. –?
32. –? community property
e. None of the above
33. The effects of legal separation are the following, except:
a. The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other 38. A donation by reason of marriage may be revoked by the donor in the
b. The absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall be following cases, EXCEPT:
dissolved and liquidated a. If the marriage is not celebrated and the donation was made in
c. The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting the marriage settlement.
from the innocent spouse by intestate and testamentary b. When the marriage takes place without the consent of the
succession. parents or guardian, as required by law.
d. The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to the innocent c. When the marriage is annulled, the done acted in bad faith.
spouse, subject to the provisions of Article 213 of this Code d. If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is complied with.
e. None of the Above e. none of the above

34. The obligation of mutual support between spouses ceases after the
following, except: 39. The following will dissolve both the absolute community and the marriage:
a. dissolution of the marriage by the death of a spouse a. death of one of the spouses
b. declaration of nullity b. annulment of the marriage
c. annulment of marriage c. legal separation
d. legal separation d. all of the above
e. none of the above e. none of the above

35. This may involve a prejudicial question in the case for bigamy: 40. This property may still be included in the absolute community of property:
a. Legal separation a. property acquired through donation during the marriage

b. property (not jewelry) for personal and exclusive use e. None of the above
c. the fruits of the property acquired by intestate succession during the
marriage 46. The consent of the following are required, except:
d. property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has a. Adoptee, if 10 years old or more
legitimate descendants by a former marriage b. Biological parents of adoptee
e. none of the above c. Spouse of adoptee
d. Parents of adopter
41. In the will of X, a parcel of land was validly bequeathed to A who was e. None of the above
married to B at 5pm on June 1, 2011. A and B executed a marriage
settlement where they agreed for a conjugal partnership of gains. At 10am 47. Under the family code, these children can be legitimated:
on June 1, 2011, X died. This parcel of land will form part of the: a. Adulterous
a. conjugal partnership property b. Bigamous
b. absolute community c. Incestuous
c. separate property of A d. All of the above
d. estate of X e. None of the above
e. State
48. The liability of the school, its administration and teachers, or the individual
42. The family home shall NOT be exempt from execution, forced sale or institution engaged in child care over the minor child for damage cause
or attachment, EXCEPT: by the acts or omissions of the unemancipated minor while under their
a. for nonpayment of taxes supervision, instruction or custody shall be
b. for debts incurred prior to the constitution of the family home a. Joint and subsidiary
c. for debts due to laborers who have rendered service for the b. Principal and solidary
construction of the building c. Principal and joint
d. for debts due to laborers who have rendered service for the d. Subsidiary and solidary
repairs and improvement of the building
e. none of the above 49. The liability of parents for damage caused by the acts or omissions of the
unemancipated minor while under the supervision, instruction or custody of
43. - ? the school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual entity or
institution, engaged in child care over the minor child shall be
44. For the child to be legitimate, he must be: a. Subsidiary
a. Conceived during the marriage b. Direct and primary
b. Born during the marriage c. Alternative
c. Conceived and born during the marriage d. Cumulative
d. Conceived or born during the marriage
e. All of the above 50. Upon conviction of a parent or the person exercising parental authority of a
f. None of the above crime which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction the parental
authority shall be:
45. After the death of the alleged parent, the filiation if the child may NOT be a. Terminated
established by: b. Suspended
a. Record of birth appearing in the civil register c. Reinstated
b. Final judgment d. Prima facie terminated
c. An admission of legitimate filiation in a public document and
signed by the parent concerned
d. The open and continuous possession of the status if a legitimate


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