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This chapter was design to explain and discuss the methodological procedures

that was used to conduct the study. The methodology of this research study was based

on a quantitative approach. The collection of data was done through survey

questionnaires and problem solving tests to identify the background of the students with

regards to their mathematical beliefs as well as their mathematical skills in problem

solving of the students in Grade Nine (9) Balinsasayaw of Sagkahan National High

School, Tacloban City.

This chapter was composed of five (5) sections namely: (1) Research Design; (2)

Research Locale; (3) Respondents of the Study; (4) Data Gathering Procedure; (5)

Instrumentation; and (6) Statistical Treatment of the Data.

Research Design

The researchers curiously identified the problem of the study and evaluated the

subject and materials that were being used in the study after a thorough assessment. The

researchers gathered reliable references and evidences from updated books, in the

internet and recently published journals. Formulate a survey questionnaire design that

would answer the questions of the study.

The study investigated students’ beliefs in mathematics and their problem solving

skills. This chapter presents the research design, research locale, and respondents of the

study, data gathering procedure, instrumentation and statistical treatment.

This study is a correlational research Specifically Causal Comparative Reseach.

Correlational research is a type of research in which the researcher measures two

variables and assesses the statistical relationship between them with little or no effort to

control extraneous variables (

2-correlational-research/). The independent variable in the study is the Beliefs in

Mathematics while the dependent Variable is the Problem Solving Skills.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Sagkahan National High School, Tacloban City

because the respondents of this study are enrolled in this School and it should be high

school students. Furthermore, the respondents could easily be available and accessible.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the students in Grade-9 Balinsasayaw of

Sagkahan National High School taking Mathematics as one of their subject in the entire

school year. The total population of the respondents is 40.

The main respondents are considered the primary source of data, as well as the

focus of the entire study.

Data Gathering procedure

One section, specifically the Grade-9 Balinsasayaw section of Sagkahan National

High School which is composed of 40 students were chosen to be the respondents of our

study. An orientation was given to them for clear instructions dissemination. Each of the

respondents was given time to fill out the profiling sheet. The researcher gave first the

Mathematics and Problem-Solving scale then the problem solving Test. The researcher

will retrieve soon the questionnaire after they are duly accomplished.


For the collection of the data, the researchers used a Survey questionnaire as the

instrument. The researchers chose this method as the nature of their investigation was to

gain reliable answers and come up with a credible study as well.

This research was adopted from the research conducted by ____________ ()

entitled ________________________________________. The researchers distributed

the questionnaire to the corresponding respondents. The respondents have to fill up their

personal profile particularly the age and sex and at the same time they were asked to

check ( _) the statement that correspond to their choices.

The researcher used the Mathematics and Problem-Solving Scale to determine

the degree of every students’ beliefs towards mathematical concepts and how they view

mathematics in general. This instrument design to help the students to be more aware of

their mathematical tendencies and how they can assist themselves to develop ways to

cope up with their deficiencies in the subject or eliminate whatever hindrances that might

be causing blockage in their interest. This instrument is consists of 26 statements to be

checked by the respondents. The students may rate each statement from 1,2,3,4 and 5

with a corresponding description that are shown below.

1 …………………. Strongly Disagree

2 …………………. Disagree

3 …………………. Not Certain

4 ………………….. Agree

5 ………………….. Strongly Agree

Sex. This will indicate the gender of the respondents who will participate in the study. The
following codes will be used:

Table 1

Level of Beliefs of the students suggested for __________________

Mean Score Qualitative Description

4.21 - 5.0 Highly Positive

3.41 - 4.20 Positive
2.61 - 3.40 Moderately Positively
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.0 – 1.80 Negative

The Mathematics Problem Solving Performance of the students was categorized

by adapting DepEd Order No. 73 or the Guidelines on the Assessment and Rating of

Learning Outcomes under the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.

Table 2

Category of Mathematics Problem Solving Performance of the Respondents adopted

from the DepEd Order No. 73, series of 2012 (Guidelines on the Assessment and Rating

of Learning Outcomes under the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum)

Category Interpretation

8.5 – 10 Advanced

6.5 – 8.4 Proficient

4.5 – 6.4 Approaching Proficiency

2.5 – 4.4 Developing

0 – 2.4 Beginning

Table 3
Strength of Relationship of the Beliefs and Problem Solving Performance

Value of r Strength of Relationship

-1.0 to -0.5 or 1.0 to 0.5 Strong

-0.5 to -0.3 or 0.3 to 0.5 Moderate

-0.3 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 0.3 Weak

-0.1 to 0.1 None or Very Weak

Statistical treatment

This null hypotheses was tested at .05 level of significance.

There is no significant relationship between the students’ level of beliefs in

mathematics to their Problem Solving Skills

To analyse the data gathered the descriptive statistical tool was used. These

were the frequency counts, means, standard deviation and percentages.

Some of the data gathered were tabulated and interpreted through percentage.

The formula of the statistics used in this study, is as follows;

%=f/N x 100


f = is the number of respondents who answered the given questions,

N = is the total number of respondents of the study.

Weighted mean was used to get the ranks of the identified motivations in order to

arrange from greatest to least. The formula used is’


Where x is the number of frequency, f the number of respondents who answered

and N is the number of respondents.

In determining the significant relationship between the variables. Pearsons’ r was

used to determine the extent of relationship of the variables. A Pearson Correlation

requires that data is at least interval so that an accurate measure of the relationship

between concepts is determined and this requirement was met. A correlation shows if a

relationship exists between concepts and if that relationship is positive or negative (Ellis,

A.K., 2010).

To identify the causal comparison between the variables, the linear regression was

used. Linear regression is a statistical method that allows us to summarize and study

relationship between two continuous (quantitative) variables (PennState Eberly College

of Science).

The researchers used the Microsoft Excel 2013 to organize the respondent’s

scores in the Beliefs in Mathematics and Problem Solving Scale and to get the mean and

the standard deviation of the attitude of the students. They used Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0) to get the correlation coefficient of the relationship

and the causal comparison between the students’ attitude and their Mathematics


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