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TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

1. Imam : Mr. Jovan, I’d like to introduce my 8. What are Firman’s hobbies?
father. His name is Mr. Shidqi. A. Playing badminton
Mr.Jovan : How do you do? Mr. Shidqi. B. Eating fried chicken
Mr.Shidqi : How do you do? C. Listening music
Mr. Jovan : ________________ D. Playing badminton and listening music
Mr.Shidqi : Nice to meet you, too.
A. How are you? C. How is everything? 9. Is his favorite color blue?
B. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you A. Yes, it is C. No, it doesn’t
B. Yes, it does D. No, it isn’t
2. Yoga : Good Morning, Fitri
Fitri : Good Morning, Yoga. 10. Is his favorite food fried fish?
Yoga : _______________ A. Yes, it is C. No, it doesn’t
Fitri : Pretty well, thanks. And you? B. Yes, it does D. No, it isn’t
Yoga : I’m great. Thanks.
A. How are you doing? C. What’s up? 11. How does Firman go to school?
B. How do you do? D. What’s the matter? A. by bike C. by car
B. by motorcycle D. on foot
3. Gina meets her teacher at 4 a.m in the market.
She says ______ to her teacher. 12. My aunt has a son. Her son is my...
A. Good night C. Good morning A. nephew C. brother
B. Good afternoon D. Good day B. niece D. cousin

4. It is 7 p.m. You meet your friend at supermarket. 13. My brother has a daughter . His daughter is my..
What will you say if you want to leave her? A. nephew C. brother
A. Good morning C. Good evening B. niece D. cousin
B. Good night D. Good bye
The text is for number 14 -18
5. Sita : Risa, this is a present for you. I hope you
like it.
Risa : Oh, this is so wonderful _____
A. Thank you very much C. May I have it
B. You are so kind to me D. I like it very much

6. Sammy : Good morning, Mr. Heru.

Mr. Heru : Morning __________, Sam
Sammy : I am sorry. I miss the school bus. 14. Mr. Fikri is Fatur's....
Mr. Heru : Please have a seat. A. father C. uncle
A. You are on time C. You are late B. mother D. aunt
B. You are good D. You are welcome
15. How many grand children do Mr. And Mrs. Jaka
The text is for number 7 -11 have?
Hello, my name is Firman. I am twelve years old.I A. one C. three
am 1.50 metres tall. I live at Jalan Mojoruntut. My B. two D. four
Father is Mr. Sopian Hermantito. My School is SMPN
1 Krembung. I am first grader. I like playing 16. Who is Rafi’s aunt?
badminton and listening music. My favorite color is A. Mrs. Jaka C. Mrs. Fikri
blue. My favorite food is fried chicken. I go to school B. Mrs. Rosi D. Seli
by bike
17. Does Seli have little brother?
7. How old is Firman? A. Yes, she does C. Yes, she is
A. 11 C. 13 B. No, she doesn’t D. No, she isn’t
B. 12 D. 14
TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020

18. Who is Mr. And Mrs. Jaka’s daughter?

A. Mr. Rosi C. Mr. Fikri
B. Mrs. Rosi D. Mrs. Fikri

The text is for number 19 - 25

19. How many subjects are there based on the time

table above?
A. Eleven C. Thirteen
B. Twelve D. Fourteen

20. What time does the Biology lesson start? It starts

at _______
A. A quarter to ten C. A quarter past nine
B. Nine o’clock D. Ten o’clock

21. What days do the students have English lesson?

A. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
B. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
C. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday
D. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday

22. The students will go home at ...

A. Eleven o’clock C. One o’clock
B. Twelve o’clock D. Two o’clock

23. What do they have on Tuesday?

A. Religion, Biology, History
B. English, Math, Physic
C. Indonesian, Math, Sociology
D. Social, Music, Computer

24. Do the students have Art on Saturday?

A. Yes, they have C. Yes, they do
B. No, they have not D. No, they don’t

25. How long does the computer lesson last? It last

for ...
A. An hour C. Three hours
B. Four hours D. Two hours

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