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Generation Gap : Negative effects on relationship between

parents and children.
for starting this research work first I will clear some definitions so to make it easier to
understand , “ First we are children to our parents ,then parents to our children, ,then parents
to our parents, then children to our children.’’ A quote by Milton Greenblatt it is confusing
maybe as how can we be parents to our parents and children to our children but that’s what a
generation gap defines. So generation gap refers to a difference of opinions between one
generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values. In today's world it refers to a
perceived gap between younger people and their parents or grandparents.
The parent child relationship is often affected due to their generation gap. It has been
observed that the parents try to impose their values and ideologies on their kids while the
later want to explore the world on their own. Many relationships have suffered due to
generation gap. Several parents and children have conflicts because of their difference of
opinions which they must understand is natural as there is a generation gap between them.
History : Early sociologists such as Karl Mannheim noted differences across generations in
how the youth transits into adulthood.[2] and studied the ways in which generations separate
themselves from one another, in the home and in social situations and areas (such as
churches, clubs, senior centers, and youth centers).
The sociological theory of a generation gap first came to light in the 1960s, when the younger
generation (later known as Baby Boomers) seemed to go against everything their parents had
previously believed in terms of music, values, governmental and political views. Sociologists
now refer to "generation gap" as "institutional age segregation". Usually, when any of these
age groups is engaged in its primary activity, the individual members are physically isolated
from people of other generations, with little interaction across age barriers except at
the nuclear family level .
the gaps between ages can be considered in two specific ways. The first is when examinations
are made at various occasions between ages at comparative ages, for example, contrasting a
parent's secondary school encounters in respect to his or her youngster's secondary school
encounters. The exemplary case of this is the well known saying by more established
relatives, "when I was in school, I walked a mile in the snow." Or “when I was a kid I used to
do study and house chores also and u r not even concentrating on your studies also “. And so
The second methodology is to inspect crosswise over gatherings at a similar point in time.
For instance, guardians and grown-up youngsters may encounter struggle about child raising,
whereby the gap might be characterized as far as present contrasts in kid raising convictions
among kids and their parents.

RESEARCH QUESTION : how does generation gap effects the relationship of parents
with their children and their development ?
OBJECTIVES : though the theme of generation gap is very broad but the remainder of this
paper—and this introductory summary of key findings—is organized around these questions
that are as follows :

 What are the pros and cons of generation gap ?

 How does this gap influences the relationship of parents with their offspring and vice
versa .
 Why there’s a need to unbridge this gap ?

PERSONAL RELEVANCE : as discussed earlier that generation gap is very socio-culture

oriented also and being a part of a typical orthodox Hindu family i found this topic very much
relevant for research as not only me but thousands of teens as well as adults are struggling
with these issues as they did not find their appropriate personal space and are not able to do
many things by their own wish due to lack of understanding between the parents and
children. for example the choice of a very basic thing like what subject to choose for further
studies ,these things are also determined by our parents or the concept of love marriage vs
arrange marriage , for today’s generation love marriage is a very common thing but for our
parents it’s like a taboo. The generation gap is the constant struggle of the parents to prevent
their kids from doing things that their own experiences and wisdom tell them is going to harm
their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to the parents that they are
equipped to take control of their lives. They want to live a challenging life and do not shy
away from aspiring high. This attitude is completely opposite to their parents who want their
children to live a simple and comfortable life. None of them are wrong – they are both right
in their own premise. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their
own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. Whereas, the kids are convinced that
their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not
necessarily be aware of. It is only the difference of circumstances, the only difference of
viewpoints. When we are young, we hate older generation or think that joy has taken away
from their life so they envy us and when we are old, we think that we have seen the world as
our experiences and our children do not understand and are making the same mistakes that
we have done. Some mistakes are inevitable, everyone has to do it. One who wants to escape
someone to do a mistake, if he get another chance, he will repeat the same mistake. Neither
one escaped with these mistakes no one will escape. Yet the man who had done these
mistakes says that don’t do it but the new man cannot live without doing these mistakes. This
difference is basic. The difference is only of a few ideas. The difference is only a few
viewpoints. The same thing seems to be different from different angles. This difference is not
in the object, it is of the views, it is of the place to look. In old age there is the ego of
experiences then youth is full of pride of power. It is only the difference of circumstances and
the age.

Not only the problems like this but since beginning from our childhood to our adulthood
children make their own perceptions of viewing the world but due to this gap parents are
always after their children that you are wrong you have to follow only those norms which are
old and orthodox , obviously exceptions are always there but in a country like India
generation gap plays a very hazardous role directly or indirectly in a person’s life. These
types of notions changes the mind of a child and impact them psychologically.

Lots of communication with commitment is required. Communication between different

generations is imperative as it helps in resolving issues, understanding one another’s feeling
and maintaining faith.– Much time should be spent together. Family decision should be made
after consulting from every member of the family, with this no member will feel left out.
Children should be consulted from their early age as it would help them to build self-
confidence.– People should know that respect is a two way process. If someone wants
respect, one has to show respect too. People should never hesitate to learn the same thing
from different perspective. Generation gap is nothing but a difference in the way of thinking.
If people start to believe in their family, this gap will itself diminish. So take a step forward
and try to bridge this widening gap.

LITERATURE REVIEW : The review of literature gives a outlook about the

research Gap in the existing research. It also strengthens the theoretical base of research study.
These are the theories which talk about the children having impacts due to this issue .
THEORY 1 : Crandall et al. [7] in their research highlighted that parental factor and child
rearing techniques are very important in shaping the cognitive development of children. They
further stressed that Parental practices which engender emotional security and low anxiety,
independence and high internalized goals for achievement are associated with accelerated
cognitive development. Mothers who value achievement, set high achievement standards, and
reward their children for satisfactory performance have boys and girls who have high

THEORY 2 : Marfatia [11]in his study stressed that absence of parental warmth, extra
rigidity, over control attitude generally of father, continual arguments between their parents,
isolation and absence of entertainment channels are some of the reasons responsible for
imbalance among the youngster in many field.

Barren and Earls [12] in their study focused that adverse parent-child dealings and great
family pressure are connected with fussy conduct of children. Adverse parent-child dealings
embrace low parental love and attachment.

Hurlock [13] in his study observed that parents are good if they help the children but bad if
they frustrate them. Children perceive mothers as having greater authority over them than
fathers. Older children also perceive the mother primarily in terms of what she does for them.
Basically parent child relationship is dependent on parental attitude. It may be that if
adolescents perceive the parental attitudes to be favourable, the relationship will be better
than when perceived unfavourable. It is probable that if the adolescent perceives the child
rearing practices authoritarian, he will conform to their standard, but will harbour resentment,
be defiant and wilfully disobedient.

OTHER RELATABLE THEORIES : above we have talked about how children are effected
by their parents and here we will talk about how parents face problems . While studies of
multiple generations often report some agreement between generations, there is evidence to
suggest that parents and their adult children often evaluate their 128 / SHAPIRO relationships
with each other in different ways. This rather modest literature generally suggests that parents
are more likely to perceive their relations with children in a positive light (Albrecht et al.,
1997; Aquilino, 1999; Bond & Harvey, 1991; Giarrusso, Stallings, & Bengtson, 1995; Rossi
& Rossi, 1990). However, much of this generational difference is examined within the
context of affective aspects of parent-child relationships. We still know relatively little about
parent-child reporting differences in other dimensions of parent-child relationships such as
intergenerational exchanges and contact. Bond and Harvey (1991) found that older parents
report greater intergenerational contact. However, in a recent study of parent-child dyads in
Taiwan, Roan and colleagues (1996) maintained that children tended to over-report contact
and support relative to their elderly parents. Thus, there is a need to clarify the reporting of
intergenerational solidarity among older parents and their adult children in the United States.
. These differences arise due to the fact that motivations and level of investment of each
generation vary at different developmental periods. Younger generations report being less
close to older family members because of their desire to achieve independence and their
lessened relative investment in their parents. Older generations seek generativity, and have
both a greater desire to maintain continuity between generations and a greater investment in
their children (rather than vice-versa). The intergenerational stake model also proposes that as
generations age concurrently they become more similar. This would suggest that older
parent-child dyads correspond in their reports of intergenerational solidarity to a greater
extent than do younger parent-child dyads. Developmentally, the interests and motivations of
parents and children become more similar as they age.

The generation gap is the constant struggle of the parents to prevent their kids
from doing things that their own experiences and wisdom tell them is going to
harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to the parents that they are
equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their
own premise. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have
their own experiences replace the e x p e r i e n c e o f t h e i r k i d s w h e r e a s t h e
k i d s a r e c o n v i n c e d t h a t decisions are right and are based on current
situations that the parents may not necessarily be aware of.” ( Chaudary.M, 1999.3)

“Inevitably age-versus
y o u t h c o n f l i c t b e t w e e n a u t h o r i t y a n d r e b e l l i o n , between experience and
naivety, between limits and exuberance, between responsibility and freedom, is
too simplistic. There are certain biological determinants which ensure that, when we
are young, we have more physical energy; and psychologically we may have less
containment and less rigidity when it comes to expressing ourselves, because the ego has not
yet become “set” in its habit patterns and defences. Repeated confrontations withworldly limits
may also sometimes, although not always, play their part in making us less inclined to take risks
when we are older. T h e a r c h e t yp a l polarity of the elder and the puer aeternus reflects this
inherent life process .But beyond these very general factors, the picture is more complicated
than it might seem. Not only individuals may break the mould, but also entire
generation groups. The face of the elder may reveal itself in the young, the face of the pure in
the old.” (Kiani.A, 2000)“ I t i s c o m m o n f o r c e r t a i n d i f f e r e n c e s i n v i e w p o i n t
and opinion
b e t w e e n parents and children to be brought about by age and the differentenvironments in
which each generation has grown up. The younger generation may not have the same
experiences and feelings their parents have. Therefore, understanding and empathizing with
parents is essential to understanding and resolving the conflicts. Communication is essential
and promotes understanding between generations so they can become aware of the nature
and source of their cultural difficulties.” (Azimi.A, 1998).“ when older and younger
people do not understand each other because of their different experiences,
opinions, habits and behavior”. So ultimately what comes out is a series of clashes
running haywire all across the world.”“ T h i s g a p s t a r t e d w i d e n i n g m o r e & m o r e
& f i n a l l y i n 1 9 9 0 s , t h e r e w a s another big hit. The introduction of Mobile
phones & pagers, TV games ,Computers, etc. caused a drastic change in the lifestyle of
people. The rise in economy led to more n more buyers of automobiles, gizmos.
There began enormous spending on fast food restaurants, entertainment (movies,
malls)and other media. Today, as we can see, the youth is totally dependent on
these technologies. The elders however prefer the older ways of working.
Though any of them have adapted to the new winds, there are many who still sail
their own way. The elders detest the modern ways of partying, youth getting addicted to
alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. The youth, on the other hand, are fed up with the
regular criticism of the elders. The youth prefer the fast & happening life, whereas
the elders prefer the good old hard-working& stable life.” (Shahakar. R, 2008).

The paradigms which i used in my research are positivist as well as constructivist paradigm.
It is because on a research topic like ‘generation gap’ everyone has their own view points
and perceptions but there are actual facts on it also , as studied earlier that generation gap is
not a big taboo its like there are many people who do not feel any issues because of these
gaps but there are some who really are facing discriminations problems due to this.

Ontology: so ontology says that what is the form of nature and reality ? in this research the
reality is divided into two parts some people believe that generation gap is a fact that cannot
be curbed but some people has their own constructs that generation gap cannot influence the
relationship of a child and parent as it mostly depends on the thoughts of parents only.

Methodology : it means the way in which we actually derived the findings and data .both
qualitative and quantitative date can be used. I have used the the process of questionnaires as
well as personal interviewing method as both the methods can describe the best facts about
the research and help in coming to a tentative outcome.

METHODS USED : Quantitative data in the form of questionnaire is used,

The questionnaire is closed ended and the
scheme was followed as strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly
disagree.Sample is selected through convenient sampling technique. The
information is collected from members of the population who are conveniently available to
provide it for eg. My friends ,family members , some faculty members also. This provided
the basic information quickly and efficiently.( the questionnaire is attached below )
Then coming to the interviewing part to understand the thinking of people i talked to them
not only the youth but i talked to the parents also even i included the grandparents so that i
would know the difference , the questions like “ do you think that generation gap is a issue
for you “ or do you think that teens have no rights to take their own decisions without your
permission “ etc .
Significance :

Questionnaire – it is a quantitative method consisting of series of questions for the purpose

of gathering information on particular topics there are online questionnaires as well as there
are face to face or telephonic , it is a best method for quick collection of large sample. I used
this method as generation gap issues are world wide problem and the method of case study
or another method is not relevant in this plus time to conduct the research was not very much
so it was an efficient way of conducting the research.
Interviewing- interviewing is a good way to connect to many people and getting information
about them in detail is possible by this method and this method usually achieve a high
response rate and for knowing the impacts and effects on the relationships of people i used it
so that i can get detailed responses.


You are requested to select only one option for each question and answer all

GENDER: _____

1. The idea behind the elder’s strict behaviour is to benefit younger generation?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

2. Young generation gets physical, social, psychological and economical protection for their
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

3. Elders always promote and inculcate their cultural values, trends in the young

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

4. Elders are source of identity and belongingness for their young generation?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
5. Elders are role model for their young generation?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
6. Young generation respect elder’s opinion?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
7. Young generation gives preference to elders over their observation?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

8. Elders not only help young ones but also try to solve their problems?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
9. Sharing ideas with the older generation help them to understand present situation?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
10. Sometimes young’s behaviour is not respectful to their elders?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
11. Young generation thinks elders ideas outdated?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
12. Unreasonable strictness and restriction of elders is a cause of gap between two
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

13. Elders want to impose their unaccomplished ideas on young generation?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

14. Young generation have broad vision than their elders?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
15. Do you think this generational gap be bridged ?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
TENTATIVE OUTCOME : People belonging to one generation are very
different from the other which is natural. However, the problem arises when people from
different generations try to impose their ideas and beliefs on the other while totally
condemning that of the others’. People must respect each other for their individuality. So by
the research and interviewing and questionnaires I came to a outcome that yes there is a
negative impact on children due to generation gap plus on parents also , they also suffer from
several problems. and these gap can be bridged by understanding each others mentality and
supporting each other in every time and situation an d going hand in hand with full support
and love. so I would end my research again by a quote which says :Respect the young and
chastise your elders, it’s about time the world was set alright. By vera Nazarian.

 Thapar,v.(2004): A study of value profiles of parents and offspring and generation
 Barron ,a.p., and earls,f.(1984) the relationship of temperament and social factors.
 Carl pick hardt p.hd Who stole my child (book)
 Dr. Pawan kumar Dhiman ,Ms. Seema Jain generations gap- issues and challenges
 Generation gap : Wikipedia
and –aging / generation –gap
 bridging the generation gap : youth ki awaz
 yeda c . Simhadri (ed), Delhi : Ajanta publications ,vol1 (1991)-“the ‘generation gap’
reconsidered ‘’
 Mehak Aggarwal, Mahender Singh Rawat , Saumya Singh, Sahil Srivastava , Pammi Gauba-
Generation Gap: An Emerging Issue of Society




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