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Tgl Penerbitan : 24-Dec-18
DAILY DRILLING REPORT Tgl Persetujuan : 24-Dec-18
No. Revisi : Rev_03
Divisi : Exploration Halaman : 1 dari 1
Departemen : Geology Study & Project Seksi : Drilling

Date 11-Sep-19 Location North tutupan

Day Wednesday Drillhole No. NT 945 C
Shift Night shift Rig No./Type DM-06 / 1300L
Engineer Driller Boy
Assistant Engineer Drilling Crew Kristoforus,Darmawan, sugiono
Azimuth / Dip Freddy .r

Open Hole (m) Remarks

Hourly Distribution PT.AJI PT. AI
Depth Deskripsi Cutting
Depth To Interval
From (informasi flow rate)

Drilling Loss Tool Size Qty Remark

1 Open Hole
2 Core Hole 3.00

3 Rig Set Down Depth Recovered
Run No. Depth To Cored (m) Recovery (%) Coreloss RQD Comments
4 Moving / Shifting From (m)
5 Rig Set Up 10 13.10 14.60 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
6 Setting Waterline 11 14.60 16.10 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
7 Make Manual Access 12 16.10 17.60 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
13 17.60 19.10 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
Activity 14 19.10 20.60 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
8 Pull Down Rods 0.25 15 20.60 22.10 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
9 Pull Up Rods 0.75 16 22.10 23.60 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
10 Condition Hole 17 23.60 25.10 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
11 Flushing Hole 0.50 18 25.10 26.60 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
12 Reaming 1.00 19 26.60 28.10 1.50 1.50 100% 0.00 co
13 Install Casing pvc 5" 0.50
14 Install Instrument Geotech total 15.00
- Piezometer (PZ)
- Vibrating Wire (VW) Total Coring
- Inclometer F-AI-GHL-01-002
15 Stuck Rods TIME
16 Freeing Rods From To
17 Repair Drillsite / Drain MudPit 17.00 17.15 P5M 0.25
18 Contamination Handling 17.15 17.30 P2H 0.25
17.30 18.15 mixing mud 0.75
Standby Activity 18.15 19.15 handling water lose ( not succes ) 1.00
19 Waiting Information 19.15 20.00 cont corring 13.10 - 19.10 water lose 0.75
20 Prepare Location 20.00 20.15 pull up rods 0.25
21 Waiting Logging 20.15 21.15 reaming drag bit 6 inc 0.00 - 18.00 1.00
22 Blasting Evacuation 21.15 21.30 pull up rods drag bit 0.25
23 Geophysical Logging 21.30 22.00 install pvc 5 inc 0.50
24 Standby Moving 22.00 23.00 rest time 1.00
25 Waiting Water 23.00 23.15 down rods barrel 0.25
26 Waiting Equipment 23.15 24.00 mixing mud 0.75
27 Safety Meeting / Safety Inspection 24.00 0.15 flushing 0.25
28 Bad Weather 0.15 2.30 cont core 19.10 - 28.10 2.25
29 Unsafe Condition 2.30 2.45 flushing 0.25
30 Broken Access 2.45 3.00 up rods 0.25
31 Rest Time 1.00 F-AI-GHL-01-003
32 Others Hivis LC stop Polymer Star Gel Super Trol ADF Swell Core Sec Foam Aus Plug
-Mixing Mud 1.50 (kg) (kg) (Liter) (sack) (Liter) (Gal) (Kg) (Liter) (Kg)
-prepare moving Use 10 5 10
-Hendling Water Loss 1.00
Diesel Premium Grease Oil 10 Oil 20/50 Oil 40 Oil 90
Fuel & Lubricant
Standby Repair & Maintenance (Liter) (Liter) (Kg) (Liter) (liter) (Liter) (Liter)
33 Repair & Maintenance Use
- Breakdown
- Maintenance
- Proposed By Approved By

34 Pre Start Check (P2H) 0.25

35 Briefing (P5M) 0.25
36 Travelling
Total Hour 10.00 0.00
Budi Cahyadi By fprayogo at 10:40 am, Sep 16, 2019

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