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Massachusetts Pitch Count Proposal ***Updated April 3rd, 2019

Maximum Pitches Per Day – 115 pitches for Varsity Pitchers & 95 pitches for Sub Varsity

Breakpoints & Required Rest:

Varsity Sub Varsity

1-25 pitches 0 days rest 1-25 pitches 0 days rest
26-40 pitches 1 days rest 26 -40 pitches 1 days rest
41-55 pitches 2 days rest 41-55 pitches 2 days rest
56-70 pitches 3 days rest 56-70 pitches 3 days rest
71-115 pitches 4 days rest 71-95 pitches 4 days rest

*These rules apply to both regular and post season play

*If a pitcher has thrown 71-90 pitches on the day he last pitched, on his fourth day of rest, he would be eligible
to throw a maximum of 25 pitches.

Tracking :

*Coaches will designate on their line up cards which players are not eligible to pitch that day

*Coaches or their designee confirm pitch counts after every 2 innings and at the conclusion of the game.
In the case of a dispute the home team has the official count.

*Umpire’s do not regulate the pitch count, their job is to make sure coaches are conferring every two innings and
at the conclusion of the game.

*At the conclusion of each contest, both coaches will sign the official MIAA pitch count sheet

* Violations of the pitch count maximum limit or required rest periods will follow Rule #86 of the MIAA Handbook
“Participation of an ineligible student”

*A pitcher can exceed the maximum pitch limit if he is in the middle of an AB but once the AB is completed, the
pitcher must be removed from the mound

*The calendar day in which a game is started shall be used to determine how many days of rest is required. Ex. If a
game goes past midnight a pitcher shall not now be counted as eligible nor should a pitcher lose a day of rest
because they pitched past midnight. Ex. A pitcher throws 72 pitches in a game on Saturday morning – rest required
is 4 days so pitcher must rest on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before returning to the mound on

*Doubleheaders – pitchers can pitch in both games but if a pitcher exceeds 50 pitches in the first game he cannot
pitch in the second game. A pitcher cannot exceed 115 pitches on the day.

*Ambidextrous pitcher- pitch count guidelines apply to the individual pitcher not the individual arm

*This should be reviewed annually for the first few years by the MBCA.

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