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Electrodes for shielded metal arc welding range in diameter from 3/32 to
3/16 of an inch. You may also come across some ¼ inch electrodes. They are
commonly found in 9, 14 and 18-inch lengths.

Electrode diameter is based on the thickness of the base metal, the

welding position and the type of joint to be welded. Larger diameter electrodes
are used on thicker metals and for flat position welding because they offer
higher deposition rates.
Diameter of electrode in Electrodes
3/32 40-80 45-90

1/8 75-125 80-130

5/32 110-170 105-

3/16 140-215 150-

Smaller diameter electrodes are used for horizontal, vertical and

overhead welding, because they produce a smaller weld puddle that is easier to
control than the bigger puddle produced by larger diameter electrodes. Joint
design also affects electrode diameter. On groove welds for example, the
electrode has to be small enough to access the root of the joint. he welder’s skill
also has a bearing on electrode diameter because a more capable welder can
control a larger, more fluid weld puddle.

As a general rule, when there is no welding procedure specification, use

the largest diameter electrode possible. Larger diameter electrodes produce
welds of the required dimensions in the least amount of time and at lower cost,
because they have higher deposition rates and allow faster travel speeds.
Current is measured in amperes, or amps. Each type of electrode has
recommended amperage ranges for optimum performance. Amperage ranges
are usually specified in the welding procedure or in the manufacturers’ data

If the amperage is set above the suggested operating range, the electrode
melts too fast. This increases deposition and the weld puddle becomes too large
to control. It could also cause the electrode coating to overheat and break

Amperage too high – The weld bead is wide and flat with excessive penetration
and spatter, and undercutting frequently occurs along the toes.

If the amperage is set below the designated range, there is insufficient heat to
melt the base metal, and the weld puddle is too small for proper control. The
droplets forming on the end of the electrode may bridge to the weld puddle
periodically extinguishing the arc. The weld bead will be irregular with a
crowned appearance and insufficient penetration.

Amperage too low -The weld bead will be irregular with a crowned appearance
and insufficient penetration

Welding Current for Carbon Electrode Types

Arc length is the distance from the tip of the
electrode core wire to the weld puddle. Arc length can
be deceiving, because the core wire is recessed inside a cup that forms at the
tip of the electrode. You have to take this into consideration when gauging arc

The correct arc length varies according to the electrode classification,

diameter and composition of the flux coating, as well as the amperage and
welding position.

As a general rule, when amperage is set within the specified range, arc
length should not exceed the diameter of the core wire. Increasing the arc
length increases the arc voltage, and reduces the amperage slightly.

If the arc is too long, the metal core melts off in large globules that
wobble from side to side and drop onto the work as spatter, rather than
forming useful weld metal. The weld bead is wide with excessive spatter and
undercut. The base metal is not properly melted, so the weld metal is deposited
on top of the plate with incomplete penetration, and slag inclusions will
probably occur. Long arcing is often used to preheat the base metal directly
after striking the arc.

Shortening the arc length reduces the arc voltage and increases the
amperage slightly. If the arc length is too short, the arc has a tendency to short
out and the electrode freezes to the work.

Travel speed is the rate at which the electrode moves along the work. The
key to correct travel speed is “reading” the weld puddle, because the weld
puddle is a liquid version of the weld bead.

A properly formed weld bead has an oval shape with an oval crater and
uniform ripple pattern. Travel speed is influenced by the type of welding
current (DCEN, DCEP or AC), amperage, welding position, electrode melt rate,
material thickness, surface condition of the base metal, type of joint, joint fit
up and electrode manipulation.

If you travel too fast, the puddle cools too quickly trapping gasses and
slag. The ripples are pointed and narrow with irregular penetration and
undercut along the toes.

If you travel too slowly, the weld metal piles up forming a high, wide
weld-bead with too much reinforcement that may result in overlap. So read the
puddle, and keep the arc on the leading edge.

In shielded metal arc welding, the work and travel angles are used to
control the shape of the weld puddle and the amount of penetration. The travel
angle is the angle between the joint and the electrode along the axis of the

A push angle exists when the electrode points in the direction of travel.
And a drag angle points away the direction of travel.

When all other essentials are under control, a change in the direction of
travel changes the heat input to the puddle. A drag travel angle increases heat
input because the arc is pointing into the puddle. A push travel angle reduces
heat input because the arc is pointing away from the puddle.

The work angle is pointing between the electrode and the work surface
along the work plane, which runs perpendicular to the axis of the weld. An
incorrect work angle can cause you to favour one side of the joint more than
another. The result is undercut and lack of fusion.

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