Positive Psychology Intervention To Well Being

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J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

DOI 10.1007/s10869-013-9319-4

A Test of Two Positive Psychology Interventions to Increase

Employee Well-Being
Seth Kaplan • Jill C. Bradley-Geist • Afra Ahmad •

Amanda Anderson • Amber K. Hargrove •

Alex Lindsey

Published online: 9 August 2013

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract potential for enhancing employee well-being. Because the

Purpose Despite an abundance of organizational research interventions are short, simple, and self-guided, there is
on how contextual and individual difference factors impact little in the way of costs or drawbacks for organizations.
well-being, little research has examined whether individ- Thus, these types of interventions seem like a potentially
uals themselves can take an active role in enhancing their useful component of workplace wellness initiatives.
own well-being. The current study assessed the effective- Originality/Value This study is one of the few to examine
ness of two simple, self-guided workplace interventions whether self-guided, positive psychology interventions can
(‘‘gratitude’’ and ‘‘social connectedness’’) in impacting enhance well-being. Moreover, this is the first study to
well-being. examine a social connectedness workplace intervention
Design/Methodology/Approach Sixty-seven university and the first to demonstrate effects on illness-related
employees participated in one of the two self-guided absence.
interventions for 2 weeks and completed self-report mea-
sures prior to the intervention, immediately following the Keywords Positive psychology  Intervention 
intervention, and one-month post-intervention. Growth Workplace well-being  Gratitude  Social
curve modeling was used to examine the effects of each connectedness  Affect
Findings Partially supporting hypotheses, the gratitude
intervention resulted in significant increases in positive Employee psychological well-being has substantial conse-
affective well-being and self-reported gratitude but not did quences for individual and organizational health and
significantly impact negative affective well-being or self- functioning (e.g., Harter et al. 2003). Although workplace
reported social connectedness. The social connectedness well-being long has been a concern for organizational
exercise did not significantly impact any of those four scholars (e.g., (Roethlisberger and Dickson 1939), recent
outcomes. However, both interventions related to a findings suggest that attention to employee psychological
reduction in workplace absence due to illness. functioning may now be especially pressing. Owing to
Implications The study suggests that self-guided, positive factors such as decreased job security, the economic
psychology interventions (particularly gratitude) hold downturn, and the inability to ‘‘turn off’’ work, over three-
quarters of Americans list work as a significant source of
stress (American Psychological Association 2007) and
S. Kaplan (&)  A. Ahmad  A. Anderson 
mean-level job satisfaction has declined significantly in
A. K. Hargrove  A. Lindsey
Department of Psychology, George Mason University, recent years (e.g., Ray and Rizzacasa 2012).
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, USA Within the tremendous body of research cataloging the
e-mail: [email protected] antecedents of various indices of workplace well-being
(see Warr 2007), the focus primarily has been on identi-
J. C. Bradley-Geist
Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno, fying the contextual (e.g., organizational and environ-
CA, USA mental ones) and personal (e.g., personality traits and

368 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

demographics) factors that contribute to or detract from (Sheldon and Elliot 1999), avoiding social comparisons
well-being. This research implicitly has adopted a ‘‘top- (Lyubomirsky and Ross 1997), and savoring the moment
down’’ perspective, wherein these contextual (e.g., Hack- (Hurley and Kwon 2012).
man and Oldham 1976) and personal (Thoresen et al. 2003) An implication of the notion that engaging in these
characteristics impact employee reactions and outcomes. simple activities can enhance well-being is that interven-
Almost completely lost in all this is the recognition that tions can be developed to teach and facilitate the execution
individuals act on their own to impact their well-being in of these activities. Adopting this logic, several studies have
spite of, not due to, the influence of these other factors (but introduced interventions that incorporate simple activities
see Berg et al. 2010; Wrzesniewski and Dutton 2001 for meant to promote the cognitions and behaviors that can
rare and notable exceptions). enhance resultant well-being (for reviews of this research,
Recent research from the area of positive psychology, see Lyubomirsky 2008; Sin and Lyubomirsky 2009).
however, demonstrates that programs encouraging specific Examples of these interventions include having partici-
behaviors and activities can have dramatic and enduring pants write about that for which they are grateful (Wood
effects on psychological well-being. In fact, empirical et al. 2010), write about one’s ‘‘best’’ or ‘‘ideal’’ possible
work suggests that these behaviors and activities may be at self (e.g., Sheldon and Lyubomirsky 2006), learn about and
least as consequential as ‘‘objective’’ contextual factors in use one’s strengths (Seligman et al. 2005), learn to set
determining one’s level of happiness (see Lyubomirsky appropriate goals (Sheldon et al. 2002), and learn to
et al. 2005). ‘‘savor’’ positive experiences (Seligman et al. 2006).
Given the above observations, we designed a study to The psychological mechanisms underlying the effec-
translate this burgeoning work in positive psychology into tiveness of happiness interventions likely vary depending
the organizational domain. Specifically, we developed two on the particular intervention (Lyubomirsky and Layous
well-being interventions, a ‘‘gratitude’’ exercise and a 2013). For example, an intervention designed to help
‘‘social connectedness’’ exercise, and had participants individuals identify and use their strengths might increase
complete one of the two exercises for 2 weeks to examine well-being through building self-efficacy while an inter-
potential changes in job-related affective well-being and vention focusing on setting appropriate goals could boost
absence (due to physical illness). Below, we briefly review well-being through the reinforcing effects of meeting goals.
research emphasizing the role of volitional behaviors in As discussed subsequently, in the current study, we draw
well-being. Following that, we describe the two interven- from theories on cognitive dissonance, adaptation (hedonic
tions used in the current study and propose hypotheses treadmill), theories on needs (e.g., status, belonging), and
linking completion of these interventions to enhanced well- social support to argue for the effectiveness of two inter-
being. ventions in increasing well-being.
Although research on positive psychology interventions
is still fairly nascent, some conclusions to date are
How our Actions Influence Well-Being encouraging. For example, gratitude interventions have
produced improvements in well-being similar in effect size
Underlying this project is the notion that volitional actions to those associated with techniques used in clinical therapy
can influence well-being, that is, people can intentionally (e.g., Emmons and McCullough 2003). Also, a meta-
facilitate cognitions and behaviors to increase their own analysis of 51 studies revealed that these interventions do
happiness and well-being. We base our argument in large indeed increase well-being (meta-analytic r = .29) and
part on Lyubomirsky et al. (2005) model of happiness. This decrease depressive symptoms (r = .31). In addition,
model suggests that happiness is a function of three major unlike the transitory benefits of most discrete events (Ly-
factors: life circumstances, temperament/disposition, and ubomirsky et al. 2005), the benefits of these interventions
positive cognitive or behavioral activities. Citing prior can endure for several months and perhaps even longer
research on happiness, Lyubomirsky et al. argue that life (Seligman et al. 2005). Moreover, the impact of these
circumstances (e.g., marital status, income, health, and interventions does not appear to be a mere placebo effect
religiosity) jointly account for only 8–15 % of the total (see Sheldon and Lyubomirsky 2007).
variance in happiness levels. They attribute another 50 % Organizational scholars also have begun introducing and
of the variance to a dispositional set point that tends to be investigating these types of programs, albeit to a relatively
stable over time and circumstances. The remaining 40 % or limited degree to date. In a recent review of positive psy-
so of the variance in happiness levels is surmised to be due chology interventions in organizations, Meyers and col-
to cognitive and behavioral activities in which a person leagues were able to locate 15 studies carried out with
engages. Examples of these activities and practices include workplace populations (Meyers et al. 2013). These inter-
choosing goals that are enjoyable and self-determined ventions included loving kindness meditation, appreciative

J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380 369

inquiry, coaching interventions, interventions meant to psychological outcomes such as eudaimonic well-being or
foster resilience, and interventions meant to foster psy- depression (Bolier et al. 2013). Also, affective states appear
chological capital, among others. Even among these 15 to be more transient and therefore more malleable, than are
studies, though, some were not the types of self-guided constructs such as job attitudes (see Weiss 2002).
interventions we are investigating here (e.g., instead We do not attempt to confirm or refute the precise
examining the effects of ‘‘coaching’’ interventions or the estimates of variance that the Lyubormirsky model attri-
effects of one-time computer-based training, for examples). butes to each of the three sources of happiness (or affect, in
Given their effectiveness outside of the workplace, these this case); instead, we point to the model as an indicator
interventions also appear to hold promise in enhancing that intentional behaviors have the potential to have a
well-being at work. In fact, Meyers et al. reported that substantial and meaningful impact on well-being. Below,
87 % (13/15) of the studies they reviewed reported effects we describe the two interventions we designed and develop
on at least one workplace well-being variable. hypotheses linking the completion of the interventions to
In addition to adding to this growing body of research on decreased negative affect and enhanced positive affect.
positive psychology interventions in the organizational Each intervention was designed with consideration for both
arena, we attempt to make three additional contributions ease of performing within a work setting and potential
with this research. First, we created what seems to be a efficacy based on prior research and theory.
novel intervention with the social connectedness interven-
tion (see description below). Although social relations are a Gratitude
robust predictor of well-being (e.g., Baumeister and Leary
1995), self-guided programs to facilitate such relations We follow Wood et al. (2010, p. 891) in defining gratitude
appear to be lacking, both inside and outside of the as an ‘‘orientation towards noticing and appreciating the
workplace. Also, unlike many studies in this area, we positive ‘in one’s work life’ (versus ‘in the world’).’’ In
measured multiple well-being outcomes including more recent years, researchers have amassed a considerable body
proximal ones that may, in turn, impact other outcomes. of findings linking gratitude to greater psychological well-
Somewhat surprisingly, studies in this domain include being (for reviews, see Emmons and McCullough 2004;
measures of well-being (e.g., happiness) but do not include Wood et al. 2010). After reviewing the literature on grat-
measures of intervening variables through which the itude and well-being, Wood et al. conclude that gratitude is
intervention might have its effects on those distal outcomes robustly related to well-being, regardless of how well-
(e.g., a gratitude intervention increasing gratitude and being is conceptualized (e.g., in terms of psychopathology
gratitude, in turn, increasing happiness). Including both and in more humanistic terms). Among the most impres-
proximal and distal measures can provide knowledge about sive findings in this literature is that gratitude could explain
the mechanisms through which the interventions are 20 % of the variance in satisfaction with life after con-
functioning. Finally, unlike the majority of the studies trolling for facets and domains associated with the Big Five
noted above, we examine the effects of the interventions personality traits (Wood et al. 2008).
over time, beyond intervention completion. Investigating Although Wood and colleagues’ discussion tends to
the degree to which the interventions’ benefits persist is focus on the dispositional orientation to experience grati-
paramount, as most changes in well-being are fleeting tude, we argue that gratitude can be enhanced through
(Watkins 2004), thereby calling into question the value of intentional practice (see Adler and Fagley 2005). Consis-
immediate change absent longer-term effects. tent with the notion that gratitude can be practiced and
increased, gratitude interventions have been associated
with lasting reductions in worry (Geraghty et al. 2010) and
The Current Interventions increased happiness and life satisfaction (Emmons and
McCullough 2003; Seligman et al. 2005).
Whereas the Lyubormirsky model focuses on happiness There are several theoretical explanations behind the
and well-being in somewhat general terms, we believe that benefits of gratitude. First, expressing gratitude might be
brief interventions like the current ones are more likely to incompatible with simultaneous experiences of negative
impact some aspects of well-being compared to others. thoughts and emotions (e.g., worry; Geraghty et al. 2010).
Specifically, we chose to focus on job-related positive and Consistent with cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger
negative affective well-being (PAWB and NAWB) as the 1957), expressions of gratitude might create dissonance
main outcomes. Research from outside the organizational with negative thoughts and feelings; as such, individuals
domain suggests that effect sizes associated with these might reduce dissonance by internalizing positive feelings
types of interventions are larger for the components of and cognitions to be consistent with their expressions of
subjective well-being (including affect) than for other gratitude. Second, expressing gratitude allows people to re-

370 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

experience the joys and positives in life (Sheldon and Social Connectedness
Lyubomirsky 2006). Relatedly, adaptation theory (e.g.,
Brickman and Campbell 1971) suggests that people tend to The second intervention we implemented was one meant to
adapt to positive changes in the environment and return foster social connectedness at work. Workplace social
rather quickly to a state of hedonic neutrality. Following connectedness involves feelings of relatedness and com-
from this logic, others (e.g., Watkins 2004) have suggested panionship with one’s work colleagues (Lee and Robbins
that increased gratitude can prevent succumbing to this 1995). Whereas there is research from outside the organi-
‘‘hedonic treadmill’’ in which the positives in life (e.g., zational domain to support the effectiveness of gratitude
healthy family and having a stable job) are taken for interventions (see above), we are not aware of interventions
granted. Taken a step further, Sheldon and Lyubomirsky focused specifically on increasing social interaction and
(2006) suggest that practicing gratitude can encourage connectedness. We chose to develop a social connected-
people to cope with negative situations by reinterpreting ness intervention for several reasons. First, the evidence
them in a more positive light. For example, a woman might linking social interaction and supportive social relation-
reinterpret a job layoff as an opportunity to pursue her ships to psychological health is overwhelming. Consis-
dream of going back to school or starting a business. Based tently, research demonstrates that feelings of social
on prior research and theory showing the benefits of grat- affiliation, integration, and the like are among the strongest
itude interventions in clinical and general life contexts, we predictors of happiness and well-being (Myers 2000). In
predicted similar benefits in a work setting. the workplace as well, social interaction and coworker
relations are some of the most important influences on
Hypothesis 1 Participant PAWB will be significantly
employee job attitudes and psychological health (Chiaburu
higher after performing a gratitude intervention than before
and Harrison 2008; Halbesleben 2006). Thus, increasing
the intervention.
the strength of social ties seems an especially effective
Hypothesis 2 Participant NAWB will be significantly means to increase worker well-being.
lower after performing a gratitude intervention than before Also driving our decision to institute, this particular type
the intervention. of intervention was the recognition that the benefits of
social interaction and relationships may increasingly be in
In addition to measuring PAWB and NAWB, we also
jeopardy. Owing to the increase in practices like telework
included dependent variables specific to the interventions
and distributed teamwork and to a greater reliance on
themselves (i.e., gratitude and social connectedness). We
computer-mediated communication in general, employees
included these measures for several reasons. First, they
may communicate with each other less overall. They also
provide a way to assess discriminant validity between the
may be engaging in less of the kind of impromptu (versus
different intervention conditions. Also, we were interested in
scheduled) social interactions that may be especially
whether increases in these variables lead to changes in other
important for well-being (Allen et al. 2003; Sarbaugh-
well-being variables. Finally, including these measures
Thompson and Feldman 1998). Our goal then was to
allows for inspection of whether participants were merely
develop an intervention to increase overall, and especially
falling prey to demand characteristics. Specifically, we
face-to-face, social interaction. Ultimately, these types of
anticipated that participants completing the gratitude inter-
interactions then should tend to foster more and more
vention would report higher gratitude post-intervention than
meaningful social ties and relationships and ultimately
would participants completing the social connectedness
greater well-being (Myers 2000).
intervention. Likewise, we anticipated higher reports of
With regard to the main outcome of interest here, studies
social connectedness in the participants who completed that
indicate that social contact can have an immediate impact
intervention rather than the gratitude intervention. Although
on affect, and especially positive affect. As argued by
we would expect general positive impacts of the interven-
Taylor and Brown (1988), norms for social interaction
tion, we also expected to see more dramatic effects that were
typically (though not always) tend to be biased in a positive
specific to the nature of the intervention performed.
direction such that they encourage positive feedback and
Hypothesis 3a Self-reported gratitude will be signifi- self-evaluation. As such, social interaction tends to
cantly higher after performing the gratitude intervention enhance well-being. Similarly, social contact can fulfill the
than before the intervention. strong basic human need for acceptance and belonging
(Baumeister and Leary 1995), also a boon to well-being. In
Hypothesis 3b Post-intervention self-reported gratitude
a seminal paper in this area, Watson and colleagues
will be significantly higher for participants completing the
showed in three studies that social activity was positively
gratitude intervention than participants completing the
related to positive affect at both the between- and within-
social connectedness intervention.

J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380 371

person levels of analysis (Watson et al. 1992). Similarly, Method

Reis and colleagues showed that daily feelings of related-
ness predicted daily positive affect (Reis et al. 2000). Participants
Within the work domain as well, findings document the
importance of positive social interaction on affect (e.g., Staff members from two large public universities were invited
Basch and Fisher 2000). In a recent study, for example, to participate in a study on workplace well-being. Members of
Dimotakis et al. (2011) found that daily positive social the research team contacted and met with various departments
interaction predicted greater positive affect and, in turn, in both universities to recruit potential participants. A total of
higher state job satisfaction. 112 employees agreed to participate. Employees who com-
pleted the study received a $10 gift certificate for participating.
Hypothesis 4 Participant PAWB will be significantly
Of the 112 employees who completed the initial set of mea-
higher after performing a social connectedness intervention
sures, 67 completed the intervention program and also
than before the intervention.
responded to both sets of follow-up measures.
The effects of social interaction on state negative affect The final sample was predominately female (86.6 %),
are less certain. While negative and conflict-ridden inter- had been at their organization for about nine years on
actions clearly can increase negative affect (e.g., Bolger average (M = 9.39, SD = 9.03), worked about forty hours
et al. 1989), the influence of social interaction, more gen- per week (M = 42.07, SD = 7.94), and had a mean age of
erally, in decreasing negative affect (NAWB) is not as about 43 (M = 42.93, SD = 12.25). The majority of the
clear. Theoretically, interacting with others serves purposes sample (92.3 %) had general administrative type jobs
such as reducing loneliness and self-focused attention and (administrative assistant, program coordinator, financial aid
in obtaining social support (Baumeister and Leary 1995). counselor, office manager) while 5.1 % had jobs in the
While some results indeed support the notion that social health care field (e.g., nurse, physician, and dietician) and
support and social interaction decreases felt negative affect 2.6 % did not report their job title or description. Com-
(Westermann et al. 1996), other studies indicate no rela- parison on the initial set of measures revealed no significant
tionship. For example, in a highly cited series of studies on differences between the two groups (the initial sample of
social interaction and affect, Watson et al. (1992) failed to 112 versus the 67 employees who completed the interven-
find significant correlations between social activity and tion program and follow-up measures) on any demograph-
negative affect. More recently, in a workplace study, Di- ics or study variables. Participants were randomly assigned
motakis et al. (2011) also found nonsignificant relation- to one of the two conditions with 33 in the gratitude con-
ships between ‘‘positive interactions’’ and negative affect. dition and 34 in the social connectedness condition.
These results are in line with Watson’s (2000) assertion
that social activity has stronger effects on positive, relative Procedure
to negative moods. Likely, the nature of the interaction
impacts felt negative affect. Stressful or conflict-ridden The researchers made contact with the supervisors of var-
ones obviously would not be expected to reduce negative ious nonacademic departments (e.g., dining services,
affect. admissions, and Information Technology) at the two uni-
We also investigated the influence of completing this versities. Researchers asked departmental supervisors to
intervention on self-reported social connectedness. Because send out a recruitment e-mail along with a link to the initial
actual social interaction increases feelings of connectedness measures. Upon visiting the link, participants viewed and
(Baumeister and Leary 1995), we anticipated that social agreed to the informed consent. Included as part of the
connectedness would increase and that participants in consent, the participants were told that the purpose of the
this condition would report higher connectedness post- study was to explore avenues to increase well-being at
intervention than would participants completing the grati- work. Following the consent, participants were asked to
tude intervention. provide demographic information and to complete the
other measures. Participants then created a personal iden-
Hypothesis 5a Self-reported social connectedness will be
tifier code (e.g., ‘‘your mother’s maiden name’’ or ‘‘the
significantly higher after performing the social connected-
name of the street on which you grew up’’) and were asked
ness intervention than before the intervention.
to record this identifier (e.g., ‘‘in your planner or on your
Hypothesis 5b Self-reported post-intervention social cell phone’’). They were also provided with an e-mail
connectedness will be significantly higher for participants address to contact the researchers if they subsequently
completing the social connectedness intervention than forgot it or could not locate their code. These identifier
participants completing the gratitude intervention. codes allowed the three surveys to be linked.

372 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

After completing the initial battery of measures, par- provided with a list of suggestions for increasing social ties
ticipants randomly were assigned to one of two interven- such as physically going to talk with a colleague instead of
tion conditions (gratitude or social connectedness). e-mailing him or her and doing something during work
Participants received detailed instructions on completing with a coworker, such as getting coffee or going for a walk
the intervention (for their condition) via a slide presenta- (see Appendix 1 for full list of suggestions).
tion that was e-mailed to them (see Appendix 1 for the
information presented in the slide presentations). These Materials
presentations contained instructions indicating that partic-
ipants were to complete their assigned well-being inter- Participants completed the study measures at three time
vention on 3 days per week for a two-week period. During points: directly before and after the intervention period and
the two-week period, participants then received both again 1 month after completion of the intervention. Given
weekly and daily participation reminders. The daily the time frame of the study, participants were asked to
reminder e-mails contained the link to a secure Web site report their well-being (e.g., gratitude and PAWB) ‘‘over
where participants either recorded that for which they were the past 30 days,’’ ‘‘over the past 2 weeks,’’ and ‘‘over the
grateful at work (in the gratitude condition) or where they past 30 days,’’ at the first, second, and third survey
described their attempts at fostering social connectedness administrations, respectively. The full measures are pre-
that day (in the social connectedness condition). The con- sented in ‘‘Appendix 2.’’
ditions are described in more detail below.
After the two-week intervention and then again four Gratitude
weeks after that (i.e., 6 weeks after beginning the study),
participants responded to the same set of measures given in We used the three-item gratitude adjective checklist (GAC)
the initial battery. developed by McCullough et al. (2002). This is a fre-
quently used measure of gratitude with strong psycho-
Gratitude Condition metric properties and validity-related evidence (e.g., Froh
et al. 2009). Participants reported the degree to which they
In the gratitude condition, participants were asked to log in experienced each gratitude-related adjective at work,
at least three times per week to record things that they are ranging from 1 (very slightly or not at all) to 5 (extremely).
grateful for related to their job (Emmons and McCullough Exploratory factor analyses supported a strong unidimen-
2003). Each time, they followed the link (embedded in sional solution for the measure, and the coefficient a reli-
their daily reminder e-mails) to the secure Web site and abilities ranged from .94 to .96 over the three time points.
they typed responses to the following prompt:
Social Connectedness
Try to think about the many things in your job/work,
both large and small, for which you are grateful.
We chose four items from the social connectedness sub-
These might include supportive work relationships,
scale from Lee and Robbins’ (1995) measure of belong-
sacrifices or contributions that others have made for
ingness. We selected items that appeared less dispositional
you, advantages or opportunities at work, or thank-
in nature and, therefore, on which one’s standing poten-
fulness for the opportunity to have your job in gen-
tially could change as a function of intervention comple-
eral. Try to think of new ideas that you have not
tion. The response scale for this measure ranged from 1
focused on in the past.
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Exploratory fac-
tor analyses supported a strong one-factor solution. The
Increasing Social Connectedness Condition
coefficient a reliability ranged from .85 to .93 across the
three time points.
In the increasing social connectedness condition, partici-
pants were asked to engage in specific strategies to increase
their social ties at work social three times per week and to Affective Well-Being
document those experiences on a secure Web site. To
clarify, whereas, in the gratitude condition, participants PAWB and NAWB were measured with the Job-Related
completed the intervention online, participants in the social Affective Well-being Scale (JAWS). The JAWS (Van
connectedness condition were reminded to engage in Katwyk et al. 2000) is a 30-item scale (15 PAWB items
additional social activities in the reminder e-mails and only and 15 NAWB items) designed to measure emotional
recorded those activities online. In the initial slide pre- reactions to one’s job. Items were asked on a five-point
sentation and in the reminder e-mails, participants were Likert-type scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly

J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380 373

agree). Exploratory factor analyses confirmed that the did indeed increase for this group, thereby supporting
items loaded onto one of two intended factors (i.e., sub- Hypothesis 1. The means in Table 2 reveal that PAWB
scales). Across the three time points, positive affect increased at each time point. Hypothesis 2 predicted that
a’s = .94–.95 and negative affect a’s = .93–.94. NAWB would decrease as a function of performing the
gratitude exercise. Although mean NAWB scores did
Absence Due to Illness decrease, the drop was not significant. Thus, Hypothesis 2
was not supported. Consistent with Hypothesis 3a, self-
In addition to the primary variables described above, we also reported gratitude significantly increased following the
evaluated whether completing these interventions impacted intervention (see Tables 2, 3). Although not explicitly
employee absence due to illness. Some research indicates hypothesized, we also evaluated whether completing the
that completing positive psychology interventions similar to gratitude exercise was associated with an increase in self-
the current ones (e.g., writing activities; see Harris 2006) can reported social connectedness. Tables 2 and 3 reveal no
actually improve physical health as well as psychological significant effect. In sum, the gratitude intervention was
health. Obviously, results showing that intervention com- associated with significant increases in PAWB and self-
pletion can aid physical health (and, in turn, reduce absence) reported gratitude but not significant changes in NAWB or
would have substantial implications both for employees and self-reported social connectedness.
organizations. Because we are uncertain whether completing We then evaluated the same basic model for the social
these interventions for 2 weeks actually could impact connectedness condition. Hypothesis 4 predicted that posi-
physical health, we chose not to offer a formal proposal for tive affect would increase after participating in the social
this outcome, instead examining this in an exploratory connectedness intervention. However, as seen in Tables 2
manner. At each time point, participants responded to the and 3, PAWB did not significantly increase over time. Thus,
following question, ‘‘Over the last month (or 2 weeks for the Hypothesis 4 was not supported. Hypothesis 5 predicted that
post-intervention assessment), about how many different self-reported social connectedness would increase following
times (i.e., instances) were you absent from work because the social connectedness intervention. However, Hypothesis
you were sick/not feeling well?’’ 5 was not supported because results indicated no significant
change in self-reported social connectedness. Finally,
although not hypothesized, we also evaluated whether this
Results condition increased self-reported gratitude. Tables 2 and 3
reveal there was no significant effect of the social connect-
Descriptive statistics and intercorrelations for the study edness intervention on gratitude. In sum, the social con-
variables at the three time points appear in Table 1. Also, nectedness exercise did not significantly improve PAWB or
the descriptive statistics for the outcomes for the two self-reported social connectedness or gratitude.
conditions at each time point appear in Table 2. For the Hypotheses 3b and 5b were comparative predictions.
primary analyses, we conducted growth curve modeling According to Hypothesis 3b, self-reported gratitude would
using the HLM software program (Raudenbush et al. be increased more by the gratitude intervention than by the
2004). We began by examining the effects of each condi- social connectedness intervention. According to Hypothesis
tion separately. For each condition, ‘‘time’’ was the level-1 5b, self-reported social connectedness would be increased
predictor, represented by weeks into the study (0, 2, and more by the social connectedness intervention than by the
6).1 Because participants came from two different univer- gratitude intervention. To examine these hypotheses, we
sities, a dummy code for university was included in the combined data from the two conditions. We evaluated the
level-2 intercept and slope equations. The results from same model as described above but also included condition
these analyses are presented in Table 3. as a level-2 predictor of the slopes and intercepts. The
analysis for gratitude revealed that, across conditions, self-
Tests of Hypotheses reported gratitude did increase over time (c = .11, p \ .01).
The cross-level interaction for condition was also signifi-
Turning first to the gratitude condition, we predicted in the cant (c = -.11, p \ .01). Inspection of the means in
first hypothesis that PAWB would increase after complet- Table 2 and of the graph of this equation showed that self-
ing the gratitude intervention. As seen in Table 3, PAWB reported gratitude only increased for those in the gratitude
condition; the line for the social connectedness condition
was essentially flat. These results support Hypothesis 3b.
We also conducted all of the analyses coding time as 0, 1, 2 (instead
The same analyses with self-reported social connectedness
of number of weeks into study). The conclusions from the two sets of
analyses were identical. We also examined potential nonlinear effects, as the outcome revealed that this variable did not signifi-
but they were not statistically significant. cantly increase over time across conditions (c = .00,

374 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

Table 1 Descriptive statistics and correlations for the focal variables at the three time points
Means SDs Gratitude Soc connect PAWB NAWB

Time 1
Gratitude 3.47 .97
Soc connect 4.17 .84 .28*
PAWB 3.43 .70 .54* .31**
NAWB 2.67 .83 -.32* -.37** -.58*
Absence due to illness .82 1.07 -.32* -.15 -.29* .17
Time 2
Gratitude 3.86 .87
Soc connect 4.13 .77 .22
PAWB 3.46 .75 .69* .41**
NAWB 2.49 .83 -.30* -.18 -.53*
Absence due to illness .23 .51 -.12 .00 -.11 .10
Time 3
Gratitude 3.86 .96
Soc connect 4.32 .72 .25
PAWB 3.65 .63 .66* .21
NAWB 2.30 .70 -.46* -.37* -.55*
Absence due to illness .29 .59 -.09 .14 .00 .14
N = 33 for the gratitude condition and N = 34 for the social connectedness condition
Soc connect social connectedness
* p \ .05, ** p \ .01

Table 2 Descriptive statistics for focal variables across study conditions

Outcome Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
Grat cond SC cond Grat cond SC cond Grat cond SC cond

Gratitude 3.37 .95 3.57 1.00 3.79 .94 3.94 .80 4.08 1.00 3.65 .97
Social connectedness 4.16 .76 4.17 .91 4.13 .61 4.13 .93 4.31 .60 4.33 .83
PAWB 3.36 .71 3.51 .68 3.47 .78 3.45 .73 3.69 .69 3.61 .59
NAWB 2.70 .87 2.64 .80 2.43 .76 2.55 .89 2.34 .71 2.27 .70
Absence due to illness .88 .95 .77 1.17 .24 .53 .21 .49 .29 .56 .29 .62
N = 33 for the gratitude condition and N = 34 for the social connectedness condition
Grat cond gratitude condition, SC social connectedness condition, M mean

p [ .10) and did not change more dramatically for one (c = -.05, p = .055). The cross-level interaction for
condition versus the other (c for cross-level interaction = condition was not significant (c = .02, p [ .10), suggesting
-.04, p [ .10). Thus, Hypothesis 5b was not supported. that the change was roughly equal across conditions. The
Analyses also were conducted to compare the two graph of this equation confirmed this conclusion.
interventions in terms of their effects on PAWB and
NAWB. Across the two conditions, positive affect Additional Analyses
increased (c = .05, p \ .05). However, the cross-level
interaction for condition was significant (c = -.05, In addition to testing the study hypotheses, we also con-
p \ .05). Inspection of the means in Table 2 and of the ducted three sets of additional analyses. First, given that
graph from this equation showed that PAWB only participants in the gratitude condition experienced increa-
increased for those in the gratitude group. Notably, when ses in gratitude and in job-related positive affect, we
the two samples were considered together, the decrease in examined whether these changes were related to one
negative affect also approached statistical significance another. To do so, we regressed the (Time 3—baseline)

J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380 375

Table 3 HLM results describing the effects of the two interventions on well-being outcomes
Outcome Gratitude condition Social connectedness condition
Estimate t Estimate T

Pre-intervention intercept 3.58 17.80** 3.51 23.36**
Time .05 2.62* -.02 -1.00
Pre-intervention intercept 2.42 11.01** 2.69 15.32**
Time -.02 -.84 -.04 -2.02^
Pre-intervention intercept 3.74 15.79** 3.71 18.58**
Time .09 2.73* .01 .26
Social connectedness
Pre-intervention intercept 4.02 21.17** 4.09 21.29**
Time .00 .58 .01 .20
Absence due to physical illnessa
Pre-intervention intercept -.35 -.84 .27 .88
Time -1.04 (.35) -2.18* -.62 (.54) -3.26**
N = 33 for the gratitude condition and N = 34 for the social connectedness condition. Sample (i.e., at which of the two universities participants
worked) was also included as a level-2 control variable. Those results are not presented here for the sake of clarity of the Table
Time coefficients represent changes in log absenteeism. Coefficients in parentheses represent exponentiated decrease in number of days absent
per week
^ p \ .10, * p \ .05, ** p \ .01
Results are based on Poisson model

residualized change scores in PAWB on the (Time 2— period, M = 2.5, SD = 1.34). Notably, total adherence
baseline) residualized change scores for gratitude (see was somewhat, but not significantly, higher for the grati-
MacKinnon, 2008, p. 199). Contrary to our expectation, the tude condition (M = 4.64, SD = 2.38) as compared to the
coefficient was not statistically significant, b = .20, social connectedness condition (M = 4.08, SD = 2.74;
p = .271. This result suggests that increases in well-being F(1, 71) = .86, p = .36. We then ran a series of models
were not due to changes in felt gratitude. including frequency of intervention completion as a cross-
As described in the Method section above, we were also level moderator. For none of the outcomes was the inter-
interested in any effects of the interventions on physical action term significant (all p’s [ .10). Thus, completing the
health. To explore this question, we included an item interventions more often did not seem to amplify their
asking about the frequency of illness-related work absence. benefits.
Using this measure, we assessed the same model as
described above but used multilevel Poisson regression
here (given that these were count data with a preponder- Discussion
ance of zero absences). As seen in Table 3, the two con-
ditions, when considered separately, were associated with a This study examined the effectiveness of two interventions
decrease in illness-related absences. Analyses considering in enhancing workplace well-being. We found that a
the two conditions together produced the same conclusion. gratitude intervention was successful in influencing three
Finally, we also investigated whether frequency of outcomes (self-reported gratitude, PAWB, and reduced
intervention completion impacted the effectiveness of the absence due to illness) while the social connectedness
interventions. To do so, we first computed adherence scores condition decreased absence due to illness.
by counting the number of times participants logged into We believe this study makes three primary contributions.
complete (or document completing) the intervention. In First, it contributes to a small but growing body of work
general, adherence was fairly good, as participants reported extending positive psychology research into an organiza-
completing the intervention 2.18 times per week, on tional context. As noted above, prior examinations of
average (i.e., 4.36/6 total requested times for the two-week workplace positive psychology interventions are relatively

376 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

few in number. Also, many of the existing studies focus more ‘‘I’ve continued to have a greater awareness of the ‘bright’
on what organizations and leaders can do to enhance side of my job. On the days I feel overwhelmed, I think
employee well-being versus on what employees themselves back to what I enjoy most about my job and that tends to
can do. Second, the longitudinal nature of the study provides lift my mood.’’ Notably, several participants reported
insight into the temporal effects of the interventions and already completing something like the gratitude interven-
reveals that their impact extended beyond the intervention. tion prior to the study. A sample comment from the social
Finally, the results suggest that relatively fast and simple connectedness intervention was, ‘‘Anything that I can do to
self-guided interventions can enhance well-being. Clearly, keep the atmosphere at work and with my colleagues
though, not all hypotheses were supported, suggesting more enjoyable is worth the extra effort! I continue to try to
nuanced relationships between specific interventions and make a face-to-face visit as opposed to ONLY e-mailing.’’
aspects of well-being. However, some participants indicated that making social
connections was difficult due to the structure of their work
Implications environment, time constraints, and office politics.
A few important differences between the conditions bear
Regarding theoretical implications, this study clearly points mention, especially as they partially might explain differ-
to the importance of further research into the mediating ences in the relatively stronger effects for the gratitude
mechanisms underlying intervention effectiveness. Prior condition. First, the social connectedness intervention
studies have carried out little in the way of showing why necessarily involves the willingness of another person to
the interventions work, and the current study suggests that participate in the social interaction, whereas the gratitude
the variables considered here (i.e., self-reported gratitude condition was the sole responsibility of the study partici-
and self-reported social connectedness) were not respon- pant. Second, the social connectedness intervention argu-
sible for the enhanced well-being observed. Arguably, ably required more time and behavioral change while the
then, the results might be inconsistent with an adaptation gratitude intervention was more reflective and cognitive in
theory explanation in which gratitude interventions nature. Third, not all social interaction is positive, and even
enhance well-being by preventing people from adapting to, interactions that may reduce negative affect by reducing
or taking for granted, the positives in life. It is possible that loneliness, for example, are not necessarily ‘‘fun’’ or
increases in PAWB are due to cumulative experiences of ‘‘engaging.’’ Also, as a reviewer keenly noted, people
short-term boosts in positive mood that are experienced actually may feel less, not more, happy if they fail to ini-
during and shortly after the intervention. However, because tiate social contact when instructed to do so.
we did not measure state affect when the intervention These potential burdens and factors notwithstanding,
activities were completed, we can only point to this as a results to a question on the final survey indicated that
direction for future research. Likewise, decreases in participants actually would have chosen the social con-
absences in the social connectedness intervention were not nectedness intervention over the gratitude intervention if
due to increased reports of social connectedness. Thus, we given a choice. Thus, employees seem to value an inter-
can only speculate that the effects on the absences due to vention promoting social connectedness. However, it must
illnesses are due to other theoretical mechanisms such as be easy to complete, appropriate for the employee and
reductions in stress that come from participating in the workplace, and facilitate, rather than hinder, workday
social connectedness intervention. productivity.
This study has a number of practical implications. A final practical implication that bears emphasis is the
Importantly, the interventions were simple and quick to potential for these types of interventions to actually
complete. Also, there was no cost to the participants’ orga- improve health and, in turn, reduce absence. Although
nizations, other than the few minutes of employee time tentative, the current findings are quite promising and are
necessary to complete the interventions. These practical consistent with research showing that writing about posi-
advantages are important as most organizational interven- tive experiences and aspects of oneself can improve
tions require systemic or structural changes, such as training objectively measured physical health (e.g., Burton and
leaders or altering policies (e.g., Campion and McClelland King 2004). To the degree that these interventions can
1993). Although management can encourage employee improve physical health and reduce associated organiza-
participation in this type of intervention, the actual mecha- tional costs (e.g., lost productivity and insurance costs),
nism of change is in the control of the employee. their benefit to organizations obviously increases dramati-
In qualitative feedback at the end of the study, partici- cally. Studies trying to replicate the present results and
pants indicated enthusiasm about the interventions and extend these findings by including more objective out-
described them as uplifting and easy to complete. A sample comes (e.g., physiological indicators) and examining
comment from participants in the gratitude condition was, mediating mechanisms certainly would be of value.

J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380 377

Limitations Another issue concerns our decision to randomly assign

people to conditions rather than letting them choose an
Several limitations of the study warrant mention. First, the intervention. Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2007) argued that
sample size was relatively modest. As such, statistical power interventions should fit with one’s personality and needs.
was limited, potentially leading to some of the nonsignificant Thus, results may have been even more encouraging if
results. In particular, the results from the combined analyses people chose their condition. We opted to assign people to
for NAWB reported above, along with the decreasing mean strengthen internal validity, but doing so potentially
values for NAWB over time (in Table 2), suggest that these increased attrition and attenuated the strength of the effects.
interventions may reduce negative affect to some degree. A Also of note is that we only assessed well-being 4 weeks
larger sample size would be necessary to detect statistically post-intervention. Reassessing the outcomes several
significant results though. Notably, however, small sample months after the intervention would be beneficial but
sizes are not atypical for intervention research (e.g., Ly- simply was not practical in this case. Lastly, the general-
ubomirsky et al. 2005). Despite participants reporting izability of the sample is a potential issue as the sample
favorable reactions to the interventions, recruiting partici- was entirely comprised of university employees (albeit
pants was challenging. Our impression was that initial different departments and functions) and was predomi-
reluctance to participate was mainly a function of limited nately female (87 %).
time. Qualitative comments from participants seemed to
confirm that time was a limiting factor. Thus, future inter- Future Directions
ventions should emphasize activities that are brief and easy
to complete. Also, recruiting a larger initial sample of par- Given the dearth of empirical information on interventions
ticipants will increase power. in the organizational context, several research questions
Related to the small sample, we opted to forgo a control remain. For example, researchers should examine the opti-
group in order to maximize the number of participants in mal length for the intervention and the ideal frequency of
intervention conditions. Although a control group would be activity completion (e.g., three versus five times a week; see
ideal, two findings potentially mitigate concerns over the Lyubomirsky and Layous 2013). Also informative would be
lack of a control group. First, we gain confidence from the to compare the effectiveness of these interventions con-
fact that the two interventions impacted different out- ducted in the work environment versus at home. Completing
comes. Also, the primarily nonsignificant results for the these interventions at work presumably could serve either as
social connectedness condition suggest that there was not a a ‘‘micro break’’ and enhance well-being or could be an
general ‘‘placebo effect.’’ Had we found uniformly positive interference and burden, thereby causing frustration and
changes across all variables and conditions, we would be greater stress. Another consideration is that completing these
concerned about demand characteristics and the need for a interventions at work may boost adherence given the avail-
formal control group. Similar pretest–posttest designs sans ability of support from colleagues or supervisors who might
control group are relatively common in some areas of also be completing the activities. An additional future
research, for example, when small sample size or the ethics direction involves assessing other activities. There are a host
of withholding treatment make a control group impractical. of these types of activities that may enhance well-being (see
Also, we did have considerable attrition; 60 % of the Lyubomirsky 2008; Seligman et al. 2005). However, studies
people who responded to the initial set of measures com- primarily have not addressed their application in a work
pleted the intervention and all follow-up surveys. Again, setting (but see Meyers et al. 2013 for some exceptions).
qualitative feedback suggested that the time required was Finally, further research is needed on the mechanisms by
the main concern. Another potential cause for attrition was which interventions impact well-being. The current results
that all contact with participants was online; past research indicate that gratitude did not, in fact, mediate the relation-
suggests that the lack of face-to-face contact can increase ship between the gratitude intervention and PAWB. Future
attrition (Eysenbach 2005). We were not aware of this researchers may wish to explore other theoretical mecha-
effect prior to the study and did not wish to burden par- nisms mentioned previously (e.g., reducing cognitive dis-
ticipants with training sessions. That said, future studies sonance and preventing ‘‘hedonic treadmill’’).
might benefit from in-person contact. Based on our review of the literature on these types of
An additional consideration concerns the measure of interventions, both in the workplace and in general, no firm
social connectedness (Lee and Robbins 1995). Although recommendations can be made about many of these issues
this is a widely used and validated measure, it may have (e.g., frequency and duration of interventions). The num-
failed to capture the type of connectedness we sought to ber of studies experimentally examining each of these
enhance here. As such, we would recommend that future issues is small and the results that do exist sometimes are
studies include (additional) measures of social relations. inconsistent—likely due to idiosyncrasies in the studies

378 J Bus Psychol (2014) 29:367–380

(e.g., the population and context; Lyubomirsky and Layous 7. Plan or attend a group activity for your coworkers after
2013). More research is needed to work toward being able work (e.g., a baseball game and happy hour).
to make firmer conclusions and recommendations regard-
ing these issues.
Gratitude Intervention Instructions
In sum, the current climate of employment attitudes is
changing, whereby job security, loyalty, and the average
• We would like you to think about the many things in
length of employment with one company are much lower
your job/work, both large and small, for which you are
than they have been historically (Fisher 2010). Also, due to
grateful. These might include supportive work rela-
economic and societal changes, work seems to be becom-
tionships, sacrifices, or contributions that others have
ing more, not less, challenging from a psychological
made for you, advantages or opportunities at work, or
standpoint (American Psychological Association 2007).
thankfulness for the opportunity to have your job in
Given these recognitions, coupled with the potential ben-
general. Try to think of new ideas that you have not
efits of job-related well-being, interventions to increase
focused on in the past.
well-being at work through employee-directed intentional,
• You will log into the Web site we provide and list
positive interventions may be increasingly pertinent.
things about your job for which you are grateful on
three days for each of the next 2 weeks (you can choose
which days you want to log in).
Appendix 1: Intervention instructions presented via
• Do this for 2 weeks beginning NEXT Monday or the
e-mailed slide presentations
first day you will return to work.
Social Connectedness Intervention Instructions

• We would like you to increase your social ties with Appendix 2: Study Measures
your coworkers. We are going to provide different
strategies to do this. For all measures, participants reported their well-being (on
• Log in 3 times a week (you can choose which days you the measure below) ‘‘over the past 30 days,’’ ‘‘over the past
want to log in) and try to do the different strategies 3 2 weeks,’’ and ‘‘over the past 30 days,’’ at the first, second,
times a week. and third survey administrations, respectively.
• You can do the same thing three times or choose
different ones each time. Gratitude Measure
• Do the activity for 2 weeks beginning NEXT Monday
or the first day you will return to work. Indicate to what extent you generally have felt this way at
Sample Strategies to Increase Social Ties 1. Grateful
2. Thankful
1. Instead of e-mailing someone, call him or her or go to 3. Appreciative
his or her desk to discuss the topic you were going to
e-mail about.
Social Connectedness Measure
2. Do something social outside of work hours with a
coworker (e.g., go to dinner, happy hour, and the gym).
1. I feel disconnected from the world around me at work
3. Do something social during work hours with a
coworker (e.g., get coffee, go for a walk, and take a
2. I feel so distant from people at my job (R)
lunch break together).
3. I have no sense of togetherness with my work peers (R)
4. Talk with one coworker who you do not normally talk
4. I don’t feel I participate with anyone or any group at
to (e.g., could be work related or not work related).
work (R)
5. Start or join a team or group activity with your
coworkers (e.g., softball team, kickball team, book
club, and road race). Job-Related Affective Well-Being Measure (Positive
6. Ask around to see whether you live close enough that Affect Items)
you could commute to work with a coworker (carpool
or take the public transportation together). My job made me feel…

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