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DELHLMETRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. No.DMRC/PERS/14/2013 Dated : 26/12/13 OFFICE ORDER NO. PP/1716 /2013 Sub : Master Circular on Pay and Allowances The Master Circular on Pay & Allowances and other benefits/entitlements admissible to DMRC employees has been prepared and the same is being uploaded on DMRC intranet. All employees are requested to view/download the aforesaid Master Circular from DMC intranet for information and guidance. ‘This issues with the approval of MD. ne (Karan Singh) Executive Director/HR Copy to: 1, All EDs/CGMs/HODs/PDs/CPMs & Dy.HODs for wide circulation among the staff working under them. + 2. Principal Advisor, Principal Advisor(Elect), other Advisors. 3. OSD & GM (SP). 4. Office Order File. 5, Notice Boards 6. AGMIIT- For uploading on intranet Ce; For information of DRS/DW/DBD/DP/DO/DF/DE a panthe uw a MASTER CIRCULAR PAY & ALLOWANCES AND OTHER BENEFITS/ ENTITLEMENTS ADMISSIBLE TO DMRC EMPLOYEES L.(a) PAY-SCALES: There shall be two pay scales (IDA and CDA) in operation in the Corporation, Those personnel, who join DMRC on deputation from an organization where they are in CDA scales, they may continue to be in CDA scales or may opt for IDA scales. However, the DMRC recruits shall compulsorily be governed by IDA pay scales, The deputationists who have opted for CDA scales in DMRC, on promotion in DMRC, will be fixed only in IDA scales and if they are granted promotion in their parent cadre under NBR rule then their pay in CDA scale will zt protected, The pay scales under CDA & IDA pattern in operation in DMC will be as follows: s a Prevevised | Revised | Grade | Pre-revised | Revised No CDA Scale | CDA Seale Pay IDA Scale IDA Scale Non Executive 7 | Unies cwine saison cx) | 2525526 ] saan | ison | a-r0sc00 | eons Seni AN CNA, | 2650653300 | saan : > [se sn65330- | onan | wo | smorsasia | serouieo | | sikarc asstDarsnEaey | spopgscomn | savoammo | 2m | 301058 3 | ame sees spooascom | sawn | 20m | sensi | sn00s4to Sen/Ast Dera : + [Semvaeternniaavenes. | wonsnacion | oman | 2400 | ss0ni70 wio:NE0 Taf, ass va Ge | fete anon soomsoanoo | 9so0sisoo | sn00 | sreoss2m | rsaoasez0 Connect Opie Get 6 | Taek ssanarsonm | ss0esiso> | e00 | somccaione | omasseso Conta Oy pr PASO RE Taal A Catan 7 eee sa consetan | ewocanioxo | sande | aan | 7ioozs.nme | recnoaert0 Ogrigip SE Pease sora Mage GETS 5 aSeatnccne mL ini. | 7inas0-200 | vsonsem | asco | asoncrstaow | ras0560 Veimpsso Executive 1 | Asstt. Manager, 8000-275-13500_| 15600-39100 5400, ‘9000-300-15300 | 20600-46500 2 | Manage Teonn2nsisab 160039100 | st _| VW7S170 | 249050. 3 [py ow Tepes" | sw 100 | Feeo | ean ATO | 290 [ban Naw Sa 3230-500 [how Taree | Fearn | —sr00 | TemOAsTaNTN | Jota [nso Ad ON Tesaeasoaiony| 300700 | B00 | Wanson22 | «ions 7 [ow come TRGES9022107| 30-0) | 10600 | 20m97:2540 |_sisu-730m aS ‘avo 0 9 [isos so 000 wT Mo T [ee | “The officers on completion of 3 years service at AGM level willbe eligible for a special allowance of Rs.2S00/- per month subject to APAR grading and will be designated as Sr.AGM. Jost HODs are designated as CGM with a special allowance of Rs.2500/- per month subject The seni fulfilment of service requirement and APAR grading. (0.0, No, PP/985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009 and 0.0. No. PP/1S64/2013 dated 15/02/13. Annexure-1) (b) FIXATION OF PAY (i) The initial basic pay of an employee appointed to post in the Corporation will be fixed at the minimum of the scale of the post to which he is appointed. The Management may however permit the pay of an individual new recruit to be fixed at a higher stage in the seale of pay. taking into account the special circumstances of his case like higher qualifications, greater experience and merits other than the minimum standards prescribed for the post. (ii) When an employee is promoted/appointed to a higher post or grade, his initial pay in the new scale of pay will be fixed as below: at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at by increasing his pay in the lower grade by one increment subject to the condition that the pay in the higher post is not fess than the minimum of the seale of pay prescribed for it and does not exceed the maximum of the seale Note: (a) If the employee is drawing pay at the maximum of the lower scale at the time of promotion then his pay will be increased notionally by adding one increment (last increment in the lower scale) and then fixed at the stage next above in the higher scales. OR (b) Pay on promotion/appointment to higher grade may be ced, on option, initially at the minimum of promoted grade or if his basic is higher than minimum of the promoted grade, he will continue to draw the same pay. His pay may again be re- fixed on the date of next increment in the scale of pay of the lower post as per (a) above, Ifthe pay is fixed under (b) above, the next date of increment will fall due on completion of 12 months qualifying service from the date pay is refixed on the second occasion. Option for this has to be exercised within one month of the date of promotion for fixation of pay either under rule (a) or (b) above, The option once exercised shall be final. i) [fan employee had previously been promoted to the higher scale and later reverted, then on re-promotion, his initial pay will be fixed at a stage not less than that drawn on the last 2 (iy) ow) @ (b) (wi) wit) iii) ‘ovcasion in the higher scale and the period(s) for which the pay had been drawn shall count for the purpose of drawal of annual increment in the higher scale ‘Any special pay or charge allowance paid to an employee will not be taken into account for the purpose of fixation of pay in the higher grade unless the Management permits the reckoning of such special pay/allowance in an individual case taking into account the special circumstances pertaining to it. When an employee promoted to a post draws a lower rate of pay in that post than another employee junior to him in the lower grade and promoted subsequently to the same or identical higher post, the pay of the senior employee in the higher post will be stepped up to 2 stage equal to the pay of the junior employee in that higher post, This will be done with effect from the date of promotion of the junior employee and be subject to the following, conditions: Both the junior and senior employee should belong to the same seniority group and the posts to which they have been promoted should be in the same channel of promotion and the two scales of pay should be identical If the junior employee’s pay happens to be fixed at a higher stage by virtue of advance ill not be increment granted in the lower post or due to ad-hoc promotion, then this rule invoked to step up the pay of the senior employee. Pay of an employee on deputation with the Corporation will be fixed in aocordance with the rules laid down for the purpose by the organization from where he is taken on deputation so Jong as he continues to remain on deputation. On permanent absorption in the Corporation, his pay will be refixed in accordance with the rules of the Corporation, On such permanent absorption, the Management may permit the deputation allowance, if any drawn by him, to be protected in the fixation of his pay in the grade in which he is absorbed. The payment of deputation allowance will be allowed in DMRC upto 5" year in terms of office order No. PP/1160/2010, dated 18/10/10 in line with DoPT circular dated 17/06/10. {In accordance with office order No. PP/1214/201 1, dated 07/03/11, all fresh joining on direct recruitment, immediate absorption/permanent absorption etc in DMRC will be taken in IDA scales only. ‘The pay of a deputationist will be fixed as under: when the pay scale of the post in the parent cadre and that attached to ex-cadre post are based on same index level and DA pattern is also same, the pay may be fixed under the normal fundamental Rules. If the appointment is made to a post whose pay structure and/or DA pattern is dissimilar to that in the parent organization, pay may be fixed by adding to his grade pay, one inerement in the scale of his regular parent post (and if he was drawing pay at the maximum of the 3 (and additional or ad-hoc dearness allowance, interim relief etc.. if any) with emofuments comprising of pay plus DA, ADA, Interim relief etc., if any, admissible in the borrowing ‘Organisation and the pay may be fixed at the stage in the pay scale of admissible in ex-cadre post as above equal to the emoluments drawn in the cadre by rounding off to the next invlipte of 10. Further, the deputation (duty) allowance admissible shall be at the following rates: a. 5% of the employee's basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs2000/- p.m, when the transfer is within the same station: b. 10% of the employee's basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.4000/- p.m. in all other cases; (<2 Inthe case of an employee reverted from a higher to a lower grade, his pay in the lower grade will be fixed at the stage, he would have been in, had he continued in the lower grade, but for promotion to the higher grade. {The method of fixation of pay of an employee, joining DMRC on deputation/absorption from a pay structure, where DA pattern is dissimilar to that followed in DMRC, included in this Master Circular, in accordance with the practice followed in DMRC and issued by DoPT order dated 17/06/10 is explained with an illustration- Example: An officer drawing a pay of Rs. 28040 in the Pay Band of 9,300-34,800 plus Grade Pay ‘of Rs. 5,400/- is absorbed/appointed on deputation in DMRC to a higher post, XEN/Manager in the IDA scale of 24900-50500, further the officer (on deputation) has opted for DMRC pay scale. His pay in DMRC w ed as follow: HLUSTRATION Basic Pay drawn in the parent organization Rs.22,640 Add: 3% increment (Pay + Grade Pay) Rs. 850 Add: Grade Pay Rs, 5,400 ‘Add: ADA, Interim Relief, etc. 2 Nil Pay in CDA, Rs, 28,890 DA on CDA Pay @ 90% Rs. 26,001 Total emoluments in CDA- A) Rs.54, 891 DA rates in IDA(to fixed in & manner to equate the CDA emoluments): Rs.29,590 {(Rs.54,891/185.5%) rounded off to the nearest Rs. 10} DA @ 85.5% on Pay Rs. 25,300 Total emoluments in IDA - -(B) Rs.54,890 (©) ANNUAL INCREMEN’ of Rs.10/ calculation of increments under revised pay structure, paise should be ignored, but any amount Granted @ 3% of the Basic pay rounded off to the next multiple on 1 January or 1* July every year for employees in IDA pay scale, In case of of @ rupee or more should be rounded off to next multiple of 10. To illustrate, if the amount of increment comes to Rs. 900,70 paise, then the amount will be rounded off to Rs. 900, if the 4 amount of increment works out to be Rs. 901, then it will be rounded off to Rs, 910. The ‘employees who join DMRC between January to June are granted increment on 1° January and employees who join DMRC between July to December are granted increment on 1° July every year. For employees in CDA pay seales the increment is granted @ 3% on 1" July every year. Leave without pay (if it is not on medical grounds) and period of suspension will not be counted for arriving at date of increment and get retarded unless in the case of suspension the competent disciplinary authority decides’ specifies otherwise. The date of increment of ‘employees who join DMRC on deputation or immediate absorption basis will be protected as per their increment date in parent department, Further, in case of direct recruitment (lateral recruitment), the date of increment is protected if the employee joins in the same pay scale without any break in service (0.0. No.PP/985-4/2009 dated 25/09/2009 Annexure-2) (a) STAGNATION INCREMENT:- Maximum 3 stagnation increments @ 3% of Basie pay rounded off to the next multiple of Rs.10/- after every two years, upon reaching the maximum of pay scale provided that employee gets APAR rating of “GOOD” or above. (0.0. No, PP/985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009 Annexure-2) (e) CHARGE ALLOWANCE ‘The following shall be the charge allowance payable to different grades of officers in DMRC, whenever charge allowance is granted to them, in exigencies of work: Grade / Seale ‘Charge Allowance From Junior Scale to Senior Seale Rs. 1500 2 | From Senior Seale to JA Grade oe Rs.1500/- 3. | From JA Grade/Selection Grade to SA Grade Rs.1700- 4 | From SA Grade to HA Grade Rs.2000/- While drawing the charge allowance, the following should be ensured: (i Pay plus charge allowance should not exceed the pay that would have been admissible had it been fixed on regular promotion. (i) The charge allowance is treated as pay and all service benefits (such as DA, CCA, HRA ete.) attached to the post and grade, for which charge allowance is granted, are eligible. (0.0.No.PP/290/2003, dated 05/08/03 Annexure-3, revived as per Rly Bd’s order No.E(O)IIT-2008/PL/05, dated 03/06/10) 2. SPECIAL INCREMENT FOR PROMOTING SMALL FAMILY NORMS! FAMILY PLANNING ALLOWANCE:- Admissible equal to one increment of 3%, at the minimum of the pay scale. The conditions for special increment are- i. At the time of sterilization operation, the employee should have at least one surviving child and not more than two, A male employee’s age should not be over 50 and his wile’s should be between 20 and 45. A female employee’s age should not be over 45 and her husband’s not over 50. Admissible even if wins are born after the first surviving child. ii, The employee and spouse may have the sterilizations operation. iii, The certificate in the prescribed form should be from a Nominated/ Govt. hospital, recognized by the Govt. for this purpose. Ifthe operation is done in a private hospital, the certificate should be countersigned by Civil ‘Surgeon / DMO/ AMA / Medical officer of a Govt. Hospital (0.0. No. PPI985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009 Annexure-2) Employees who have joined DMRC on lateral recruitment or direct recruitment basis after resigning from a Govt. Department/ Organisation or a PSU and were in receipt of the same in their previous employment will be given protection of the Family Planning Allowance on submission of the Last Pay Certificate, issued by previous employee wherein the family planning allowance is clearly mentioned. (0.0. No. PP/1623/2013 dated 12.06.2013 Annexure-4) 3. DEARNESS ALLOWANCE:- Admissible on IDA (Industrial Dearness Allowance) pattern, which is revised 4 times in a year, on J April, 1" July, 1" October and I" January every year In CDA, the DA is revised twice a year i.e. on 1" January and I" July every year. (0.0. No, PP/985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009 Annexure-2) 4. PERKS employee on joining DMRC or conversion to IDA pay scales has to fill up the form under :- The perks are admissible subject to a maximum ceiling of 35% of the Basic pay. The “Cafeteria Approach” in the prescribed format to give his option. The following shall form part of the cafeteria limited to 35% of basic pay we. 26/11/08 SN. Ttem Name % of basic pay Canteen Allowance/Meal Vouchers 5% Newspaper/Professional Literature Reimbursement 3% Children Education Reimbursement Ht 3% Hostel Subsidy 10% Electricity Reimbursement (below HOD) 5% Professional Updation Allowance 3% Club Membership (below Director) 10% Entertainment (below HOD) 5% Quidoor Medical 15% ‘Washing Allowance 3% Conveyance” Transport Allowance 10% | Reimbursement of expenditure on vehicle repair and 10% maintenance | Driver Allowance (for those entitled for ear advance) 5% Gardener Allowance: 5% Creche Reimbursement 5% | House Upkeep Allowance 3% Self Development Allowance 70% Other Allowances Tipto 10% Where both husband and wife are employed in DMRC, only one of them will be eli avail the following perks & privileges of the Corporati @ HRA/Lease facility TADK Gi) TADK allowance (iv) Land Tine telephone facility () Reimbursement of electricity charges for JAG and above level (Residential) (vi) Indoor/Outdoor medical facility Children educational benefits (ili) Any other benefits under Staff Welfare Scheme except birthday and marriage gifts (0.0. No, PP/985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009, No.PP/1009/2009, dated 03/12/09 & No.PP/699/2007, dated 05/12/07) 5, HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE: Ss. 5 oe ; Rates of HRA admissible Ni. Revised Classification of Cities/ Towns bat tanls Parl 1) (Previously classified as AT) 30% 2. [¥ (Previously classified as A, BT & B 2) 20% 3. |Z (Previously classified as C) 10% (0.0. No, PP/985-A/2009 dated 25/09/2009 Annexure-2) 6. COMPANY CAR. In case an officer avails the facility of company car for commuting between office and home, the following amount will be deducted from his admissible perk amount : @ED/HOD, Rs.7000/- per month (i)Dy,HODDGM/AGM ——_Rs.3200/- per month (iii)AM/Mgr Rs.3200/- per month 7. GAZETTED HOLIDAY ALLOWANCI perform rostered duty on a Gazetted Holiday, are entitled for GH Allowance, as under:- - O&M employees (Non-executive), who s. IDA Basic pay/ Rates N. | Equivalent CDA Basie pay ARs) 1 Below Rs,13,500/- 275/- z RS.13.500-& above but below Rs.26,950- 3257- & Rs.26,950/-& above but below Rs.35,600/- 400/- (0.0. No. PP/1337/2011 dated 21.11.2011 Annexure-5) Project employees are not eligible for GH Allowance. 8. NATIONAL HOLIDAY ALLOWANCE:- Monetary compensation in lieu of working on National Holidays (26 January, 15th August and 2nd October) to Non-Executive employees will be equal to one day’s ordinary wages (Basic pay + DA). (Revised w.e-f. 01.04.2013, 0.0. No, PP/1581/2013 dated 28.03.2013 Annexure-6) 9, NIGHT DUTY ALLOWANCE: S. | DMRC - IDA Pay Scales/Equivalent CDA scales Revised Rate N. (Rs.) (Rs.) T 6090-9300 2. 6670-11470 150/- 3 8000-14140 4 10170-18500 St 13500-25520 6 14000-26950 200/- 7, 16000-30770 8, 18500-35600 220/- 9. 70600-46500 260/- 10. 24900-50500 The payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) will be made maximum for 18 nights per month in cases of exigency. Further, concerned controlling officers at DGM level will keep 2 watch 0 that deployment of staff on night duty beyond two weeks may be resorted to only in extreme exigencies of work. (Revised weed, 01.04.2013.vide 0.0, No, PP/IS81/2013 dated 28.03.2013 Annexure-6, 0.0. No.PP/1650/2013. dated 20/08/13). 10. HARD DUTY ALLOWANCE: The “Hard Duty Allowance” is linked with “Per Sign On and driving train on kilometer basis”, as under, ‘The rate of Hard Duty Allowance for Train Operators is @ Rs.100/- per “Sign on’, tha ceiling of maximum Rs.2600/- per month (for maximum 26 “Sign on’), In addition to this, an incentive @ Rs.2/- per km. will be admissible to the Train Operators for running of Metro train beyond 3200 kms. in a month. ‘The Hard Duty Allowance will be payable to the Train Operators, operating the trains and _not for stationary duties, such as training/ competency/ PME indoor tournament/ medical __unfit (Revised w.e.. 01.04.2013.vide 0.0. No, PP/1S81/2013 dated 28.03,2013 Annexure-6). 11. CONSOLIDATED DAILY ALLOWANCE FOR PROJECT EMPLOYEES:- The officers and staff posted at project sites are eligible for CDA. Such officers and staff who are posted at Corporate office ete. and are required to visit site on more than 15 working days ina month will also be eligible for CDA at par with site employees. HODs should strictly ensure the same while recommending the cases for CDA. (0.0. No, PP/1327/2011 dated 18.10.2011.) ‘The rates of CDA are as under wee.f. 01/10/12 No. Employee Category ‘Admissible CDA Rate Per month (Rs.) j 1 Manager 30007 | 2. Asstt. Manager 2500/- 1 3. | Sr. Supervisor (Rs.18500-36000/-) Supervisor (below Rs. 18500/- Non-Supervisor (Revised vide 0.0. No, PP/1386/2011 dated 19.12.2011 Annexure-7) 12, VEHICLE ALLOWANCE TO SUPERVISORS POSTED AT PROJECT SITES: - Vehicle Allowance @ Rs.2000/- per month is admissible to the Supervisors, who are posted at project sites and using their own vehicle for site work. The vehicle allowance will be paid to 9 1B. i, Entertaining official guests at office & Residen iv. Medi only such Supervisors, who are eligible for CDA. ‘The Vehicle Allowance has been extended 10 the Surveryors also at par with Supervisors as a special case. (0.0. No. PP/13272011 dated 18.10.2011 & O.O No. PP/1683/2013 dated 21/10/13 Annexure-8) (a) RE-IMBURSEMENT FOR EMPLOYMENT OF TADK:- The re-imbursement to Dy. HODs (Project and O&M) for TADK will be made @ Rs.6000/- per month. Those HODs and above level officers who are availing the TADK re-imbursement in lieu of engaging a TADK will also be eligible for this re-imbursement, (0.0. No. PP/1327/2011 dated 18.10.2011 Annexure9.) ECUTIVES .- Allowance at the following rates a perk at (b) MISCELLAEOUS ALLOWANCE FOR the following rates on self certification basis:- = Directors and Executive Directors - Rs.5000/- per month, -HODs ~ Rs.3000/- per month, - Dy. HODs(for CDA employees) = Rs.1500/- per month (0.0, No. PP/S67/2006 dated 28.12.2006 Annexure. 10) = 750 Units per month - Executive Director & CGMs = 600 Units per month, -HODs - 500 Units per month, ~ Dy. HODs in CDA ~ 300 Units per month, (0.0. No. PP/S67/2006 dated 28.12.2006, No.PP/1658/2013, dated 27/08/13 Annexure-11) Newspaper/ Magazine Allowance (only for CDA employees):- = Directors & above ~ Rs.800/- per month. -GM ~ Rs.600/- per month. -AGM = Rs.450/- per month, - JGM/Sr. DGM/DGM = Rs.350/- per month, ~ Manager / AM ~ Rs.200/- per month. (0.0. No, PP/S67/2006 dated 28.12.2006 Annexare-10) ‘outdoor reimbursement (only for CDA employees): Directors & above = RS2500/- per month. -ED, HOD & AGM = Rs.2000/- per month. - JGM/Sr. DGM/DGM ~ Rs.1750/- per month, - Manager -Rs.1400/- per month, -AM -Rs.1200/- per month. 10 (0.0, No, PP/S67/2006 dated 28.12.2006 Annexure-10) v. CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE: Employees drawing pay in CDA seale are entitled for Children Edu tion Allowance per month per child subject to a maximum for two children. Employee can draw the allowance on quarterly basis. The annual ceiling limit for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance will be Rs,15000/- per child. Accordingly, the quarterly claim could be more than Rs.3750 in ing of Rs.15000/- ‘one quarter and less than Rs.3750 in another quarter subject to the annual c per child and hostel Subsidy shall be Rs.3750 per month per child, ‘The annual ceiling for reimbursement of Education Allowance for disabled children of Government emoployees has been revised to Rs.30,000/- per annum per child and the rates of Hostel subsidy for disabled children of Government employees is revised to Rs.7500 per ehild per month. ‘The grant of Children education allowance to the employees in CDA pay scale will be regulated as per extant rules applicable to Central Government employees. For employees, drawing pay in IDA scales, Education Allowance is already a part of 35% perks. (0.0.No.PP/1307/2011, dated 12/09/11 Annexure-12) iv. Furnishing of offices at residence:- ED and HOD are entitled to reimburse the cost of furniture/ furnishing items for setting up a small office in the residence of ED's/ HOD’s as per the following scale:- SN. Designation Ceiling Amount (Rs) 1. [ED 1,25,000/- 2. | CGMIGM 1,00,0007- * Directors are entitled for Rs.3 Lac towards furnishing of office at resiclence. Admissible once during service in DMRC. ~ Recovery of the cost with depreciation @25% p.a. for balance period, if leaving DMRC before 4 years on grounds like superannuation, repatriation to parent department or on cessation of employment, - Items viz. Sofa, table, side table, rake, almirah, curtains, carpet, Desktop computer, I-pad, ‘TV-set and refrigerator may be purchased for residential office. = The re-imbursement will be made on submission of the proof of purchase. (0.0. No, PP/1574/2013 dated 11.03.2013, No.PP/I3S5/2011, dated 19/12/11Annexure-13) a v. Provision of AC and Inverter to HODs: - HODs are entitled for re-imbursement of actual amount incurred subject to a maximum Rs.30,000/- for purchase of one AC(split/ window with stabilizer), once in 4 years, on production of documentary evidence of the same. = HODs staying outside Metro Enclave are permnitted to procure one inverter at the official residence. Actual amount incurred for the same subject to maximum of Rs.15,000/- will be reimbursed on production of documentary proof of the purchase of the same. The life of inverter will be considered 4 years. = The battery of the inverter may be replaced after every two years and on production of the bill a maximum amount of Rs.7000/- may be reimbursed for the same. ~ In case the officer leaves the organization before the period of 4 years, he has to pay the Corporation the depreciated value of equipments. (0.0. No. PP1603/2007, dated 07.03.2007 and 0.0. No. No. PP/1 6682013, dated 11/09/13 Annexure-14,) 14, CASH_INCENTIVE FOR PRESENTATION OF PAPERS AT NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL LE’ employees at national or international level, a cash incentive of Rs.1000/- and Rs.5000/- If a presentation is co-authored’ presented by one or more respectively is to be distributed among the co-authors equally. (0.0.N0,PP/9742009,dated 21.08.2009 Annexure-t5) 15. (a) GRANTS/ ASSISTANCES/ INCENTIVES FROM STAFF WELFARE FUND Employees are eligible for the following benefits from Staff Welfare Fund:- s. Welfare Scheme Revised | Admissible to | Ne Grant | (Exe./ Non-Exe.) (Rs) i | Marriage Gift — Female employee/ dependent 8000/- All Male employee/ dependent 4000/- t ii. Gift on birth of child - 2000/- All (Limited to first two children only) Grant of assistance for school children - (On passing class-10th wit -85% and above but below 90% marks 4500/- -90% and above but below 95% marks 6000/- All -95% and above. marks 7500/- (or equivalent grades) ‘On passing class -12th with- -85% and above but below 90% marks 6000/- 12 -90% and above but below 95% marks 7500 All -95% and above. 11000/- (or equivalent grades) | First time admission in Nursery/ KG 1000/- | Non-Exe. Annual grant for dependent daughter for Degree course 4500 | Non-Exe. Post Graduate course 6000/- | iv. Grant for Recreation’ Amusement’ Sports/ Cultural 125/- | All. activities (per employee). | v. Monthly Grant in case of long NESS 4000/- 7 Non-Exe. (For life threatening diseases like Cancer, TB, Kidney, Lever ailment and major surgery requiris | prolonged treatment and hospitalization.) | Vi. | Diet allowance for employee suffering from Cancer 3800 | Non-Bxe. vii. Quarterly Grant for Handicapped child 2500/- Non-Exe. Monthly Pension to dependent widow mothew | 3500 | Non-Exe. spouse (where no compassionate employment given) Ix Funeral assistance 10000 All (0.0. No, PPIN84/2010dated 27.04.2010 & PP/1400/2012, dated 28.02.2012, No.PP/1692/2013, dated 31/10/13, Annexure-16) (b). CASH AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN SPORTS FIELD:- To encourage the employees! their wards for achievements in the sports field, the following cash awards shalt be given for excellence at State, National and International level:- S.N. | Achievement at Position | 2" Position —_| 3° Position 1. International Level Rs.20,000/- Rs.15,000/- Rs.10,000/- 2 ‘National Level Rs.10,000/- Rs.7,500/- Rs.5,000/- 3. | State Level Rs.7.500- | Rs.5,000/- Rs.4,0007- The above awards will be extended for the sports events, which are recognized as International, National and State level competitions by the nominated Government authorities/ sports bodies, (0.0.No, PP/1400/2012 dated 28.02.2012 Annexure-1. 16. ENTITLEMENT FOR LEASED ACCOMODATION :~ The lease entitlement and lease rent recovery for Delhi & NCR towns is admissible at the following rat SN. Level Lease amount entitled | Lease rent Recovery for Delhi and NCR Per month B Per month (Rs.) Rs) 1 | Asstt. Manager 21000/- 1050/- 2 | Manager 24000 1300/- 3. | DGMISr. DGM/IGM/ AGM 265007 13257 4. |GM/CGM 300007- 1300/- 3. /ED 34000 V700- 6. | Director 450002 250F 7. | Managing Director 500007 23007 (OO, No, PP/IS#1/2013 dated 27.12.2012 Lease Rent Recovery for other cities ‘& PP/IS78/2013 dated 28.03.2013Annexure-18) sJ Level | Lease amount entitled for | other cities Per month Lease rent Recovery Per month (Rs.) Rs.) 1. | Asstt. Manager Rs. 168007 Rs. 840/- 2. | Manager Rs. 192007 Rs.960/- 3. | DGMISr. DGM/JGM/ AGM Rs.212007 Rs.1060- 4. | GM/CGM RS.24400/- Rs.12007- 3. | ED RS27200 Rs.13607 Quarter Rent Recovery from DMRC employees occupying Staff Quarter [sn siege et quarievlud Quarter rent aeae per month Shastri Park, Najafgarh, Yamuna Bank & Sarita Vihar 1 ‘Type It no 2 [Type lit 220 3 | Type lV 290 Pushp Vihar & Vidhan Sabha 1 XEN level 290 2 Dy.HOD level 435 3 HOD level 650 4 | Director level 540 5 MD’*s flat TO1S (0.0. No. PP/986/2008, dated 08/12/09Annexure-19) 17. MOBILE TELECOM FACILITY:- (a) Landline ph nectivity - 1s 8. Category | Per month ceiling limit Remarks Un. (Rs }1.] Director ‘No limit With STD and ISD facilities. ‘= epioD 2500/- With STD, ISD with DE/DO's approval. 3. | AGMAGM? | Without ISD, ISD may be provided in| SrDGM/DGM 1600/- | exceptional case with DE/ DO's approval. | Manager’ AM 700/- With STD facility without ISD 5. | Supervisors 6007- (Re-imbursement only) | Entitlement for residential landline is 6 [PA © 600 withdrawn, However, this facility shall DirectorED/HOD | (Re-imbursement only) | b& continued for existing approvals. Further approval shall not be given. | 7 Dslvers of Rental only, i. { | Directors Rs.250/- + taxes | b) Mobile phone connectivity - s. Category Per month Remarks N. ceiling fimit Rs) 1. | Director Nolimit | With ISD, STD and Intemational & national roaming 2 | EDIHOD 2000/- With STD and national roaming International roaming é& ISD, exceeding ceiling limit with DE/ DO’s approval 3. [AGM/IGMISr. DGM/ TOO With STD and national roaming. MD's DGM approval for exceeding ceiling limits. | Manager AM 700 With STD and national roaming. MD's approval for exceeding ceiling limits 5.__| Supervisors 6007- Entitlement for residential landline 1s (Re-imbursement | withdrawn. However, this facility shall be only) continued for existing approvals. Further approval shall not be given 6 |All Supervisors 600- ‘On recommendation of concerned including PAs in| (Re-imbursement | ED/HOD Supervisory grade only) DE/DO’s approval for connection through S&T Deptt. MD’s approval for exceeding ceiling limit Drivers attached to 300- DE/DO's approval for connection Directors through S&T Deptt. MD’s approval for exceeding ceiling fimit &. | Shift mobile phone for 15007 DE/DO’s approval for connection all categories (min, required | through S&T Deptt. MD’s approval for 15 featured handset | exceeding ceiling will be provided) | | ‘The mobile bills will be reimbursed up-to the eligibility limit of the non-executive employee without deducting any VAS/STD ete. The facility of internet within the overall entitlement of mobile phone will also be permissible. The bills of Mobile connection, which are not in DMRC CUG plan, will not be reimbursed, (0/0 No. S&T/Poliey/Telephone & Internet/12, dated 25.01.2012 and PP/AGOS/2013 dated 03.05.2013, DSTE/Tele/II"s Note, dated 21/03/13 Annexure-20) © and maintenance ~ Mobile handset may be purchased by the user himself and re-imbursement of the cost will be made 8 per the following ceiling limit:- Ss Category Ceiling Limit for cost re- N. cae d bursement (Rs.) i Director ‘No limit 2. EDIHOD 720,0007- 3 AGM/ IGM/Sr.DGM/DGM 10,000/- a Manager? AM 70007 5. Supervisors& below 5000 Re-imbursement of handset will be made for approved mobile connections. ‘The Mobile Phone facility has been extended to the Surveyors also at par with Supervisors as a special case, (Movite Telecom Poti (@ LAPTOP POLICY ‘The executives of Dy.HOD and above are eligible for procurement of laptop on re- basis or through IT department as per the following ceiling li letter No, S&T/poliey/telephone & Internet/13, dated 18/07/13Annexure-20) bursement its: Eli Cumulative cost ceiling for a] Cumulative ceiling amount for Laptop including OS with one) — Repairs & Maintenance incl year warranty (All inclusive) warranty extensions (all inclus costs) costs) Dy.HOD Rs.55, 000 Jerre ease al Rs.30,0004 HOD/CGMIED Rs.65,000/- The detailed procedure order for procurement, maintenance etc. of Laptop are mentioned in the revised Laptop policy, dated 17/06/13. (NoS&TIT/Computer/Poliey/06/13, dated 17/06/13Annexure-22) 18, HONORARTUM FOR D&AR ENQUIRY:- The officers and staff doing the D&AR enquiry in major Penalty Charge-sheeted cases, in addition to their assigned duties, will be entitled for the honorarium at the following rates:~ i, Enquiry Officer ii, Presenting Officer iii, Assisting Official to 10. 16 ~ Rs 450 = Rs.3000/- ~ Rs. 1500/- The commitice appointed to look into the harassment cases of female Executives and Non- executives will also be paid as per the above policy (0.0, No, PP/1300/2011 dated 05.09.2011Annexure-23). 19, ENTITLEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF BRIEFCASE FOR OFFICIAL USE:- Entitlement for briefease/ ladies” carrying cases for officers and staff is as under:~ 4 Category/ Grade | Entitlement Remarks N. | (Rs) i 1. | Supervisors? Inspectors and 20007 With approval of concemed HOD other Non-executives | 2. | Manager! AM [~~ 30007- Not require any sanction 3. | Dy.HODs [__ #00 4. | HODs /GMs/EDSCGM |__ S007. ‘The life of briefcase is to be taken as three years, after which the officer will be entitled for new briefcase without surrendering the old one. If the officer completes his/ her term before the expiry of three years from the date of purchase of brriefease, he/she can retain the briefcase after taking the approval from the concemed HOD: Director. (Office Order No. PP/1668/2013, dated 11/09/2013Annexure-24) 19. CONVEYANCE & REFRESHMENT FOR WORKING BEYOND OFFICE HOURS AND ON HOLIDAYS/ SUNDAYS In exigeney of work and in inescapable situations only, the staff booked for Sundays’ Holidays and for early coming or late going in normal working days, will be entitled for conveyance and refreshment as given below :- S| Pay Range | Max. reimb. amount for] Max. reimb. amount for) Max. N. attending office on Sunday/| attending office on Sunday/ amount Holiday (Normal working! Holiday (Normal working hours) _ payable hours) | per month Tea | Lunch | Conveyance | Tea & | Dinner | Conveyance & Charges Snacks } (Beyond | Charges _| (Rs) ‘Sna | @pto | 2000 | cks | (Rs.) | 2000 | hrs.) (Rs) hrs.) | (Rs.) (Rs) Rs.) Bs.) T]Paybelow — |10/-| 30 Actual 10/- 30/- | Actual scooter] 1500/- per Rs.1800 | scooter charge to | month Grade Pay charge to &| residence, but (CDAY6670 from Max. to (IDA) residence. Rs.50/- | limited to] | max. Rs.100/- 2.[Pay above 15] 40/- | Actual 15/- | 40 | Actual scooter) 1500/- per Rs.2000 Grade’ scooter charge to. | — month, Pay/8000 charge to & residence, but | For drivers (DA) &| from | | Rs.2500/- v up-to Rs.4600 Grade Pay 116000 (IDA) residence, | | limited to] j max, Rs.1500- | 1 Rs.75- | pam. their 1 duty hours | 08:30 to ; 18:30, = Proper register for booking of staff will be maintained = Claim will be scrutinized by Dy. HOD. ~ Persons covered under CDA will not be entitled for the above. (0.0. No. PP/33/99 dated 13.04.1999 Annexure-25) 20. SHIFTING ALLOWANCE:- In case of shifting of household from private quarter to leased accommodation or in staff quarters, Shifting Allowance will be admissible at the following rates:- SN. Pay Seale Shifting Allowance Reimbursable (Actual/Subject toa maximum of) (Rs) i Rs.20600/- and above 5400/- 2. Rs. 16000/- and above but less than Rs.20600/- 2700/- 3, Rs. 13500/- and above but jess than Rs.16000/- 1350/- 4 Below Rs. 13500/- 900) (0.0, No, PP/1649/2013 dated 01/08/13 Annexure-26) 21, INCENTIVE ON ACQUIRING HIGHER QUALIFICATION :~ The employees who pursue educ ‘ional qualification after joining DMRC and with prior permission from organization will be entitled for the incentive at the following rates, subject to obtain 50% marks or equivalent grade: Ss. Level of qualification Qualification Incentive: N. attained (Rs.) 1. | Degree and above level | Ph.D. 100007 Post Graduation To000- Graduation 8000/- 2. | Diploma level PG Diploma (2 years) ‘e000 | Diploma G years) 4000) Diploma (less than 3] Proportionate of 3 years course years, approved by| (not less than 6 months period) Gow, body) subject to a minimum Rs.1000/- 3._| School level Higher Secondary 2500/- Tigh school 15007 18 (0.0. No. PP/409/2005, dated 19.10.2005 Annexure-27) 22. HONORARIUM FOR LDS/ OPEN MARKET EXAMINATIONS:- (a) Open Market_Examinatio Executives and staff deployed in open market written examination are entitled for the honorarium as given below:- fo | Honorarium @ rate (Rs) 3. | Supervisors & below SN] Category | Dy HOD & above 20007- 2. | Executives, AM/ Mgr. 16007 1300+ 'As per practice in vogue, in addition to the above, the Executives shall be eligible for transportation facility. In case of non-availability of transportation, Conveyance @ Rs.750/- and Rs.850/- or actual expenditure, whichever is less, will be given to the Executives residing in Delhi and NCR, respectively, against their claim, (b) Limited Departmental Selection:- Executives and staff deployed in LDS written examination are entitled for the honorarium as given below: 8. Honorarium @ rate N,_ | Category cay 1. [HOD 1500/- 2 [Dy. HOD 1000/- 3 Below Dy. HOD & other staf 750/- (©) Question Paper setting:- Officers prepare question papers for LDS examinations are entitled for honoratium at the following rates:~ s. Revised Rate per set N. Category (Rs) 1. _/ HOD 1500 3. | Dy. HOD TOO0/- answer sheets are as under: (a) Evaluation of Answer Sheets:- The rates of honorarium for evaluating the LDS examination i Category Revised Rate (Rs.) HOD 757 per answer sheet subject to a minimum of Rs, 1500/- per exam paper. 2. | Dy. HOD 60/- per answer sheet subject to a minimum of 19 EI [ Rs.1000/- per exam paper. J (O.C. No, PP/1410/2012 dated 30.03.2012 Anncxure-28) 23. HONORARIUM FOR DELIVERING LECTURE AS GUEST FACULTY: delivering lectures in Training Institute or in any other training programme/ seminar! workshop, The rates for organized with the approval of competent authority, will be as under: Ss. Category | Lecture to Executives | Lecture to Non-Executives LN Rs.) (Rs) fi. | MD & Director 1250/- 12s 2. ED 1125/- | 1000/- 3. | HOD | 1000/- | 875/- 4 Dy. HOD: ‘750/- 625/- 3. | AM/ Manager 3007- 37ST. 6. ‘Non-Executive 375 315/- | -If the lecture is of two hours duration, the amount admissible will be 50% more than the above rates -This will be subject to overall ceiling of an amount equivalent to 20% of the Basic Pay of the concerned official in a particular month for delivering lectures as a guest faculty. -ED/HR or GM/HR, as the case may be, will approve the honorarium before sending to Finance, for making the payment on quarterly basis. (0.0. No. PP/1416/2012 dated 30.03.2012 Annexure-28) 20 24, QUISTATION ALLOWANCE:- Supervisors posted to DMRC Jaipur office are entitled for an “Outstation Allowance” @ 10% of Basic pay or Rs.4000/- whichever is less. The officer and staff posted at Jaipur and Kochi Site office are entitled to HRA @ 30% or company accommodation/lease facility, if they retain their family in Delhi. Executive's up-to manager level praceeds on temporary transfer (up-to 6 months period) to other stations on DMRC projects are entitled for a “Disturbance Allwance” @ Rs.2000/- pr month. They are also eligible for Daily Allowance upto 1 30 days. For halt more than 30 days, the daily allowance will be granted at the rate of 50% of the full rate applicable to the particular station for period upto 90 days, with the exception that in special cases, full daily allowance will be payable with the specific approval of MD or a functional Director, taking into account the merit of each cases. For halts beyond 90 days and upto 120 days continuously at one station daily allowance at the rate of 50% of the full rate will be granted with the approval of HOD under whom the ‘employee works, (Office NoteNo. DMRC/PERS/27/Jaipur/2011, dated 1.11.11, DMRC/PERS/14/2010, dated 12/08/10, DMRC/PERS/27/Jaipur/2012, 27.02.2012, DMRC/89/MD/Note/S/11, dated 09/05/11 Annexure 29) a / DAILY ALLOWANCE (TA/DA) & 25, TRAVELLING ALLOWANCI TRANSPORTATION RULES |, OBJECTIVE These Rules are designed to provide monetary compensation to the employees, when they are required to go out of their headquarters on tour of duty on the Corporation's official business or work or are transferred to a new place of work, to meet the expenses of travel, stay, food, etc., and in the case of transfer of relocation of the employee and his family. 2.SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY These Rules apply to all regular employees of the Corporation and those on probation, extension and re-employment including those who are on deputation from a government department or other Public Sector Undertakings. These Rules are not applicable to casual and daily rated employees and those engaged on contract basis unless all or any of these provisions are specially made applicable to them with the specific approval of the Managing Director of the Corporation, 3.DEFINITION 3.1"Controlling Officer.” means the officer or authority empowered to authorise the tour of duty of the employee or on his transfer. 3.2 “amily” means the employee’s spouse, children (below the age of 25 years or till they get, married or employed, whichever is earlier) and widow mother of the employee only, who is residing with him/her and wholly dependent upon the employee and does not have independent income more than 15 % of the emoluments of the DMRC employee concerned ‘or Rs. 3500/- plus deamess relief thereon, whichever is more (OO.No PP/1212/2011, dated 04/03/11 & 0.0 No. PP/1637/2013, dated 22/07/13.) 3.3°Pay” means the basic pay. 3.4*Tour of duty” means the visit of the employee from his headquarters office to another place (on the corporation’s official business or work. Note:- Travels for the purpose of appearing in official enquiries, selections or interviews conducted by the corporation, ete., will be treated as tour on duty. 3.5°Transfer” means the movement of employee from the headquarters at which he is posted to another station so that the new station becomes his new headquarters temporarily or permanently 4. CLASSIFICATION 2 4.1 For the purpose of these rules, the employees of the corporation are classified into the following grades according to the range of pay in which they are at the time of tour on duty or transfer:~ | Level Revised CDA Pay Band Grade Pay Revised IDA Grades ‘Non Supervisor 5200-20200 1800 (6090-9500 5200-20200 1800 | 6670-11470 5200-20200 2000 8000-14140 5200-20200 2400 70170-18500 Supervisor 9300-34800 4200 13500-25520 9300-34800 4200, 14000-26950 9300-34800 4600 16000-30770 ‘9300-34800 4800 78500-35600 ‘Asst. Manager 15600-39100 3400 20600-46500 Manager 15600-39100 6600 24900-50500, DGM 15600-39100 7600 Sr.DGM. New Grade JGM 37400-67000 8700 ‘AGM. 37400-67000 +8900 43200-66000 HOD 37400-67000 10000 31300-73000 Executive ‘62000-80000 Director Directors 75000-10000 MD 80000-125000 5. CONTROLLING OFFICERS For the purpose of joumeys on tour by different categories of staff, the controlling officers are as stipulated in SOP. 6. MODE OF TRAVEL FOR JOURNEY ON TOURS OF DUTY BY AIR/RATL/ROAD/ STEAMER 6.1 The following modes of travels are authorised for employees of different grades while undertake journeys on tour of duty and if they are not provided the requisite tickets for these they joumeys by the Corporation, they may claim reimbursement of the expenses incurred by them on this account: Class”) Rail: Highest class, Road: Actuals by AC Taxi Pay Scale Entitlement MDITMM By Air (Domestic “Highest Class, International “First Class” Rail: Highest class, Road: Actuals. ED/CGM By Air (Domestic “Highest Class, International “Business Club 23 6.2 RS, 51300-75000 | By Air (Domestic “V> class, International “Business/Club class) or AC-1 class by Train or AC Taxi Rs.79100-54500 and | By Air (Economy Class), above but less than Rs. | Rail-1* AC(Rajdhani: 2 AC, Shatabdi: CC, 51300-73000. Road-Actual fare by taxi Rs.20600-46500 and | By Air (Economy Class), above but less than | Rail-Il AC except Rajdhani-3 tier & Shatabdi CC 185.291 00-5450 Road- Taxi Rs, 10170-18500 and | Rail-First class/AC 3 tier/Rajdhani- 3 tier AC/Shatabdi CC above but less than | Road AC Bus Rs,20600-46500 Rs.8000-14140 and | Rail-1* class /AC three tier above but less than | Road AC Bus Rss. 10170-18500 Below grade RS8000- | Rail-2™ Sleeper 14140 | Road-by ordinary bus An employee, while on tour is entitled to get, besides fare, hotel charges and TA, reimbursement of expenditure incurred by him on the foto iii, iv. vil. viii. Note ig count ‘Travel cost from his residence to airport/railway/bus station at the time of proceeding ‘on tour and on returning to residence from the above points. Travel cost from airport/railway/bus station to the place of stay at the tour station and back to the above points, Charges on local tour within the tour station. In case of road travel between places connected by rail/air, travel by any means of public transport/own transport is allowed provided the total fare does not exceed the train fare by the entitled class. Reimbursement of actual reservation including tatkal charges/cancelation charges and bedding charges levied by railways/IRCTC while travelling by rail on official tour is admissible. For places not connected by rail, reimbursement will be restricted to their entitlement mode of transport as per the prescribed rates issues by the Director of Transport of the concerned state or of the neighboring states or DMRC approved rates (as per the tendered rate by the transporter). TA advance on official tours can be availed up to 90% of the estimated expenditure. Any expense in excess to the individual eligibility incurred on transport only during official tours over and above will be admissible for payment after the specific approval of Concemed Director. ‘The powers to permit an employee to travel in the immediate next higher mode of category while on official tour will continue to be with the Director concerned. i) Travel by AC HI-Tier Sleeper will be permissible in trains in which FC or AC Chair car accommodation is not provided 24 ii) All Company employees who are entitled to travel on tour/transfer by First Classi AC Lil-Tier Sleeper/AC Chair Car may travel by If AC 2-Tier Sleeper where any of the trains connecting the originating and destination stations concerned by the direct shortest route do not provide these three classes of accommodation. 6.3 The employees, who are required to travel on official work within the headquarters station, 64 65 are entitled to travel by the following modes and claim reimbursement on actual : utidement (o travel at official work:- Pay Seale Mode Rs, 51300-73000 and above but below TMM Taxi (AC) Rs.29100-54500 and above but less than Rs. Ta 51300-7300 | Rs.20600-46500 and above but less than Taxi s.29100-54500 Rs. 10170-18500 and above but less than| 3-Wheeler Rs.20600-46500 Rs8000-14140 and above but less than] 3-Wheeler Rs,10170-18500 Below grade Rs.8000-14140 Bus An employee proceeding on journey on tour under these rules may be granted advance to meet the cost of travel and other reimbursable expenses. A bill for adjustment of the actual expenses against the advance should be submitted within one month of completion of the journey. Otherwise the advance will be liable to be recovered from the salary of the ‘employee. All advances on account of tour etc. are to be settled immediately on completion of joumey (within 30 days) failing which simple interest @10% per annum will be charged the unspent money is deposited back for entire period, i.e.from date of its drawal. ige allowance for road journeys shall be regulated at the following rates in places where no specific rates have been prescribed either by the Director of Transport of the concerned state or of the neighboring states = Deser ‘Applicable rates while on official tour For journey performed by own |Rs. 16 per km for Ac car/taxt caritaxi Rs. 12 per km for non AC car/taxi For joumeys performed by auto Rs. 8 perkm, rickshaw/own scooter Changes done 25 i. Notwithstanding above, actual road mileage as incurred by the employee while on official tour is reimbursable against submission of taxi /auto rickshaw receipt clearly indicating distance travelled (from & to) with the approval of HOD/Director in respect of employees to whom HOD is controlling officer and from Directors for HODs and EDs. However, if it is claimed on self certification basis, a statement showing the details of local joumey undertaken (from and to), distance travelled , mileage/KM and total amount paid may be got approved from concerned Director and to be enclosed with TA claim. If no bill eould bbe produced for the journey performed, the payment will be regulated as per the revised rates applicable, 2. Toll tax/parking charges shall be reimbursed on actual basis against submission of proof while on official tour, 3. The employee while on official tour outside head quarters may avail full day taxi with the approval of HOD in respect of employees to whom HOD is controlling officer and from Director for HODs and EDs. The para has been included keeping in view the officers of Consultancy department normally hire taxi for full day in connection with survey etc. 4. When the employee on official tour with the approval of competent authority, travel on his own vehicle, he/she shall be paid least of actual road mileage or claim as per the entitled class of travel by a train, 7. COMPENSATION FOR STAY AND PERSONAL EXPENSES WITHIN INDIA. 7.1 When the employees of the corporation proceed on tours of duties outside and are required to be away beyond the municipal/city limits, then they are entitled to be compensated by payment of daily allowance at the rates indicated below. If any employee, while on tour makes his own arrangement for his stay and foregoes his entitlement of Hotel stay, he/she will be paid a Composite TA, which will be 50% more than the normal TA applicable for that station. ‘Organization Revised Pay Scalevlevel Revised rates of DA DA Rates (A | cities) | MD/TMM 650/-per day and Hotel charges TMM and below For ED'siCGM's 600/-Day For GM 550/-per day IGM/AGM | 450/-per day DGM/Sr.DG MariAM 3507per day RS. 8000-14140 and above | 300/-per day upto highest non-executive cadre Below Rs. 8000-14140 250) per day If free breakfast is availed by the employee while on tour, DA shall be reduced by 25%, if all three ‘meals are availed then DA shall be reduced by 50% of the entitlement. 26 Composite TA: will be 50% more than the normal TA. 72. 72. 2 3 The following further conditions shall apply in regard to the payment of daily allowance indicated above: The period of absence will be counted from the time the employee leaves his station of his work i.c,, the headquarters station and till the time he returns 1o the same station, Payment of daily allowance will be regulated according to the absence from headquarters from midnight to midnight and as under: For absence of upto 6 hours - 30% For absence of more than 6 hours to 12 hours -70% For absence over 12 hours -100% Full daily allowance will be payable for a continuous halt of upto first 30 days at one station. If the halt exceeds 30 days continuously at one station, then the daily allowance will be granted at the rate of 50% of the full rate applicable to the particular station for the period upto 90 days, with the exception that in special cases, full daily allowance will be payable with the specific approval of MD or a functional Director, taking into account the merit of each case. For halts beyond 90 days and upto 120 days continuously at one station, daily allowance at the rate of 50% of the full rate will be granted with the approval of HOD under whom the employee works. Daily allowance will be payable for holidays falling during the tour but not for the days availed of as leave by the employee. For journey period daily allowance would be payable only at the rates shown under column 3 of the table at item 7.1 above. Journey performed on duty within Municipal limit of the city/ urban agglomeration in Which the duty point of an employee is located will be regarded as “Local journey” and actual transportation charges only shall be paid. If in addition to the above, the employees are required to stay at the tour station for one or ‘more nights, they are also entitled to lodging charges, the maximum rates exclusive of taxes of which are also indicated below. [Grade (IDA) Revised rates of HOTEL rates DMRC MD/TMM Hotel- Actual lodging charges EDICGMs Rs,-9000/- HOD Rs- 8000/- | DGM/Sr.DGM/JGM/AGM Rs-6000, D Mgr/AM RIGO ] TRs. 8000-14140 and above upto | ‘Supy- 2000 | highest non-executive cadre | Non- supy— Rs. 2000 | Below Rs, 8000-14140 | Rs.1500- In the exceptional circumstances when the return journey is to be performed on the same day, in such cases the above rates are applicable subject to prior approval of Director for officers and staff up to the level of HOD. 8 ENTITLEMENT ON TRANSFER 8.1 He shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses for journey for himself and his family, as per entitlements applicable for LTC rules 82 COMPOSITE TRANSFER GRANT In case of transfer from one place to another wi n municipal limits of the city of Delhi and NCR irrespective of distance involved (involving Change of quarter), a Composite transfer grant equal to one third of the basic pay will be granted to the employee, if he/she submits any one of the address proof as mentioned below:~ i), Lease/Agreement papers, made with house owner ii), Change of address of gas connection, iii) Change of telephone address in case of landline phone, iv) Allotment of a DMRC staff quarter/flat. An eligible employee is entitled toa “Composite Transfer Grant” equal to one month's basic pay last drawn in case of his transfer involving a change of station located at a distance of more than 20 km from each other. In cases of transfers to stations, which are at 2 distance of less than 20 km from the old station and of transfers within the same city, the Composite Transfer Grant will be restricted to one third of the basic pay, provided a change of residence is actually involved, (O.0.No, O&MIRST-S7, dated 0610306 ; —No.PP/I694/T3. dated OL/O8/I3; No.PPN68S/2013, dated 17AMO/3Annexure-30) 83 TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONAL EFFECTS ‘The expenses incurred by an employee on transportation of his personal effects on transfer will be reimbursed to the limit of ceiling as shown below: 28 the patient and an attendant if need be will be reimbursed subject to the travel being by the mode and cl s (not higher than first class/3 tier AC) as admissible for journeys on tour by the employee. 11. COMPENSATION FOR STAY AND PERSONAL EXPENSES FOR TOUR ABROAD When an employee of the corporation is required to undertake journeys to and stay in a foreign country on business of the corporation, he will be provided with air ticket for travel to and fro that country. In addition, he will be paid cash allowance in foreign currency or travellers’ cheques or in Indian rupees travellers’ cheques in accordance with the regulations framed by the RBI and as per the rates adopted by DMRC from time to time. In addition, he is entitled to get reimbursement of charges incurred on entitled mode of transport from residence to airport and airport to residence. FOREIGN TRAVEL ALLOWANCE, The pay. allowances and other benefits of executives (grade-wise) posted on foreign assignment shall be regulated w.e.f. 16/09/13 as mentioned below: 31 | SN. | Pay scale | Personal effects that can be! Revised Rate Rs/Per | carried (maximum entitled | Kg, per Km; by | |_weight) ) Road/Train yr MD and Directors: } Full Four wheeler wagon or 8000 | | | kg. by goods train or one double | | container or by road 12 Rs.13500-25520 and | Full Four wheeler wagon or 6000} above but ~— below) Kg. by goods rain or single 0.00625 | Directors | container or by road | Rs.10170-18500/- and | 1500 Kg by goods train or by road | below The reimbursement will be made as per above rate (per ke/per km) or actual payment made (based on invoice), whichever is less. (0.0. No.PP/16742013, dated 08/10/13 modified vide O1 26/11/13Annexure-31) Note No. No.DMRC/PERS/14/2013, dated 8.4 TRANSPORTATION OF CONVEYANCE The scales for transportation of conveyance of an employee on transfer at the corporation expense will be as follows: Pay seale Seale Grade Pay Rs. 5400 CDA 20600-46500 IDA | One motor car, or one motor and above. cycle/scooter. [ Less than Grade Pay Rs. 5400 CDA/ 20600- | One motor eycie/ scooter! moped, or one 46500 IDA. bicycle. ‘The rates for transportation of Motor Car/Scooter/Cycle by road on transfer shall be as under: WHEN THE CONVEYANCE IS SENT UNDER ITS OWN PROPULSION. Between places connected by rail ‘Between places not connected by rail} Prescribed rates limited to expenditure on Preseribed rates transportation by passenger train on rail Where the conveyance is sent under its own propulsion and the employee does not travel in car, he/she will be entitled to separate fares by raiV/air or to a separate road mileage for himself/herself. However, when the employees’ travels in his/her own car, he/she will not be entitled to any separate fare by train/air. Appropriate mileage allowance will be admissible for the members of his/her family, if they travel otherwise than by the conveyance being transported under its own propulsion. (1) WHEN CONVEYANCE IS SENT LOADED ON A TRUCK Between places connected by rai ‘Actual expenses limited to | Actual expenses limited to prescribed prescribed rates or expenditure on 29 ze SAW ST T 11 hed 0140 soyasoun s¥aS ouo pue jeIDyyo ayy JO aTUUTISsE 3 Jo WIE) ammud sup BUMP KuEduIOd 2a495 OL Aundwsos ints putog 2010196 | OL Suna} JBOD JH 10d Sy saessnd aavoT aon | 6 samy Auaduos tad sv ayqeced seuon | 8 D0 Aa papracud 94 Of, wonmiodsueny [7 >jqunnd 99 VOU [Us oures oxp eAFOsUED/DO/UEND mM Ko YoU |[Ls4 Sep Jad saBreYD UOHYepourINODSE ip “papisoud ou St 9f a9Aas0yN4 “HoAOMOFT “TUAHD UBLaI0y ay) Aq paplroud aq ye HORePoURIODE ayp ‘A[[PLUON - soBAUD WoRYpoMUED>y “Z yoafosd pousoauos yp 105 YW 01 Burced oq yf WOH]9 UBLaI0y axp YoIK|s aNowTE ‘yp poooxa TOU {I}m I “LaAEMOH] “PIC ELOTO'DT PALD C1OZIPI/SIUW/IANG 40d se 9g [fas soueMo||D WIC] Jog AHL] = SMEALOILY WAIT 194 “1 (E10T"60'9K POVEP CTOTIFL/S42d/ AINA “OH P2I0N) “sie 06 aaoul Jo juoWUBIsse Aue suRayy ~~ yuoUIUTISsY WLIO}-BHOT -siup 96 02 [enbs 40 weap sso] Jo guOUIUaISsE Aue SuBDIA] —IOMUSISSY WLAA}-HOYS = 9}0NL soln QUIN 04 se pomoyye oq Hous oAvd} pomunuOD pur TdH “1 cuoupred af axp Aq pa¥o|foy Se SAepH]OY Paso pue eIPUL JO HN E LL (od SMC 20d SV yoRy/aouremns! 91 Royod Sea 18d Sv yoeyjaoueansut feOIpAIN | SI "yaudissa uBroxoj yo oped aip ynowPFNONp YUL [EAC 10 WoHEPOWIONDE IYING ULEIPA Ue ‘eipuy Ur uomepouwosse yeauepIsey | PL Auwduiog Ke Knunoo usya10y uy ojquaed xe auroony | Ey aaKojduie pauseouo> vapuy uy ajqeced xe auroout | Zi ‘yuo ZI s8ef9 oxdh pu uaupyyp oma ordn 40p wawudisse yo Anunoo oxp uw daupliyo 50 Sprys 205 pasinout sesuada worwonpe 20} [EG [B02 WOH, AIOROda4 941 01 19algnS KuBuUOD ayy Aq pasiNquIteL sasuadxa yeMay (vata) save mojpy woRtanpa Wap Procedure order for payment of Foreign Travel Advance on official tour: ‘The payment of foreign travel advance to DMC officials proceeding on foreign tour for official work will be regulated as under: 1. Foreign TA advance will be given in two components; viz., consolidated per diem allowance and per diem allowance at a fixed rate depending on the country proposed 10 visit. 2. Consolidated per diem Allowance : fa It will, inter alia, cover expenditure on hotel room rent; officials telephones calls, officials intra city transport and other contingent expenditure. b.Consolidated per diem allowance will be paid on the basis of 24 hours day for part of the day also, fall consolidated per diem allowance will be paid. The clock will start from the time of disembarkation at the destination. On return from tous, the officials will render account for all items other than per diem Sllowance admissible for the country as per MEA rates. The supporting vouchers for hotel charges and wherever possible for all other items like telephones calls and other contingent expenditure will be submitted with TA bill 3.Per Diem allowance “AFor the purpose of calculating per diem allowance, the day will be taken from mid-night to tmid-night and the clock will start from the time of disembarkation at the destination. biPer Diem allowance will be governed by the rates prescribed for the particulars county by the Ministry of External Affairs. However, in case of HOD's and above levels, the 25% eut has been restored back vide this office note no. DMRC/PERS/16/2006, dated 23/03/06. <.Wherever the hotel charges include breakfast charges. the per diem allowance shall be reduced by 10%. a:The payment of per diem allowance will be admissible as under- Details ania ‘Admissibility — [For a stay of fess than six hours NIL Hie For a siay of more than six hours but 50% of per diem rate up to twelve hours feta HH 3. Fora stay of more than twelve hours "100% of per diem rate e,Per Diem Allowance will also be paid as per above rates for the journey time/stay on cither side, {Total per Diem Allowance including that of journey time will, however, not exceed the total no. of days spent outside India. 4.Expenses on entertainment will not be reimbursed except when sanctioned with specific approval of MD. 5.The amount taken as advance should be settled within one month from the date of drawing the advance. 6. The per diem allowance for the stop over stay, if any, between the originating & destination countries will be paid as per para 3(d) if such stay is unavoidable because of non-availability of 34 connected flight, Per Diem allowance is not payable for the time spent during normal course of journey. In this case, it will be governed by para 3 (a) above, ‘The following rates of per diem allowance (consolidated per diem allowance) are admissible per day for DMRC officials visiting aboard on official account: r . Category ee aay bid Remarks CM, MD & Directors $400 This is inclusive of hotel and AG $300 other incedential charges. In addition to the above, fixed rate SGHAG $240 : of per diwm allowance applicable Executives (SS/JS) $200 to different coutries is paid. Non-executives (Supervisors) $150 ‘Non-executives (Non-Supervisors) $125 DA admissible for foreign tours other than traning: Officer Drawing Pay DA admissible for DA admissible for DA admissible for prescribed 1 14 days next 14 days 28 days onwards Rs 8500- PM and |Full Rate as | 75% of the full rates. | 60% of the full rate above prescribed Rs. 3300/ to 8499 PM [75% of Full Rate | 75% of the full rates | 60% of the full rate preseribed Below Rs. 33007 33% of Full Rate | 75% of the full rates ] 60% of the full rate DA admissible on foreign traning: SLABS Executives ‘Non-Executives 1* 14 days (Full Rate) $56.25 $42.19 2 14 days @ 75% of Full Rate) $42.19 $31.64 38 days onwards (60% of Full Rate) $33.75 $25.31 (Vide this office note no. DMRC/PERS/16/2006, dated 23/03/06.) Foreign exchange to Non-DMRC officers for tours abroad: The full amount of foreign exchange required for the foreign tour for non-DMRC employees shall be released only to the 35 accompanying DMRC officer as per the entitlement, On retun from the foreign tour, the accompanying DMRC officer shall render the accountal to DMRC. (Vide office note no. DMRC/Fin/Estt2013-14 dated 25-05-2013) GENERAL, ‘Travel and Daily allowance as are admissible under these rules are not to be treated as @ source of profit or additional income as they are in the nature of compensation for expenses jncwred on a reasonable hasis for the purpose of essential travels undertaken by the employee, Every employee should use the same diseretion and judgement in incurring (hese expenses economically as he would exercise when he undertake travel on his own account, 27. FEE_OF _CONSULTANTS/_RE-EMPLOVED/_ CONTRACT/_SELF-CONTRACT EMPLOYEES:- The fees of Consultants’ Re-employed/ Contract/Self-contract employees of DMRC are as under: (0.0. NoPP/1555/2013 dated 21.01.2013; No.PP/1618/2013, dated 04/06/13; No.PP/1631/2013, dated (04/07/13; No.PP/1699/2013, dated 11/11/13 Annexure-32) (a) Fee of Consultants:- SN. | Revised CDA grade held at the time of retirement a "ee per | | i onth (Rs.) | | Advisors | Officer retired in grade Rs.80000/- fixed or equivalent 52950/- { “Officer retired in grade Rs. 75500-80000 or equivalent 51 150/- 3) Officer retired in grade Rs.67000-79000 or equivalent 47700/- 4 Officer retired in grade Rs.37400-67000 (Gp-10000) or equi 41700/- 7 Consultants z 5 Officer retired in grade Rs. 37400-67000 (Gp-8900) or equivalent | 37200/- \6 Officer retired in grade Rs.37400-67000 (Gp-8700) or equivalent | 33300/- 7 Olficer retired in grade Rs.15600-39100 (Gp-7600) or equivalent | 26100/- | Olfficer retired in grade Rs. 15600-39100 (Gp-6600) or equivalent | 22950/-* 9] Officer retired in grade Rs. 13600-39100 (Gp-5400)/ "9300-34809 | 17850/- (Gp-5400)' Gr-B or equivalent ‘Consultants (Non Exe 36 17250/- 16] Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4800) or equivalent ri T 1 Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4600) or equivalent 156007 TD) Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4200) or equivalent Pre- | 13350/- revised (Rs.5500-9000) 13 | Supervisors in grade RS.9300-34800 (Gp-4200) or equivalent Pre- | 11850/- revised (Rs.5000-8000). Consultants (Supporting St 14 —] Supporting Staff in grade Rs. 5200-20200 (Gp-2800) or equivalent | 10500/- 15 | Supporiing Staif'in grade Rs.5200-20200 (Gp-2400) or equivalent | 9300/- 16 | Supporting Staff in grade R5.5200-20200 (Gp-1900) Rs.5200- | 7050/- 20200 (Gp-1800) or equivalent 77 | Consultants on retainership fee basis, 7300- + Retired StPPS and above levels engaged as consultant PAs will get maximum this fee only. (b) Eee of Re-employed personnel:- S| Revised CDA grade held at the time of retirement Consolidated N. fee (Rs.) 1 | Officer retired in grade Rs.80000/- fixed or equivalent 951 0/- 2 | Officer retired in grade Rs.75500-80000 or equivalent 959707 3 | Officer retired in grade Rs.67000-79000 or equivalent 95910/- 4 | Officer retired in grade Rs.37400-67000 (Gp-10000) or equivalent | 95910/- 5 | Officer retired in grade Rs.37400-67000 (Gp-8900) or equivalent 85560/- @ | Officer retired in grade Rs.37400-67000 (Gp-8700) or equivalent 76500/- 7 | Officer retired in grade Rs. 15600-39100 (Gp-7600) or equivalent 600307 3 | Olficer retired in erade Rs. 15600-39100 (Gp-6600) or equivalent 527907 9 | Officer retired in grade Rs.15600-39100 (Gp-5400) Rs.9300-34800 | 41060/- (Gp-5400/Gr-B or equivalent 10 | Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4800) or equivalent 39680/- TT | Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4600) or equivalent 35880/- 12] Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4200) or equivalent Pre- | 30710/- (Rs.5500-9000) 13 [Supervisors in grade Rs.9300-34800 (Gp-4200) or equivalent Pre- | 27260/- revised (Rs.5000-8000). 37 74 | Supporting Staff in grade Rs.5200-20200 (Gp-2800) or equivalent 24150/- 15 | Supporting Staff in grade Rs 5200-20200 (Gp-2400) or equivalent | 21390/ 16 | Supporting Staif in grade Rs.5200-20200 (Gp-1900)' Rs.5200-20200 | 16220/- (Gp-1800) or equivalent ‘The re-employed HODs and Dy. HOD level officers will be eligible for reimbursement of TADK allowance and Entertainment allowance at par with serving officers of their level. ‘They will also be provided with official vehicle/telephone re-imbursement at par with serving officers. *The re-employed personnel will be cligible for PLIB/ Ex-gratia, notionally taking their basic pay as mean of the grade in which they have been engaged in DMRC. + The re-employed Executives in the age group 60-65 years will be eligible for housing lease and their entitlement will be as per the lease entitlement of their corresponding grade in regular pay scale. (c) Fee for Contract employees (consolidated):- w.e.f 01/01/13. Level Consolidated fee ®s) IE 19500/- JE on deputation from Rajasthan Govt on consolidated fee _18600/- Office Assistant/Account Assistantiete 15000/- Messenger 9500/- ‘eld Helper 89007 (d) Fee for Self Contract employees (consolidated):- w.e.f 01/01/13. Level Consolidated Fee Rs) Auto CAD Operators/Accountant 18750- Messenger 9400/- Field Helper 9000 28. SPECIAL ALLOWNCE TO VIGILAN( INSPECTOR:- The special allowance @ 15% of the basic pay is admissible to Vigilance Inspectors w.e.f. 03.04.2012,subject to condition that the employee posted under Vigilance department has already not been granted any promotional benefit for posting as Vigilance Inspector. (0.0, No, PP/1430/2012 dated 24.04.2012 Aunexure33). 29, SPECIAL ALLOWNCE TO RTI SUPERVISOR:- The Special Allowance @ 15% of the basic pay is admissible to RTI Supervisors, posted under PR Department. (Office Note No. DMRC/PERS/24/2012 dated 08.02.2012 Annexure-34), 30. SUI NCE ALLOWAN! subsistence allowance equal to 50% of his basic pay provided the disciplinary authority is 38 ‘An employee under suspension shall be entitled to draw transportation by passenger train on | rates. rail, whichever is less. | Prescribed rates means, the rates notified by the concemed Directorate of Transport, for various modes of transport, at the starting point. 8.9 An employee on transfer may be allowed an advance, in addition to Composite Transfer Grant, not exceeding one month's basic pay. The advance shall be interest free and recoverable in three equal monthly instalments from the salary of the employee. 9, TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE ENTITLEMENT FOR RETIRING EMPLOYEES 9.1 When an employee retires after a minimum of 10 years of employment including the service rendered in the governments/PSUs before joining the corporation or his | incapacitation, then he and/or his employment ceases on account of his death or medi family will be entitled to claim reimbursement of expenses incurred by him or his family ‘on travel as per entitlement under Rule 9.1 for himself and/or his family for proceeding to home town or to place where he intends to settle in India and other expenses as below: 9.2: TRANSPORTATION OF CONVEYANCE ON RETIREMENT ‘The expenditure on transportation of conveyance by Corporation servants on their n of conveyance by them while in retirement shall be reimbursed provided the possess: service at their last places of duty should have been in public interest. 9.3 COMPOSITE TRANSFER GRANT ON RETIREMENT An employee on his retirement is entitled to get Composite Transfer Grant equal to a month's basic pay last drawn if he wants to settle down at a place other than the last station of his duty located ata distance of or more than 20 km. to meet the transfer incidental and road mileage for journeys between the residence and the n/bus stand, etc. at the old and new stations. If an employee on his airport/railway st retirement wants to settle at the last station of duty itself or within a distance of less than 20 km may be paid the composite transfer grant equal to one-third of the basic pay last drawn by them, subject to the condition that a change of residence is actually involved. 10. TRAVEL FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION/ TREATMENT. If the medical practitioner treating the employee or any member of his family eligible for the benefits under the medical rules of the corporation recommends a journey to be undertaken by the person under treatment to another place for the purpose for specialised treatment at a hospital or a clinic, then the expenses incurred on the to and fro journey for 30 satisfied that the employee is not engaged in any other employment or business or profession leon such or vacation, In addition, he shall be entitled to Deamess Allowance admis subsistence allowance and any other compensatory allowance of which he — was in receipt on the date of suspension provided the suspending authority is satisfied that employee continues to meet the expenditure for which the allowance was granted. ‘When the period of suspension exceeds six months, the authority, which made or is deemed to have made the order of suspension, shall be competent to vary the amount of subsistence allowance for any period subsequent to the period of the first six months as follows: The amount of subsistence allowance may be increased to 75% of basic pay and allowance thereon, if in the opinion of said authority, the period of suspension has been prolonged for reasons, to be recorded in writing, not directly attributable to the employee under suspension, The amount of subsistence allowance may be reduced to 25% of basic pay and allowance thereon, if in the opinion of the said authority, the period of suspension has been prolonged due to the reasons, to be recorded in writing, directly attributable to the employee under suspension. 31, SECRETARIAL EXPENSES TO CONCILIATOR/ARBITRATOR, The Personal Assistants/staff who assist the HOD and Dy.HOD level officers of DMRC appointed as Conciliator/Arbitrator will be paid a fee of Rs.1000/- for secretarial duties performed by them. The fee would be shared equally by both DMRC and the other party to the dispute. The Conciliator/Arbitrator should appoint one staff member/PA to whom the secretarial charges would be payable and must record the name of such staff/PA in the minutes of conciliation/arbitration proceedings. (0.0.No.DMRC/LegalGEN.ADMN/1572/2013, dated 25/09/13, Circular No.DMRC/LEGAL‘ARBITRATION FEE/2012, dated 20/06/12 Annexure-35 ) 3g DELUILMETRO RAIL CORPORATION 1 _ Annona NoDMRCPERS/24/2013 Dated: 1572114 Office Order No PP/IS64/2013 Sub. Ret: fo rules on Cadre format This office order No.PP/643/20007.4 urption, Promotion ted 26/6/07, 1d seniority ete. Most of the executives in DMRC are getting recruited trom differ Disciplines. Generally, Ungincets get appointed / reeruited in DMC 4, AM at an average age of nd will superannuate at the age of 60 years. Hence, their servie Hi be around 37-38 years. Though all promotions in vacancy based, the existing eligibility criteria at present allow YSMts. A Wpical Group “A” service officer, even in Railways, gets SAG (GM level) in about 22- 23 years & in most of the other PSUs in 25 to 27 years. In eave an Executive gets promoted to OM level after 17 years, it would be very difficult for him/her to remain motivated/co: same grade for the next 20 to 22 years of service. rent Engineering ce span in DMRC xecutive level are strictly an AM to reach the GM levei in 17 With @ view to have 2 rational career progression sche, Policy of DMRC ia line with other PSUs, the existing policy of of the Management for some time. After detailed exainination’ the following amendments to Rules on Cadre formation, absorption, Promotion and seniority etc, circulated vide OO No.PP/643/2007, dated 26/6/0° 7, in respect of Executives, are made, me and to align the promotion Promotion etc was under review 1 With immediate effect, the total-m AM 10 GM level shall be as follows:- imum time span for eligibility for promotion from (S.” |GradeMesignation “Grade (IDA) | Grade (@DA) Residency in No. | i From Tg: __years 1__| AM to Manager |” 20600-46500 [34900-50800 5 i 2. | Manager to Dt 24900-30500 29100-54500 ira * (3. DGM Sr. DEM 29100-54500 —|— 32500-58000 3 4. | Sr. DGM 0 JGM 32900-58000 | 36600-62000 3 5S. | JGM to AGM. 36600-62000 43200-66000 | 3 6. [AGM to GM 43300-66000 51300-73000 | S + The officers on completion of 3 years service at AG spec iM level will be eligible for a ial allowance of Rs- Subject 0 APAR grading & will be 00/ per month, designated as Senior AGM. 2, The residency period is only for eligibility to a level, but the Promotion will depend upon availability of a vacancy in the concemed working level Only one additional grade of Sr DGM (Rs. 42900-58000), on the IRCON ete,, is being introduced. Hines of other PSUs like Phe paliey for promotion to ED level Will he maa sepeasitely Shere will he a totad OF “working levels" for Exceutives (trom any 19 CM) in DMIRE ay S under: (8) AMManayer ©) DGMiss Dasvacing AGM (2) cint 8 Henceforth, tin protons uy SM g6ide. only: the NCH Mincumbeney period Gand n {ie totil egusted service) wit he considered. tn other Sends past Executive service in PA. Group 1. State Govern PAP AS ech, the existing SYStEM Of Weiihtage for the AL PSC" Depatavent tor tke PUNPeme OF indction on dept ondabvorption ete far the finery SE Posts will be done <8eay with 2, sion Been danusty an June wt taken up for Committee in Jamusry and Cases arising between Consideration by DPC in Jute every year 8 S% of last 3 yeury sal 8° SAP) ofthe totat posts on ion oat cadre. A total of 10% af the permanent posts rion 7 ditect recruitment basis laterally. The remaining AunPotary workcharged post Generally, not more than ‘de may be filled laterally on deputation / eempioyment 9, #S only. Not more than Ticer fails the selection. fee ad-hoe | meted for ad-hoc promotion within the next 6 months / “her seniority, i 1 40. I be gradually regu ; Pertianent vacancies/slots, 1p ve will not be considered for “ty will get affected, In such MF0 all those, who are promoted On reputar basis 11. Once an officer joins PMG, either on deputation or Will depend upon hisher length of service in tha Combined) subject to APA Brading, other suitabi PO) et recruit, in the i (ii) Prospective effect only, (iii) Same “Working lever will be based on APAR & ber of POStS it higher sede within the same working (OTe Hy om peomonion ty al king level” wt be thesgh 4 proces at Rue o8t a seketion basa abil of saeaucie Me ee ise at APAR wvsatin i hd Inters tow. 0 Mall be sidtoal tise wae ve 14, 16. a e fi, well as Ist ed Hind ad-hoc prometions, nsinimum qualifying APAR oints an preceding 4 years shall he as under Requirement of APA paints (out af 40 for 4 years ACR/APAR) for promotion to ~ im Muggy “TD iM p GM j x6 hy. StDGM.JGM, AGM [a4 Wao asa b (38 In case a depntationist gets Promotion in his parent Department, he will grade in DMR( velomatically fiom the date af grant of that ¢ Without interview ete; rade ta parent Department if required by creating a supeenumerary post. Far the purpose of fo credence will he given to ACP 1 MACP (Modified Assured Career Mogression Scheme) / In-situ promotions ete, except that none will get tess basic pay & DA than the parent Department promotions, for absorption — In future, the seniority ef 2 dey from the date following the dat Dutationist upon absorption in DMRC will count © of acceptance of his/her resignation by the parent organization (b) Absorption to a deputationist shall be given in the grade, in which one is working, in DMRC, provided this grade is not more than one grade higher than histhe. substantive grade in parent Department. «e) {n case the present grade is more than one grade higher, One will be absorbed on! y in one grade higher than the substantive grade of parent cadre (8) Incase, on s absorbed in a grade corresponding to his substantive prade in parent cadre, the service rendered in the parent cadre as well as on deputation in DMRC will also be counted for the next ad-hoc promotion only. However, Seniority in case of absorption will be assigned at the bottom of the grade in DMRC (Combined), in which one is absorbed and he/she will be regularized only when all his seniors yet regular promotion AS per existing practice, no non. AM leve » DMRC (Q_ In case an officer is absorbed in a grade, lower than he i hoc basis in DMC, the officer may be permitted to continue to work in the cane srade on ad-hoc basis but hisiher seniority will be assigned at the botlom af the grade in which he/she is absorbed. They will be reyularized in the grade in which they are working only after all their seniors get regular promotion, cutive of other departments can be i in DMRC until he passes the LDE of his paren Denar jucted at nt or of s presently working on ad- The pro Hotion within non-executive cadre will conti the provisions of the Office Order No.PP/643/2007 d to be dealt with in (erms of rated 26/6/2007, Nhe above said poticy will be applicable with i fal-hoe promotions (absorption in Exceutive cade Fxctusions. {a) (b) (c) Inca i executive has hecome eligihte for promotina as per table in Para 1 but hisher senior has mot hecome eligible duc w aon-campletion of the minimum residency period in that grade on the date af issue af this policy, hershe will be considered for ane ad-hoc promotion only before his/her seniars, but afier that all future promotions will be ay jer seniority alone as explained in Para 12 above, The ca Jy appenved for al benefits shali not be reopened plion by M17 DMECC and consequent service Wherever the revised policy is silent, the original rules dated 26/6/07 shall hold good This issues with the approval of MD. ——aats : (Kazan Singh) Exceutive Director (HR) Copy for information to: wee ANLEDs, CGMs, GMs, HODs and Dy HODs. PDs ~ Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Kochi and Jaipur. ES te MD. Notice Board JGMAT for uploading on the intranet. cc: DE,DRS, DW,DBD,DP,DO mmo ae emma nn: npn cones ane Pe ARIE ARORA SIMBA No. DMRC/PERS/14/2009 Sub: of empl OFFICE ORDER NO, PP/985-4/200! (a). Pay Scales: - Revision of IDA pay scales w.e.f 01/01/07 in DMRC. Annexuxe © Dated: 25/09/2009 below The Management is pleased to revise the IDA scales of pay and Deamess Allowance etc loyees of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd w-e.f 01/01/2007 as per details given S.N. EDA pay scales as on 1/1/2007 (Rs) [Revised EDA pay scales wie 01/01/0007 1 Fb \(Rs) as [1 )2800-70-3600 \6090-9300 i [2 fps007s-as00 6670-11470 1 [3 13600-100-5500 |So00-14%40 | 4 (4500-125-7000 10170-18500 1 5. [5700-175-9200 13500-25520 | 6 |6200-260-10200 14000-26950 7 (7400-235-11900 16000-30770 Hee 8 [8500-275-14000 {i8s00-35600 ; 9 |9000-300-15360 [20606-46500 | 10 [14300-375-17300 24900-50500 i 11 {13600-425-18700 [29100-54500 12 |16200-450-20700 |36600-62000 | 13° (18600-500-22600 {43200-66000 | 14 |20800-575-25400 51300-73000 i 18 |23750-625-28550 62000-80000 | 16 |28750-650-30950 '75000-100000. (47 27750-750-31500 |80,000- 125000 | (2) Coverage- (The revised pay scales shalt apply to employees 01/03/2007 and continued in service thereafter. shall not be applicable under the following circumstances, Where disciplinary action for major penalty has already bees who were on roll of the Company as on However, the benefit of pay revision tiated before issue of this order and is in progress. Such cases shall be reviewed after conclusion of disciplinary proceedings ~ Compulsory retirement, removal .or dismissal from Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, 2005 or are not entitled as per am other rules of the Compauy. ervice unier DMRC Gi) Gi) Employees who joined the service of the Company or were promoted /appointed fiom non-executive to executive category on or after 01/01/07 will be placed directly in the revised pay scales from the date of their joining/promotion as an executive. Such ‘employees will not be eligible for the fitment benefits under the pay revision Existing employees who are permanently absorbed / appointed in DMRC as well the deputationists, who are in CDA scale, have the option to switch over to IDA scale for which they should submit their option latest by 15.10.2009, The date of such switch over will however take effect from 16.09.2009. Option once exercised cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances, (c) FITMENT IN THE REVISED SCALES OF PAY:- 1. Fitment in the revised scales of pay for existing employees on 04/01/0 For employees including employees on rolls of DMRC on 1.1.07 or on Meputation to DMRC in TDA pay-scales as on 1.1.07:- (a) The basic pay in the revised pay-scale shall be fixed as follows: (i) Basic pay plus stagnation increments in the existing scale of pay as on 1.1,2007 Gi) DA at the rate of 78.2% on (i) above. (ii) Fitment Benefit at the rate of 30% of {()+(i)} above. The aggregate so arrived at shall be rounded off to the next Rs. 10/- and basic pay fixed ‘equivalent to that amount. If the amount so arrived at is less than the minimum of the revised pay scale, basic pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay scale. (b) In case of employees stagnating at the maximum of their scales or in receipt of stagnation increments as on 1,].2007 in the existing IDA (1997 pay-structure), the maximum of scale shall be taken as Basic Pay for the purpose of fitment in the revised 2007 pay- scales, (©) In all other cases, Special Pay shall be igncited for the purpose of fitment in the revised 2007 pay scales and shall be discontinuéd in the revised structure with effect from 1.42007, (@) Special Personal Pay/Personal Pay, if any,'shall also stand discontinued in the revised structure with effect from 1.12007, § (©) In case of bunching i.e. in case employees in same grade drawing different emounts es basic pay start drawing the same amount of revised basic pay as on 11.2007, for every such two different amounis of basic pay so°bunched, benefit of one increment shall be given to the employee drawing higher basié pay in the pre-revised ‘structure, However, bunching would not include cases drawing same revised basic pay on fitment in the revised pay-structure only on account of rounding off to the next RS. TO/# ‘For employees who have joined after'1.1:2007:- (a) Basic pay of employees absorbed in DMRC pay-scales after 1.1.2007 who were aliowed basic pay at the minimum in the pre-revised scales of pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the corresponding revised IDA scales of pay’ (b) In case of employees who were allowed a higher start in the pre-revised scales of pay, their pay may be refixed as on appointment in the new revised scales, “ {4)_ ANNUAL INCREMEN’ Annual increment will be at the rate of 3% of the revised basic pay rounded off 10 the next multiple of Rs.10/-/ The existing anniversary date of increment applicable to the employees shall not change as a consequence of fitment in revised scales, If the pay of a senior employee drawing higher or same pay becomes less than that of his junior due to charging of increment on different dates, the pay of the senior will be stepped up to the extent of his immediate junior and increment @ 3% will be calculated on the Basic Pay after stepping up benefit on his/her due date of increment STAG ON INCREMI The rate of Stagnation Increment will be 3% of the revised basit pay rounded off to the next multiple of Rs.10/- and employeés will he allowed to diaw-nnixinum three stagna increments, one increment after every two years, upon reaching the maximum of the Fevised pay scale provided the employee gets\g minimum annual performance rating of “Good” or above. (Q)__ SPECIAL INCREMENT FOR PROMOTING SMALL FAMILY NORMS: @ Special increment allowed to employees for undergoing sterilisation operaion earlier to 26/11/2008 shall be revised with effect from 26.11.2008 to an mount equivalent to one increment at the minimum of the pay scale (3% of the minimum of the revised scales) corresponding to the pay scale of the post against which the employee had eared the Special Increment, The other terms and conditions in this regard shall remain unchanged, (i) In respect of employees who become entitled to Special Increment on or afier 26.11.2008, the amount of the same shall be revised on the basis of the applicable revised rate of increment on revised basic pay on the date of applicability. The effective date shall confinue to be the first day of the month following the date of sterilisation {g) PAY FIXATION ON PROMOTIOT One notional increment equal to the increnient being drawn by the employee fa the pay scale (ie. @ 3% of pay) in existing/prepromotion grade, before such promotion would be ‘granted and pay fixed in the promoted pay scale and'rounded off to the next multiple of Rs. 10/- (h)_ DEARNESS ALLOWANCI DA shall be revised on I" April, 1" July, 1 October and 1" January of each year based con the percentage increase in the quarterly average of AICPT for the quarters ending February, May, August and November respectively over All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI), 126.33 (Base 2001=100) There shall be 100% neutralization of DA for all employees. Based on the revised DA scheme payment of Dearness Allowance with effect from 01.01.2007 shail be as under = the | Quarter Beginning ""T Rate of Dearness Allowance \ Umpercentage). : 01.01.2007 0 foe | | 01,04.2007 08 fe co} H 01.07.2007 Testu ‘ l 01.10.2007 3 i \ [01.01.2008 [33 fee | (01.04.2008 [6.3 ie 1 01.07.2008, 92 h 01.10.2008) 12.9 He 1 (01.01.2009 oe 16.6 ot | 01.04.2009 eee 16.9 cee | [o1.0709 18.5 ene (@ PERKS:- ‘The perks shall be revised’ with effect from 26/11/2008-subject to # maximum ceiling of | 35% of the revised basic pay. Further details will be circulated shortly. — ate HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE. (HRA): | Payment of HRA on revised basic pay with effect from September 2009 shall be at the sate of 30% of the revised Basic Pay in Al class cities, Further the HRA as per classification of cities/towns dectared by the Central Government will be as under: Revised Classification of Cities/Towns | Rates of HRA | cae * | __ (rof revised basic pay) i X (previously classified as Al) [30% : Y (previously classified as A, BI &B2)_—_ | 20 % on i | | Zipreviously classified as) 10% eel (k) LEASED ACCOMMODATION: | Instractions regarding entitlement for leased accommodation in the revised. pay structure are being notified separately. Existing leased entitlement on. pre-revised pay structure shal yemain unchanged till further orders. 1) CITY COMPENSATORY ALLOWANCE (CCA): Payment of CCA would stand dispensed with effect from 26/11/2008. im) GRATUITY:- | The ceiling of gratuity for employees is revised to Rs. 10 lakhs with effect from 01.01.2007 j in) PROVIDENT FUN ‘Contribution towards Provident Fund will be made on the revised pay plus DA wef 01.01.2007 0) GROUR_ SUPERANNUATION PENSION SCHEME:- i The contribution under Group Superannuation pension Scheme will be made on revised | basic pay w.c.f 01/01/2007 p) REGULATION OF SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANC! (i) Employees suspended prior to 01.61.2007 They shall continue to be paid subsistence allowance on the same rate as had been admissible to them in the pre-revised scale. The benefit of pay revision in such eases is to be regulated only after the cases are settled, depending upon the treatment to be given to the suspension period (i) Employees suspended on or after 1.1.2007 and continuing under suspension: Such employees shall be paid subsistence allowances as admissible to them in the revised pay. They will also be entitled t0 benefit of increase in pay, if any, in respect of duty period before suspension. (a) COMPANY CAR in case an officer avails the facility of company car for commuting between office and home, the following amount will be deducted from their admissible perk amount () ED/HOD Rs.7000/- per month (ii) Dy HOD/DGM/AGM. Rs. 3200/. per month (ii) AM/Manager Rs3200/- per month This however will not entitie the executives to claim the facility of office car, if not elready provided. The executives up to the level of AGM have the option of continuing to avail the existing facility of company car for commuting between home and office & back or otherwise, but it is mandatory for ED/HOD to continue the existing office car facility r) SUPERANNUATION BENEFITS: ‘The ceiling for Superannuation benefits to be leveraged for optimizing Superannuation benefits shall be kept within the limits of 30% of Basic Pay plus DA (s RESIGNATION / DEATH / RETIREMENT CASES: @® The arrears arising out of revision of pay scales and allowances mentioned above shall be admissible to employees who have separated from the company on or afier 01.01.2007. The benefits of PF and Gratuity, shall also be admissible to these employees and / or their nominee / legal heir. Consequently the contribution towards the Provident Fund based on revised salary shali be recovered from ‘arrears payable in all such cases. (H) The concemed officer in HR and Finance departments shall ensure that before arrears are released in the afore-mentioned cases, all dues / advances, if any, of the company against the concerned employee are recovered (f) PAYMENT OP ARREARS AND RECOVERIES (Payment of arrears will comprise pay fixation benefit, difference in increment rete, Deamess Allowance, leave encashment, provident fund, etc ~ 45> (ii) o) ) ‘The adhoc interim relief granted w.e f 03/09/08 and adhoc pay scales granted with effect from 01/04/07 shall be adjusted ayainst the arrears becoming due on account of pay revision effective from 1,1:2007, Paymeat of arrears on aceount of pay revision shall be subject to usual deduction of PF, Income Tax or any statutory dues. All payments and recoveries arising on account of pay revision or other recoveries slated to be made out of pay revision shall be made simultaneously. It is to be ensured that all dues and advances, if any, of the company are adjusted against the arrears in respect of separated employees. The excess payments, wrong payments, other are. already av: I" subsidies. through SWF {aot be° eligible “under: this h E 5 | respect of the child concerned) ona & Annerexc| | 8 DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. No. DMRC/PERS/14/2011 Dated: 21.11.2041 The revised rates of National Holiday Allowance/ Office Order No. PP/1337/2044 ‘Sub: Revision of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) and Gazetted Holiday Allowance (GHA). The aforesaid subject matter was under consideration of the Management for sometime. cited Holiday Allowance shall be as under:- SIN, | IDA Basic Pay! Equivalent CDA Basie Pay T ing Rate | Revised Rate (For Non-Executive employees only __{Rs.) 7 | Below Rs.13,500/- Z ‘ [275i 2.__| Rs.13,500/- & above but below Rs.26,950/- I | 325/- 3. [Rs.26.950/- & above but below Rs. 35, 600/- aa 400 ‘The other terms for claim of NH/GH Allowance shall be as follows = 1. The allowances shail be given for working on the notified NH/ GH only. In Project Wing Gazetted Holiday Allowance (GHA) is not admissibie, however, Nationa! Holiday Allowance (NHA) is payable to the staff of Project wing, ie. for working on Republic Day, independence Day and Mahatma Gandhi's bicthday. 3. In O&M, NHIGH Allowance will be admissible to the field staff who have rostered duty. if, the ‘same is failing on the weekly rest day, the employee will be entitled for NH/ GH Allowance for thet day also, ‘The staff performing administrative functions in general shift, is not entitled for NH/GH eliowance. However, if they are booked specifically for urgent work on an NH/GH, allowance wil be admissible to them with approval of concerned HOD. They will not be entitled for NHIGH Allowance, if the same falls on their weekly rest cay. 4. The staff performing duly on NH/GH, will be entitled for Conveyance Allowance also, for ‘coming and going back, slongwith NH/ GH Allowance. Claim for refreshment is not admissible for working an NHIGH, No Compensatory Rest (CR) shali be given in lieu of working on NH/ GH. The same is given only for work on weekly rest day. Allowanca is admissible for performing duty on NH/GH, as per para-3, above, 6. NHIGH Allowance claims, duly compiled separately and approved by conce:ned HOD, should bee forwarded to HR Branch, by 7” day of every month, so that, the payment may be released in the same month, by associate Finance. 7. Claims of NH/ GH Allowance, should be forwarded by concarned Departments ina combined lot, not in piece meal manner, to facilitate payment. The revised rates shall be effective from 01.12.2011 This issues with the approval of MD. (Karan Singh) ED/ HR All EDs, HODs of Project & O&M- For wide circulation among employees please. JGMIT- Kindly piace on intranet Notice Boards Ci- DE, DF, DO, DRS, DW & DP- For kind information please. — 26 — DELHI METRO RAIL No, DMRC/PERS/14/2013 Sub: Ref, RPORATION LT! OFFICE ORDER NO.PP/1658/2013 Entitlement of Directors for electricity reimbursement This office order No. DMRC/PERS/14/2006 dated 28/12/06, ~ w& Aner |} Dated: 27/08/13 ‘This is with reference to this office order ceferred to above regarding perks of executives wherein the number of units of electricity to be reimbursed for consumption at residence were fixed. The management has approved to revise the entitlement of Directors for electricity reimbursement for use at official residence to 750 units with effect from August 2013. The reimbursement henceforth will be done as per the details shown in the table below- No of electricity units. presently Revised limit of Electricity units S.No | Level reimbursed per month ‘per month for re-imbursement {60% of the units consumed or 600 1__| Directors _| units whichever is more. 750 units SRSISSEISESEIG! Copy t 1 ‘This issues with the approval of the Managing Director. 0% All EDs, CGMs, GMs, PDs, CPMs SrDGM/F&E Accounts Branch OSD to MD. AGM.IT for uploading on Intranet. Notice Board. Office order fi aa (teen SR) Executive Director (HR) ce: for information of DRS/D W/DBD/DP/DO/DF/DE, pal Advisor (DMRC), Principal Advisor (Electrical) & other Advisors, Annemne Th Dated: 12/09/11 gefon of Caildrsn Educatton Allowance/tHostel Subsidy & other Allowances, for employees ee cing pay in CDA pay scale : Se rege ineir O.M No.1201 1/61/201 | Est (Allowance), dated 04/05/11 nt of Children Education Alowance/Hostel Subsidy has been revised in o.PP/1092/2010 dated 10/05/10, Le Maximum of Rs. 1000/- per month n certain allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of wef 01/01/2011 by Ministry of Finance, DOP&T has also issued instruction certain allowances by 25% vide order dated 04/05/11, revising Children vance etc wef OI/OI/I1. The issue relating to the above revision was under i¢ Management in DMRC for sometime. It is decided to revise the following DOPRT’s order referred to above w.e.f 01/0172011 for employees drawing pay in ate nt of Children Education Allowance will be FB (S000! pet child. Accordingly, the quarterly claim could be more than Rs. 3750/- in one quarter pu leis'inan RS3750/- in another quarter subject to the annual ceiling of Rs.15000/- per child and fe Sibsidy shall be Rs.3750/- per month per chifd, bsidy for disabled children of Government employees shall be treated as revised from child per month to Rs.7500/- per child per month. These revisions shall be subject to other terms and conditions mentioned in DOP&T O.M 12011403/2008-Estt (Allowance) dated 02/09/08 & OM. No.1201 1/04/08 dated 11/09/08 & shall ffgct from 01/01/2011 - For employees drawing pay in IDA pay scales, Education Allowance is already part of 35% lence this revision will not apply to them. a —ayain (Karan Singh) Executive Director (HR) 2 All EDs, CGMs, GMs, PDs and CPMs in DMRC. + OSD te Mp, 3+ All Officers and Staft Accounts Branch & Office Order File NOTICE BOARDS, 8 for information of DEJDEADO/RS/DW/DP, DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. No,DMRC/PERS/3V15 OFFIC. PP/I3562011 cvision in allowance and facilities for project employees under Phase-Ill Ref. This Office Order No.PP/1327/2011 dated 18/10/11 his is with reference to the Officer Order referred to above. The CDA rates bave been revised w.e.t, 01/10/12. In modification to the Item No. 5, the revised rates of CDA as as shown below: Fnoployee Caugoy [Existing aie (pan) | Revised rate (pan) | Manager — 2200 [Rs3000 Asst Manager | Rs.2000, __| Bs.2500 i cnior Sups TR2000 | Rs.2250 19500354 | Ee eee z 1A [Supervisor Below 189002) | 3.1659 RS HOD. S| Non Supervisor FRs.1050 LRS.1500 All other terms and conditions mentioned in the above Office Order remains tunehany This isomes with the approval of DE cat iKaran Singh) eH | AILBDs, CGMs, GMs, PDs, CPMs and By. HIODs in DMRC. >. DGM/Finaneet ist) and DGM/Finance(O&M) OSD MD, rH RVORM Office order File, Notice Boards, 6. JGMAT for uploading on intranel. Man: co: for information of DE/DELODRSOWDP. DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. No. DMRC/PERS/14/2013 Dated: 11/09/13, FFICE ORDER.NO/PP/1668/2013 Sub: Revision of re-imbursement limit for AC, Inverter & Briefcase. Ref: This office order, dated 07/03/98 and office order No. DMRC/Pers/6/2007, dated 07/03/07. jbursement limit of AC, Inverter With immediate effect the Management has decided to revise the re-i and Briefcase as shown below- S| Subject Existing Entitlement Revised Entitlement No| HHH 7 ITP TAIT EDSHODs ace entidled to | Actual amour incurred | Actual amount incurred subject t | | purchase one AC (spliv/window | subject to maximum of Rs. | maximum of Rs. 30,000". along with stabilizer) and claim | 23,000/- reimbursement. # dl ‘Al! ED/HODs staying outside Metro | Actual amount incurred | Actual amount incurred subject to Flet are also permitted to procure | subject to maximum of Rs. | maximum of Rs, 15.000: ‘one inverter al the official residence. | 12,0000. | Alt other conditions pertaining to purchase of AC and Inverter will be governed by the above referred office order No. DMRC/PERS/6/2007, dated 07/03/07, The revised entitlement of officers and staf? for purchase of briefease/iadies" carrying cases shall be as shown in the table below- SNo_| Category of officials Existing Entitlement | Revised En in Supervisors Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- _| a "AM and Manager a Rs.1500 Rs.3000/, See (3___|by fobs Rs.2000 Rs.d000/- 4 ED CGMIGM 7 Rs.2500/- Rs.5000/- Het All other conditions pertaining to purchase of briefease/ladies’ carrying cases will be governed by the above referred office arder, dated 07/03/98. ‘This issues with the approval of MD. oe General Manager (HR) Copy to: All EDs, CGMs, GMs, PDs, CPMs Principal Advisor (DMRC), Principal Advisor (Electrical) & other Advisors. SrDGM/FRE Accounts Branich OSD ta MD. AGM-IT for uploading on Intranet. Notice Board, Office order file. =) i“ nro (SD vy DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. ho No. DMRC/PERS/7/2009 Dated: 21.08.2009 OFFICE ORDER NO.PP/974/2009 ‘Sub: Cash incentive for presentation of papers at national and international level. In continuation to this office order No. PP/105/2001 dated: 19.06.2001 on the above subject, it is clarified that if presentations are co-authored/presented by one or more employees at national or international level the, cash incentive, of Rs.1000/- and Rs.5000/- respectively is to be distributed among the co-authors equally. This issues with the approval of DF. (Karan Singh) Executive Director (HR) All HODs, CPMs & Dy. HODs Principal consultant/Chennai and all PDs Accounts Branch Notice Boards aAppr& ce: DE/DF/DO/DRS/DW/ED (Elect) & ED (Civil) 4 Arneraiial6 No. DMRC/Pers/14/2013 Dated: 31/10/13 OFFI: ORDER No. PP/1692/2013 Review of Staff Welfare Trust Provi Refi: Office order No. PP/538/2006 dated 30/10/2006, No. PP/1084/2010 dated 22/04/10 & No, PP/1400/2012 dated 28/02/12. The provisions of Staff Welfare Trust were reviewed on 10/10/13 and the amendments and new initiatives approved by the Management are as under:- 1. Rev 3. ‘Welfare Scheme Existing | Revised | Admissible | Reference Office N Rate | Rate to ‘Order No, (Rs) | Executive! Eee f Non-Exe.) 1] Marriage Gint— Tem SN-1, i Female employee dependent 7,000/-| 8,000] All| No. PP/1O84/ | | Male employee/ dependent 3,500/-} 4,000 | ° 2010 dated 22/04/10 | 2. | Gift on birth of child — 1,500 2,000" |All. Ttem SN-2, (Limited to first two children only) No. PP/i084/ SsesSSTaHSEe 2010 dated 22/04/10 3. | Grant of assistance for sehool children — Tiem S.N--3, “| No. PP/LO84 | On passing class-10% with 2010 dated 22/04/10 | 85% and above but below 90% marks 3,000) 4,800, All | 90% and above but below 95% marks 4,000} 6,000/ | | 95% and above. marks 5,000/- | 7,500 | (or equivalent grades) On passing class-12 with- 85% and above but below 90% marks 4,000-| 6,000} All 90% and above but below 95% marks 5,000/- | 7,500/- 95% and above. 7,500!-| 11,000 (or equivalent grades) First time admission in Nursery/ KG 1,000/- | Non-Bxe. Annual erant for dependent daughter for Degree course 3,000/- | 4,800 | Non-Exe. Post Graduate course 4,000 | 6,007. 4] Monthly Grant in case of long sickness | ~2,000/-| 4,000] NonExe | Item SNS, For life threatening diseases like Cancer, TB,| p.m pam. No. PP/O84/ Kidney, Lever ailment and major surgery | 2010 dated 22/04/10) requiring prolonged treatment and | hospitalization. 5. | Diet Allowance for employee suffering | 2.500/- | 3,800/- | Non-Exe. | Item SN, from Cancer pam, pem. No. PP/IO84/ | 2010 dated 22/04/10) | PTO, 29 4 s. | ‘Welfare Scheme ‘Existing | Revised | Admissible | Reference Office Nn. | (Grant/ Assistance) Grant} Grant to Order No. (Rs) Rs.) | (Executive/ 7 Non-Fixe,) FEE &. | Quarterly Grant for Handicapped child | 1,500/- |” 2,500/- | Non-Exe. | Item S.N.7, ‘No. PP/1O84/ 2010 dated 22/04/10) 7. | Monthly Pension to dependent widow | 3,000/-| 3,500/- | Non-Exe. | Item SN. 8, mother/ spouse (where no compassionate No. PP/L400/ employment given) 2012 dated 28/02/12. | 8. | Funeral assistance 5,000/- | 10,000/- All Ttem SN.-7, ‘No. PP/S38/ 2006 dated 30/10/06 } 2. Women Empowerment :- With a view to boost women empowerment programmes, provision of fund is ‘made in the SWT budget. For this purpose, quarterly meetings will be held and new initiatives will be discussed for women empowerment. 3, Tablet PC to daughter pursuing regular PG course :- A new scheme is introduced, under which one Tablet PC will be given to the dependent daughter(for one daughter only) of Non-supervisor employees on joining a regular Post-Graduation course (Full time) from a Govt. recognized university/ institute, after graduation with minimum 55% marks in national/ State run. universities. 4, Revised rates of contribution:- The rates of contribution by members in Staff Welfare Trust will stand. revised as under:- S| ‘Category of Employee ‘Existing monthly | Revised monthly | N. rates of contribution | rates of contribution | a (Rs.) ____{Rs.) 1. | HOD and above 15h 125/- 2._| Executives up-to AGM level 60. 1007 3._| Supervisors 35/- 55/- 4._| Group-C (Below Supervisor) 25) 407- 5._| Un-skilled, Semi-skilled 20/- 30/- All other provisions of the SWT shall remain unchanged. ‘The above revisions will come into force wef. OUI1/13, ‘This issues with the approval of MD. t (Karan Singh) Executive Director/ HR, Chairman/ SWT Cl- 1 AILEDs/ HODs/PDs/CPMs & Dy. HODs of Project & O&M Wing 2. OSD & GM(SP), 3. Principal Advisor(S8T), Principal Advisor (Eleet.) & other Advisors. 4. Office Order File 5. Notice Boards, 6. AGMAT- For putting on intranet. Ce: DRS/DW/DBD/DP/DO/DF/DE- For kind information please. . Grant for Recreation! Amusements! Sports! Cultural Activities:- The requisition of the fur Anne 14 No, DMRC/Pers/14/2012 Dated:28.02.2012 OFFICE ORDER No.PP/1400/2012 ‘Sub: Review of Staff Welfare Trust Provisions. Ref: Office Orders No. PP/538/2006 dated 30.10.2006 and PP/ 1084/2010 dated 22.04.2010. Consequent to review meeting of the Staff Welfare Trust, held on 21.02.02012, the following addition and revision in the activities and contributions has been made by the managesetit'- Enhancement ir. Monthly Grant-to dependent widow mother! spouse-of deceased empiovees:- The existing rate of manthly grant of Rs 2,200/- to the dependent widow or widow mother, where no employment assistance 's provided, has boon enhanced to Rs.3,000/- per month. This will be effective from 01.04.2012, . Cash Awards for Excellence in Sports Field: in order to encourage the employees! their wards for achievements in the sports field, the following cash awards shall bé given for excellence at State, National and International level:- ‘Achiovement at National Level_ [State Level T | international Level 1 i t ‘The above awards will be extended for the sports events, which are recognized as International, National and State level competitions by the nominated Government authorities! sparts-bodies. admissibility, shall be forwarded by the can Jahr HI Wing "the departments shai iain record of the fund demanded! allocated! expenditure incurred against the same and forward the same to Secretary, Staff Welfare Trust within one month of withdrawal of fund. In case, 0 expenditure incu’s in a particular year. the admissible amount of grant may be drawn aiongwith the funds of following year. However the budget for this purpose of a particular year shall not be carried forward for more than one yaar Contribution towards SWT:- In order to strengthen the corpus of the SWT, to mest the financial requirement Of the enhanced activities, the contribution of officers and staff is revised as under and equal contribution wilt be added by the organisation: fs - Re) 151. Un-skiled & Semieskiied @ Staff Category eating Rate Rava Rate 1 ‘Group-C, (Below Superwisor) ‘Supervisor Executive up-to AGM level ["HODs & above N. 7 z 3 4 5. The provisions under SN-1,2.& 3 3 and S.N. 4/'Sised contibtion towards SWT shal be effective from Feb, 2012 tet This issues with the approval of MD. saan (karan gh} EDR Chanmary SWT All HODs of Project and O&M Division Vice-Chaiman, Secretary, Treasurer & Members of SWT- For implementation please. Notice Boards Cl-_DE, DF, DO, DRS, DP & OW.- For kind information please. OSD to MD- For kind information of MD, please — o7_ e, : ELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD No. DMRC/Pers/14/2013 Dated: 280413 OFFICE ORDER No. PP/ 1581/2013, Sub: Night Duty Allowance, National Holiday Allowance & Hard Duty Atlawanee + Revisiow of rates. Ref: Office Order No, PP/1093/2080 dated 11.05.2010, O&MIRE' -937 of 2010 dated 24.12.2010 and PP/1337/201 dated 21.11.2011 The revision of rates of the Night Duty Allowance, National Holiday Allowance and tard Duty Allowance, was under, consideration of the management for some time. The same are revised dsunder we ODE Sey” i) Night Duty Allowan. DMRC- IDA Pay Scales? Existing Rate T Equivalent CDA scales 1 7 (Rs.) (Rs) I (Rs) Revised Rate 6090-9300 To/- 150/- 6870-11470/- 8000-141407- ___10170-18500- 13500-25520 j 6 14000-26950 perealee 16000-30770 a a) 18500-35600/- 20600-48500/- 900-50500— | All other conditions for payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA), including the condition comceesimnum 18 Nights per month in cases of exigency, shall remain unchanged, Further, dare rea aonttoling officer at OGM level will keep a watch, that deployment of stat on night duty beyond two weeks may be resorted 10 only in extreme exigencies of werk ii) National Hotiday Atlowance;- Deesiary compensation in leu of working on National Holidays (264 January, 15" August und 2" October) is revised and will be equel to one day's ordinary wages (Basic pay + DA). Rates of Gazetted Holiday Allowance, however, will remain unchanged. ae The concerned HODs will ensure to minimize the deployment of maintenance staff by 40% an National/Gazetted Holidays to meet the requirement’ of essential services only, so. that ‘maximum staiT may avail the National/ Gazetted Holidays Gil] Mard Duty Atowanee: . With & view to improve the proxtuctivity, the “Hard Duty Atlow with “Per Sigy.On and Deivi sane” iy now revised ti link. in on kilometer basis”, as uniter —~ § — ~ P.O. | I | 2 Accordingly, the present rate of Hard Duty Allowance for Train Operators is revised from Rs.75/ per “Sign on’ tw Rs.100/- per “Sign on’, with a ceifing of maximum Rs.261Ki// per month (for maximum 26 *Sign of"). In addition to this. an incentive @ Rs,2/ per km will he admissible to the Train Operators for running of Metro train beyond 3200 kms. in a month ‘The Hard Duty Allowance will be payable to the Train Operators, operating the not for stationary duties, such as training’ competency / PMEJ indoor tournament! med et unfit The above revision of rates will be effective from 01/04/13. This issues with the approval of MD. agai (Karan Singh) . Executive Director! HR 1. AIL EDs/ HODS/CPMs & PDs- For information end wide circulation among officers and staff under them. 2. ESto MD- For kind information of MD please. 3, JGMATT- For uploading on DMRC intranet site ce: DE, DRS, DW, DBD, DP, DO & DF- For kind information piease. —3e0- 4 ’ 4S/ 14/ Flats Rufes/2009 D py: stafT Quarter Rent Recovery! The rates for recovery of staff quarter rent was fixed in the year 2004 corresponding to the y scales applicable at that time. The CDA pay scales and IDA pay scales have been revised ib effect from January, 2006 and January, 2007 respectively. Consequent upon the revision of te pay scales, it has been decided to enhance the rates of staff quarter rent recovery from the Jerloyees residing in DMRC quarter/flats. The quarter rent recovery is revised at the following jie w.c £ 01.12.2009. Dated 08.12.2009 Ss ie Order No.PP/986/2 Annastus2. NF Type of quarter/ilat Existing Recovery per | Revised recovery per Eee eee ___| month, | month Shastri Park & Najafpargh z= Type 75 : Type tt 150 i TypelV _|200 a 200 EHH OOF HEE | OD te 300 [43s HOD level 450 _|6so | f Director level 650 940 e MD Flat 00 101s a | This issues with the approval of MD, 4 apis 4 (Karan Singh) y Exccutive Director (HR) i Pony to: [| AlLHODs Dy. HODs & CPMs of DMRC for wide circulation among the staff working funder thom f 2. Peincipal Consultant (Chennai) and other PDs 4) OSD to MD. f [4 Office Order file. Notice Boards formation of DE/ DEL DO/ DRS/ DW DP/ ED (lect) aaa: | i ti Aynonwe- 20 03.2013 Dated: 2 NOTE Sub: Approval of Only CUG Mobile Plan. With reference to S& 1/Policy/Telephones & Internet /12 Dated 25.01.2012., all officials and Staff are requested to use DMRC CUG Mobile plan named Corporate 99 CUG plan. Mobile bill of other plan will not be accepted for reimbursement as per existing Policy. It is noticed that some DMRC personnel are using plan other than DMRC CUG.They are informed to convert to DMRC CUG Plan to avail advantages of CUG. yy ore CNS 3 8 DSTE/Tek Copy to: All HOD’s for kind information pls. All Dy. HOD’s for implementation pls. + JGMITT is requested to upload it on intranet pls. * Notice Board of all Stations & Training School. 24 2 Annexw%2} REVISED POLICY No OMRC/S&'Tele/Policy/Telephonestntemet!13 Dated 18-07-2013 ‘Sub : Palicy for Landline, Mobile Phones & Internet facility. Ref 4. Policy no : S&T/Policy/Telephone & IntemmeVO7 dtd 30-03-2007, 2. Policy no: S&T/Policy/Teiephone & Internet/12 dtd 23-04-2012 Competent Authority has approved a revised policy for procurement of Mobile Phone Handset and its maintenance to DMRC officials. This policy shall be appkcable with effect from 18-07-2013. 1. Provision of Mobile Phone Handsets (The policy shall apply to Executive Directors and below) (Mobile handsets will be purchased by user himse'f and OMRC will reimburse the cost 2s follows: SNe. [Grade Ceiling Limit» oon Ae | Rs 20,000.00 3”) AGM JGM70GM Rs. 10006 00 4 Manager7AM Rs. 7000.00 a S | Supervisors & below [ Rs. 000 00 pe oe eee, * Includes insurance. if any. opted by the employee, (i) Due to frequent technological up gradation, the mobile handsets are now gelling outdated ata faster pace Mobile phone handsets would be depreciated at the flat rate of 33% Per annum. For calculation of WV ( Watten Down Value) 2 period of six months or above will be treated as full year However the period of less than six months will be ‘ignored (ii) No handset cost will be reimbursed, if the employee 1s not sanctioned a mobile connection, (iv) The provisions on buy back & replenishment of mobile phone hand sat stand mosified to the extent mentioned hereunder 2) After 3 years of use, handset will be considered as outlived ts lite. As ich user will be entitled to purchase a naw handset and its cost will be reimbursed as per above cceting lira b) Buy back at the time of separation (other than in resignation cases) which is compulsory , would be at the deprecieted value or R's. 500/- whichever is iower ©) On resignation from the service or in case involving gismissai /aischarge arising oul of disciplinary action , the buyback would be compulsory at the following value * 100% of the cost of handset as per DMRC book of Ac, # separation as per DMR baok of A/c 1s within 1 year of purchase. + 86°°% of the cost of handset 2s per DMRC book of A/c. if separation as ~ er DMRC book of Alc is within 2 year of purchase + 33'%% of the cost of handset as per DMRC book of A/c. if separation as er DMC book of Alc is within 3 year of purchase. * In case of death of employee, the recovery on account of handset will be waived off, (This will be applicable for newly purchased handset +e. after the policy issue date) (7) During the life of the handset user will be responsible for its maintenance and upkeep which will also include cost of replacement of batlery eic and wil also be responsible: for its safety from damage, theft, ass ate (vi) The employee will have to retain the handset for 3 year irrespective of the change in his, entitlement on account of his promotion or of any other reason. (vi) The employees who have already been provided with Mobile hendset (GSM/CDMA) under earlier poly wil be allowed to purchase new handset as per their entillement alter completion of 3 years penod fram date ofits purchase (vit) In case of loss/theftidamage or defect in handsets before 3 years, users will be fable to maintain the connectivity at his own cost, replenishment of the handset wil be done only after 3 years of last purchase: (®) For the users who procure the handset as per their entitlement, the claim to be put up for reimbursement through their controling officer to the Administrative Department, substantiated by original bill of purchase duly endorsing that the claim is 38 per the eniillement and as per time penod eligibility of 3 yrs (x) In view of above and one time measure, officers who need to change the mobile phone handset as per revised ceiling would be allowed fo procure a new hand-set on buy back of the existing handset at the depreciated value, subject to the condition that the hand. set is at-least two years old Mode of payment All consultancy areas / projects of DMC outside Delhi / NCR will also be governed by this policy. Ali Telephone / Mobiles / Handset bills will be processed & paid centrally in Metro Bhawan Corporate office, however where Finance unit is fully operational, the bills wil be reimbursed from their local Finance unit NOTE Only cases of HOD's & above will require approval of Director ( Electrical), All other cases shall be dealt by ED(S&T)Pro)-t for Project wing & by ED(S8T) for O&M wing This is issued with the approval of MAD. ao (MADAN PAL) Dy CSTE/Tele-2 Copy to 1. DE, DO. DF, DRS, DW for kind information please 2. Ail HOD for kind information please. 3. Notice Boards. « Annexe 2.2 LAPTOP POLICY Ref:S&T/IT/Computer/Policy/06/13 Date; 17.06.2013 Sub: IT Policy for Laptop Rof- 1. S&:/\T/Computer/?olicy/05/10 dated 06.05.2010, Ref: 2. Laptop policy amendment dated Sent 21°, 2012 Competent authority has approved the policy for provision of Laptop/notebook/tablet to DMRC JA grade & above officers. This will be applicable for both O&M and Project Wings. With issue of this policy, it will supersede all previous issued policy. i LapToP 11 For the purpose of this policy, Laptop, Notebook & Tablet are considered in the same class. They are referred to as ‘Laptop’ in this policy. 12 The codal life of Laptop/notebook/tablet will be considered as_ ive (5) years Nine (9) months. 13 The Laptop/notebook/tablet to be provided to the eligible officer shall be treated as official equipment in possession of the officer 14 The Laptop/notebook/tablet shall be completely owned by the OMRC till such time the officer deposits its depreciated cost, and takes ownership of the same as laid down in this policy, irrespective of the cost of the Laptop and its method of procurement ete. 15 Existing Laptop/notebook/tablet already issued by DMRC will continue to be maintained by IT deptt for Project wing & S&T deptt for O&M wing till completion of Laptop life i.e Five (5) years Nine (9) months from date of purchase. At the end of these Five (5) years Nine (9) months , the user has the option of returning the asset to DMRC or keeping it by paying depreciated cost to DMC. 1.6 JA grade officers & above upto ED level who are working in DMRC as a regular employee or deputationist, only are eligible for Laptops. 2. ELIGIBILITY & CEILINGS: 24 For procuring Laptop/notebook/tablet 241 Officer may opt for either a Laptop or a desktop but not both. 212 Officer may opt for a Laptop/notebook/tablet up to the ceiling limit 213 Existing Laptop/notebook/tablet issued to officers will be continued for official use & can only be replaced after the codal life of Laptop i.e Five (5) years Nine (9) months ‘Laptop/Notebook/Tablet’ includes all its accessories i.e cables, adaptor, headphones, mouse e.t.c, 241.5 The eligibility and the cumulative cost ceiling etc for procuring a Laptop shall Page 1 of S| be as indicated below: [Cumulative cost ceiling amount — for] la Laptop including OS with One Year warranty (All inclusive costs) Dy. HOD Rs. 55000/- HOD/CGM/ED Rs. 650007 tatinie 22 For Repairs & Maintenance: Expenditure on repairs & maintenance of Laptop/Notebook/Tablet is permissible on DMRC account as indicated below: For a Laptop/Notebook|Corresponding _ cumulative| Provision /Tablet provided as per|Ceiling Amount for Repairs ceiling amount '& Maintenance including! lwarranty —_extensions(all inclusive costs) MRC shall bear cumulative lexpenditure incurred over repairs land maintenance activity carried out 3. PROCUREMEN’ 31 Including the cost of lover entire codal life of the Laptop, extended warranty, |Rs 30,000/- jonly up to the prescribed ceiling| Repair & Maintenance lamount. This ceiling shall be, applicable irrespective of the number| of repairs and maintenance activities| carried out _| 221 This ceiling amount prescribed for Repair & Maintenance shall be over and above the ceiling amount prescribed for procurement of a ‘Laptop/Notebook/Tablet, and can be clubbed with the cost of purchase of Laptop, in case of extended warranty. In such cases, the original cost of Laptop and AMC charges have to be indicated separately in the invoice. 2.2.2 Officer concerned shall bear the expenditure over and above the prescribed ceiling amount. 223 These ceiling limits are applicable irrespective ofthe method of procurement and regardless of the actual cost ofthe — Laptop/Notebook/Tablet & accessories, EPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Method of Procurement, Repairs & Maintenance: Eligible officer can chose any one of the following methods of procurement of Laptop. Page 2ots# A, ti) (i) By IT Deptt for Project & S&T/ORM for ORM; OR By the Concerned officer. The method of repairs & maintenance shall be the same as that of procurement and mixing of methods for procurement and repairs & maintenance shall not be permitted, 31a @ (b) © @ (@) (b) ©) By IT Deptt for Project and S&T/O&M for O&M: Procurement can be done through stores after the approval by DE for Project wing & DO for O&M Wing. The procurement shall be made within the prescribed ceiling amount and in no case the prescribed ceiling shall be exceeded, IT Deptt for Project & S&I/O&M for O&M shall undertake repair & maintenance of the Laptop as per extant procedure, subject to the cumulative cost ceiling limit prescribed above. The Cost of Repair and maintenance beyond the cumulative cost ceiling limit prescribed vide para 2.2 will have to be borne by the concerned employee during the codal life of laptop. By Concerned Officer: Procurement, repairs & maintenance can done by the officer concerned directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their authorized outlets by paying the amount himself/herself, and then claim for reimbursement of Laptop/Notebook/Tablet the brands mentioned in para 3.1.2(C) below only thereof, through IT Deptt for Project wing & S&T/O&M for O&M wine. ‘The record of procurement, repair & maintenance for Laptop/Notebook/Tablet will be maintained by IT Deptt. for Project wing & S&T Deptt by O&M wing, The officer can procure, repair & maintain the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet costing any amount, which may be more or less than the corresponding prescribed ceiling amount. However, the amount to be reimbursed shall be equal to the cost of purchase, repairs & maintenance or the corresponding prescribed ceiling amount, whichever is lower. Officers can purchase the Laptop of the following brands only: ~ 1. 1BM/ Lenovo 2.HP 3. Sony 4.Dell 5. Toshiba 6. Apple 7. Samsung Page 305 32 @) b) © @ @ oO h) The complete ownership of the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet will be vested in DMRC irrespective of cost of purchase, repairs & maintenance. The officer should give an undertaking at the time of claiming reimbursement for procurement, repairs & maintenance that: () The rates are reasonable; and (ii) The Laptop/Notebook/Tablet has been actually procured/ got repaired &amaintained by him/her; and (i) The licensed version of Operating System{OS), & other S/W's are genuine in Laptop/Notebook/Tablet (iv) The reimbursed amount is liable to be recovered from him/her in case of false deciaration detected at a later date. (v)_—_ Records for repair & maintenance of Laptop/Notebook/Tablet w ill be maintained at IT Deptt for Project wing & S&T dept for O&M wing as submitted by user (vi) The laptop shall be recorded in the name of officer in the DMRC’s Asset Register (vil) He/ She will compulsorily purchase the Laptop by depositing the residual value as appearing in the books of MRC on the date of leaving DMRC/ expiring of Codal life ete. DMRC will be neither responsible nor liable for any contractual, legal and statutory issues arising out of the purchase/repairs & maintenance, No advance shall be provided to the officer by the DMRC for enabling such purchase, repairs & maintenance. The complete onus of ensuring and certifying authenticity and correctness ‘of submitted — documents at the time of claiming reimbursement shall lie with the concerned officer claiming reimbursement and not the sanctioning authority, Scope of procurement, repairs & maintenance: The ceiling amount stipulated for repair & maintenance shall cover: warranty extensions, local repairs and maintenance activities, AMC contracts, purchase of spares, replacement of batteries and other hardware etc.-~— and facility management —_— services like installation/reinstallation of software already available/ warranty call logging, The Warranty available may be kept in mind while incurring expenditure on repairs & maintenance Safety and upkeep of the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet, implying careful handling, protection from damage & theft etc, shall be the responsibility of the officer concerned. Cost of insurance to be done, if any, shall be borne by the officer concerned personally. Under no circumstances, condemnation or write-off etc of the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet is permitted under this policy. PayesofS bh Ett Ee 4h (c) No expenditure on repairs & maintenance etc shall be permitted beyond the codal life of the old Laptop/Notebook/Tablet. This is applicable even if the officer does not opt for a new Laptop/Notebook/Tablet, or is in the process of procurement of the same as replacement after end of codal life of old Laptop/Notebook/Tablet. 4, ACCOUNTING &DISPOSAL; 4.1 The Laptop/Notebook/Tablet shall continue to be in possession of the officer and cannot be returned to the DMRC under any circumstances. It has to be carried by the officer with him/ her upon completion Codal life, on completion of deputation, retirement, leaving the organization permanently etc. by paying the residual value as appearing in the DMRC books as on that date. 4.2 Officer, including Probationary officer, leaving the organization on retirement or on permanent basis has to deposit the depreciated cost with the DMRC to obtain learance from the organization, and has to own the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet. Then the Laptop/Notebook/Tablet will be written off, 4.3 On completion of codal life of the old Laptop/Notebook/Tablet, officers can pay its depreciated cost to own the same. Subsequently the officer can also process for procuring @ new Laptop/Notebook/Tablet, officers, as per his/ her eligibility at that time, whose details shall then be entered in Records of IT Deptt for Project & S&T/O8M for O&M. 5. Depreciation of Cost of Laptop/Notebook/Tablet: 5.1 Depreciation value will be calculated on the actual purchase price of the laptop of corresponding ceiling amount, whichever is lower as per the rates prescribed under Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. The cost of extended warranty/ Repair/ Maintenance will not be included for the purpose of Depreciation. AoMyit NS Copy to: 1.All Directors 2.All HODs 3.All Site Offices 4.All Notice Boards S.Intranet Page 5 of 5 4a — DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, NO.DMRC/PERS/14/2011 Dated: 05.09.11 OFFICE ORDER NO.PP/1300/2011 Sub: Honorarium for D&AR enquiry. Ref: This office orders No. O&M/R&T-149 of 2008 dated 04.06.08. This is in continuation to this office order referred to above, to compensate the officers and staff involved in the D&AR enquiry in major penalty charge-sheeted cases, in addition to their assigned duties, the following rates of honoraritim are prescribed, W.e-f: current financial year, ie, 01.04.2011. 1. Enquiry officer = 4500/- 2. Presenting officer = 83000/- 3. Assisting official to 1.0. - %1500/- (for recording, typing and Managing documents) The Committee appointed to look into the harassment cases of female executives and non- executives will also be paid as per the above policy. This issues with the approval of DP. ! Fan (Karan Singh) Executive Director (HR) Copy to: 1. All EDs/CGMs/GMsIPDs & CPMs 2. OSD MD 3. Office order file 4. JGM/IT-for uploading on intranet, ce: for kind information of DF/DP/DO/DRS/DW & DP. = 20. METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED i air 272 Ayinexume. 25° PERS/33/99 April 13, 1999 y OFFICE ORDER NO. PP/23/99 In suppression 10 this office order number PP/1 1/1998 dated 27.10.1998, the revised rates for reimbursement of expenditure incurred on conveyance for early coming. late going. itending office on holidays and refreshment for late sitting, ete. are shown in the statement cched, “The controlling officers should, ensure that in exigencies of work and in inescapable situations only. staff should be booked to attend office on holidays and Sundays and for turly coming and late going on normal working days. Proper resister for booking of staff Should be maintained by each section and entries made should be countersigned by an Simcor not less than the rank of a Dy. HOD. Individual monthly claims towards the above ~_ charges are to be scrutinized and sanctioned by the respective HOD/Dy. HOD, as the case may be. ‘The claim shall be submitted to Accounts Division in the format attached. before loth of the following month in which the expenditure is incurred and payment will be arranged by 20th. ‘The above orders shall come into effect from 01.04.1999. No past claims should be reopened =) 4 This issues with the approval of M.D. PR NARA) Dy. Chief Personsifl Officer Enel. | Annexure 7A Copy to. All Officers and Staff. No 44 Annexe a6 DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED DMRC/PERS/39/2013 Dated: 01/08/13 OFFICE ORDER No PP/1694/13 Sub: Revision of Shifting Aluwance and Composite transfer grant A) Shifting Allowance:- As per Office Order No. PP/85/2000, dated 04/12/2000, Shifting allowance is payable for cai of personal effects on shifting of the house from one place to another, taken on Company lease w Delbi and its satellite cities, and the same is reimbursed on certification basis. The revision of shifting allowance was under consideration of the Management for sometis has been decided to revise the same as under:~ SI Existing Shifting Allowance Revised Rates(Rs) No. | Pay range (IDA) of DMRC and | Shifting allowance | Shifting allowance reimbursable | shifting allowance payable reimbursable __| (Actual /subject to a maximum of) 1 [Rs 20600-46500 and above Rs 27007 34007 ioe [2 [Rs18500-35600 Rs 13507 27007 : {Rsisooo3o77 | 3 Rs13500-25520 Rs 675/ 1350/ Rs 14000-26950 # : et [4 | Rs 10170-18500 and below | Rs4507 9007 : ‘The shifting allowance will be payable only once in the service career to the officer/employ This will be paid as per revised entitlement when residence is shifted from one place to another within municipal limits of the city of Delhi and NCR on self certification basis, B) Composite Transfer Grant:- In case of transfer from one place to another within municipal limits of the city of Delhi and NC itrespeotive of distance involved (involving Change of quarter ), a Composite transfer grant equal to one third of the basic pay will be granted to the employee, if he/she submits any one of the address proof as mentioned below:- 2 i) Lease/ Agreement papers, made with house owner. ii) ‘Change of address of gas connection. iii) Change of telephone address in casc of landline phone. iv) Allotment ofa DMRC staff quarter/fat. (The Composite transfer Grant will not be admissible in case of transfer on the own request of th employee), These orders will come into force with immediate effect and no past claims/ settled claims will + reopened J ‘This issues with the approval of the Managing Director. —ias (Karan ‘Singh ms Executive Director (HR} Copy tor AIL EDs/CGMs/GMs/PDs/CPMs & Dy. HODs Principal Advisor, & other Advisors OSD to MD AGMAT -for uploading on Intranet Notice Board Lew Ce for information of DRS/DW/DBD/DP/DO/DE/DE in Annexure 2% DEI 0. ORPOATION, ur Dated : 19.10.2005 FICE ORDER NOPP?: MRC, being a high-tech onganization,it is necessary for its employees to develop their professional Knowledge, skills and acquire higher qualifications which are eluted to the activities of the ization and the work to be performed by an enaployee in his area to motivate end encourege for sch self-development efforts of the employees in ecquiring higher qualifications, it has been decided by the management to grant incentive, as shown here under:- "SNo | Category ______| Nature of qualification Trcentive i ‘No DMRC/PERS/42/2005 Tr [Degree & above level [ PhD Rs. 10,0007- : | Post Graduation Rs. 10,000/- i | Greduation | Rs.8,000/- - eee Diplome level ‘PGD (2 years) TRs.6,00- ! Diploma (3 years) Rs.4,000/- i | i | Diploma less than 3 years | Proportionate of 3 years course net | | {approved & recognized by | less than six months period) { | Gowt) 1 subject to a mininmam of Rs. 1000/— 3 | Schoo! level 1 Tligher Secondary Tes.2500"- | Bigh School [ Rs.1500- ‘The above scheme would be subject to the following conditions ~ 1. Anemployee, who wishes to noquire higher qualification, should obtain prior permission, “The incentive will be given to those who obtain 50% marks and more in aggregate, wherever applicable or its equivalent gradation. 3. The incentive shall be given to those who acquire the higher qualification after joining DMRC. 44. His study does not interfere with his official duties including touring and late duty ete. 5, He cannot claim leave for examination as a matter of right if it is inconvenient for the ‘Administration to spare hisr for the purpose. 6. The permission is lable to be withdrawn at any time in the interest of the Administration without assigning any reason. 7. He will have no clam for any loss etc., sustained by him in the event of withdrawal of permission 8. The intended study shall be on his own cost. This supersedes this office Order No PP/72/2000 dated 04.09.2000. \ Veen (P.RNarayanan) Chief Personnel Officer Copy to: All HODs and Dy HODs NOTICE BOARD Office Onier Fite 7 44 . Annona 2B No. DMRC/Pers/14/2012 Dated:27.03.2012 44)3 OFFICE ORDER No.PP/1416/2012 Sub: Revision of Honorarium. The existing rates of honorarium prescribed vide this office, Office Order No. PP/60/2007 dated 31.10.2007 and note of even number dated 01.10.2008, are revised as under: . For Open Market Examinations: The rates for the executives and staff for deployment in the oper: ‘market examination duty will be as under:- s. Category Existing Revised Rate N Rate (Rs.) i ____(@s) i T_|- Dy HOD Babove 15007: 20007. 2 | Executives, AM/ Mgr $2007. 6000. 3._| — Supenisors & below “000. 1300/- cal As per practice in vogue, in addition to the above, the Executives shell be eligible fo transportation facility. In case of non-availability of transportation, Conveyance @ Rs.750/- Rs.850/- or actual expenditure, whichever is less, will be given to the Executives resicing in Delhi NCR, respectively, against their claim ji, For Limited Departmental Selections: The rates of honorarium for duty/ participation in Limits Departmental Competitive Examinations are also revised as under:- (2) Invigilation/ Supervision of Written Examination - s Category Existing Rate Revised Rate iN (Rs) (Rs) . E | TROD Toa { T5007: - 2[Dy. HOD. i 750). | fo00- i [73] Below Oy. HOD & other staff 500% Tt 750 (b) Setting of Question Paper: rs Category. Existing Rate per set Revised Rate per sei LN] (Rs) | (Fs) 7 [HOD 50 1500. 2. | By. HOD t 750/- I 1000: (c} Evaluation of Answer Sheets: s. Category ] Existing Rate Revised Rate (Rs) N Rs) i 1 | HOO SDI pot answer sheet subjatto a] 750. pot anéwer Sheet SLbjecLTa| tinimum of RS-1000% per exam) a minimum of Rs 1800!" per paper exam paper. | 2 | by, HOD “Or per anna get unto a GD per anawer sheet subjat 3) ‘minimum of RS750/- per exam| a minimum of 1000! per L paper. exam paper i For S.N 1 & 11 (a) above, no any other compensation i.e. Compensatory Rests, Refreshment allowance etc. shall be admissible other than this honorarium, ee Contd, = 2i- a ili, For dolivering lecture as quest faculty:- The existing rates for delivering lectures in Training Institute or in any other training programme! seminar/ workshop, organized with the approval of ‘competent authority, are also revised as under:- s. Category Lecture to Executives Lecture to Non-Executives N “Existing Rate] Revised Rate | Existing Rate] Revised Rate (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) 1 [M0 & Director TOG: 12501. 300/- TE 2 [eo 9001 T1251. 00/-_ ‘0007 } 3._[ HOD 800/- 1000- 700/- S75 | 4__| By. HOD. 600K 760 ‘500. eas.) [AMI Manager 400 00 300/- 375. | 6. [Non-Executive 300/- 375) 250/- 35 - If the lecture is of two hours duration, the amount admissible will be 50% more than the above rates. - This will be subject to overall ceiling of an amount equivalent to 20% of the Basic Pay of the concerned official in a particular month for delivering lectures as a guest faculty. - ED/HR or GM/HR, as the case may be, will approve the honorarium before sending to Finance, for making the payment on quarterly asis. All the revised rates of honorarium shall be applicable w.e.f, 01.03.2012 This issues with the approval of MD. f We = sofa (Karan Singh) 7 Executive Director) HR All HODs of Project & O&M Division. GM/ Fin, GM/Fin.-Il & GMIFin. (O&M) Principal Trg. Instt. Cl. DE. DF, DO, DRS, DP & DW.- For kind information please. OSD to MD- For kind information of MD please. WP fAprauie at No, DMRC/89/MD/Note/5/1 1 Ot. 95.2011 Further to the Powers delegated to PD/Jaipur vide Note No.DMRC/SOP/SEC- 50/2007 dated 7.10.2010. the following powers are also delegated:- Establishment matters. 1. He can recruit staff on contract basis (contract period not to exceed 2 years) in the following categories in grades applicable to each category in DMRC. (@). Surveyor, Auto Cad (b) Office Assistant (c)_ Stenographer (@) Watchman, Survey Assistant, Bungalow Peon. erator A list of such appointments to be submitted every month 2. He can sanction and pay at Jaipur Consolidated Daily Allowances, Late Sitting Allowances and Travelling Allowances as per the norms laid down in DMRC. 3. Payment { reimbursement of entertainment allowance, TADK allowance, electricity / telephone bills, briefcase, mobile hand sets ete. as per the norms laid down in the Corporate Office can be made at Jaipur Office aa M.D. 9.5.11 VDE. spots CA | | Rees cs. te 44 Arvenwe 20 DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. No. DMRC/PERS/14/2013 Date: 17/10/13 Office Order No.PP/1685/2013 Sub : Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) ‘The subject of grant of CTG and re-imbursement of expenditure on transportation of personal effects by road to the Directors who join DMRC from outside organisation has been under consideration of the Management for sometime. Accordingly, it has been decided to extend the facility of CTG and re-imbursement of expenditure incurred on transportation of personal effects by road to the Directors who join DMRC from other organisations, in case they do not get such facilities from their previous organisation. The pending cases, if any, will also be covered under these orders. This has the approval of MD. j l <

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