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Rikaline GPS-6031-X7

SiRF High sensitivity

Bluetooth GPS

User’s Guide
Aug. 18, 2003 V1.0

Rikaline International Corp.

10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: +886-2-2370-4688 Fax: +886-2-2370-4686
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

All Right Reserved

SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline


0. Quick Use and Basic Specifications …………………………………………………….. 3

1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.1 Overview …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.2 Features …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.3 Technical Specifications ……………………………………………………………….. 4

2. Operational Characteristics ……………………………………………………………….… 6

2.1 Initialization …………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2.2 Navigation …………………………………………………………………………………. 6

3. Hardware Interface ………………………………………………………………………….…… 7

3.1 Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………….… 7
3.2 Hardware Interface …..……………………………………………………………….…… 7
3.3 Connector ………………………………………………………………………………….… 7
3.4 Accessories …………………………………………………………………………………. 7

4. Bluetooth Connection ……………………………………………………………………….… 8

4.1 Browse Devices ……………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.2 Browse Services …..………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.3 Application …………………………………………………………………………………… 9
4.4 Disconnect …………………………………………………………………………………… 9

5. Waranty …………………………………………………………………………………………….… 10

Appendix A Software Inferface ……………………………………………………………. 11

A.1 NMEA Transmitted Sentences ……………………………………………………..… 11
A.2 RTCM Received Data ………………………………………………………………….. 14

Appendix B Earth Datums and Output Setting ……………………………………… 15

B.1 Earth Datums ………..…………………………………………………………………….. 15
B.2 Setting ……..……………………………………………………………………………….… 15

Appendix C Bluetooth Specifications ………………….……………………………… 16

C.1 Specifications ………..…………………………………………………………………….. 16
C.2 LED Status Specifications ……..…………………………………………………….… 16
C.3 Switch ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Appendix D Battery Specifications ……………………….……………………………… 17

D.1 Specifications ………..…………………………………………………………………….. 17
D.2 Cautions ……..…………………………………………………………………………….… 18

Appendix E Ordering Information ……………………………………………………….. 19

E.1 Product Options ……………………………………………………………….………… 19
E.2 Accessories ………………………………………………………………………….……… 19

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
0. Quick Use & Basic Specification
0.1 Check The Package
0.1.1 Standard Package
GPS-6031-X7 (Bluetooth GPS Receiver) + Battery + Cigarette Adapter + CD + Warranty Card + Quick

0.1.2 Optional Accessories

1. A-6001: Recharging adapter, Universal for 120V, 230V, 240V-AU.
2. A-9001: Battery, Lithium-Polymer, 1650mAh

The shop may bundle different accessories for you as follows:

1. PDA Holder
2. Software (Navigation Software + Digital Map)
3. Others

0.2 Have the Battery Fully Recharged.

Before use the battery, please put it in GPS-6031-X7 and have it be recharged for 10 hours. Details
please refer to Appendix D at P.17.

0.3 Power on GPS-6031-X7.

Once you put the battery in the unit, the unit starts to work for you. There is no ON-OFF switch in the unit.
It is always in stand-by mode with very low power consumption at 60μA. The battery will run out of power
itself after 114 days (2,750 hrs) if it gets no recharge.

0.4 Turn on your machine (PDA or PC).

Execute your Bluetooth function to handle GPS-6031-X7. If your PDA has no built-in Bluetooth, you need
An optional CF (PD-3005) or SD Bluetooth card. Activate the Bluetooth card. Then your GPS-6031-X7
Starts to provide you full GPS function.

0.5 Turn off your machine (PDA or PC).

Before turn off your machine, please stop Bluetooth function. Once the Bluetooth stops linking with
GPS-6031-X7, The GPS function will be automatically turned off.

0.6 Basic Specifications

0.6.1 Bluetooth GPS Operation Time:
16 hours at continuous mode. Longer time at power saving mode. LED Indicator:
4-LED functions as follows:
1. External Power (Red, The left one): ON: Available OFF: Not available
2. Bluetooth (Green, the 2nd one): Blinking: Paring ON: In Transmitting mode
3.GPS(Green, The 3rd one): ON: GPS powered OFF: GPS not powered
4. Battery (Red, The right one): Blinking: Low Battery OFF: Full power or still sufficient
ON: Recharging Bluetooth Class:
Class 2 up to 10 meters
0.6.2 Battery
1. Capacity: 1,650mAHr
2. Material: Lithium-Polymer (Non-exploration risk and light weight)
0.6.3 GPS
1. SiRF Star II-LP\HS: Low power and high sensitivity
2. Setting:
Datum: WGS84
Baud Rate: 4,800
Sentence: NMEA 0183, GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC& VTG

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Rikaline GPS-6031-X7 Bluetooth GPS Receiver is a total solution GPS receiver with Bluetooth
wireless transmitting ability, designed based on SiRF Star II LP (Low Power) GPS architecture, enabled
with the most advanced HS (High Sensitivity) ability and CSR Bluetooth technology. This revolutionary
system provides you unbelievable positioning sensitivity allowing you to have easy position fix in urban canyon
conditions. You may use this device for strict needs of positioning applications such as car navigation, mapping,
surveying, security, agriculture and so on. Only clear view of sky is necessary to the unit.

The GPS-6031-X7 communicates with other electronic utilities via wireless Bluetooth technology and saves
critical satellite data by built–in backup memory. With low power consumption, the GPS-6031-X7 tracks up to
12 satellites at a time, re-acquires satellite signals in 100 ms and updates position data every second.

1.2 Features
The GPS-6031-X7 provides a host of features that make it easy for integration and use.
1. Wireless transmitting positioning status up to 10 meters.
2. SiRF Star II chipset with embedded ARM7TDMI CPU available for customized applications in firmware.
3. High sensitivity receiver tracks up to 12 satellites while providing first fast fix and low power consumption.
4. Differential capability utilizes real-time RTCM corrections producing 1-5 meter position accuracy.
5. Advanced design ideal for applications with minimal space.
6. A rechargeable battery sustains GPS internal clock and memory. It is recharged during normal operation.
7. User initialization is not required.
8. Dual communication channels and user selectable baud rates allow maximum interface capability and
9. FLASH based program memory: New software revisions upgradeable both for GPS and Bluetooth.
10. LED display status: The LED provides users visible operating status for Recharging, Battery power lever,
Bluetooth and GPS. No more extra device needed.
11. Built-in WAAS / EGNOS demodulator.
12. Rechargeable Li-Polymer battery provide you a danger-Free device.

1.3 Technology specifications

1.3.1 Physical Dimension
Single construction integrated antenna/receiver.
Size: 80.1(W) x 56.8(D) x 30.3(H) (mm)
3.15"(W) x 2.24"(D) x 1.19"(H).
Weight: 87g

1.3.2 Environmental Characteristics

1) Operating temperature: -40oC to +85oC with external power (internal temperature).
-20oC to +60oC with internal rechargeable battery.
2) Storage temperature: -55oC to +100oC.

1.3.3 Electrical Characteristics

1) Input voltage: +4.75 ~ 5.5 VDC without accessories.
2) GPS Internal backup power: 3V Rechargeable Lithium cell battery, up to 767 hours (31.9 days)

1.3.4 Performance LED functions
We built in 4 LEDs with the GPS-6031-X7 Bluetooth GPS and function as follows:

1) External Power (Red, The left one)

ON: Outside power available
Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
OFF: Outside power not available

2) Bluetooth (Green, the 2nd one from left)

Blinking (every 1 seconds): Paring
ON: In Transmitting mode

3) GPS (Green, The 3rd one from left)

ON: GPS is powered
OFF: GPS is not powered

4) Battery (Red, The right one)

Blinking: Low Battery
OFF: Full power or still sufficient
ON: Recharging GPS Functions

1) Tracks up to 12 satellites.
2) Update rate: 1 second.
3) Acquisition time
Reacquisition 0.1 sec., averaged
Snap start 3 sec., averaged
Hot start 15 sec., averaged
Warm start 45 sec., averaged
Cold start 90 sec., averaged
4) Position accuracy:
Non DGPS (Differential GPS)
Position 5-25 meter CEP with SA off
Velocity 0.1 meters/second, with SA off
Time 1 microsecond synchronized GPS time
5) Dynamic Conditions:
Altitude 18,000 meters (60,000 feet) max
Velocity 515 meters / second (1000 knots) max
Acceleration 4 G, max
Jerk 20 meters/second, max Bluetooth Functions

1) Transmits up to 10 meters.
2) Details specifications please refer to appendix D at page 16. Battery
1) Capacity: 1650mAh.
2) Type: Li-Polymer rechargeable, danger-free (Non-fire, Non-explosion).

1.3.5 Interfaces
1) Dual channel RS-232 compatible level, with user selectable baud rate (4800-Default, 9600, 19200, 38400).
2) NMEA 0183 Version 2.2 ASCII output (GPGGA, GPGLL, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG).
3) SiRF protocol.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
2. Operational characteristics

2.1 Initialization
Once you insert the battery into the housing, the GPS-6031-X7 is in standby mode and ready to work for
you. When you activate the Bluetooth function in your machine (PDA or PC) and get pairing with PGS-6031-X7,
you may start GPS function. As soon as the initial self-test is complete, the GPS-6031-X7 begins the process of
satellite acquisition and tracking automatically. Under normal circumstances, it takes approximately 90 seconds
to achieve a position fix at the first time, 45 seconds if ephemeris data is known. After a position fix has been
calculated, information about valid position, velocity and time is transmitted over the output channel.

The GPS-6031-X7 utilizes initial data, such as last stored position, date, time and satellite orbital data, to
achieve maximum acquisition performance. If significant inaccuracy exists in the initial data, or the orbital data
is obsolete, it may take more time to achieve a navigation solution. The GPS-6031-X7 Auto-locate feature is
capable of automatically determining a navigation solution without intervention from the host system. However,
acquisition performance can be improved when the host system initializes the GPS-6031-X7 in the following

1) Moving further than 1,500 kilometers.

2) Failure of data storage due to the inactive internal memory battery.

2.2 Navigation
After the acquisition process is complete, the GPS-6031-X7 sends valid navigation information over output
channels. These data include:

1) Latitude/longitude/altitude
2) Velocity
3) Date/time
4) Error estimates
5) Satellite and receiver status

The GPS-6031-X7 sets the default of auto-searching for real-time differential corrections in RTCM SC-104
standard format, with the message types 1, 5, or 9. It accomplishes the satellite data to generate a differential
(DGPS) solution. The host system, at its option, may also command the GPS-6031-X7 to output a position
whenever a differential solution is available.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
3. Hardware interface
3.1 Physical
Size: 80.1(W) x 56.8(D) x 30.3(H) (mm)
3.15"(W) x 2.24"(D) x 1.19"(H).
Weight: 87g

3.2 Hardware Interface

The GPS-6031-X7 includes a SiRF LP (Low Power) and HS (High Sensitivity) GPS module, Bluetooth
module and a Li-Polymer rechargeable battery in a unique style gadget. Simply place it on the dashboard of the
car or any place facing to the sky for transmitting GPS signal to your notebook PC, PDA or other devices, which
facilitated with Bluetooth functions.

3.3 Connector
Battery recharging connector: DC jack 2.35mm, with center “+” (positive).

3.4 Accessories
A-6016-235 Cigarette Adapter, 2A, with input 6-30Vdc, Dc jack 2.35mm
A-6001: recharging adapter, Universal, 120V, 230V, 240V-AU
A-9001: Battery, Lithium-Polymer, 1650mAh

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
4. Bluetooth Connection
Please follow up below instructions step by step:

4.1 Browse Devices

Firstly, you should find the device with which you want to establish connection.

Click this refresh button to

find the device if the
device is not in the device

Fig. 1 Browse Device

If the device with which you want to establish connection is not shown in the remote device list, you can click
the Refresh button to search devices nearby again.

4.2 Browse Services

Double click the device with which you want to establish SPP connection to browse its service as Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Browse Service Fig. 3 Ask for Passkey

During this period, if you didn’t paired the device before, it will ask you input passkey as Fig. 3. Please input the
correct Passkey to connect the device.

The Default Passkey is 1234.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Finally, it will show as follows:

Click here

Fig. 4 Service Searching Succeeds.

After you click the SPP service, it will show at left of followings:

Fig. 5 Connect to SPP Fig. 6

After connect successfully, it will show as Fig. 6

4.3 Application
Now you can use any Navigation system through Bluetooth SPP Profile.

4.4 Disconnect
There are 3 different ways to disconnect the operation

4.4.1 Double click the SPP shortcut,

and click Disconnect on popup Menu.

Fig. 7 Disconnect from pop menu

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
4.4.2 In the Status window, select the SPP connection, and then click Disconnect button.

Figure 8 Disconnect from Status Window

In most navigation system when you select disable GPS icon, the SPP connection will be disconnected
automatically. If you want to use the navigation again, you need to establish the Bluetooth SPP connection first.

4.4.3 Use Shortcut

After a new connection was established successfully, a shortcut for the connection will be generated. Users
also can double click the particular short cut icon (represented by the Connection Name) and click the connect
on the Pop_Menu to re-establish the connection.

5. Warranty
The GPS-6031-X7 is warranted to be free from defects in material and functions for one year from the
date of purchase. Any failure of this product within this period under normal conditions will be replaced at no
charge to the customers.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Appendix A Software Interface
The GPS-6031-X7 interface protocol is based on the National Marine Electronics Association’s NMEA0183
ASCII interface specification, which is defined in NMEA0183, Version 2.2 and the Radio Technical Commission
for Maritime Services (RTCM Recommended Standards For Differential Navstar GPS Service, Version 2.1,
RTCM Special Committee No.104).

A.1 NMEA Transmitted Messages

The GPS-6031-X7 outputs data in NMEA-0183 format as defined by the National Marine Electronics
Association (NMEA), Standard.

The default communication parameters for NMEA output are 4800 baud, 8 data bits, stop bit, and no parity.

Table A-1 NMEA-0183 Output Messages

NMEA Sentence Description
GPGGA Global positioning system fixed data
GPGLL Geographic position latitude \ longitude
GPGSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GPGSV GNSS satellites in view.
GPRMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
GPVTG Course over ground and ground speed

A.1.1 Global Positioning System Fix Data (GGA)

Table A-2 contains the values for the following example:

$GPGGA,161229.487,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,1,07,1.0,9.0,M, , , ,0000*18

Table A-2 GGA Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGGA GGA protocol header
UTC Time 161229.487 Hhmmss.sss
Latitude 3723.2475 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 12158.3416 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indicator W E=east or W=west
Position Fix Indicator 1 See Table 5-3
Satellites Used 07 Range 0 to 12
HDOP 1.0 Horizontal Dilution of Precision
MSL Altitude 9.0 Meters
Units M Meters
Geoid Separation Meters
Units M Meters
Age of Diff. Corr. Second Null fields when DGPS is not used
Diff. Ref. Station ID 0000
Checksum *18
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

Table A-3 Position Fix Indicator

Value Description
0 0 Fix not available or invalid
1 GPS SPS Mode, fix valid
2 Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid
3 GPS PPS Mode, fix valid

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
A.1.2 Geographic Position with Latitude/Longitude (GLL)
Table A-4 contains the values for the following example:


Table A-4 GLL Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGLL GLL protocol header
Latitude 3723.2475 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 12158.3416 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indicator W E=east or W=west
UTC Position 161229.487 hhmmss.sss
Status A A=data valid or V=data not valid
Checksum *2C
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

A.1.3 GNSS DOP and Active Satellites (GSA)

Table A-5 contains the values for the following example:

$GPGSA,A,3,07,02,26,27,09,04,15, , , , , ,1.8,1.0,1.5*33

Table A-5 GSA Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGSA GSA protocol header
Mode 1 A See Table 5-6
Mode 2 3 See Table 5-7
Satellite Used (1) 07 Sv on Channel 1
Satellite Used (1) 02 Sv on Channel 2
…… ….
Satellite Used Sv on Channel 12
PDOP 1.8 Position Dilution of Precision
HDOP 1.0 Horizontal Dilution of Precision
VDOP 1.5 Vertical Dilution of Precision
Checksum *33
<CR> <LF> End of message termination
(1) Satellite used in solution.

Table A-6 Mode 1

Value Description
M Manual—forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode
A 2D Automatic—allowed to automatically switch 2D/3D

Table A-7 Mode 2

Value Description
1 Fix Not Available
2 2D
3 3D

A.1.4 GNSS Satellites in View (GSV)

Table A-8 contains the values for the following example:


Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Table A-8 GSV Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGSV GSV protocol header
Number of Messages 2 Range 1 to 3
Message Number 1 Range 1 to 3
Satellites in View 07 Range 1 to 12
Satellite ID 07 Channel 1 (Range 1 to 32)
Elevation 79 degrees Channel 1 (Maximum 90)
Azimuth 048 degrees Channel 1 (True, Range 0 to 359)
SNR (C/No) 42 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
.... ....
Satellite ID 27 Channel 4 (Range 1 to 32)
Elevation 27 degrees Channel 4 (Maximum 90)
Azimuth 138 degrees Channel 4 (True, Range 0 to 359)
SNR (C/No) 42 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Checksum *71
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

NOTE: Items <4>,<5>,<6> and <7> repeat for each satellite in view to a maximum of four (4) satellites per
sentence. Additional satellites in view information must be sent in subsequent sentences. These fields will be
null if unused.

A.1.5 Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data (RMC)

Table A-9 contains the values for the following example:

$GPRMC,161229.487,A,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,0.13,309.62,120598, ,*10

Table A-9 RMC Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPRMC RMC protocol header
UTC Time 161229.487 hhmmss.sss
Status A A=data valid or V=data not valid
Latitude 3723.2475 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 12158.3416 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indicator W E=east or W=west
Speed Over Ground 0.13 Knots
Course Over Ground 309.62 Degrees True
Date 120598 ddmmyy
Magnetic Variation (1) Degrees E=east or W=west
Checksum *10
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

(1) SiRF Technology Inc. does not support magnetic declination. All “course over ground” data are
geodetic WGS84 directions.

A.1.6 Course Over Ground and Ground Speed

Table A-10 contains the values for the following example:

$GPVTG,309.62,T, ,M,0.13,N,0.2,K*6E

Table A-10 VTG Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPVTG VTG protocol header
Course 309.62 Degrees Measured heading
Reference T True
Course Degrees Measured heading
Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Reference M Magnetic (1)
Speed 0.13 Knots Measured horizontal speed
Units N Knots
Speed 0.2 Km/hr Measured horizontal speed
Units K Kilometers per hour
Checksum *6E
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

(1) SiRF Technology Inc. does not support magnetic declination. All “course over ground” data are
geodetic WGS84 directions.

A.2 RTCM Received Data

The default communication parameters for DGPS Input are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, stop bit, and no parity.
Position accuracy of less than 5 meters can be achieved with the GPS-6031-X7 by using Differential GPS
(DGPS) real-time pseudo-range correction data in RTCM SC-104 format, with message types 1, 5, or 9. As
using DGPS receiver with different communication parameters, GPS-6031-X7 may decode the data correctly to
generate accurate messages and save them in battery-back SRAM for later computing.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Appendix B Earth Datums & Output Setting
B.1 Earth Datums
The GPS-6031-X7 is built in earth datum with WGS84.

B.2 Setting
B.2.1 Manufacturing Default
Datum: WGS84.
Baud Rate: 4800.
Output: GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Appendix C Bluetooth Specifications

C.1 Specifications
C.1.1 Major Specification
Wireless Interface Compliant with Bluetooth Spec. Version 1.1
Bluetooth Protocol Stack Supported L2CAP, RFCOMM, SDP
Bluetooth Profiles Supported SPP
Frequency 2.4 GHz license-free ISM band
Range (Open Environment) Up to 10 meters Range (30ft)
Radio Receiver Sensitivity <-84dBm at 1 e-3 BER
Compatibility ----

C.1.2 UART
The UART interface uses the parameters: 4800-8-N-1 and no flow control.

C.2 LED status specification

NO. Function Description
1 P1 ON: Recharging
Blinking: Battery Low
2 P2 On: Vin (Recharging) Available.
OFF: Vin (Recharging) Not available
3 BT ON: Data Transmitting
Blinking interval in 4 sec.: Standby
Blinking interval in 1 sec.: Pairing
4 GPS ON: Position fix
Blinking: Satellite Acquiring

C.3 Switch
NO. Function Description
1 SW-1 For clear link key information of Bluetooth.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Appendix D Battery Specifications

D.1 Specifications
D.1.1 General Specification
1 Type Lithium-Polymer Rechargeable Battery
2 Model A-9001
3 Typical Capacity 1650 mAh
Minimum Capacity 1500 mAh
4 Nominal Voltage 3.7 V
5 Internal Resistance (packed) ≤ 80mΩ
6 Weight Approx 12 g
7 Maximum Charge Current 1.0 C (1650 mA)
8 Charge Voltage 4.20 ± 0.05 V
9 Maximum Discharge Current 2.0 C (3300 mA)
10 End of Discharge Voltage 2.8V by pcb protection, cell can be 2.6V
11 Temperature
For Recharge 0 ~ 45 °C
For Discharge -20 ~ +60 °C
12 Storage Temperature
Within 1 month -20~+45 °C*
Within 6 months -20~+35 °C*

D.1.2 Testing Data


1 Appearance Visual and calipers No defect or leakage.
/dimensions Dimension refers to
2 Open circuit Within 1 hour after charge as 1C, 4.2V, measure open circuit ≥ 4.15 V
voltage voltage.
3 Discharge Within 1 hour after charge as 1C, 4.2V, discharge until end of Capacity ≥ 1650
capacity(1.0C) discharge voltage at 1C, measure the capacity. mAh
4 Cycle life Recharge: as 1C, 4.2V
Discharge:1C to 3.0 V at 25±3 ºC Capacity ≥
This charge-discharge cycle shall be repeated 400 times and 1320mAh
the discharge capacity≥ 80% of the minimum capacity.
Self- After recharge as 1C, 4.2V, store the testing cells at 25±3 ºC Capacity≥
discharge for 28 days. Then discharge at 0.2 C to 3.0 V, the capacity≥ 1402mAh
85% of minimum capacity.
High- After recharge as 1C, 4.2V, store the testing cells at capacity ≥ 1485
Temperature 60±3 ºC for 4 hours. Then discharge at 1.0 C to 3.0 V, the mAh
Charge capacity≥ 90% of minimum capacity.
8 Low- After charge as 1C, 4.2V, store the testing cells at -20±3 ºC for capacity ≥ 1155
Temperature 4 hours. Then discharge at 0.2 C to 3.0 V, the capacity≥ 70% mAh
Charge of minimum capacity.
9 Leakage After charge as 1C, 4.2V, store the testing cells at -20±3 ºC Weight lost<40 mg
checking zone for 1 hour then transfer into 60±3 ºC zone for 1 hour.
Repeat this 2- hour cycle 32 times for a total of 64 hours.
10 Drop test Drop the cells from 1.5 m above a concrete floor for 18 times AC impedance
(3 times per face, 6 faces per cell), measure the AC increase
impedance. ≤ 100%
Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
11 Over- After recharge as per 1C, 4.2V, connect the cell to a power
Recharging supply with constant current-constant voltage function. Adjust No fire, no
current to 3A and max voltage to 4.6V. Then recharging with explosion
3A until voltage reaches 4.6V, current decreases to almost 0
A. Stop the test when battery temperature decreases by 10 ºC
from the maximum.
12 Hot box test Preheat the oven to 150℃, place the cell with an attached No fire, no
thermal couple in the oven, monitor the temperature of the cell, explosion
keep for 10 minutes after the cell temperature reaches 150℃.
13 Nail test A stainless steel nail having a diameter of 3mm shall be
punched through the cell until the nail has passed through the
opposite side of the cell. No explosion

D.2 Cautions
1) The best operating performance is between -20 ~ +60 °C. Higher or lower temperature could cause
damage to the battery.

2) Operated with external power supply will not hurt battery life since battery does not discharge. Therefore, it
operating temperature range is -40 ~ +85 °C

3) Recharge the battery for 10 hours before use.

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:
SiRF LP, HS Bluetooth GPS GPS-6031-X7 Operating Manual Rikaline
Appendix E Ordering Information

E.1 Product Options

E.1.1 Standard Package
GPS-6031-X7 (Bluetooth GPS Receiver) + CD + Warranty Card + Cigarette Adapter + Battery Instruction
+ Quick Installation Reference + 2 Sets of Wings.

E.1.2 Color Option

Dark Grey Base + Color Wings (Standard)
White Base + Color Wings (Optional)

E.2 Accessories
E.2.1 Power Adapter
A-6017-235 Cigarette Adapter, 2A, with input 6-30Vdc, Dc jack 2.35mm
A-6001: Recharging Adapter, Universal, 120V, 230V, 240V-AU

E.2.2 Battery
A-9001: Battery, Lithium-Polymer, 1650mAh

E.2.3 PDA Holder

1 A-2001 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm, Short Arm
2 A-2001-L PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150-320mm Adjustable
3 A-2002 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm, Short Arm, Magnetic Pad
4 A-2002-L PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 320mm, Long Arm, Magnetic Pad
5 A-2005 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm, Short Arm, 4-Claw
6 A-2005-L PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 320mm Long Arm, 4-Claw
7 A-2006 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm Short Arm, 3-Claw
8 A-2006-L PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm Long Arm, 3-Claw
9 A-2007 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm Short Straight Arm, 4-Claw
10 A-2008 PDA Holder, Suction Cup, 150mm Short Straight Arm, 3-Claw

Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Ding Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

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