I2-CT - Teachers's Book 2019

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Teacher´s Workbook
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Departamento Universitario de Inglés

Knowledge without BORDERS. AGOSTO 2019 | UASLP - DUI

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
UNIT 1: MY PLACE, MY FRIENDS................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Do you know me? ................................................................................................................ 5
Activity 1.1.1 Nice to Meet You .............................................................................................. 5
Activity 1.1.2 The Verb Be ...................................................................................................... 9
Activity 1.1.3 Countries and Nationalities............................................................................. 10
Activity 1.1.4 Occupations ................................................................................................... 11
Activity 1.1.5 Guess Who…?................................................................................................. 12
Activity 1.1.6 Numbers ........................................................................................................ 13
Activity 1.1.7 My Contact Information ................................................................................. 14
Activity 1.1.8 Tell Me about Yourself .................................................................................... 16
Activity 1.1.9 Meet My Friends ............................................................................................ 17
Activity 1.1.10 Object Pronouns ........................................................................................... 18
1.2 Meet my friend .................................................................................................................. 20
Activity 1.2.1 Body Parts ...................................................................................................... 20
Activity 1.2.2 Physical Appearance ....................................................................................... 21
Activity 1.2.3 Have or Has .................................................................................................... 24
Activity 1.2.4 What Do They Look Like?................................................................................ 25
Activity 1.2.4 The Seattle Journalist ..................................................................................... 27
Activity 1.2.5 Describing People ........................................................................................... 28
1.3: My town ........................................................................................................................... 29
Activity 1.3.1 Places in Town ................................................................................................ 29
Activity 1.3.2 Locations ........................................................................................................ 31
Activity 1.3.3 There Is / There Are ........................................................................................ 31
Activity 1.3.4 Places to Visit ................................................................................................. 34
Activity 1.3.5 Central Park.................................................................................................... 35
Activity 1.3.6 Giving Directions ............................................................................................ 36
Activity 1.3.7 How Do I Get To…? ......................................................................................... 38
Self-assessment Unit 1......................................................................................................... 40
Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language ................................................................ 42

UNIT 2: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ............................................................................................................... 46

2.1 Free Time Activities ............................................................................................................ 46
Activity 2.1.1 Free Time Activities ........................................................................................ 46
Activity 2.1.2 What Do You Like Doing?................................................................................ 47
Activity 2.1.3 Sports ............................................................................................................. 49
Activity 2.1.4 Musical Instruments ....................................................................................... 50
Activity 2.1.5 Likes and Dislikes ............................................................................................ 51
Activity 2.1.6 What They Like ............................................................................................... 51
2.2 Party Time ......................................................................................................................... 53
Activity 2.2.1 Invitations ...................................................................................................... 53
Activity 2.2.2 Making Suggestions ........................................................................................ 54

Activity 2.2.3 Going Out ....................................................................................................... 56

Activity 2.2.4 Party Planners ................................................................................................ 57
Activity 2.2.5 Celebrations ................................................................................................... 57
2.3 What’s Going On? .............................................................................................................. 59
Activity 2.3.1 What Are You Wearing? ................................................................................. 59
Activity 2.3.2 Look What I’m Wearing .................................................................................. 61
Activity 2.3.3 Friday Afternoon ............................................................................................ 62
Activity 2.3.4 Present Progressive ........................................................................................ 63
Activity 2.3.5 What Are They Doing? .................................................................................... 64
2.4 Every Day and Today .......................................................................................................... 66
Activity 2.4.1 Usually and Today .......................................................................................... 66
Activity 2.4.2 Asking Questions ............................................................................................ 68
Activity 2.4.3 Household Chores .......................................................................................... 69
Activity 2.4.4 What’s Wrong?............................................................................................... 71
Activity 2.4.5 Lemon Tree .................................................................................................... 72
Activity 2.4.6 Jonathan’s Last Day at Work ........................................................................... 73
Self-assessment Unit 2......................................................................................................... 75
Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language ................................................................ 77

UNIT 3: SPEAKING OF THE PAST ................................................................................................................. 80

3.1 Yesterday ........................................................................................................................... 80
Activity 3.1.1 Where Were You Yesterday? .......................................................................... 80
Activity 3.1.2 Was / Were .................................................................................................... 80
Activity 3.1.3 I Was At… ....................................................................................................... 82
Activity 3.1.4 There Was / There Were ................................................................................ 83
Activity 3.1.5 The Best Party Ever......................................................................................... 86
Activity 3.1.6 What Was the Celebration? ............................................................................ 86
Activity 3.1.7 Years .............................................................................................................. 87
Activity 3.1.8 Famous People ............................................................................................... 88
Activity 3.1.9 Biographies .................................................................................................... 89
3.2 What did you do? ............................................................................................................... 93
Activity 3.2.1 Last Weekend ................................................................................................. 93
Activity 3.2.2 Regular Verbs ................................................................................................. 93
Activity 3.2.3 Irregular Verbs................................................................................................ 95
Activity 3.2.4 What a Great Day! .......................................................................................... 95
Activity 3.2.5 Negative Sentences and Questions in Past Simple .......................................... 97
Activity 3.2.6 School years ................................................................................................... 99
Activity 3.2.7 What’s the Question? ................................................................................... 101
Activity 3.2.8 Listening ....................................................................................................... 102
Activity 3.2.9 My Last Vacation .......................................................................................... 103
Activity 3.2.10 Selfie .......................................................................................................... 104
Activity 3.2.11 Where Did They Go? ................................................................................... 105
Activity 3.2.12 A Trip to Australia ....................................................................................... 106
Self-assessment Unit 3....................................................................................................... 107
Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language .............................................................. 109

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 2


ANEXO 1: EVALUACIÓN............................................................................................................................ 112

1.1 Evaluación formativa....................................................................................................... 112
1.2 Evaluación sumativa ........................................................................................................ 114
1.3 Evaluación Diagnóstica .................................................................................................... 116

LISTADO DE IMÁGENES ............................................................................................................................ 118

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 3


Dear students enrolled in the English 2 course offered by the University Department of English: We
welcome you and present to you this Workbook containing activities to reinforce your English
language learning.
It is very important that you print and have it with you at all times in class, as well as to complete all
the exercises assigned in class or as homework. Your perseverance and dedication will be key
elements for achieving the objectives of the program.

Please let us know your opinion about these materials, and in general about the course
development to the following e-mail: [email protected]
Have a great course!

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 4


Lesson 1

Unit 1: My Place, My Friends

1.1 Do you know me?
Activity 1.1.1 Nice to Meet You
Listen and practice.

Oliver: Hi. My name is Oliver Carter. Track 1

Susan: I’m Susan Baker.
Oliver: It’s nice to meet you, Susan.
Susan: Nice to meet you, too.
Oliver: I’m sorry. What’s your last name again?
Susan: It’s Baker. B-A-K-E-R. (1)

Introduce yourself to a partner. Follow the dialogue from exercise A.

Listen and practice.

Track 2

1. 2.

3. 4.


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 5


Listen and practice. Track 3

1. 2.

3. 4.


Complete the chart with phrases from the box.

Good night What’s up? See you later

How’s it going? Not bad I’m very well.
Take care I’m great. See you
So, so I’m OK. How’s everything?
Good evening Have a nice day How are you doing?

Saying hello Saying good bye How are you?

Good evening Good night I’m great
How are you doing? Have a nice day I’m OK
How’s it going? See you later Not bad
What’s up? See you So, so
How’s everything? Take care I’m very well

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Listen and choose the right answer to farewells and greetings.

1. a) Nice to meet you 4. a) Hello Jessica. Track 4

b) Hello Tania, how are you? b) Good night.

2. a) I’m great 5. a) Take care

b) have a nice day. b) so, so

3. a) Good morning. 6. a) See you later.

b) Not bad b) I’m OK. Thanks.

Walk around the classroom. Greet your classmates and teacher formally and informally.
Then practice saying good-bye.

Complete the conversations. Use the words from the box. Then, practice with a classmate.

Thank you - Excuse me - Not bad - Good morning - Good-bye – Nice to meet you.

1. A: Good morning. How are you? 3. A: _Excuse me _. Are you

B: I’m fine, thanks. Mr. Parker?
B: Yes, I am.

2. A: Good bye. 4. A: How are you?

B: See you tomorrow. B: Not bad, thanks.

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Listen to the conversations and complete the missing words.

Track 5

Mrs. Jensen: Hello. I’m Mrs. Jensen. Can I help you?
Amy: Hello Mrs. Jensen, nice to meet you. My name is Amy Rowland. I’m the new secretary.
Mrs. Jensen: That’s great. I’m a teacher here. Please go to the office and talk to Mr. James. He
is the school principal.

Mr. James: Welcome Miss Rowland! I’m Edward James.
Amy: Thanks Mr. James. I’m so happy to be here.
Mr. James: It’s nice to hear that!

Lisa: Hey Amy! What are you doing here?
Amy: Hi Lisa, I’m the new secretary. Are you a teacher here?
Lisa: No, I ‘m a saleperson. I sell books.
Amy: Oh, that’s good.
Lisa: Well, See you later then.
Amy: Nice to see you, bye!

Listen again and match the pictures with the conversations.

A. B. C.


______2_____ _____3______ ______1_____

Complete the chart with the information of the people in the conversations.

Name / Last Name Title Job / Occupation

1. Jensen Mrs. teacher
2. Amy Rowland Miss secretary
3. Edward James Mr. school principal
4. Lisa ------ salesperson

Work in pairs. Write a dialogue using greetings, farewells and titles, then practice it.

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Lesson 2

Activity 1.1.2 The Verb Be

Verb Be Contractions
I’m Susan Baker. Are you Oliver Carter? I am = I’m
You’re a student. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. You are= You’re
She’s Lisa Clark. She is = She’s
He’s a dentist. Is she/he a student? He is= He’s
It’s a dog. Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isn’t. It is = It´s
We’re students. We are = We’re
You’re teachers. Are you/they teachers? You are = You´re
They’re friends. Yes, we/they are. / No, we/they aren’t. They are = They’re

Complete the conversations with the correct form of Be.

1 2
Patricia: Excuse me, 1are you David Jones? Patricia: 5
Are you David Jones?
Nelson: No, I 2am not. My name 3is David: Yes, I 6am.
Nelson Brown. David 4 is my brother. Patricia: Hi, I 7am Patricia Anderson.
David: Oh, 8 are you in my English class?
Patricia: Oh, sorry. Patricia: Yes, I 9 am .
David: Nice to meet you.

3 4
James: Who’s that? Sam: Who 14 are they?
Anne: He 10is my English teacher, Mr. Jones. Kate: They 15 are my new neighbors.
Sam: Where 16 are they from?
James: 11Is he American? Kate: They 17 are from Germany.
Anne: No, he 12 isn’t . He 13 is from Canada.

5 6
Sue: Hey Mark, this is Anita. Tim: Kaori, 23 are you and Emiko from
She is my new classmate. Japan?
Mark: Is she Spanish? Kaori Yes, we 24 are .
Sue: Yes, She 21 is . She 22is Sam: 25 Are you from Tokyo?
from Barcelona.
26 27
Mark: Nice to meet you Anita! Kate: No, we aren´t . We are from

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Activity 1.1.3 Countries and Nationalities

Complete the chart with either country or nationality.

Country Nationality Country Nationality

1. Japan Japanese Italy 10. Italian
2. Australia Australian Spain 11. Spanish
3. France French Brazil 12. Brazilian
4. The US American Mexico 13. Mexican
5. China Chinese Ireland 14. Irish
6. Peru Peruvian Greece 15. Greek
7. Poland Polish The UK 16. British
8. Canada Canadian Turkey 17. Turkish
9. Russia Russian Germany 18. German

Use the words to write sentences.

Example: Pedro – Mexico Pedro is Mexican.

1. Franco – Italy Franco is Italian.

2. Michelle – France Michelle is French.
3. Jaime – Spain Jaime is Spanish.
4. Hiroshi – Japan Hiroshi is Japanese.
5. Roberto – Brazil Roberto is Brazilian.
6. Sila – Turkey Sila is Turkish.
7. Tanya and Lena – Russia Tanya and Lena are Russian.
8. Albert and I – Germany Albert and I are German.
9. Amber – The UK Amber is British.
10. Patrick and Erin – Ireland Patrick and Erin are Irish.
11. Zarek – Poland Zarek is Polish.

Listen to four conversations and circle true or false.

1. Jessica’s family is from California. T F
Track 6
2. The man’s mother is Korean. T F
3. Tony is Brazilian. T F
4. Natasha’s parents are from the US. T F
5. Monique is Canadian. T F

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Activity 1.1.4 Occupations

Label the pictures with words from the box.

salesperson accountant artist housewife

nurse writer business man journalist
architect dentist singer chef

accountant artist dentist salesperson

writer journalist architect housewife

chef nurse singer business man


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Underline the correct occupation and circle the correct article a / an.
Example: A / An ____ creates art.
a) dentist b) journalist c) artist d) writer

1. A / An ____ is in charge of a company.

a) singer b) dentist c) waiter d) business man

2. A / An ____ takes care of your teeth.

a) writer b) driver c) engineer d) dentist

3. A / An ____ has a beautiful voice.

a) singer b) accountant c) driver d) police officer

4. A / An ____ keeps the financial records of a company.

a) nurse b) writer c) accountant d) journalist

5. A / An ______ designs houses.

a) housewife b) salesperson c) musician d) architect

6. A / An _______ fixes cars.

a) doctor b) mechanic c) actor d) farmer

7. A / An ______ works in an office.

a) secretary b) artist c) waitress d) chef

Activity 1.1.5 Guess Who…?

Work in pairs.
Student A: choose a person from the box but do not tell your partner.
Student B: guess who your partner is by asking questions as in the example:
B: Are you Mexican?
A: Yes, I am / No I’m not
B: Are you a dentist?
A: Yes, I am / No, I’m not
B: Are You…?

Monique Maria Ania Martin Boris Pablo Carlos

France Peru Poland Canada Poland Spain Peru
Writer Dentist Journalist Artist Journalist Nurse Dentist
Kaori Mariana Christine Gabrielle Caroline Hideki Eugene
Japan Spain Australia Canada Australia Japan France
Singer Nurse Accountant Artist Accountant Singer Writer

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Lesson 3

Activity 1.1.6 Numbers

Listen and practice.
Track 7

0 zero 16 sixteen 90 ninety
1 one 17 seventeen 100 one hundred
2 two 18 eighteen 101 one hundred (and) one
3 three 19 nineteen 152 one hundred (and) fifty-two
4 four 20 twenty 200 two hundred
5 five 21 twenty-one 1,000 one thousand
6 six 22 twenty-two 1,010 one thousand (and) ten
7 seven 23 twenty-three 10,000 ten thousand
8 eight 24 twenty-four 10,300 ten thousand three hundred
9 nine 30 thirty 100,000 one hundred thousand
10 ten 31 thirty-one 1,000,000 one/a million
11 eleven 40 forty
12 twelve 50 fifty
13 thirteen 60 sixty
14 fourteen 70 seventy
15 fifteen 80 eighty

Write the following numbers as in the example.

Ex. 1,021 One thousand (and) twenty-one

a. 58 fifty-eight

b. 356 three hundred and fifty-six

c. 4,044 four thousand, forty-four

d. 15,678 fifteen thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight

e. 1,345,261 one million, three hundred (and) forty-five thousand, two hundred (and) sixty-one

f. 2,359,642 two million, three hundred (and) fifty nine thousand, six hundred (and) forty-two

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Write some numbers you want to dictate to a classmate. Then listen to your partner and
write the numbers he/she says.

Your numbers Your classmate’s numbers

Answers may vary.

Activity 1.1.7 My Contact Information

Look at the use of numbers for personal information. Practice saying it with a partner.

Name: Monica Johnson

Age: 19 (You say: nineteen years old)

Address: 1140 Clark St. (You say: eleven forty Clark street)

Phone number: 444-325-6081

(You say: four-four-four-three-two-five-six-oh-eight-one)

E-mail: [email protected]
(You say: Mary five, four, six, five at Gmail dot com)

Write the corresponding questions, then ask them to a classmate and write his/her

Question Answer

Name: What’s your name?

Age: How old are you?

Phone number: What’s your phone number?

Address: What’s your address?

E-mail address: What’s your email address?

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Match the two columns. Write the letters on the lines.

1. What’s your name? ____e___ a) I’m 18 years old.
2. Who is your teacher? ____l___ b) It’s [email protected].
3. Where do you live? ____n___ c) No, she isn’t. She’s a teacher.
4. How old are you? ____a___ d) Bye-bye, Mary.
5. How are you? ____h___ e) My name is Richard.
6. What’s your phone number? ____k___ f) Hello, I’m Adriana.
7. Nice to meet you. ____j___ g) I’m an architect.
8. Hi, I’m Bob. ____f___ h) I’m fine, thanks.
9. How old is your brother? ____m__ i) 8426 Orange St.
10. See you later, Jack. ____d___ j) Nice to meet you, too.
11. What’s your e-mail address? ____b___ k) It´s 554-2259.
12. What’s your address? ____i___ l) It’s Mrs. Williams.
13. What do you do? ____g___ m) He’s 27.
14. Is she a student? ____c___ n) I live in San Luis Potosi.

Listen and complete the missing information.

Track 8

1. 2.
Name: Chung Li Name: Rita Lowes
From: Beijing, China From: Sydney, Australia
Age: 25 Age: 55
Phone Number: 6578-2834 Phone Number: 897-36523
Address: 265 Rongjing East Street Address: 257 Mount Street
Job: nurse Job: dentist
Marital Status: Single Marital Status: single
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

3. 4.
Name: Mabelle Gautier Name: Barry Allen
From: Paris, France From: New York, U.S.A.
Age: 42 Age: 34
Phone Number: 325-673-1289 Phone Number: 917- 815-6815
Address: 1200 Rue Gambetta Address: 314 Laser Ave.
Job: General Manager Job: artist
Marital Status: married Marital Status: Single
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (7)

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Activity 1.1.8 Tell Me about Yourself

Look at the information below. Match the two columns. Write the letters on
the lines.

1. Name ____d___ a) Korean

2. Nationality ____a___ b) married

3. Age ____f___ c) artist

4. Phone number ____e___ d) Lee Kwan

5. Address ____h___ e) 565 7210

6. Occupation ____c___ f) 42
7. Marital Status ____b___ g) [email protected]

8. E-mail ____g___ h) 5712 Hills South Tower St.

Work in pairs. Ask your partner his / her personal information. Use the words
from exercise A, to make questions as in the example.
Example: What’s your name?
Where are you from?

Imagine you want to take a summer course and they want to know about you.
Write a paragraph (50-80 words) and give your personal information. (Name,
occupation, nationality, marital status, etc.)


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 16


Lesson 4

Activity 1.1.9 Meet My Friends

Work in pairs and talk about your best friend. Answer the questions:
 What is his / her name?
 Where is he / she from?
 How old is he / she?
 What does he / she do?

Complete the text with one word.

My ___name____ is Adriana. I’m 19 years old. I’m
__from______ Colombia. My best friend is Jessica.
She is Canadian. ___We_____ are in the same English
class. Our teacher Mr. Jones is 42 years old. ___He__
is my favorite teacher. His class is really good.

My brother Diego is 25 years old. He’s __not____

married but he has a girlfriend from Japan. Her name
is Namiko, she is 23 years old and she’s __a____
nurse. She is very pretty.

This ___is__ Marina. She is my new neighbor.

_____She___ is 28 years old and she’s Brazilian. She’s
married. Her ____husband____ John is American,
he’s 30 years old and he’s a
____singer/musician_______. He is in a band! (9)

Read again and choose the correct option.

1. 1. Where is Jessica from?
a) USA b) Brazil c) Canada
2. What does Mr. Jones do?
a) He’s a singer b) He’s a teacher c) He’s a nurse
3. How old is Diego?
a) He’s 25 a) He’s 30 b) He’s 42
4. Marina is Adriana’s:
a) teacher b) neighbor c) friend
5. Who is John’s wife?
a) Namiko b) Adriana c) Marina

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Listen to a man showing some pictures to a friend. Who are these people?
Choose the correct answer.
1. Jack Track 9
a) brother b) friend
2. Carolina
a) sister b) classmate
3. Nicholas
a) father b) grandfather
4. Ms. Johnson
a) teacher b) neighbor

Listen again and answer the questions.

1. How old is Jack? ___________He’s 17____________________________
2. Where is Carolina from? ____Spain______________________________
3. What does Carolina do? _______She’s a student___________________
4. What’s Nicholas occupation? _________He’s a journalist_____________
5. What’s Ms. Johnson’s nationality? _______She’s Australian___________

Activity 1.1.10 Object Pronouns

Match the sentences with similar meaning.

1. _c__ I miss Regina. A. You love it.

2. _e__ Mike likes Estella. B. We don’t eat it.
3. _a__ You love pizza. C. I miss her.
4. _b__ We don’t eat unhealthy food. D. They don’t eat them.
5. _d__ They don’t eat tomatoes. E. He likes her.

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Complete the sentences with object pronouns.

1. My cousins live in Spain and I often visit them.

2. Her name is Elizabeth, but we call her Liz.
3. I know you ! You are Tim’s brother.
4. I don’t know the boy’s name. Ask him .
5. My mother wakes me up in the morning, so I´m never late for school.
6. My sister is very nice and I love her .
7. She is our new teacher. She teaches us math.
8. I love that song. Listen to it !

Complete the sentences with the correct subject (I, you, he, they, etc.) or object (me, you
him, etc.) pronoun.
Examples: My sister isn’t here. She isn’t here.

Charlie is with Jack and Mike. Charlie is with them.

1. Elephants are big. They eat a lot of food.

2. Robert and Mark are late. They are late.
3. Cindy is in love with Brian. She loves him .
4. Children drink lemonade. Children love it .
5. My brother likes cartoons. He enjoys them .
6. I read magazines a lot. I buy them every week.
7. Mr. Smith teaches my friends and me the lesson. He teaches us Literature.
8. Mrs. White reads novels. She loves them .
9. The girl plays volleyball. She plays it very well.
10. Mary and Stella love pop music. They listen to it all day.

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Lesson 5

1.2 Meet my friend

Activity 1.2.1 Body Parts
Complete the crossword puzzle.

Across Down
2. 7. 1. 6.

4. 9. 3. 8.

5. 10. 4.


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Activity 1.2.2 Physical Appearance

Listen and practice.
Track 10


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Read and practice. What do you look like? Describe yourself to a classmate.

have blue / green / brown / dark eyes. I tall / medium-height / short.

I am
long / short hair. young / middle-aged / old.
He/ She/ it He/ She/ it
has is
curly / wavy / straight hair. well-built / slim / chubby.
You /we / dark / brown / blonde hair. You /we / pretty / handsome / good-
they have they are
a moustache / a beard. looking.

Ask your partner about his family. Complete the chart.

Answers may vary.

Name Age Appearance





Listen to the audio and complete the sentences.

Track 11
1. Robert is forty-four___ years old. He’s tall and _well-built______________.
2. Karen is ___tall ______ and slim. She has ___long blonde____ hair and brown eyes.
3. Tania is seventy years old. She has ___brown_____ eyes.
4. Mike is medium height and ____chubby___. He has a beard and a moustache____.

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Read and practice. Add two more adjectives in each category.

Adjective Order

opinion size physical quality age color

beautiful big thin young red

pretty small chubby old brown NOUN
nice short curly middle-aged black

She is a beautiful, young woman.

He has short, curly, brown hair.
She has big, brown eyes.

Describe yourself and your best friend. What do you look like? What does
he/she look like? Use the Adjective Order Chart from exercise E. (50 – 80


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

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Lesson 6

Activity 1.2.3 Have or Has

Choose the best option.

1. The girl (have, don’t have, has, doesn’t) blue eyes.

2. Those boys (don’t, has, have, doesn’t have) short hair.

3. (Has, Have, Do, Does) your sisters have long hair?

4. Gina (doesn’t, don’t have, doesn’t have, have) small eyes.

5. That man (has, have, don’t have, doesn’t) brown hair.

6. Charlie and Brian (doesn’t have, has, don’t have, don’t) green eyes.

7. (Have, Does, Has, Do) you have brown eyes?

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Complete the sentences with have, has, don’t, doesn’t, Do or Does.

1. Does your father have a moustache? 7. I have long brown hair.
2. You have beautiful eyes. 8. Gabriel doesn’t have a beard.
3. Do you have curly hair? 9. We have brown eyes.
4. Do Beth and Mark have big eyes? 10. Tina has long blonde hair.
5. My friends don’t have short, red hair. 11. Does your best friend have a nice smile?
6. I don’t have small eyes. 12. Patrick has a beard and a moustache.

Activity 1.2.4 What Do They Look Like?

Look at the pictures. Write questions using the words given, then work in pairs and ask and
answer the questions. Give complete answers as in the example:
Example: Does she have dark hair? No, she doesn’t. She has blonde hair.
Is she short? No, she isn’t. She’s tall.


Long hair Does she have long hair? Dark hair Does he have dark hair?
Blue eyes Does she have blue eyes? Short hair Does he have short hair?
Blonde hair Does she have blonde hair? Green eyes Does he have green eyes?
Curly hair Does she have curly hair? A moustache Does he have a moustache?
Short Is she short? A beard Does he have a beard?
Beautiful Is she beautiful? Bald Is he bald?
Chubby Is she chubby? Slim Is he slim?

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Complete the text with a word from the box.

is wavy teeth middle-aged my pretty old

slim hair beard handsome has bald heavy

Susan is ___my___ best friend. She is medium height and __slim____. She has big brown eyes and
she has curly red hair. she ___is____20 years old. She is __pretty___and very intelligent.

This is Jimmy, he is only 2 years _____old___. He has short brown ___hair___ and blue eyes.

My dad is ____middle-aged________. He is tall and a bit chubby. He __has______ dark hair. He has
a ____beard_____ and a moustache. He is very ______handsome________.

Listen to a woman describing two of her friends and circle True or False.
1. Roberto isn’t tall. T F
Track 12
2. Roberto is Italian. T F
3. Roberto has brown eyes. T F
4. Gabriella is married. T F
5. Gabriella has a lot of friends. T F

Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What does Roberto do? He’s an architect.
2. What does Roberto look like? He’s tall and slim. He’s very handsome.
He has blonde hair and big green eyes.
3. How old is Roberto? He’s 22 years old.
4. Where is Gabriella from? She’s from Brazil.
5. What does Gabriella look like? She’s short and slim. She has black hair and brown eyes.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 26


Lesson 7

Activity 1.2.4 The Seattle Journalist

Read about Martin Benson and answer the questions:

1. Where is he from? He’s from Seattle.
2. What does he do? He’s a journalist.
3. What does he look like? He has short black hair and he doesn’t have a beard.

Martin Benson is a journalist from Seattle. He is married to Jennifer and they

have three children. They have two boys, Peter and John, and a daughter, Alice.
Martin Benson is 47 years old. He has short black hair and he doesn’t have a
beard. Jennifer has big brown eyes and she has long blonde hair.
Peter is 15. He has short black hair like his father. He is tall. His brother John has
blonde hair and he is not very tall. He is 13 years old. Their sister, Alice, is 17. (13)

She has beautiful long black hair and blue eyes. She is a happy girl.
The Benson family has a Labrador, its name is Benji. It has big ears and a long tail.

Read again and choose the correct answer.

1. How old is Martin? 4. What does Peter look like?

a) 15 a) He has a beard and a moustache.
b) 17 b) He’s short.
c) 47 c) He’s tall.

2. How many children does Martin have? 5. Who is Benji?

a) two boys and a girl a) his wife
b) three boys b) his son
c) a girl and a boy c) his pet

3. What does Jennifer look like?

a) She has short black hair and brown eyes.
b) She has long blonde hair and brown eyes.
c) She has long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 27


Activity 1.2.5 Describing People

Work in pairs. Use the prompts and the pictures to make the questions and
answer them.

What / he / look / like? Steven Spielberg
He / young? Movie director
He / have / dark hair? 71 years old
Where / he / from? American
He / bald?

Gal Gadot  What / she / do?
Actress  She / have / blonde hair?
33 years old  How old / she?
Israel  What / she / look like?
 She / chubby?


Write about a member of your family. Mention occupation, age and physical
appearance. (50-80 words)


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 28


Lesson 8

1.3: My town
Activity 1.3.1 Places in Town Track 13

Label the pictures, then listen and check.

park police station bus station church hospital
library bank airport train station coffee shop
mall grocery store museum movie theater gas station

1. airport 2. church 3. police station 4. park

5. bus station 6. hospital 7. mall 8. train station

9. coffee shop 10. library 11. grocery store 12. bank

13. gas station 14. movie theater 15. museum

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 29


Match the words with the definitions.

What’s a …? It’s the place where you can…

1. Stationery store ____i____ a) take the subway.

2. Parking lot ____f____ b) see plays and concerts.
3. Sports center ___ j____ c) buy books.
4. Library ____g____ d) buy stamps and send letters.
5. Zoo ____k____ e) watch movies.
6. Gym ___ l ____ f) park your car.
7. Theater ____b____ g) read and borrow books.
8. Bookstore ____c____ h) buy clothes, appliances, electronics, jewelry, etc.
9. Subway station ____a____ i) buy pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, etc.
10. Post office ____d____ j) practice soccer, tennis, basketball.
11. Department store ____h____ k) see many types of animals.
12. Movie theater ___ e____ l) do exercise.

Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Track 14

James: Good morning! I’m your new neighbor, James. I’ve just moved in. I’m looking for a 1 bank.
Are there any around here?
Kevin: Yes, there are some on King street.
James: Oh good! Is there a 2 library near here?
Kevin: Well! I think there is one next to the 3 bus station .
James: Is there a 4grocery store close by?
Kevin: No, there isn’t. But there is a 5 supermarket close to the 6 hospital.
James: How about 7 restaurants ? Are there any good restaurants nearby?
Kevin: No, there aren’t. Sorry!
James: Thank you!
Kevin: By the way, there is a café and there are two 8movie theaters in the mall.
James: Great! See you around!

Practice the conversation with a classmate.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 30


Activity 1.3.2 Locations

Look at the map and ask your partner for the location of the places in the map,
as in the example:
A: Where is the hotel?
B: The hotel is on Ocean Street, it’s between the movie theater and the grocery store.

Mall Store Train Station

Waterfall st.

Lake st.
Coffee shop Park Sports center Restaurant Coffee shop
Pond st.

Library Movie Theater National Bank Parking Lot Theater

Ocean Street
Market Post Office Movie Theater Hotel Grocery Store
Museum Church Bus Station
River Avenue
School Gas Station Book Store Police Station

Lesson 9

Activity 1.3.3 There Is / There Are

There is … / There’s … There are …
There is not … / There isn’t … There are not … / There aren’t …
Is there … ? Are there … ?

Write five sentences about the location of places in the map (Activity 1.3.2) as in the
Examples: There is a hotel between the movie theater and the grocery store.
There aren’t any airports in the city.

1. __Answers may vary__________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 31


Using the same map, write questions about the location of the places below, then ask the
questions to your partner. Give short answers, as in the example.

Example: Is there a coffee shop next to the park? Yes, there is.
Are there any airports in the city? No, there aren’t.

 Library  Church
 Gym  Department Store
 Sports center  Stationery Store

1. _Answers may vary. __________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________

Now, write about your neighborhood. (50 – 80 words.)

In my neighborhood, there ______________________________________________________________


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 32


Listen to three conversations and choose the correct answer.

Track 15

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
1. In the city _________ 3.The movie theater is __________
a) there isn’t a park a) across the street
b) there isn’t a museum b) on First Street
c) there isn’t an aquarium c) near the coffee shop

Conversation 3
2. Where is the art museum?
4. You can take the subway to go to
a) 348 Main Street
a) the science museum
b) 338 Main Street
b) the bookstore
c) 438 Main Street
c) the science center

Add three places to the chart. Then interview your partner. Check the places
that are in his/her neighborhood, and ask him / her where the places are.

Places Location
 Supermarkets
 Movie theaters
 Gas stations
 Parks

A: Are there any supermarkets in your neighborhood?
B: Yes, there are.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s on ….

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 33


Lesson 10

Activity 1.3.4 Places to Visit

Listen to two hotel guests talking about places to visit in the city. Underline the
Track 16
ones you hear.

Restaurant Airport Park Bank

Library Train Station Museum Hospital

Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. The Hard Rock Café is ___across from___ the National Bank.

2. The National Bank is ___on_______ Park Avenue.
3. The Science Museum is not ______very good_________.
4. There is an Aquarium in the ___park / city____________.
5. The park is ______next to______ the Train Station.

Read the sentences. Label the places with the correct words. Then answer the

 The coffee shop is on the corner of Pine Street and Main Avenue. (18)

 The museum is next to the library.

 The library is between the museum and the coffee shop.
 The parking lot is on the corner of Rose Street and Main Avenue, across the street from
the park.
 The restaurant is next to the parking lot.
 The movie theater is next to the post office.
 The post office is on the corner of Maple Street and Main Avenue.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 34


1. Is the museum across from the park? Yes, it is._________________________________

2. Where is the park? it’s on Main Avenue. It’s between Pine Street and Rose Street.______
3. What is across the street from the movie theater? The parking lot._________________
4. Is the post office next to the restaurant? No it isn’t. It’s across from the restaurant.____
5. Is the library next to the coffee shop? Yes, it is._________________________________

Activity 1.3.5 Central Park

Do you know any famous parks? Where are they?

Read about Central Park.

Central Park, in the heart of New York

City, is a combination of architecture and
landscape design. It is one of those places
that makes New York a great place to live.
The huge park is located in the center of
It is one of the symbols of New York
City just like the Statue of Liberty and the
Empire State Building.
Central Park provides a break from
the stress and fast-paced life of a big city.
There are some lakes, theaters,
fountains, tennis courts, baseball fields,
many playgrounds and other facilities in the
park. It is also home to the Central Park Zoo
and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Especially during the weekends, when cars
are not allowed into the park, Central Park is
a welcoming oasis in this busy city.

Complete with information from the text.

Location: It is in the center of Manhattan.
Three symbols of New York: Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building.
Facilities in the park: Lakes, theaters, fountains, tennis courts, baseball fields and
many playgrounds.
Places in the park: The Central Park Zoo and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
What Central Park provides: A break from the stress and fast-paced life of a big city.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 35


Lesson 11

Activity 1.3.6 Giving Directions

Match the pictures with the words.

1. a) roundabout

2. b) bridge

3. c) go straight ahead

4. d) bus stop

5. e) turn left

6. d) turn right

Listen and read. Notice the words in bold.

Track 17
James: Excuse me?
Lety: Yes?
James: How do I get to the post office?
Lety: Go past the mall and turn right into Main Street.
Go ahead and take the second left. It’s across the street from the train station.
James: Thank you!

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 36


Look at the map and give directions.


1. How do I get to the library?

Go down …
Answers may vary

2. How do I get to the airport?

Answers may vary

3. How do I get to the restaurant?

Answers may vary

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 37


Lesson 12

Activity 1.3.7 How Do I Get To…?

Track 18

Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct word.

a) The woman gives directions to the post office .

b) The man gives directions to the underground station .

c) The woman gives directions to the cinema .

d) The man gives directions to the bus station .


Complete the conversation with words from the box.

down at blocks past between left roundabout in


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 38


Look at the map. Work in pairs. Ask your partner for directions, tell him/her
where you are as in the example.



A: I’m at the bank. How do I get to the music store?

B: Well, go ________ . . .

Choose three different places from the map. Give directions to get there. (50 –
80 words)


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 39


Self-assessment Unit 1
Fill in the blanks with one word.
This is Carlos and this is Julia. 1They are married. They are
Mexican. Carlos 2is 31 years old he is a doctor and Julia is a
nurse. They work at the Memorial Hospital. They 3have a
daughter, Elisa. She is five years old. She 4is short and pretty.
She 5has long brown hair and blue eyes. They love 6her very

Complete the conversation with the correct word from the box.
English whose who’s Brazil
we our moustache tall

Mary: Jack, 1who’s the young woman in the gray jacket?

Jack: It’s Kate Roberts. She is a teacher at 2our school. She is an 3English teacher.
Mary: And who’s the 4tall boy with her?
Jack: He is a new student. He’s from 5Brazil. We are in the same class.

Circle the correct option.

A: Excuse me, 1____________ is the post office?

B: It’s not far from here. It’s 2_________ Redwood Street, near the Hilton Hotel.
A: ____________ do I get there?
B: Well, go down First Street and turn left 4________ the hospital. Go straight ahead and turn
right 5_______ Redwood Street.
A: Is the post office 6________ from there?
B: No, it isn’t. Walk down the street and the post office is on your left, 7_________the hotel.
A: Thank you very much.

1. a) what b) where c) how d) who

2. a) on b) in c) behind d) far
3. a) what b) who c) where d) how
4. a) in b) into c) at d) on
5. a) in b) into c) at d) on
6. a) far b) next to c) here d) down
7. a) between b) next to c) there d) here

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 40


Read the text and complete the chart.

These are Harry and Megan. They are brother and

sister. They are slim and they have brown hair.
Harry is tall and he is a teacher. He is 29 years old.
Megan is short and very pretty. She is 24. She is an
They live in a small village in the North of Wales. The
village is near Lake Llyn Tegid. It is a very beautiful
Harry and Megan also have a cat. Its name is Ruby
and it is black and white.

1. Megan and Harry’s relationship: Brother and sister.

2. Harry’s occupation: teacher
3. Megan’s physical appearance: Short and pretty. Slim with brown hair.
4. Place where they live: In a small village in the north or Wales.
5. Harry and Megan’s pet: A cat named Ruby.

Write a paragraph about a family member, mention name, age, occupation and
describe his/ her physical appearance. (50-80 words)


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 41


Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language

Unit 1 My Place, My Friends
1.1 Do you know me?
Greetings and farewells
 Bye  How are you doing?  See you later!
 Good  How are you?  See you tomorrow!
 Good Morning /Afternoon  How’s everything?  See you!
/ Evening  How’s it going?  So, so
 Good night  I’m fine.  Take care.
 Goodbye  I’m great.  Thank you
 Great  I’m OK.  Thanks
 Have a nice (day, weekend)  I’m very well.  What’s up?
 Hello  Nice to meet you (too).  You’re welcome.
 Hi  Not bad

Exchanging personal information

 Are you single or married?  My address is …  What’s your name/last
 How old are you?  What do you do? name?
 I live at (address).  What’s your address?  What’s your nationality?
 I live in (country, city, …)  What’s your email address?  What’s your phone
 I live on (street). number?
 Where are you from?
 Mr.  Mrs.  Miss
 Ms.
Jobs and occupations
 actor / actress  engineer  sales assistant
 artist  farmer  secretary
 architect  housewife  singer
 accountant  journalist  student
 business man / woman  mechanic  teacher
 chef  musician  waiter / waitress
 dentist  nurse  worker
 doctor  police officer  writer
 driver
 Australia  Ireland  Russia
 Brazil  Italy  Spain
 Canada  Japan  The UK/Britain
 China  Mexico  The US
 France  Peru  Turkey
 Germany  Poland
 Australian  Irish  Russian
 Brazilian  Italian  Spanish
 Canadian  Japanese  British
 Chinese  Mexican  American
 French  Peruvian  Turkish

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 42


 German  Polish
Marital Status
 single  married

Grammar Contextualized Language

 Personal Pronouns  Good morning, my name is Gerardo
 Verb Be – Affirmative, negative and Lopez. This is Ms. Smith. She’s my
interrogative teacher.
 Question words (Who, what, where, how  Who’s Justin Bieber? He’s a Canadian
old, how) singer. I like him very much.
 Object Pronouns

1.2 Meet my friend

Parts of the body
 arm  foot / feet  mouth
 ear  hand  nose
 eye  head  tooth / teeth
 face  leg
 short  medium height  tall
 young  middle aged  old
 bald  curly  red hair
 beard  dark hair  short
 blond hair  long  straight
 brown hair  moustache  wavy
 handsome  good-looking  pretty
 beautiful
Body built
 Body built  chubby  slim / thin
 average weight  heavy  well built
Grammar Contextualized Language
 Verb Have /has Affirmative, negative and  I am tall and slim. I have green eyes and
interrogative short, curly and black hair. What do you
 What does… look like? look like?
 Adjective order  What does your sister look like? Is she

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 43


1.3 My Town
Prepositions of Place
 across from  in  on
 behind  in front of  on the corner of
 between  near  under
 far from  next to
Places: town and city
 airport  gas station  police station
 bank  grocery store  post office
 block  gym  restaurant
 bookstore  hospital  roundabout
 bridge  hotel  sports center
 bus station  library  square
 bus stop  mall  stationery store
 church  market  street
 coffee shop  movie theater  subway station
 corner  museum  theater
 department store  park  train station
 drugstore  parking lot  zoo

Giving directions
 go down / up  go straight ahead  Turn left / right at (place),
 go into (place)  How do I get to? on (street)
 go past the traffic light  It’s on your left / right.  walk towards

Grammar Contextualized Language

 Imperatives to give directions (go ahead,  How do you like your new neighborhood?
turn around, etc.) Oh, it’s wonderful. Is there a school near
 There is / There are Affirmative, negative your house? Yes, there’s one, but there
and interrogative isn’t a hospital.
 Excuse me, how do I get to the
Go straight ahead on 57 Road, then turn
left into Adams Avenue. The supermarket
is on your right in front of the hospital.

Italic words have been seen in previous levels.


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 44


Irregular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
be was/were get got see saw
become became give gave sell sold
begin began go went send sent
break broke grow up grew up set set
build built have had show showed
bring brought hear heard sing sang
buy bought hurt hurt sit sat
catch caught keep kept sleep slept
choose chose know knew speak spoke
come came leave left spend spent
cost cost lend lent stand stood
cut cut let let steal stole
do did lose lost sweep swept
draw drew make made swim swam
drink drank meet met take took
drive drove pay paid teach taught
eat ate pay attention paid attention tell told
fall fell put put think thought
feed fed read read throw threw
feel felt ride rode understand understood
find found ring rang wake up woke up
fly flew run ran wear wore
forget forgot say said win won
write wrote

Regular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
answer answered help helped start started
change changed invent invented stay stayed
clean cleaned laugh laughed stop stopped
close closed learn learned study studied
cook cooked like liked talk talked
cry cried listen to listened to travel traveled
dance danced live lived turn turned
die died look looked use used
discover discovered love loved visit visited
enjoy enjoyed move moved wait waited
exercise exercised need needed walk walked
finish finished open opened wash washed
fix fixed paint painted watch watched
graduate graduated play played work worked
hate hated practice practiced

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 45


Lesson 13

Unit 2: What are you doing?

2.1 Free Time Activities
Activity 2.1.1 Free Time Activities
Check the activities you do in your free time.


How often do you do these activities? Write some sentences. Use adverbs of frequency, as
in the example:
Example: I often read books.
I never play sports.

Anwers may vary.


Share with a partner.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 46


Activity 2.1.2 What Do You Like Doing?

Label the pictures.
play chess collect things play videogames dance
play cards draw go to the gym paint


As you listen, complete the conversation with the words in the box.
There are two extra words you don’t need to use.
Track 19

love like don’t like hate prefer can’t stand

Maria: Hi James! How are you?

James: Awesome, thanks.
Maria: What do you do in your free time?
James: I ______love______collecting stamps.
Maria: Collecting stamps? I ____hate_____that, it’s so boring for me.
James: No, it isn’t. It’s great fun! How about you?
Maria: Mmh… I ____prefer_____ listening to music.
James: Is listening to music a hobby? (27)
Maria: Of course it is.
James: Oh I see. I ______can’t stand__ listening to music all day long.
Maria: It seems we have different activities to do in our free time.
James: Yeah! But, hey! We are still best friends.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 47


Read the conversation again and underline the correct answer.

1. Who loves collecting stamps?

a) Maria b) James

2. Who doesn’t like listening to music all day?

a) Maria b) James

3. Who thinks collecting stamps is a boring hobby?

a) Maria b) James

4. Whose hobby is listening to music?

a) Maria’s b) James’

Practice the conversation with a partner.

What about you? What do you like doing in your free time? Write a few sentences.

like + ing don’t like + verb + ing

love + verb + ing hate + verb + ing
enjoy + verb + ing can’t stand + verb + ing
prefer + verb + ing

____________________________________ ________________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________________

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 48


Lesson 14

Activity 2.1.3 Sports

A. What is your favorite sport? How often do you practice it? Track 20

B. Listen to four different people talking about sports. Match the speaker with the activity.

a) basketball

2. b) baseball

c) volleyball

d) jogging

C. Listen to the audio and complete the sentences.

1. Erick watches baseball on Saturdays / with his friends

2. Jessica goes jogging at Central Park / 6:00 a.m._____

3. The man plays basketball with his girlfriend.____

4. The woman doesn’t have time_________ to play volleyball.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 49


D. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1. What does Erick think of TV commercials? 3. The man’s girlfriend __________

a) He loves them. a) is not a fan of the Lakers.
b) He doesn’t like them. b) is a fan of the Chicago Bulls.
c) He thinks they are OK. c) loves basketball.
d) He thinks they are important. d) never plays basketball.

2. Why does Jessica go jogging? 4. What does the woman think of volleyball?
a) Because she is very active. a) It’s a good sport.
b) Because she loves sports. b) It’s boring.
c) Because she likes it. c) It’s tiring.
d) Because her roommate wakes her up. d) It’s not a great sport.

Activity 2.1.4 Musical Instruments

A. Who’s your favorite singer / band? What kind of music do they play? What
musical instruments do they play?

B. Read the text and complete the chart.

My friends’ band
I love music and I listen to it all day long. My buddies have the best rock
band in town and I am their number one fan!
They play every Saturday at different London’s tube stations and it’s a
great success.
The band’s current line-up consists of flutist James Morris, guitarrist
Charly Peterson, cellist Louis Cerny and trumpeter Chris Lenon.
James likes playing the flute, but he hates playing the drums. He
practices everyday for six hours.
Chris doesn’t like playing the saxophone, he likes playing the trumpet.
Charly really likes playing the electric guitar; however, he plays classical
guitar, too. He sometimes sings, but he doesn’t like it.
Finally, Louis hates playing the violin but he loves playing the cello.
If you go to the London’s tube, don’t miss the opportunity of listening
to them.

Day when they play:
London’s tube stations
Place where they play:
Type of music they play:
James Morris, Charly Peterson, Louis Cerny and Chris Lenon.
Members of the band:
The flute, the guitar, the trumpet and the cello.
Instruments they play:

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 50


Activity 2.1.5 Likes and Dislikes

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1. Do you like sports? What sport do you like practicing? How often do you practice it?
2. Do you like reading books? What’s your favorite book?
3. Do you like collecting things? What do you collect?
4. Do you like playing musical instruments? What instrument do you like playing?
5. Do you like watching movies? What’s your favorite movie? How often do you go to the
6. What do you like doing on the weekend?

Complete the conversation with one word only.

Linda: What do you like ___doing__________ in your free time, Sam?
Sam: I love ____spending________ time with my friends. We usually ___go_____ to
the park and _____play_______ soccer. What about you? What ____do___
you do in your free time?
Linda: I _____don’t_____ like going out. I usually stay at home and
_____watch_______ TV. I also like ___reading______ novels and _surfing_____
the Internet.

Lesson 15

Activity 2.1.6 What They Like

A. Write sentences about what they like and don’t like doing. Look at the chart and the


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 51



Jenny Andy Ben Edward

play the guitar

stay at home

surf the internet

read a magazine

go camping


Example: Jenny likes playing the guitar and she loves staying at home but she doesn’t like…

Jenny likes playing the guitar and she loves staying at home but she doesn´t like
Jenny surfing the Internet and reading a magazine, and she hates going camping.

Andy likes surfing the Internet and going camping. She loves playing the guitar but
Andy she doesn’t like staying at home, and she hates reading a magazine.

Ben likes reading a magazine. He loves staying at home and surfing the Internet
Ben but he doesn’t like playing the guitar and going camping.

Edward likes surfing the Internet. He loves reading a magazine but he doesn’t like
Edward staying at home, and he hates playing the guitar and going camping.

B. Write a paragraph (50-80 words) about free time activities. Describe what you
and your friends like doing in your free time. Don’t forget to mention how often
you do these activities.

Layout Task completion Grammatical Spelling and
(1) (3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 52


Lesson 16

2.2 Party Time

Activity 2.2.1 Invitations
A. How often do you go out to the movies with your friends? Track 21

B. Listen, read and practice.


Cristina: Hello? Nick: Hello?

Tom: Hi Cristina, It’s Tom. Listen, do you Tom: Hey Nick, It’s Tom. Would you like
want to go to the movies tonight? to go to the movies tonight?
Cristina: Tonight? I’m sorry, I can’t. Nick: The movies? Sure! I’d love to.
Tom: Oh, Ok, Well, maybe some other Tom: Great!

C. Look at the chart.

Accepting an invitation Declining an invitation

Thank you. I’d love to. I’m sorry. I can’t.
Sure. I’d love to. I’m afraid I can’t.
Yes, thanks. That would be great. I’d like to / love to, but…
Sounds great / like fun. I can’t. I have a lot of work to do.

D. Practice the conversations with the activities below and the expressions in the chart.

go shopping go dancing play soccer play videogames

E. Listen to four conversations. Do the people accept or decline the invitations?

Check () the correct answer. Track 22

1 2 3 4
 Accept  Accept  Accept  Accept
 Decline  Decline  Decline  Decline

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F. Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Pete has an extra ticket for the __soccer game_________________ tonight.

2. David wants to go for a _____coffee__________________ .
3. Jane has ________an exam____________ tomorrow.
4. The movie starts at __seven._________________

Activity 2.2.2 Making Suggestions

A. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with a phrase from the box, then Track 23
listen and check.

Why don’t you Let’s Let’s How about Let’s

Luis: Hi Rosy, how are you doing?

Rosy: Fine, thanks and you guys? How are things with you?
Robert: Pretty well, thanks. Listen, Luis and I are planning
to go out this afternoon.
Luis: Yeah, we can take a ride around the city and later…
Hey, _how about__ going to ‘Pizza Hut’?
Rosy: Mmh… sounds like fun. (34)

Robert: _Why don’t you join us? It would be cool.

Luis: Right. _Let’s_ go after class. What do you think guys?
Rosy: I’d love to, but I have a really important test next Friday.
Robert: And? The test is in three days. Come on! _Let’s_have some fun today!
Luis: Yeah Rosy, ____Let’s___ go!
Rosy: No, no! I don’t think so. There are many things to study.
Luis: But Rosy, it’s just a test. Come on!
Rosy: Really guys, I have to study. Last test I didn’t do well, so now I have to work hard.
Robert: Too bad.
Luis: Well, some other day then.

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B. Read the conversation again and answer the questions:

1. Where do they invite Rosy to go? To take a ride around the city and to go to Pizza Hut.
2. Does she accept the invitation? Why or why not? No, she doesn’t, because she has to
study for a test.

C. Check the following examples:

Making suggestions
Why don’t we have a party for your birthday?
How about inviting everyone?
Let’s buy a cake.

D. Read the sentences and choose the correct answers to complete them.

1. Hi David. We are going to the mountains. Why ______come with us?

a) doesn’t you b) don’t you c) do you
2. It’s a beautiful day. ______ go to the beach.
a) Let’s b) Why do c) Who let’s
3. It’s getting late. How about________ a taxi?
a) taking b) take c) to take
4. I’m bored. How about _______to the football game this afternoon?
a) to go b) going c) go
5. Why don’t we______ to the movie theater?
a) going b) go c) to go
6. It’s our mother’s birthday. She wants a new bag. How about _______ our father for
some money?
a) to ask b) asking c) ask
7. It’s a wonderful day! Let’s ______ the children to the park.
a) taking b) take c) not take
8. We need to save money. Why don’t we_______ a good movie on TV?
a) watching b) to watch c) watch

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E. Write some suggestions and invitations to go out next weekend. Then practice with a
partner. He/ She accepts or declines it.

Suggestion Answer

1. Why don’t we _________________________________?

2. Let’s ________________________________________.

3. How about __________________________________?

4. Would you like________________________________?

5. ____________________________________________.

6. ____________________________________________.

Lesson 17

Activity 2.2.3 Going Out

A. Listen to two conversations talking about going out, then answer the questions
Track 24

Conversation 1: Where does Tony invite Kathy? To see a movie_____________________

Conversation 2: Where does the man invite the woman? _To a soccer match__________

B. Listen again and circle T (true) or F (false).

Conversation 1:
1. Tony is at work. T F
2. Kathy has to work late. T F

Conversation 2:
3. The match is at 7:00 pm. T F
4. The woman wants to have dinner at 6:00 pm. T F

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Activity 2.2.4 Party Planners

A. Work in groups of three and plan a party. Take notes.

Date Time Place

Food and drink Decorations Music

Example: Student A: Let’s have a party next week.

Student B: How about having the party at… ?
Student C: Why don’t we have the party at the park?
B. Share your ideas with the class and vote for your favorite plan.

Activity 2.2.5 Celebrations

A. Look at the celebrations below. How do you celebrate them?
 Birthdays  New Year’s Eve
 Mother’s Day  a wedding
 Father’s Day  a graduation
 Christmas  an anniversary

B. Listen and read the text about ‘Birthdays’.

Track 25

Long time ago, birthdays were celebrated only in honor of important people in a
country. Today, all young and old around the world celebrate birthdays. Many countries
have different customs for celebrating birthdays. Things that can affect customs within
countries are: language, religion, geographic location, and economic status. No matter
what the customs are, the majority of the people in each country usually follow them.
For instance, not all children in the U.S. have birthday parties, candles or birthday cakes,
but the majority of them do. In some countries, people celebrate what is called Saint's
Day or Name Day. In these countries, children usually celebrate their saints' name
birthday rather than their own. When children are born, parents in these countries
name their child after a saint when he or she is baptized. About 100 years ago, Mildred
Hill and Patty Hill of America wrote the song "Happy Birthday to You". This song was a
huge hit all over the world. Many different countries sing it with a few modifications.
Taken and adapted from: http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 57


C. Write true (T) or false (F).

1. Only young people celebrate their birthday. ___F____
2. Birthday customs around the world are the same in every country. ___F____
3. Religion affects the way people celebrate their birthday. ___T____
4. Every child in the U.S. has the same things on their birthday. ___F____
5. In some countries, people celebrate their name day instead of a birthday. ___T____

D. What do your classmates do on their birthday?

Ask five classmates about how they celebrate and mark one or more options.
What else do they do?

goes to a receives doesn’t

Name has a party other
restaurant presents celebrate

E. Write a text (50 – 80 words) describing how you celebrate your birthday.
Answers may vary.
Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and
(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

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Lesson 18

2.3 What’s Going On?

Track 26
Activity 2.3.1 What Are You Wearing?
A. Label the pictures, then listen and repeat.

shirt hat necklace boots scarf

earrings bracelet skirt ring belt
swimsuit socks raincoat dress cap
suit pants gloves sneakers pajamas

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B. Write the words from exercise A in the correct category.

clothing footwear accessories

dress boots belt
pajamas sneakers bracelet
pants cap
raincoat earrings
shirt gloves
skirt hat
socks necklace
suit ring
swimsuit scarf

C. Listen to a conversation and answer the questions. Track 27

1. What is Beth’s favorite color? Light brown____________

2. What is Beth wearing? Purple pants and _ jacket______
3. What color are John’s pants? Black_________________
4. Who is wearing a skirt? Anita______________________
5. What accessory is Nick wearing? A cap______________

D. Listen again and circle true or false.

1. Anita doesn’t like Bruce’s jacket. T F

2. John is wearing a white shirt. T F
3. Anita is wearing a blue blouse. T F
4. Anita is with Nick. T F
5. Bruce likes Nick’s clothes. T F

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Activity 2.3.2 Look What I’m Wearing

A. Work in pairs. Look at the picture, choose three people and describe what they
are wearing to your classmate.

Luke Nick Dad Mom Grandpa Grandma


B. Write what you are wearing today. Don’t forget the accessories.
Answers may vary.


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Lesson 19

Activity 2.3.3 Friday Afternoon

A. Read and listen to the following text. Track 28

It’s a rainy Friday afternoon. It’s raining a lot, so Patty and

her family are spending the afternoon at home. Her
grandparents are visiting them. Patty and her sister are in
the living room, they are wearing their jackets because it’s
getting cold. Patty is studying Biology and her sister, Sarah,
is playing videogames. They are also talking. Patty’s older
brother, Eddy, is reading in his bedroom.
He likes reading science fiction books and he spends too
much time reading them. His little brother, Hector, is also
in the living room. He’s playing with his Hot-wheels
collection. He sometimes annoys Patty.
Patty’s mother, Mrs. Richards, is in the kitchen preparing
dinner for them. She’s making some pancakes and talking
to Patty’s aunts, Lucy and Alice. They are wearing raincoats
and scarves.
Effy, the family’s dog, is sleeping on the sofa in the living

B. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What day of the week is it?____Friday_______________________________________

2. Where is Patty? __At home._______________________________________________
3. What is she doing? _She’s studying Biology with her sister.______________________
4. What is her brother Eddy doing? _He’s reading in his bedroom.___________________
5. Is Mrs. Richards preparing breakfast in the kitchen? _No, she’s preparing dinner._____
6. What is Hector doing? _He’s playing with his Hot Wheels collection._______________
7. What are Lucy and Alice wearing?_They’re wearing raincoats and scarves.__________
8. What is Effy doing? ___It’s sleeping on the sofa._______________________________

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Activity 2.3.4 Present Progressive

What are you doing?

She is listening to music. They are playing videogames.

I’m reading a book. Is she listening to music? Are they playing videogames?
I’m not cooking. She isn’t running. They aren’t studying.

Spelling rule:
 Most verbs take –ing after the base form of the main verb: look – looking
 If a verb ends in a silent ‘e’, drop the final ‘e’ and add –ing: take - taking
 Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between consonants double the last consonant and
add –ing: run – running (39)

A. Write the sentences in the correct order.

1. are / Luke and Dan / around town / walking

Luke and Dan are walking around town____________________________.

2. Cristina / doing / What / this morning? / is

What is Cristina doing this morning?______________________________.
3. isn’t / James / boots / today / wearing
James isn’t wearing boots today__________________________________.
4. playing / your father / this afternoon? / What’s
What’s your father playing this afternoon?_________________________.
5. studying / Nova and Frank / for their English test / aren’t
Nova and Frank aren’t studying for their English test__________________.
6. black sneakers / Joshua and Aaron / wearing / are
Joshua and Aaron are wearing black sneakers________________________.
7. paying / in / I / class / am / attention
I am paying attention in class_____________________________________.

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B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in present progressive.
1. Look! Andy __is working______________ (work) in the garden.
2. I __am watching__________________(watch) TV at the moment.
3. We _aren’t reading_____________________ (not /read) a book.
4. She _is playing_______________________ (play) the piano.
5. __Are they going_________________ (they /go) to the park?
6. Mrs. Miller _isn’t listening________ (not / listen) to music right now.
7. We _are speaking____________ (speak) English at the moment.
8. The dog __is running_______________ (run).
9. _Are you doing_____________ (you / do) your homework?
10. My mother is making________________ (make) breakfast now.

Lesson 20

Track 29
Activity 2.3.5 What Are They Doing?
A. Listen to two people talking on the phone and circle True or False.

1. They are getting ready for the party. T F

2. Grandma is doing housework. T F
3. Millie is doing the dishes. T F
4. They want to order some food. T F
5. Aunt Grace wants to help them. T F

B. Listen again and underline the correct answer.

1. What is Dan doing? 3. Who is cooking?
a) He’s watching TV. a) Dad
b) He’s cleaning the windows. b) Mom
c) He’s cleaning the house. c) Millie
d) He’s doing the dishes. d) Aunt Grace

2. Where is grandma? 4. Why can’t Mom come to the phone?

a) In the living room a) Because she’s cooking.
b) In the kitchen b) Because she’s cleaning the house.
c) In the garden c) Because she’s watching TV.
d) In the bedroom d) Because she’s watering the plants.

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C. Complete the paragraph with one word.

Today is Sunday. We __are______ at home. My father is _____watching______ TV. He enjoys

watching soccer and _____his______ favorite team _____is______ playing right now. My
mother is in her bedroom. She is _____reading________ a book. She loves reading and she
does it when she ____has_______ the time. Caroline is getting ready. She’s ____going______
out with her friends. She’s ____wearing__________ a beautiful purple dress
_____and_________ black shoes. She looks very pretty. What about you? ______What_____
are you doing?

D. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and the verbs in the box, ask and answer what
the people are doing, as in the example:
Example: Student A: What is Tim doing?
Student B: He’s …

sleep drink sing read climb play eat listen swim clean water


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Lesson 21

2.4 Every Day and Today

Activity 2.4.1 Usually and Today
A. Look at the pictures and notice the differences in the use of tenses.

Usually Today
My mother usually prepares my meals. I’m preparing my meals today (My mother is
away today).


Present Simple VS Present Progressive

We use the present simple for habits and daily routines. We also use it for
permanent situations.

My mother usually prepares my meals.

We use the present progressive for actions happening now, at the moment
of speaking.

I’m preparing my meals today.

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B. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

a) I usually __go__________ (go) to the movies on weekends, but today it’s my best friend’s birthday
and she _____is having________ (have) a party. I _____am eating__________ (eat) some cake and
my friend Paul __is playing______________ (play) the guitar. Some of my friends _are dancing_____
(dance) and __singing____________ (sing). We _are having______ (have) a good time.
b) It’s 9:00 am and Carol _is waiting________________ (wait) for the bus. She usually _walks_______
(walk) to school but it’s very cold today, so she _is taking______ (take) the bus. She ___is wearing_
(wear) a jacket and a scarf but she _is not wearing____ (not wear) a hat. She _doesn’t like_____(not
like) hats so she never ____wears______________ (wear) them.

c) Maria ____is cooking____________ (cook) dinner for her family right now. She __is making________
(make) pasta and fish. She usually ______goes____ (go) to the market every morning to buy food
and she ____spends________ (spend) two hours cooking dinner. Her family always _eats_____ (eat)
together at the table.

C. Read the texts again and complete the chart with the appropriate time expressions.

Time expressions for actions happening at

Time expressions for routines
the moment

D. Write some sentences as in the example:

I usually eat at 3 p.m. but today I am eating at 2 p.m.


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Activity 2.4.2 Asking Questions

Write the questions and classify them in present simple or present progressive as in the

1. ___Are____ you ___studying_____ (study) for an exam today? present progressive

2. __Do_____ you ___exercise___ (exercise) on weekends? present simple

3. __Do_____ you __always have___ (always / have) breakfast at home? present simple

4. Which book _are____ you ___reading__ (read) at the moment? present progressive
5. Where _do____ you __usually do______ (usually / do) your homework? present simple
6. How often _ do____ you__see__________ (see) your friends? present simple

7. What __is___ your best friend __doing_____ (do) right now? present progressive

8. _Are___ you _working and studying_ (work and study) at the moment? present progressive

9. What time ___ do__ you _usually go____ (usually / go) to bed? present simple
10. What __do___ you __usually do_____ (usually / do) on the weekend? present simple
11. __Are____ you ___practicing__ (practice) any sports these days? present progressive

Ask the previous questions to your partner and give complete answers.

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Lesson 22

Activity 2.4.3 Household Chores

Label the pictures with the actions, then listen and practice. Track 30

sweep mop the floor wash the car clean water the plants
iron do the laundry do the dishes vacuum take out the garbage

1. What housework do you do? (42)

2. How often do you do it?
3. Do you like doing it?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
1. I usually ___clean_________________ (clean) the house on the weekend.
2. Jenny ___is watering______________ (water) the plants right now.
3. My mother __does_____________ (do) the laundry in the morning.
4. They _____are washing____________ (wash) the car right now.
5. How often _do___ you __sweep________ (sweep) the floor?
6. Tom __is doing________________ (do) homework now.
7. She always _irons_________ (iron) her clothes on Saturday mornings.
8. __Is______ Kate ____doing____________ (do) housework at the moment?

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Choose a person but don’t tell your partner. He or she guesses who the person
is by asking the questions:
What does he/she usually do?
What is he / doing now?

Usually Now Usually Now


Janet Nancy

Charly Kevin

Lilly Anna

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Complete the conversation with words from the box. There are three words you don’t need
to use.

laundry vacuum clean washes cleaning washing housework watering mop

Mom: Are you cleaning your room, Tom?

Tom: No Mom. I’m too busy. I’m playing videogames.
Mom: If you don’t clean your room, you can’t go out with your friends.
Tom: But it’s Saturday mom! I never clean my room on Saturday.
Mom: But I want you to do it today. Where is your brother? What is he doing?
Tom: He’s washing the car. He washes it every Saturday.
Mom: And your sister?
Tom: She’s doing the laundry .
Mom: Well, we need to finish the housework before your grandparents come.
Tom: Ok mom.

Activity 2.4.4 What’s Wrong?

There is a mistake in each one of the following sentences. Cross it out and write the
correction as in the example.

Example: Lucy is iron her clothes at the moment. ___ironing _____

1. Maria watering the plants every afternoon. ___waters_______

2. John does the laundry today. ___is doing______
3. The kids make the beds right now. __are making____
4. What is you doing? ______are______
5. Do your mother work? ______does_____
6. Who are you call now? ____calling _____
7. What do you usually doing in the morning? ___do_________
8. What classes is your sister take this semester? ____taking _____
9. Peter isn’t sweep the floor on weekends. ____doesn’t_____
10. Students going to the library once a week. _____go________

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Lesson 23

Activity 2.4.5 Lemon Tree Track 31

Listen to the song and answer the questions:

1. What day of the week is it?
2. What’s the weather like?
3. How does the singer feel? Angry, sad, happy?

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis.
I’m sitting (sit) here in the boring room I'm sitting (sit) here
It is (be) just another rainy Sunday afternoon I miss (miss) the power
I am wasting my time I'd like to go out taking a shower
But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
I got nothing to do
I feel (feel) so tired
I’m hanging (hang) around Put myself into bed
I’m waiting (wait)for you While nothing ever happens and I wonder
But nothing ever happens and I wonder Isolation is not good for me
I’m driving (drive) around in my car Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree
I’m driving (drive) too fast I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy
I’m driving (drive) too far Baby anyhow I'll get another toy
And everything will happen and you wonder
I'd like to change my point of view
I wonder (wonder) how
I feel (feel) so lonely I wonder (wonder) why
I’m waiting (wait) for you Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
But nothing ever happens (happen) and I And all that I can see is just another lemon-
wonder (wonder) tree
I wonder how I'm turning (turn) my head up and down
I wonder why I'm turning turning turning turning turning
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon- tree
tree And I wonder, wonder
I'm turning (turn) my head up and down I wonder how
I'm turning turning turning turning turning I wonder why
around Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see, and all that I can see,
And all that I can see is just another lemon-
and all that I can see
Is just a yellow lemon-tree

Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

At the moment I am ____________________________________________
The weather is _________________________________________________
I feel ____________________ because _____________________________

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Lesson 24

Activity 2.4.6 Jonathan’s Last Day at Work

Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. What does Jonathan do?
2. What do you think his daily routine is?

Read the text, and check your answers.


Jonathan's Last Day at work

Jonathan is a famous baker. He is hard working and punctual. He always gets up at three o'clock and
bakes his products. Then, he has breakfast with his wife and opens his bakery. He has many
customers. At noon, he has lunch in his house. After lunch, his son is in charge of the bakery and
Jonathan sleeps for about two hours. He returns to the shop and chats with his favorite customers.
He is the only baker in town so now he has many friends who shop at his bakery. He opened the
bakery 25 years ago.

Today his daily routine is different. This is the last day in his bakery. He is retiring tomorrow. He
always has a nap after lunch, but today he is having a cup of espresso with his best friend. They are
talking about the future and it feels strange. He is enjoying his coffee, anyway.

Read again and choose the correct answer.

1. __________ opens the bakery. 3. What is Jonathan’s daily routine?
a) Jonathan a) He gets up, has breakfast and bakes his products.
b) Jonathan’s wife b) He has lunch, has a nap and returns to the shop.
c) Jonathan’s son c) He has lunch, has nap and a cup of espresso with his

2. Where does he have lunch? 4. Why is today different?

a) at the bakery a) Because he’s retiring.
b) at a coffee shop b) Because he’s closing the bakery.
c) at home c) Because he’s not working.

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Now, look at the pictures and write sentences using the words given about the activities
Jonathan is really doing in his last day of work.

1 2 3

He / not sleep / after lunch.
He / not work /.
He / have lunch with friends. He / have a cup of coffee with
His wife / work / at the bakery.
his friend.

1. He’s not working. His wife is working at the bakery.________________________________

2. He’s having lunch with friends._________________________________________________
3. He’s not sleeping after lunch. He’s having a cup of coffee with his friend._______________

Write a short letter to a friend from a different country telling him/her about
things you usually do and things you are doing at the moment (50-80 words).
Dear ________________:

I am so happy to tell you about my daily routine.


But you know? This week is a bit different, for example. ____________________________

Well, good bye and write back soon.

Layout Task Grammatical Spelling and
(1) completion(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 74


Self-assessment Unit 2
Complete the conversation with the correct word from the box.

Why don’t How about Let’s necklace birthday

earrings reading read hates present

A: It’s Carla’s 1birthday today.

B: Why don’t we buy her a book?
A: I don’t think so. She doesn’t like 3reading.
B: I see. Why don’t we have a look in a pet shop? A pet is always an unusual 4present.
A: But she hates pets. 5How about getting her a 6necklace?
B: That’s a great idea! 7Let’s go to the mall.

Complete the conversation with the correct word from the box.

watering housework nap mop

studying surfing ironing homework

Lisa: Hi Martha!
Martha: Hi! Come on in!
Lisa: What’s up? You look tired.
Martha: I know! I am 1studying for my exams but everyone is
busy and they can’t help me.
Lisa: Oh! Where are your parents?
Martha: My father is 2watering the plants and my mother is
doing the 3housework.
Lisa: What about your brother or your sister?
Martha: Carlos is taking a 4nap and Judith is 5ironing her
clothes. Are you staying for dinner?
Lisa: I don’t think so. My mother is waiting for me.

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Circle the correct option.

Dear Samantha,
I 1_____________ to you from Canada. I am on vacation with my family. We are visiting our
grandparents in a lovely town called St. Catherines. We 2__________ here every year.
Sometimes it 3__________ in March but this time the weather is beautiful and the sun is shining.
St. Catherines is a very quiet place and I love 4_________ for walks or having picnics in the
This week we are very busy, because there is a special celebration on Saturday. The town is
having a street party. Everyone 5____________ very hard to decorate the streets and to build
the stage for dancing and playing music. All the women 6 _____________ delicious food and
making cakes. I 7___________ a really good time.

See you soon.


1. a) write b) writes c) am writing d) writing

2. a) come b) comes c) is coming d) coming
3. a) rain b) rains c) is raining d) raining
4. a) go b) goes c) is going d) going
5. a) work b) works c) is working d) working
6. a) is cooking b) are cooking c) cook d) cooks
7. a) have b) has c) having d) am having

Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

Student A Student B
1. What do you like doing in your free time? 1. What do you love doing on weekends?
2. What do usually do on weekends? 2. What do you usually do in the morning?
3. What housework do you hate doing? 3. What housework do you usually do?
4. What are you doing right now? 4. What is your mother / father doing right now?
5. What accessories is your partner wearing? 5. What are you wearing today?

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 76


Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language

Unit 2 What are you doing ?
2.1 Free Time
Free time activities
 dance  go to (a club, a concert a  read (a book, a magazine,
 go camping restaurant, the mall, the the newspaper)
 go dancing movies, the gym)  spend time with friends
 go out  listen to music  surf the Internet
 go shopping  play (cards, chess, tennis,  stay at home
soccer, videogames)  sleep

Grammar Contextualized Language

 Like + ing  What do you like doing on the weekend? I
 Love + ing like jogging and watching movies. I hate
 Don’t like + ing waking up early.
 Hate + ing  I hate cycling. Really? Why? Because I’m a
 Can't stand + ing couch potato.
 Prefer + ing

2.2 Party Time

Holidays and Celebrations
 anniversary  Father’s Day  New Year’s Eve
 birthday  Graduation  Valentine’s Day
 Christmas  Halloween  Wedding
 Day of the Dead  Mother’s Day
Grammar Contextualized Language
 Would you like… ?  Let’s go to the movies. I’m sorry, I can’t. I
 I’d like to… have to study.
 How about…. ?  Would you like to go out for dinner
 Why don't…..? tonight?
 Let's….

2.3 What’s Going On?

Everyday Activities
 arrive  go shopping  surf the internet
 check email  go to bed  sweep the floor
 clean the house  go to school / work  take a nap
 cook  have a class  take a shower
 do exercise / exercise  have a snack  take a walk
 do homework  have breakfast / lunch /  take out the garbage
 do housework dinner  vacuum
 do the dishes  iron  wake up
 do the laundry  listen to  walk the dog
 drink  mop the floor  wash the car
 drive  read  watch TV / a movie

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 77


 eat  sleep  water the plants

 get home  study  work (from / to)
 get up
Clothes and Accessories
 belt  hat  shoes
 blouse  jacket  shorts
 boots  jeans  skirt
 bracelet  jewelry  sneakers
 cap  necklace  socks
 coat  pajamas  suit
 costume  pants  sweater
 dress  raincoat  swimsuit
 earrings  ring  tie
 gloves  scarf  top
 shirt  t-shirt

Grammar Contextualized Language

 Present progressive: affirmative, negative  Hi Tom, are you busy now? Yes, I’m
and interrogative finishing a report.
 What is Susan wearing today? She’s
wearing a red sweater, a long black skirt
and silver earrings.

2.4 Every day and Now

NOTE: Use the same verbs in 2.3 Everyday Activities
Grammar Contextualized Language
 Present Simple vs. Present Progressive  What are you doing? I’m cooking. I usually
cook on Sundays.
 Does Fred always fix his car? No, he
doesn’t, but he’s working on it because he
doesn’t have money.

Italic words have been seen in previous levels.


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 78


Irregular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
be was/were get got see saw
become became give gave sell sold
begin began go went send sent
break broke grow up grew up set set
build built have had show showed
bring brought hear heard sing sang
buy bought hurt hurt sit sat
catch caught keep kept sleep slept
choose chose know knew speak spoke
come came leave left spend spent
cost cost lend lent stand stood
cut cut let let steal stole
do did lose lost sweep swept
draw drew make made swim swam
drink drank meet met take took
drive drove pay paid teach taught
eat ate pay attention paid attention tell told
fall fell put put think thought
feed fed read read throw threw
feel felt ride rode understand understood
find found ring rang wake up woke up
fly flew run ran wear wore
forget forgot say said win won
write wrote

Regular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
answer answered help helped start started
change changed invent invented stay stayed
clean cleaned laugh laughed stop stopped
close closed learn learned study studied
cook cooked like liked talk talked
cry cried listen to listened to travel traveled
dance danced live lived turn turned
die died look looked use used
discover discovered love loved visit visited
enjoy enjoyed move moved wait waited
exercise exercised need needed walk walked
finish finished open opened wash washed
fix fixed paint painted watch watched
graduate graduated play played work worked
hate hated practice practiced

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 79


Lesson 25

Unit 3: Speaking of the Past

3.1 Yesterday
Activity 3.1.1 Where Were You Yesterday?
Listen and read the conversation.

Mary: Hi, Susan! Track 32

Susan: Hey Mary, where were you yesterday?
Mary: I was at the stadium.
Susan: Really? Why were you there?
Mary: There was a concert.
Susan: Were you with John?
Mary: Yeah, and I was with Nick and Kate too.
Susan: How was it?
Mary: It was great! What about you?
Susan: I was at the library all day and it was boring!

Read the conversation again and circle True or False.

1. Susan was at the stadium. T F

2. Mary was with John. T F
3. Nick and Kate were at a concert. T F
4. The concert was good. T F

Activity 3.1.2 Was / Were


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 80


Complete the table with the correct form of the verb to be in past.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I / he / she / it I was I wasn’t Was I …?
He was He wasn’t Was he…?
You / we / they We were We weren’t Were we…?
They were They weren’t Were they…?
There There was There wasn’t Was there…?
There were There weren’t Were there…?

Complete the sentences with: was – were – wasn’t – weren’t.

1. Sharon ____was__________ at home all afternoon.

2. Abraham _wasn’t____________ (not) at the mall yesterday.
3. Where ___was_______________ Charles last night?
4. Louise ___was_____________ at a soccer match last Saturday.
5. ____Were_____________ Brad and Sarah best friends in high school?
6. The girls ___weren’t_______ (not) at school. They __were_______ on vacation.
7. Where ____were________ you yesterday morning?
8. Jenny _____wasn’t__________ (not) at the library. She __was_____ at the coffee shop.
9. __Was______ the movie good?
10. Howard ___wasn’t_________ (not) at home. He ___was___________ at his office.

Choose the correct answer.

1. We __________ at a concert yesterday. The music ______________ really good.

a) was…was b) was…were c) were…was

2. Karen ___________ at school yesterday.

a) wasn’t b) weren’t c) isn’t

3. My parents _________________ in Monterrey last week.

a) was b) were c) are

4. I ________ at the beach yesterday. The weather ______________ hot and sunny.
a) was…was b) were…was c) was…were

5. Tom and Susan _______________ at the supermarket last weekend.

a) was b) were c) are

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Activity 3.1.3 I Was At…

Listen and repeat. Underline the stressed word as in the example.
Track 33

I was at the art gallery last We were at the mall My parents and I were at
weekend. yesterday. the movies last week.


My friends and I were at a We were at the stadium two

I was at home yesterday. days ago.
concert last night.

Work in pairs and tell your partner where you were: last night, last week, last
month and yesterday, as in the example:

Student A: Hey Nancy! Where were you yesterday?

Student B: Hi! I was at the mall.
Student A: Really? Who were you with?
Student B: I was with my family.
Student A: How was it?
Student B: It was nice.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 82


Lesson 26

Activity 3.1.4 There Was / There Were

Read the text and answer the questions.

There was a school party yesterday. There were lots of music and
food. The music was really good and there were some people
dancing. There was also a big table with some hamburgers and
hot dogs, but there wasn’t a cake. There were some drinks too.
There were some sodas and beer. There were some of my friends
but there weren’t any teachers. It was fun.


1. When was the school party?_____Yesterday___________________________.

2. Was it good? ________Yes, it was___________________________________.
3. Was there any food? __Yes, hamburgers and hotdogs___________________.
4. How was the music? ___Really good_________________________________.
5. Were there any teachers? _____No, there weren’t______________________.

Complete the sentences. Use there was/ there were / there wasn’t / there weren’t.
1. There was____________ an interesting program on TV last night. It was really good.
2. There weren’t_________ any boats on the lake yesterday. It was very cold and windy.
3. There were___________ some new computer magazines at the newsstand.
4. There wasn’t _________ (not) a party last Saturday.
5. There was ___________ pasta for lunch.
6. There weren’t ________ (not) many students in class yesterday.
7. There was_________ __ a big dog in our garden this morning. Is it yours?
8. There were __________ some books on the desk.
9. There wasn’t_________ (not) much milk in the fridge.

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Look at the picture and complete the text with was, were, there was, there were.

Yesterday, I __was___ at the park. The weather _was__

hot and sunny.
_There was__ a boy, a man and a woman. There was _
also a dog.
In the sky, _there were___ some birds. _There were__
some beautiful flowers and trees around the park. It
__was______ a good day.


A man is describing where he was yesterday. Listen to the audio and complete the
sentences. Track 34

1. They were at the _____museum____________ yesterday.

2. There were many __paintings_______ and sculptures to see there.
3. Salvador Dali’s exhibition was ___very good__________.
4. There were __80____ famous paintings on the walls.
5. There was a ____souvenir store_________ in the museum.
6. Yesterday was ____Tuesday________, so the entrance was free.

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Look at the pictures below. Write questions using the words given and was there… / were
there…?, as in the examples:


many stores Were there many stores?______ a bank Was there a bank?___________________
a movie theater Was there a movie theater?_ a lake Was there a lake?_____________________
restaurants Were there restaurants?________ a coffee shop Was there a coffee shop?_________
bookstores Were there bookstores?________ animals Were there animals?________________
a supermarket Was there a supermarket?___ stores Were there stores?____________________
a museum Was there a museum?_________ many people Were there many people?________

Work in pairs. Student A: imagine you were in one of the places above yesterday,
and answer your partner’s questions. Student B: ask the questions to your
partner. Then change roles.
Student B: Where were you yesterday?
Student A: I was at the mall.
Student B: Was there…

Write a paragraph describing where you were last weekend. Mention what
there was there.
Answers may vary.


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Lesson 27

Activity 3.1.5 The Best Party Ever

Look at the pictures and talk to your partner about what kind of celebration it is
Track 35
and how you celebrate each occasion.


Listen to a woman talking about a New Year’s celebration and answer the questions.
1. What was the date? ___December 31st, 2012___________________.
2. Where was the woman? New York / Times Square / at a concert__.
3. Who was she with? __Her sister ___________________________.
4. How was the weather? _It was snowy_______________________.
5. Who was the singer? __Lady Gaga__________________________.
6. How was the fireworks show? It was beautiful_________________.

Activity 3.1.6 What Was the Celebration?

Work in pairs. Show your picture to your partner and discuss the following
questions. Take notes.
• Where were you?
• Who was with you?
• Was it a party?
• Were you happy?
• Was there a cake?
• Were there any gifts?
• What else was there?

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Write a paragraph (50-80 words) about your partner’s party.

Answers may vary.

Lesson 28

Activity 3.1.7 Years

I was born in Track 36


I was born
in 1943


Listen and repeat.

1850 eighteen fifty 1900 nineteen hundred 2010 two thousand (and) ten

Practice these years aloud.

1978 1810 2000 2007 1521
1910 1743 1954 2004 2015

Practice with your partner:

 When were you born?

 Where were you born?
 When was your mother / father born?
 Where were your parents born?

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Listen to the audio and complete the sentences with years.

1. Emilio Palma was born in: _____1978____________ Track 37

2. Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon in: __1969__________
3. Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb the Everest in: ___1975________
4. Venus and Serena were the first sisters to win Wimbledon in: ____2000_________

Activity 3.1.8 Famous People

Label the pictures with the names of the famous people.

Frida Kahlo John Lennon Mario Moreno Diana Spencer Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Diana Spencer Mario Moreno Frida Kahlo John Lennon
_________________ _______________ Cantinflas ______________ ________________
Computer Designer Princess of Wales Mexican Actor Mexican Painter English singer and
(1955-2011) (1961-1997) (1911-1993) (1907-1954) song writer

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about these people, as in the example:
Student A: Who was Steve Jobs?
Student B: He was a designer.
Student A: When was he born?
Student B: He was born in…
Student A: When did he die?
Student B: He died in …

Describe the people above using the adjectives in the box, as in the example:
E.g., Steve Jobs was intelligent, creative and ….
intelligent poor nice
friendly hardworking creative
kind lovely quiet
famous serious rich
important funny honest

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Lesson 29

Activity 3.1.9 Biographies

Listen to a man talking about Vincent Van Gogh and underline the correct

Track 38
1. Van Gogh ________ when 4. He died when he was ______
he was alive. a) 27
a) was very famous b) 37
b) wasn’t famous c) 47
c) was very rich

2. Theo was Vincent’s ______ 5. His paintings ________ when he

a) brother was alive.
b) teacher a) were expensive
c) father b) were popular
c) weren’t popular
3. At the age of _______,
painting was his only job.
a) 17
b) 27
c) 37

Complete the text with one word on the line.

Michael Jackson ___was____ an American singer,

songwriter and dancer. He was __born_________ in Gary,
Indiana, on August 29, 1958. __He____ was the eighth of
ten children in the Jackson Family. He was very popular in
1970’s, 1980’s __and____ 1990’s. He died ___in___ 2009
at the age of 50.


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Work in pairs. Choose a person from the box. Your partner asks questions and
guesses the person’s name. Take turns.

Benito Juárez Pedro Infante Elvis Presley Sor Juana Inés de

la Cruz


Marilyn Monroe George María Félix Roberto Gómez

Washington Bolaños

Student A: Was it a man or a woman?

Student B: It was…
Student A: Was he/she Mexican?
Student B: he /she was…

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Read the biographies and circle the correct form of the verb to be in past.

Elizabeth II was / were born in 1926. Elizabeth’s only sister,

Princess Margaret, was / were born in 1930. The two
princesses wasn’t / weren’t educated at school. During her
grandfather’s reign, Elizabeth was / were third in the line of
succession to the throne. She was / were 13 years old when
she fell in love with Philip of Greece and Denmark. She was /
were 21 when their engagement was / were officially
announced on July 9th, 1947. Nowadays, she is the Queen of

Heathcliff Andrew “Heath” Ledger was / were an Australian actor

and director. He was / were born in 1979. After performing roles in
the Australian television, he left for the United States in 1998. He
was / were a passionate chess player. Also, Ledger’s relationship
with the press in Australia was / were turbulent. He died in 2008
from an accidental intoxication from prescription drugs.

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur was / were two American
brothers who flew the world’s first successful airplane. Wilbur was
/ were born in 1867 and Orville was / were born in 1871. Both was
/ were smart children. Orville died in 1948 from a heart attack and
Wilbur died on May 30th, 1912.

Read the texts again and complete the table.

1. Queen Elizabeth’s year of birth: 1926

2. Heath Ledger’s nationality: Australian

3. Heath Ledger’s hobby: Playing chess / Chess

4. Orville and Wilbur’s relationship: Brothers

5. Wilbur’s date of death: May 30th,1912

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Work in pairs. Student A asks questions using the prompts. Student B answers
the questions using the information given. Then change roles.

Student A Student B

Frida Kahlo Charles Chaplin
(1907-1954) (1889-1977)
Mexican English
Painter Actor and director
Married to Diego Rivera Married four times
Intelligent, creative, important, serious Funny, creative, hardworking

 What / name?
 When / born?
 Where / born?
 What / occupation?
 Married?
 What / personality?
 How old / when / died?

Write a short biography (50-80 words). Choose a person from the previous exercise.


Layout Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(1) (3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

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Lesson 30

3.2 What did you do?

Activity 3.2.1 Last Weekend Track 39

Which of these activities do you do on weekends?

play sports watch Netflix surf the Internet check Facebook

clean the house study for an exam listen to music cook

Listen to a conversation and check what Amy and James did last weekend.

Amy James
1. Exercised 
2. Cleaned the house 
3. Studied 
4. Visited his / her parents 
5. Watched TV 

Activity 3.2.2 Regular Verbs

Writing Regular Verbs in the Past Form

The simple past is formed by adding –ed to the base form of the verb.
cook + ed = cooked listen + ed = listened invent + ed = invented

For regular verbs ending in the vowel –e, add –d.

dance + d = danced name + d = named graduate + d = graduated

For regular verbs that end in a vowel + y, add –ed.

play + ed = played enjoy + ed = enjoyed stay + ed = stayed

For regular verbs that end in a consonant + y, change the –y to –i and add –ed.
study + ed = studied try + ed = tried cry + ed = cried

Tell your partner which activities from exercise A (Activity 3.2.1) you did last weekend.

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Check the spelling rules in the previous page and complete the sentences with the past form
of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Jennifer ___married___________ (marry) her best friend in May.
2. My father and I __painted__________ (paint) the house last weekend.
3. Charlie __graduated __________ (graduate) in 2013.
4. My mother __cleaned___________ (clean) the house yesterday.
5. I ___stayed_____ (stay) home and __watched____ (watch) TV.
6. She ___cooked_______ (cook) a great meal last night.
7. My friend John __visited___ (visit) me. We ____talked______ (talk) and
____listened_____ (listen) to music.
8. Graham Bell ____invented_________ (invent) the telephone in 1876.
9. Michael Jackson ___died____ (die) in 2009, and many people ____cried____ (cry).
10. We ___danced_________ (dance) all night.

Pronunciation: Listen and repeat. Notice the pronunciation of simple past


Track 40
a) lived b) started c) watched
/d/ /id/ /t/

Listen and check the sound you hear.

/d/ /id/ /t/
liked 
visited 
called 
explored 
stopped 
needed 

Practice the past of these regular verbs:

study change answer live close listen watch turn wash

hate move start ask finish enjoy help look fix
use open travel walk love learn discover work exercise

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Lesson 31

Activity 3.2.3 Irregular Verbs

Look at the pictures, listen and practice. Notice the irregular simple past forms.
Track 41


They met in 1999, They got She saw a movie last night. She ate We went on vacation to the
married in 2012. They had a popcorn and drank soda. beach two years ago. We swam
beautiful wedding. in the ocean and made sand
castles. We had a lot of fun!

Complete the chart. Then compare with a partner.

present past present past present past

meet met see saw go went
get got eat ate make made
have had drink drank swim swam

Activity 3.2.4 What a Great Day!

How was your day yesterday? Where were you? Who were you with? Track 42

Listen to a man talking about his day yesterday and number the pictures.


A. ___3____ B. ___2____ C. __4____ D. ___1____

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Listen again and read the diary, notice the verbs in bold. Then write the past verbs in the
correct column and add the base form.

September 7th Irregular Verbs

Dear Diary, Base Form Past Form
Yesterday, I had a great day! I get up got up
got up early in the morning and have had
went to school. On my way there, go went
I found a $100.00 bill on the find found
street. It was on the floor. I waited be was / were
for a few minutes but nobody come came
came to look for it. Later, I write wrote
arrived at school, and my friends sing sang
had a cake and a present to
can could
celebrate my birthday. That was
feel felt
nice! After school, I invited
everyone to come to my house. We Regular Verbs
Base Form Past Form
ordered some pasta and pizza.
wait waited
We danced, laughed and played
arrive arrived
games. Maria had a surprise for
invite invited
me. She wrote a song and she
order ordered
sang it to me. Wow! I couldn’t
dance danced
believe it. I felt so special.
laugh laughed
It was wonderful!
play played

Complete the charts with the simple past of the irregular verbs. Then listen and

Track 43

Base form Past Base form past Base form Past

be born was/were born know knew speak spoke
become became leave left spend spent
build built lose lost swim swam
buy bought make made take took
do did read read teach taught
drive drove run ran tell told
fly flew say said think thought
give gave sell sold wake up woke up
grow up grew up send sent wear wore
keep kept sleep slept win won

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 96


Write your own diary about what you did yesterday, and share it with your partner.
Answers may vary.

Layout Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(1) (3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Lesson 32

Activity 3.2.5 Negative Sentences and Questions in Past Simple

No, I didn’t. I stayed

home and watched TV.

Yes, I did. I went to the

Did you go out
movies with John. We
last night?
had a great time!


Complete the second sentence using the negative form of the verbs in bold, as in the

Example: Greg played tennis yesterday. → He didn’t play_____ baseball.

1. Susan waited in the kitchen. → Susan _didn’t wait_____ in the living room.

2. The girls took a guided tour in Egypt. → They didn’t take__ a trip to the mountains.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 97


3. Patrick went sightseeing in New York → He _didn’t go___ sightseeing in Chicago.

4. My friend bought a new camping tent. → He _didn’t buy____ new clothes.

5. I visited Sofia last weekend → I __didn’t visit____ my grandpa.

Using the same verbs and names from the previous exercise, write questions and practice
them with a partner, as in the example.

Did Greg play baseball yesterday ? No, he didn’t. He played tennis.

1. Did Susan wait in the living room? No, she didn’t. She waited in the kitchen.

2. Did the girls take a trip to the mountains? No, they didn’t. They took a tour in Egypt.

3. Did Patrick go sightseeing in Chicago? No, he didn’t. He went sightseeing in NY.

4. Did your friend buy new clothes? No, he didn’t, He bought a camping tent.

5. Did you visit your grandpa last weekend? No, I didn’t. I visited Sofia.____________

Complete the questions in this conversation.

A: How did you spend your weekend _________________ ?

B: I spent the weekend with Kate and Carlos.
A: What __did you do on Saturday____________________?
B: Well, on Saturday we went shopping to the new mall.
A: Where __did you go____________________ on Sunday?
B: We went to the movies.
A: What movie __did you watch______________________?
B: We watched the new Batman movie.
A: Really? How ___was it___________________________?
B: It was very good!

Practice the conversation with a partner.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 98


Lesson 33

Activity 3.2.6 School years

Label the pictures with the school subjects, then listen and repeat.
Track 44

Geography Biology Physics Physical Education (PE)

Arts Math History Information Technology
Music English Chemistry Literature


Do you remember when you started school? Which school did you go to?
a. Preschool _____Answers may vary_____
b. Elementary School _________________________
c. Middle School _________________________
d. High School _________________________

What was your favorite subject in each school?

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 99


Read the text and complete the chart.

I left school nearly 10 years ago. My favorite

subjects were Literature, Geography and When he finished school: ____10 years ago_____
History. I enjoyed literature because it was
very interesting and the teacher was very Favorite subjects: Literature, Geography and History.
good. Reason he didn’t like Math: they were quite
I didn’t like Science or Math because they
difficult and he didn’t like the teachers.__________
were quite difficult and I didn’t like the
teachers. _________________________________________
I had a lot of friends but my best friend at that Best friend’s name: ____Nicholas______________
time was Nicholas, we spent a lot of time Reason he liked his school years: because he
together. I really enjoyed my school years learned a lot.______________________________
because I learned a lot.

Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.

1. Chris was born in __San Francisco_________________.

Track 45
2. He went to __college___________________ in New York.
3. He studied _____music___________________.
4. After he graduated, he was a _____jazz musician____________.
5. He became a _______teacher_____________.

Match the questions with the answers.

1. When and where were you born? a. I entered first grade in 2006.
2. Where did you grow up? b. I was six.
3. When did you start school? c. My best friend was Carlos.
4. How old were you then? d. I was born in 1998, in Mexico City.
5. Who was your best friend in school? e. He was very clever.
6. What was he/she like? f. I grew up in Chicago.

In pairs, answer the questions above with your own information.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 100


Lesson 34

Activity 3.2.7 What’s the Question?

Unscramble the questions and answer them.

1. yesterday / were / Where / you / ?

Where were you yesterday? _______________________
2. your day / was / How / yesterday ?
How was your day yesterday?______________________
3. you / did / What / do / last weekend / ?
What did you do last weekend_____________________
4. go / Where / you / on your last vacation / did / ?
Where did you go on your last vacation?_____________
5. last night / were / you / Where / ?
Where were you last night? _______________________
6. you / were / born / Where / ?
Where were you born? ___________________________
7. grow up / did / Where / you / ?
Where did you grow up?__________________________
8. you / TV / Did / last night / watch / ?
Did you watch TV last night?_______________________
9. study / you / Where / High School / did / ?
Where did you study High School? __________________
10. Elementary school / did / When / you / finish / ?
When did you finish Elementary School? _____________
11. subject / What /your favorite / was / in High School?
What was your favorite subject in High School?________

Ask your partner the questions above. Write the answers.

1. ___Answers may vary ______________________.
2. ________________________________________.
3. ________________________________________.
4. ________________________________________.
5. ________________________________________.
6. ________________________________________.
7. ________________________________________.
8. ________________________________________.
9. ________________________________________.
10. _______________________________________.
11. _______________________________________.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 101


Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.

1. A: Did you do the laundry yesterday?
B: a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I did. c) Yes, I was.

2. A: Did you see Mike last weekend?

B: No, I didn’t. I __________ Tom.
a) see b) seed c) saw

3. A: Did the children ________ to the park yesterday afternoon?

B: No, they didn’t. They _____________ to the movies.
a) went – go b) goes – went c) go – went

4. A: Did you eat pizza at the restaurant?

B: No, we didn’t. We ___________ tacos.
a) eat b) ate c) eated

5. A: Did Oscar play tennis yesterday?

B: Yes he did, and he ______________ the match.
a) won b) win b) wins

Lesson 35

Activity 3.2.8 Listening

Track 46
What did you do on your last vacation? Did you have a good time?

Two friends are talking about their last vacation. Listen and underline the correct answer.

1. Jason thinks San Francisco 3. Linda ________________.

is _________ a) enjoyed her vacation
a) a small city b) didn’t have a good time
b) a pretty city c) didn’t like her vacation
c) a bad city

2. Jason went to San Francisco 4. Linda ______________

because ___________ a) went shopping
a) his sister lives there b) went on vacation
b) he wanted a sweater c) watched old movies (68)

c) he didn’t have money

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 102


Activity 3.2.9 My Last Vacation

Write the words in the correct category.
the mountain car go fishing go sightseeing bus
buy souvenirs take pictures go backpacking go camping boat
a colonial city plane have a picnic go on a cruise sunbathe
go shopping go hiking go swimming do watersports the beach

Where to go What to do Travel by

the beach do watersports boat
go on a cruise sunbathe bus
a colonial city have a picnic car
the mountains take pictures plane
buy souvenirs
go backpacking
go shopping
go sightseeing
go camping
go swimming
go hiking
go fishing

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions as in the example.

A: Where did you go on your last vacation?
B: I went to Acapulco.
A: What did you do there?
B: I went swimming, I took pictures and I sunbathed.
A: How did you get there?
B: I traveled by bus.

Talk about your vacation for one minute without stopping.

Write a paragraph describing what you did on your last vacation (50-80 words).
_Answers may vary.


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 103


Activity 3.2.10 Selfie

Video 1


Mark and Jane went on vacation; they took many selfies. Watch the video and answer the
following questions:
1. Which cities did they visit? They visited Paris, Pisa, New York, Brussels, Rome and London.
2. Did they go to the beach? Yes, they did_____________________________________
3. Were they at the stadium? No they weren’t._________________________________
4. Did Mark travel by plane? Yes, he did.______________________________________
5. Was Mark in Rome? No, he wasn’t.________________________________________
6. Did they visit Germany? No, they didn’t.____________________________________
7. Was Jane in a Restaurant? No, she wasn’t. __________________________________
8. Did they meet new people? Yes, they did.___________________________________
9. Did Jane go shopping? Yes, she did.________________________________________

Show your partner a selfie and discuss:

1. When did you take the selfie?

2. Where did you take the selfie?
3. Who was with you?
4. What was the weather like?
5. How did you feel?

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 104


Lesson 36

Activity 3.2.11 Where Did They Go?

Listen to three conversations and answer the questions.
Track 47

Conversation 1
1. Where did the woman go? _____Brazil / Rio.________________________________
2. What’s the man’s opinion about her trip? _It was boring. ______________________
3. What did she buy? _Souvenirs____________________________________________

Conversation 2
1. Where did he go? ______Japan___________________________________________
2. What did he learn? ____Japanese_________________________________________
3. What was his favorite part of the trip? _The food_____________________________

Conversation 3
1. When did she get back from New Zealand? ___last weekend__________________
2. How was her trip? ____Exciting___________________________________________
3. What did she like about it? __The people___________________________________

Complete the text with a word from the box, there are three extra words.

weekend breakfast famous had hotel

swimming pool ate yesterday shopping souvenirs

Kevin and Jane went to New York last weekend__. They arrived on Friday evening and stayed in a
nice hotel. They went shopping on Saturday and bought some clothes and souvenirs. On Sunday,
they went to the museums and took pictures of famous paintings and sculptures. They ate in many
different restaurants, and met some interesting people. They left New York on Sunday evening. They
really had a good time.

Complete the conversation with one word.

David: Hey Monica! How _was______ your vacation?
Monica: Oh, it was exciting. We __had____ a great time.
David: Where __did_____ you go?
Monica: I went to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.
David: That’s great. __What____ did you do there?
Monica: Well, I went sightseeing and __took____ a lot
of pictures, and I bought you a souvenir.
David: Thanks! I love it!

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Activity 3.2.12 A Trip to Australia

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

We __had___ (have) a great time in Australia. It’s a big country with a lot of places to
see. First, we ___visited_____ (visit) Cairns. The weather __was_____ (be) very hot.
We ___went_____ (go) to the beach and _had___ (have) a trip on a boat. We
___saw___(see) beautiful flowers.

Next, we ____went___ (go) to Brisbane. The weather __was___ (be) warm, and we
____walked___ (walk) in the city and __looked____ (look) at interesting old buildings.
We also ____visited________ (visit) an animal park. We __saw___ (see) a lot of
Australian animals, like kangaroos and koalas.

Last, we ____went____ (go) to Sydney. It’s a very big city in the south. The weather
_____was___ (be) cool. There are a lot of tall buildings. We ___went___ (go)
shopping and _____visited____ (visit) the Opera House. Bondi Beach is a great place
to go swimming. There are many restaurants with food from different countries.
There’s something for everyone in Australia. Think about it for your next vacation.

Read the text again and underline the correct answer.

1. The weather was __________ in Cairns.
a) warm b) cold c) hot

2. The writer ____________ in Cairns.

a) went to the beach b) visited and animal park c) went shopping

3. What did the writer see in Brisbane?

a) flowers b) old buildings c)stores

4. The writer _______________ in Sydney.

a) had a boat trip b) visited the Opera house c) went to the zoo

5. The writer:
a) enjoyed the trip. b) didn’t like the trip. c) hated the trip.

Work in groups of three and talk about an interesting place you went to.
1. Where did you go?
2. How long were you there?
3. Who were you with?
4. What did you do there?
5. How was the weather? The food?
6. Do you want to go there again?

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Self-assessment Unit 3
Fill in the blanks with one word.

A: Where 1were you yesterday?

B: I 2was at Maria’s house. She had a birthday party.
A: Really? 3Who was there?
B: Carlos, Andrea, Mike and many others.
A: Was it a nice party?
B: It was great. 5There was food and drinks and great music.
We 6had a good time.

Read the text and complete the chart.

Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, in France, in 1883.

Her career as a designer started in 1913, when she
opened a hat shop in Deauville. She quickly added
sweaters, skirts and accessories to her collection
and soon everyone wanted to buy her clothes.
During her career, Chanel also designed jewelry and
produced perfumes such as Chanel No. 5, which she
introduced in 1922.
Although Chanel was a beautiful woman, she did
not marry and she did not have any children.
She died in Paris, in 1971 (70a)

1. When she was born: 1883

2. Chanel’s occupation: designer
3. How she started her career: She opened a hat shop.
4. What she produced in 1922: Perfume Chanel No. 5
5. Where she died: Paris

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 107


Complete the paragraph with the correct word from the box.

camping tent ago last hardworking

picnic spent had enjoyed sightseeing

Three days ago, Kevin and his grandfather went camping in the mountains. They stayed in
a tent and went fishing in the lake, but they didn’t catch any fish. They also had a picnic.
They spent a lot of time together. They really had a good time.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

Student A Student B
1. When where you born? 1. Where was your mother / father born?
2. Where were you yesterday? 2. What did you do last night?
3. What did you do last weekend? 3. Where were you last weekend?
4. Where did you go on your last vacation? 4. When did you finish high school?
5. What was your favorite subject in high school? 5. Who was your best friend in high school?

Write a paragraph about your last vacation. Mention where you went, who was with
you and the activities you did. (50-80 words)


Layout (1) Task completion Grammatical Spelling and

(3) accuracy (3) vocabulary (3)

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 108


Vocabulary, Grammar and Contextualized language

Unit 3 Speaking of the Past

3.1 Yesterday
Entertainment and past events
 At a concert  Was / were (age)  was/ were (adjective:
 At the movies  Was / were born creative, famous, friendly,
 At home  Was / were (from / funny, hardworking,
 At school nationality) honest, important,
 intelligent, interesting,
kind, lovely, nice, poor,
quiet, rich)
Time expressions related to the past
 ago  yesterday  on (dates, days of the
 last  in (years, months) week)
Grammar Contextualized Language
 Past Simple Verb Be (affirmative, negative  Hi Joe. There was a great concert last
and interrogative) Saturday! Were you there?
 There was / there were No, I wasn’t. I was at school.
 When I was in High School, I was short
and chubby.
 Who was Martin Luther King?
He was an American social activist.

3.2 What did you do?

 buy souvenirs  go on a cruise  have a good time
 do watersports  go sightseeing  have a picnic
 go backpacking  go swimming  sunbathe
 go camping  go to the beach  travel by (boat, bus, car,
 go fishing  have fun plane)
 go hiking
Words related to vacation
 hotel  swimming pool  tent
 ticket
 elementary school  high school  university
 middle school  college
 Art  History  Physical Education (P.E.)
 Biology  Information Technology  Physics
 Chemistry  Literature  Science
 English  Math  Spanish
 Geography  Music

Personal Events related to the Past

 When I was …  When I lived …

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 109


 be-was were  give- gave  send- sent
 become- became  go- went  sing- sang
 build- built  grow up- grew up  sleep- slept
 buy- bought  have- had  speak- spoke
 can- could  keep- kept  spend- spent
 come- came  know- knew  swim- swam
 do- did  leave- left  take- took
 drink- drank  lose- lost  teach- taught
 drive- drove  make- made  tell- told
 eat- ate  meet- met  think- thought
 feel- felt  read- read  wake up- woke up
 find- found  say- said  wear- wore
 fly-flew  see- saw  win- won
 get- got  sell- sold  write- wrote
 answer- answered  hate- hated  play- played
 ask- asked  help- helped  start- started
 change- changed  invent- invented  stay- stayed
 clean- cleaned  invite-invited  study- studied
 close- closed  laugh- laughed  talk- talked
 cook- cooked  learn- learned  travel- traveled
 cry- cried  like- liked  turn- turned
 dance- danced  listen to- listened to  use- used
 die- died  live- lived  visit- visited
 discover- discovered  look- looked  wait- waited
 enjoy- enjoyed  love- loved  walk-walked
 exercise- exercised  move- moved  wash- washed
 finish- finished  need- needed  watch- watched
 fix- fixed  open- opened  work- worked
 graduate- graduated  paint- painted

Grammar Contextualized Language

 Regular and irregular verbs in past  Where did you go last weekend? I went to
 Past Simple (affirmative, negative and a bar. Did you see John?
interrogative) No, I didn’t. He wasn’t there.
 Did you enjoy your last vacation? Sure! I
had a great time. We swam and went

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 110


Irregular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
be was/were get got see saw
become became give gave sell sold
begin began go went send sent
break broke grow up grew up set set
build built have had show showed
bring brought hear heard sing sang
buy bought hurt hurt sit sat
catch caught keep kept sleep slept
choose chose know knew speak spoke
come came leave left spend spent
cost cost lend lent stand stood
cut cut let let steal stole
do did lose lost sweep swept
draw drew make made swim swam
drink drank meet met take took
drive drove pay paid teach taught
eat ate pay attention paid attention tell told
fall fell put put think thought
feed fed read read throw threw
feel felt ride rode understand understood
find found ring rang wake up woke up
fly flew run ran wear wore
forget forgot say said win won
write wrote

Regular Verbs
Verb Past Verb Past Verb Past
answer answered help helped start started
change changed invent invented stay stayed
clean cleaned laugh laughed stop stopped
close closed learn learned study studied
cook cooked like liked talk talked
cry cried listen to listened to travel traveled
dance danced live lived turn turned
die died look looked use used
discover discovered love loved visit visited
enjoy enjoyed move moved wait waited
exercise exercised need needed walk walked
finish finished open opened wash washed
fix fixed paint painted watch watched
graduate graduated play played work worked
hate hated practice practiced

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 111


Anexo 1: Evaluación

1.1 Evaluación formativa

A lo largo del curso, el profesor brindará retroalimentación oportuna a los estudiantes para
potenciar su avance, en función de las actividades programadas. Los profesores deben utilizar
instrumentos diversificados, según el objetivo de aprendizaje buscado y además promoverán la
autoevaluación y la coevaluación. Los siguientes elementos son elementos centrales de apoyo para
la evaluación formativa:

Portafolio de evidencias
El portafolio de evidencias de aprendizaje puede contener: apuntes de clase, cuaderno de trabajo
DUI, hojas de trabajo, una selección de tareas y actividades tales como rubricas de exposiciones
orales, proyectos, ejercicios de redacción, debidamente revisadas y que cumplan con los objetivos
de la unidad.

El portafolio de evidencias debe contener al menos el 50% de actividades que el maestro haya
planteado previamente, incluyendo como mínimo 2 actividades sugeridas en esta guía didáctica y
cuaderno de trabajo.

Evidencias sugeridas para la Unidad 1 en la guía

The contact list: El alumno elabora una tabla con información de contacto de cinco
amigos. El alumno debe de incluir el nombre, la edad, el número telefónico, la dirección
y el correo electrónico. Además de entregar la tabla, el alumno debe de entregar una Tema 1.1
grabación con las entrevistas que realizará a sus amigos con el fin de obtener la
Apperance: El alumno realiza en una hoja tamaño carta una descripción de su
apariencia física, así como la de una persona cercana a él. Además de la apariencia Tema 1.2
física, en la descripción debe de incluir nombre, edad y ocupación.
The place where I live: El alumno elabora un mapa mental de los lugares que hay cerca
del lugar en donde vive. El alumno escribe diez oraciones de lo que hay y no hay cerca Tema 1.3
de su casa.
How do I get to: El alumno elabora un mapa dando instrucciones de cómo llegar de su
casa a algún lugar, utilizando lo visto previamente en clase. Tema 1.3

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 112


Evidencias sugeridas para la Unidad 2 en la guía

What we like: El alumno debe escribir mínimo 5 enunciados en los cuales contraste sus
gustos y preferencias sobre actividades de tiempo libre y deportes con los gustos de
Tema 2.1
una persona que conozca (hermano, amigo, mamá…) El alumno debe utilizar la
estructura: ‘like / love / don’t like / hate +verb ing’
WhatsApp message: Los alumnos en parejas envían una invitación vía WhatsApp o
mensaje de texto a uno de sus compañeros de clase, el cual debe rechazar o aceptar la
Tema 2.2
invitación por la misma vía. Una vez terminada la conversación, el alumno realiza
screenshot, la imprime y la anexa al portafolio.
Look at my picture! El alumno trae a clase una fotografía de su familia o amigos donde
aparezca él / ella, e incluye la descripción de las actividades que están realizando y la
Tema 2.3
ropa que están vistiendo las personas de la misma. Además de entregar la descripción
por escrito, el alumno debe describir la fotografía frente al grupo.
My routines and right now: El alumno elabora un video o presentación Power Point en
donde contrasta su rutina diaria con las actividades que está realizando en ese Tema 2.4

Evidencias sugeridas para la Unidad 3 en la guía

Biography: Los alumnos escriben una biografía de alguna persona( famosa o no) que
conozcan. Tema 3.1

What did you do last weekend? El alumno escribe diez oraciones sobre actividades que
realizaron el fin de semana pasado. El alumno pregunta a tres compañeros si realizaron
las mismas actividades, por ejemplo: “I played soccer last Saturday” “Did you play
Tema 3.2
soccer last Saturday?”
El alumno debe de entregar una tabla con las actividades realizadas, las preguntas
formuladas y las respuestas de cada compañero.
School years: El alumno escribe por lo menos cinco preguntas relacionadas con sus
años en preparatoria (materia favorita, maestro favorito, nombre de la escuela, año de
termino de preparatoria) y las pregunta a cinco compañeros de clase. Además de Tema 3.2
entregar las preguntas con sus respuestas, el alumno debe de entregar una grabación
con las entrevistas que realizará a sus amigos con el fin de obtener la información.
My last vacation: Los alumnos hacen una presentación Power Point sobre las últimas
vacaciones que tomaron. Tema 3.2

Prácticas autónomas
Se validarán con el registro y revisión de las actividades en la bitácora de trabajo que correspondan
a los contenidos de la unidad y que reflejen el cumplimiento del plan de trabajo establecido por el
alumno y el profesor.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 113


1.2 Evaluación sumativa

Criterios para Evaluación Oral

Comprehension Vocabulary Grammatical accuracy Pronunciation

no response or a few
no response
Unsatisfactory scattered words / no response or constant unclear articulation
lack of
1 point inappropriate word errors l1 interference
limited range of
Moderately does not always very limited repertoire structures, or not generally clear
satisfactory understand the of words and simple always correct basic articulation some
2 points questions phrases errors are rarely self- mispronunciations
basic repertoire of
understands the words and phrases appropriate structures clear articulation
questions according to the and clear message intelligible output
3 points
leveclear message
3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points

Units I and 2 Unit 3

Total points (12) Oral grade (30) Total points (12) Oral grade (40)
1 02 1 03
2 05 2 06
3 07 3 10
4 10 4 13
5 12 5 16
6 15 6 20
7 17 7 23
8 20 8 26
9 22 9 30
10 25 10 33
11 27 11 36
12 30 12 40

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 114


Criterios para evaluar la Composición

Layout Task completion Grammatical accuracy Spelling and
(1 point) (3 points) (3 points) vocabulary (3 points)

correct layout accurate use of use of vocabulary,

content is coherent with
(paragraph, e-mail, grammatical structures spelling and punctuation
the instructions
letter, etc.) of level

3 points 3 points
3 points uses grammatical uses appropriate
answers the information structures of level vocabulary, spelling and
requested accurately punctuation

1 point 2 points
2 points some misspelled/
2 points
uses layout (paragraph, makes mistakes when misused words and/or
partially answers the
e-mail, letter, etc.) using grammatical punctuation mistakes
information requested
according to instructions structures of the level but the text is

1 point 1 point 1 point

writing is not coherent does not structure misspelled/ misused
with the grammatically correct words and/or
information requested sentences punctuation mistakes
impede comprehension
0 points 0 points 0 points
0 points
did not complete them cannot structure any inappropriate
Does not use the correct
task sentence vocabulary, spelling and

Writing correction code

Adapted from: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk
Code Meaning Example
WW Wrong word As our plane flew on the mountains we saw snow.
WT Wrong tense As our plane flew over the mountains we see snow.
WF Wrong form As our plane flew over the mountains we was seeing snow.
WO Word order As our plane over the mountain flew we saw snow.
SP Spelling As our plane flue over the mountains we saw snow.
P Punctuation As our plane flew over the mountains; we saw snow.
X Extra word As our plane flew over to the mountains we saw snow.
M Missing word As our plane flew over the mountains __ saw snow.
? Not clear plane the mountains snow.
! Non-existent word As our plane flew over the mountains we seed snow.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 115


1.3 Evaluación Diagnóstica

Evaluación Diagnóstica Escrita
Inglés 2
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

I. A: Where (1) Is your sister from?

B: (2) She’s from Mexico.
A: (3) What city are you from? Are you from Mexico City?
B: No, (4) I’m not. I (5) am from Monterrey.
II. A: (6) Are Jim and Carly American?
B: No they (7) aren’t. They (8) are Canadian.
A: What city in Canada are (9) they from?
B: They’(10) are from Toronto.
III. Sam: Where (11) does Mary work?
Jenny: She (12) works in an office.
Peter: We work in the same office, but I (13) don’t see her very often.

2. Complete with in, on, or at.

IV. (14) In the evening

(15) On September 22nd
(16) At night
(17) On the weekend

3. Circle the correct word.

IV. (17) Is there/There is a toilet downstairs?

(18) There is/There are some chairs in the garden.
(19) She can/can’t speak French, but not Spanish..
(20) Andy doesn’t want to go to the beach because he can /can’t swim.

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 116


4. Read the following text. Complete with the information from the text.

I’m Isabel. I’m American. My best friends are Fernando and Amy. Fernando is from Bogota, Colombia and Amy
is from Perth, Australia.
I have a brother, his name is Carlos and a sister her name is Julia. Carlos is 18 years old and a good soccer
player. Julia is only ten. She’s a good tennis player.
My grandmother is Olivia, but her nickname is Nana. She’s an artist, and she´s 92 years old!
I like to write e-mails to my cousin Daniel. He is from Seattle. He’s 18 years old. He studies high school and on
weekends he likes to go to the movies with his friends.
I love the people in my life.

Amy’s nationality: (21) Australian

Carlos’ hobby: (22) Soccer
Julia’s age: (23) 10
Grandmother’s occupation: (24) Artist
People in Isabel’s life: (25) Fernando, Amy, Carlos, Julia, Olivia and Daniel

5. Write about your personal information. Mention name, age, occupation, family members
and their ages and your daily routine. (35-50 words) (5 points)


Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 117


Listado de imágenes
No. Link

1 https://pixabay.com/es/barba-negocio-ciudad-colega-2610265/
2 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
3 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
4 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
6 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
7 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
8 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martinez
9 https://pixabay.com/es/chicas-amigo-colegialas-amistad-1231385/

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11 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Liam_Hemsworth_June_2016.jpg
12 %3F_show_in_Graz,_8._Nov._2014_cropped.jpg
13 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:James_Mahon_Broadcast_Journalist.jpg
14 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gal_Gadot_cropped_lighting_corrected_2b.jp

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16 Elaboración propia. Creación de Ricardo Gloria.
17 https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3305/3654789855_33be79ca2a.jpg
18 Elaboración propia. Creación de Lucía Chávez Delgado.
20 https://pixabay.com/es/friends-perdidos-personas-hablando-1255442/
21 Elaboración Propia. Creación de Tomás García Rico.
23 https://pixabay.com/es/burbujas-de-discurso-comentarios-303206/
24 http://teacherisabelsegura.blogspot.mx/2016/04/blog-post.html
24b https://pxhere.com/en/photo/796373

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25 https://www.flickr.com/photos/festival_ambulante/13197159555/
27 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Teens_sharing_a_song.jpg
30 https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3504/3190201638_ab9da90acb_b.jpg
34 https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6047/5902158629_51e8fe1a6f_b.jpg
35 https://pixabay.com/p-312740/?no_redirect

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37 http://lewebpedagogique.com/englishonline/category/6eme-s/page/15/
38 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Rainy_day_in_Indianapolis.jpg
40 http://slideplayer.com/slide/10690105
41 Elaboración propia. Creación de Shania Lourdes Arias Martínez
43 https://pixabay.com/p-160469/?no_redirect
45 http://delgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/web1_DSCF7842.jpg

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46 https://www.pexels.com/photo/adolescent-adult-beautiful-blond-272760/
47 https://pixabay.com/es/personas-hablando-hombres-masculina-1164926/
49 https://pixabay.com/en/party-dancing-dancer-disco-146582/
50 https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/09/23/08/08/garden-953097_640.jpg
51 https://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/5408279834
53 _friends
54 https://www.flickr.com/photos/toddler/3154450096

55 http://variacionxxi.com/2015/05/20/granmanzanasinsteve/

56 _Google_Art_Project.jpg


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58 https://www.flickr.com/photos/chalio777/1418331216
59 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Heath_Ledger.jpg/220px-

60 https://www.flickr.com/photos/tom-margie/1535413483
61 https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-teenagers-young-group-89873/
63 Elaboración propia. Shania Arias Martinez
mmer_des_Sennudem_001.jpg HISTORY
https://pixabay.com/es/qu%C3%ADmica-escuela-color-botellas-3d-740453/ CHEMESTRY
https://www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/3967329241 ARTS
67 https://pixabay.com/es/conversaci%C3%B3n-hablar-hablando-799448/

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68 https://www.maxpixel.net/Drinks-Friends-Cup-Break-Restaurant-Business-2884058
69 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/mar/07/oscars-selfie-most-retweeted-ever
70 https://pixabay.com/es/photos/sydney-australia-opera-house-3806596/

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M. en Arq. Manuel Fermín Villar Rubio

Dr. Anuar Abraham Kasis Ariceaga

Secretario General

Arq. Dolores Lastras Martínez

Secretaria Académica

M.A. Ma. Luisa Portales Pérez

Directora del Departamento Universitario de Inglés

Lic. Laura Patricia Martínez Rodríguez

Secretaria Académica DUI

Claudia Rodríquez Tienda
Eunice De Lara Bashulto
Karla Tacea García
Max Allan Arias Jiménez
Luis Martínez Hernández
Miriam Rosalba Hernández del Bosque
Paola Magdalí Torres Manzanares
María Guadalupe Gómez Gómez
Sonia Derreza Castañeda
Nayel Guadalupe Cortés Sánchez Torres


Lucía Chávez Delgado
María Guadalupe Chávez Porras
Ricardo Gloria Ramírez
Haydeé Morquecho Rocha


Ricardo Barrios Campos
María Alejandra Camacho Hernández
Octavio Rodríguez Vargas
Luis Fernando Ocampo Medina

Knowledge without BORDERS AGOSTO 2019 126

UASLP @2019
Este documento es parte de los materiales generados para los estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma
de San Luis Potosí (UASLP) como apoyo a los cursos de Programa Universitario de Inglés impartidos a
través del Departamento Universitario de Inglés. Las imágenes utilizadas fueron tomadas de repositorios
con licenciamiento que permite su uso académico. Este material se distribuye exclusivamente con fines
académicos, no se permite cualquier modalidad de lucro con este material. La UASLP no se hace
responsable de los usos no autorizados de este material.

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