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A system-agnostic Adventure inspired by the Shadow over

Innsmouth by H.P. Lovecraft

Foreword: This adventure was homebrewed for my personal campaign setting. I am writing
this as a favor for those who have seen the map of Immsdamme and wished for a module. For
use in the forgotten realms, simply set it somewhere along the sword coast, and change the
name. For use in your homebrew setting, just adapt it to your liking.
Disclaimer: While Lovecraft’s work is focused on horror and racism, this adventure is really just
that. An adventure with some fishy themes of madness mixed in. You are welcome to adjust it to
be more

Introduction: About ten years ago, an epidemic swept over the small fishing village of
Immsdamme, which lies two days north of Belinsanchre. Before then, the village was prosperous
and wealthy, though now even travelers who usually take the Myvanse road along the coast
prefer to travel inland to avoid the misty town. There is just something about the village’s
constant dreary weather and unfriendly inhabitants that irks even the hardiest of travelers. Do
you have the gumption to find out what shadows lie over Immsdamme?

Designed for low level characters, to be completed in 2-4 sessions

(modifiable). Or one really long session. Who am I to judge…


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Not for sale. TITLE 1 

The Hook
(This is more important)
Immsdamme is supposed to have a bad reputation. In his later life, while out fishing near Yorgen Reef,
Here are a number of rumors that can be heard about Hylde’s ship hit some rocks and he shipwrecked on
the town before actually arriving. Consult the the reef. He found the entrance to a cave, which
following list with a handy d8: comprised most of the volume of the reef. Being
1. The around Immsdamme is poison (false) naturally curious, he explored further. He found the
2. There are lights out in Yorgen waters on entrance to what seemed to be a sort of temple.
some nights (true) Before long, while spelunking through the halls of
3. The old lighthouse is haunted (false) this ancient temple, he began to hear whispers.
4. A necromancer has made it his home (false) Ancient powerful creatures banished to a realm
5. The town is constantly foggy, that you can between the planes were shifting through and
barely see 60 feet in front of you (true) speaking to his mind. He struck a bargain, as he was
6. Demons stalk the ports and steal away getting old and he longed for eternal life.
children (half true) The bargain went as such:
7. People some people seem to have lost their 1. Hylde shall not die of old age, nor continue
memories (either all or only a week or so), or aging.
suddenly are acting different from before 2. Hylde shall gain magical powers, bestowed
(true) upon him by the ancient gods.
8. The inhabitants have begun to grow scales, 3. Hylde must bring into the world a child of
and their tongues are forked (false) the ancient gods.
For my game, I used an NPC from a character’s 4. To keep himself alive and in human
backstory. They sent a letter to the group, requesting appearance, Hylde must sacrifice the minds
that they go visit them. However, you can use any of men to the ancient gods.
number of the following hooks: 5. Hylde must revoke all other religions and
 Wealthy merchant providing payment if the take the ancient ones as his new gods.
trade route through Immsdamme can be Hylde was found by some fishermen, and brought
secured back to shore. Soon after, he felt younger than ever,
 The only noble of Immsdamme (Gregor though he felt his body changing. His skin was moist,
Hylde) has gone silent. His cousin tasks the his eyes larger, and his abdomen was growing. Seven
group with finding him months later, he ripped the child out of his body, for
 There are rumors of great treasure being it was ready to be born.
hidden somewhere in Immsdamme, and the Arild Hylde faked his own death and pretended to be
creatures that acquired it are protecting it. his own descendants, named Winston Hylde, Hubert
 One of the player’s family or companions Hylde, and Gregor Hylde respectively. The epidemic
makes it his home. They ask for assistance. was due to Hylde sacrificing the people’s minds in
 The players find the journal of Immsdamme’s town to the ancient god (which remained nameless
founder-Arild Hylde, in which it describes in my game). Those who survived the procedure
how he acquired greater power than he ever slowly went mad before turning into Fish-people
dreamed of. (Sahuagin in my game, though Kuo toa are just as
easily usable).
The Lore
(Skip this if you’re not interested)
Immsdamme lies on the mouth of the Immse river,
and is named after the bridge at its center. Damme This part of the adventure will feature descriptions
means bridge in old Marlak, the older tongue of the of people and places. It should take you 1-2 sessions.
region. The bridge was named before the village. Check Appendix A for maps.
Immsdamme was founded 5 generations ago, by
Arild Hylde, who built his mansion upon the cliff When the characters reach Immsedamme, read
overlooking the bay. Seeing that he often bought aloud:
goods from passing caravans, and the waters the
Immse fed into were ripe with fish, a small fishing
community sprang up.

Not for sale. TITLE 2 

You arrive in Immsedamme. Fog hangs lowly The service at the green cod is basic, though fair for the 
over the roofs, as you cross the bridge price. However the fine dinner is a rip off, and the wine 
into the town square. The town seems is drugged (See Bertram’s Schemes)  
almost deserted, there is not a soul in
sight. Before you, you see a stone temple 2. The Temple
with a bell tower, there is no bell The temple was once dedicated to Argven, the
present. Marlak lady of the sea and skies, however with the
growing imperial influence it was resanctified to
If they ask for an inn, read aloud: Ous-Faose, the imperial god of travel, freedom, and
the wind. Inside, the characters will find the Ava, the
The only inn in town is a rustic, two
head priestess, Onel the vice head priest, and 3
story building with a design of a green
monks. The monks know some martial arts and can
fish hanging over the door, which reads
defend themselves. Onel and Ava are able to cast
“The Green Cod”.
cleric spells with the tempest and arcana domains
When the characters arrive at the temple, read
Sometimes, the players may notice a pair of large aloud:
yellow eyes staring at them from the shadows. If
they follow the creature, it will slip away into the Unlike all other buildings in town, the
water. temple is constructed mostly out of
If the party splits up, they may attack the group if stone, and the roof is shingled.
they are not careful. They will try to kidnap them
and drag them through the river and the bay
towards the reef. Upon entering, read aloud:

Places A light grey carpet stretches before you,

on either side there are areas seating
1. The Green Cod arrangements could be made. Dim sunlight
The Green Cod is the only Inn/Tavern in town. It is filters through stained windows, and at
comfortable enough, though the owner is somewhat the very end of the hall you see a
shady. If they go inside, read aloud: painted marble statue of Ous-Faose. While
the rest of the temple seems somewhat
The inside is cozy, the furniture old, the statue looks somewhat recently
fashioned mostly of dark wood. There are made. You see a priestess of flaming
oil lamps attached to the wooden beams orange hair kneeling in front of the
which cast a faint light into the statue, seemingly in prayer.
windowless interior. Most patrons present
are sitting apart, and those who are 3. Town Hall
sitting together are not talking. The town hall functions as the Law-keeping body of
the village. There will be 2 to 4 guards strewn about
the village. They change every 6 hours. There are 19
The characters have a chance to look around guards in total, and one Shallman (sheriff). The
before Bertram, the owner of the Green Cod guards are negligent and absent minded, though
they will offer directions if asked. Just don’t count on
will greet them.
them for protection.
The green cod will offer food, drink, and 4. Docks
bedding: The docks are manned by the younger inhabitants of
Item Price Item Price the village (about 16 to 23 years old), of which there
Ale 3 cp Roasted cod 5 cp are 1d4+1. The players can also find Old man
Wine 2 sp Room 5 sp Robertson sitting in his rocking chair next to a
Breakfast 4 cp Fine Dinner 1 gp boathouse.

Not for sale. TITLE 3 

5. Blacksmith The manor stands lonely near the edge of
The Blacksmith is responsible for crafting harpoons the cliff. It is weathered and old, vines
and other fishing equipment. She is a female half- having taken over the raw timber walls.
dwarf (or just dwarf), and does not take kindly to Parts of the roof are missing, and a
outsiders. If she doesn’t like the characters (of which number of windows are cracked. However, a
the chance is high), she’ll ask double the price for row of neatly trimmed trees and hedges
her stock. surrounds a well-kept, verdant garden of
flowers and shrubberies. As you get
6. The General Store closer, you hear the snipping of shears
The general store is one of the few safe and pleasant from within the premises.
places in town. It is run by Backmynster Bredswed,
though he prefers to be called Backy. It sells
anything a small town would need at a fair price. 9. Farmhouse with Barn
Read aloud: An old abandoned barn. The inhabitants have long
gone (probably abducted by the Hylde’s Fish-people)
This two story building has a fairly
large shopping window which has “Bredswed
10. Old man Tawner’s shack
In this battered old shack lives the village drunk Old
and Gthora – General Store” glazed upon
Zacharias Tawner. While he doesn’t look it,
the glass. On display are a myriad of
Tawner, or as most others call him, Tawnie, is the
fishing equipment, as well as foodstuffs,
most helpful NPC in the town. See Zacharias
jugs, pots and pans, and many other knick
Tawner for more information on what he knows.
When the characters arrive read aloud:

Backmynster’s partner, Gthoras has gone missing, Amidst the tall grass waving in the wind
and has been missing for about a week or so. Backy you see a haphazardly put together,
last saw him writing something in a pocket journal asymmetrical shack, barely holding itself
while tending to the store. together. The walls could as well be made
of driftwood, and it seems to you that it
7. Clothier sways gently in the breeze as, as do the
The village clothier. Androgynous Elf. Uses pines behind it.
conjuration in their day to day work. Knows more
than (s)he shows at first.
11. Graveyard
8. Hylde’s Manor It’s a graveyard. Pretty standard. Some nights ghouls
This is the Hylde Manor. It sits atop the cliff, haunt it.
overlooking the bay. Hylde himself will never be
present, and it is mostly abandoned. Only the Dead man’s cliff
Gardener will ever be present. For a map of the Pretty self-explanatory what this place is named
manor, see Appendix A. See Hylde Manor after.
Encounter for what can be found within the manor
itself. Lighthouse
When the characters arrive read aloud: Old and in disrepair, the lighthouse stands atop the
northern cliff of Ivan’s bay. It used to guide ships
away from Yorgen reef, but with the improved naval
navigation magic, and Immsdamme being avoided
like the plague, it hasn’t shined its beacon in a long

Loren’s Hert
Do with this Stonehenge looking thing whatever you
want. My lore is that it’s a ritual site for the old
religion (not the ancient gods, but the druidic
spirits). It can be used to summon forth spiritual

Not for sale. TITLE 4 

protectors. If a druid attunes themselves to it and Orwin Bertram
practices a druidic ritual, the group gains one use of Use the Thug stats for Bertram
“Lucky” each (meaning three luck points). This can Bertram owns the Green Cod. He has never been a
only be done once a month. very pleasant man, though he puts up a friendly
façade. He wears simple, thin leather and linen
clothes, receding hairline, reddened cheeks and
nose, and an above average build. He has been
People brainwashed by Hylde and the ancient gods, and is
For people without a character sheet, use having terrible nightmares. He can barely sleep, and
“Commoner” stats. this is apparent by the bags under his eyes. His hair
loss also accelerated, the first signs of someone
Avaelia “Ava” Corill going fish.
(for 5e. Adapt as necessary) He is under the command of Ava Corill as though
Human, cleric, lawful evil affected by the spell Suggestion. There are two
HP: Adjust for level. Level 3: 4d8-4 things that Bertram will try to do.
AC: 14 (leather armor, Shield) Bertram’s Schemes:
Convince the characters to have his wine. The
Str 14 +2 wine is spiked with a magical drug which makes the
Dex 13 +2 target extremely thirsty, to the point that they’d
rather throw themselves into the ocean than
Con 9 -1 continue feeling the thirst. If a character ingests the
Wis 15 +3 wine, they must make a DC 13 constitution saving
throw. Creatures immune or resistant to poison or
Int 10 0 charming may make this check with advantage.
Convince the characters to stay at his inn.
Cha 11 0
Bertram will try to have the characters separated.
Shortsword. +4 to hit, 1d6+2 slashing damage The rooms have secret passages into them. At night,
Ava, some brainwashed henchmen, and some fish
Spellcasting: people will attempt to kidnap the characters.
Spell slots Ava will first cast silence on the character’s room.
Level 1: 3 The fish people and henchmen will then storm it and
Level 2: 2 attempt to grab them. If they put up a fight, Ava will
Cantrips. Toll the Dead, Sacred Flame try magic missile before hold person. She stays out
Level 1. Magic Missile, Inflict Wounds in the secret passage.
Level 2. Hold Person, Silence
I suggest using theatre of the mind for this section, if you 
even use it.   
Ava Corill is the head priestess at the temple. She has
flaming ginger hair, a slightly hooked nose, and If the characters all get kidnapped, they are taken to
storm grey eyes. Yorgen Reef and thrown in a prison along with some
She will tell the characters about the god they other poor travelers who were picked off
(Supposedly) worship, and a little about the history somewhere along the road.
of Immsdamme. She will try to squeeze as much
information out of the players as possible, as well as Jannes Onel
recommend the Green Cod. (for 5e. Adapt as necessary)
Human, cleric, lawful evil
Insight Check DC 15 (if the characters have at least HP: Adjust for level. Level 3: 4d8+8
some clues): AC: 14 (leather armor, Shield)
While still being conscious of her actions, she is
Str 11 +1
working with Hylde.
Dex 13 +2
She helps him kidnap people, and in return she gets
money and fish-person slaves. Con 14 +2

Not for sale. TITLE 5 

Wis 14 +2 Backmynster “Backy” Bredswed
Int 7 0 Backy is the owner of the general store, along with
Gthoras. He has sandy blond hair, a pale visage with
Cha 9 -1 blue eyes, and a somewhat delicate jawline. He is
generally kind hearted, though not the book-
Dagger. +4 to hit, 1d4+1 slashing damage
smartest. He’s having trouble keeping the store
Dagger (thrown)
running, as he is almost illiterate. (In my world
illiteracy is common, though in others it could be
explained through dyslexia.
Spell slots
He started working with Gthoras after his Uncle,
Level 1: 3
Black Backmynster of the Bloodied Wings(a well-
Level 2: 2
known pirate captain) wanted to help him out after
Cantrips. Spare the Dying, Resistance
his parents died on the front lines.
Level 1. Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
Level 2. Spiritual Weapon, Aid Gthoras
Formerly a pirate by the name of Hrustar, he was
once member of the Bloodwinged Bastards, Black
Onel is the priest at the temple. He works under Ava, Backmynster’s pirate crew. However, he was caught,
and is also under her control, though slightly less so and sold into gladiatorial slavery. After 16 years of
than some of her henchmen. He nonetheless has fighting in the arena, he managed to buy his
revoked his faith in favor of the Ancient Gods, and freedom. Having sacrificed his freedom for the crew,
even without the mind control he would probably once he was free again, Black gifted him a new life
still work for Hylde. with Imperial citizenship, though still far removed
from the places of his torturous existence for the
Robertson past 8 years.
Robertson is the mad old man who spends the entire
Gthoras is a dwarf of surprisingly tall stature for his
day at the dock. He managed to resist the influence
race. He wears a knitted hat which attempts to tame
of the ancient gods, though it cost him his sanity.
the wild bush of fizzy black hair and beard. He
Now he acts almost as though he has Alzheimer’s,
carries souvenirs of his time as a pirate and gladiator
and greets the characters as old friends shortly
proudly, being especially fond of the scar that runs
before asking who they are. He will ignore most of
down his cheek, narrowly missing his eye and
what they say, except if they mention fish. He will
ending just short of his beard. He often runs his hand
think about it for a while and then say:
along the groove deep in thought.
He learned to read and write by reading
“Fish… I don’t remember. I think… I think pornographic material.
I like fish. Yes that must be it.”
The Gardener
He also knows about the reef, though he will only say The gardener is a mysterious character. He tends to
that he is afraid of it. the gardens in Hylde’s estate, and isn’t very
talkative. Imagine him as you like. He is quite skillful
Physical description. A bald old man with a wispy in his work, though he lets the house itself into a
white beard, eyes so wrinkled it’s hard to tell if they general state of disrepair. Even though the manor is
are open. His skin is showing wear, and the skin on abandoned, he only utilizes the kitchen, one of the
his skull is patched with dark, greasy spots. servant’s quarters (where he sleeps) and the shed
outside, where he keeps his tools.
If the characters bring him the roast cod from the He knows of the creature below the manor, and
inn, and then leave he will say: avoids going down there. Will attempt to persuade
characters not to go in, but will not hinder them
Are you leaving already? Well, so long… beyond politely asking them to leave his master’s
And thanks for the fish. private property. Either way, he will go back to
tending for the garden.

Not for sale. TITLE 6 

Zacharia “Tawnie” Tawner
Zach Tawner is the town drunk. He’s old (for the The Hylde Estate (mini
local standards), maybe in his late 60s, red nose,
wrinkly eyes, gaunt build that’s barely more than dungeon)
skin and bones, and messy grey hair and unkempt This part of the adventure is not fleshed out. I highly
stubble. His coat is baggy, shirt stained with wine, recommend you add your own encounters to the
and he stinks of alcohol. mansion, as you see fit. I personally went with no
He lives north of town in his shack. He used to be the combat for an entire session, with a cliffhanger at the
lighthouse keeper of Yorgen lighthouse, though he end of the mansion. Add some flavor and backstory
likes to lie about once being the richest man in town to the mansion. You could drop hints to Hylde’s
(he’s not a good liar, a dc 8 insight check reveals this backstory.
if you haven’t made it obvious enough through Make sure to describe the mansion as somewhat
roleplay). abandoned, with no signs of life except where the
He is squalidly poor, as he spent all his money on Gardener lays his head and cooks his meals.
Booze. The interior of his shack is littered with
bottles of wine and ale, and otherwise somewhat 1. Central room
bare. A simple hearth with a pot hanging over it does This room branches off into 8 doors, 4 upstairs (1b)
little against the cold wind that blows through his and 4 downstairs (1a).
hut. The bed is barely anything more than a loose
pile of hay with some sheets laid upon it. The hay too 2. Servants Quarters
is scattered around the floor. Other than that there is 2a-c are all abandoned servants rooms. The players
only a barrel which serves as a table, and a small may find some trinkets and a couple of silver/copper
wooden dresser, which is also covered in empty if they search carefully. 2d is the room of the
alcohol containers. gardener, which is fairly well lived in. Under the
Outside the shack is a barrel for rainwater collection. mattress there is a small sack of his life’s savings
which comprise around 32 gold and 21 silver.
If the players first arrive during the day time, Tawnie 2e is a storage closet. It has a number of brooms,
will not be home. He will arrive shortly after they dustbins, and other dusty household utensils.
checked out the house, and assume they are thieves 2f is a common room for the servants. There is a
who have come to steal his gold. small hearth and a door out into a terrace, which
looks over the bay.
What Tawnie Knows: He has seen fish-people
stalking the streets. He has seen lights heading to 3. Main Hall
and from the reef. He also knows that Ava is up to no An abandoned drawing room or main hall with a
good. number of glass cupboards around the walls
However, he will not easily part with this displaying ornamental porcelain dishware.
information. The players can either intimidate him:
(DC 15) into spilling the beans, or persuade him: (DC 4. Kitchen
8). In either case he will ask for a bottle of wine to Only a couple of pots and pans show frequent use.
“loosen the mind” and “jog his memory”. Another Under a suspiciously placed rug at the far end of the
intimidation check (DC 12) can be made to avoid this room there is a trap door which leads to 10. Wine
fetch quest. Cellar

If Tawnie drinks Bertram’s wine, he will first tell the 5. Master Bedroom
players all he knows (except for ratting out Ava), The master bedroom is mostly abandoned, though a
then plunge his water into the barrel outside his number of noble clothing, some money (3d6+2 gold
home and drink for so long he’ll start drowning. He worth) and a journal filled with scribbles and runes
can be stabilized with 3 successful medicine checks, which cannot be understood even with comprehend
or Spare the Dying. Award creativity. If the players languages, can be found if investigated. Hidden
roleplay first aid (such as CPR or puncturing his among the scribbles (Arcana/Investigation DC 12) is
lungs) make it just one successful medicine check. a spell scroll for Suggestion or Scrying if the players
Otherwise, Tawnie will die. are at higher level, or you are feeling generous.

Not for sale. TITLE 7 

6. Child’s Bedroom DC12 investigation (looking for secrets) finds poorly
A child’s bedroom with a crib and old wooden toys hidden secret door behind some
strewn across the floor. There is no bedding in the
crib, and the window is broken. 14. Caves under the mansion
Upon a DC 12 investigation check, the characters Hidden in these Caves is the Hylde’s second child,
find that the crib seems to have been left out in the born of the union between him and his firstborn. The
rain (wood is weathered and darkened, though not creature looks human at first, though upon further
wet) inspection, it is far from it, with large yellow dead
eyes, a deformed fishlike lipless mouth, no hair
7. Drawing room whatsoever, skin which looks similar to a dry
A simple living room with some cupboards, shrimp, a sickly grey-green skin tone, and gill like
armchairs, and a coffee table. There are busts and protrusions along its jawline. Otherwise, it is plump,
paintings of nobles, though all their eyes have been about 3 feet tall when hunched. It has long, bony
torn or scratched off. claws instead of its fingernails. Its teeth are sharp
and misaligned, and its nose has slits where holes
8. Library should be.
A small library filled with rustic tomes on all manner
of subjects, as well as a number of literary classics.
Hylde’s Secondborn 
There is a copy of “The Northern Tales by Helven”, as AC: 15 (Natural Armor) 
well as a copy of “Irith Beryll’s lament”. (These are Initiative: +3 
part of my campaign setting. Replace them as you HP: 4d10+12 
see fit) Speed: 25ft, swim 60ft.   
Str  12  +1  Int  5  ‐3 
9. Balcony Dex  15  +3  Wis  13  +2 
A terrace with view over the bay and the cliff. You Con  15  +3  Cha  5  ‐3 
get a certain sense of vertigo standing near the edge.
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft.  
10. Office Proficiency Bonus. +3 
A cleaned out office. Mostly abandoned, cobwebs Sunlight Sensitivity. 
have long since been built by spiders. There’s a
single desk which still has some candles stuck to it. Blood Frenzy. If a foe drops below 50% health, Hylde’s 
Behind the desk hangs a painting of Hylde himself, in secondborn has advantage on all attacks against 
his younger years. them until the end of Hylde’s Seconborn’s next turn.  
Amphibious. Hylde’s Seconborn can breathe both 
11. Washroom above and below water.   
A washroom. An essential part of any noble’s
mansion. There is piping leading down from a Actions 
wooden box, into a metal tub. Within the box is a Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Moonriver Pearl. When squeezed, it produces a creature, Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage
steady stream of water. It produces 5 gallons of Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
water a minute, and can produce up to 200 gallons creature, Hit: (1d8+1) piercing damage. On a hit,
before running out. It can be refilled by being Hylde’s Secondborn has advantage on its next attack.
exposed for 8 hours to moonlight. Multiattack. Hylde’s Secondborn makes two claw
attacks, or one claw and one bite attack.
12. Wine Cellar Eldritch Step. As a bonus action or a reaction,
The walls of this corridor are stacked with kegs and Hylde’s Secondborn may teleport within 10 feet of
barrels of wine. its last position. No attacks of opportunity may be
made unless the character has the Sentinel or Mage
13. Pantry Slayer feat.
Mostly empty. Seems to have been raided.
Recharge: 5 or 6 on a D6
DC10 investigation: shows bite marks on cheese, and
scratches of claws.

Not for sale. TITLE 8 

Roleplaying Hylde’s Secondborn. Hylde’s secondborn is  Talking to any of the villagers (Most fishmen were
4 years old by the time the characters stumble across  inhabitants of Immsdamme, while most humans
it. It is guided by instinct, and abhors the light. If the  were travelers recently kidnapped and brainwashed.
characters light a torch or use a light bringing spell,  Gthoras can be found working the docks. He has
the creature will immediately attack them.  been brainwashed, though the Ancient Gods haven’t
The Secondborn   fully taken over his mind. He can still be persuaded,
charmed, or otherwise to leave the cave.

There will be Sahuagin guards patrolling the town.

Yorgen Reef They will be harder to fool than the common
Yorgen reef is the locale of the Adventure’s second
act. Sometimes at night, when new victims have
been abducted, some brainwashed henchmen of The Temple (dungeon)
Hylde’s (Use Cultist Stats) come to get them and ship
them over to Yorgen reef where there is an entire After talking with some of the inhabitants, which all
colony of fish folk and cultists in the process of respond unsettlingly, the characters will find out
becoming fish folk. about the old temple. It is located on the far edge of
The party has at this point either managed to get town and easily accessible from a road (as far as you
themselves kidnapped, or have rowed out to Yorgen can call it that) which leads there from the docks.
reef of their own accord. Finding the entrance to the The temple itself is not detailed in this adventure.
colony is difficult, as it is well hidden among the Instead you may either create your own dungeon or
outcrops of rock. The characters would either need run a different, 3rd party dungeon and reflavour it to
to succeed on a (DC 15: survival or perception) fit the theme. As I enjoy old school dungeons in my
check, or wait for a Sahuagin to make their way games, would recommend Tomb of the Serpent
inside and find it that way. Kings, as it’s free, system agnostic, and teaches
There are two ways of accessing the colony. One by players about old school dungeon gameplay very
sea, and the other by land. The sea route is more well.
commonly used, though the players may stumble
across the land route if they decide to land on the Boss Battle
reef itself. Nonetheless, the characters will face Hylde, his
firstborn “N’helixsys”, and if they haven’t killed her,
Once they are inside, read aloud: Ava from the temple.
If Ava is present, replace her Inflict wounds with
You enter the cave. There isn’t much Shield of Faith.
light, and your eyes need a little time Additionally there will be a number (2d4) Sahuagin
to adjust to the dimness. You make your minions (HP: 1, AC: 12, Speed: 30. -1 dex, +1 wis.
way deeper into the reef, as the once Spear. +2 to hit, 1d6+1 piercing damage) present.
narrow mouth of the cave expands into a Describe them as decrepit or otherwise faulty.
vast hall. In the darkness you see water,
a pool almost large enough to be called a The encounter should go as follows: The characters
small lake. On the opposite shore you see approach Hylde in his chamber. If Ava has not yet
these organic shapes rise from the been dispatched, he in conversing with her.
ground, and you catch glimpses of Otherwise she should be replaced by a Sahuagin
movement. If this wasn’t as strange of a lieutenant. Just use Sahuagin stats and buff it a little.
location, you may even have thought it If the characters approach and Hylde notices them,
was a village or town. unless they attack, he will pretend not to. When the
characters get ready to act, he will use Read Minds
on them. Tell your players they need to declare all
Make adjustments if the characters were taken their actions before they act. Hylde will then use
against their will. The town is inhabited by fishfolk Mind Blast on the two who seem the most
and humanoids. Unless the characters act hostile or troublesome to him. He will order his minions (Ava
attract a lot of attention, the inhabitants will be non- and the decrepit Sahuagin) to capture the players,
hostile. Maybe not very friendly, but non-hostile. which enters combat.

Not for sale. TITLE 9 

When Hylde drops to half health, Ava is killed, or half Speed: 30ft.   
the minions present (if Ava is not present) are Str  15  +3  Int  9  ‐1 
dispatched, Hylde will call forth Hunger of Hadar. Dex  13  +2  Wis  16  +3 
This will kill any sahuagin minions still present. Con  18  +4  Cha  6  ‐2 
From within the darkness emerges N’helixsys.
If things look dire, Ava will attempt to flee. Senses. Blindsight 120ft. 
Resistances: Slashing from non‐magic weapons 
Arild Hylde  Immunities: Psychic 
AC: 14 (Leather, Shield)  Proficiency bonus. +4 
Initiative: +2 
HP: 38 (5d8+15) 
Speed: 30ft.    Actions 
Str  8  ‐1  Int  15  +3  Multiattack. N’helixsys makes one slam attack and one 
Dex  14  +2  Wis  16  +3  bite attack, or two slam attacks 
Con  15  +3  Cha  10  0  Tentacle Slam. Melee weapon attack: + 7 to hit, reach 
10 ft. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) bludgeoning damage 
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft.   Tentacle Grab. N’helyxsys makes a slam attack. On a 
Proficiency Bonus. +2  hit, the creature must make a DC 15 dex save or be 
grappled. N’helixsys can grapple up to two character 
Actions  at any one time. DC 13 strength save as an action to 
Mind Blast. Wis. Saving Throw DC 14, two targets: escape.  
On failed save 1d4 psychic damage, and the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature has disadvantage on all attacks against creature, Hit: (1d8+1) piercing damage. On a hit,
Hylde and his allies. N’helixsys has advantage on its next attack.
Eldritch Bolt. Ranged spell attack: +5 to hit, reach 60 Eldritch Lunge. As a bonus action or a reaction, 
ft. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) force damage. N’helixsys may teleport within 15 feet of its last 
Mind destruction. Hylde makes one mind blast and position. If N’helixsys teleports within 10 feet of a 
one eldritch bolt attack. Recharge 5&6. foe, attacks against those creatures are at 
Dual Bolt. Hylde makes 2 attacks with Eldritch Bolt. advantage for the rest of its turn. Recharge: 5 or 6 on 
Hunger of Hadar. Hylde casts Hunger of Hadar DC a D6. 
12 dex save. Single Charge. Eldritch Resonance. N’helixsys writhes and projects a 
Read Minds. Bonus action. Every character which string of the ancient god’s speech into the minds of 
fails a DC 13 wis. Save must declare what they are the creatures in front of it. Each creature within a 15 
going to do on their next turn, and must do the foot cone must make a DC. 13 wisdom save. They 
declared action on their turn. Hylde then gets to take 4d6 psychic damage, half that much on a 
act with said knowledge. Recharge 6 on a d6 successful save. Creatures damaged by this ability 
cannot take reactions until the start of their next 
Roleplaying Hylde: Hylde is at first calm and collected, 
turn. Recharge on 6 of d6, and when N’helixsys drops 
conversing with the players. He will casually tell the 
to half health.  
players everything, as he seems to take pleasure in 
tormenting his prey. As he begins losing hit points 
though, he seems to lose his sense of mental strength. 
He becomes enraged and maddened. Any time a PC  Non‐trivial Pursuit. If an opportunity attack by 
takes damage he will smile, or laugh, depending on the  N’helixsys hits, the creature must make a dex save or 
number of HP he has left.   be unable to leave N’helixsys’ melee range (10ft). 
N’helixsys  Resolution
AC: 15 (Natural Armor)  N’helixsys cannot be killed except if its brain is
destroyed. Otherwise it will regain one HP every
Initiative: +2 
HP: 48 (8d6+20) 

Not for sale. TITLE 10 

From the corpse of Hylde, a magic ring can be pried.
It allows the user to cast Hunger of Hadar once every
day, though it is cursed and cannot be removed once
on the finger unless dispelled. With every use, the
character must make a dc 10 wisdom save or lose a
little bit of their mind. If you prefer mechanical
curses, every failed wisdom save causes the
character to gain one point of exhaustion.
They can additionally loot the dungeon, which
contains most of the possessions of the abductees, as
well as some magic items.
Any cultists still in the process of becoming fish folk
stop their transformation, while all fish folk are no
longer under mind control and flee into the sea. Any
fishlike aspects do not go away. Gthoras returns to
the general store. He and Backy thank the players
with all their heart.

Further Adventure Hooks

There is an entrance into the underdark from the
Ava could have escaped down there, or the
characters simply find it interesting.
Hylde’s journal (looted from his person) tells of an
island that the ancient gods told him about.

Not for sale. TITLE 11 

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