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Physical Characteristics

A. Location

Pacol is one among the twenty-seven (27) barangays of Naga City, an independent

component city in the Province of Camarines Sur in the Bicol Region. It is one of the

members of the upper barangays in the city, bounded north by carangcang, Magarao,

Camarines Sur, bounded south by Barangay Cararayan,Naga City, bounded east by

Barangay Carolina, Naga City, and bounded west by Barangay San Felipe, Naga City.

B. Topography
The land area of the Barngay Pacol is 11.84 square kilometer and it is 15.28% of

the total land area of Naga City.

C. Land Use

The agricultural area occupies the majority land area of Barangay Pacol with 9.21

square kilometers of 77.79% while the remaining 2.63 square kilometers or 22.21% is

residential area. The type of soil is Tigaon Clay.

D. Hydrography

The waterways in the area is the Pacol River. There are creeks presents in the area

namely: Calauag at Zone 6-7, Ingatngat at Zone 3-5-6, Santo Ario at Zone 2-5, Banao

at Zone 6-7, Baganito at Zone 2-7 and Gamlongan at Zone 2 creek. There are also

springs that is present in the barangay: Animas at Zone 5 and Borabod at Zone 6. The

barangay also have dams. They called them Odiamar Sabedeco and Santoario at zone

4-5, Animas at Zone 5, San Jose at Zone 1 and Pereris Manubay at zone 2.

Economy And Investment

A. Livelihood

The means of livelihood in the Barangay Pacol are Small and Large Scale

Enterprises, Real Estate Development, and Farming.

B. Commercial

There is a total of 4 big commercial establishments existing in the barangay that

includes Hotel/Pension House, Real Estate Development, Recreation and Amusement

Center and Rice and Corn Milling Plant. These establishments contribute a total annual
tax due of 247,903.63. From this, the minimum tax value that the City received from

these establishments is 1,500.00 and the maximum tax value is 242,967.60. The gross

sale of 46,440 computed annually.


Barangay Pacol is accessible with the means of private vehicles, public utility jeep,

tricycle and padyak. The roads are also wide enough to accommodate larger vehicles like

trucks and buses.

Water and Electric Supply

About 96% of households and business establishments are served by CASURECO

II, the same electric cooperation that serves the whole Naga City and other neighboring

municipalities. CASURECO II is also powering the streetlights in the said barangay.

In terms of water connections, the Metro Naga Water District supplies safe water

in the barangay since the three (3) pumping stations of MNWD can be found in Pacol.

Presently, 71% of the households have a potable water connection. The other remaining

percentage depends on water pumps and other natural bodies of water like rivers and


Waste Management

Barangay Pacol is served by the city garbage collection services. Constituents

follow some segregation policies. The segregated garbages will be collected every twice a

week at the appointed time and day.

Peace and Order

At present, the barangay receives good assistance from the PNP and Barangay

Tanods. As a result, the number of criminal cases are low.


Land Area: 11.75

Number of Zones: 7
Total no. of Population: 10,983
Total no. of Household: 2,065
Sex Comparison: Male: 5,616
Female: 5359
Dialect Spoken: Bicol Tagalog



Line Bearing Distance

1-2 S 8523’ E 30.76 meters
2-3 N 8449’ E 194.17 meters
3-4 S 1511’ E 152.52 meters
4-5 S 6814’ W 256.12 meters
5-6 N 1130’ W 109.23 meters
6-7 N 6437’ E 15.31 meters
7-1 N 907’ W 114.98 meters

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