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Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:
A. Pronounce correctly vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends, and glides when
reading words, phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs.
B. Differentiate the characteristics of two literary genres from one another: myth and legend.
C. Tell the importance of knowing one’s roots or origin.

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills :
1. Pronouncing correctly vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends, and glides
when reading words, phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs.
2. Differentiating the characteristics of two literary genres from one another: myth and
3. Telling the importance of knowing one’s roots.

B. Selection: “The Creation Story”

C. References :
D. Instructional Materials :

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. COB
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Responses

B. Pre-reading Activity

(The teacher will present vocabulary (Students will identify the corresponding
words and will let students look for their meanings of the underlined words from
meanings through a matching type of given sentences.)

 Unlocking Difficulties

DIRECTIONS: Match the underlined word in column A with its meaning in column B. Write
the letter of your answer on the blank.


___ 1. Rintaro was stirred from his sleep a) to make something with a beak
by the alarm. b) a light gentle wind
___ 2. Romelene was restrained to go back to c) to move after being still
the province.

___ 3. The breeze in the morning welcomed the d) being hit in a forceful way
visitors. e) to prevent from doing something
___ 4. The car struck in the barricade. f) a punishment or assault in which
___ 5. The bird pecked a hole in the tree. the victim is hit repeatedly.
___ 6. The workers are in an idle state. g) to run away from a place
___ 7. The team played with desperation as h) not working, active or being
another loss would eliminate them from used
the tournament. i) the use of legal or official power
___ 8. The bank seized the property. to take something
___ 9. A group of men are being questioned by j) a strong feeling of sadness, fear,
the police for allegedly beating a teenager. and loss or hope
___ 10. The people fled because of terrorism.

C. Motivational Question

“Yesterday class, we have introduced

ourselves to another. We have also
shared some information where we (Students’ answers or responses vary.)
came from. Where did you come from

D. Motive Question

“Do you know where our Filipino

ancestors came from? If yes, where? (Students’ answers or responses vary.)

E. During Reading
(Students will silently get and pass the
(The teacher will pass the handouts of
the selection entitled as, “The Creation handouts silently.)

 Pop Corn Reading

(Students will read the selection by
(The teacher will divide the class group and part by part.)
into groups. Each group will read
the selection loudly part by

F. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement Activities

Comprehension Questions:
( Oral Recitation)

 Do you know where our Filipino “Based on the story, we came from the first
ancestors came from? Where? man and woman who sprang out of the
bamboo plant...”
 What were the only present at
the beginning of the world?
“Ma’am, the only present at the beginning
 What stirred the sea to throw of the world are sea, sky and kite.”
waters against the sky?
“Ma’am, the bird stirred the sea to throw
waters against the sky.”
 Which has showered many
islands? Is it the sea, sky or kite?
“In the story, the sky showered many
 Which among the characters in Islands.”
the story has ordered the kite to
light on one of the islands to “Ma’am, the sky has ordered the kite to
build her a nest? light on one of the islands to build her a
 Which among the characters in
the story was the child of the sea
breeze and the land breeze? “The bamboo was the child of the sea
breeze and the land breeze.”
 How did the islands in the world
“The islands of the world originate through
 What led to the creation of the the clash between the sky and the sea.”
first man and woman?
“The bamboo striking the feet of the kite...”
 Why did the father beat the
children on all sides?” “The father did not enjoy peace
 Why did the children flee in
different directions?”
“They were frightened...”
G. Literary Extender

(The teacher will divide the class into

4 groups. Each group will choose one
paragraph or sentences in the story
that led to any of the following
events :

 creation of man and woman

 creation of Filipino ancestors
(Students will perform and present their
(Teacher will let students show or group works collaboratively, guided by the
present their works through any of given rubrics.)
the following activities:

 Role Play
 Interpretative Dance/Singing
 Drawing

Group Activity Criteria:

Presentation - 2 pts.
Creativity - 2 pts.
Content - 2 pts.
Relevance - 2 pts.
Cooperation - 2 pts.
Total - 10 pts.

H. Skill Development

(Oral Recitation)
“Based on the details from the story “Ma’am, it is an example of Myth...”
and from your presented outputs,
what type of literary genre is “The
Creation Story?”
(Students will listen attentively...)
“Very good! Myth is one of the “Myth is a type of literary genre that deals
literary genres during pre-Spanish with early history of people and supernatural
period. Based on the story itself, what characters.
is a myth, Class?”

“Exactly! Aside from myth, legend is “No Ma’am!”

also another type of literary genre
during pre-Spanish period. I know
during your elementary days, you’ve
already read stories under legend.
Using your prior knowledge, were the
characteristics of legend and myth the
(The teacher will use a Venn Diagram
below to explain and let the students
differentiate the characteristics of myth
and legend.)

Literary Genre Written Form Evidence Types of Theme


Myth traditional narrative no evidence based early history of explains unnatural

story on real facts people, supernatural phenomenon
characters, gods, through symbols
demigods and and metaphors.
mythical creatures

Legend traditional narrative based on real facts historical features heroic deeds or
story but and events which are overcoming
unauthenticated exaggerated obstacles

I. Generalization

“Did the story help you discover

“Yes Ma’am, we were able to discover
something about your significant
something about our significant past.”

“How about the literary genres that

“Yes, Ma’am because…”
were discussed, were you also able
(Students answers vary depending on
you discover something about your
how they describe the culture of
significant past? What was it?
Filipinos during pre- Spanish period.)

“What are again the two literary genres

that we just discussed?” “Myth and Legend...”

J. Across the Curriculum

“During those times, who are the

“Spaniards, Ma’am!”
group of people or colonizers that
brought the Christianity or the religion
of Roman Catholic in the Philippines?”

“Very good!”
IV. Evaluation

A. DIRECTIONS: Determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on the
space provided.

____ 1. Philippine literature existed even before the Spaniards came.

____ 2. Myths express the unending wisdom of the old.
____ 3 Legends and myths are literary genres during Spanish Period.
____ 4. Myth is a literary genre about stories of existing supernatural heroes.
____ 5. Legend is a traditional narrative sometimes commonly regarded as historical but
not authenticated.

B. DIRECTIONS: Tell the literary genres evident in following literary works:

1. This mountain is now known as Mayon. It is said that even in death and in another form,
she is still haunted by the men who love her. When Mayon is said to erupt, this is Patuga
challenging Panganoron. But when Mayon is calm, Panganoron is embracing here. The tears
of Panganoron are shed as rain at times in his grief. - ( The Story of Magayon and Panganoron)

2. The next day, after Ben’s death, a beautiful fairy came to Ben’s wake and talked to his
parents. She asked them to give her Ben’s heart. They agreed and gave it to her. The fairy then
flew away and in a mountain, she dug and buried Ben’s dead heart. It then turned into a fruit
bearing tree whose fruits were in the shape of a heart and whose taste was so sweet. People
were amazed upon discovering this new type of fruit, and when they tasted it they were happy
as it’s the sweets fruit they have ever tasted. - (Mango Fruit)
A good thing is never too late.

3. The Story of Malakas and Maganda

4. Nuno sa Punso
5. Si Pak-Wan


DIRECTIONS: List down 3 examples for each of the following literary genres: (Just write the title
of the stories.)

 Myths
 Legends

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