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To Read the Cards

Within any land, there are always a select few - children

born under great portent and astral sign, with a gift
that allows them to see beyond the present, far into the
future of the world. These People are called Oracles,
and among men, they are sought out the world over for
their wisdom and their power. Weather through card or
crystal ball, an oracle bears witness to the rise and fall
of kings, and, with practice, can use their skill to weave
the very threads of fate into a tapestry of their own
Oracle design.

Stepping out into the fray of battle, Amelia Blake was Be they a ruler, or a peasant, there are few forces more
unafraid - she had already seen the way her end would powerful than the will of an oracle, and the world is well
come, and it was not here. She wondered at times what aware of this. Sought by kings and hunted by armies for
life might have been like without her gift; Without the their talent, an oracle’s power often brings with it a life
ability to see the strands of fate, to pull and prune them of adventure, for to be cloistered within a single place
at her leisure. It would have to be a life full of surprises, often brings with it more hazards than the furthest
and for that, she almost envied her comrades. Life must battlefield.
be so much more exciting to live when you don’t know
what will happen next. Creating an Oracle
A brutish warrior swung his blade at her neck, but she When Creating an oracle, consider how you discovered
had dodged out of the way even before he had decided your gifts, and how you have learned to live with
to strike. Pulling a Card form her Deck, she smiled, and them. Do you rely on your abilities to foresee every
her ally’s axe came crashing down on the orc’s head, misfortune? Or do you go out of your way to never read
splitting his skull in two. The Tower: his destruction had your own tale?
been assured.
Think about how the world has reacted to your gifts as
Rodrick the Brave Smiled at her. She Smiled back. well: Have you been knighted from childhood for your
What a gleam in his eye there was for her. If not for services to a king, or shunned for your supernatural
her gift, he would have died many moons ago, in ritual presence. Do you hide your sight form the world, or
combat with the orc chieftain. Wonder as she might, she make a point to tell the fortunes of all that you meet?
was glad for her power. And glad to know the future that Life is a strange thing when it holds so few surprises.
lay before the two them, together. How has your character come to terms with this?
Proficiency Spell Maximum
Level Bonus Features Level Karma
1st +2 Grand Tarot, Karma, Karmic Spellcasting 1st 2
2nd +2 Oracle’s Insight, Foretelling 1st 3
3rd +2 Karmic Destiny 1st 4
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 1st 5
5th +3 Guiding Vision 2nd 6
6th +3 Karmic Destiny Feature 2nd 7
7th +3 Karmic Alignment 2nd 8
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 2nd 9
9th +4 Synchronicity 3rd 10
10th +4 Prescience 3rd 12
11th +4 Karmic Destiny Feature 3rd 14
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 3rd 16
13th +5 Greater Insight 4th 18
14th +5 Karmic Understanding 4th 20
15th +5 Karmic Destiny Feature 4th 22
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 4th 24
17th +6 Karmic Destiny Feature 5th 26
18th +6 Warp in the Weave 5th 28
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 5th 30
20th +6 Omniscience 5th 32

Class Features
As a Oracle, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Oracle Level
Hit points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit points at higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier each level after 1st

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Hand Crossbows
Tools: Gaming Sets, And your choice of one type of
Artisan’s Tools
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Religion,
Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
Performance, Persuasion, Slight of Hand, Stealth, and

You start with the following equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background:

• Any simple weapon or a hand crossbow

• A scholar’s pack, or an explorer’s pack
• A Gaming set of your choice, and a Crystal ball or
similar scrying implement.
• Your choice of one set of Artisan’s Tools
• Leather Armor
The Grand Tarot
Oracles are fundamentally different than other The Court
adventurers, and this difference is apparent in every Also referred to as your hand, or your spread, your
action they take. You do not roll dice in the same Court refers to the cards who’s power you are actively
way that other players do. In place of the d20 most drawing on. Cards in your Court cause or create various
adventurers use to represent their luck, you instead effects or conditions, as outlined at the end of this class
use the Grand Tarot to determine the outcome of your description. The maximum size of your court Equal to
actions. The Grand Tarot consists of two parts: the Deck, your Proficiency bonus.
and the Court.
Each Card within the Major Arcana has three effects: An
The Deck Effect that remains active while the card is Upright in
Your Deck refers to a physical deck of tarot cards that your Court, An effect that remains active while the card
you as the player use in place of dice. Each time you is Reversed in your Court, and a Dismissal effect that is
would roll a d20, you instead draw a card from your triggered when the card is removed from your court.
Each time you draw a card from the Major Arcana, it
The Tarot Deck contains of two types of cards: The is added to your court. If your court is already full, you
Lesser Arcana, and the Greater Arcana. The Lesser must discard one card already in your court and place
Arcana are the suited cards numbering 1-10, as well as it on the bottom of your deck, without activating it’s
the King, Queen, Knight, and Page. They represent the Dismissal effect. This may not be the same card your
results of your actions, or twists of fate that alter those just drew. Cards within your Court remain there until
results. The Greater Arcana are the remaining 22 cards removed or until you complete a long rest.
in the deck, which represent powerful forces and can
have a wide variety of effects. Each time you complete a Long or Short Rest, Reshuffle
the cards in your Deck.
The cards numbered 1-10 Serve the same purpose as
the numbers on a dice in determining the success of
your “roll”. If drawn upright, the card represent’s it’s
value subtracted from 21 (such that the Ace represents
20). If drawn Inverted, the card represents its value
directly (such that the Ace represents 1). The remaining
cards within the lesser arcana, known as Face Cards,
each have a unique set of effects, as listed below.

Page — The bearer of news, either welcome or

• Upright: Shuffle your Deck, then look at the top 3
cards, and place them back in any order or orientation.
• Reversed: Your suffer disadvantage on this action.
Reshuffle after the result is decided.

Knight — The warrior who acts on behalf of the court.

• Upright: Numbered cards drawn as part of this
action are read as right-side up, regardless of what
orientation they are drawn in. Reshuffle after the
Result is decided.
• Reversed: Numbered cards drawn as part of this
action are read as Inverted, regardless of what
orientation they are drawn in. Reshuffle after the
result is decided.

Queen — The sustaining force within the court.

• Upright: You may choose one card within your Court
and activate it’s Dismissal Effect without spending
Karma or removing it from your Court, then reshuffle
• Inverted: Discard one card from your Court without
activating it’s Dismissal effect, Then reshuffle.

King — The ruler who gathers the court together.

• Upright: Search your Deck and add one Greater
arcana of your choice to your Court, Then reshuffle.
• Reversed: Discard all cards from your Court without
activating their Dismissal effects, then reshuffle.

You continue Drawing cards until you draw a numbered

card, which resolves the outcome of your “roll”. Once
your action has been resolved, any Lesser Arcana drawn
as part of the action are discarded and placed at the
bottom of the deck.
Karma Karmic Spellcasting
As a Oracle, you excel at manipulating the hands of By using your Karma to manipulate the hands of fate,
destiny, and using fate as your weapon, but doing so you are capable of casting spells from the Oracle Spell
requires drawing on your own Karma to maintain the List located at the end of this class description. See
balance. Beginning at first level, Each time you use the Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and
Help action to aid another creature, you gain a point of the
Karma, which you may spend karma to influence fate in
a number of ways: Cantrips
You know two cantrips of your choice from the Oracle
Read Fortune spell list. Each time you complete a long rest, you may
As a reaction when an ally within 30 ft of you takes choose one of the Oracle cantrips you know, and replace
an action that requires rolling a d20, you may spend 1 it with another cantrip form the Oracle spell list.
Karma to replace the triggering roll with a draw from
your deck. You may do so after the roll has been made, Karmic Casting
but before the result of the action is decided. You are capable of harnessing your Karma in order to
cast spells. The Karmic Spellcasting table shows the
Reversal cost of casting a spell of a given level. To cast a spell at a
You may spend Karma as a bonus action to change the higher level, you expend additional karma as if the spell
orientation of a card within your Court. were the level you are casting it at. You can only use
Karma to cast Oracle Spells. The Oracle table shows
Dismissal what the maximum level you may cast a spell at is.
As you may spend 2 Karma to discard a card from your
Court, activating it’s Dismissal Effect, the type of action
required to dismiss a card is determined by the card Karma Cost
Spell Level
being dismissed.
1 2
The maximum amount of karma that you can have 2 3
accrued at once is shown on the Oracle table. Each time 3 5
you complete an extended rest, your accrued Karma 4 6
resets to 0 5 7

You prepare the list of Oracle Spells that are available

for you to cast, choosing from the oracle spell list. When
you do so, choose a number of Oracle Spells equal to
your Wisdom modifier + your oracle level (minimum
of one spell). The Spells must be of a level equal to or
lower than your spell level, as show on the Oracle Table.
Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of
prepared Spells.

You can also change your list of prepared Spells when

you finish a Long Rest. Preparing a new list of Oracle
Spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at
least 1 minute per Spell Level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Oracle
spells, so you use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers
to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for
an Oracle spell you cast and when making an attack roll
with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your

Wisdom modifier

Spellcasting Focus
You may use a scrying implement, such as a Crystal Ball
or a set of Tarot Cards as your spellcasting focus when
casting spells.
Oracle’s Insight Synchronicity
Beginning at 2nd level, your connection to fate allows Starting at 9th level, you know how to direct your allies
you to see into the hearts of men, and predict their into perfect alignment with their destiny. When you take
actions. You gain proficiency in the Insight skill, if you the Help action to aid an ally in making an ability check
do not already have it. If you are already proficient or attack roll, you may add your Proficiency Bonus to
in this skill, you may instead double your proficiency their roll.
bonus when making insight checks.

As an action on your turn, you may spend 1 karma

to force a target to make a wisdom saving throw Beginning at 10th level, your tie to the weave of fate
contested by your Insight. On a failure, the target has allows you to predict misfortune before it arrives. You
disadvantage on attacks made against you or allies that are immune to the Surprised condition, and hidden
can see or hear you until the end of it’s next turn. creatures or attackers do not have advantage on attack
rolls made against you.
Also beginning at 2nd level, your alignment with fate
Greater insight
allows you glimpses into the future. When you finish By 13th level, your ability to read the hearts and minds
a long rest, Draw a number of cards equal to your of those around you is unmatched. When a creature
proficiency bonus and set them aside. You can replace fails a wisdom save against your Oracle’s Insight ability,
any draw from your deck with one of these foretelling it suffers disadvantage on saving throws against spells
cards. You must choose to do so before the draw, and and effects caused by you or allies that can see or hear
you can replace a draw in this way only once per turn. you until the end of it’s next turn.

Each foretelling card can be used only once, after which In addition, you and allies that can see or hear you have
it is shuffled back into your deck. When you finish a long advantage on attack rolls made against the target until
rest, you lose any unused foretelling cards. the end of your next turn.

Karmic Destiny Karmic Understanding

Oracles excel at understanding the twists and turns of By level 14, you Following the course of your destiny
fate, and the path laid out by destiny. At 3rd level, you comes as naturally as breathing, granting you additional
have begun to understand your own path and where karma. Whenever you draw any card whose suit
it will lead you. Choose one of the following Karmic matches your Karmic Destiny, you gain 1 karma.
Destinies, Detailed at the end of this class descriptions:
Destiny of the Charitable, Destiny of the Unhindered, Warp in the Weave
Destiny of the Wilful, or Destiny of the Guardian.
Beginning at 18th level, you have learned to weave the
strands of fate to protect yourself an others from certain
Ability Score Improvement area effects, such as an ancient red dragon’s fiery breath
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th or an ice storm spell. When you or an ally that you can
and 18th level, you can increase one ability score of see is subjected to an effect that allows the target to
your choice by 2, or you increase two ability scores of make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability you may spend 2 Karma as a reaction to cause the
score above 20 using this feature. target to instead take no damage on a success, or only
half damage on a failure.

Guiding Vision Omniscience

Starting at 5th level, you are capable of helping others
By the time you reach level 20, you have become so
move along the path of their own fate. You may use the
closely entwined with the strands of fate that the world
Help action as a bonus action. Additionally, when you
can withhold no mysteries form your gaze. You gain
use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature,
truesight out to a range of 60 ft, and no longer require
the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you,
line of sight to cast spells.
rather than 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear

Karmic Alignment
By level 7, you have begun to naturally move in line
with the flow of your own destiny, allowing your Karma
to grow. Whenever you draw a King, Queen, Knight, or
Page who’s suit matches your own, you gain 1 karma.
Karmic Destiny Karmic Momentum
By 15th level, You have learned to let the momentum of
An oracle, more than any other, is aware the sway that
destiny has on their fate, and while they may dance two your actions drive you forward. While you have at least 3
and fro among the fates of others, it is only by aligning Karma accrued, you can take the doge action as a bonus
themselves with destiny that an Oracle truly comes into action, While you have at least 6 Karma accrued, you
their own. Beginning at 3rd level, the course of your can take the Disengage action as a bonus action, While
Karmic Destiny has begun to show itself to you. Choose you have at least 12 Karma accrued, you can take the
one of the following options: Dash action as a bonus action.

Irrevocable Freedom
Destiny of the Unhindered There is no obstacle which can stand in the way of
you or your allies. By 17th level, you do not provoke
Once you have set your mind to something, you act opportunity attacks when moving through enemies
without hesitation, and your unwavering drive inspires spaces, and you and allies within 60 ft of you ignore
the same in those around you. You bear the Suit of difficult terrain.
Swords, understanding that without action, there can be
no victory.

Expanded Spell List

Your Destiny lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn an Oracle spell. The following
spells are added to the Oracle spell list for you:

Unhindered Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip True Strike
1 Heroism, Longstrider
2 Enhance Ability, Magic Weapon, Pass without Trace
3 Elemental Weapon, Haste, Nondetection
4 Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door,
Greater Invisibility
5 Passwall, Teleportation Circle

Guiding Action
Your Karma is tied intrinsically to freedom and action.
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this Karmic
Destiny, you gain proficiency with medium armor if you
are not already proficient with it

Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an ally

in making an attack, you may make an attack against
the same target as part of that action.

Dance of Fate
By 6th level, you have come to understand the complex
motions of destiny, and can match step with it’s dance.
Whenever you draw a face card from the lesser arcana,
you may choose yourself or one ally within 60 ft to
move up to their speed without provoking attacks of

Unhindered Blade
Beginning at 11th level, your actions are empowered by
the understanding of your destiny. You have advantage
on attacks made as part of your Guiding Action feature
Destiny of the Charitable Gift of Charity
While you may do well in other places, you truly excel Starting at 11th level, The Charitable nature of your
in acts of charity. As you align yourself with destiny, you presence alone is enough to embolden the recovery of
find that caring for others and treating their wounds those around you. When an ally within 60 ft regains hit
comes as easily as breathing. Your Suit is Cups or points through the use of a spell or class feature, they
Chalices. may re-roll any 1s on healing dice.

Expanded Spell List Foretold Recovery

Your Destiny lets you choose from an expanded list of Those around you are always protected by your
spells when you learn an Oracle spell. The following Charitable fate. By 15th level, you and allies within 60 ft
spells are added to the Oracle spell list for you: of you automatically succeed on their first death saving
throw after each short or long rest.

Charity Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
Karmic Healing
Beginning at 17th level, you have learned tu multiply the
Cantrip Spare the Dying bounty of your healing through your Karma. When you
1 Cure wounds, Healing Word cast a spell which restores hit points, you may spend
2 Aid, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Poison additional karma equal to the spell’s level to restore the
3 Beacon of Hope, Mass Healing Word, Revivify maximum number of hit points allowed by the spell.
4 Aura of Life, Aura of Purity, Aura of Vitality
5 Greater restoration, Mass Cure Wounds

Grace of Kindness
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this Karmic
Destiny, you gain proficiency in medicine if you do not
already have it. If you are already proficient in this skill,
you may instead double your proficiency bonus when
making Medicine Checks

Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an ally,

you may instead choose to allow the target to expend
one hit dice, and regain hit points equal to the result +
your Wisdom modifier.

Bounty of Fate
By 6th level, the positive energy you build up
throughout the day begins to blossom outwards
to your companions. Whenever you draw a face
card from the lesser arcana, you may choose
yourself or one ally within 60 ft to regain one
hit dice.
Destiny of the Wilful Indomitable Will
A sage among men, it is your indomitable will which There is no obstacle which can stand in the way of you
drives you forward and empowers your allies. Even or your allies. By 15th level, you are immune to the
in the midst of combat you always maintain control charmed and frightened conditions, and allies within 60
of the situation and the people around you. To contest ft of you have advantage on saving throws against charm
your resolve is to contest fate itself. Your Suit is that of and fear effects
Wands or Rods,
Sage's Might
Expanded Spell List Beginning at 17th level, when you use your Karmic
Your Destiny lets you choose from an expanded list of Casting feature to cast a spell from the Wilful Expanded
spells when you learn an Oracle spell. The following Spell List, you may treat the spell as if it were cast at
spells are added to the Oracle spell list for you: one level higher

Wilful Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip Friends
1 Charm Person, Command
2 Calm Emotions, Enthrall, Suggestion
3 Fear, Bestow Curse, Hypnotic Pattern
4 Compulsion, Confusion, Dominate beast
5 Passwall, Teleportation Circle

Word of Destiny
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this Karmic
Destiny, you gain proficiency in persuasion if you do not
already have it. If you are already proficient in this skill,
you may instead double your proficiency bonus when
making persuasion Checks.

Additionally, when you spend Karma to activate the

Read Fortune effect, you may target any creature you
can see.

Karmic Resolve
Starting at 6th level, your unerring resolve allows you
to channel additional power into your magic when you
need it most. Once per round, as a reaction when a
target makes a saving throw against one of your spells,
but before the result is decided, you may expend up
to 3 Karma, and subtract the same amount from the
creature’s result.

Fate's Intent
By 11th level, you have learned to impress the force
of your will onto those who would do you harm.
Whenever you draw a face card from the lesser arcana,
you may choose one enemy within 60 ft, and impose
disadvantage on their next attack roll or ability check
Destiny of the Guardian Fate's Vision
Grounded within the world, you understand the harsh By 11th level, your ability to foretell the future has
realities of fate, and are never without preparation. A expanded greatly. Whenever you draw a face card from
practical mind and a courageous heart, you serve the the lesser arcana, you may draw an additional foretelling
roll of the protector, Guarding those around you against card, as per your Foretelling feature
harm and misfortune, you bear the Suit of Pentacles or
Coins. Guardian's Ward
Beginning at 15th level, when you use your Karmic
Expanded Spell List Shielding feature to increase a target’s AC, the effect
Your Destiny lets you choose from an expanded list of lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Karma spent.
spells when you learn an Oracle spell. The following
spells are added to the Oracle spell list for you: Impenetrable Defence
Your protective instinct is honed to a razor’s edge,
Guardian Expanded Spells allowing you to react with otherworldly speed. By 17th
level, you may take a number of reactions each round
Spell Level Spells
equal to your wisdom modifier, and allies within 60 ft of
Cantrip Blade Ward you are immune to the surprised condition.
1 Protection form Good and Evil, Shield
2 Arcane Lock, Warding Bond, Magic Aura
3 Counterspell, Glyph of Warding, Magic Circle
4 Resilient Sphere, Stoneskin, Private Sanctum
5 Antilife Shell, Wall of Force

Watchful Eye
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this Karmic
Destiny, you become adept at seeing danger before it
occurs. You gain proficiency in perception if you do not
already have it. If you are already proficient in this skill,
you may instead double your proficiency bonus when
making perception Checks.

Additionally, when you use your Foretelling feature to

replace the result of a draw, you may do so after the
result of the draw has been decided

Karmic Shielding
Starting at 6th level, your unerring resolve allows you
to channel additional power into your magic when you
need it most. Once per round, as a reaction when a
creature makes an attack against you or an ally, but
before the result is decided, you may expend up to 3
Karma, and add the same amount to the target’s AC
until the end of their next turn.
The Fool
Greater Arcana Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit,
The Greater Arcana represent powerful forces, which
have the potential to shift the tide of fate in your favour. Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of,
Each Card within the Greater Arcana has an Upright inconsideration
effect and a Reversed effect. If the card is upright in
your court, then it’s upright effect is active. If the card is
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
reversed in your court, then it’s reversed effect is active. advantage when rolling initiative.
These effects remain active as long as the card is in your Reversed
court in the given orientation. While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
advantage on opportunity attacks made against enemies,
Each Card also has a dismissal effect, which can be Dismissal
activated by using Karma. The type of action required As a reaction when you or an ally rolls initiative, you
to activate a card’s dismissal effect is listed in the card’s may dismiss this card form your court to treat up to 3
description. Once a Card’s Dismissal effect has been initiative rolls of your choice as critical successes.
activated, the card is removed from your court and
placed on the bottom of your deck, and it’s Upright or The Magician
Reversed effects are deactivated
Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation,
Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch
While this card is in your court, conjuration spells cast
within 30 ft of you are cast as if one level higher.
While this card is in your court, illusion spells cast
within 30 ft of you are cast as if one level higher:
You may discard this card as an action on your turn and
choose yourself or one ally that you can see. The target
regains the use of one spell slot of your choice no higher
than 5th level.

The High Priestess

Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice,
Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
advantage on insight and perception checks .
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
advantage on deception and slight of hand checks
You may dismiss this card as an action on your turn, if
you choose to do so, you can telepathically speak to any
creature within 60 feet for the next minute. They don’t
need to share a language to be heard.

The Empress
Upright: motherhood, fertility, nature,
Reversed: dependence, smothering, emptiness, nosiness
While this card is in you court, you and your allies
have advantage on nature checks, and can always
find food and water when travelling through natural
While this card is active, enemies within 30 ft of you
treat all terrain as difficult terrain:
You may dismiss this card as an action on your turn,
if you choose to do so, you can speak with plants and
animals for the next minute as if you share a language.
The Emperor The Hierophant
Upright: authority, structure, control, fatherhood, Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics,
Reversed: tyranny, rigidity, coldness Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches

Upright Upright
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have While this card is in your court, enemies have
advantage on intimidation and persuasion checks. disadvantage on saving throws against ongoing effects
Reversed and conditions.
While this card is in your court, enemies have Reversed
disadvantage on saving throws against charm and fear While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
effects. advantage on saving throws against ongoing effects and
Dismissal conditions.
You may dismiss this card as a reaction when an enemy Dismissal
succeeds on a saving throw against a charm or fear You may dismiss this card as a reaction while an ally or
effect to treat their success as a failure. enemy is subject to an ongoing effect or condition to end
or maintain the triggering condition.

The Lovers
Upright: partnerships, duality, union,
Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony

While this card is in your court, allies have advantage
on attack rolls while at least 1 other ally is within 5ft of
While this card is in your court, enemies have
disadvantage on attack rolls made within 5ft of one or
more of their allies.
You may dismiss this card as an action on your turn to
activate it’s effect. Choose yourself and one ally, or 2
allies within 20ft of each other. The current hit points of
the targets are totalled and split evenly between them.

The Chariot
Upright: direction, control, willpower,
Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression

While this card is in your court, you and your allies do
not suffer disadvantage when making weapon attacks at
long range.
While this card is in your court, enemies have
disadvantage to hit with ranged attacks.
You may dismiss this card as a reaction when an ally
or enemy hits or misses with a ranged attack to alter
change the result from a miss to a hit, or from a hit to a

Upright: cause and effect, clarity, truth,
Reversed: dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness

While this card is in your court, you are automatically
aware of any lies told in your presence. You do not know
the specifics of the lie or it’s corresponding truth, but are
aware a lie has been told.
While this card is in your court, you and your allies
have advantage on deception, stealth, and slight of hand
You may dismiss this card as a bonus action on your
turn to force a creature that can hear you to answer one
question truthfully.
The hermit Death
Upright: contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance, Upright: end of cycle, new beginnings, metamorphosis,
Reversed: loneliness, isolation, lost your way Reversed: fear of change, holding on,

Upright Upright
While this card is in your court allies have advantage While this card is in your court, the time it takes for you
on insight checks and saving throws made to maintain and your allies to gain the full benefits of a short or long
concentration. rest is reduced by half. This includes time required to
Reversed sleep or similarly rest.
While this card is in your court enemies have Reversed
disadvantage on saving throws while not within 5ft of While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
one of their allies advantage on death saving throws.
Dismissal Dismissal
You may dismiss this card as a reaction when you or an You may dismiss this card as part of a 10 minute ritual
ally fails a saving throw made to maintain concentration to grant you and your allies the benefits of a short rest,
to allow the triggering target to maintain concentration or as part of a 1 hour ritual to grant yourself and your
allies the benefits of a long rest:
Wheel of Fortune
Upright: change, cycles, inevitable fate, Temperance
Reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck Upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning,
Reversed: extremes, excess, lack of balance
While this card is in your court, you and your allies Upright
have advantage on attack rolls against enemies who are While this card is in your court, you and your allies may
below half their maximum hit points. add double their proficiency bonus when using passive
Reversed abilities such as passive perception:
While this card is in your court, enemies have Reversed
disadvantage on saving throws made to maintain While this card is in your court, creatures within 60 ft
concentration: of you treat d20 rolls of 19-20 as critical successes, and
Dismissal d20 rolls of 1-2 as critical failures
As an action on your turn, you may dismiss this card to Dismissal
force all creatures to re-roll initiative. You may discard this card as an action on your turn,
choosing yourself or one ally as a target. For the next
minute, whenever this ally makes an ability check that
Strength lets them add their proficiency bonus, they can treat a
Upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus, d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity
The Devil
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have Upright: addiction, materialism, playfulness,
advantage on athletics checks and saving throws against Reversed: freedom, release, restoring control
intimidation and fear effects:
Reversed Upright
While this card is in your court, enemies have While this card is in your court, you and your allies
disadvantage on strength based attack rolls and saving may treat any material goods as being worth twice their
throws. value for the purpose of trading, purchasing goods, or
Dismissal using as spellcasting components:
You may dismiss this card as a reaction when an ally or Reversed
enemy hits or misses with a strength based attack to While this card is in your court, you and your allies may
alter change the result from a miss to a hit, or from a hit can spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape
to a miss. from nonmagical restraints such as shackles or another
creature’s grapple:
The Hanged man You may dismiss this card as a reaction when you or an
Upright: sacrifice, release, martyrdom, ally casts a spell which requires material components
Reversed: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice to ignore all material component requirements for this
casting of the spell.
While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
advantage on spell attack rolls while below half their hit
point maximum.
While this card is in your court, enemies have
disadvantage on melee attack rolls while below half
their hit point maximum.
As an action on your turn, you may dismiss this card
to reduce yourself to 0 hit points, and restore all allies
within 20ft to spend hit dice as if they had completed a
short rest.
The Tower The Sun
Upright: sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster, Upright: joy, success, celebration, positivity,
Reversed: disaster avoided, delayed disaster Reversed: negativity, depression, sadness

Upright Upright
While this card is in your court, enemies treat d20 rolls While this card is in your court, each time you or an ally
of 1-2 as critical failures. reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or below, the triggering
Reversed attacker gains advantage on their next attack roll or
While this card is in your court enemies treat critical saving throw:
successes as regular successes, and allies treat critical Reversed
failures as regular failures: While this card is in your court each time you or an
Dismissal ally reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, any of it’s allies
You may discard this card as an action on your turn within 5 ft suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and saving
to force one creature of your choice to make a saving throws until the end of their next turn:
throw against your spellcasting modifier. On a failure, Dismissal
the target treats d20 rolls of 3 or lower as critical You may dismiss this card as a reaction when you or an
failures for the next minute. ally critically succeeds on an attack roll or ability check
to allow all allies that can see you to regain hit points
The Star equal to your proficiency bonus.

Upright: hope, faith, rejuvenation, Judgment

Reversed: faithlessness, discouragement, insecurity
Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening,
Upright Reversed: lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing
While this card is in your court, whenever you or your
allies regain hit points, they regain additional hit points Upright
equal to your proficiency bonus. While this card is in your court, you and your allies may
Reversed re-roll any 1’s on damage dice.
While this card is in your court, when an enemy makes Reversed
an attack against you or an ally and misses, it gains While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of it’s next advantage on opportunity attacks.
turn: Dismissal
Dismissal You may dismiss this card as a reaction when you or
You may dismiss this card as an action on your turn one of your allies takes damage from an attack to deal
to activate the following effect: For the next minute, at psychic damage to the triggering attacker equal to the
the start of each of your turns, one ally of your choice damage done to the target.:
regains hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.

The Moon The World

Upright: fulfillment, harmony, completion,
Upright: unconscious, illusions, intuition, Reversed: incompletion, no closure
Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
Upright While this card is in your court, you and your allies have
While this card is in your court, enemies have advantage on attack rolls if at least one other ally has
disadvantage on checks and saving throws made to successfully hit the target with an attack during the
recognize illusions and deceptions. same round.
Reversed Reversed
While this card is in your court, enemies within 60 ft While this card is in your court, enemies have
of you must succeed on a wisdom saving throw against disadvantage on attack rolls if at least one of their allies
your spellcasting DC to cast spells that require vocal has successfully hit the target with an attack during the
components. same round.
Dismissal Dismissal
You may discard this spell as an action on your turn to You may dismiss this card as a reaction when you or
force one creature you can see to make a wisdom saving an ally makes an attack roll, but before the result is
throw against your spell save DC, or suffer the effects of decided. if the attack hits, treat all damage dice rolled as
the Confusion spell until the end of your next turn. part of the attack as their maximum value.
Oracle Spells

Cantrips (0 level) 3rd level 5th level

Guidance Clairvoyance Commune,
Message Sending Contact other Plane
Thaumaturgy Speak With Dead Legend Lore
Magic Stone* Speak with Plants Telepathic Bond
Tongues Scrying
Spirit Guardians Dream
1st Level Remove Curse Hallow
Comprehend Languages Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Good and Evil
Identify 4th level
Speak with Animals Divination
Bless Locate Creature
Hex Arcane Eye
Alarm Faithful Hound

2nd level
Detect Thoughts
Detect Poison and Disease
Find Traps
Locate Animals or Plants
Locate Object
See Invisibility
Zone of Truth

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Credits and Images in order
Gypsy - Jeff Hill
Class By
DM Clockwork Dragon (Sebastian McCoy) Fiona’s Caravan - Zhou Rong
Female Varisian - Carolina Eade

Template and Backgrounds By Deck Of many Things - Jeremy Mchugh

Nathanaël Roux
Crystal Ball - Kent Hamilton
A Special thanks
To My wife, who has helped me playtest more versions
of the class than I can count, And put up with my Nightseye - x08shinta
obsessive work.

And of course, to all my patrons and supporters, and to Copy Game Character - Jinbaelim
those fans who continue to enjoy my work. I love what I
get to do for you guys, and hope to continue doing it far
into the future Mercy and Otha - Andrew Phillips
Fan Content Notice
The Alchemist Class is unofficial Fan Content permitted The Nightpeddler - Dmitry Prosvirnin
under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed
by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property
of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Shrive Oracle - Guido Kuip

Harrower - Carolina Eade

Harrower - Eva Widermann

Auth Severin - Bryan Syme

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