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[G.R. No. 170352. June 1, 2011.]





Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari, 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules
of Court, seeking to set aside the August 23, 2004 Decision 2 and October 12, 2005
Resolution 3 of the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP No. 75789.
The facts of the case are as follows:
On July 23, 1993, respondent New Frontier Sugar Corporation (NFSC) obtained a
loan from respondent Equitable PCI Bank (EPCIB). Said loan was secured by a real
estate mortgage over NFSC's land consisting of ninety-two (92) hectares located in
Passi City, Iloilo, and a chattel mortgage over NFSC's sugar mill.
On November 17, 2000, because of liquidity problems and continued
indebtedness to EPCIB, NFSC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement 4 (MOA) with
Central Iloilo Milling Corporation (CIMICO), whereby the latter agreed to take-over the
operation and management of the NFSC raw sugar factory and facilities for the period
covering crop years 2000 to 2003.
On April 19, 2002, NFSC filed a compliant for specific performance and collection
5 against CIMICO for the latter's failure to pay its obligations under the MOA.
In response, CIMICO led with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Dumangas, Iloilo,
Branch 68, a case against NFSC for sum of money and/or breach of contract. 6 The
case was docketed as Civil Case No. 02-243.
On May 10, 2002, because of NFSC's failure to pay its debt, EPCIB instituted
extra-judicial foreclosure proceedings over NFSC's land and sugar mill. During public
auction, EPCIB was the sole bidder and was thus able to buy the entire property and
consolidate the titles in its name. EPCIB then employed the services of Philippine
Industrial Security Agency (PISA) to help it in its effort to secure the land and the sugar
mill. EcTaSC

On September 16, 2002, CIMICO led with the RTC an Amended Complaint 7
where it impleaded PISA and EPCIB. As a result, on September 25, 2002, upon the
motion of CIMICO, the RTC issued a restraining order, directing EPCIB and PISA to
desist from taking possession over the property in dispute. Hence, CIMICO was able to
continue its possession over the property.
On October 3, 2002, CIMICO and petitioner Megan Sugar Corporation (MEGAN)
entered into a MOA 8 whereby MEGAN assumed CIMICO's rights, interests and
obligations over the property. As a result of the foregoing undertaking, MEGAN started
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operating the sugar mill on November 18, 2002.
On November 22, 2002, Passi Iloilo Sugar Central, Inc. (Passi Sugar) filed with the
RTC a Motion for Intervention claiming to be the vendee of EPCIB. Passi Sugar claimed
that it had entered into a Contract to Sell 9 with EPCIB after the latter foreclosed
NFSC's land and sugar mill.
On November 29, 2002, during the hearing on the motion for intervention, Atty.
Reuben Mikhail Sabig (Atty. Sabig) appeared before the RTC and entered his
appearance as counsel for MEGAN. Several counsels objected to Atty. Sabig's
appearance since MEGAN was not a party to the proceedings; however, Atty. Sabig
explained to the court that MEGAN had purchased the interest of CIMICO and
manifested that his statements would bind MEGAN.
On December 10, 2002, EPCIB led a Motion for Delivery/Deposit of Mill
Shares/Rentals. 1 0
On December 11, 2002, Passi Sugar led a Motion to Order Deposit of Mill Share
Production of "MEGAN" and/or CIMICO. 1 1 On the same day, NFSC led a Motion to
Order Deposit of Miller's Share (37%) or the Lease Consideration under the MOA
between NFSC and CIMICO. 1 2
On December 27, 2002, NFSC led another Motion to Hold in Escrow Sugar
Quedans or Proceeds of Sugar Sales Equivalent to Miller's Shares. 1 3
On January 16, 2003, the RTC issued an Order 1 4 granting EPCIB's motion for the
placement of millers' share in escrow. The dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the motions to place the mill's share
in escrow to the court is hereby GRANTED.

Megan Sugar Corporation or its director-o cer, Mr. Joey Concha, who is
General Manager of Megan, is ordered to deposit in escrow within ve (5) days
upon receipt of this order, the sugar quedans representing the miller's share to the
Court starting from December 19, 2002 and thereafter, in every Friday of the week
pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement executed by plaintiff CIMICO and
defendant NFSC.


On January 29, 2003, Atty. Sabig led an Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration
and Clari cation. 1 6 On February 19, 2003, the RTC issued an Order 1 7 denying said
On February 27, 2003, EPCIB led an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for Execution, 1 8
which was granted by the RTC in an Order 1 9 dated February 28, 2003.
Aggrieved by the orders issued by the RTC, MEGAN led before the CA a petition
for certiorari, 2 0 dated March 5, 2003. In said petition, MEGAN argued mainly on two
points; first, that the RTC erred when it determined that MEGAN was subrogated to the
obligations of CIMICO and; second, that the RTC had no jurisdiction over MEGAN.
On August 23, 2004, the CA issued a Decision dismissing MEGAN's petition, the
dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for Certiorari is hereby
DENIED and forthwith DISMISSED for lack of merit. Cost against petitioner.

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In denying MEGAN's petition, the CA ruled that since Atty. Sabig had actively
participated before the RTC, MEGAN was already estopped from assailing the RTC's
Aggrieved, MEGAN then led a Motion for Reconsideration, 2 2 which was,
however, denied by the CA in Resolution dated October 12, 2005.
Hence, herein petition, with MEGAN raising the following issues for this Court's
consideration, to wit:





28, 2003. 2 3

The petition is not meritorious.

MEGAN points out that its board of directors did not issue a resolution
authorizing Atty. Sabig to represent the corporation before the RTC. It contends that
Atty. Sabig was an unauthorized agent and as such his actions should not bind the
corporation. In addition, MEGAN argues that the counsels of the different parties were
aware of Atty. Sabig's lack of authority because he declared in court that he was still in
the process of taking over the case and that his voluntary appearance was just for the
hearing of the motion for intervention of Passi Sugar. HIaTCc

Both EPCIB and NFSC, however, claim that MEGAN is already estopped from
assailing the authority of Atty. Sabig. They contend that Atty. Sabig had actively
participated in the proceedings before the RTC and had even led a number of motions
asking for a rmative relief. They also point out that Jose Concha (Concha), who was a
member of the Board of Directors of MEGAN, accompanied Atty. Sabig during the
hearing. Lastly, EPCIB and NFSC contend that all the motions, pleadings and court
orders were sent to the o ce of MEGAN; yet, despite the same, MEGAN never
repudiated the authority of Atty. Sabig.
After a judicial examination of the records pertinent to the case at bar, this Court
agrees with the nding of the CA that MEGAN is already estopped from assailing the
jurisdiction of the RTC.
Relevant to the discussion herein is the transcript surrounding the events of the
November 29, 2002 hearing of Passi Sugar's motion for intervention, to wit:
Appearing as counsel for defendant PCI Equitable Bank, your Honor.

Also appearing as counsel for defendant New Frontier Sugar Corporation.


I am appearing, your Honor, as counsel for Passisugar.

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Appearing your Honor, for Megan Sugar, Inc.

Your Honor, the counsel for the plaintiff CIMICO has not yet arrived.

Your Honor, we have been furnished of a copy of the motion. I've talked to
Atty. [Leonardo] Jiz and he informed me that he cannot attend this hearing
because we are in the process of taking over this case. However, the
Passisugar had intervened and we have to appear because we have been
copy furnished of the motion, and also, your Honor, since the motion will
directly affect Megan and we are appearing in this hearing despite the fact
that we had not o cially received the copy of the motion. Anyway, your
Honor, since we are in the process of taking over this case, Atty. Jiz told me
that he cannot appear today. cIEHAC

Here is the representative from CIMICO.

Yes, your Honor, Atty. Gonzales is here.


I am appearing in behalf of the plaintiff CIMICO, your Honor.

xxx xxx xxx

Shall we tackle first your motion for intervention?

Yes, your Honor.

Yes, your Honor, and I would like to make a manifestation in relation to the
appearance made by Atty. Sabig. Megan is not, in anyway, a party [to] this
case and if he must join, he can le a motion for intervention. We would
like to reiterate our stand that he cannot participate in any proceeding
before this Court particularly in this case.

Yes, that is right.


Yes, your Honor, unless there is a substitution of the plaintiff.


I understand, your Honor, that we have been served a copy of this motion.
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A service copy of the motion is only a notice and it is not, in anyway, [a]
right for him to appear as a party.

Just a moment, Atty. Panes. Shall we allow Atty. Sabig to finish first?

This motion directly affects us and that's why we're voluntarily appearing,
just for this hearing on the motion and not for the case itself, speci cally
for the hearing [on] this motion. That's our appearance for today because
we have been served and we have to protect our interest. We are not saying
that we are taking over the case but there is a hearing for the motion in
intervention and we have been served a copy, that's why we appear


Your Honor, please, for the defendant, we do not object to the appearance
of the counsel for Megan provided that the counsel could assure us that
whatever he says [all through] in this proceeding will [bind] his client, your
Honor, as he is duly authorized by the corporation, under oath, your Honor,
that whatever he says here is binding upon the corporation.

Yes, your Honor.

But I thought all the while that your motion for intervention will implead
We will not yet implead them, your Honor.

Why will you not implead them because they are now in possession of the

That's why we want to be clari ed. In what capacity is Megan entering into
the picture? That's the point now that we would like to ask them. So,
whatever statement you'll be making here will bind Megan?

Yes, your Honor. Speci cally for the hearing because apparently, we have
to voluntarily appear since they furnished us a copy that would directly
affect our rights.

xxx xxx xxx

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Are you saying that you are appearing now in behalf of Megan?

Yes, your Honor.

And whatever statement you made here will bind Megan?


Yes, your Honor. HTScEI

xxx xxx xxx

That's why you're being asked now what interest [does] Megan
have here?

We are already in possession of the mill, your Honor.

You are in possession of the mill. [On] what authority are you in
possession, this Megan group?
We have a Memorandum of Agreement which we entered, your
Honor, and they transferred their [referring to CIMICO] rights to
us. 2 4

The doctrine of estoppel is based upon the grounds of public policy, fair dealing,
good faith and justice, and its purpose is to forbid one to speak against his own act,
representations, or commitments to the injury of one to whom they were directed and
who reasonably relied thereon. The doctrine of estoppel springs from equitable
principles and the equities in the case. It is designed to aid the law in the administration
of justice where without its aid injustice might result. It has been applied by this Court
wherever and whenever special circumstances of a case so demand. 2 5
Based on the events and circumstances surrounding the issuance of the assailed
orders, this Court rules that MEGAN is estopped from assailing both the authority of
Atty. Sabig and the jurisdiction of the RTC. While it is true, as claimed by MEGAN, that
Atty. Sabig said in court that he was only appearing for the hearing of Passi Sugar's
motion for intervention and not for the case itself, his subsequent acts, coupled with
MEGAN's inaction and negligence to repudiate his authority, effectively bars MEGAN
from assailing the validity of the RTC proceedings under the principle of estoppel.
In the rst place, Atty. Sabig is not a complete stranger to MEGAN. As a matter
of fact, as manifested by EPCIB, Atty. Sabig and his law rm SABIG SABIG & VINGCO
Law O ce has represented MEGAN in other cases 2 6 where the opposing parties
involved were also CIMICO and EPCIB. As such, contrary to MEGAN's claim, such
manifestation is neither immaterial nor irrelevant, 2 7 because at the very least, such fact
shows that MEGAN knew Atty. Sabig.
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MEGAN can no longer deny the authority of Atty. Sabig as they have already
clothed him with apparent authority to act in their behalf. It must be remembered that
when Atty. Sabig entered his appearance, he was accompanied by Concha, MEGAN's
director and general manager. Concha himself attended several court hearings, and on
December 17, 2002, even sent a letter 2 8 to the RTC asking for the status of the case. A
corporation may be held in estoppel from denying as against innocent third persons the
authority of its o cers or agents who have been clothed by it with ostensible or
apparent authority. 2 9 Atty. Sabig may not have been armed with a board resolution, but
the appearance of Concha made the parties assume that MEGAN had knowledge of
Atty. Sabig's actions and, thus, clothed Atty. Sabig with apparent authority such that the
parties were made to believe that the proper person and entity to address was Atty.
Sabig. Apparent authority, or what is sometimes referred to as the "holding out" theory,
or doctrine of ostensible agency, imposes liability, not as the result of the reality of a
contractual relationship, but rather because of the actions of a principal or an employer
in somehow misleading the public into believing that the relationship or the authority
exists. 3 0 ISDHcT

Like the CA, this Court notes that MEGAN never repudiated the authority of Atty.
Sabig when all the motions, pleadings and court orders were sent not to the o ce of
Atty. Sabig but to the o ce of MEGAN, who in turn, would forward all of the same to
Atty. Sabig, to wit:
. . . All the motions, pleadings and other notices in the civil case were
mailed to Atty. Reuben Mikhail P. Sabig, Counsel for Megan Sugar, NFSC
Compound, Barangay Man-it, Passi, Iloilo City which is the address of the Sugar
Central being operated by Megan Sugar. The said address is not the real o ce
address of Atty. Sabig. As pointed out by private respondent Equitable PCI Bank,
the o ce address of Atty. Sabig is in Bacolod City. All orders, pleadings or
motions led in Civil Case 02-243 were received in the sugar central being
operated by Megan Central and later forwarded by Megan Sugar to Atty. Sabig
who is based in Bacolod City. We nd it incredible that, granting that there was no
authority given to said counsel, the record shows that it was received in the sugar
mill operated by Megan and passed on to Atty. Sabig. At any stage, petitioner
could have repudiated Atty. Sabig when it received the court pleadings addressed
to Atty. Sabig as their counsel. 3 1

One of the instances of estoppel is when the principal has clothed the agent with
indicia of authority as to lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that the agent
actually has such authority. 3 2 With the case of MEGAN, it had all the opportunity to
repudiate the authority of Atty. Sabig since all motions, pleadings and court orders
were sent to MEGAN's o ce. However, MEGAN never questioned the acts of Atty.
Sabig and even took time and effort to forward all the court documents to him.
To this Court's mind, MEGAN cannot feign knowledge of the acts of Atty. Sabig,
as MEGAN was aware from the very beginning that CIMICO was involved in an on-going
litigation. Such fact is clearly spelled out in MEGAN's MOA with CIMICO, to wit:
WHEREAS, CIMICO had led a 2nd Amended Complaint for Sum of Money,
Breach of Contract and Damages with Preliminary Injunction with a Prayer for a
Writ of Temporary Restraining Order against the NEW FRONTIER SUGAR
CORPORATION, pending before Branch 68 of the Regional Trial Court, based in
Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines, entitled CENTRAL ILOILO MILLING CORPORATION
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NO. 02-243; 3 3

Considering that MEGAN's rights stemmed from CIMICO and that MEGAN was
only to assume the last crop period of 2002-2003 under CIMICO's contract with NFSC,
3 4 it becomes improbable that MEGAN would just wait idly by for the nal resolution of
the case and not send a lawyer to protect its interest.
In addition, it bears to point out that MEGAN was negligent when it did not assail
the authority of Atty. Sabig within a reasonable time from the moment when the rst
adverse order was issued. To restate, the January 16, 2003 RTC Order directed MEGAN
to deposit a sizable number of sugar quedans. With such an order that directly affects
the disposition of MEGAN's assets and one that involves a substantial amount, it is
inconceivable for Atty. Sabig or for Concha not to inform MEGAN's board of such an
order or for one of the directors not to hear of such order thru other sources. As
manifested by NFSC, MEGAN is a family corporation and Concha is the son-in-law of
Eduardo Jose Q. Miranda (Eduardo), the President of MEGAN. Elizabeth Miranda, one
of the directors, is the daughter of Eduardo. MEGAN's treasurer, Ramon Ortiz is a
cousin of the Mirandas. 3 5 Thus, given the nature and structure of MEGAN's board, it is
unimaginable that not a single director was aware of the January 16, 2003 RTC Order.
However, far from repudiating the authority of Atty. Sabig, Atty. Sabig even led a
Manifestation 3 6 that MEGAN will deposit the quedans, as directed by the RTC, every
"Friday of the week." STECDc

MEGAN had all the opportunity to assail the jurisdiction of the RTC and yet far
from doing so, it even complied with the RTC Order. With the amount of money involved,
it is beyond belief for MEGAN to claim that it had no knowledge of the events that
transpired. Moreover, it bears to stress that Atty. Sabig even led subsequent motions
asking for a rmative relief, more important of which is his March 27, 2003 Urgent Ex-
Parte Motion 3 7 asking the RTC to direct the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) to
release certain quedans in favor of MEGAN on the premise that the same were not
covered by the RTC Orders. Atty. Sabig manifested that 30% of the value of the quedans
will be deposited in court as payment for accrued rentals. Noteworthy is the fact that
Atty. Sabig's motion was favorably acted upon by the RTC. Like the CA, this Court nds
that estoppel has already set in. It is not right for a party who has a rmed and invoked
the jurisdiction of a court in a particular matter to secure an a rmative relief to
afterwards deny that same jurisdiction to escape a penalty. 3 8 The party is barred from
such conduct not because the judgment or order of the court is valid but because such
a practice cannot be tolerated for reasons of public policy. 3 9
Lastly, this Court also notes that on April 2, 2003, Atty. Sabig again led an
Urgent Ex-Parte Motion 4 0 asking the RTC to direct the SRA to release certain quedans
not covered by the RTC Orders. The same was granted by the RTC in an Order 4 1 dated
April 2, 2003. Curiously, however, Rene Imperial, the Plant Manager of MEGAN, also
signed the April 2, 2003 RTC Order and agreed to the terms embodied therein. If Atty.
Sabig was not authorized to act in behalf of MEGAN, then why would MEGAN's plant
manager sign an o cial document assuring the RTC that he would deliver 30% of the
value of the quedans earlier released to MEGAN pursuant to the March 27, 2003 Order?
The rule is that the active participation of the party against whom the action was
brought, coupled with his failure to object to the jurisdiction of the court or
administrative body where the action is pending, is tantamount to an invocation of that
jurisdiction and a willingness to abide by the resolution of the case and will bar said
party from later on impugning the court or body's jurisdiction. 4 2 Based on the
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preceding discussion, this Court holds that MEGAN's challenge to Atty. Sabig's
authority and the RTC's jurisdiction was a mere afterthought after having received an
unfavorable decision from the RTC. Certainly, it would be unjust and inequitable to the
other parties if this Court were to grant such a belated jurisdictional challenge.
WHEREFORE , premises considered, the petition is DENIED . The August 23,
2004 Decision and October 12, 2005 Resolution of the Court of Appeals, in CA-G.R. SP
No. 75789, are AFFIRMED .
Carpio, Nachura, Abad and Mendoza, JJ., concur.

1.Rollo, pp. 10-46.

2.Penned by Associate Justice Vicente L. Yap, with Associate Justices Arsenio J. Magpale and
Ramon M. Bato, Jr., concurring; id. at 48-53.

3.Id. at 55-57.
4.Records, Vol. 1, pp. 19-21.
5.Docketed as Civil Case No. 02-240.
6.Records, Vol. 1, pp. 9-17.
7.Id. at 98-113.

8.Records, Vol. 2, pp. 731-732.

9.Records, Vol. 1, pp. 322-328.
10.Records, Vol. 2, pp. 708-712.
11.Id. at 715-720.
12.Id. at 705-707.

13.Id. at 745-752.
14.Rollo, pp. 139-150.
15.Id. at 149-150.
16.Records, Vol. 2, pp. 799-804.

17.Id. at 909-911.
18.Id. at 893-895.
19.Records, Vol. 3, pp. 1069-1070.
20.Rollo, pp. 159-190.
21.Id. at 52.

22.Records, Vol. 4, pp. 1649-1660.

23.Rollo, p. 20.
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24.TSN, November 29, 2002, pp. 2-9. (Emphasis supplied).
25.Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 183 Phil. 54, 63-64 (1979).
26.Civil Case No. 03-11917, Megan Sugar Corporation v. EPCIB, et al. , led before the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 54 of Bacolod City; Civil Case No. 03-27542, Central Iloilo Milling
Corporation v. Megan Sugar Corporation et al. , led before the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 32, Iloilo City. See Opposition to the Motion for Reconsideration, records, Vol. 4,
pp. 1687-1703.
27.See Consolidated Reply to Oppositions to Motion for Reconsideration led by New Frontier
Sugar Corporation and Equitable PCIBank, records, Vol. 4, pp. 1706-1712.
28.Records, Vol. 2, p. 730.
29.Rural Bank of Milaor (Camarines Sur) v. Ocfemia, 381 Phil. 911, 929 (2000).

30.Professional Services, Inc. v. Agana , G.R. Nos. 126297, 126467 and 127590, January 31,
2007, 513 SCRA 478, 500-501.

31.Rollo, p. 56.
32.Woodchild Holdings, Inc. v. Roxas Electric and Construction Company, Inc. , 479 Phil. 896,
914 (2004).
33.Records, Vol. 2, p. 732.
34.Note that CIMICO's MOA with NFSC was only for three years, or from year 2000 to 2003.
Hence, from the time CIMICO entered into a MOA with MEGAN in 2002, only one year
remained from CIMICO's contract.

35.See Comment, rollo, pp. 360-376, 372.

36.Rollo, pp. 154-155.
37.Id. at 156-158.
38.Tijam v. Sibonghanoy , No. L-21450, April 15, 1968, 23 SCRA 29, 36.
39.La Campana Food Products, Inc. v. Court of Appeals , G.R. No. 88246, June 4, 1993, 223
SCRA 151, 157.
40.Records, Vol. 3, pp. 1086-1088.

41.Id. at 1095-1096.
42.Marquez v. Secretary of Labor, 253 Phil. 329, 336 (1989).

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