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How do you rate the change leadership in your organisation?

If your organisation’s future success is contingent on transformation, then its probably worth assessing the
change capability of those you need to deliver it.

Take a look at the following dimensions and rate your change leaders and influencers on a scale of 1-10, with
10 being that you strongly agree:

1. • Our change leaders finish off other people’s sentences, just to speed things up a bit.
2. • They are clear that there is a right and wrong way to do things
3. • They get people to go along with them, even when they don’t ask them to.
4. • Our change leaders always second guess where their boss is headed
5. • They say ‘should’ a lot: “you should do it like this”, or “I should’ve done that”.

If you scored them at 35 points or above, they might be leading your organisation into chaos - and you won’t
know it until you get there.

This indicates an organisation that is moving the deckchairs as they float on waves of disruption, but are
failing to initiate meaningful change. Employees may pay lip service to the ‘higher purpose’, but a collective
eye roll risks destroying the clearest of strategies.

SensEIA map this emotional terrain to understand the change capability of your organisation. We identify
who wields informal influence, what resilience the organisation has and why behavioural dynamics may
threaten the business. This allows organisations conceptualise, design and deliver change so that it lands with
all employees across the business.

Our work is sensitive, impactful and focused. We provide organisations with the predictive power to deliver
organisational change.

We would love to share some of our recent case studies with you, please let me know if this is of interest.

Jason Langley Joanna Traynor

Co-Founder, SensEIA Co-Founder, SensEIA
Jason is an organisational coach and culture change Joanna is a psychotherapist, author and organisational
specialist. Alongside his consultancy work he conducts coach. She works extensively with story, supporting
research into the role of social and structural power at organisations to develop cultural narratives that
the London School of Economics. underpin high performing teams.

T: 07939 084976 T: 07581 552441

E: [email protected] E: [email protected]

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