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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

G. Alban Street, Iraya, Guinobatan, Albay
E-mail Address: [email protected]
CP No.:0946-419-3153

Lesson Plan in English 8


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:
A. Identify the three basic parts of words: root word, prefix and suffix
B. Use affixes to form varied words.
C. Realize the importance of using words to express oneself to anyone.

II. Content Standards

The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that
human beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features
that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and
delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
A. Reference :
1. English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro-Asiam Literature 8,

B. Instructional Materials :
1. Chalkboard and chalks
2. Teacher made visual aids
3. Flashcards
4. English Book

III. Learning Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. COB
2. Prayer
3. Checking of attendance and preparation.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Responses

B. Motivation
“Let’s play class! The game is called
‘charade’. Here’s the mechanics…”

(The teacher will post the mechanics of

the game on the board.)


1. The class will be divided into 2

groups; Girls and Boys
2. Each group will choose one
representative to act without using
his/her mouth nor uttering the list of
words that the teacher will be (Students listen attentively to the teachers’
providing. instructions.)

3. The remaining members of each

group will guess the words being acted
or portrayed by their representative.

4. The group that can able to guess

correctly each word being portrayed by
their representative will garner points.

5. The group that will gather the greater

number of points will be the winner.
Words to be Acted or Portrayed:

view child conscious

review childish unconcious
prepared honest like
unprepared dishonest unlike (Students will perform the activity by group.)
love guitar pay
lovely guitarist payment
act odor happy
actor odorous unhappy

After the game…

“Class, how did you find the activity? Was (Students’ answers will vary.)
it easy or difficult? Why?”

“What did you notice with the words? Are “They are in pairs, Ma’am!”
they in pairs or not?”

“Let’s identify some words in pairs…” “View and review, prepared and unprepared,
love and lovely, act and actor, love and

“In words ‘view and review’, what makes “Two words have ‘view’.
them alike?”
“No, Ma’am!”
“Since they are alike, is the meaning of
‘view’ the same with the meaning of
‘review’?” “The presence of ‘re’ in the beginning part of
“What makes them differ from one the word ‘review’, Ma’am...”
another then?”
“How about in the in the words ‘pay’ and “Both words have ‘pay’…”
‘payment’, what makes them alike?” “The other one has ‘ment’ in the last part of
“What makes them different from one the word..”

C. Presentation
“What are the three basic parts of
“Root Word, Prefix and Suffix, Ma’am!”
words that are evident in the given

“Exactly! Today class, we are going to

deal with the following objectives...” (Students will read the objectives for the day.)

(Teacher will post the objectives on

the board.)
D. Discussion/Lesson Proper

“A root word is a word from which many

“What is a root word?”
words are derived. Kind is a root word from
which kindly, kindness, and unkind are

“Perfect! How about a prefix?” “A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed

before a root word to form a new word.
Return is composed of the prefix re + the
word turn. Return means “to turn back or go
back.” Reread is composed of the prefix re +
the root word read. Reread means “to read
“If prefix is a syllable or syllables placed “A suffix is a syllable or syllables placed after a
before a root word to form a new root word to form a new word. Read is a
word, how about a suffix?” root word; reader is composed of the word
read + the suffix -er. Reader means “one who
reads.” Act is a root word; actor is composed
of the word act + the suffix -or. Actor means
“one who acts.”

Using Prefixes:

There are prefixes that have only one meaning and others with more than one meaning.

Prefixes with only one meaning:

1. ben - - good
2. circum - - around
3. equi - - equal
4. non - - not
5. intra - - within
6. extra- - outside
7. intro - - into

Prefixes with more than one meaning;

1. dis- - opposite; away from

2. im- , in-, it-, il - not, into
3. mal- , mis- - bad, wrong
4. pre- - instead of, before, in favor of
5. re- - back, again
6. sub- - under, below
7. un- - opposite of, not

Using Suffixes:

Suffixes, when added to root words, can form nouns, adjectives, verbs, or adverbs.

a) Here are some noun-forming suffixes:

 expressing condition or state of being
-ment , -ion, -ness, -ism, -ity, -ship , -dom, -ese
Examples: commitment, confusion, kindness, Taoism
peculiarity, friendship, boredom, Chinese

 indicating the doer or one who engages in a certain activity

-or, -er, -ee, -ant, -ess, -ist, -ian
Examples: actor, reader, enrollee, communicant, waitress, guitarist, guardian
 stating a place or location
-ary, -rium
Examples: infirmary, aquarium

b) The following are some adjective-forming suffixes:

-al, -ful, -ic, -eous, -ous, -less, -ly, -ish, -y, -ate
Examples: national, forceful, romantic, courteous, odorous, ruthless, lovely, childish,
lengthy, compassionate.
c) The commonly used verb-forming suffixes are:
-ize, -ate
Examples: legalize, communicate
d) The most common adverb-forming suffix is -ly:
Examples: graciously, barely, frequently

E. Exercises/Activities

Task 1
Using the prefix as a clue, tell what
each of the following words means:

oustide ordinary
1. extraordinary
good factor
2. benefactor
not understand
3. misunderstand
bad formation
4. malformation
equal distant
5. equidistant
below standard
6. substandard

Task 2

Add prefixes to the following

words and see how their meanings
1. comfort
2. direct (Students’ answers will vary.)
3. like
4. union
5. fortune
6. honest
7. ambitious
8. social
9. occupied
10. contented
Task 3
Complete the sentences below by
supplying the needed words that can be
derived from the given root words in
parentheses. The first one is done for

1. The (Confucian---adjective) teachings

shaped the Chinese way of life.
Answer: Confucian
2. The holy man (right--adverb) defended
himself before the judge. rightly/rightfully
3. Jenna’s group was assigned to make a terrarium
(terra--noun) as its final Biology
4. A student involve in a case of vandalism
(vandal--noun) is expected to receive a
Corresponding sanction.
5. The gymnasts (perfect---adverb) perfectly
executed their number.

F. Generalization

“Using the three basic parts of words,

think of word/s that perfectly
describe you or your classmate/s…”
(Students’ answers will vary.)
“What are the basic parts of words
that you use to form the word/s?”

“What is a root word? Prefix? Suffix?” “No, Ma’am! We can’t describe ourselves
“Without the three basic parts of clearly by just merely using actions, gestures or
words, would you be able to form body language as the usage of words are
varied words? Can you describe indispensable in the expression of one’s
yourself clearly by just merely using thoughts or ideas.
actions, gestures or body language?”

“Good!” “A root word is a word from which many

words are derived. Kind is a root word from
which kindly, kindness, and unkind are derived.

“A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed before

a root word to form a new word. Return is
composed of the prefix re + the word turn.
Return means “to turn back or go back.”
Reread is composed of the prefix re + the root
word read. Reread means “to read again.”
“A suffix is a syllable or syllables placed after a
root word to form a new word. Read is a root
word; reader is composed of the word read +
the suffix -er. Reader means “one who reads.”
Act is a root word; actor is composed of the
word act + the suffix -or. Actor means “one
who acts.”

IV. Evaluation
A. Directions: Write the root word of the following.

1. matriarchal 8. interviewer
2. auditor 9. incomplete
3. addressee 10. mistaken
4. Shakesperean
5. payee
6. modification
7. glorification

B. Directions: Study the root words that follow and list one different word that you is derived from
each root word.

11. favor 19. noise

12. grace 20. honor
13. science
14. room
15. create
16. sane
17. human
18. frequent

C. Directions: Using the words that you use to perfectly describe yourself or classmate/s, compose a
simple paragraph. Underline the different words that are derived from the root words.
Afterwards, read your output in class.

Objective: To write a simple paragraph using the three basic parts of words: root word, prefix and

V. Assignment:
Think of 5 varied words that are derived from the root words. Then, write examples of
sentences using them.
VI. Remarks

VII. Reflection

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