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September 2019 Vol. 6 No.

8 National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

In the
Driver’s Seat
for Artemis I
SPACEPORT MAGAZINE National Aeronautics and Space Administration

CONTENTS For the latest on upcoming

launches, check out NASA’s
Launches and Landings
4 Engineer earning crawler-transporter certification Schedule at
6 Kennedy leaders share experiences during panel discussion

10 Northrop Grumman first partner to use VAB Want to see a launch?

The Kennedy Space Center
12 ICON mission to launch on Pegasus XL rocket Visitor Complex offers the
closest public viewing of
launches from Kennedy
14 Pad 39B water flow test comes through loud and clear Space Center and Cape
My name is Jennifer Morgan. I am manager of Partnership
Development in the Center Planning and Development
Canaveral Air Force Station. (CPD) Directorate at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in
18 VAB Utility Annex gets upgrades for Artemis I Launch Transportation
Tickets are available for
some, but not all, of these My responsibilities include the planning, management
22 Innovators’ Launchpad: Kevin Grossman launches. Call 321-449- and execution of partnership activities. Partnerships are
4444 for information on instrumental in supporting the agency’s strategic plan
purchasing tickets. and objectives, including advancing U.S. competitiveness,
24 Award-winning filmmaker addresses concerns with bias disseminating the results of NASA’s activities to educate and
inspire, and facilitating the efficient use and management of
NASA infrastructure and capabilities.
28 Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility ready for Artemis I When will the International
Space Station fly over you? I began my career at Kennedy as a co-op student in 1999 in
30 SpaceX, NASA complete crucial astronaut recovery exercise Find out and sign up for alerts at the Mechanical Systems Division. I had the opportunity to
work on the Space Shuttle Program as a mechanical systems
engineer. I have been in my current position since 2015.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my various positions at Kennedy.

Breanne Stichler, mechanical engineer I, is photographed with NASA’s Crawler- After many years in engineering, I saw an opportunity
Transporter 2 (CT-2) at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Aug. 8, 2019. Stichler to contribute to the growth of the multi-user spaceport.
started working at Kennedy in June and is among one of the few females to have Enabling partners to use NASA capabilities for the greater
ever driven the crawler. CT-2 will carry the agency’s mobile launcher with the Space good of space exploration is very rewarding. It is similar to
Launch System rocket from the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Pad 39B for
the launch of Artemis I, the first in a series of complex missions that will provide the sharing your favorite toy with a friend.
foundation for human deep space exploration. Photo credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
Because of the volume of proposed partnerships in CPD, it
can be challenging to manage the expectations of partners
and support their requested deadlines. Teamwork is our key
To get the latest Kennedy Space Center updates, follow us on our Blog, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. to overcoming these challenges. CPD receives great support
Kennedy Space Center has its from other directorates and programs, including Spaceport
own monthly podcast. Welcome to
Integration, Engineering, Exploration Ground Systems,
KSC the “Rocket Ranch.” Listen to
Information Technology, Safety and Mission Assurance,
BLOG Episode 13: When Rockets Need
the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Counsel, to get these
Rescue. In this episode, we unpack
the need and value of test flights agreements executed properly.
with Jon Cowart, as well as dig into
THE SPACEPORT MAGAZINE TEAM the recent, successful, second test My favorite memories involve the people I work with and
of Orion’s Launch Abort System with the friendships I have made. We are a NASA family. Through
Editorial Writers Group Creative Group Carolos Garcia. Check out Episode 13, different stages of my career, they have been by my side. My
read the full transcript and catch up
five children are named after some of my favorite co-workers.
Editor............................. Linda Herridge Jim Cawley Linda Herridge Amy Lombardo Cassandra White on missed episodes at
Asst. Editor.................... Anna Heiney Anna Heiney Danielle Sempsrott Richard Murrey Matthew Young
In the
Driver’s Engineer earning crawler-transporter certification for Artemis I

eighing in around 6 million pounds, NASA’s crawler- moves and how many opportunities there are to drive and perform
transporter 2 will carry the agency’s mobile launcher with the specific maneuvers the certificate requires. Even once drivers
the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft are certified to drive alone, a backup is usually present in the cab
– an additional 18 million pounds – from the Vehicle Assembly whenever possible.
Building (VAB) to Launch Pad 39B for the launch of Artemis I. “Being a certified crawler driver is not just learning how to drive
And driving all of that weight around is no easy task – something the crawler. You must also understand and be able to operate the
Breanne Stichler, mechanical that Breanne Stichler, one of the few women to ever drive the crawler’s other major subsystems,” said John Giles, crawler project
engineer I, is photographed crawler, is discovering. manager. “After one to two more years of on-the-job training,
inside the cab of NASA’s Stichler, 22, is a mechanical engineer and now one of nine Breanne will be on her way to becoming a certified crawler driver.”
crawler-transporter 2 (CT-2)
at Kennedy Space Center on crawler drivers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, and is Stichler is part of a younger workforce at Kennedy – the Artemis
Aug. 8, 2019. Stichler started still learning how to drive the enormous vehicle. generation – preparing to expand human exploration to the Moon
working at Kennedy in June
“Getting to drive the crawler is a rare opportunity, because there and on to Mars.
and is among one of the few
females to have ever driven are only two in existence,” said Stichler. “It’s also very intimidating A recent graduate from the University of Central Florida, she
the crawler. Photo credit: because of its massive size.” received her degree in aerospace engineering. The summer before
NASA/Ben Smegelsky
The entire journey down the crawlerway from the VAB to her senior year, Stichler interned for Jacobs Engineering Group
the pad – just over four miles – takes a minimum of eight hours. Inc. on the Test and Operations Support Contract in the asset
Learning how to drive the crawler-transporter requires specialized management department. Through this internship, she had the
training with a second engineer in the cab as well as communication opportunity to work on multiple projects, and it was there that she
between the driver and other engineers and technicians regarding was first introduced to the crawler.
direction, any necessary adjustments, level readings and more. “It’s awesome being a part of the Artemis program,” she said.
“The straight sections of the crawlerway are surprisingly difficult. “Being out here has always been a dream of mine, and it’s exciting to
Because of the size of the crawler, you don’t feel like you’re moving have that dream turn into reality at such a historic time for NASA.”
off course as much as you really are,” said Stichler. The next big move for the crawler will take place this fall to
After mastering the art of driving straight, she’ll begin learning bring the mobile launcher back to the VAB from the pad – where it
how to drive the curves. Given that the crawler-transporter is large has been since June undergoing final testing –to begin preparations
enough to fit a baseball diamond on top, turning requires a little for SLS and Orion stacking for its first-ever deep space launch.
more practice. Since the vehicle is
only designed to make six-degree
turns, drivers need to start turning
well in advance when approaching
curves on the crawlerway.
“Driving the crawler is a bit like
steering a large ship,” said Stichler.
“And when the rocket is onboard, it
will be like steering a large ship with
a skyscraper on top.”
In order to drive alone, engineers
have to complete a certification
process that can take a few years,
depending on how often the crawler

Breanne Stichler, mechanical

engineer I, is photographed
inside the cab of NASA’s
crawler-transporter 2 (CT-2) at
the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida on Aug. 8, 2019.

4 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 5

Focus On
A panel discussion, featuring women
in leadership roles at NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center was held on Aug. 26,
2019, to celebrate Women’s Equality
Day. The event, sponsored by the

Kennedy Networking Opportunities for
Women (KNOW) employee resource
group, honored the 100th anniversary
of the passing of the 19th amendment
guaranteeing all American women
the right to vote. Seated, from left,
are Digna Carballosa, director of the
Human Resources Office; Nancy Bray,
director of Spaceport Integration and
Services; Jennifer Kunz, director of
Safety and Mission Assurance; and
Amanda Mitskevich, Launch Services
Program manager. Photo credit: NASA/
Cory Huston

Kennedy leaders share experiences during

Women’s Equality Day panel discussion
have now, and with all the new
people we’ve hired in, there’s much

T he 19th amendment to the U.S.

Constitution, guaranteeing all
American women the right to vote, became
moderated the panel discussion, which
featured Digna Carballosa, director of the
Human Resources (HR) Office; Nancy
for a job for me harder than I was looking.
He sent my resume to all of his friends.
One of them made it to NASA. Next thing
more diversity in the workforce,
with younger and mid-career women
coming in.”
law on Aug. 18, 1920. To honor the Bray, director of Spaceport Integration and I know I get a call from human resources Kunz said moving around is
100th anniversary of this right, Kennedy Services; Jennifer Kunz, director of Safety at Kennedy. They interviewed me twice a great opportunity to learn new
Space Center employees gathered to hear and Mission Assurance (S&MA); and and the rest is history,” Kunz said. “I’ve things. “A mentor once said: ‘Don’t
from some of the center’s senior woman Amanda Mitskevich, LSP manager. been here almost 29 years and I’ve loved ever look back when you have
leaders during a panel discussion on Aug. everything that I’ve been allowed to do.” opportunities. Seize them, because
26, 2019, to celebrate Women’s Equality “DIVERSITY ISN’T ABOUT Mitskevich also is an industrial engineer. when you have been a good person
Day. The event was organized by Kennedy She went to Georgia Tech and decided to who worked hard, they will always
Networking Opportunities for Women try electrical engineering. Two years later want you back,” Kunz said.
(KNOW), one of the center’s employee THE PARTY, IT’S ABOUT she changed direction and decided to major Bray echoes that advice. “If an
resource groups. BEING ASKED TO DANCE.” in industrial engineering. “It turned out opportunity comes along that you
The purpose of KNOW is to provide to be a great combination of engineering didn’t expect, take it; you never know
focus on issues such as employment, Jennifer Kunz and business classes,” Mitskevich said. where it’s going to lead. You never
retention, promotion, training, career Director, Safety and Mission Assurance After graduating in 1987, she saw some job know the connections you’ll make.
and personal development, education, postings on a board that led to her being You never know where it will lead,
and identify and eliminate barriers that In high school, Bray loved math. Then interviewed for a position at Kennedy Space we interact with people,” Kunz said. “I have Washington, D.C. in 1992,” Carballosa and the experience you will gain.
hinder the advancement of women in the she got to the University of Florida with the Center. never felt discriminated against. It’s a lot said. “Growing up in Miami, where there’s Space can be a difficult business, and
workforce. goal of becoming an accountant. She took The senior leaders have seen positive about balancing what you want and what a lot of ethnic diversity, and then going to making those connections with team
“Women’s Equality Day was first the first course and her head was spinning. change regarding women at Kennedy. you bring to the table.” Washington, where there wasn’t, was quite members and other leaders can help when
celebrated in 1973, and it commemorates “I left accounting and went to industrial Bray said there has been a huge change. Sometimes, Mitskevich said, others see a shock for me. I had to work really hard to times get tough.
the signing of the 19th amendment which engineering, and that’s what brought me When she first arrived at Kennedy, only one your potential first. “People see something in be understood by the people I was talking “When you get into an adversity
gave women the right to vote in the United to my career here at NASA,” Bray said. “In woman, JoAnn Morgan, was in a leadership you and have expectations that you can do to. It was a challenge. I think your work situation, all the people that you work
States,” said Rebecca Baturin, Mobile 1988, when I graduated, NASA was looking role. “Before I became a director, almost the next thing.” She said Center Director Bob speaks for you, and after people got to know with are the people who you can count on
Launcher 2 project management support in for women engineers. I’ve been here 30 years all of the deputies were women,” Bray said. Cabana has made a movement to get more me, they gave me every opportunity.” to help. The relationships that you build
Exploration Ground Systems and KNOW now and loved every minute.” She never experienced discrimination in the diversity on senior staff. “He’s worked to get Kunz described a time during space with all of the folks that work for you and
chairperson. “We’ve come a long way Kunz was interested in chemistry in workplace, but has had one opportunity more diversity of thought around the table.” shuttle days when she was shadowing JoAnn with you really help in situations like that,”
since the 1920s, and I’m proud to work at high school. She switched her interest to after another since she came to NASA. Carballosa has been at Kennedy for Morgan at a review meeting. “As we were Mitskevich added.
Kennedy where more than 50 percent of our industrial engineering in college. She took Kunz commented that promoting four years. Unlike her colleagues, she did walking towards the room, her comment How do these leaders foster diversity and
senior executive service team is female.” four classes in that field and liked it so women into leadership is less a matter of experience some discrimination along the was, ‘you will see more astronauts in that inclusion in their teams?
Ashley Nelsen, information manager much that she earned a degree in it. “After title, and more about leadership qualities. way. “I started my career at the Office room than women,’” Kunz said. “And she Mitskevich said LSP takes a proactive
for the Launch Services Program (LSP), graduating, evidently my dad was looking “It’s the way that we lead teams and how of Personnel Management (OPM) in was right. I look around meetings that we approach. Once a year they go offsite for

6 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 7

a strategic meeting to plan ahead, and invited to the party, it’s about being asked “IF AN OPPORTUNITY
the program started inviting some early to dance. There’s a difference. You filled the COMES ALONG THAT YOU
career workers into the mix to get fresh room with people. You have to ask for the
ideas and opinions. “It’s made a huge feedback. You have to give them the chance
difference in how we make decisions and to participate. It’s important to create those YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE
implement work,” she said. LSP also put networks,” Kunz said. IT’S GOING TO LEAD.”
together a team of workers across the Carballosa is intentional in selections
entire program and all of its supporting when filling positions. “I want to help create Nancy Bray
disciplines, bringing new ideas together in a a workforce that is ready to take on the next Director, Spaceport Integration
collaborative way. role, whether it’s at the agency or whether and Services
“A manager who never listens will it’s here locally. We have a great group
eventually be surrounded by people that of employees at Kennedy and I’m very to break away from the warm, safe zone. It’s
have nothing to say,” Kunz said. “I think intentional about giving them opportunities important to build teams that way. You have
that it’s not really that people lose their to get in front of a room of senior leaders to be very intentional and mix it up. In the
voice, it’s that the person that is supposed to and tackle issues that have never been end, you come out with a better product.”
be listening never had the ability to listen. tackled before. I think that’s how we prepare Today, all four panelists are focused
People just quiet their voice. That is a really our future leaders.” on their organizations’ roles in supporting
dangerous thing.” Kunz said that in S&MA Finding people who are completely NASA’s Artemis missions to the Moon and
there is always a manager who will listen. different from you also is important. “If on to Mars.
Kunz shared some advice from one of her we’re all thinking the same, who is bringing “For me, and for Spaceport Integration
mentors: “Diversity isn’t about just being the new ideas?” Bray said. “It’s important and Services, our tagline is ‘We assure

NASA’s access to space,’” Bray said. “We’re Mitskevich said LSP is trying to figure Four senior leaders participated in
a panel discussion at Kennedy on
challenging our team to think differently out how they can be more flexible than Aug. 26, 2019, to celebrate Women’s
about that if we want to get boots on the they’ve been in the past regarding their Equality Day. Seated in front from
Moon by 2024,” Bray said. insight and approval role for launch left, are Digna Carballosa, director
of the Human Resources Office;
Kunz said: “We have to assure mission vehicles. “Some of the launch vehicles are Nancy Bray, director of Spaceport
success, and the safety of our employees at brand new. They’ll fly for the first time Integration and Services; Jennifer
the center. Our challenge is to learn from maybe in 2021. We have to be boots on the Kunz, director of Safety and Mission
Assurance; and Amanda Mitskevich,
what we’ve done in Commercial Resupply Moon in 2024,” Mitskevich said. Launch Services Program manager.
Services, Commercial Crew Program From an HR perspective, Carballosa At far left is Ashley Nelsen, Launch
and Launch Services Program. We have said, “We need to recruit people with Service Program information
manager and panel discussion
employees from our organization that are the right skills. We also need to create an moderator. Photo credit: NASA/Cory
working on the Gateway board to be able to environment where employees can grow Huston
do the logistics element. There are a lot of and have opportunities, and are able to
safety requirements. We need to know what balance work and life so that all of us can be
matters, so that we can protect the things successful.”
we need to protect.”

Kennedy Space Center employees attended a panel discussion featuring

women in leadership roles, on Aug. 26, 2019, for Women’s Equality Day.
Seated in front, from left, are Digna Carballosa, director of the Human
Resources Office; Nancy Bray, director of Spaceport Integration and
Services; Jennifer Kunz, director of Safety and Mission Assurance; and
Amanda Mitskevich, Launch Services Program manager. At far left is
Ashley Nelsen, Launch Service Program information manager and panel
discussion moderator. Photo credit: NASA/Cory Huston

8 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 9

A model of Northrop Grumman’s OmegA Below: From left to right, Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana, Northrop Grumman Vice President and
launch vehicle is flanked by the U.S. OmegA Capture Lead Kent Rominger, and Col. Thomas Ste. Marie, vice commander of the U.S. Air Force’s 45th
flag and a flag bearing the OmegA logo Space Wing, cut the ribbon in High Bay 2. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
during a ribbon-cutting ceremony Aug.
16 in High Bay 2 of the Vehicle Assembly
Building. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

A fter spending more

than 50 years
supporting NASA’s human
with NASA for use of the facilities. The company is developing the
OmegA rocket, an intermediate/heavy-class launch vehicle, as a part
of a launch services agreement with the U.S. Air Force.
spaceflight programs, Kennedy has transformed from a government-only space launch
the Vehicle Assembly complex to the nation’s premier multi-user spaceport. Today, the
Building (VAB), a space center has more than 90 active agreements with private-sector
landmark at the agency’s partners, sharing its array of unique facilities and resources through
Kennedy Space Center in partnerships with government and commercial organizations.
Florida, is getting its first This latest agreement brings Northrop Grumman into the fold.

commercial tenant. “With OmegA, we truly are standing on the shoulders of the
Northrop Grumman will assemble and test its new OmegA giants of space history,” said Kent Rominger, Northrop Grumman’s
rocket inside the massive facility’s High Bay 2, one of four high bays vice president and capture lead for the OmegA launch system, as
in the building. Officials with NASA, Northrop Grumman and the well as a veteran of five space shuttle flights. “This event marks that
U.S. Air Force gathered in High Bay 2 on Aug. 16 to celebrate the partnership with [Kennedy] at this phenomenal spaceport.”
partnership with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by legislative The addition of Northrop Grumman’s OmegA rocket to the
representatives and spaceport employees. stable of vehicles processed and launched from the spaceport
“We have a great partnership with Northrop Grumman; we continues a long legacy that defines the local community
have a great partnership with all our partners,” said Kennedy Space “This whole area has been home to innovation and the drive
Northrop Grumman becomes first commercial partner Center Director Bob Cabana. “It’s a great pleasure to be able to be to be bolder,” said Col. Thomas Ste. Marie, vice commander of
to use Vehicle Assembly Building here today and cut the ribbon after signing this historic agreement
to utilize this awesome facility to support our nation’s space
the U.S. Air Force’s 45th Space Wing. “These efforts, government
and contractor, have fueled the economies and the imagination
BY ANNA HEINEY program.” and, really, the spirit of this community that we like to call the
Northrop Grumman signed a Reimbursable Space Act Agreement Space Coast.”

10 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 11

NASA’s ICON Mission to Launch on Pegasus Rocket
MISSION: NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
LAUNCH DATE: Oct. 9, 2019
LAUNCH VEHICLE: Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL rocket
The only operational airborne launch rocket
LAUNCHED FROM: Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer aircraft
LAUNCH SITE: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
PAYLOAD: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)

MISSION: The ICON mission will study the frontier of space, the dynamic zone
high in Earth’s atmosphere where terrestrial weather from below meets space
weather above. In this region, the tenuous gases are anything but quiet, as a mix
of neutral and charged particles travel through in giant winds. These winds can
change on a wide variety of time scales due to Earth’s seasons, the day’s heating
and cooling, and incoming bursts of radiation from the Sun.

✹✹ MIGHTI: The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution
Thermospheric Imaging instrument observes the temperature and speed
of the neutral atmosphere. These winds and temperature fluctuations are
driven by weather patterns closer to Earth’s surface. In turn, the neutral
winds drive the motions of the charged particles in space. MIGHTI was built
by the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC.
✹✹ IVM: The Ion Velocity Meter will observe the speed of the charged particles,
in response to the push of the high altitude winds as well as the electric
fields they generate. The IVM was built by the University of Texas at Dallas.
✹✹ EUV: The Extreme Ultra-Violet instrument captures images of oxygen glowing
in the upper atmosphere, in order to measure the height and density of the
daytime ionosphere. This helps track the response of the space environment
to weather in the lower atmosphere. EUV was built by the University of
California at Berkeley.
✹✹ FUV: The Far Ultra-Violet instrument captures images of the upper
atmosphere in the far ultraviolet light range. At night, FUV measures the
density of the ionosphere, tracking how it responds to weather in the lower Technicians extend the solar array on NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer
atmosphere. During the day, FUV measures changes in the chemistry of the (ICON) during a deployment test inside Building 1555 at Vandenberg Air Force Base
in California on Aug. 10, 2019. ICON will launch on a Pegasus XL rocket, attached
upper atmosphere – the source for the charged gases found higher up in beneath Northrop Grumman’s L-1011 Stargazer aircraft, from the Skid Strip at Cape
space. FUV was built by the University of California at Berkeley. Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Launch is scheduled for Oct. 9. ICON will study
the frontier of space - the dynamic zone high in Earth’s atmosphere where terrestrial
weather from below meets space weather above. The explorer will help determine the
physics of Earth’s space environment and pave the way for mitigating its effects on our
technology and communications systems. Photo credit: NASA/Randy Beaudoin

12 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 13

“SLS will create about 176 decibels at liftoff, which is significantly louder than a
jetliner,” said Launchpad Element Deputy Project Manager Nick Moss. “The sheets of
water created by the flow will curb that sound by knocking it down a few decibels.”
When the rocket’s engines ramp up to full power, the hot exhaust starts to push
harder in the confined space of the mobile launcher. These pressure waves can
cause vibrations that could potentially damage the mobile launcher, as well as
the rocket about to take flight.
Pad 39B water flow test comes through loud and clear “The sound suppression system acts as a dampener, absorbing the
acoustic energy and reducing the strength of the pressure waves,” said Cliff
BY JIM CAWLEY Lanham, mobile launcher senior project manager. “It creates a protective
environment to ensure safe liftoff.”

N ASA eclipsed another milestone in its plan to send the first woman and next man to the lunar
surface by 2024 with the latest successful water flow test on the mobile launcher at Kennedy
Space Center’s Pad 39B.
The sound suppression system starts flowing about 20 seconds
before T-Zero. Smoke and fire from the vehicle starts about 10
seconds later.
Using adjustments from the first water flow test event in July, the Friday, Sept. 13 exercise “And that’s what we’re all here for — making sure that we
demonstrated the capability of the sound suppression system that will be used for launch of can get to those last 10 seconds safely and get the vehicle
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) for the Artemis I mission. going,” Moss said.
During the 30-second test, about 450,000 gallons of water poured onto the Pad B flame Friday’s test was the first time the ground launch
deflector, the mobile launcher flame hole and onto the launcher’s blast deck. The system sequencer software that will be used on launch day was
reached a peak flow rate of more than 1 million gallons per minute. While the visual is used to command launch support systems at Pad B
dramatic, the water’s main purpose come from the Launch Control Center. The weekend tests
launch day involves sound. included a nominal launch countdown flow and a
single valve failure test flow to better characterize
off-nominal system performance.
The team is currently performing post-test
analysis on these events in preparation for a
final water flow test in the coming weeks,
involving the hydrogen burn-off igniters.

NASA continued its preparation

for the Artemis I mission with a
successful water flow test on
the mobile launcher at Kennedy
Space Center’s Launch Pad 39B
on Sept. 13, 2019. Photo credit:
NASA/Kim Shiflett

Three Gateway
Logistics Element
workers at
NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center
traveled around the
world and carried
the NASA flag
with them as
they reached
new heights.

Above: Paul Hintze, second from left, chief of

Above: Mark Wiese, left, Gateway Logistics Element manager, the Exploration Systems and Development
and his son Mason, carried the NASA flag with them to Haleakala Office in the Exploration Research and
Volcano, about 10,023 feet above sea level, on July 10, 2019. Technology Programs, made the trek up to
Luckily they could drive to the top, which took about 2.5 hours. Mt. Everest Base Camp, along with his wife,
“This was my third trip up Haleakala to watch the sunset and see Debra Woodall, far left. They arrived at the
the stars emerge; the experience never disappoints,” said Wiese. camp on May 28, 2019. The round trip up and
“Every trip reminds me how amazing this planet is, and what back took 15 days. Their trek started at an
awesome opportunities we have at NASA to explore space and elevation of 9,350 feet. The highest elevation
gain new perspectives.” Photo courtesy of Mark Wiese. was 17,675, when they went over the Cho La
Pass. Also with them were Bhalakaji Magar,
the porter, second from right, and Dambar
Bahadur Magar, the guide. “Traveling to
Right: Ron Mueller, left, Gateway Logistics Element architect, Everest Base Camp is walking in the footsteps
holds the NASA flag with his wife Daisy, Launch Services Program of some of the world’s greatest adventurers,”
Business Office, at Machu Picchu, Peru, on July 22, 2019. Hintze said. “In many ways, it has not changed
Mueller and his wife first made the trek 8,835 feet above sea much since the first attempts to summit the
level to Temple of the Moon at Huayna Picchu, just over 1,000 mountain. The views, the wildlife, and the
feet above Machu Picchu. “It was a clear day, with both the Sun people all made it a unique and inspiring
and Moon visible at a sacred place for the ancient Inca,” Mueller experience.” Photo courtesy of Paul Hintze.
said. “Machu Picchu was a key location for Incan astronomical
observations.” Photo courtesy of Ron Mueller.

16 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 17

supplemental appropriation was approved
by Congress in 2017 to address the
hurricane damage. Then the decision was
made to refresh the design and repair
by replacing most of the equipment,

including the hot water boilers.
“The complex project includes the
phased removal and replacement of
existing chillers and switchgear,” Otero
said. Upgrades completed so far include
installation of two 2,500-ton chillers in
the annex, but they are not operational
yet. Pumps, switchgears and transformers
VAB Utility Annex getting upgrades to support Artemis missions also have been installed. Soon-to-be
operational boilers have been installed in
BY LINDA HERRIDGE the Launch Control Center, and Orbiter
Processing Facilities 1 and 2. Two more

I t may be one of the smaller facilities at NASA’s Kennedy Space

Center in Florida, but the Utility Annex adjacent to the Vehicle
Assembly Building (VAB) provides large amounts of commodities,
facilities, including from north of the Logistics Facility to Boeing’s
Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility. The water also
is used to provide the HVAC equipment within the buildings the
1650-ton, and one 850-ton chillers will be
Some of the chilled and condenser
including about 8,000 gallons of chilled water per minute, to ability to cool down the facilities. water piping, primary and secondary
the VAB and other surrounding facilities. These commodities are “The repairs are necessary due to damage from Hurricane pumps and all related accessories will be A photograph taken July 24, 2019, shows new air tanks, piping and control panels were installed in the Utility
Annex near the Vehicle Assembly (VAB) Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The Utility Annex, which
necessary as the center prepares for the agency’s Artemis missions to Matthew in 2016,” said Ismael Otero, NASA senior project replaced. New cooling tower spray and provides 8,000 gallons of chilled water per minute to the VAB and other facilities in the Launch Complex 39 area,
the Moon and on to Mars. manager. “During the storm, the annex’s electrical equipment, bypass valves, fan blades and drive shafts, is being upgraded and repaired. The facility also contains boilers necessary to provide hot water to the VAB. The
The center’s Engineering Directorate currently is repairing including the switchgear, was damaged. Water and electricity don’t gear boxes, cooling tower ozone water center’s Engineering Directorate is making the repairs and upgrades to the facility to prepare for the agency’s
Artemis missions to the Moon and on to Mars. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
and upgrading the annex, which is a chilled water plant that mix.” treatment system, oxygen generator and
also contains boilers necessary to provide hot water to the VAB. Upgrades to the facility already were planned, but the storm related equipment already have been
The annex also provides a secondary loop of water to several pushed up the upgrades and made them a repair project. A replaced.
New construction includes a new
building to house electrical equipment. It
is now attached to the north side of the
Utility Annex. A complete rehabilitation
and full upgrade of the operational
control room, including all its equipment,
will be completed by March 2021.
Work on the annex upgrades is
targeted to be completed by February
2022. Sauer is the prime contractor for
all of the mechanical work, with several
sub-contractors performing the remainder
of the upgrades.
“When the repairs and upgrades are
completed, the facility will provide an
up-to-date, more efficient redundant
capacity for all chilled water requirements
to 17 facilities,” Otero said. “This includes
critical processing facilities supporting
commercial as well as government space
operations efforts in the Launch Complex
A technician measures foam insulation inside 39 area.”
the Utility Annex near the Vehicle Assembly (VAB)
Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida A view of the inside of the Utility Annex near the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on
on July 24, 2019. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett July 24, 2019. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

18 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 19

Prepping for Propellant Loading Practice for Artemis I
Inside the Multi-Operations Support Building near the Multi-Payload Processing Facility (MPPF) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in
Florida, technicians put on Self-Contained Atmospheric Protective Ensemble (SCAPE) suits inside a changing room on Aug. 16, 2019.
SCAPE technicians are practicing putting on the suits for a test simulation of loading propellants into a replicated test tank for Orion.
Exploration Ground Systems is preparing for Artemis I with a series of hazardous hypergol test events at the MPPF. After donning
their suits, the technicians will complete a tanking to test the system before Orion arrives for processing.
During preparations for launch, these teams will be responsible for loading the Orion vehicle with propellants prior to transportation
to the Vehicle Assembly Building, where the spacecraft will be secured atop the Space Launch System rocket. SCAPE suits are
used in operations involving toxic propellants and are supplied with air either through a hardline or through a self-contained
environmental control unit.
Photo credit: NASA/Isaac Watson
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Innovators’ Launchpad: Please explain your job in a single sentence. interest in studying physics in college. After graduating and

Kevin Grossman
spending a year teaching high school physics in Orlando, I decided
I do research on new technologies to use lunar and Martian regolith,
to go to graduate school at the University of Central Florida where
or dirt, for applications like construction, metals and oxygen
I discovered the wide field of materials science. I graduated with my
extraction, and radiation protection for humans, which supports our
doctorate in materials science in December 2018. Materials science
Artemis program to return people to the Moon by 2024, where
is a very wide-ranging field that applies to almost any engineering
we’ll take what we learn there and go to Mars.
What do you find most exciting about your job?
What motivated you to want to work for NASA?
I really enjoy the excitement of being able to shape the architecture
Being a part of the legacy NASA has of inspiring the country to
of human expansion farther into the solar system. Imagining the
achieve the impossible is an amazing opportunity.
technology and systems I’ve worked on being on the Moon and
Mars one day really motivates me.
Why does conducting research and developing
What is a typical day like for you? new technology matter to you?
A large portion of my day is spent reading up on current state-of- Technology development is crucial for enhancing people’s lives.
the-art technologies and research articles related to systems that I’m Things like automobiles, cell phones, indoor plumbing, medicines,
trying to develop. Understanding what’s currently being used is the etc., have all been developed as a way to improve people’s lives, and
first step toward creating something revolutionary or modifying the these advancements wouldn’t be possible without scientific research. 
technology to be used in space. Another big portion of my day is
spent in a lab, either building prototypes or running tests. How do you think your NASA research or the
agency as a whole benefits people on Earth?
Was the work you did your first month at NASA’s fingerprints are on so many everyday things that we may
NASA anything like your current work?  take for granted but were developed by NASA and for the space
My main focus has stayed the same. I have been working on program. Camera phones, memory foam, wireless headsets, LED
the molten regolith electrolysis system for converting lunar and lights and CT scans are some of the products that were produced as
Martian regolith into gaseous oxygen and metals and testing it with offshoots of technologies developed for the space program.
regolith simulants. This process involves heating the regolith above
1,600 degrees Celsius, which is over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and Do you have any advice for people trying to
applying electrodes to separate the metal atoms from the oxygen foster innovation in the workplace?
atoms in the oxide powders in the regolith. I am still working on Understand the problem you’re trying to solve before making
developing this system along with other projects in the field of in- a solution, and do not rush yourself or others to make creative
situ resource utilization (ISRU). solutions.

What is your educational background and

why did you choose to study those areas?
I have a bachelor’s degree in physics from The College at Brockport
in upstate New York. My high school physics class sparked an
Kennedy Space Center’s
Kevin Grossman is working on
technology and systems that will
one day be on the Moon and Mars.
Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

22 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 23

KSC and Proud to Be

“We’ve done some amazing things

here at NASA … and they’re really all
based on our people. And what we’ve
learned over the years is that we are
much stronger when we open our Above: Jessica Conner, special emphasis program manager, Office of Diversity and Equal
Opportunity, helped develop a new employee video focusing on the importance of employee
minds to diverse thought.” resource groups at the center. The video made its debut showing at the “KSC and Proud to Be”
event. Photo credit: NASA/Frankie Martin
Ronnie Rodriguez
Deputy Director, Safety and Mission Assurance
Below: Robin Hauser, a director and producer of award-winning documentaries, delivers a
presentation during the “KSC and Proud to Be” centerwide diversity event held at Kennedy
Space Center’s Operations Support Building II on Aug. 20, 2019. Hauser, who has spoken at
the White House and at conferences worldwide, addressed bias in artificial intelligence. Photo
credit: NASA/Frankie Martin

Award-winning filmmaker addresses growing concerns with bias


D irecting and producing documentaries has taken Robin Hauser

to the White House, Capitol Hill and conferences worldwide.
On Aug. 20, 2019, it took her to Kennedy Space Center in Florida,
In developing an interior hiring tool to weed through applications,
programmers taught the computer to look at the main qualities of
the company’s top employees. Based on the fact that most of the
Above: Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana, left, presents well-known
where she discussed the far-reaching effects of bias in today’s society company’s top employees were men, the computer started excluding documentary filmmaker Robin Hauser with a token of appreciation during the “KSC
— particularly in technology. female applicants. and Proud to Be” centerwide diversity event on Aug. 20, 2019. The plaque was made
from glass that was a part of Kennedy’s Launch Control Center during the Apollo and
During research and interviews for her award-winning A.I. also has been linked to racial bias. An example is facial
Space Shuttle programs. Photo credit: NASA/Frankie Martin
documentary “Bias,” released last year, Hauser set out to gather as recognition, which has had issues misidentifying people, particularly
much information as she could about unconscious bias and how it those with darker skin, Hauser said. What about healthcare? If
can be mitigated. Believing that all humans have at least some sort A.I. diagnoses diseases in certain types of people, will computers Ultimately, A.I. bias is really about human bias, Hauser said, of diversity and inclusion at the agency.
of bias, she originally thought artificial intelligence (A.I.) could be become biased based on this information? Will the data be skewed suggesting that we all look inward to determine our responsibility. “It was exciting to see the teamwork that made this video
the answer. toward people with higher income as a reflection of those who use Hauser experienced that challenge firsthand during the filming successful,” Kennedy Special Emphasis Program Manager Jessica
“But what I learned shocked me,” Hauser said during her healthcare more often? These are questions Hauser continues to ask. of “Bias.” In talking to people from all walks of life, she learned Conner said. “We all need to recognize, respect and value the
presentation at the “KSC and Proud to Be” event in the Operations “It seems to me that a lot of these new apps, there is this race for that we can identify bias in friends, family and others but have an similarities and differences within our workforce, and be proactive
Support II building. “It turns out that artificial intelligence is the bleeding edge,” Hauser said. “You think about the FDA — if extremely difficult time seeing it in ourselves. at making KSC the best inclusive workplace,” Conner said.
already becoming biased.” you’re coming out with a new drug, it has to go through all sorts of “That means we need to count less on our own gut — I’m The event was sponsored by NASA’s Office of Diversity and
While malicious intent does exist, Hauser believes lack of regulation and testing. With technology, we don’t have that. With suggesting that you question your gut,” Hauser said. “It might be Equal Opportunity, in partnership with the diversity council, which
foresight or carelessness are more often the culprits. By using skewed technology, you can create an app, and just throw it out there and right, but make sure it’s based on something that really matters. has members from all nine Kennedy ERGs and is chaired by Center
or imperfect data, biased algorithms can be programmed by well- see if it sticks.” Consult with people around you. Talk to diverse people around you.” Director Bob Cabana.
intended programmers. Hauser suggested it is crucial to have a So what can be done? Hauser’s presentation was followed by the debut showing of “I think we have by far the best ERG program within NASA here
diverse data set. “I think we need to regulate data input; we need data to be fair a new employee video focusing on the importance of employee at the Kennedy Space Center,” Cabana said. “I hope all of you are as
Hauser cited a case involving an extremely successful, high- and accurate,” Hauser said. “And I think we need to govern ethical resource groups (ERGs) at the center. Civil servants and contractors proud to be a member of the KSC team as I am. I can’t think of any
profile company that experienced the negative effects of faulty A.I. standards of artificial intelligence.” throughout Kennedy came together to strongly support the message place I would rather be or any team I would rather work with.”

24 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 25

A panel discussion regarding NASA’s Moon to Mars plans took place at Kennedy
Space Center in Florida on Aug. 28, 2019. Seated from left, are Tom Joyner,
national radio host and panel host; Charlie Bolden, former NASA administrator
and astronaut; Kim Carter, Exploration Ground Systems associate manager,
technical; Barbara Brown, Kennedy chief technologist; former astronaut Winston
Scott; and panel co-host Sybil Wilkes. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Inset: During a recent visit

to Kennedy Space Center,
Tom Joyner, right, radio
personality, met with Kennedy
Director Bob Cabana. At left
is Sybil Wilkes, Joyner’s
radio co-host. Cabana took
the group on a tour of the
Astronaut Crew Quarters
inside the Neil Armstrong
Operations and Checkout
Building, and reflected on his
personal experiences suiting
up as an astronaut in the
historic facility. Photo credit:
NASA/Derrick Matthews

26 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 27

Rotation, Processing
and Surge Facility
Ready for Artemis I

The Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility (RPSF)

at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida will receive
the solid rocket booster segments for final assembly
of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket. The
agency’s Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) team
successfully completed the system acceptance review
and operational readiness review for the facility on July
25, 2019. This review evaluated the RPSF’s readiness to
receive, process, integrate and launch flight hardware
for Artemis I and beyond.

“The RPSF is the first processing facility at Kennedy

to reach operational readiness status, and our team is
looking forward to the arrival of the flight hardware so
we can get to work preparing for the Artemis I launch,”
said Mike Chappell, EGS associate program manager
with lead contractor, Jacobs.

When the booster segments arrive at Kennedy, the

pieces are inspected before two 200-ton cranes are
positioned to lift the segments from a horizontal position
to a vertical position. The RPSF also will receive the
booster aft skirt from the Booster Fabrication Facility.
During processing, the aft segment is attached to the aft
skirt and aft exit cone.

All of the SLS solid rocket components processed in

the RPSF will be transported to the Vehicle Assembly
Building for final assembly with the SLS core stage and
Orion spacecraft on top of the mobile launcher for the
agency’s Artemis missions.

The RPSF is part of the infrastructure at Kennedy that

will help NASA launch the Artemis missions and send the
first woman and next man back to the Moon by 2024.

Technicians watch as a crane and special mechanism begin breakover, or

flipping, of the mated Thrust Reaction Structure and the Guidance Control
Assembly for the Orion Program’s Ascent Abort-2 flight test during practice,
or pathfinder activities, June 22, 2018, inside Exploration Ground Systems’
Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center in Florida. Many pathfinding tests were completed on the flight
hardware in preparation for the flight test. Photo credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

28 SPACEPORT Magazine
SpaceX, NASA coordinate crucial
astronaut recovery exercise

Teams from NASA and SpaceX practiced removing astronauts

from a Crew Dragon spacecraft on Aug. 13, 2019, at Port Canaveral in
Florida, preparing for when humans return to Earth from a mission to
the International Space Station as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew
The joint simulation involved a mock-up of the spacecraft and
Go Searcher, one of the SpaceX ships that will recover the spacecraft
and astronauts after splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean. NASA
astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, who will fly to and from
the space station aboard Crew Dragon for the SpaceX Demo-2 mission,
participated in the exercise.
“Integrated tests like today’s are a crucial element in preparing for
human spaceflight missions,” Hurley said. “This opportunity allowed
us to work with the recovery team and ensure the plans are solid for the
Demo-2 mission.”
The event marked the first time a fully integrated NASA and SpaceX
team worked together on the ship to go through an end-to-end practice
run of how the teams will recover and extract the astronauts when they
return from the space station in Crew Dragon. Hurley and Behnken were
taken out of the spacecraft, given a mock medical evaluation and then
transported to the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Skid Strip, or airport.
“We’re making sure that the team integrates together — that’s a key to
any successful mission,” said Ted Mosteller, the NASA recovery director
in charge of the agency’s team for the Commercial Crew Program. “We
worked on successfully doing what we need to do to take care of the crew
once they return to Earth.”
The purpose of the exercise, Mosteller pointed out, was to ensure
participants knew their roles and responsibilities — and where they were
supposed to be staged on the 150-foot vessel. He was extremely pleased
with the results.
“It feels really good; it has been a lot of hard work to get us to this
point,” Mosteller said. “There was a lot of collaboration, and it was a very
positive experience for the integrated team.” 
For Hurley and Behnken, it’s another milestone on the path to their
historic flight.
“We are both looking forward to the Demo-2 flight and having the
opportunity to return to the International Space Station,” Behnken
said. “Each of these exercises puts us one step closer to fulfilling NASA’s
mission of returning astronauts to the International Space Station from
U.S. soil.” NASA astronaut Doug Hurley, along with teams from NASA and SpaceX, Right: NASA astronauts Doug Hurley,
As commercial crew providers Boeing and SpaceX begin to make rehearse crew extraction from SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, which will be used left, and Bob Behnken work with
to carry humans to the International Space Station, on August 13, 2019 at NASA and SpaceX teams during an
regular flights to the space station, NASA will continue to advance its the Trident Basin in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls astronaut recovery exercise in Port
mission to go beyond low-Earth orbit and establish a human presence on Canaveral, Florida. Photo Credit:
the Moon with the ultimate goal of sending astronauts to Mars. NASA/Bill Ingalls

30 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 31

Appreciation ceremony recognizes NASA mentors and summer Interns

E very year, students and educators

from around the United States
arrive at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Kathleen Wilcox, also with
APACHE-LOGICAL, is a program
project coordinator for NIF in the
in Florida to work as interns during Academic Engagement Office of
the summer months. They work in all the Communication and Public
of the directorates and programs at the Engagement Directorate. “We had a
center as either Pathways interns, or cheerful, friendly group that was very
as NASA Internship and Fellowship eager to learn and participate in all
(NIF) interns, from May to August. things NASA and Kennedy,” Wilcox
This year, about 160 students spent said. “Many of our interns were able to
their time working and learning in see rocket launches and participate in
fields of interest usually related to their Apollo 50th anniversary events. They
college major. They were matched bring new ideas and energy to their
with NASA employees who served as teams.”
their mentors. They worked alongside Jill Giles, lead Software Systems
full-time employees in nearly all of the engineer in the Engineering
center’s programs and directorates. Directorate, received NIF Mentor
“NASA’s mentoring and internship of the Year recognition. She was
programs are an incredibly important nominated by several of the students
part of building NASA’s next that she mentored.
generation workforce,” said Shawn Jill Giles, center, received NIF Mentor of the Year. She is surrounded by some of the students who nominated her Steven McConnell, center, received the Pathways Mentor of the Year award. Photo credit: NASA/Kenny Allen Stephen McConnell, Environmental
Quinn, director of Engineering. “I was for this award. Photo credit: NASA/Kenny Allen Control and Life Support Systems
both an intern and mentor and have lead test engineer, was recognized as
observed the benefits of the programs the Pathways Mentor of the Year. He
over several years.” works in the Exploration Division,
At the end of the summer Environmental and Life Support
intern cycle, a Mentor Appreciation Systems Branch in the Engineering
Ceremony was held Aug. 8, 2019, to Directorate.
recognize all of the mentors and the NIF Intern of the Year was
interns. The Mentor of the Year and Savannah Lawson. She currently is
Intern of the Year for the Pathways and pursuing a Bachelor of Science in
NIF programs were recognized during industrial process engineering from the
an awards presentation. University of South Carolina. Lawson
Mai Miller, with APACHE- said it is a specialized program that
LOGICAL, provides support for combines mechanical engineering with
recruitment and the Pathways Program aspects of a business degree.
in Human Resources. She said Pathways Intern of the Year was
summers are always exciting for the Triston Cadena. He is pursuing
two internship programs. “We do a a master’s degree in business
combined intern team building event administration and management from
every semester. The interns are doing the University of North Alabama.
incredible work at Kennedy,” Miller “The mentors and interns at NASA
said. “Our Pathways interns are civil Savannah Lawson, center, received NIF Intern of the Year recognition. Photo credit: NASA/Kenny Allen Tristen Cadena, second from right, was recognized as the Pathways Intern of the Year. Photo credit: NASA/ today will help return NASA astronauts
Kenny Allen
servants starting on their first day and to the Moon-what an amazing future,”
are truly NASA’s future workforce.” Quinn said.

32 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 33

Apollo 11 astronauts, from left to right, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., Lunar Module pilot; Michael Collins,
Command Module pilot; and Neil A. Armstrong, commander, show a two-pound Moon rock to
Frank Taylor, then director of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 15, 1969.
The first public display of a lunar rock was unveiled at the Smithsonian in the Art and Industries
Building on Sept. 17, 1969. The rock was picked up from the Moon’s surface during the Extra
Vehicular Activity of Aldrin and Armstrong following the first Moon landing. The Apollo 11 mission
launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on the Saturn V launch vehicle on July
16, 1969, and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. Photo credit: NASA

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

John F. Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


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