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Sisim, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur

1st Quarterly Assessment


Name________________________Grade and Section_____________Score_______

Directions: Read the following passages then answer the questions based on the passage. Encircle the letter
of the best answer
Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run programs. Linux is totally
free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify the source code. Windows is proprietary,
so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source code.

1. If we will compare and contrast Linux and Windows, what is the most appropriate graphic organizer can
we use?
A. Diagram B. flow chart C. tree diagram D. venn diagram
2. Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source
code. The underlined word would likely mean _____________.

A. exclusively owned B. freely used C. legally prohibited D. totally altered

3. The generalization we can derive from the passage is ______________.
A. Linux is better than Windows.
B. Linux like the Windows when it becomes popular will also be proprietary.
C. Linux will be prepared more compared to Windows.
D. Windows is better than Linux.
Here are the three worst things that you can do on a date. First, you could tell jokes that aren’t
funny and laugh really hard to yourself. This will make you look bad. Worse though, you could offend your
date. One bad “joke” may cause your date to lash out at you, hence ruining the engagement. But the
worst thing that you can do is to appear slovenly. By not showering and properly grooming, you may
repulse your date, and this is the worst thing that you can do.

4. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support his topic sentence is through ____________.

A. anecdotes B. examples C. statistics D. video

5. According to the passage, what could be the worst thing you can do on a date?
A. Appear properly showered and groomed.
B. Appear untidy in personal appearance.

C. Laugh really hard to yourself.

D. Tell jokes that aren’t funny.
The Myth of Echo

Echo was a nymph who talked too much. She was very fond of having the last word. One day she spoke
rudely to the great Juno, who said that for this offense Echo should never use her voice again, unless to repeat
what she had just heard, but since she was so very fond of last words, she might repeat the last words of others.
This was almost as bad as if Juno had changed her into a parrot. Echo was very much ashamed, and hid
herself in the forest.
Narcissus, a young man who had hair as yellow as gold and eyes as blue as the sky, - a very rare thing in
Greece, where most people were very dark, - used to hunt in the forest where Echo was hiding. As she was
peeping out shyly from some cave or from behind a great tree, Echo often saw Narcissus, and she admired him
very much.
One day Narcissus became separated from his friends, and hearing something rustle among the leaves,
he called out, "Who's here?"
"Here," answered Echo.
"Here I am. Come! "I am come," said Echo; and, as she spoke, she came out from among the trees.
When Narcissus saw a stranger, instead of one of his friends as he had expected, he looked surprised and
walked quickly away.
After this, Echo never came out and allowed herself to be seen again, and in time she faded away till she
became only a voice.
6. Which of the following is a negative trait of Echo?
A. Bad B. noisy C. rude D. talkative
7. What does Echo fond of doing?
A. fond of imitating people
B. fond of irritating other people
C. fond of repeating the last word
D. fond of distracting the other people
8. Whom did Echo admire?
A. Herself B. Juno C. Narcissus D. Zeus
9. Why did Echo hide herself in the forest?
A. Juno punished Echo.
B. Echo was ashamed of herself.
C. Echo fell in love with Narcissus.
D. Echo liked peeping in the woods.
10. Narcissus heard something rustle among the leaves. The word rustle appeals to what sense?
A. Hearing B. smell C. sight D. touch
11. The scorpion is rare, but large and venomous spiders are common. Which of the following is the
synonym of the underlined word?
A. non-poisonous
B. non-toxic
C. non-venomous
D. poisonous
12. The Fallen 44 valor will be remembered forever. Which of the following is NOT a synonym of the
underlined word?
A. bravery
B. cowardice
C. fearlessness
D. gallantry
13. What is the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence: The philosopher’s works were once
condemned by the church and placed on its list of forbidden books.
A. allowed
B. blessed
C. denounced
D. promoted
14. Which of the following is NOT the denotative meaning of the underlined word in this sentence? From
his throne Odin looked down beyond the earth deep into the gloomy land of his enemies.
A. adversary
B. foe
C. opponent
D. rival
15. He gazed upon the beauty of the flowers that surround her. What is the connotative meaning of the
word gazed?
A. admired
B. eyed
C. looked
D. stared
16. Which of the following pronouns would best complete this sentence: The judges could not agree
among ___________.
A. himself
B. herself
C. themselves
D. ourselves
17. Which of the following sentences makes use of intensive pronoun?
A. Anna Rose promised herself a reward for her hard work.
B. Have you asked yourselves why you are here?
C. The basketball players prepared themselves by staying in shape.
D. We cooked the whole meal ourselves.
18. Some animals protect themselves through camouflage. The underlined word is an example of
A. demonstrative pronoun
B. intensive pronoun
C. interrogative pronoun

D. reflexive pronoun
19. Which of the following underlined pronouns is NOT an example of intensive pronoun?
A. We bought ourselves pretzels at the fair.
B. I myself am tired of doing homework.
C. The president himself appeared at the rally.

D. My sister made the bread herself.

20. Which of the following underlined pronouns is NOT an example of reflexive pronoun?
A. Adam e-mailed himself a copy of the report.
B. Christine poured herself a glass of milk.
C. Maria knew that she herself could make a positive impact on the world, if only she put her mind
to it.
D. The students are able to monitor themselves.
21. The food, by the way, is very sumptuous. The underlined word is an example of ______________.
A. adjective
B. adverb
C. conjunctive adverb
D. parenthetical expression
22. John was tired after a long day at school. Therefore, he immediately took a nap when he got home. The
underlined word is an example of _______________.
A. adjective
B. adverb
C. conjunctive adverb
D. parenthetical expression
23. Which of the following parenthetical expressions would best complete the sentence?
Strawberry jam,_______________ , doesn’t make a good spaghetti sauce.
A. for instance
B. however

C. instead
D. likewise
24. What conjunctive adverb best complete the sentence?
Paul didn’t go to baseball practice yesterday,___________ missed the play.
A. And
B. Hence
C. Still
D. Then
25. Which of the following parenthetical expression would best complete the sentence? This solution would
not work, _________________, but the cost will be high.
A. as long as
B. in most cases
C. in my opinion
D. on the condition that
26. What is the mood of the following line
“With my own ten fingers I gained this skill, and by hard practice from early morning till night.”
A. Annoyed
B. Excited
C. Humble
D. Proud
27. Which word indicates a tone of happiness to the following sentence:
Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her
fiancé and their wedding plans.
A. Vicinity
B. Wedding
C. Joyful
D. sadness
28. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?
A. To inform B. To persuade C. To tell a story D. To describe

29. Any text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and seeks to persuade a reader is
A. Descriptive B. Expository C Narrative D. Persuasive
30. A writer who uses persuasion attemps to_____________________
A. teach you how to make or do something
B. influence you to do or believe something
C. inform you about historic or current events
D. tell a story

For numbers 31-35

The prevailing mood of the story, “Orpheus” is sorrowful. List down 5 events/ instances in the story that
contribute to the “sorrowful” mood of the story.
For numbers 36-40
Make a hashtag that revolves around the theme of the story Orpheus. Be able to explain it
Explanation 3
Relevance 2

For numbers 41-50 Choose a topic below then write a persuasive paragraph expressing your stand. You
are graded based on the following criteria

Sentence Fluency

 Can people live without love?

 Love is stronger than death itself

 Why do you deserve to pass on English 10?

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