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JERSON E. TORTAL, Petitioner, v.

CHIZURU and void as there was no valid service of

TANIGUCHI, Respondent. summons on him. He further claims that
substituted service of summons by publication
was improperly complied with; thus, the
 On June 8, 1999,5 Tortal married Chizuru Regional Trial Court never obtained jurisdiction
Taniguchi (Taniguchi). They lived in a over him.
250 m2 house and lot in BF Homes, In the action for the nullity of his marriage with
Parañaque City, and registered in the respondent, petitioner claims that respondent
name of Tortal, married to Taniguchi. deliberately indicated a non-existent address,
 On April 11, 2000, Taniguchi filed a instead of his real address; thus, he never
petition for the nullity of her marriage with received the summons and the Regional Trial
Tortal. Court failed to acquire jurisdiction over him.36
 On August 25, 2003, the Regional Trial
Court granted the petition and annulled However, instead of directly assailing the
Tortal and Taniguchi's marriage. Regional Trial Court August 25, 2003 Decision,
 On December 3, 2003, Tortal and which granted the nullity of his marriage in an
Taniguchi's house and lot was levied action for annulment of judgment, petitioner
upon in accordance with the Regional chose to tackle the issue in his appeal of the
Trial Court of Calauag's Compromise Regional Trial Court October 28, 2011 Decision,
Judgment. The property was then sold at which nullified the levy and sale by auction of
a public auction to Sales for the house and lot to Sales. This is clearly not the
P3,500,000.00. correct remedy. The Court of Appeals did not err
 On May 24, 2005,12 Taniguchi filed a in dismissing his appeal and in upholding the
Complaint for Reivindication of Title, Regional Trial Court October 28, 2011 Decision,
Annulment of Levy and Sale in striking down the levy and sale by auction,
Execution, Injunction, Damages and
Attorney's Fees against Tortal and Sales. Without a ruling from the Court of Appeals
 On October 28, 2011, the Regional Trial nullifying the Regional Trial Court August 25,
Court of Parañaque City nullified the levy 2003 Decision, which granted the nullity of
and the sale of the house and lot to petitioner and respondent's marriage and
Sales, and made permanent the declared respondent as the exclusive owner of
injunction against the Registry of Deeds the house and lot, this Decision remains valid
of Parañaque City. and subsisting. Moreover, it became final and
 Only Tortal moved for the executory as early as October 14,
reconsideration of the Court of Appeals 2005;38 hence, the lower courts did not err in
December 13, 2013 Decision, but on May granting the petition for nullity of levy and sale
14, 2014, the Court of Appeals22 denied at auction since respondent was the established
his motion. exclusive owner of the house and lot. Thus,
petitioner had no authority to use the real
Issue property as security for his indebtedness with
W/N the nullification of their marriage is valid
In his Petition for Review on Certiorari23 before
this Court, petitioner Tortal maintains that the
Regional Trial Court August 25, 2003 Decision
nullifying his marriage with respondent was null

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