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Full Court Layup Drill

Step 1
Player 3 passes to Coach 1
Coach 1 reverses to player 3
Player 3 passes to Coach 2 and cuts to the basket to receive the
pass back from Coach 2 for the layup.
After player 3 finishes the layup, player B passes to Coach 2 and
Coach 1 for the layup at opposite basket.
Note: When a player receives the first pass he is allowed to
dribble once before he passes to the next coach.
Step 2
Same as previous drill except the player shoots from the three
point line.

Note: When a player receives the first pass he is allowed to

dribble once before he passes to the next coach.
Fade Away Shot
Player 2 passes to Coach 1 and cuts to the opposite wing to
receive the ball for the shot.
Player B does the same drill.

Note: Player 2 rebounds is own shot then goes to player B’s line.
After his shot, player B goes to player 02’s line.
Kingston Drill
Step 1
Player 2 passes to Coach 1 and goes to the free throw line.
Coach 1 passes to player 3.
Player 3 passes to player 2 for the shot.
Player 3 rebounds player 2 shot’s and goes to 2’s line.
Player 2 after the shot goes to player 3’s line.
Run the same drill at the opposite basket.
Step 2
Player 2 passes to Coach 1 and goes to the free throw line.
Coach 1 passes to player 3.
Player 3 passes to player 2 and cuts to the basket to receive the
pass from player 2 for the layup.
Run the same drill at the opposite basket.
Step 3
Player 2 passes to Coach 1 and goes to the free throw line.
Coach 1 passes to player 3.
Player 3 passes to player 2 and cuts to the opposite wing to
receive the ball from player 2 for the shot.
Run the same drill at the opposite basket.

Note: Player 2 rebounds 03’s shot.

998 Drill
Player 3 passes to Coach 1 and cuts to the basket to receive the
pass from player 2 for the layup.
Player 2 goes to the top of the key to receive the pass from
Coach 1 for the shot.
Run the same drill at the opposite basket.
Kansas Half Court Layup Drill
Step 1
Player 2 passes to Coach 1 and cuts to the basket to receive the
pass back from Coach 1 for the layup.
Players 3 does the same drill as player 2.
Players B and A do the same drill with Coach 2 at the opposite

Note: After the layup, Player 2, goes to player 3’s line, and
player 3 goes to player 2’s line.
Step 2
The same drill expect this time the Coach passes to the players
for a jump shot.
Double Shooting Drill
Player 2 passes to player 1 and cuts to the left wing to receive
the pass back from player 1 for a jump shot.
After the shot, player 2 cuts to the opposite wing to receive the
ball from Coach 2 for the second shot.

Note: Player 1 rebounds player 2’s shot and passes to the Coach
2 and goes to player2’s line.
Player 2 rebounds his second shot and goes to player 1’s line.
Double Layup Drill
Player 3 passes the ball to Coach 2 and cuts to the basket to
receive the ball from player 1 for the layup.
Player 1 cuts to the basket to receive the pass from Coach 2 for
the layup.

Note: Player 3 goes to player 1’s line and player 1 goes to player
3’s line.
Arizona Layup & Shooting Drill
Player 2 passes the ball to coach 1 and cuts to the basket to
receive the pass from player 3 for the layup.
Player 2 goes to the free throw line to receive the pass back from
Coach 1 for the shot.

Note: Player 3 goes to 2’s line and 2 goes to 3’s line.

Rush Full Court Layup Drill
Step 1
Players 2, 1 and 3 start the drill at same time by dribbling up the
Player 1 passes to player 3, player 3 reverses to player 1 and cuts
to the basket to receive the pass from player 1 for the layup.
After passing to player 3, player 1 cuts to the basket to receive
the pass from player 2 for the layup.
After passing to player 1, player 2 cuts to the basket to receive
the pass from the Coach 2 for the layup.
Run the same drill for the other three players going to the
opposite basket.
Step 2
The same drill except this time the players take a jump shot at
three point line.
Kentucky Shooting Drill
Step 1
Player 2 passes to player 3 at baseline then cuts to the three point
line to receive the ball back from player 3 for the shot.
Player’s 1, A and B are doing the same drill.

Note: The shooter rebounds his own shot and exchanges

positions with the passer.
Step 2
Player 3 cuts to the elbow to receive the pass from player 2.
Player 2 cuts to the corner to receive the pass back from player 3
for the shot.
Players 1, B and A are doing the same drill.

Note: The shooter rebounds his own shot and exchanges

positions with the passer.
Step 3
Player 3 cuts to the elbow to receive the pass from player 2.
Player 2 cuts to the corner to receive the pass back from player
Player 3 cuts to the basket to receive the ball back from player 2
for the layup.
Players 1, B and A are doing the same drill.


Garil Lurus = berlari

Garis Putus2 = Pasing

Garis belakbelok = Dribbble

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