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DETAILS This month, Brew City landed in
McCain the UK; a fresh new brand catered
Havers House Haver
Hill Scarborough North towards the growing social eating trend
Yorkshire YO11 3BS and which aims to bring new life to the
01723 584141 beer snack category.
From Halloumi Fries to the Tomato
KEY CONTACTS and Mozzarella Arancini Bites, the range
Mark Hodge launches with nine products; each of
Marketing Director
which have been specifically developed
KEY BRANDS to pair perfectly with craft beer. For
Brew City Cheesy example, Red IPA is the ideal accompani-
Brew Bites
Brew City IPA Last ment to Brew City’s Gouda & Mozzarella
Order Fries Bites, while Blonde Beer complements EXCITING TIMES
Brew City Onion Straws
Brew City
Halloumi Fries
the Frickles and Onion Straws.
The launch of Brew City responds ❝ Ideal for
sharing, each
Mark Hodge, marketing director at
McCain, said: “This is an exciting time
Brew City Mac to both the growing craft beer trend for McCain as we launch something com-
‘N’ Jack Kegs which saw Brits spend an extra £30m product pletely different into the frozen market; a
Brew City Pickle
Bar Fries on craft beer last year – and ‘social eat- provides a hot, brand-new UK category of proper satisfy-
Brew City Arancini ing’; a movement which has become satisfying side ing frozen food snacks, perfectly paired
Shots increasingly popular amongst millenni- to craft beers.
Brew City Potato for friends and

als looking to connect with each other “The new range combines bold on-
Pint Pots
Brew City Fiery informally over food and drink.
family trend flavours and allows us to tap into
Jalapeno Bottle Caps Ideal for sharing, each product pro- the social eating trend with a range of
vides a hot, satisfying accompaniment satisfying snacks that aim to shake up
for friends and family to enjoy either the beer snacks category.
inside or out of the home, whether dur- “Perfect for sharing, Brew City pro-
ing a sports match, games night or a vides retailers with a great way to grow
relaxed night in. their customer base and extend the con-
An exciting new arrival for the cat- sumption occasions available instore and
egory, Brew City will help to expand to drive repeat purchases as a result.”
social eating through all year-round Brew City launched in the USA 20 years
consumption, driving new shoppers to ago exclusively to Bars and Restaurants
the category and new missions in frozen. off the back of the explosion of craft beer
The full line-up of products includes: in the US around the Michigan region,
Cheesy Brew Bites, IPA Last Order Fries, which was given the nickname Brew City.
Onion Straws, Halloumi Fries, Mac ‘N’ The UK range has been designed espe-
Jack Kegs, Pickle Bar Fries, Arancini cially for the UK market to be enjoyed in
Shots, Potato Pint Pots and Fiery Jalap- the home and at appropriate pubs and
eno Bottle Caps. restaurants. ■





McCain: Taps into the growing social

trends with its Brew City range......................... 2

Analysis: We take a look at what’s hot

in frozen ........................................................................................... 4

Strong Roots: Revolutionising the sector

with it’s plant-based products .........................11

Aunt Bessie’s: Introduces a new look for

its iconic brand..................................................................... 14

Aviko: Celebrates the success of its

indulgent, premium potato products ... 16

Birds Eye: The captain leads the way

with its frozen veggies ............................................... 18

Dr. Oetker: Adds yet more innovative

ranges to its pizza selection .............................. 20

Itsu [grocery]: Flourishes from the

growing demand for Asian cuisine ...........22

Marine Stewardship Council: Explains

how it is helping to save our seas.............. 24

Place UK: Brings new types of food to

the frozen cabinets ........................................................ 26

Whitby Seafoods: Makes sure the

frozen aisles are full of inspiration ........... 28

Youngs: Presents the UK’s best fish and

chip shop..................................................................................... 30
This supplement to The Grocer was published by: William Reed Business Media
Ltd, Broadfield Park, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 9RT. Tel: 01293 613400.
Editor: Johanna Thomson. Designer: Amber Stoddart Printers: St Ives. ©
William Reed Business Media Ltd.




Frozen has gone glam. Gone are the days of a
frosty bag of peas in the back of the freezer
as the sector takes on and delivers new trends
Johanna Thomson reports

It’s good news, average through premiumisation.

prices of frozen food rose Trends driven by brands like Whitby
0.6% over the past year Seafood. Laura Whittle Whitby sales and
which, coupled with rising marketing director, explains: “We expect
volumes, pushed up value the category to continue to see growth
sales 3.4% [Kantar 52 w/e 27 January 2019]. from consumers looking for new and
That puts the total value of the frozen exciting products and expanding their
market at £6.3bn. eating occasions, as well as a continued
So what’s driving this growth, and is shift from red/processed meat consump-
it expected it to continue? A lot of this tion to fish.”
success is thanks to the overall view of Following last Summer’s spectacular
frozen food having improved over the ice cream growth [IGD, Shopper Vista,
last few years, with more shoppers see- May 2018], this signals even more suc-
ing high-quality products that fit around cess for the category. And it’s not just
their lifestyle. icecream, the whole of frozen offers a
Value is also being added to the cat- practical and healthy option that means
egory thanks to an increase in shopper less waste.
frequency [Kantar 52 w/e 27 January 2019] Alison Robb, head of category man-
which Itsu attributes to the increasingly agement (frozen) at Young’s says: “It’s when we need it, this convenience, and
exciting offering now available to shop- more economical – people are worried its ease of preparation, fits with the busy
pers. about the impact of Brexit, being able to lifestyles most of us now lead.”
People are also increasingly looking enjoy tasty, high-quality food at more Steve Challouma, marketing director
for alternatives to meat so frozen veg economical prices drives shoppers into at Birds Eye adds: “A few years ago, con-
and fish offer attractive options. Added frozen food. sumer perceptions of frozen food were
to this freezing at source often has more “There is less food waste – the squeeze at an all-time low, with 39% of people
nutritional value than chilled or “fresh”. on budgets means we can’t afford to believing that it wasn’t as good as fresh
Frozen coated fish value is up 4.7% waste food and we’re more conscious food. A whopping 56% of young people –
and volume 2.3% [Kantar Worldpanel, about its environmental impact. Frozen’s aged 16 to 24 in 2016 – believed that it was
Total Frozen Coated seafood, 52 w/e longer shelf life and easy portionability inferior to fresh food. However, the senti-
11th August 2019]. The category is being means less waste. ment has improved, and from research
driven by inflation across all areas and “It’s easy to cook – frozen food is there carried out in 2018, we learned that con-


❝ The desire to try
new products and
explore new cuisines
means demand is high
for innovation ❞
The desire to try new products and
explore new cuisines coupled with con-
sumers’ increasingly busy lifestyles
means demand remains high for inno-
vative convenient options.
The convenience of frozen food fills
this need perfectly, offering a wide range
of options that can be quickly and simply
prepared while also avoiding the inher-
ent waste risk of fresh food.
Itsu [grocery] marketing director,
Natalie Sugarman, adds: “Itsu has played
an important part in driving incremental
sales in the frozen category by launch-
ing restaurant quality innovation and
attracting a new shopper to the frozen
aisle; 74% of Itsu frozen noodles’kits sales
[source: Loyalty card data, pre-launch Mar
12 2018 to Sep 9 2018, post-launch Sep 10
2018 to Mar 10 2019] and 76% of Itsu gyoza
sales [Loyalty card data, pre-launch Sep
4 2017 to Mar 4 2018, post-launch Mar 5
2018 – Sep 2 2018] were incremental to the
frozen ready meal category in the first six
months of launch in retailer.”
“Itsu is a fantastic success story in the
frozen category. The brand’s frozen range
is currently experiencing phenomenal
sumers’ perception of frozen food now “The result has been a visible shift yoy growth of +126% and our exciting
outperform those of fresh food in terms in frozen food sales over the last three innovation pipeline is set to continue
of healthiness [Rainmakers CSI: U&A years for Nomad Foods with +2.4% value this trend.”
Stage 1 data 2018. 1791 participants]. sales MAT YOY [Nielsen Scantrack: total A lison Robb, head of categor y
“We’ve worked hard over the last three coverage, total Nomad categories & total management (frozen) at Young’s says:
years to reposition frozen food from frozen category, Value sales MAT L52w/e “Frozen vegetables are the answer to food
a staple back-up or ‘last resort’ food 10.08.19], ahead of the total frozen cat- wastage, which accounts for 8% of global
choice into a modern, high quality food egory at +1.8% YOY.” gas emissions.
category, with Birds Eye, Goodfella’s and Responding to consumer trends “But frozen isn’t a compromise
Aunt Bessie’s leading the way in inspir- is also a crucial key factor in driving for shoppers – it also delivers on
ing everyday mealtimes. Collectively the this growth, especially as brands have convenience, portion control, and
three brands feature in 1.9 billion meals increasingly sought to develop products offers double the nutrient retention
per year. mirroring out-of-home trends. versus fresh.” 6 ❯❯❯




❯❯❯ 5 PREMIUMISATION outright indulgence. This means pre-

Premiumisation is currently a key trend miumization will continue. Here Gastro
and is successfully boosting sales for performs well, with its clearly defined
many brands. With the frozen food sector consumer benefit bringing a restaurant
being elevated out the concept of it being quality fish experience into the home.”
a last resort. Whitby Seafoods has just launched
Premiumisation is largely being Whitebait and Fishcakes to create
driven by time-poor millennials who are premium NPD which has a twist on the
propping up the category globally, accord- everyday to attract consumers to the fix-
ing to Strong Roots CEO and founder, ture and create buzz.
Samuel Dennigan. He says: “They’re seek- Laura Whittle Whitby sales and mar-
ing great quality products and they’re keting director, explains: “Premiumisa-
willing to spend more for products that tion is an important and key area for us.
offer experience, unique flavours and Our occasion-based tiering allows us to
sustainability. 66% of people are prepared create more opportunities for the shop-
to pay more for products from companies per to buy and consume coated seafood,
that are committed to positive social and whilst ensuring we are putting the con-
environmental impact.” sumers’ needs at the forefront of every-
Birds Eye point out that it is impor- thing which we do.
tant to offer a varied portfolio that “Having just launched Whitby Sea-
caters to shoppers of different tastes foods Whitebait and Fishcakes, we know
and demands. Steve Challouma, market- we need to keep driving new shoppers
ing director at Birds Eye says says: “This into the category to drive growth by
is a consistent approach we take across creating exciting premium NPD, which
all Nomad Foods brands. For example, has a twist on the everyday, to attract
earlier this year, we relaunched our pre- consumers to the fixture and create buzz
mium frozen fish range to align it with but also make great quality tasty core sta-
our popular Captain Birds Eye character ples for all the family.”
following extensive consumer research. Premiumisation has also been a key
“The repositioning of our premium focus for McCain in NPD as it looks to
range was shortly followed by the launch give consumers the quality and taste
of a new range of premium seafood cro- they enjoy when eating out, in the com-
quettes and mini fish cakes. This has fort of their own home.

allowed us to enter a whole new occasion Naomi Tinkler, category controller at
for Birds Eye Frozen Fish – the ‘sharing’ McCain says: “Clearly this is resonating Shoppers are
occasion, helping us reach new audiences well with our customers, with Gastro
and help drive incremental category Chips growing significantly in both value seeking great quality
growth. (+21.5% YOY) and volume (+14.7% YOY)
“The premium range utilises our over the past year. Now worth £14.5m products and willing
contemporary-looking Captain who we to the frozen potato category every year,
introduced last year, allowing us to give this product is a great example to show to spend more for

the premium frozen fish range a clear how added value propositions are driving
place in the market alongside our core category growth in practice.” unique flavours
products, and has been well received by For Itsu, as long as brands focus on
shoppers.” delivering quality, the premiumisation of and attention, Itsu is forecasting to sell
Brexit is always going to be ment- the frozen category will continue at pace. 53 million gyoza in 2019.”
tioned in any category at the moment Itsu [grocery] marketing director, Natalie McCain points out that there is also
but this is one of the few sectors that may Sugarman, comments: “At Itsu, quality a growing demand for lighter variants.
actually benefit from it. ingredients and authentic flavours are It’s with this in trend in mind that it
As Alison Robb, head of category man- at the heart of all products; when the launched Lighter Home Chips earlier this
agement (Frozen) at Young’s points out: gyoza range was in development, each year. Naomi Tinkler, category controller
“As shoppers brace for Brexit they are cut- recipe was benchmarked against dishes at McCain explains: “It’s a brand-new
ting back on out-of-home food spend and from top restaurants across the globe to product, perfect for consumers looking
are looking to mimic that experience at ensure that the end product was the best for a lighter alternative of the nation’s
home as everyday extra and occasional it could be. As a direct result of this care favourite Home Chip, without any com-


promise on taste. tive growth. McCain currently enjoys a McCain adds: “Frozen is perfectly placed
“To drive growth even further, it’s value share of 52% and a volume share of to support the growing trend of vegan-
important that the category also diver- 41% of the frozen category, which is cur- ism, vegetarians and flexitarianism.
sifies, to create new missions and bring rently worth over £660m [IRI 12 w/e 17th Easy to cook, little preparation time and
new consumers into the frozen aisles. August 2019]. always on hand means a number of our
“For example, we were delighted to products can provide the ideal accompa-
launch Brew City just last month, a new VEGGIES niment to a vegetarian or vegan meal,
brand which capitalises on the growing With a growing number of vegetarians, such as our Jackets range and Lighter
social eating trend and offers consum- vegans and flexitarians, the frozen cat- Home Chips.”
ers the ideal snacks to enjoy with their egory is perfectly placed to tap into these Recognising that sweet potato has
friends and family. From IPA Fries to the trends. So how is it doing this? become the potato of choice for many
Tomato and Mozzarella Arancini Bites, Laura Whittle, Whitby sales and mar- consumers thanks to its natural sweet-
each product within the range pairs keting director, explains: “The frozen ness and unique flavour, with 69% of
perfectly with craft beer and provides category is key to helping support and consumers eating it at home [Aviko
the ideal accompaniment for friends to grow the vegetarian and flexitarian trend Independent Consumer Research, 2017],
enjoy together over a drink, an informal further, allowing more consumers more Aviko launched a Sweet Potato Gastro
catch-up or whilst watching their favour- choice away from meat. Creating easy Gratin as part of its Gastro Potato Grat-
ite show on the TV.” storage solutions, convenient and simple ins range.
McCain continues to remain the UK’s cooking options and greater high quality Shah Khan, senior marketing man-
largest manufacturer of frozen potato tasty ranges that all the family can enjoy ager, Aviko UK & Ireland, says: “The
products since it launched over 50 years across numerous occasions can help sup- ideal trade-up solution responding to
ago and it’s encouraging to see that port this trend.” consumer demand for choice, quality
the category continues to show posi- Naomi Tinkler, category controller at and added value when it comes 8 ❯❯❯




❯❯❯ 7 to their frozen food, the Sweet many of the sales of meat-free products
Potato Gastro Gratin is made with slices are driven by meat eaters trying alterna-
of sweet potato and mature cheddar from tives, now is a perfect time for fish to pro-
award winning cheese producer Godmin- mote its health credentials. Alison Robb,
ster, with a hint of garlic and herbs for head of category management (Frozen)
added taste and flavour. at Young’s says: “Young’s have done this
“We recognise that the rising demand effectively by promoting Chip Shop is
for innovation requires sweet potato to less than 250 calories per fillet, offering
take more than just the popular ‘fries’ consumers clear permission to eat."
format. Listening to consumers and stay- Strong Roots CEO and founder, Samuel
ing ahead of trends, we have designed Dennigan says: “More space in fixture for
the Sweet Potato Gastro Gratins – a noto- plant-based and merchandising products
riously challenging dish to recreate at in a way that answers the need of those
home – to give consumers an exciting and shoppers, inclusive of cross-shop multi-
delicious meal to easily bake in the oven.” buys. Value should be offered to the con-
Birds Eye are keeping a keen eye on sumer through complementary product
these trends and believes the move offerings.”
towards more flexible diets is expected With continued growth in IQF pasta,
to develop further, with research indi- rice and pulses, in November 2013 Pha-
cating 42% of vegans are between 15 and seolus Ltd became part of the Place UK
34-years-old. Ltd family. Phaseolus is the leading pro-
“Additionally, the calendar event cessors of IQF Beans and Grains to the
‘Veganuary’ has gained more and more UK food manufacturing and catering
traction every year, adds Steve Chal- industry supplying ingredients typically
louma, marketing director at Birds Eye, used in soups, sauces, ready meals, dips,
“encouraging new, particularly younger, salads and formed products.
consumers to consider meat-free options. In addition to the established port-
“This presents a good opportunity for folio of IQF Beans, recent introductions
retailers to enhance their frozen plant- include a selection of IQF Grains such
based offerings alongside expanding as Quinoa, Sorghum, Pearl Barley and
their range of vegetables and potato prod- Bulgur Wheat to reflect the increased
ucts. Frozen items have a much greater demand. The pulses are soaked, cooked
shelf life and generate much less wastage and IQF ready to use, without fuss and
than fresh alternatives, so there’s a clear wastage, and are additive free.
need for meat-free options in the frozen Place UK’s commercial manager Deb-
aisles as consumers are increasingly see- bie Smith says: “Our clients are large
ing the benefits of buying frozen food and small manufacturers, food service

that caters to their dietary requirements. suppliers and, indirectly, retailers. The
It is important for retailers to cater to as sectors covered are desserts and bakery, The frozen category
many shoppers as possible by having a frozen fruit and smoothie mixes, ready
wide range of choices across their fresh, meals and soups. In terms of updated is key to helping support
ambient and frozen fixtures to avoid developments, we recently launched a
restricting shoppers or pushing them new vegan smoothie mix which utilizes and grow the
towards alternative stores.” pellet inclusions we are able to manufac-
Nomad Foods has consciously ture on site. vegetarian and

addressed the meat-free macro-trend by “We’re always open to discussing ideas
launching the Birds Eye ‘Green Cuisine’ with customers and are constantly work- flexitarian trends
range, made with pea protein, with very ing on new ways of offering a wider range
encouraging feedback so far from con- of products and services to buyers”. tainable lifestyle.
sumers. Goodfella’s also launched its Itsu [grocery] marketing director, “These consumers are no less inter-
second Vegan pizza at the beginning of Natalie Sugarman, comments: “Follow- ested in exploring world cuisines than
year to excellent reviews and also offers ing a flexitarian, vegetarian or vegan their meat-eating counterparts, meaning
gluten-free pizzas in its portfolio. diet has firmly joined the mainstream brands should look to include vegetarian
For Young’s health is a key reason for in recent years, tapping into consumer and vegan products in their ranges and
a flexitarian or meat-free lifestyle. As interest in living a healthier, more sus- whenever considering NPD.


Unfortunately, there is still the problem
of clogged up cabinets and steamed-up
windows on the frozen aisles, making it
difficult to shop. So how can brand own-
ers and retailers work harder together to
make the category more appealing and
easier to shop?
Young’s believes it’s all a question of
getting the basics right to make shop-
ping easy and inspirational. Alison Robb,
head of category management (frozen) at
Young’s explains: “Retailers need clear
navigational signage, well stocked and
tidy fixtures with SEL and promo POS
in the right place. Brand owners need to
supply attractive, easy to identify pack-
aging designs which are distinguishable
behind glass and inspire shoppers to take
a closer look.”
Laura Whittle, Whitby sales and mar-
keting director, agrees saying: “Making
the category more appealing is a chal-
lenge across all categories in frozen but
the use of clearer aisle signs with strong
focused messaging, brighter more dis-
tinctive packaging and full shelves at
fixture can help the customer navigate
the frozen aisle more effectively. The
introduction of unique branded pack-
aging, range development programme
aimed at aligning products with usage
occasions and launching well researched
NPD into the frozen fish category has led
to a frozen penetration uplift for Whitby
Seafoods of 0.9% [Source: Kantar World
“Within its frozen range Itsu offers ing occasions within busy households.” Panel, Whitby Seafoods, 52we 11 Aug 19].”
a number of products that, as well as Modern new product development Packaging is also extremely important
being restaurant quality, are also veg- that meets new trends, such as Birds – bold product names, clear flavour dif-
etarian and vegan. Further vegetarian Eye’s Green Cuisine range of plant-based ferentiation and great on-pack imagery
and vegan products will be added to the products and expansion of the popular deliver a better experience for customers.
frozen range throughout 2020.” range of vegan pizzas in the Goodfella’s Itsu [grocery] marketing director, Natalie
Dr. Oetker is also taking health seri- line-up, has successfully driven aware- Sugarman, adds: “It is also essential to
ously with its new Momenti range. Jan ness of our brands, and the frozen cat- select high-quality packaging materials
McKee, executive head of marketing – egory, by driving the emerging trend for that stand up to the challenge of the fro-
Pizza says: “Building on the success and flexitarian eating to a more mainstream zen environment.
loyal following of its long standing Dr. consumer. “Merchandising within freezers is
Oetker Ristorante brand, Dr Oetker has Steve Challouma, marketing director also a significant challenge for brands
identified a gap in the frozen pizza mar- at Birds Eye says: “This is also demon- and retailers to consider. Itsu has recently
ket for an indulgent portion controlled, strated in Birds Eye’s Veggie Bowl range changed its gyoza packaging to a stand-
single-serve pizza. Momenti, with its of vegetarian microwavable meals, as ing pouch, dramatically improving its
prominent front of pack calorie call-out, well as our takeaway-style range of shelf presence and shoppability. Finally,
will appeal to those looking for a con- Chicken Shop products, which again brand blocking in the frozen aisle is vital
trolled portion without compromising are great examples of the versatility and to increase visibility.”
on indulgence or taste or for single eat- quality available in the frozen fixture.” It’s imperative that brands 10 ❯❯❯




❯❯❯ 9 help make the shopper’s ‘frozen

food’ trip as easy and rewarding as pos-
sible, giving them reasons to browse the
freezer aisle for longer and fill their trol-
lies higher says Birds Eye.
Steve Challouma, marketing director
at Birds Eye says: “Brands and retailers
should work together to create a ‘wel-
coming’ environment by stocking com-
plementary products next to each other
to create recognisable meal solutions,
while also demonstrating the breadth
of ranges available. Shoppers need to be
able to clearly see the options available to
them and understand the quality of the
products on offer.
“Regarding vegetables in particular,
our current ‘Eat in Full Colour’ cam-
paign encourages consumers to add more
essential nutrients and vibrant colour to
their plates with a delicious mix of fro-
zen vegetables. The vibrant colours are
brought to life in the campaign – sup-
ported by impactful in-store displays and
signage – will help create the impression
of a less sterile environment in store, the quality of the products”.

grabbing the attention of shoppers and In order to drive in-store loyalty and
drawing them to the frozen aisle. It is important for profit it’s important for retailers to stock
“Alongside POS, packaging also plays a wide range of products that can be
a fundamental role in making the aisle retailers to stock a clearly displayed for a number of meal
more engaging and underlining the qual- occasions. McCain recommend follow-
ity of products. wide range of products ing tips for retailers:
With Aunt Bessie’s, we are currently ● Remind customers throughout their
rolling out a new packaging design to that can be clearly journey instore that great solutions exist

increase appeal to the modern-day shop- in frozen foods. POS around the store giv-
per. The updates see the evolution of the displayed ing inspiration is a great way to do this.
brand character alongside a complete ● In the height of the season, use
packaging redesign that emphasises the is the case.” impulse freezers to showcase frozen best
quality of the products, allowing us to Nomad Foods work closely with our sellers, such as Roast Potatoes for Winter
modernise the impact on shelf whilst retail partners on in-store merchandis- and Crispy French Fries for Back to School
reinforcing the convenience of the range. ing solutions, including recommenda- ● Ensure your frozen potato range offers
“We have recently commissioned a tions on planogram layout, flow and consumers variety and choice and mini-
piece of research across nearly 11,000 positioning to enable a better shopping mise duplication
shoppers, from which we are identifying experience. Nomad Foods continues to ● Use point of sale to bring meal occa-
further opportunities with retailers on test and learn meal solution ideas with sions to life, such as appealing recipe
how to encourage higher footfall to the its online retail partners to understand ideas and enticing imagery.
frozen aisle. how it can make the shopping experience And the environment is taken seri-
“The research highlights that, despite more convenient and inspiring. “We work ously with forty-one percent of the fro-
the recent positive changes, there is still with digital teams to best understand zen fish sold in UK retail now bearing the
a very strong role for busting myths the optimal touchpoints across an online Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label,
around the frozen fixture. For example, shop, “ explains Steve Challouma, mar- showing shoppers that it was caught in
there is the perception that the frozen keting director at Birds Eye, “and how we a sustainable and well-managed fishery.
aisle is cold, presenting a major barrier to can best communicate the benefits of Frozen seafood represents a quarter of
purchase; however, in reality, only 14% of frozen, whether that’s through inspiring the sector, worth £910m per year.
shoppers who frequent the aisle feel this recipes or lifestyle imagery highlighting So frozen really does tick every box. ■




DETAILS Strong Roots, the company revolu-
Strong Roots Food tionizing the frozen food industry
Company UK Limited
The Canopy, 75b with its plant-based, natural health-
Great Eastern Street foods, is the fastest growing food and
Shoreditch beverage brand in the UK, where its prod-
London EC2A 3HN
020 3457 0955 ucts are stocked by all major UK retailers.
Hello@strongroots. Consumers have embraced the mod-
com ern brand, and their exceptional growth
@strongrootsuk comes at a time when consumers are
looking for healthy options. Strong Roots
offer a range of tasty plant-based food for
Samuel Dennigan
busy lives. Strong Roots have sold 8 mil- targeting a more mainstream audience,

Founder & CEO
lion packs to date and they’re just get- The plant- not just the vegan and vegetarian seg-
ting started with NPD plans underway based trend is ment of shoppers.
Strong Roots
to launch into new sub-categories in the Strong Roots over index with afflu-
next 12 months. unrelenting ent millennial shoppers, the segment
Consumers are seeking ‘elevated con- and the largely responsible for the growth of the
venience’ and Strong Roots is delivering volume of category which is driving category incre-
on that by matching the premium expec- NPD this year mentality. Strong Roots can look, feel
tations of the consumers they serve. and speak to these consumers in a way
Consumers want convenience without
has further that legacy brands cannot execute cred-
compromise, and they want to experi- demonstrated ibly and Strong Roots plan to capitalise
ence restaurant formats and flavours in that this is on this opportunity over the coming 12
the home. Strong Roots is addressing
the full spectrum of modern consum- ❞
not a fad months.
According to CEO and Founder, Sam-
ers’ needs particularly around health and uel Dennigan; “The plant-based trend is
wellness, sustainability, premiumisa- unrelenting and the volume of NPD this
tion, convenience and the need for truly year has further demonstrated that this
tasty meat-free meal components. is not a fad, and the pilgrimage towards
Strong Roots strategy for the forth- a plant-based diet is not waning.
coming year involves launching into “Plant-based products within frozen
two sub-categories in frozen with the can assist with planet health by reducing
same tasty, plant-based and better for food waste, personal health by reducing
you proposition which has assisted their consumption of meat and the products
growth to date. Each new product launch now taste great.
will be supported by a marketing cam- “We’ve been on a journey with our
paign to drive awareness and penetration retailers in relation to the plant-based
trend whereby Strong Roots initiated the
conversation in 2016 when we launched
in the UK”.
Strong Roots is targeting the seasonal
period with the launch of the Strong
Roots Winter range which includes some
of Britain’s most-loved winter vegetables.
The range includes ‘Chargrilled Sprouts’
and ‘Winter Green Vegetables’, both
served with a plant-based butter adding
incredible flavour and eliminating the
requirement for seasoning. ■




DETAILS With frozen food no longer demon- that help to reduce prep times without
Nomad Foods
Bedfont Lakes
Business Park,
ised in the way it once was, as
shoppers are increasingly understanding ❝ Frozen food
is no longer
sacrificing the end result, with longer
shelf lives than fresh alternatives to give
1 New Square, the nutritional benefits and convenience greater flexibility.
Middlesex, offered by the category, there is a great seen as a lesser
TW14 8HA opportunity for retailers to capitalise on category that A MODERN APPROACH

this and enhance their frozen food offer- provides In keeping with the revitalisation of the
ings. unappealing category, Aunt Bessie’s is introducing a
Sam Dolan
Frozen food is no longer seen as a new-look brand to better appeal to the
Head of Marketing emergency

lesser category that provides unappeal- modern-day shopper. The updates see
ing emergency options, with higher options the evolution of the brand character
Aunt Bessie’s
quality, more premium options from the alongside a complete packaging rede-
leading brands helping to drive category sign that emphasises the quality of the
growth and bring more shoppers to the products, with new packs hitting shelves
fixture. through September and October.
Beyond improving product quality and Sam Dolan, Aunt Bessie’s head of
an increased shopper focus on reducing marketing comments: “We know our
food waste – both of which have been key shoppers inside out, based on our long-
factors in supporting the growth of the standing position in category that has
category – one of the overriding elements been supported by significant consumer
that has brought shoppers back to frozen research. That tells us the roast din-
food has been the undeniable conveni- ner occasion is about the family com-
ence that it offers. ing together, with many life-changing
Shoppers have busy lifestyles that events being announced to loved ones
are restricting the time they can spend over a roast dinner.
with their family – on average a family “This gives the occasions a huge emo-
spends only 34 minutes of undisrupted tional value, so it has to consist of good
time together – particularly during the quality food with no compromises. With
working week. the average family spending around just
At the same time, they don’t want to 34 minutes together each day, consumers
compromise on the quality or diversity don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen pre-
of the meals they can prepare, which is paring a meal taking away precious time
particularly relevant when making a with their family. They want products
roast dinner. that are not only easy to prepare, but also
Frozen food offers an ideal solution for deliver the quality the family deserves,
this, with meal and product solutions every time.
“The roast dinner occasion is a very
personal and individual meal, we all have
our own twists and traditions handed
down from our parents and grandparents
we like to stick to deliver the ‘perfect’
roast. This complex meal has so many
different components requiring prepara-
tion and different cook times. Our range
is perfectly placed to give a helping hand
in the kitchen, delivering products that
don’t only save time, but deliver consist-
ently on quality and taste,” Dolan con-
cludes. ■




DETAILS Since launching into retail in 2015 consumers thanks to its natural sweet-
Aviko with four frozen convenience prod- ness and unique flavour, with 69% of
26 Morefields
Tring ucts, Aviko has built a nine-strong range consumers eating it at home1, Aviko
Herts of frozen potato products that meet shop- launched a Sweet Potato Gastro Gratin
HP23 5EU per demands for premium dining at as part of its Gastro Potato Gratins range.
0800 633 5611
home. Whilst successfully building a The ideal trade-up solution responding

info@avikoathome. loyal following with independent retail- Aviko is to consumer demand for choice, quality ers, the brand is also showing healthy and added value when it comes to their
www.avikoathome. continually
growth YOY with retailers including frozen food, the Sweet Potato Gastro Gra-
Waitrose and Ocado. developing its tin is made with slices of sweet potato
Responding to consumers’ desires for extensive retail and mature cheddar from award win-
Mohammed Essa
Commercial Director, ‘something special everyday’ has been range with ning cheese producer Godminster, with
UK & Ireland key to earning consumer loyalty with products that a hint of garlic and herbs for added taste
Neil David the Ocado shopper in particular – the and flavour.
Senior Business excite and

Manager, UK & Ireland number of 4- and 5-star reviews left on Shah Khan, senior marketing manager,
Shah Khan the retailer’s website for Aviko’s entire delight Aviko UK & Ireland, says: “We recognise
Senior Marketing range is testament to this. that the rising demand for innovation
Manager, UK & Ireland
requires sweet potato to take more than
KEY BRANDS INDULGENT RANGE just the popular ‘fries’ format. Listen-
Thick Cut Super The rise of indulgently premium prod- ing to consumers and staying ahead
Crunch Oven Chips
Rib Cut Sweet ucts in the foodservice sector such as of trends, we have designed the Sweet
Potato Fries creamy, crispy gratins and loaded dishes Potato Gastro Gratins – a notoriously
Hash Brown Bites is influencing consumers looking to challenging dish to recreate at home – to
Herb Diced Potatoes
Golden Hash Browns recreate these dishes in the home, but give consumers an exciting and delicious
Spicy Potato Wedges who may not necessarily have the time meal to easily bake in the oven.”
Cream & Cheese or experience to do so. To help retailers Aviko’s range is entirely gluten-free
Potato Gratin
Gastro Gratin capitalise on this particular shopper and suitable for vegetarians. The com-
Godminster Cheddar demand, Aviko is continually developing pany continues to invest in digital mar-
with Rosemary its extensive retail range with products keting to drive awareness and engage
and Thyme
Gastro Gratin Sweet that excite and delight. with consumers, as well as shopper
Potato with Godminster Recognising that sweet potato has SOURCE marketing solutions to drive visibility
1. Aviko Independent
Mature Cheddar become the potato of choice for many Consumer Research, 2017. and sales in-store and online. ■




DETAILS Frozen Food has experienced a
Nomad Foods resurgence over recent years, due
Bedfont Lakes
Business Park to changing perceptions coupled with
1 New Square increased ranges of high quality frozen
Middlesex products. Frozen Food was previously
TW14 8HA looked upon as a back-up or ‘last resort’
food choice, but shoppers are increas-
ingly seeing it as a modern, innovative
Steve Challouma
Marketing Director category, with Birds Eye leading the way
in inspiring new mealtimes.
sources its products, this extends across
Birds Eye SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS its other brand activities too. For exam-
As a company that has always had sus- ple, Birds Eye recently ran a programme
tainability at its core, Birds Eye continues with The National Schools Partnership
to lead the way in this area to ensure the as part of the brand’s involvement with
long-term health of the category. This is
particularly evident with its fish portfo-
lio, where Birds Eye is the biggest brand
❝ Birds Eye
leading the
the cross-industry ‘Veg Power’ campaign.

in the UK when it comes to certified sus- way in With established ranges in a wide num-
tainable and responsible sourcing. inspiring new ber of product categories, while also
Steve Challouma, marketing director
at Birds Eye, said: “Our work with the
mealtimes ❞ extending into new ones, Birds Eye
invests to best reach each target audi-
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has ence and drive demand. For example,
never been more important in future and running alongside the eye-catching
proofing our oceans, and winning the ‘Whoops, I’m a bit Veggie’ campaign for
MSC Frozen Brand of the year award for its meat-free range, Birds Eye recently
the sixth consecutive year demonstrates launched its ‘Eat in Full Colour’ activity.
our global commitments. We’ve realised The campaign encourages consumers to
our aim of having 100% of our UK fish add more essential nutrients and colour
portfolio MSC labelled or ASC labelled, to their plates with a mix of frozen veg.
and we want consumers to feel reassured “Eat In Full Colour is our biggest fro-
that when they are buying Birds Eye, they zen veg campaign to date and forms part
are making a sustainable choice.” of our ongoing mission to not only grow
Sustainability is not just demon- the category, but double the consump-
strated by the way by which Birds Eye tion of vegetables in the UK. Vegetable
consumption is still lagging behind the
5-A-Day recommendation, at just 1.6 –
hardly surprising given that only 1.2% of
all food and drink advertising is for veg-
etable products,” concluded Challouma.
Birds Eye’s sister brand, Goodfella’s
has also been responsible for a signifi-
cant amount of investment in above the
line activity for frozen food. Earlier this
year, it launched the biggest campaign
of any frozen pizza brand in the last six
years, taking the brand back to its origi-
nal Italian-American history with its
‘Made with Respect’ activity. ■





DETAILS With category driving brands Dr.
Dr. Oetker UK Ltd Oetker is experiencing 6.5% growth
4600 Park Approach
Thorpe Park in sales over the past quarter1.
Leeds Jan McKee, executive head of market-
LS15 8CB ing says: “Chicago Town continues to
0113 8231400
impress the nations’ pizza lovers follow-
KEY CONTACTS ing its fully integrated brand relaunch
Georg Parsbo and the introduction of its new tasty vari-
Managing Director
Jan Mckee eties across the portfolio earlier this year.
Executive Head “Sales figures for the 12 weeks since
of Marketing the campaign launch show that the brand
Jenny Stockton
is up by 11%1 year on year and that house- shoppers adding it to their repertoire or

Executive Head of
Category Development hold penetration has also increased, ris- Momenti, completely new shoppers deciding to
ing by 21%2 on the previous year. with its opt for this great gooey, tasty, share-for-
“This means an additional 930,000 mat pizza. Cheesy Stuffed Crust Loaded
Dr. Oetker Ristorante
Dr. Oetker Momenti households have bought a Chicago Town prominent Cheese was the first cheese filled crust
Chicago Town pizza in this latest period when contrast- front of pack pizza Chicago Town has created and joins
Deep Dish
Chicago Town ing sales figures to those of the same calorie call-out, the hugely popular tomato filled and
Takeaway time last year.” will appeal to classic crusts pizza options.
Chicago Town The second phase of its integrated cam- The demand for the new crust style
Tiger Crust
paign launching in Autumn will span
those looking alongside positive consumer feedback
TV, Video-On-Demand, digital, social for a controlled has led to a second flavour being quickly
and shopper in order to amplify Chicago
Town messaging across all channels. The
portion ❞ added to the Cheesy Stuffed Crust range
with The Cheesy Stuffed Crust Pepperoni
brand will delight UK pizza lovers with launching nationally from September.
three million coupons to drive awareness Mum’s favourite Tiger Crust range is
of the entire Chicago Town range and also being expanded this year with the
encourage shoppers to try other pizzas addition of the Tiger Crust Cheesy Ham
as opposed to their usual buys. & Bacon pizza.
This pizza features a crispy tiger bread
CONTINUED INNOVATION style crust topped with a generous layer
2019 has seen Chicago Town launch the of delicious white sauce which is then
SOURCES Takeaway Cheesy Stuffed Crust pizza, layered with mozzarella and mature
1. IRI 12 Week Ending 17 August.
2. Kantar 12 Week
already proving to be incremental to the cheddar and finally topped with ham
Ending 11 August. category, with 60% of sales coming from and bacon to widen appeal and presence
for the brand at the important mid-week
family meal occasion.
McKee concludes: “Building on the
success and loyal following of its long
standing Dr. Oetker Ristorante brand, Dr
Oetker has identified a gap in the frozen
pizza market for an indulgent portion
controlled, single-serve pizza. Momenti,
with its prominent front of pack calorie
call-out, will appeal to those looking for
a controlled portion without compromis-
ing on indulgence or taste or for single
eating occasions within busy house-
holds. ■





DETAILS The frozen category is undergoing IT’S BAO OR NEVER
Itsu [grocery]
High Holborn House
52-54 High Holborn
a renaissance. Previously a lack of
premium quality or any discernible inno- ❝ Itsu is
forecast to
In September this year, bao’buns joined
the Itsu frozen range. Ready from frozen
vation gave frozen food a poor reputa- in just 60 seconds, and only 196 calories
WC1V 6RL tion. However freezer cabinets are now sell over 53 per serving (two buns), they offer an
KEY CONTACTS becoming a destination for shoppers million gyoza ideal solution for time-poor food lovers
Natalie Sugarman
Marketing Director,
itsu [grocery]
looking for exciting new cuisines to try.
But shopper demands remain high.
in 2019❞ looking for a more adventurous option
for their freezers.
Lorna Douthwaite The success of Uber Eats and Deliveroo Natalie Sugarman, marketing director,
Category Manager, takeaway services have made restaurant Itsu [grocery], says: “We are excited to
itsu [grocery] food more accessible in the home than bring yet more innovation to the frozen
KEY BRANDS ever before, driving up shopper expecta- category, fuelling the UK’s growing love
Itsu [grocery] tions. Conscientious consumerism has for authentic Asian food. We know how
also made reducing food waste a key popular our bao’buns are with consum-
consideration for many, which has seen ers, as they have already entered the top
a distinct drive to frozen. selling dishes in our restaurants. We are
What is more, with the eyes of the confident this will translate into strong
world turning east in the coming 12 sales in supermarkets”.
months, in celebration of the Rugby Itsu’s five strong frozen gyoza range
World Cup in Japan and Tokyo Olympics, has also been a particular success story,
Asian cuisine is likely to see a boom in with the brand forecast to sell over 53
popularity. Against this backdrop, Itsu is million gyoza in 2019. Representing the
flourishing in the frozen category by driv- very best of Itsu, each recipe was pains-
ing new shoppers down the frozen aisle takingly developed to deliver a healthier
and posting a +126% YoY1 growth within and delicious alternative to traditional
frozen. With a string of market firsts ready meals.
under its belt – including noodles’kits, To support this success story, Itsu
a hugely popular gyoza range, and most will be embarking on its biggest ever
recently bao’buns – Itsu continuously marketing campaign this autumn – Go
SOURCES innovates with its frozen offering, bring- Gyoza – aiming to bring gyoza into the
1. Total UK market EPOS data
MAT 52 w/e 08/09/2019 ing restaurant-quality, authentic flavours mainstream.
vs. previous 52 weeks.
2. Lightspeed/Mintel 2000
to consumers in convenient and versatile The campaign itself is another debut
internet users aged 16. formats. for the brand, bringing both restaurants
and grocery together for the first time
under a single integrated PR, Social
Media, Digital and ATL campaign. The
campaign will also include the distribu-
tion of 1 million vouchers, out of home
advertising and trade marketing activa-
tion focused at the point of purchase.
In a sector where almost 50% of 25-44
year-olds admit they are looking for new
foods to try2, the success of Itsu’s inno-
vative, restaurant-quality range makes
it an absolute must stock for any retailer
looking to capitalise on the premiumi-
sation of the frozen food category, and
bring new younger shoppers down the
aisle. ■




DETAILS Forty-one percent of the frozen fish
Marine Stewardship sold in UK retail now bears the
Council Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label,
1 Snow Hill showing shoppers that it was caught in a
London sustainable and well-managed fishery.
Frozen seafood represents a quarter of
KEY CONTACTS the sector, worth £910m per year.
George Clark The sector has rapidly converted to
Senior Commercial
Manager MSC labelled, with an average of eight
[email protected] percentage points growth per year over
the past few years.
The majority of the growth has been in
frozen prepared products, including bat-
tered and breaded fish, fish with sauces
and fish fingers.

BIRDS EYE HITS 100% demonstrates our global commitments.

Birds Eye recently achieved their target of
100% MSC certified on their fish portfolio, ❝ Our work
with the MSC
“We’ve realised our aim of having
100% of our fish portfolio in the UK
a tremendous achievement. As a result, it MSC labelled or ASC labelled, and we
is hardly surprising that this year, Birds has never really want consumers - who are increas-
Eye won the MSC’s Frozen Brand of the been more ingly concerned about sourcing trans-
Year 2019, for the 6th year in a row. important in parency – to feel inspired by our own
Announcing the award at a ceremony future proofing commitment.”
our oceans❞
in July, the MSC’s Loren Hiller praised
Birds Eye’s “...continued strong commit- ICELAND ADDS THE LABEL
ment to labelling products with the MSC In February this year, Iceland launched
logo. Birds Eye continue to provide excep- a new range of MSC labelled products
tional provision of MSC labelled products across all of their UK stores. The ten new
as the clear market leader in certified sus- cod, haddock, plaice and prawn lines
tainable frozen seafood products.” now make up a third of Iceland’s wild-
Steve Challouma, marketing director caught range.
at Birds Eye, said, “Our work with the Challouma concludes: “The move
MSC has never been more important strengthens Iceland’s commitment to
in future proofing our oceans and the ocean protection, following initiatives
marine life that lives within them, and that reduce and remove plastic packag-
winning the MSC Frozen Brand of the ing in store as well as removing palm oil
year award for the sixth consecutive year from all own brand products." ■




DETAILS Established in 1954, Place UK have In addition to the established port-
Place UK Ltd and
Phaseolus Ltd
Church Farm
a solid reputation as one of
Britain’s leading fruit growers, IQF sup- ❝ Place UK
have a solid
folio of IQF Beans, recent introductions
include a selection of IQF Grains such
Church Road pliers and food processing plants. as Quinoa, Sorghum, Pearl Barley and
Tunstead, Norwich Founded by John Place, supplier of reputation as Bulgur Wheat to reflect the increased
NR12 8RQ
01692 536225 fresh fruit to the canning and jam- one of demand. The pulses are soaked, cooked
[email protected] making industries, the business was Britain’s and IQF ready to use, without fuss and transformed two decades later, with the wastage, and are additive free. leading fruit
installation of a freezer tunnel, giving
KEY CONTACTS the company a distinct advantage – high
Debbie Smith quality homegrown produce could be fro- suppliers and With their joint unique and diverse
Commercial Manager
01692 534228 zen and supplied throughout the year. food offers, Place and Phaseolus cover all areas
debbiesmith@ With 60 years of experience, Place UK processing of the retail, food service, processing and is currently run by Tim Place and is now manufacturing industries, which benefit
Derek Clipsham
recognised as one of the UK’s leading
plants from their one-stop-shop approach.
Business Development
Manager growers and processors of high quality, Together, Place UK and Phaseolus
01223 810125 soft fruits for major British supermarkets remain well placed to capitalise on the
Derek@phaseolus. Alongside fresh fruit, Place UK sup- growing awareness of healthy eating and
ply Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) Brit- the associated benefits of using beans
ish and imported fruit to a wide variety and grains in a diverse range of recipes.
Place UK
of manufacturers and wholesalers, as Place UK’s commercial manager Deb-
well as developing frozen fruit purees bie Smith says: “Our clients are large
and fruit mixes for the ever-popular and small manufacturers, food service
smoothie drinks. suppliers and, indirectly, retailers. The
With continued growth in IQF pasta, sectors covered are desserts and bakery,
rice and pulses, in November 2013 Pha- frozen fruit and smoothie mixes, ready
seolus Ltd became part of the Place UK meals and soups. In terms of updated
Ltd family. developments, we recently launched a
Phaseolus are the leading processors new vegan smoothie mix which utilizes
of IQF Beans and Grains to the UK food pellet inclusions we are able to manufac-
manufacturing and catering industry ture on site.
supplying ingredients typically used in “We’re always open to discussing ideas
soups, sauces, ready meals, dips, salads with customers and are constantly work-
and formed products. ing on new ways of offering a wider range
of products and services to buyers”.
The company is constantly coming up
with new ideas, experimenting using dif-
ferent produce, and have launched 16 new
lines into retail in 2019.
Branching out into retail packing in
2013 for Place UK has paid dividends with
an annual turnover of £30 million.
With a new cold store recently built on
site, and plans to install new equipment
in their packing area this year, things are
moving briskly along. Recent investment
exceeds £1m. Smith says, “Since 2010, our
turnover has more than trebled, long
may it continue!” ■




DETAILS Continuing on their quest for the
Whitby Seafoods best, Whitby Seafoods has bagged
Fairfield Way
Whitby the title of the ‘fastest-growing coated
North Yorkshire seafood brand’. In the latest 12 weeks, the
YO22 4PU Yorkshire seafood obsessives have seen
KEY CONTACTS a whopping 14.7% increase in spending
Jill Hall and 18.7% increase in volume1. What’s
Head of Retail Sales more, they have also seen a whopping younger people have less time and are

Sophie Pogson
Marketing Manager 59,000 new households being introduced We don’t not so confident in preparing seafood, yet
Claire Greenbank to the brand over the last year2. believe in they love it and want to enjoy more of it,
Category Manager Established by Graham Whittle as a especially as more consumers are looking
KEY BRANDS frozen focused manufacturer in 1985, the bland and for an alternative to meat based meals.
Whitby Seafoods proud, independent family business has boring Our mission is to use this insight to bring
a buccaneering spirit and claims it will
never accept seafood mediocrity. Packed
seafood ❞ more and more top-notch innovation to
the market, giving younger shoppers a
full of hearty, straight- talking Yorkshire proper reason to be excited when buying
goodness, Whitby Seafood’s main aim is frozen food. Our recent launch of White-
‘to wow customers with Bloomin’ Special bait and three new and exciting Fishcake
seafood’. lines is just the start targeting the needs
Laura Whittle, Graham’s daughter and of this consumer group, we have lots of
the Whitby sales and marketing director, exciting new products about to launch
explains: “We don’t believe in bland and which will only help to further attract
boring seafood and that’s why we don’t this new frozen shopper to the frozen
do anything in a bland and boring way! seafood category.’
At the heart of our brand is a warm and Whittle continues: “We believe that
passionate business that has always been the move by consumers to a more
about finding new ways to enjoy seafood. crafted, local way of buying is just as rel-
We are pioneering a frozen seafood revo- evant to frozen food as it is to other sec-
lution to make exciting seafood more tors. The need to feel more connected to
accessible. Frozen is key category seafood the food we eat and knowing more about
and it represents 75% of all our branded it’s provenance is a great dynamic for us
sales.” as a brand.
The coated seafood market under “Whitby is a family owned and run
indexes against younger and more afflu- business, based in a real place, in Whitby
ent shoppers, a segment that the Whitby North Yorkshire, and we make sure all
brand has been able to attract into the our products tell this true story. This is
category. Whittle says: “We know that what makes us stand out on shelf. ■

1. Kantar World Panel
Online, UK Total Coated
Seafood, Whitby Seafood,
12 w/e 11th August 2019
2. Kantar World Panel
Online, UK Total Coated
Seafood, Whitby Seafood,
52 w/e 11th August 2019
3. Coated Seafood PSM,
208 frozen seafood
consumers, Feb 2017





DETAILS Britain loves Chip Shop. At over
Young’s Seafood £40m in sales, it’s stunning that
Ross House Young’s Chip Shop is up +30%1 and has
Wickham Road grown in value by +£2.3m. What’s power-
Grimsby ing the stellar performance that’s seen
North East Lincolnshire
DN31 3SW half a million new shoppers2 buy into the
01472 585858 brand?
www.youngsseafood. We explore how the Nation’s favour- www.facebook.
com/youngsseafood ite is perfectly positioned for growing
www.instagram. consumer trends; with more focus on
com/youngsseafood/ health, more families eating together
youngsseafood and increasing uncertainty in the future.
KEY CONTACTS A FOCUS ON HEALTH ilies see it as core family time, they’re

Yvonne Adam
Marketing Director Health is a key reason for a flexitarian or Now is a doing so on more occasions and busy
Frank Green meat-free lifestyle. So, now is a perfect perfect time households want products that are easy
Sales Director time for fish, with many meat-free sales to prepare.
Jason Manley
driven by meat eaters trying alternatives. for fish, with Adam says: “We’re happy to spend a
Head of Frozen
Alison Robb In younger families there’s a desire for many meat- little extra time preparing a dish, but
Head Of Category
Management (Frozen)
products to have health benefits. free sales it must be easy to make. Chip Shop’s
Yvonne Adam, marketing director, driven by meat ever ready status in the freezer means
KEY BRANDS says “Omega 3 has a specific and well- shoppers know they have a simple-to-
Young’s eaters trying

known health benefit that really appeals cook, family favourite whenever it’s
Young’s Gastro
Young’s Chip Shop to parents”. Meeting these needs trans- alternatives needed.”
Young’s Simply Breaded lates into sales.
Young’s Scampi Adam adds: “At less than 250 calories INCREASING UNCERTAINTY
Young’s Admirals Pie
Young’s Simply Steam per fillet, and a natural source of Omega And it’s fair to say that people are wor-
3, our Omega 3 range has been a hit with ried about the impact of Brexit on their
younger families, adding incremental income3 . They’re turning to frozen to
sales and bringing in new shoppers, not enjoy high-quality food at more eco-
just those switching around.” nomical prices.
Adam explains: “Uncertainty is chang-
1. IRI 12 weeks to we 14.7.19. ing behaviours; people are eating more
2. KWP 12we 14.7.19.
3. TradingEcomoics.
An increase in eating together is another home cooked meals and they’re looking
com, GFK NPO (UK). key trend that’s frozen fish friendly. Fam- for comforting foods”.
This is where the ‘the authentic taste
of the chippy at home’ promise really hits
the spot. The 30-year-old range appeals to
different shoppers through its choice of
species and pack size.
Adam adds: “From the immedi-
ate success of our new Fillet of Fish
Quarter Pounder, our Extra-Large packs
that appeal to older, smaller house-
holds, and our Omega 3 range attracting
younger families, Chip Shop genuinely
offers something for everyone and
it’s growing across all our product
ranges.” ■


Broadfield Park, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9RT
Tel:01293 613400 Fax: 01293 610380

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