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The Complete iPadOS Manual tutorials : to improve your skills Y ¢ Black Dog i-Tech Series The Complete iPadOS Manual This year, the iPad got its own operating system. It no longer runs on iOS and instead uses iPadOS, a brand new platform for Apple’s tablet range. The brand new iPadOS has a lot in common with the iPhone's iOS, of course. In fact, most of the great new features included in the new iOS 13 are also found in iPadOS. In The Complete iPadOS Manual, we bring you a comprehensive guide to the Apple tablet, its operating system, and its key apps. We take an in-depth look at its features old and new, presented in a plain English, easy-to-follow style. With our help, you'll soon be an iPad expert! Can You Run iPadOS? Older Pads cannot be updated t the new U operating system, so f you want to upgrade your iPad to iPadOS, itmust be one of the {2nch Pad Pro. iPad Ar following models: HfereniPedbro. (amnion) eran) (Shanon 105inchiPadPro iPad Ar? — (RBC pad mins 9.74nch iPad Pro BB enatempubicatonscom WF @bamouns [FPBDM Pubieatons — @ wrnocmputicatons com © Contents Contents The Complete iPadOS Manual > Oa eel Rodarte) 10 New Home Screen — Now with Widgets 12 _ iPad Multitasking — Updated in PadOS 14 New Gestures ~ For iPadOS 16 Custom Fonts — For Your Designs 17 Apple Pencil New Features BE ace (Oa oe 20 Updating to iPadOS - And Updating Apps 22 _Newin iPadOS — What's Changed? 28 Find My — What's Where? 32 Dark Mode ~ New to the iPad 34 Voice Control — An Accessibility Feature 4 | Black Dag iTech Series - Volume 4 36 First Steps with iPadOS 38 Sesegeseeesn Set Up Your iPad — For the First Time Your Apple ID — How to Set it Up Face ID - Take a Look Touch ID — Use Your Finger Intemet Access — How to Get Oniine Setting Up Email — On Your iPad The Touchscreen — Better with Gestures ‘The Keyboard — On-screen Typing Control Centre — And How to Use it Using Folders — On the Home Screen AirDrop & Bluetooth - Stream and Transfer Contents 62 Bu adOS Apps For the Fa 64 Mail App — Email on the Move " note-taking.” power-presenting! 71 Home App — Control Your Gadgets , Safari App ~ Surf the Web beat-maisins, Reminders App — Never Forget Again Messages App — Texts on Your iPad Notes App — Organise Your Jottings Calendar App — Plan Your Dates Contacts App — Digital Address Book Clock App — World Time and More 100 Camera App — Take Better Pictures 104 Photos App — Manage Your Snaps 8@8e8se88an 410 Maps App — Find Your Way Around Your iPad and iPadOS 116 Measure App — A Digital Ruler 136 Cloud Computing - The iCloud Service 418 Music App — Enjoy Your Sounds 140 Using the Files App — Its Secrets Uncovered 122 TV App ~ Television On the Go 142 _Do Not Disturb — For Peace and Quiet 124 Books App — Read Your eBooks 144 The Siri Assistant — Your iPad’s PA 126 News App - Stories and Features 148 Wallpaper & Sounds — Customise Your iPad 128 FaceTime App — Audio and Video Calls 150 Screen Time — Monitor Your iPad 130 iTunes Store App — For Digital Media 152 Notification Centre — On Your iPad 132. App Store App — To Buy More Apps 156 More About iPadOS — Exciting Tips & Tricks (Cea ec ccc! iPad, 7th Generation More bang for your buck, euro or pound. On Display ‘TeiPad tamiy hasan utr get together Jackson Square, French Quarter ee) LOSES 1c The iPad 7th Generation isouton Monday, 30th een Peers Seared rid Mere BETS U Lad Vibes g Erie Misty BMS er otd Exclusive to iPadOS. Now iPadOS has broken away from iOS, it’s gained a host of new features that are exclusive to the iPad. There’s a redesigned Home screen, with a great new widgets bar, new Apple Pencil features, new touchscreen gestures, and a great new way of using fonts. In this section, we take a look at them and what they can do for you, the iPad user. Learn more > Exclusive to iPadOS Panel icloud Drive ota Q & BaS eur} es Rough eed ro oes ee races cic Ce Precis a CJ = ——— Exclusive to iPadOS say New Home Screen a Now with Widgets With the new iPadOS, Apple has made a few changes to the iPad Home screen. There's a new Today widgets sidebar right there on the first page, but only if you want it. There’s also more space, so you can put more app icons ona single screen. It's so much more efficient; everything’s at your fingertips. Today Widgets on Home Screen On the first page of the Home screen, swipe the By |! you choose to add the widgets, they're screen right to reveal this sidebar, which only permanently attached to the Home screen in an appears in landscape mode (that is, with the screen easy-to-use sidebar. The icons on your Home screen horizontal). Choose whether to add it to your Home are packed closer together to make room for the screen permanently widgets section, “Today View @ EEE: o BW As botor, if you scroll all the way down tothe iso on the Edit screen, you can change your mind bottom of your widgets, you see a button marked about whether to keep the Today widgets on the Edit. Tap it and you can configure the Today widgets to. Home screen. Just flick the switch at the top of the Edit suit your needs, arranging and organising them at wil screen to turn them on, and off again, as you wish, 40 | Back Dog ech Series - Volume 40 ‘Something else you can do on the Edit screen is to pin your favourite widgets to the Home screen. By default, Weather and the Calendar's Up Next are always there, simply swipe up for the others. Bag To move @ widget from is current place in your list place your finger on the Three-line icon, on the right-hand side of the widget in question, and drag it into your preferred place. Rearrange as many as you like, and lap Done when youve finished More Apps Per Page. een On the Ecit screen, you can rearrange the order of the Today widgets, and also move them into, or out of the Pinned Favourites section, that is, the widgets that always. ‘appear on your Today screen withaut scroing, You can also remove a widget from the Today list altogether by tapping the minus sign to its left, or add ‘a new one by tapping its plus sign. Some third-party apps. Offer widgets, so its worth checking back frequently to make sure you're not missing anything, By default, the new Home screen uses smaller app. cons, allowing you to get more apps and folders. ‘onto a single screen. As you can see, there's now room for 30 items on a single screen, up from 20 items before. Br you cistke the tighter, more packed screen style, open the Settings app and tap Display & Brightness. ‘Scroll tothe bottom of the sereen forthe options: More, the: ‘new app arrangement, Bigger, the old siye. oe ‘ubsmpubteatonscom| 14 Exclusive to iPadOS iPad Multitasking Updated in iPadOS The iPad has been able to multitask, that is, run two apps side by side, for quite a while now. In the new iPadOS, this feature has been improved substantially; you can even run the same app twice. Your iPad must be recent enough to use multitasking, though if it can run iPadOS, it probably is. Slide Over When using an app, you might find you need access to a different app, maybe to look up or transfer some information. Swipe up from the foot of the screen to access the dock, then drag another app to the side of the screen, as shown. Da More Sear Irs ae _ if Jirados Action! Updating to iPadOS And Updating Apps Apple regularly releases updates to its operating systems, and iPadOS is no exception. If you haven't yet updated to iPadOS, follow this guide. If you have, keep this tutorial handy for when Apple updates the tablet operating system. System Requirements. fz | a (ail hut ee bes eee ra bey 2) era Cae see Corea eens Sry Auto Updates. ‘To download and install updates automatically, open. ‘Settings, and go to General > Software Update > ‘Automatic Updates; turn it on. Updates to apps and iOS are then downloaded automatically, and installed ‘overnight when your iPad is connected to WiFi and charging. s o ° s Bom (ca By ees re erin of 105, he Setings app In General, tap Software Update. Your iPad checks icon on the Home screen is badged with a number in with Apple to see if there is a newer version than Open it, and from the next screen, look for the one you're currently running, If there isn’, you're told you're ed eneral lnk and then tap it Up to date, but if there is, you can install it now. Updating to iPados [fe — Downloading and Ste / Updating Apps. If an update's available, tap the Install Now link, You may need to plug your iPad into a mains power supply if the battery's low. After entering your passc¢ eee Ook j-Jene™ | the update is verified and then downlo J BB 'you have app updates to instal, the App Store, on #680 the Home screen, is badged with a number. Open it, then tap your Accounts icon in the top right (also badged) . to see a lst of apps that have been updated. fe) = 80 is) nen is finished, tap Install Now to begin the installation process, The update installs and your tablet restarts; don't turn it off whilst this is going on. After the restart, you must enter your passcode, when prompted, and, ‘Tap an app to read about what's new. Update an app agree to Terms and Conditions. Then you're ready to enjoy by tapping its Update button, or tap the Update All ink your new version of iPadOS. 10 update all apps at once. Progress is shown in a circle; tap itto pause or continue an update. Software Update Failed. cet cee a) can become overloaded with people trying to download it and update ther tablets. you see this message, sayifg the eet rte cay eas When your apps have finished updating, you can tap the Open button that has replaced the Update link to launch that app directly from the Updates screen. You can ‘also swipe the app left for a Delete button. weutmpubltonscom | 24 f Jirados Action! © New in iPadOS What's Changed? iPadOS is the latest version of the iPad’s operating system. When you've upgraded your tablet to iPadOS, you have a huge range of exciting new features at your disposal, as well as a performance upgrade. Here we show you the very best of the new and improved features in iPadOS. Settings e Pp oe A Better Siri Sir's voice has been giv neural text-to-speech robotic, especiall This makes it far eat fet Using advanced, Apple has made it more hen making long ‘on the ears, Apple has mad ‘optimisations to me ID unlocks your iP: download size and no. tapped, but you can Bross Peace ee ees Dee Cer ee on gu eR ae eas Se ets fering a range of options. It makes it much easier to formatting options including colour and font. You c a ee ey es Wi-Fi and Bluetooth id <= = Options from Cl Control Centre You no longer have to ‘open Settings to change Wi-Fi networks cor connect an already. paired Bluetooth device. Just open control Centr, tap and hold any icon in the top Ieft square, then tap and hold the Blu ‘or Wi icons for an information window. edie eee ta g your finger down over the See ct —f Jipados in Action The Photos and Camera Apps The Photos app has a new way of organis Tap a photo to narrow this time frame, or in Days to snaps. Tap the Photos icon in the bottom left c open a specific photo. Tap the Three-dots icon (top and they're arranged into Years, Months or Days. Tap All right) for options like showing where it was taken, Photos to view them as a thumbnail sheet instead, playing that day's photos as a movie, and sharing, Bey sees ca be cites te photos op In the Camera app's Portrait Mode, you can now Edit and you can change the start and end points control the intensity of portrait lighting, Just tap the Of the movie, clip off extraneous footage, change the screen and then drag your finger up and down to exposure, add filters, and cr it increase or decrease the strength of light in the picture foot ng keyboard, Predictv Caen een epee Seta Pataca ere Mapping Mayhem. Po a) Eee Naor eee Con en Binoculars icon. Its currently only available in San eee er Sod re : Aiscige ll Pome ., Ces Anan System-wide Dark Mode Bi Dark Mode was introduced to the Mac with macOS: Mojave, and a year later, it comes to the iPad with iPadOS, Switching to Dark Mode changes the way the screen looks, for example, using white text on a black background ey ae enero apps also benefit from it. More and more third-party developers are making their apps Dark Mode compatible 100, so if you prefer a darker screen, i's fantastic ne New Volume Slider. When using the iPad's volume buttons, you used to get a nominteractive graphic showing the volume bar increasing or decreasing. This has now been replaced by a slider, which you can tap and adjust on the screen, feoo wvntcmpubicatenscom | 25 —f Jipados in Action New in Notes You can now share folders in Notes. Open a folder from the Folders screen, tap the Three-dots icon (top People. § EW There's @ new Gallery View. Pull the sidebar down fo reveal a Four-squares icon; tap it to view you notes as thumbnails. Repeat to return to a list. Tap the Sort By link to change how the notes are arranged See eee Put your mouse into Paring Mode (see instructions), Seed Conor The Share Options link in the previous step lets you nise your folder's permissions. In a nutshell, 1008 whether people you invite to share it ‘anges, or only view the notes contained within it You can quickly reorder a checklist by tapping and holding the circle next to the item, and dragging it into position. You can also have ticked items automatically, ‘moved to the bottom of the list too Console Controllers. ‘You can also pair an Xbox One or Coe ete Cet aca et Gee Se red XB: hold BUM ar-lel elma (Cele ee PR ma De eee te ec Cee ie acer unarchive files, and share folders instead of ju Music Lyrics. Ls} a oF Ce conn pacar) en ee a —— Music now warns you if youre about to add a duplicate ‘song to a playlist. Also, if you open the song that's currently playing, by tapping the player bar at the foot ofthe screen, the lyrics are displayed. They sync to the song too. New in iPados |[) Ooum oe ae Oo ae 7 Re ae eck) eoerete! ie Cae ee ncn ads folder, Mega Messages. eos we ——— ‘wear AirPods. Search is improved and, when youre using ArPods, Siri can read your messages as they arrive. Ome Action! Find My = What's Where? With the introduction of iPadOS, Find My Friends and Find My iPhone are merged into a single app, called simply ‘Find My’. With it, you can find lost or stolen Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads and Macs, and also locate your friends or family members on the map; just the thing if you're all on a day out and at risk of losing each other. The People Tab eee sunrises qaowlee ir tly iu ilolp i’ 7 a3 = absia fog mh ifckit 7 BIB The Find My app is vided ino three sections BIg 10 sor sharing your locaton wth fends oft represented by icons at the foot of the screen; members, tap the large Start Sharing Location button. People, Devices, and Me. Unsurprisingly the People tab You shoul then enter the name, Apple ID emai, or phone is for finding your friends. If it isn't already selected, tap it. number of the person with which you want to share locations. {As is usual, you can tap the + sign to the right and select a person from your Contacts app. Add as many people as you wish, and tap the Send link, Then you can choose whether to share for an hour, the rest of the day, or indefinitely. 28 | Black Dog Hoch Series - Volume 40 a The people with whom you shared your location can, now see exactly where you are, that is the blue spot ‘on the map. You can pinch and spread to zoom in on this map, just lke you can in the Maps app. — g To access an options screen, tap on the name of someone with whom you're sharing your location. Pull the menu up to see all of the options. From here, you can tap Contact to bring up their card from your Contacts app. ther options available on this screen are: ask for their location, stop sharing your own, or remove them from the people with which you're sharing. You can also send them a notification when you leave or arrive The Me Tab. ‘Tap the Me tab at the foot ofthe screen for a range of ‘options and info, You're told where you are, given the: ‘option of naming that location (work, home, school, and 's0.0n), and can also stop sharing your location too. Br To add a location to your list, tap Add Location and then find it on the map or search for it. You can then opt to send a notification when you arrive there. Tap the Done tab in the top right when you've finished, Tap a friend's name, that isn't currently sharing their ‘own location with you, and then, to request they do 50, tap Ask To Follow Location. If they comply, they also appear on the map, along with yourself and others who are sharing wwntimpublaonscom | 29 <3] iPad in Action! The Devices Tab BIB The Devices tab, found atthe foot of the sereen, ives access to whal used to be called Find My iPhone. Tap it, and all of your Apple gear that's logged into the same Apple ID as your iPhone, is shown on the map, BJ Swipe the devices lst up to see all your Apple gear If-a device hasnt been online recently itis listed as 'No location found. Its location will be updated when it next .g0es online, sof i's been stolen, keep checking back, ir) : 4 a: ; BY T2p ary device on the map, or lt, for an options screen. To locate a device that’ likely to be within earshot, tap the Play Sound link. Your device makes a noise, enabling you to find it; just the thing fis lost in the house. Mark As Lost? Fry you fear a device is lost, as opposed to simply being mislaid in the house or at work, you can tap Activate under Mark as Lost to lock and track it. This prevents thieves or finders getting at your precious personal data 30 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 ‘Tapping the Directions link opens up the Maps app and gives you directions from your current location to the whereabouts of your missing device. As you can see, this one isnt too far away; maybe it was dropped in the street? When you lock a device, you can enter a phone number and a short message, which is displayed on the gadget’ lock soreen. This way, an honest finder can ssee the message and give you a ring to say they found i. ae =| _ : : Fag nthe Devices Ist, an item you've marked as lost is ‘shown with @ Lock icon next to it, You can stil tap the item in this list to go to the options screen mentioned ‘earlier. Tap the Activated link for various Lost Mode options. Tap the locked device in the Find My list, then tap Mark ‘as Lost again and you can change this phone number andlor message. You can also get email updates (on by Wallpaper, of urse; they're the ones with the Circle icon in the bottom right. ‘Apple's own builtin apps, and an increasing amount Of third-party apps, use Dark Mode when its activated on your iPad. Here we see the Maps app in Dark Mode, with the background black and the street names. white, | Dark Mode [@] Ep) 0a Aepeerence onc agsin crt he whoo up and down, this time to set a time when Dark. Mode is activated, When you're dor the Back link ‘and the phone's Light and Dark Mode times are set. In Dark Mode, white text on a black background is favoured, as we can see on this screen from the Notes app. This might make it easier to read in very bright light, and it's ess taxing on the eyes after darkness falls and night draws in, CCE ety eee ee ake Cae ee eer ea ee) Oe ae cl Poo ac iPadOS in Action! Voice Control > An Accessibility Feature Apple has always been keen to make its products more accessible to those with disabilities. This laudable goal gets a boost in iPadOS, with an exciting new feature that lets you control Apple devices such as the iPad by speaking to it. It's amazing how much you can do with just your voice. First ofall, rom the Home screen, go to Settings > AW The iPad downloads the fiters needed for Voice Accessibility > Voice Control. There's a range of Control, and you're shown a list of commands you ‘options on offer to configure the Voice Control feature, can use. I's worthwhile taking a moment to read through but first, we must set it up using the link at the top; tap it these commands, to familiarise yourself with what the to continue. feature does. BI Won i's done, Voice Controls itched on; look for To open an application, say, "Open [name of app]. It the Blue icon in the top left corner You can turn Voice then opens, just as it would if you tapped its icon on Control on and off by saying ‘Hey Siri, turn onioff Voice the Home screen. To return to the Home sereen, say “Go Controt. You can now begin using this accessibility feature. Home”. To return to the previous screen, say "Go Back {34 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Explore the New Features of 10S 13. 2 = Voice Control shows what you last said at the top of the screen for a few seconds, You can move up and jown a screen by saying, “Scroll up/down”, and navigate your Safari browsing history with "Tap forwardisack’ Bg When dictating text, if you make a mistake, say ‘Correct [word/phrase]" and its highlighted, with a list of corrections offered. Say the number of one of these suggestions to insert it. You can replace wards with emojs this way too. Voice Control is being released across Apple device een eee rece Tinney Catalina. Apple has released a video of a ‘making the most of his Mac using Voice Control. You can Peter tas ccd Voice Control Say "Showhide grid" to make the grid appear and vanish, and then quote a number from the grid to ‘overlay a small, more detailed grid there. When there's only ‘one bution or link in a square, say “Tap [number}" to tap it. Voice Control Commands. ‘To open Voice Control, say, "Hey Sir, tum on Voice Contro’, or open Sir wth the buttons. If you get stuck, ty, "Show me what to say’. Ittakes time to get familiar with sing Voice Control, but with practice, its immensely powerful ‘System Commands — Working with the & Navigation Touchscreen ™ Open [application name] Show grid F™ Open Control Centre Show names ™ Gohome ™ Tap [number] Go back Tap {tem name] ™ Goto sleep J Long press [item name] Swipe letright swipe upidown Dictation and Editing Interact with Device J Select [phrase] fF Tum up volume J Move upidown Lock screen J Move to endibeginning "Take screenshot ™ Delete that Tum on Smart Invert 5 Correct [wordi/phrase]_ "Colours J Uppercase that Copy that eer 5 ott wwntmpubleatonscom | 35 First Steps with iPadOS. So you’ve bought a new iPad. What now? In this section, we show you how to set up your new iPad out of the box and, if you’ve got it second hand, how to wipe it clean so you can start again. We also show you how to use the touchscreen, the keyboard, Face ID and Touch ID, set up an Apple ID, get online for web browsing and email, and more. Learn more > UTS RRI Louisa Parris Collection a) rites Teeny eT Tae re irst Steps with iPadOS Set Up Your iPad For the First Time All you need to set up your iPad out of the box is a Wi-Fi connection to the Internet. Follow this guide and the instructions shown on your iPad’s screen, and you're soon up and running. First, press and hold the top button to switch it on, then follow these straightforward steps. yy Power Up Your Device \When you fst power up your new device you're greeted wit this welcome screen, To move on, press the Home button, as instructed, You can toggle the Pacis VeiceOver function by triple clicking the Home button. The word "Hel in several different languages is displayed Tap the T icon in the bottom right for regulatory information B Choose Your Country Youte then asked to ° choose your country or region. The most ey county, based on your choice of language, s athe top ofthe is as you can see here, we Selected Engish, and the suggested country isthe UK You can Serol up and down the istand choose anather i you sowish Tap on your choice and you then move on to the next sereen, 38 | Black Deg eres - Volume 40, By Stoese Your Language You're now asked 0 select your Pacts language, which is used to d informatio Scroll up and down to find your choice and then tap ito select. The most commonly used languages are atthe top ofthe Ist. The Pad supports over 30 languages, several with regjonal variations, such 25 UK, American or Australian Engish 4 | Usin, Quick Start Anew feature introduced to the iPad with iOS 11 is the Quick Start. If you already have an iPhone or iPad running (08 11 or later, and signed in to the Cloud account you want ‘0 use with your Pad, you can just bring it Close to your iPad and have the settings ransfer automatically. If rot, tap the Set Up Manually link, and continue with ths tutorial Choose Wi-Fi Network On this screen you're shown a lst of oct WiFi networks, and asked to sign in to your ‘own. To do this you reed to know your Wi network password, without which you ‘cannot progress. Find ‘your home WEF from the list offered, and tap con ito be taken to the password entry screen, which is where you log ‘on and take your Pad ‘onto your network, Data & Privacy There folows a screen about privacy and data usage. Read through i its simple enough, and ‘explains that when Apple needs to colt data, such as your lecation, the icon atthe top ofthe page appears and the iPad asks permission These requests are made fora variety of reasons; for example, the Maps app often needs your location, Tap Continue wen frished Bp Set Upa Passcode Next you're asked to Create a Passcode, You ‘can tap Passcode Options it you'd rather Use a longer code made (of numbers (numeric) or both letters and numbers (alphanumeric). These Inbe up to 25. ‘characters in length, You ‘can choose between a four or six digit number too. You can also proceed without adding ‘acode at all nd add ‘one later if you wish i Set Up d Enter Wi-Fi Password Now enter your W-Fi password and then tap the Join option to link your iPad to your WEF network. When your iPad has connected to your network, tap the Next lnk in the top right ccornes Your iPad automaticaly connects to your home network from now on; there's no need to select it and retype your password every time you want to use it Touch ID or Face ID There follows a screen offering information on Data & Privacy. Read it, then tap Continue to move on. f your iPad has a Home button and fingerprint sensor, you're invited to set up Touch ID.If thas a TueDeptn camera and no Home bution, you need to set Up Face ID. Either way, just flow the on-screen instructions, There's a full uide to both these features later in the book. Restorin Apps & Data You get four options. Use Restore from iCloud Backup, or Restore from iTunes Backup if you've backed up an iPad to iCloud or Tunes respectively Set Up as New iPad lets you start from scratch. To Move Data from Android you need to download the Move to iOS app on your Android tablet. This {utoval assumes you set up your device as @ now iPad, vwvntcmpubicatenscom | 39 BT First steps with ipados Using Your Apple ID Ifyou already have an ‘Apple ID, signin with it now, just enter your user name and password in the fields provided. If nol, fap Create an Apple 1D and folow the on-screen instructions to set one up nove An ‘Apple ID lets you buy from the App Store and Tunes, and aso gives you'a handy iCioud émail adress, soi essential you register for one, Its ao free Terms and Conditions Before you can complete the setup Terme and Contons process and ulimately Use your iPad you need toread and then agree to Apple's Terms and Conditions, Its not the most exciting of documents, but you need to tap Agree to continue. You can have the document emailed to yourself if you want, but this isit essential; yu can read iton the ‘screen now if you prefec Auto B pcate Next you're asked ‘whether you want to keep your iPad up to ate by installing updates automatically, or if you prefer to do so ‘manually, The choice is entirely yours but if you ‘want to update automatically, tap the big blue button mark Continue. To update ‘manually tap the link underneath the button, Either way, you're taken to the next screen, 40 | Black Dog ech Series - Volume 40 FP Verification Code Next you must enter a verification code, sent to you by Apple. If you already use Apple devices, this code is sent to one of them. If youre starting with a new Apple ID, you can have it sent to your mobile, or given to you in a phone call. f you didnt get a code, tap the link and have it delivered another way. Type the six figure number to continue, Express Settings ‘After a short wal, youre taken tothe Express tating Setings sereen, as — shown here. We recommend you tap Continue to turn on the Si digital asssiant and alow specc apps such as Maps to access your current cation You can abvays change your setings in the Settings app later Altematvely, tap Customise Setings and selthem up separately. Apple Pay Up now or skip and do later is Apple Pay. Setting up Apple Pay involves adding c (or debit cards, so you ccan use them to pay for goods and services directly from your iPad. To set it up now, tap Continue and follow the on-screen instructions fo set up your Apple Pay, or you can sel up the service in the Settings app later Screen LS Time You can now set up the Screen Time fe which was new iOS 12, Screen Time shows you how much time you've spent on your iPad, broken down by app, across the last day or seven days, You can also add parental controls and block in-app purchases. We cover Screen Time in depth later inthis Book. You can sett up now or in Settings later iPad & A\ Analytics” The iPad and App Analytics screens are straightforward. They ‘ask if you want fo share agnostic information first with Apple and then with third-party app dovelopers. You can ‘change your decisions late, in the Settings app. Go to Privacy > Analytics and customise \what you want to share. For now, tap the button ‘or the link to continue, Light or Dark Mode This is new in Pads. Choose whether you set your iPad to appearin Light or Dark Mode by fault Whichever you decide, you can change itlater inthe Setings app. There then flows la series of tips screens; read and tap Continue on each, You then see a screen saying Welcome to iPad. Tap Get Started, al the foo ofthe screen, and you're done. Reset to Factory Settings. If your iPad came second-hand, you might need to wipe it clean before setting it up again. Here's how its done, First of all, rom the Home screen, open the Setings app. Tap the General nk in the Jefthand column, and then scrol allthe way «down tothe bottom in the right ink, and tap the Reset opion. On the next screen, as shown here, you should tap the second option from the top, whichis labelled Erase All Content and Settings. When prompted, you should enter the iPad's passcode. If your iPad ‘came second-hand, you ‘might need to get this {rom its previous owner. ‘A pop-up window ‘appears, inviting you to continue with the erase, or cancel, Tap Erase. Just to be sure, another ‘pop-up window now ‘appears, which again invites you to continue to erase, or to cancel ‘Tap Erase. Ifyour iPad is stil signed in to its previous ‘owner's Apple ID, you need to enter the password for his or her ‘Apple ID in order to sign ‘Rout before resetting ‘Obviously, you need to get this from the iPad's previous owner. Enter the password, and the ‘ad restarts, erasing all content and settings. You can then set it up from scratch, as fit was fresh out ofthe box. wutsmpubltonscom | 44 adOS st Steps wi Your Apple ID How to Set it Up If you didn’t register for an Apple ID during the initial setup of your iPad, or if you want a new Apple ID to use with your Apple gear, you can set one up whenever you please, directly from your iPad. Follow this guide and you'll soon be up and running with an all-important Apple ID. iPadOS ‘Apple Bg Open Settings from the Home screen and scroll to mm Tap ‘Create Apple ID’ in the next window and then, the top of the left hand column, Tap ‘Sign in to your when instructed, enter your first name, last name, iPad’ right at the top of the list, then in the pop-up and date of birth. When you've entered these details, ap ‘window, tap ‘Don't have an Apple ID or forgot it?” ‘Next in the top right to move on to the next step. Bg Nex. youre asked whether you want to use your If you chose to get a new iCloud address, you're current email address (if you have one) for your asked to complete your email, which ends ‘@icioud, Apple ID, or get a free iCloud email address by tapping —_—_com. It may take a few tries before you find one that the ‘Do not have an email address?’ link. Choose one and hasnt already been taken, but when you do, accept it by tap Next Napping Corrine, 42 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Now choose your password. As stated on the screen, it must be at least eight characters long, land include at least one number, one upper case (capital) letter and one lower case letter. Make it something you ccan easily remember. Verification code Fag Tap Noxt, then enter the six figure verification code that's sent to your mobile phone (or given to you in ‘call, f that was your preferred choice). When you enter the last digit, you automatically proceed to the next step. Your iPad now signs into iCloud with your newiy created Apple ID. It might take a while. When it's done, you must enter your iPad's passcode, the one you Use to unlock it on the lock screen. Your iPad is then signed into iCloud. Phone number ‘Apple needs your phone number, so you can be contacted via a call or text message to confirm your identity. The country field should already be filed but tap it to change if necessary. Enter your number; we suggest you use your mobi, It's now time to agree to the terms and conditions. You can read them all if you want, or tap the ‘Send by Ema’ ink to have them emailed to you. You can just tap Agree, and again in the pop-up window, to continue. BT] Open the App Store app and tap the sithovette icon (or your account's photo, if you've added one) in the top right. A pop-up window invites you to sign in to the: ‘App Store using your new Apple ID: do so. In the next window, tap Review and enter your final details. wuntsimpubleatonscom | 43 BT First steps with ipados Face ID Take a Look With Face ID, you can unlock your iPad just by looking at it. Just register your face. It works indoors, outdoors and even in total darkness. Even if you change your hairstyle or put on a pair of glasses your iPad still recognises you. Here's how to unlock your iPad using Face ID. Setting Up Face ID Oc cossoce a BE 2275 Stings 2Re ane sero down tne it of tures until you get to the one called apps and Face ID & Passe! fe. Tap it to open these settings, ID and on the next st tap Get Started. In i s to Face ID. n ead the 2, you Pad, whether you must enter it now to get to the main Face ID settings screen, Make sure the iPad is in portrait mode, then position your face within the frame. Move your head in a le until the small white lines go green. Tap Continue. You're then asked to do exactly the same thing again, moving your head in a circle ‘once more. Do so to complete the second scan. Using Face ID —— Unlocking Your iPad Pro with Face ID Unlocking the iPad Pro using your Face ID is simplicity sell. You simply look at it and the lock springs open, as you can see here. You can do it in any lighting conditions, even total darkness. I's extremely straightforward and. tural; you'll soon forget you're doing it at all. Hold Your iPad Correctly When Using Face ID If you've used Face ID on an iPhone, you may recall the device must be held in portrait. Face ID on iPad also works in landscape and at greater distances. If you accidentally cover the camera with your hand, an arrow helpfully points this out. anes Your face is now registered with Face ID. Tap Done to return to the Settings screen, where you can configure Face ID to your own personal requirements. Making Purchases ‘Open the iTunes Store, App Store or Book Store and choose something you wish to purchase. When you're asked to pay, double-click the Side button and look at your iPad Pro, The purchase is made and a checkmark is displayed to show payment has been verified Face ID is a Very Secure Solution ‘According to Apple, the chance that a random person ‘could look at your iPad Pro and unlock it using their own face is approximately one in a million, which is twice as good as Touch ID. For privacy, all information is kept on your iPad and never backed up to Apple's servers. vevntcmpubicatenscom | 4S If you didn't activate Touch ID during the initial setup, or if you want to add another fingerprint to the iPad’s recognition system, follow these instructions. With Touch ID you can unlock a recent iPad simply by placing a finger on the Home button, and you can add as many fingerprints as you like. Bag from the Home screen tap the Settings app (the icon showing machine cogs) and then scroll the left side bar up to find Touch ID and Passcode. Tap this option Touch ID Enter your passcode and tap the Add a Fingerprint link. You can then add a new fingerprint, or additional fingerprints, for other users. 46 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 If you've set up a lock screen passcode on your iPad, you have to enter it here. Do so and you're taken to the next screen showing Touch ID & Passcode options. ‘A window pops up, inviting you to place your finger on the Home button sensor Chaose which finger to use, and do so. Lt Your Finger Gecee om Place your finger on the touch sensor (Home button), and the process will begin to gradually start adding your fingerprint to Touch ID. ‘Complete Fag Once you have added your fingerprint, you will be asked to adjust your grip. Now you will need to scan the outer edges of your finger to finish. Using Your iPad’s Touch ID. Touch ID a~ Bonen Place Your Finger Ome on moc You willbe asked (via an on-screen message) to lift your finger and then place your finger on the Home bution, until all the grey fingerprint ines are red, Ou Beeson e Benton eeee The options listed under Use Touch ID For are on by default but you can turn them off individually Add more fingerprints by tapping Add a Fingerprint ‘There's much more to Touch ID than simply replacing a passcode and maintaining the security of your device. Let's look at the other things you can do on your iPad with your newly set up Touch ID feature, such as making purchases on your iPad. Once you've registered your fingerprint with Touch ID, you can unlock your device by placing your fingertip on the Home button when your iPad is csplayng the lock screen. This opens your iPad directly to the Home screen. NOTE: You cannot use your Touch ID to access your iPad immediately after restarting your device. Instead, you must first enter your passcode. ‘Making purchases is also easy. Open the App Store or the ‘Tunes app and browse as normal. After initially seting up “Touch ID, when you next make a purchase youll be asked to Center your Apple ID usemiame and password as per usual. ‘Any further purchases or downloads to your device can then 'be confirmed and downloaded by placing your finger on the Home bution. The app or tem then downloads as normal oe wntimpubleatonscom | 47 t Steps with iPadOS = Internet Access go How to Get Online The Internet is a major part of your iPad experience and might well be one of the main reasons you chose to buy a tablet computer. Here’s how to get online with your iPad, using either a Wi-Fi network or a data connection. DP atrttie sae Bg To turn on WiFi, goto Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi on (or you can use the Control Centre; see Control Centre tutorial), after which, the iPad searches for all networks in range of your device. eS & Free wisn Hf you are in a public hotspot, maybe at a cafe or a hotel, its very unlikely to have security so you can just connect. You probably need to find out the login details from whoever is providing the WiFi service. 48 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 66665 BY youre at home, pick your home network from thelist and enter the security details to be allowed access. Take care to enter your password correctly, making sure, for ‘example, that you dorit confuse the letter 0’ and a zero. From now on, whenever you are in range of this Wi-Fi service, the iPad automaticaly connects to it without you having to input a password again. If more than one is in ‘ange the iPad rejoins the last network it joined, You can share Wi-Fi passwords between devices running 10S 11 or later. Just go to the password soreen on the device you want to take onto the network ‘and a prompt appears on a nearby iOS device that's already connected, - BI When the iPad connects tothe internet using the mobile data network, you see the 3G, EDGE or GPRS. icon in the status bar If you travel outside your usual mobile network coverage, you can use 3G by turning Data Roaming ‘on: Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options. Wi-Fi Assist. You can set up your iPad to ignore weak wireless signals, sticking to a mobile connection instead. If you connect to a W-Fi network but the signal drops, it automatically ‘switches to mobile data, Go to Settings > Mobile to switch it on. Obviously this doesn't apply to Wi-Fi only iPads, as they don't have mobile connectivity. Wi-Fi Assist Automatically use cellular data when Wi-Fi connectivity |is poor. Joining a 4G or 3G Network Internet Access I your iPad keeps connecting to a network you no longer want, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap the ‘i next to the network in question. Now tap ‘Forget this Network’, If you want to use it again, you have to re-enter its password. teat Coase sire oe @ wr ‘voce 80a | 1B siren, booing oO 1 wersons - rst @ mroetreon EU rtemet | caver a @ weriicavons | [FA cance Py Roaming charges may apply. To avoid these charges turn Data Roaming off. You can monitor your mobile network data usage by going to: Settings > Mobile Data and see Mobile Data Usage. Settings may vary depending on the carrier in question. Checking Wi-Fi Strength. ‘There is @ WEF indicator on the status bar atthe top of the screen, depicting the signal strength. The more bars. visible, the stronger the signal. st Steps wi ‘adOS Setting Up Email On Your iPad Your iPad can send and receive email but first you must set up your email accounts. This is how to do it whether you're using an iCloud account, a free web account or one from the company that provides your Internet service. Set Up iCloud Mail eiciou Meow ge Google YAHOO! Aol. ‘ess Recount Mada, ‘Tap the Settings icon located on the Home screen of aw From this screen tap on the ioud link and enter your your iPad and scroll down the left side panel and Apple ID and password; these are the details you select the Passwords & Accounts option. From here tap the entered when you frst set up your iPad. Tap Next 10 ‘Add Account option at the foot of the Accounts section automatically verity your details. It may take a while to do. ty Pena ben daedonian nbonesPa Ae o~ Find My iPhone has been disabled on lan (Osborne's Pad Air BJ Yo" now see a pop-up message asking you to give Your new iCloud account is now available to use, iCloud access to your location and Find My iPhone. alongside any other email accounts you right have (OK both and you're taken to this screen, where you select added. Of course, if your iCloud account was the first email ‘which apps use iCioud, Side the Mail link to the On position, account added to your iPad, it will be the only address here. {50 | Back Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Setting Up Email | ay Set Up Web-based Email Accounts You can set up and use a variety of free, web-based email accounts in Mail, including Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or Microsoft Hotmail. Doing so is a litle more complicated than setting up an iCloud account, but it’s stil not too dificult. Tr — Bas = — — vote sacar sicloua [Oc —— Om Google ‘= woo! - Aol. = Bo.tookcom s! To access accounts from these email providers, G60 Setings > Accounts & Passwort > Adc you must have already set up an active account ‘Account again and tap on the Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or vith one of them. To do this you need to vit how Microsot Outlook lnk The process isthe same and f you respective websites and follow the onscreen instructions, have mote than one web-based ema account you can then come back o add the account tothe Mall app. Come back and add another later = = = o o o © By Fw the onscreen instructions, entrng yeu em Yiaie asked to gh 0S various parisons If you actress (thats the one for he account youre cant modify these permissions wie you configure your registering with your iPad), password and any other details account, you can do so later by going back into Settings > youre asked for Agree 10S geting access permissions, Accounts & Passwords. Agree, and youre up and running hen move on wth your new eral account on your Pac, Setting Up a Microsoft Exchange or Other Email Account. To start the process of collecting email on your iPad if your account is hosted by a provider other than those listed on this screen, or hosted via Microsoft Exchange, you will need to tap either the Other or the Microsoft Exchange link respectively. You will have to visit the support website of your email provider and seek out their help in setting up either a POP or IMAP email account on your iPad. As these details are all diferent for each provider, we can, alas, only send you in their direction for help. Check the support section of their website, or their telephone helpline. ° wutmpubletonscom | 84 BT First steps with ipados The Touchscreen axe Better with Gestures Your iPad’s touchscreen knows when you have more than one finger touching the screen at once. This makes all sorts of useful gestures possible, such as rotating, pinching, spreading and more. Here's how they work. Touch ‘To activate items such as applications, to use the ‘on-screen keyboard, or to press on-screen buttons, touch them with your finger. The touchscreen is sensitive to the tiny electrical charge in our bodies, so you don't need to press hard - 17 Double-tap Tap quickly twice on a web page, ma fograph or other screen to zoom. Double-tap a section of a web page in the browser to 200m fit it tothe width of the screen. Double-tapping a piece of on-screen text can highlight a single word too. 52 | Black Deg 1s - Volume 40 Touch and Hold You can touch and hold an item on the screen by placing your finger it and not lifting that finger until an action occurs. This action depends on what you're fouching; it could be a menu opening or an icon lifting off the screen and showing i's able to be moved. require you to scroll. For example, in Photos, you swipe to scroll through your pictures. To swipe or slide, quickly move your finger across the surface of the screen, without pausing when you first touch it, The Touchscreen oH Drag “To drag items around the Home screen, touch and hold an item for a moment and when the pop-up menu Appears, drag itinto the required position without iting your finger Then to drop the item into that locaton, Simply it your finger. Tis works for dragging other items around the screen too, for example, reordering lists. Twist to Rotate In the Photos app, you can rotate a picture by placing two fingers on it and twisting them left, or right. The picture then follows the rotation of your fingers, turning Clockwise or anti-clockwise. You can combine this with the pinch and spread gesture to zoom into, and out of the photo, while you rotate it Access Control Centre To access the Control Centre, swipe in from the top right Of the screen with a single finger. To get rid of it again, swipe diagonally towards the top left comer. Pinch and Spread To pinch or spread, place your thumb and forefinger on the screen and bring them together or move them apart I's great for zooming into and out of photos and Maps. Opening the Siri Search Screen (On the Home screen, place two fingers on the screen and swipe down, The Siri Search Screen opens and you can do a system-wide search across your Pad. Open Dock ‘To open the Dock, when in an app, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Make ita small swipe, or you activate another feature. Close the Dock by swiping it down, Moving Apps To move apps around the Home screen (lo reorder nem), tap and hold any app icon until the pop-up menus appears. Now, either select Rearrange Apps or ust drag it The app icons wobble, and show an X. Rearrange hem as needed. either press the Home button, or tap Done in the top right corner. The App Switcher To access the App Switcher screen, ether place all five fingers on the screen and pinch them together, or swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release when the apps appear. If you have a Home button, you can also press it twice. Tap an app to switch to it and swipe an app off the top of the screen to close it Gestures for iPads with No Home Button Swipe Up for Home Screen (On previous iPads, you could get to the Home screen by pressing the Home button, As the latest iPad Pros don't, have a Home button, a new gesture is required. Simply swipe up from the botto of the screen and the Horne page is revealed Restart Your iPad Pro Holding the Top button now gives you Siri, so to restart your 2018 iPad Pro you must press and hold both the Top button on the right and the Volume down button. This familiar screen appears, from where you shut down your iPad with the slider 4 | Back Dog oc Series - Volume 40 Accessing Siri Siri is another feature that previously required the Home button, so needs a new method of activation on the 2018 iPad Pro, Press and hol the Top button until Sir ‘appears. When you're done, tap the Side button again to close the feature. Swipe for the App Switcher You can 188 the App Switcher with a double-tap on the Home button, for obvious reasons. The ‘ther two methods outlined above work instead: pinch with five fingers, or swipe up from the bottom of the sereen until it appears. The Touchscreen oH New Gestures for iPadOS RK = BS a Cut, Copy and Paste Undo and Redo There are three new editing gestures, all of which use Swipe the screen left with three fingers to undo the last three fingers, After carrying out one of these gestures, a thing you edited. Alternatively, to perform the same task, small window appears telling you what you've done. The you can tap the screen with three fingers. If you decide gestures are Copy: three-inger pinch; Cut: threefinger your undo was a mistake, swipe right with three fingers double pinch; Paste: thee-nger spread, to redo the edit Move the Cursor IF you fin t ly to use on the —_If you want to move the cursor around the screen, pick it iPad's screen, you can use another new gesture to up, by tapping and holding its present position, then drag ‘summon the Formatting Bar Tap and hold with three itto where you want it ta go and lft your finger to place it fingers and it appears, al the top of the screen, offering __Double-tap and hold to select text between the icons to undo, redo, cut, copy and paste. ‘ld position, and its new one. Select a Block of Text Drag Scrollbar Another way to select a block of text is to double-tap Scroll a screen and a scrollbar appears on its right. The and hold a word at the start or end of the block you wish height of the grey bar represents the current screen's to select, and then drag your finger over the words you position in the document or page. By liting your finger and want to highlight. When you've selected it, ft your finger placing it on the scrollbar, you can drag it up and down for to finish; the text you want is highlighted more efficient screen scroling, . [CJ] First steps with iPados The Keyboard ¥~ On-screen Typing When you tap your finger on any part of the iPad’s screen where you can enter text, such as an email or a note, the iPad’s on-screen keyboard appears. Here's a guide on how to use this keyboard and all its features. The Keyboard in Focus BI T3p on any box or In Pad, a keys sereen where text can ‘atternate characters, such be entered, and the virtual as punctuation or numbers, are keyboard appears as shown. shown at he top of the keys. To This is true for emails, ‘ype a keys alternate character, messages, search fields and drag it down instead of just indeed any area of the screen tapping where you can enter text Bag Top this key 0 switch to ‘The keyboard's top bar the keyboard's alternate icons differ according to characters. After doing so, the app you're using. These you can press the key above icons give access to the it (now labelled "#+=) for even Unde, Redo, and Paste ‘mote character options, or ‘options, and open the Just ap this key again to formating window. return to normal typing. ‘AS you type, suggestions Tap and hold this key for forthe word you! ‘a menu that lets you ccurenty typing appeerhere. access the Keyboard When ane of them is correct Settings, emoj keyboard and you can tap itto aulomaticaly other installed keyboards, ‘complete the word, saving on such as foreign language your typing keyboards. Tap the kay without holding to toggle These three icons in through them instead. the top right of the keyboard, ot you take, or Tap this key and speak choose, a photo to add to Into the Pad, Your words the email, choose or scan appear inthe text fel, just as ‘a document, or use the if you'd typed them. The frst Markup tools. ime you use this feature, New Formatting Window. ‘Tap the ‘Aa’ icon for iPadOS's new formating window, which youire asked to enable This isthe capitals and tation. You should do so. ‘caps lock key Tap itto the next key you press a If you're done with the 1 ¥ ry se aaa capital, or double tap it to lock keyboard, tap ths key ase Seat Sa a the keyboard in caps mode. and it disappears again, aT oeons Suck When its locked inthis way, reappearing next time you tap SOY, Si CAE you can tap it ance to go back a screen or box that you can tonormal typing ‘ype text into {56 | Back Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Finding Accented Letters ‘When you have to type an accented letter, such as 'é' or “6, you can easily do so by simply pressing and holding the letter you wish to type in an accented version until a pop-up window appears, as shown here for the letter ‘a Now just tap on the version of the letter you wish to use, Add a New Keyboard ‘To add a new virtual keyboard to your iPad, which can then be accessed by holding the globe-key, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards, then tap Add New Keyboard’. You can then add a foreign language keyboard ‘or one you've bought on the App Store. ‘Tap and hold the keyboard key in the bottom right for @ pop-up menu. Select Undock to move the keyboard up and down the screen. Choose Split to get this two-part keyboard; designed to be used by your thumbs, The Floating option gives a single keyboard ‘about the size of the iPhone's keyboard, and you can drag it around by holding the grey line at the bottom. Auto Punctuation ‘Some punctuation is added automatically. If you wish to add (for example) an apostrophe to form a contraction such as *I'm’, simply type "Im" and the iPad does the rest. I's a very useful feature and greatly increases your typing speed when you've had a little practice. , ato Keyboard as a Trackpad For more precise contol over where you put the cursor, either place two fingers on the Keyboard and hold them there or touch and hold the Space Bar. When the keys go blank, as seen here, you can drag the cursor around the screen, using the keyboard as i it was a trackpad . — = O20 ‘When using the iPadOS floating keyboard, you can type by swiping your finger over the keys instead of tapping them; drag your finger from one key to another ‘without lifing i. To return to a normal keyboard, tap and hold the bottom right key again to access the menu from the previous step, or do a two-inger spread on a floating keyboard to resize it. wntmpubleatonscom | 57 t Steps with iPadOS Ga) Control Centre — ®) And How to Use it The Control Centre is a great way to access commonly used iPad features, such as the audio controls or Screen Mirroring and you can customise it to suit your own needs. Here's a guide to the iPad’s Control Centre. Control Centre in Focus In this box, you can turn (clockwise, from top lef) Airplane Mode, ArDrop, Bluetooth and WiFi on and oft Tap and hold the main box for a bigger version. Turing off Bluetooth or Wis temporary they'e onty switched off unt the next day This box shows what you are current listening to, Tap and hold for more ‘options, including volume Control and an option to play your sounds through ‘external speakers To open the Contro! Cente, swipe with fone finger rom the top right ‘corner ofthe screen towards the mide, Tap here to lock the sereen ints curren tentation, so it doesnt switch between landscape and portrait mace when you turn the iPad. Tap again to unlock Tap here to activate and deactivate the Pads Useful Da Not Disturb made forwhen you want some peace and quiet. Tap and hold this icon for a range of pop-up ‘options for Do Not Disturb, {58 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Brightness and volume ‘contol, Run your finger up and down them to raise or lower the function in question ‘or deep press one of them for a bigger versio ofthe sider “Tap and hold on the Brightness side also gives access to [Night Shit Mode, If you wish fo mirror your screen, maybe to your ‘Apple T\, tap here and select the target from the window that pops up. Tap the button showing ‘abel icon fo silence your iPad. Tap it again to take itout Of silent mode once mor. Tap here to open the Clack app and go straight to is very useful Timer feature. Just the thing it you want o ball an egg Tap this to access the ‘Camera app. Tap and hold ito access specific ‘options within the Camera ‘app, such as selfles, video recording and slo-ma, This button gives access to your Home app's ‘accessories, so you can Ccontral them from your iPad, Tap and Hold Items. You can tap and hold most Control Centre icons for access to further functions. For example, f you tap and hold the Camera control, you get a window offering to ‘open the FaceTime camera (Selfie), record video, take a photo and more, ~ Airplane Mode ‘The Pads Airplane Mode switches off its We-Fi and Bluetooth connections, as required by some aiines but its useful even if you're not fying. If your battery is low and you'te reading an eBook, for example, Airplane Mode can save power Customising Control Cent Custor us icon t eee et gad Cer ue a tS eos Control Centre The Music Controls Just like before, the Music controls show you the currently playing song, including album art. In addition to volume adjustment, play/pause and skip forwards! backwards, you can tap the icon in the top right to ‘output to connected speakers. Night Shift Mode ‘Tap and hold the brightness slider for a larger sider, with two icons underneath. Using these icons, you can activate or ‘switch off Night Shift - reduces blue light which can interfere with sleep patterns, and Dark Mode, as explained in the Dark Mode tutorial New Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Options. IPadOS adds new ways of accessing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings. Tap and hold the control square with Bluetooth ‘and Wi-Fi on it, then tap and hold either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can switch between networks, connect or disconnect peripherals, and more, wntimpubleatonscom | 69 First Steps with iPadOS Using Folders On the Home Screen To keep your Home page in a tidy and usable state, you can group apps into folders, maybe all your games in a Gaming folder, for example. It's a good way to organise your applications and makes navigating your iPad much easier. a To create a folder of apps, on the Home screen tap and hold an app unti they all start to wobble and a ‘small X icon appears in the top left comer, Drag one app ‘onto another and they're grouped into a folder. Tap ‘outside the folder box to return to the Home screen, and drag all the other apps you wish to store there onto that new folder. Tap the Home button to stop the apps wobbling. You ccan see that we've put three separate apps in this folder here; as they're all fice apps, it’s automaticaly named Produetivity. Tap the folder to open it, then tap one Of the apps to use it in the usual way. It's a great means of {grouping similar apps, keeping your Home screen tidy and, Pr Menu If you want to rename a folder, open it, tap and 3 hold one of the apps until they wobble again, and then tap the name of the folder. A keyboard appears, and you can edit the name of the folder in the usual way. Cal it anything you like. 60 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 co making things easier to find, To move an app out of a folder, open the folder and hold an app until it wobbles. Drag the app outside the folder box as shown. It returns to the Home screen and the folder closes. Remove the last app and the folder disappears. Home Screen Folders and AirDrop & Bluetooth [@} AirDrop & Bluetooth Stream and Transfer AirDrop is great for transferring files from your iPad to another Apple device and Bluetooth is used for wirelessly streaming sound and other data, maybe to speakers or headphones. Here's how to use them. Transfer Files with AirDrop. Pairing with Bluetooth e ° a ° e a e a e o pein ‘You can send files to other Apple devices using Bluetooth can wirelessly connect your iPad with AirDrop, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth must be switched devices such as speakers, headphones and (on. Open the file, tap the Share icon. People to whom you keyboards. The item you wish to pair with must be put in can AirDrop are shown at the top of the window; look for Pairing Mode. To do this, follow the manufacturer's the AirDrop icon. Tap the person to whom you want to instructions. Go to Settings > Bluetooth and the device send the file. you're pairing should be listed. Tap it to pair Pairing only needs to be done once. You don't have BY Use Sotings > General > AirDrop to determine to pair your Bluetooth device every time you use it whether receiving via AirDrop is on or off, share only To unpair a device: in Settings > Bluetooth, tap the "icon with people in your Contacts app, or share with everyone. If next io the device in question. You can then disconnect it ‘you accept AirDrops ftom everyone, when youre sentan (assuming i's currently connected) or tap ‘Forget this ‘AirDrop file you have to accept it fis. Device’ to unpairit completely. \wvnocmpublicatonscom| 64 Built-in iPadOS of © Apps. wes One of the best things about the iPad and its operating system, iPadOS, is the excellent applications, or ‘apps’, that come bundled with it. For example, the iPad’s email client is called Mail, and its web browser is Safari. In OPTIONS this section, we show you how to oe use the iPad’s key apps, with ge" @ guides to both their basic functions G and their advanced features. se wee C Learn more > | PadOS Apps Mail App Email on the Move The iPad is great for keeping in touch via email. Its bundled Mail app can send, receive and forward emails, send an email to a group, add attachments and more. Here’s how to use this popular iPad application. Mail in Focus ¥e column on the left of the screen currently shows your Inbox. Tap here to {90 back and choose another mailbox, such as Drafts, Sent, Junk, and your VIP emails. Top the Eat rk and circle appears beside every email in your inbox. Tap a circle to check itand then tap Mark, Mave, oF Dee, athe foc ofthe column, to action the ‘emails you selected with Edt, Tap the Rubbish bin con a to delete the currently selected emal You can move an email to another folder such as dunk, Bin, oF Archive, Tap here and the available folders are shown in the ef hand column, Tap the Penand-paper icon to open a new email, which you must then fi in and send, Here, you see the date the email was received, orifitcame today. the time itarrived These ere your emai, Tap one to open it The Email in Action. Email is a type of electronic message sent from one ‘email currenily open has a Internet-capable device to another. Unlike toxt sightly darker background and ‘messages, it can be as long as you wish and you can those with blue dots to heir le ‘send attachments like photographs or videos too. ‘are unread. Pll this sidebar ‘down to get new mal 64 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Drag an emai tothe left ‘and you can tap one of the revealed icons to Flag or Delete it. The More ican gives turher options such as reply ‘mute or mave the message. Drag the email further left to delete it immediately. Drag it right instead and you can ‘mark as Read of Unread, This isthe email you currently have open in the Mail app. Tap oni to close the side baron the left, giving you the full screen to read your email Tap this icon to show BY ni eras tat you have not yet opened and read. Tap it again to return to showing all emais, read ‘and unread Hore, youre told how jong ago the currently ‘open mailbox was last Updated, and also how mary Unread emails are contained in that mailbor. Drag the sidebar down to check fr new emails immediately. A sw is ‘shown while checking for ‘new mal Tap this ican for a menu BE orn winere you can reply to the email, rept to all, forward it, delete it, fag it mari it as unread, move and more. How to Send an Email Tap the Pen-and-paper icon inthe top right corner I the receivers in your Contacts app, you can to open a new email, then in the To field, type the ‘email address of the person to whom you're sending it. You can enter more than one email address in the To field if you wish, and send it to more than one person, simply type their name instead of their email address. Predictive hits are displayed; when you see the correct person, tap them. Alternatively, tap the + sign on, the right of the To field to see your contacts list. The meeting BIB 180 Co¥Bco to open the Carbon Copy (Co) and Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) fields. Email addresses entered here also receive the email, but those in Bcc are hidden from the other recipients. if you have more than one ema address, tap the From fed to choose from which to send. Mail in Landscape Mode. Holding your iPad horizontally (landscape mode), a list of emails received is shown on the left side, with the ‘open email on the right. Tap Mailboxes for a lst of your ‘email accounts and their respective mailboxes and also boxes for VIP and Flagged emails. orm “Reena atin Medan Now type the subject, that is, what the emails about, in the Subject field, and type your email in the window below the subject. This is the body of your emai, where you type what its you want to say. When you're done, tap the blue arrow in the top right to send it Mail in Portrait Mode. With the iPad held vertically (portrait mode), you get a better look at the ‘email you're currently reading, writing or editing; to get to your lst of ‘emails, you need to tap All Inboxes in the top left comer. Tap the email on the right to dismiss it again. Portrait mode is definitely more ‘convenient for viewing attachments ‘and using Mail Markup too. je00000 om vwntimpubltonscom | 65 Bui adOS Apps Replying to or Forwarding an Email = a BIg Open the email to which you want to reply. Click the Arrow icon at the botiom of the screen. A Pop-up window appears with a range of options; pull it Up to see the full window. Options include reply to sender only, and reply to everyone who received the ‘original email wal The cinema trip Forwarding an emai allows you to resend the email to another person who didnt receive the original ‘email. You have to add a name to the To field. If you're replying, the recipient's address or addresses are already in place, as they're taken from the email you were sent Re: The cinema trip Whichever you opt for, you can now type your own message in the body of the email. You can delete or ‘eit the original subject and message if you want or, as shown here, just leave it We swiped the keyboard down for ‘a better view. When you're ready, tap Send, Deleting Emails in the Mail App. ee} an, Big You can quickly delete emais by swiping the ‘message left and tapping the red Delete button as shown, Alternatively, swipe itfurther to the left and delete itin one stroke. Deleted emails are sent to the Trash folder, where they remain for a week after you have deleted them. ee ‘Tap the Eait link (top right). Empty circles appear next to emails. Tap those you want to delete, or Passwords & Accounts > Feich New Data. Mail accounts can be set to: Push; to have new emails sent fo your Pad, Fetch; to check at a set interval, or Manual to only send them when you refresh your inbox yourself BI Find an email from the person you want to add to your VIP list, and open it, Tap the name of the person who sent it, to turn the name into a link, then tap it ‘again to open a list of options. Tap Add to VIP to add the person to your VIP list. Emails from VIP contacts are starred for easy spotting. Block Sender en Ome Gm Go to Settings > Mail and tap Blocked Sender Options. You're given three options; if you choose Move to Bin, an email address you've biocked cannot reach you, Back in Settings > Mail, tapping Blocked gives a list of currently blocked numbers and email addresses, ‘which you ean unblock by swiping them left fen . eee) wie omen In the Mailboxes screen, VIP is listed as a separate ‘mailbox; tap it to see emails from everyone on your, VIP lst. They appear in your inbox too, but this is a quick ‘way to access them. In your mailboxes lis, tap the ‘next to VIP to see your VIP list. Swipe a name left to remove them from your VIP list ‘edo VIP Block hie Contact When you get an email from someone you want to block, tap their name at the top of the email and from the window that pops up, tap Block this Contact. Their email address is added to your biocked ist, which applies across all your Apple devices signed into the same Apple ID. . Using Signatures | | we = eee Sonate Om ent ae = Defaut Accoury — om — — xm One ou = Gum rie co So oe om > Signature. By default, your Tap Malin top left ner to go back to the Mail BI Go to Settings > M signature reads, ‘Sent from my iPad’, Tap it and you settings. In the Signature section, you see your new can change it to anything you like. If you have more than _signalue, or a number if you've set different ones for one email account, such as a personal and a business different addresses, Next time you write an email, your new email, you can set separate signatures for each. signalure is used instead of the default email signature. Mail Markup Ben Tim qiowie tly ul ilo) p iim + Ts] ol+}ide ° BIg Open a new ema an ac the attachment you wish You can then use the foo to mark up the picture. to annotate. the keyboard isnt up already tap the Tap and hol too for customisation options, ap the attachment in question, hen the Pen icon inthe top right colour wheel to change colours, and tap the arrows inthe of the Keyboard to bring up the Markup tools top left for undo-redo. The + icon gives more tol Mute Thread. range of colours to flag You can mute an email thread by opening the Reply ieee beeen fo menu and tapping Mute, Altematvey rom your inbox, ponrieeramenr ee man Swipe the emai lf tap More, and then tap Mute. To. eee oe unmute, repeat these procedures and tap Unmate. wntmpubleatonscom | 69 Built-in iPadOS Apps Create Reminders. — que Steere ama ® So Gee @ OD: “hm vo a on 8 ‘Another new feature for IPadOS, you can now create reminders directly from the Mail app. First of all, tap and hold the body of the email until the pop-up bubble ‘appears. Tap Share in this pop-up bubble. Long Press on Email {In your Mail app's inbox, tap and hold an email for a Pop-up menu. Slide this menu upwards to see all the options it offers, which include: reply, forward, notify, ‘mute, move, or delete. Tap Mark...and you can flag it, ‘mark it as read/unread, or move it to junk. Searching Emails Using the search field at the top of the screen, you can ‘search your emails. You can search all mailboxes or just ‘one. If you look for a person, you can search for emails from, to, or mentioning that person. There are more features than ever in iOS 13 Mails search. From the Share menu, tap Reminders. From here, you ‘can edit the tite, add notes, and choose to which Reminders lst it will go. Tap Add when you're done, and the reminder is added to your Reminders app. Email Notifications If you've tured off notifications for your Mail app but want a notification for replies to a specific email youre sending, tap its reply button, and then tap Notify Me to activate Notifications. The email is then badged with a bell. Repeat to turn them off again. eee ~~ 2 es ra 8 a sey Ba a Email Unsubscribe These days, i's a lot easier to unsubscribe from mailing lists. If Mail sees that an email has been produced by such a list, it automatically adds an Unsubscribe link at the top of the email. Tap this link if you want to remove yourself from that particular is = o== 70 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Ct Home App Control Your Gadgets The Internet of Things is going to be huge. Apple's HomeKit gives developers the means to include iPad controls in their products; and the iPad’s Home app brings their controls together, under one application. BIg Open the Home app for the first time and you wil Tap the bottom left icon, Home, to add and edit be greeted with a welcome screen, explaining compatible accessories. These include devices that about the app and what it does. Read carefully and then activate and regulate your heating system, control your tap Get Started lights and more. Automation ring EY The bottom right icon, Automaton, lets you set You can also use the Home app to control and. timers, actions and more. What these timers and configure speakers that are compatible with actions do depends on what kit you've incorporated into HomeKit. Naturally, Apple's own HomePod, pictured here, your Home app. fits the bill but there are plenty more. wntsmpublatonscem | 74 PadOS Apps Safari App Surf the Web Safari is the iPad’s bundled web browser. With it, you can surf the worldwide web, save your favourite pages as bookmarks, do your Internet shopping and more. We show you its basic functions and more advanced features. Safari in Focus ‘These chevrons let you mave forwards and backwards through your browsing history; use the let Cchevran to go back to the previous page and the right fone to go forward again. If fone or bath chevrons are Greyed, you cant navigate in ‘hal direction at the moment 72 | Black Dog ioc ‘Tap this to open your Bookmarks sidebar, from where you can open a bookmarked page, or one you've added to your reading ist. You can also access alist of sites you've recently Viewed. You can also ‘access a list f sites you've ecenily viewed, eres - Volume 40, Tis newicon gives EB access to the Website View Menu, It offers a range of ‘options for viewing the website yout currently bowsng, including: increasing and reducing textsize, switching Reader Vw or Desktop ‘ersion, hiding tho toobag and turing off carent backers. This is your URL and search fed, From here, you can type a web axdress to {goto ls page, or ype a search termto search the worlwide web for pages on that subject. Her is showing the URL for the current viewed page Ifyou ty tw open a page that’s aready ‘open in another tab, Safan now siches to this tab instead of ‘pening the page again, Tapping the cury arrow EB here roioads the page at which youre eucently looking fs useful i a page hasnt loaded property or needs updating, such as @ news page. This isthe Sharing con, wich is found in mary Of the iPac's bundled apps. Tap itfor a range of sharing options, including AlrDropping the page to a nearby device, sending it by Mail or ‘Message, printing it, saving it 18 a POF and mor. ‘ou can have mare than 7 page open at a time, by using browser tabs. Tap hereto open a new tb wich appears below the top bat “ou can then type a URL ora search term ino the field at the op of the web page, as Lusual, and open anew page inthe tab you jut created If you have alot of tabs ‘open and are having rouble finding the one you ‘eed, tap ths icon to see all of the currently open tats in your browser as thumbnails, The are your open tabs. Tap @ tab to view the web page currently open in that tab, and tap the % icon (on the let of your current tab 10 cose it ‘This a textfield onthe BY sscostocurerty boing \ewed, Tap i and the vital keyboard appear at the bottom of he Pads scroen so you can ‘ype. Tis tx felis for searches, but other examples ince onine forms, forum posting windows and mor. ‘Aweb page can contain BD cs, pictures, videos and more. Tapping inks on a web page, such as the Pictures or buy buttons here, takes you to a new page. Bookmarking Pages and Organising Bookmarks in Safari To bookmark a page, tap and hold the Book icon at, the foot of the screen until a menu appears. From here, you can bookmark the page, add ito your Reading List, oF add bookmarks for all ofthe tabs you currently have ‘open in Safari You can also change the location where you save i. Tap the | and select a new one. This, lets you organise your bookmarks into folders. Sites in the syourites section appear on the panel found by tapping he URL bar Orientation. Pages can be oriented into landscape or portrait mode simply by rotating the iPad. qiwlei ri tly u ilo p i Me xtc vi bi nim): ? Tap Add Bookmark and a new window appears. You can edit the name of the website as it appears in ‘your bookmarks; just delete the text indicated here and type whatever it's you want to call it. This is very useful if the site has a long, awkward name. By ete bee oon 0 open your boskmar stand ap ‘a bookmark to go to that site. Tap Eait to organise your bookmarks and add folders. You can delete bookmarks by tapping the minus sign next to it or move iby dragging the icon tots right Organising Tabs. Top the Tabs ion (op right) to see open tabs. You see the tabs as thumbnails, which can be reordered by dragging. To open a ‘new tab, tap ‘+’. Tap a thumbnail to go to that site. Close it by tapping the inthe thumbnails op ke. In Setings > Safer > CCose Tabs, you can set them alo ose automaticaly afer a set period of me. wntimpubltonscom | 73 Bui in iPadOS Apps History and Reading List — If you find something on the web, but you haven't, time to read it and don't want to bookmark it, add it to your reading list. Long tap the Bookmark icon, and in, the pop-up, tap the Add to Reading List icon. BW Tap an item inthe lst to open it. Swipe itright to mark itread or unread. Swipe left to delete or save it. Tap Ecit (bottom right), and tap the circles to delete or save offline multiple items at once. Tap Done to close. Start Page Revamped. o was ° +o ‘Open a new Safari page, or tap the URL bar for this start page. It contains thumbnails of sites stored in your Favourites folder (see bookmarking, previous page). Scroll up to see other often-used sites and Siri suggestions. f = a = cm CE eu — = — \, = a. = = — A= = om oun seem © BY |" Settings > Safari, you can opt to automatically ssave your reading list items for reading when you've rho Internet connection. To access your reading list, tap the Bookmark icon, then tap the Giasses icon at the top. The third tab in your sidebar, a Clock face icon, is your browsing history. Tap this to see what pag you've looked at previously. You can tap a page to open it, ‘swipe to delete it, or tap Clear to empty the list completely. By 1p a thumbnai to open th site. Long press one of tho thumbnails for a preview ofthe site, and also a menu to copy the page, open itin a new tab, edit the bookmark’s ‘name, URL and location, or delete it altogether. 208000 74 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Safari Clear Cache Photo Upload Resizing Go to Settings > Safari for an option to Clear History If you choose to upload a photo to a website, such as ‘and Website Data. Tap it for a pop-up window. Reading Facebook or an online forum, you can set the size at list and bookmarks are unaffected by clearing, but which the photo will be uploaded. Just choose the photo history and caches are cleared from all devices signed _and, at the bottom of the screen, tap Choose Image Size into your iCloud. for a pop-up. Download Manager Seema Safari now has a download manager, similar to the one (ROEM et eee {ound in Safari on the Mac. If you choose to download something on your iPad, an icon appears in the top right. ‘Tap it to see recent and current downloads. Private Browsing. ‘Sometimes, you might want to surf the web privately, without others who use your iPad knowing what you've been looking at. Maybe you're planning a surprise party or looking for a present to buy. Google rt ‘Open Safari and tap the two squares icon next to the + ‘Anew browsing window opens; note the dark toolbar at Jcon in the top right comer. Now tap the Private link, also _the top. Using this window your online activities remain. in the top right comer, to switch to Private Browsing. Tap _ private. To leave private browsing, simply repeat Step 1. Done to return to Safari and continue using the web. The toolbar is white again and private browsing is off. wntmpublatonscom | 75 in iPadOS Apps | Searching for Text re = °C LL i Bg To search a web page for text, tap the URL bar and enter your search terms using the keyboard, but don't tap Enter when you're done. On a Google search, you can tap the arrow to complete the text in the URL bar nsw” Possible results appear as you type. Tap this results, window and, at the bottom, you see an entry tiled ‘On This Page’. Tap this and you're shown instances of the text on the web page, which you can cycle through with the chevrons at New Home Screen eS. You can also highlight and then copy text. Tap and hold a word to highlight it, drag the handles to cover the text you wish to copy, then from the pop-up menu, tap Copy. You can then paste it into another app. 76 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 The New Sharing Sheet. BI Tap the Share icon (the page with the up-pointing arrow) for the new look Sharing sheet. People with whom you regularly share are shown, along with an icon to illustrate how the item will be shared if you tap that person, e.g. in the Messages or Mail apps. = “oe 6 ~~ ° Pull the Sharing sheet up for a more complete list of things you can do. The appifeature icons can be ‘scrolled left and right, and let you share a link via AirDrop, Messages or Mail, add it to Reminders or Notes, Publish it on Twitter or Facebook and more. Towards the bottom of the Sharing sheet are options that let you add the page to favourites or the reading list, bookmark i, print, or open it in various apps you might have on your iPad. To close the Sharing sheet, tap the cross in its top right comer. Useful Safari Settings 1 er on . p= = Boe 0 nae Gm By default, Safari uses the Google search engine when you type a search term into the URL field atop the ‘soreen; but you can change this by going to Settings > Safar > Search Engine, and choosing one of the other options. Two more options that are worth switching on are 3 Prevent Cross-Site Tracking and Block All Cookies. They stop sites leaving information on your iPad for targeting adverts. However they don't reduce the numbe: of ads you see. The AutoFill Feature. Br ' you activate the Show Favourites Bar whichis off by default, the websites stored in your Favourites bookmark folder appear in a bar under the toolbar atop the web browser It's the old school Safari way of doing things, Cereus rece at Tae cy Er Page Zoom: Set your browser to be zoomed in or out of a Cooke: Poteet ce the desktop version of a website, and not the mobile one. Ce ean Monee tet iia ct Cee ee ec ee eee een eee ta but you can change this to Deny or Alo ete urt SE Seg oa Porn Dre ae eee ee ey Safari, are saved. By default, its your Downloads folder in raed AutoFill can save you lots of time when filing in a web site's information forms. You just need to set it up; information such as your name, address, telephone number and credit card details can be added, mr 00 hao ™) oa © ‘To set up Auto-fill, go to Settings > Safari > AutoFill. From there, you can decide whether you want to use information stored on your contact card for the feature, whether AutoFill should include user names, passwords and credit cards. ‘Set up the AutoFill information as you see fit. Be aware that if you add a credit card, the security number on the back isn't saved. When done, you need to fil ina web form, just tap a text field and then tap AutoFill Contact to fil it in . wntmpublatonscom | 7? | PadOS Apps e Reminders App ° Never Forget Again In iPadOS, the Reminders app was completely revamped, with an exciting range of new features. There’s a new home screen with smart lists, so you can organise your reminders into more flexible groups and more. Reminders in Focus Tiss the new BB reerincers app's front ge, showing smart ss as uJ ‘well as the lists you've created New Yar Resottone 2019 Yoursel it sa group of cwcamnn Feminders you've set up, and on ‘can be called anything you Ike. 9 a =—— Tap this ink and you can eit your lists using new Controls that appear; delete = them with the minus sign, reorder by dragging the Three icon up and down and tap the‘ Icon to rename alist, change is colour or choose @ new icon, Mytios reminders you've flagged. Here, you see the currently selected list or smart list. AS Allis currently Reminders on the Web. earners a oc ce your Apple ID, and there they are. can be called anything you le, Tap one to open and fee the inca eines ooss you've added, mark reminders You've done as compet, anc Aico adc new nes. 78 | Bick Dog i eres - Volume 40, You can share a Reminders lst with someone els, as long as they have a Mac or iOS device. The lst then appears in their own Reminders app, and any eaits you make are also made on thelist and viee versa, The ther person's Apple devices ‘must be running iOS 13, iPadOS or macOS Catalina or they cant share ‘These numbers, on the outstanding reminders that it Contains. When you mark one ‘8 done, is removed. Tap the plus sign to add eminder tothe ist above. You can calit anything you ke. When added, it ‘appears in that ist ntl you mark it as done. Tap a circle next to a reminder to mark that reminder as being done. I isappears fom the lst, buf you want to ge it back, tap the Three dats ion inthe top right and select Show Completed, Top hereto create a new BY is, wich appears in tho My Lists section of the Reminders home page. You can then add remindos to this tn the usual way. Reminders [| Creating and Using Reminders w eeceeeeeeeee e set eee en eee ern reeneonea er a) To create a new lst, on the home page tap the Add List ink in the bottom right. Add a tlle for your list (anything you lke), and tap one of the coloured circles to ive ita colour Scroll up and pick an icon forthe list, then © #0 « Sein opie == Onmnn @mnne eae ema Omen OQ mneinens Ome 3 BY 10 2d a reminder toa ist, tap the lst and tap New Remindes Add a name and, if you wish, tap the ‘ icon next toit to: add notes, a URL, ora flag, set a priority ‘as low, medium or high and more. When you've carried out, tap Done when you've finished. the task, tap the circle to its left to check and dismiss it >= ato Stepping ee Ome a Sonning sy ——n ue =" eS Ommne eee o Ommne i Ss = Quen om, oe ‘oma O es = Omer Ome Po Omen es Lea eros BJ 10 schedule a reminder tap it, tap the "icon that ‘appears, and then switch on ‘Remind me on a day’. You ‘can add an alarm, set a date and time, and set it to repeat, if necessary. You can also be reminded when you reach or leave a location, or when messaging a certain person. Pg 120 the Add image link near the bottom of the Detais screen, and you can add a photo from your Photos ‘app, take a new one, or scan a document. This picture ‘appears in your lst associated with that particular reminder Tap it to enlarge it eo « ° ye = i Ome om. Om Omen Omen e woe & peeve sy ome emma «]O= en Omnne = ey Ome — . ome. = ome = Omer You can add Subtasks to a reminder from the Details screen, breaking down the item of which you need reminding into smaller tasks. In your reminders lst, they ‘appear in a collapsible list under the reminder in question, ‘and can also be marked completed. To share a lst with another Mac or iOS user, open the list and tap the Three-dots icon (top right). In the menu, tap Add People, then choose how you want to share. Reminders created in iPadOS, iOS 13 and macOS Catalina aren't compatible with eariier versions of the OSs. wwntimpublaonscom | 79 @E PadOS Apps Messages App Texts on Your iPad Messages is one of the most used apps on your iPad. You can use it to send free iMessages to others with an Apple device and also send pictures, videos and audio messages. Here’s how to make the most of Messages. Messages in Focus This is the person you're Tis icon opens the ADP current talking tin the Drawer a feature that we ‘open message comersation. in more depth later in fora Type your message in Messages ‘outgoing messages here, then tap the blue Qt ; 3 arrow, which appears in the < 5 Fight ofthis fled, to send i on make an auso or video Tap and hold the sino a form icon here, 0 @® indow showing irks and send a voice message. The a [Photos youve shared, options receiver can then listen toi in oe to share locaton and mare, their oun Messages eo: Using this fed, you can —— Cgeaiyerencedn Peds. eon) messag 13) undo, redo, and paste, Fn aoe cars PO Ol ered wa Be ot thas ar inl reeao ont (open aya eh tion; as you can 2s predictive text make 'yping me sie, Its a good idea to familiarise yourseff with them. ‘Tap here to open a new, Tap the camera to take a blank message, which photo withthe Ca Tap here to turn your then write and send app and add it to your keyboard into a sual way. To message scribble pad, on le multiple threads, and someone you've already choose one from your pholo can write a mess: can mek all messages as read ord Edit Name and Phato, which chatted with, you can tap lrary, tap the App Drawer draw a picture with your lets you acd a picture and their name in the left hand icon (2) and then tap the finger then send itto the name for outgoing messages. _sidebar instead, Photos icon, person you're messaging. 80 | Black Deg i 1s - Volume 40 Sending a New Message Messages © o=r ae or Be O@s on a}wfetrfelyfulil ol} o ia ‘Tap the Pen and paper icon in the top right comer to ‘open a new message. In the To field, ype the mobile umber, or email address, of the person you want to message. If that person is in your Contacts app, type their name instead or use the + icon on the left, Bi You can add photos or videos too. Tap the Camera icon to take a new photo, and then tap the up-pointing arrow to attach it to your message. Tap the App Drawer icon, next to the text field, and then the Photos icon to add one from the Photos app. Voice and Video Messages ==, oo =r er. oe em oo To send a voice message, tap and hold the wave 1 form icon to the right of the text field. Speak your message and release when you're done. You can review your message by tapping the Play icon, send it by tapping the up-pointing arrow or delete it using the X icon. Messages [ > — oH © e If the To field turns blue, it can be sent through IMessage (free). If itturns green, its sent as regular text message. If it turns red, the device you centered can't receive a message. When the other person is typing a reply, three dots in a speech bubble appear VEST eee ec oa —m = @ e ext. ant = — ee = = - ae To send video messages, tap the Camera icon to 2 open the camera app, from where you can select Video and record your movie inthe usual way, When you're finished, tap the blue arrow to send it, Done to ad text betore sending, Pay o review ior Retake to try again wvnocmpubicatonscom| 84 Bi in iPadOS Apps Group Messages eM You can add multiple recipients to start a group conversation; just type more than one person's name or number in the To field of a new message. When group messaging, the name of the sender appears ‘above each message so you can see who said what, Messages Profiles. La ‘On the Messages screen, tap the Three-dots icon at the top for a pop-up. The options offered are: Manage ‘Messages List, which allows you to delete unwanted ‘messages several at atime, and Eit Name and Photo, ‘where you can set up a profe. Tap this option. The Details Window seme o Open a message, tap the icon pic atthe top, and then tap '’ to access the details screen, You're shown the ppersor's name, some location options, and images and altachments recently sent to you by that person. You can turn alerts and receipts on or off here too. {82 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Ina group conversation, you can access unique ccontrois by tapping the People icon at the top of the soreen, then tapping ''. Add @ name for the group, add contacts, and turn on Do Not Disturb to mute notifications. ‘At the bottom of the screen is an option to leave the group. ‘Choose Your Name and Photo (On the next screen, you can choose a picture for ‘yourself, this can be a photo, a memoji, or simply your initials. You can also set your display name. After ‘setting a couple more options, this pic and name are used {or your outgoing messages. Tap the person's name for their contact details; you can start a phone or FaceTime call from here. Tap ‘Send My Current Location to show them where you are by sending a link to your whereabouts on the Maps app, or Share My Location to send it for a specified time. The App Drawer om App Store es wm Oh oe EE aw The App Drawer: Basics Tap the App icon next to the textfield to open the App Drawer Tap the blue App icon on the left to go to the App Store, where you can get stickers, games, and apps to use. in your messages. Some are free 100. z Messages © © erm = - =a ‘ = an ee o=— ae ° === seeenmEeneses fase an ed 08 a € =) ra) seta 658 ae ne The App Drawer: Stickers When you've installed sticker packs from the App Store (or {got them for free with an app), you can tap their icon in the ‘App Drawer and choose from the range on offer to add to your message. Many sticker packs are free, 2 Messages = © mom = - att er | gar +200: Be 0 MPs. Lo x SSL reap App Drawer: Images Tap the Magnifying glass icon for a selection of images for your messages. There are all sorts of animated pictures on. offer; scroll up for more, You can use the search bar at the top of the images to find exactly what you want. (am BJ You con start a Business Chat conversation from Safari, Maps, Spotight and Sir. Businesses that ‘support Business Chat include Discover, Hiton, Lowe's and. Wells Fargo. More will be added soon, wntimpubleatonscom | 83 _5]] Built-in iPadOS Apps More Great Messages Features Using Emojis Emi, Including smiley faces, can be found by tapping and holding the keyboards Globe icon and selecting Ej. Side them right and eft for more. An emoj sent on its own is shown largez The Hold Bubble ‘Tap and hold on a message you've received and a bubble appears above it. This bubble offers a range of options. ‘You can like or unlike the message with a thumb icon, send ‘a heart, a laugh or question mark and more. : .=e Rich Links When someone sends you a web link in a Messages conversation, you get an illustrated inline preview of the ‘website, right there in the message. All you have to do is tap the link to go straight to the linked site in Safari ES a ex eo e0e:| You're L OVELY ] i} Scribble and Draw (On the keyboard, tap the key in the bottom right that looks like a squiggle. You get a pad on which you can make finger drawings or write scribbled messages. Tap Done to put itn yaur message, then send it in the usual way. How do youwant to pay? ext EROS a Oo enter ° es +000 z+ mi @oes ~~ Porras Dictation Apple Pay If you're tired of typing, you can use the keyboard's ‘microphone key to dictate your message instead. Tap it, then speak what you want to say and it appears in the text field. The more you use it, the better text-to-speech gets. ‘Anew feature which is being gradually rolled out in different territories, is Apple Pay in Messages. This allows you to send someone money with the Messages app, using ‘Apple Pay. Look for the Apple Pay logo in the app drawer cocces0o 84 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Messages Features Exclusive to iPads with Face ID With the iPad's new animated emoji, or Animoji feature, you can become one of 20 characters. In Messages, open the App Drawer with the & icon as shown and tap the monkey face at the bottom of the screen. +OeUOOM aus fy OW e RA e@ @ Choose your Animoji from the range available in the tray (as shown in the previous step’s screen), or to get a better look at them, swipe up on the line shown above the currently selected Animajito view the full range, as seen here, +@Oae'Oom au aw Gwe BAe @ BI Hold your Pad infront of you, so you'e in full view of the front-facing camera and walch the emaji. When you turn your head, open and close your mouth, blink or stick out your tongue, the emoj’s animations do so too, following your lead, Bo om Seugouauat tt OW » Be @ @ » To record your animated message, tap the red circular button found to the bottom right of the ‘emo. fit isn't there, you're not holding the iPad correctly so that the camera can see your face. To stop recording, tap the button (now a square) again. 1 ° OCe'eooma ea? Tey ‘Amessage can be up to 30 seconds long. When. you've finished recording, you can send it with the blue arrow (bottom right), play it by tapping Replay, or delete it by tapping the red trash can towards the bottom left Recording and sending Animojis is exclusive to newer Apple hardware, but you can receive and play them on older gear. Here we are watching an Animoji (on an iPhone 6s. You can even watch them on your Mac's Messages app. D8 wuntimpublatonscom | 85 Bui adOS Apps Animoji and Memoji in Making a Memoji f= ° ~) FaceTime Video Calls. 2900105200008 a (Open the Messages app. Tap the monkey in the app drawer for the Animojis. Tap the Plus button to noose it and again to select it (when the New Memoji litle is displayed). If the monkey isn't there, your devic is probably too old to use Memojis First of all, open a FaceTime video call with someone, as explained in our tutorial on the FaceTime app. You should then tap the display to bring up the controls, as shown, ye ays ays ays Under a blank face, you will see a category slider Using this sides, the colour options and diagrams, build your Memnoji any way you wish, choose a hairstyle and colour, add glasses and more, You can make as many Memojs as you lke. Now, tap the star-shaped Erfects icon found to the left Of the End button. You can then choose an animoji ‘a memoji that replaces your face in the video call. BQOoma oot SR Sant on 2 oe When you're finished, tap Done. Your Memoji is ‘added to your Animoj collection, from where it can be used in the usual way, ust as if twas a regular EW ¥°2 can choose eects to enhance your video feed Anima). You can use it as a sticker, an animated emo) or even further. To remove these enhancements, repeat in the FaceTime app for video chat. these steps choosing ‘none’ instead of an animoj or effect. . 86 | Black Dog HE eres - Volume 40, Using Memoji 8 e +S @Oauoosaus Se vev-BEe@s Next to the Memoji on the left, is an icon showing three dots. Tap it and you can edit your Memoji, duplicate it so you can edit it while keeping the original, or delete it You record with a Memoji in exactly the same way as you do with an Animoji. First of all, select your Memoji and tap the red record button to the bottom right of the Meroj e SOeUQOMAUS SevewrSeeer Now record up to 30 seconds of speech, with the EB iieroji following your expressions. When you're done, tap the blue arrow fo use the message or the bin to delete it evccers FFg {ternatively tap and hold your Memaji and drag it onto your message. While it's stuck to your finger, you can resize and rotate it before attaching it to your message. o ° @©00%0852000001s You can use a Memo (or indeed an Animoj) as a sticker too. Just navigate to your Memoji, pull the required face and then, to add it to your regular text message, just tap it. Both the FaceTime app and the Messages camera feature have a star-shaped icon (below the shutter) that lets you add effects, including your Memojis, to your pics and videos. o0e wuntsimpubleatonscom | 87 Buil iPadOS Apps “" Notes App Organise Your Jottings Notes is great. Not only can it store your scribblings, it can also be used to create checklists, add videos and pics, share notes with others and even collaborate on a note; and now, you can even add tables to a note. Notes in Focus AlliCloud Pinned Notes. You can pin a note to the top of your list, where it remains until you unpin it. Just swipe the note to the right and tap the pin icon. Repeat this process to unpin it. A grey line divides pinned from unpinned notes. 88 | Black Deg Tap this chevron to go back to your list of Notes folders. As you ean currently open folder Cloud folder, which ‘across your As The Taree cts icon here, amenu from manage your sal the attachments person, or people, to collaborate on the currently ‘open note, Delete the open note. its simple as that The ubiquitous Sharing offering Tap here to open bank note, the search field here ioggle the list view (as 1 the new thumbnal view Shopping ist whole note, Note thatthe rote can as well a text chmenis Your noes forthe curenty BY en tise axe shown in ‘sidebar The open one ded darko Irfxration shoun is the teidete the note was fst edited, andthe folderin sich fs stored, Baines tes en attachment, it has a thumbnail on the right of is eriry inthe Notes Est, as The are Unda! RedaPPaste, Add Table, ‘and Formating respectively ‘appears when you tap ee a text field or the body of a note, The ‘bottom right key hides iagain Getting Started. aiticloud Bg When you first open Notes, you see a lst of previously saved notes. If you haven't made any yet, this list is, of course, emply. To create a new note, tap the Pen-and-paper icon in the top right corner. = Ir * ailicloud To delete a note, swipe it eft and tap the Delete icon - shown as a dustbin. To delete an open note, tap the Dustbin icon at the bottom of the screen, which is shown when the keyboard is notin view, then tap the Delete Note link. ‘To move a note, swipe it left and tap the Folder icon. ‘Tap the chevron in the top left comer for a list of the folders in which your notes are stored. If you want to sync notes via iCloud so they appear on all your Apple devices, they have to be in the iCloud section. More Notes Features —O-— Bests afwihefetriviuls ol > jam eI tete tle BI Sovble-tap a word to highlight it and drag the handles to highlight a piece of text. A pop-up menu showing various options appears. The Aa icon just above the keyboard shows and hides the tools shown here. a8 ao ajwietefilyfulifo| » iim atetati}otntilx|: Be x c vibin io :‘@ ‘The Grid icon, in the tools above the keyboard, sets up a table. You can type in every cel, and tap the Three-dot icon for a pop-up menu to add or delete rows and columns. You can drag rows and columns after tapping ths too. Highlight some text, then tap the Aa icon for the formatting options. You can justify it right, left, or centred, turn itinto a title or a heading, make it bold, italicised, underined, or crossed out and more. Tap outside the window to go back to the note, vwvntcmpubicatenscom | 89 a= = | o~ =o . — =a am = oo ad Omen = = s= = Pei Hs eS ea) Om Highlight text and then tap the Tick icon to turn it into a checklist, An empty circle appears next fo each item in the checklist. fo put a tick in it, tap the circle. This ‘way you can check off items on the list as you do them. (sa 8 aoc] ‘The Camera icon, found in the bottom right of the screen, brings up the attachments menu. The first item on this menu lets you scan a document using your iPad's camera and add itto the note as an attachment, Tap and hold a checklist's circle to drag it up and down the list, Go to Settings > Notes > Sort Ticked Items, to set the app to sort checklists manually, oF to ‘automatically move checked items to the foot of a lst oe oa a The Camera icon menu's Take Photo or Video option lets you take a photo or video with the Camera app, ‘while with the Photo Library option you can choose one from your Photos lirary, and add them to your note. Ul ae Oy Sta oe) Se em ‘The Pen icon in the bottom right is for Markup. It brings. Up drawing tools, which you use to draw on your note. ‘Tap the circle on the right to change pen colour Note the Undo and Redo arrows to the left of the drawing tools 90 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Tap on a photo you've added as an attachment, then, to draw on it, tap the Pen icon. Press the + icon in the drawing tools panel for a sub-menu with more options. You can drag the tools panel anywhere on the screen, Password-protecting Notes | meme Cum = om To set up password protection, go to Settings > Notes > Password and set up a password. For an ‘extra option, flick the switch to enable Touch ID or Face ID, You can also set a hint to remind you, if you forget your password or resel your password completely: tap the link land then enter your Apple ID when instructed to do so. mae 1 ae i at * = ne ® To password:-protect a note, open it and tap the Share icon. Tap Lock Note and use the password, touch ID (Face ID to lock it. You can now only open it with the ppassword/Touch ID/Face ID. Alternatively in your Notes lst, drag a note to the left and tap the lock. To remave a lock, repeat one of these two methods and tap Remove Lock. td People = . Qo Gees y = | J Collaboration Share Options You can share both folders and individual notes with other Apple users. To share a folder, open i, tap the Three-dots icon, and choose Add People. To share a note, open it and tap the Silhouette icon at the top, Items shared in this way are collaborative, so any party can edit them, with the: ‘changes synced for everyone. Work Gallery View This one fs brand new in PadOS. f you open a folder and then pull down your list of notes, you see a new icon made up of four squares underneath the search field. Tap itto ‘itch to gallery view, wih your notes shown as thumbnais Tap it again to return to using the regular ist view If you open a note and tap the Share icon, the page with the up-pointing arrow, you can scrall up to see a range of ‘options old and new. You can copy the note, pin and unpin itto the top of the list, lack or search it, share it with others 28 a collaborative note, move it to another folder and more. You can print it or save to files too. Sharing Notes. Tap the Share icon and you can share a note via the usual options. You can also share pictures, URLs and ‘more, to Notes, from other apps using the app in ‘question's Share icon. oe weutsmpubltonscom | 94 iPadOS Apps «« Calendar App 2/ Plan Your Dates Calendar is great for organising your life. You can add events, appointments, schedule alerts, invite contacts to events and sync Calendar with other calendar apps. It's a versatile and helpful digital tool. Calendar in Focus shown what month and year you'e currently loking at but not necessarily the current ‘moth and year Tap these tabs to svlich between laoking at one day, one w inole year These icons let you search your calendar 3 entries and add a new one respectively timaline for events is ‘a row running along the top. This window appears when you tap the “+ icon, and it lets you add a ew event. Enter the ttle of the event and, optionally its location here. Ad locations are Mops app. calender eategry therein. In Emailing Events. tre oak ay ‘Auick and easy way of sending an evento someone the sched aos the isto drag it of your Calendar app onto your desktop Une thay elo cover This (its not deleted from Calendar), where it appears a8 a one, or erage. 13 fom ie fle; and then send it by ema tomo 2pm 92 | Black Deg i Top the start and end 7 when the calendar event should begin an event o be Invitees link lets you ite thers to share this event on their own calendar app, set time before the event is ‘due to start, You can set more ne if you wish. Tap here to be taken to the page for tacay's entries in your Calendar app When exploring your calendars, it's a useful way of zooming straight back to today at the tap of a button. Tepher fora pop-up showing alist ofall the ccalendars you have setup in there you can accept or eclne the imitation, Tap here to open tis inbox. Exploring the Calendar App 2019 Tap the Calendars link at the foot of the screen to bring up a new box showing a list of all your calendars. To turn different calendars on and off, just tap ‘on them, Active calendars have a tick next to them. EW 10 exit a calendar in the pop-up window, tap the icon next to it. Here you can change the calendar's name, share it, change its colour and opt to make it public. There's also a link atthe foot of the window to delete it altogether, BY Te pop-up window aso lets you show all calendars bby tapping the link atthe top. There's an OnvOff switch that lets you show or hide events you've declined to attend, 00, oF add a new calendar with the link atthe bottom. ‘To add an event, tap the ‘+’ symbol inthe top right. Enter a tile and location for the event in the fields provided, choose a start and end date and time and set Whether the event is to repeat ether daily, weekly, every two weeks, monthly or yearly = If you choose to receive an alert, that is, an alarm ‘about the event in question, you can determine how long in advance you want to it to occur. You can also enter ‘any notes or details in the bottom field. When all details are ‘entered, tap Done. May 2010 = May 2010 = To edit an event, tap the event and then tap the Edit button that appears at the top right of the screen, From here you can tap on any of the fields to change the details and even move it to a different calendar in your calendars lst wuntimpublaonscom | 83 Sync with Desktop Apps. In this section, we look at how you can merge your iPad's calendars with those you've set up on another device. Br To delete an event tap it, tap the Edt button, then tap the red Delete Event button at the bottom of the screen. You're prompted to Delete Event to bin it or Cancel f you've changed your mind and want to keep it. To syne the calendar on your tablet with other calendars on: your computer via iTunes, connect your iPad to your ‘computer and choose iPad Info on the desktop app. ‘To search for specific events, tap the magnifying glass inthe top right of the main soreen to get a search field and list of upcoming events. You can search forties, locations or keywords that appear in the event description, To syne calendars over the air, tum Calendars on in your Google, Yahoo! or Microsoft Exchange accounts, —_ vem depending on which calendar you use. « « « « 2 « « afvtetcTitypofife iH ‘ k « aleia olnii < ° x ev bialm « me o— 8 orn cne c i o- ©) Matching events appear as you type, allowing you to open the appropriate one without having to type You ean syne your iPad's Calendar app with your Mac in the whole name or description. To open an event or another iOS device linked with the same iCloud found in a search like this, just tap it when you see it in | @geount by switching on Calendars in Settings > [your he list below. name] > iCloud. 94 | Black Dog Tech Series - Volume 40 Inviting Contacts to an Event came = One om om oe a aw Dee © sine Doe enaesessse Open the Settings app, tap your name at the top of the left-hand column and select iCloud. From the ‘options make sure that the Calendar slider is set to the On position or this guide won't work, May 2019 Brg) you haven't sot up the event already. open the Calendar app and tap on the “+ icon on the top right ‘corner and input the information you require about the event using the virtual keyboard that appears. mae = May 2010 Remember you're sharing this with others, so you need to be quite specific regarding the information you input here for their reference. If you're sharing an event you've already created, check i's up to scratch, You can add a location by tapping the Location fleld and then typing in the address of where the calendar event will ake place, A postcode is sufficient; of if you're there alread, tap the Current Location link a = ans = Mm :|.)-j.j+).jnje) wy |= Now scroll down to the Invitees link at the bottom of the Event fields and tap on it to bring up a pop-up. ‘Tap ‘+’ to select your invitees from your Contacts. Add as many as you like, then tap Done to send the invites. ‘They are now sent a message about the event, and can conti they are coming. The event is added to their ‘Calendar app, They appear in the event details as invitees. ‘Tap the question mark next to a name for their contact card, wuntimpubleatonscom | 95 iPadOS Apps Contacts App Digital Address Book You can use your iPad as a great digital address book, to keep names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and more all in one place. You can sync your Contacts app with other electronic devices too. Contacts in Focus Active Contacts. Your Contacts app does more than simply display ‘contact details. You can utlise these details directly from the app. Tap an email address to send a rail, or ‘a message icon to send a message in Messages. 96 | Back Deg i Search your contacts by 4 typing a name or part name here, Suggestions are offered, You can also search for ater things on aco You can add things lke birthdays, social media addresses and more, as ane numbers, steel addresses, et Th ‘communicate with your Contact directly from the Contacts app. Tap an icon to send a message, make a call, make a video call or send an email Ifthe icon is greyed that feature Is unavailable. Ree suggest 1a you type. Notice t These are theo 7 to your cont card. Tap one 10 use that, rake a cal by tapping ‘hone rumba, sand by tapping an emai address, and s0.0n If you enter an address into a contact card, om the Maps app is an. Tap itto open Maps, with the location ofthat ‘address pinned, the Contacts app, & pop-up at deta you wi ready to write and send your contact You can share a contact BMD cara wit otners ty tapping here. re to share ation withthe person (on the contact card. You can share where you are for an out, @ day or indefinitely hanaoas Syncing Contacts You can syne your contacts with your Mac and other iOS devices using iCloud. Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud, and switch Contacts on. Any changes you make to your contacts are then synced with any device linked to the same iCloud account, as long as it also has iCloud syncing switched on. Merging Duplicate Entries If you have contacts that appear your contac ist multiple times, i's easy to merge them into one, Just select one of the contacts you wish to merge, tap Eltin the top right ccozner and then scroll downto the Link Contacts option. Tap it and then choose which profile or profiles you wish to link. They're then merged into one. Sharing Contact Details ‘Tap the Share Contact link at the foot of the contact, details and the Sharing options appear. You can send a contact card to a third party as a message, an email or through AirDrop. Choose one and tap Send. Should you receive a contact in this way, tap the attachment to ad it to your existing contacts list. i i Viewing by Group If you organise your contacts into groups, you can choose to display only some of these groups. On the main Contacts screen, tap Groups in the top left cornex Now tap individual groups to check or uncheck them. To 4g0 back to viewing all your contacts, tap the All option at the top of the sidebar. Adding and Removing Contacts To add a new contact to your Contacts app, ap the plus sign inthe top right corner of the sidebar This opens a Blank contact card for you to fin, There's an Add Field at the botiom ofthe card in case an option you wish to add isnt catered for To delete a contac, open the car, tap Exit ‘and scroll tothe bottom, where you can find a Delete lnk Adding Pictures to Contacts If you add a picture to a contacts details, as well as making that person's contact card more attractive, i's displayed ‘when that person phones or emails you. Open up a contact ‘and tap Edi, then select Add Photo atthe top. Tap Choose Photo and browse to the appropriate picture, or Take Photo to snap a new one there and then using your iPac's camera. wuntimpubleatonscom | 87 iPadOS Apps Clock App World Time and More The Clock app does a lot more than tell the time. You can set alarms, check the time in cities all over the world and even use it as a stopwatch and countdown timer. Don't miss the new Bedtime Feature too. Setting Alarms Tap Alan fi bao of he seen sat ech, ppg You cm etn sm open st fo ae neon alarms. To set a new alarm, use the pectic days of the week or never repeat, To turn right). This opens an Add Alarm windo teach alarm on or off independently tap the On/Off button wheels to pick a time for the alarm to sound. You can also Alternatively you can remove or edit an alarm. Use Eat and choose which days the alarm plays, the sound, whether tether tap the time you want to amend or the minus button to bbe snoozed and what it's called. When you! delete thal alarm, A deleted alarm is permanently lst, so if alarm c the top of the you need it again, turn it off using the switch and turn'it on (0 show that ‘again later, CON a7a Tap Stopwatch at the foot of the screen. Tap the \Whilst the stopwatch is running, the grey button reads ‘een Start button to start the stopwatch, then the Lap Tap this to record the current time without stopping red button that replaces it to stop it again. The grey reset __the readout. This is great for recording each lap of a race, button on the left clears the I before tapping Stop as the racer crosses the finish line. 98 | Black Deg i The World Clock (Open World Clock, and use the plus sign (top right corner) to add another clock. The available time zones are listed. Scroll up and down or better sill use the search field at the top of the screen to find the time zone you need. You can add as many new clocks as you want, from cities all over the world Countdown Timer Tap the Timer icon in the bottom ight of the Clock app een to open the Countdown Timer Use the wheel to seta time from which to count down. You can set a timer that counts down from a minimum of one minute and a ‘maximum time of 23 hours, 89 minutes. The timer then counts down for that length of time. The Bedtime Feature Bg Tap Bedtime and Clock asks for your wake-up time Set it using the wheels shown above and then tap Next. On the next screen, choose which days of the week you want the alarm to go off, then tap Next. Set how many hours of sleep you need, then tap Next once more to proceed to the next step. Clocks are shown on the World Clock page, with the ‘current time in the city in question and the time difference in hours. Swipe a clock left to delete it. Tap (Cop left) and delete clocks by tapping the minus sign. Reorder them by dragging them right or left along the row of clocks. Tap Done when finished. Tap the music icon to choose an alarm sound. Tap a ‘sound to hear it and when you have chosen your ‘alarm sound, tap Set in the top right corner to choose one. Tap the Start button to begin the wn. You can pause ‘and resume it at any time using the green button or cancel the timer with the grey one, ‘Set whether or not you want a bedtime reminder and when. Tap Next, then set the sound and tap Next again. Now turn the Bedtime alert on or off with the switch at the top; change the bedtime or wake times by dragging their icon or the semicircle itself around the clock face. Scroll up {or this week's sleep analytics. @E PadOS Apps w=, Camera App (ea Take Better Pictures The Camera app is one of the most used apps on the iPad. You can take pictures using the rear-mounted iSight or front-facing FaceTime or TrueDepth cameras, as well as record videos and lots more. Camera in Focus The iSight Camera. ‘The iPad's iSight camera is mounted on the rear of the: tablet. Both sizes of iPad Pro have a camera that takes: ‘12-megapixel stil photos and can manage 4K HD video recording. Both photos and videos can be geotagged. The FaceTime or TrueDept iSight (rear ‘camera i for selfies and video chats and the Sight camera is for general photagrapty. This aid over you to compose your photo or video. itcan be tured off in Setings if you find i distracting, The zoom sider Move the slider to 200m in or out. You can of course use the regular pinchispread gestures, ‘anywhere on the screen too. This square shows where the cused. I you wish to move the focus point to somewhere ese, tap another part ofthe s This wil also surnmo brightness slider; slide y finger up or down to raise or lower the bright The Live Photos option takes a few seconds o video along withthe phot, t ive ita litte more if, Tap tis icon to switch the HDR (High Dynamic Range) feature on and oft Tap here fo the sett timer, which counts thr 135 or ten cand between tapping the take photo’ button and actually taking the photo allowing you to set up the picture and then get into postion so you can be in i a Tap here between t rear-mounter ich front and Tap the white button to take a photo. In video ‘mode, isa red button, Tap it rand stop recording. Tap here to open the last photo you took on your iPad, You can then delete it ft Lup to serach, BE ete aen between the photo and video camera options, Including square photos, slow ‘mation videos and mare. Bg 2p the Camera icon. To fp between the front and era with arrows back cameras, tap the icon of a ‘around it atthe right of the screen, With the rear iSight camera in use, you can zoom in 3 il y and aut by placing two fingers on the screen and ‘moving them apart to zoom in or together to zoom out Open from the Lock Screen. When your iPad is showing the lock screen, you can open the Camera app by swiping the screen left. This takes you straight to the Camera app, from where you can take photos and review your new shots by tapping the preview in the bottom right corner. To switch between video and camera modes, move the slider on the right, moving between Time-lapse, Sio-mo, Video, Photo, Square and Pano (panoramic) fe your finger up and down the screen to change the brightness, To take a photo, tap the white circle ulton atthe right oF one of the volume but ns instead, HD Video Resolution. (Open the Settings app and tap Camera in the lefhand ‘column. If your iPad is new enough, there's an option called Record Video. Tap it to switch between the default 1080p HD option and the less storage hungry (lower resolution) 720p video. Keane econ Vico ‘winubemauoicaionscom| 104 Built-in iPadOS Apps ‘A preview of the last photo or video you took is To record a video, ensure that the slider selector on displayed under the white button on the right. Tap it the right of the screen is moved to video. Press the to see how it came out. To return to the camera view, tap red record button (or a volume button) and it start rner recording video By Wile recording, a timer appears atthe tp ofthe Time-lapse takes single frame videos at set time screen. When you've captured your video footage, tap intervais, o show the passing of ime. Sio-mo records the red shutter button (or a volume button) fora second time, _video in slow mation, and can only use the iSight camera, Select Pano, press the shutter and fol the line on APY The Square photo option is best sulted for taking a the screen, The iPad takes a series of images and single image that will be used as an ID image for a pastes them into a continuous picture, passport, driving licence or a web avatar 102 | Bi Dog i:Tech Series - Volume 40 Notice the HDR options in the top right. You can choose to set them to either Auto, On or Off If set to (On or Auto, an icon appears at the top of the screen. 43 if Timer, which can be set to either Off 3 second Delay or 10 second Delay, This allows you to put down your iPad and get in the photo too. Just the thing for those all-important family shots. Editing Live Photos. HOR’ stands for ‘High Dynamic Range’. It works by taking a series of photos in rapid succession at a varity of exposures, They are then combined into a single image. BP] You can use the Camera app to scan OR codes, to take you to a website. Hold the camera over the code, there's No Need to press a Shutter buton. When the notfication| appea the screen, tap it to go to the website. a2 Tl ‘Take a Live Photo by tapping the ‘As you can see, there's a slider along Swipe upwards for some effects. Loop Circular icon at the top of the sidebar the bottom. Tap it and you can drag in makes the live photo continually move, Con the right. You can edit them too, the ends, cutting off superfluous ‘Bounce does the same but fonwards When you've taken the photo, open it frames. You can also tap a frame and and backwards and Long Exposure and tap the Eat ink, sett as the key image. ‘adds a blur effect. . ‘winubornuoicaionscom| 103 se Photos App Manage Your Snaps The Photos app is a great photo manager and image editor, and it's had a complete redesign for iPadOS. For the first time, you can edit videos as well as pictures, and the way photographs are organised has changed too. Photos in Focus Bg Tis isthe name of he Photos album you have ‘pen (or inthis case, where the pics were taken, as we're looking at al the photos and rota single album), and the dates between which the [photos contained in that album were al taken, View your photos ‘according tothe year, month, or day they were taken, (or look at all your photos. Taggle between viewing BBB tic tnumbnais as squares, a8 seen here, othe fulrectanguiar picture, whether taken in port or landscape mode. Tap hereto select photos. You can pick out ‘as many as you lke, and drag your finger to select mutiple Photos more easy. This icon lets you zoom in ‘and out ofthe thumbnail sheet, making the thumbnails larger or small: Tap and + ‘and - cons appeac For Managing and Editing. Webbe lin Tap the Select lnk, then ‘The Photos app does more than simply organise your tap a picture to select it A tick photographs into albums and let you view them on. appears in the cornec Tap a ‘your iPad. I also offers a range of powerful editing ticked pic to unselect it To tools, to give your pictures some extra zip. ‘open a picture, tap it without tapping Select fist. 406 | Black Dog /-Tech Series - Volume 40 Bag The ttl number of photos and videos you hhave in your Photos app and the last ime it was updated, you use iCloud Photos, Tap the Photos icon for the screen shown hare, which displays all the pictures ‘and videos in your Photos app as thumbnails. ‘The For You ioon offers @ selection of pics as, red Photos, a summary of pictures you've shared, and suggestions on photos you should share This gves access to your BY ncio aur, ncucing cones you've created yourslt Pius standard albums such as People, which groups photos according to the folks in them and Paces, showing where the pios wer taken. Scrl to the oot ofthe screen for smart albums showing media according to type like videos or sos and more. ‘Searching has been BAD any rnproved in tho new PadOS operating system, ‘and naw caters for mutiple search terms. You can search for items and themes, such as ‘Christmas’ and ‘ca’ and find ‘photos containing those (objects or tems, General Tips for Using the Photos App. Bg Top a photo or video to view it. To zoom in on a picture, put your finger and thumb on the screen and slide them apart. When zoomed in, you can move it, around by dragging with your finger. Photos d Editing Techniques Made Easy (Open the Photos App and select the image you wish edit from the Camera Roll. To enter editing m and bring up the key editing too's, press the Eait link in the top right corner You can also scroll them using the photo bar found at the foot of the screen. The open image ‘can also be dragged left and right to swipe through your photo collection. BF To delete a single photo or video, open it and tap the ‘Trash ion; ifi's not there, the photo was added to your iPad through syncing and cannot be deleted in this, ‘way. Tap the Arrov-in-a-box icon for sharing options. If you use iCloud Photos, and the photo you're trying to edit isn't actually stored on your iPad, it must be downloaded first. Just wait while your iPad downloads the picture from. Bry Fo" the fst ime, the app now lets you use its editing to0Is on videos taken on your iPad as well as photos. You can also trim the start and end of the foot ‘moving the end points. vvubemeeteatorscom | 105 Built-in iPadOS Apps There are two icons in the top right, Tap the Eye to get rid of red-eye on your photo. As instructed on-screen, zoom in and tap the red pupils on the ph get rid of them, Tap the Three dots for options including ‘pening it in another app or using Markup to annotate or raw on the picture. The first ofthe three tools on the left of the screen is Adjust. Drag the row of circles to the right of the picture for adjustment tools. The first, the magic wand, is an auto-adjust that does everything for you. The others include (ool for things lke highlights, shadows, contrast, brightness, temperature and more, The next tool, the three interlocking circles, gives you filter options. To apply a fier in real time, slide the row of thumbnails to the right of the picture, The first filter is Original, which leaves the picture as itis, while the others offer enhancements like Vivid Warm and Coo! Mono, and Silverton Bg To cop apetue, Crop tool and drag the picture's comers into the photo. The three circles tot Fight of the photograph (top to bottom) straighten the picture, skew i vertcally, and skew it horizontally To increase and reduce the intensity of these effects drag the bars that are found on their right Select Crop and there are extra tools at the top. These are (left to right) flip horizontally, rotate in 90° increments, change aspect ratio and access Markup and more options. The aspect ratio tool selected lets you choose from various sizes using the slider 106 | Bi Dog i-Tech Series - Volume 40 All the changes you make to a photo can be undone. The last adjustment can be removed by ‘apping the Reset link, in the middle of the top bar, or Cancel, on the left, to undo all adjustments. Once you are sure, confirm via the pop-up option. Photos Creating New Albums Record Your Location in in Photos a Photograph. To create a new photo album, on the main Photos In the Settings app, go to Privacy > Location Services: age (accessed by tapping the ‘Photos’ icon in the ‘and make sure Location Services are on. Take bottom left corner), tap Select in the top right corner. picture using the Camera app, and you're asked for ‘authorisation to use your location, Tap an Allow option. ry ve Tn "Ah oe Now select all of the images that you want to add to Every time you take a photograph, your location is the new album. Tap on a picture to select it on its now recorded by the iPad and embedded in the ‘own, or drag your finger over several photographs to select picture's details, or ‘metadata’ to use the correct term. To them all at once, test it and make sure it worked, take a quick photograph. Ze aes. rososranaamm BL | | Aen a Tap the Share icon to show this window, then select, Close the Camera app, open the Photos app, open ‘Add to Album, or Add to Shared Album, from the Albums (bottom of screen), and then tap Places. You menu. You can then add your selected photographs to an | $86 the locations where you've taken photos. Tap a location existing album, or make a new one. {0 see the images you took there. . ‘wbsnpubicatonscom| 107 BI With the Photos icon selected, inthe bottom right corner, select Years in the options near the foot of the soreen. Your photographs are arranged according to the ‘year in which they were taken. Scroll up and down to cycle through the years. In the Days view, the pictures are arranged in a scrapbook style, a litle like the Memories view offered in older versions of Photos. As always, you can tap a photo to open it For a range of other options, tap the Three-dots icon in the top right. Tap one of the photos, you're taken to the Months. view and shown all pictures taken that year, arranged into months. Tap one again and you move to Days, with that month's photos arranged into the individual dates they were taken. 2e2e ‘The Three-dos icon gives access to (among other things) the Share icon. Tap this and you can share the ‘photos you're looking at in a variety of ways. You can also tap Play Movie fora slideshow, featuring the pictures in question, sot to muse During a movie or slideshow, tap the screen for controls, You can change the music using the slider Under the pic, change the duration, pause and unpause it and, using the Share icon, share or save the slideshow. 408 | Black Dog /-Tech Series - Volume 40 ‘While the iPad is lacked, and connected to a power supply it curates your photo collection, analysing the images for subjects, faces and more. Ths information is used by the search facity, so its a good idea to do it often. Settings C= Beis On Genome BI This feature must be turned on before you can use it, ‘50 go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Photos ‘and make sure iCloud Photos is on. You don't need to have Photo Stream on. Open the Photos app and navigate to the photo thumbnails. Tap Select and tick the images you wish to share. When all your images are ticked, tap the Sharing icon in the bottom left corner. ‘Tap Add to Shared Album. In the pop-up, tap Shared Album to place the pies in a different existing album, or start a new one, in which case you can call it anything you like. Alternatively, add the photos to an album you'r already sharing, ‘Tap Next and you's taken to this screen, where you can comment on your new, shared album if you wish. When you're done, tap Post in the top right of the window to send an alert to those you've invited to see it If you'e starting a new, shared album, you're then livited to add people with whom you want to share I If they/re in your Contacts, just type their names. Completion suggestions are offered as you type; tap one of these ‘suggestions to choose it f = | (nal i i, 7 |) Asi, | foam) - To make changes to that album, in Photos, tap Albums then find the album in question under Shared ‘Albums. Manage your photos here, of at the top, tap People to change its settings andlor invite more people. . ‘winubernuoicaionscom | 109 “ Maps App “® Find Your Way Around Maps is a superb navigational tool that tums your iPad into a GPS system. Making great use of the iPad’s location awareness, it gives you an accurate map of your location, shows directions to where you want to go and more. Maps in Focus ‘You can search for nearby u jes and features using the Search field, Here we searched for Fast Food arc found 30 outlets. Tap Eat Search io revise tis search or look fe something ose showing more of the map. Tap the for the Maps 3 ‘Settings pop-up window, hare you can suitch betwoen 2 normal, Transport, or Satelite jon, acd 8 amine Pa view, mark your lo re Feature, or report Tap this Arrow icon to the map on your ation. Tap it again and the map rotates as you ‘move, so the direction in which Dost Lack Ken you're traveling s always ‘up tems you've searched for ‘are shown here, in als Werte looking for fast fo0d, so nearby burger and pizza places are show. The ist offers specif information on bishments shown on ‘Tap one for mare details such as directions, ‘pening hours, a phone umber and more. ‘The orange icons show £B 2 iocations of the establishments found in search esuts. Tapping one them also gives more deta, ibed in tem 6 The deep blue dots your current location. The smaller the ighter blve circle ‘around it the mare accurate his locaton placement. Current weather information is shown here, Go to Settings > Maps {and turn on Air Quality Index fo show this to, Long press fn ths data for a window showing additional weather information drawn from the Weather app. A Word of Warning. ‘Maps is not infalible. I's upto you to make sure yu follow the road signs ‘and drive legally ‘according tothe vehicle you're driving in. Folow ‘Maps, but dont neglect your road skis, Using Route Planning | BI Eres the name ofthe place you want ogo inthe The Maps app quickly calculates the best route for Search eld and, inte sidebar tp Get Directions. you to folow, based on the mode of transport you your sartng point ist your curtent whereabouts, tp My chose, and displays the chosen route onthe map marked Location at the top ofthe sidebar and change it You can as a bie line as seen here. The total distance and ‘change your intended made of transport using the icons at estimated travel ime are displayed on the map and also the foot ofthe sidebar inthe sidebar a 3 ae = © . 2 © i = ' = ae = a S\ ” J . " » 3 BW Swipe the window up and tap Driving Options to You can view a writen step-by-step breakdown of Switch on motorways and tolls, if you're happy to the route by tapping the Detas lnk under the Use routes involving these, Alternative routes are cortenty selected route inthe sidebar; the route you displayed on the map as lighter Dive lines; switch Current have selected on the map is shaded inthe between routes by lapping one of these ight bie lines. _sidebac Tap Done to close Features and Favourites. =m = : : am { a rrverdio age, set the text to sereen to go forward to Toit oer trddow rer than nike the no pega. ‘elgement He incned his head theron sigh —it the pages of a physical book ‘eas mre ofa nod hana bow: Her fice st in ti nes, and switch off and on the Bry Tis scl bares you an she tuned away to fice the font automatic Night Theme. cl trough the book William winced as ithe was in pin. He ft like a dog Infrmaton shows the curent that had been kicked out ofthe way and he wanted to cur Tap here re payne wag GT word, phrase oreven a many pagos a nthe book ge number in the curenty and how far you have to go unt 20k the end of the chaptec Thumbnail Scrolling. fe vowasae” Oes ‘Some, but not all books show you thumbnails ofthe pages as. CE you scroll through them. This can prove very useful if you're looking for a specific page in a picture book. Books with only {ext tend not to show these thumbnals. 109 Tech Series - Volume 40 Buying Books. You can buy your digital books directly through the Books app and download them to your iPad. When they are there, you can browse your library, read your books and delete those you've finished to save space. ‘To buy digital books, open the Books app and tap Book Store at the foot of the screen to see titles listed under categories ‘such as Staff Picks, recommendations For You, New & ‘Trending and more. Tap the Browse icon (top left) for a sidebar which also lets you look at specific genres. Search {or authors and ites using the search field. To buy a book, tap on it then the price, then Buy Book. Tap Sample for a {ree taster. Sign into Tunes if requested. Adding PDFs You can add POFs to your iPad and read them in Books. Email ito yourself as an attachment, open the email and tap the PDF Tap the Share icon in the bottom left corner, andl in the Share window, tap Copy to Books. On a Mac, you can ada! them by opening Books, going to File > Add to Library and navigating to the document. Itcan then be opened on any device using the same Apple |D. Books is great for students, In the Categories menu (tap Categories in the top lef), select Textbooks for a range of educational tomes. Many are packed with interactive, features and videos that really set them apart from traditional books. You can highiight text or add notes by selecting a word or passage, then picking the option fram the pop-up menu: {Cottections ‘Tap Library atthe foot ofthe screen to go to your library ‘Open a book by tapping on it. Tap on Collections at the top for a sidebar that lets you filter your library. Tap the icon in the top right to switch between list and cover view. To remove ‘books, tap Edit (top right), tap a book or books, then tap Delete. Books you bought but don't have on your iPad are ‘marked by a cloud icon. Tap itto download the book again; yyou won't pay twice. a Py Syncing in iTunes [AS Books is available forthe Mac as well as PadOS, you Coan use iTunes to syne your brary between your devices ‘Connect your iPad to your computer and launch iTunes ick onthe iPad in the top ba, and choose Books from the sidebar, Check the Sync Books box to keep the eBooks in your Books apps library in sync between your computer and iOS devices Having a Book Read to You Have your books read to you using a feature called \VoiceOver Go to Settings > Accessibilly > VoiceOver and ‘snitch VoiceOver on. Go back to Accessibilty (Lap once to highiight, then double-tap to go back) and tap Accessibility ‘Shortcut Select the VoiceOver option, which can then be ‘switched on or off by triple-pressing the Home button, Not ‘every book is VoiceOver compatible. ‘wnbornuoicaionscom | 128 | PadOS Apps \ News App \® Stories and Features If you regularly trawl the web for news and features on subjects that interest you, the News app should be a welcome addition. It gathers stories from numerous sources into one place making them easier for you to find. News in Focus British Airways commutes ones eek airways) 100% of fights in pilot strike Closing the Sidebar. Rotating the iPad sideways (into landscape mode) gives you a handy sidebar you can use to navigate your way through the "News app. To open and close this sidebar, tap the icon in the top left of the main window, as seen here. (Open tis sidebar by ping the icon inthe top lett corner of the screen. Close iby tapping the news stories on the right Tap here to ect your sidebar, moving and deleting entries. ert searh toeing he ev you tof avert of 0 sretaing abut News stories are summarised on the front page. To read one in entrety tap it. When in a news story, to get back tothe previous screen, tap the ‘chevron in the top left corner Today takes you to op stores (the ‘main page}. Spotight is @ n of news stores sosen by Apple's ecitoria team. Tap it for @ciferent take fon the news. CHANNELS TOPICS fu This part ofthe sidebar shows you the news, sources youre curently follwing, A dot before the icon indicates now stones have been ‘added since you lat loka Uploaded, As you'd expect ‘ewer the iter, the higher an the page tis. ‘Scroll the sidebar upwards for suggestions of news ‘bookmarks, reading history ‘and more. Tap the main part of News app in Land ‘mode, thats, holding your Pad horizontal the side permanent fixture. Tap here for more top stories, oF sora the front ‘page upwards for more Categories of news, such as: More Far You (news based on your chosen topics), Trending Stories (tales deemed popular), and Top Videos. Quews Getting Started with News = Today More For You BI The Nows app is better when customised. In the sidebar, add topics Suggested by Sir. Tap the plus icons to add those topics to your favourites, and tap the three dots to stop suggesting or block a topic. Making the Most of News Sheryl Crow === concern Impressive Re a Collaborators “""~ a ihe Studded Thre =" 8 Bm nt é BI from the For You soreen, tap a news item fo open i You can then scroll up and down to read it IF you ‘especialy ked or disliked it, tap the Share icon and use the thumbs to suggest more or fewer similar news stories, 8 EW Sc1llthe sidebar to near the top, and tap Saved Stories to see articles you've bookmarked for later reading. Tap one to open it, and to delete the bookmark, tap the Sharing icon then Unsave. Follow Your Favourites v : hal = ‘Again in the sidebar, tap Browse Channels and Topics. ‘Tap on subjects and sources you wish to folow. You ‘can come back later and unfollow a topic or channel by tapping it again. Sheryl Crow F i"="°=""""——"™ z=" Colabortore ae al =: a Studded Thre oO OT: Sun beet ome ° ‘Also found in a story's Sharing menu are options to share it with others using Mail or Messages, add it to Reminders or Notes and more, You can also save it to your News saves or open it in Safari from here. Seen Har Pw To block a news source, open the channel and tap the three dots, or open a story from it and tap the Sharing icon. Tap Block Channel. To review your biocks, tap Blocked Channels & Topics at the foot of the sidebar. ‘winubornuoicaionscom| 127 PadOS Apps FaceTime App Audio and Video Calls FaceTime gives you real-time audio and video calling over the Internet. With it you can chat with anyone who has a Mac, iPhone or iPad; and as it's an Intemet service, there are no call costs involved. Here's how it works. FaceTime in Focus Signing In. Before you can use FaceTime, you have to sign into it, Open the app and sign in with your Apple ID and password where asked. You only have 0 do this, once; after that, you remain signed in 428 | Black Dog -Tech Series - Volume 40 If you need to stch the miceophone off for ary reason, tap this button, Tap ‘again to switch the mic back on. Tis is your own video 4 feed, as sent from your iPad. You can drag tis window nt acfferent corner of the screen if you wish This button es you switch between your front and rear cameras. By default your vdeo feed shows your front camera but you can The is the video feed window forthe person you are chaiting to, sent from their own iPad, Phone, Pod Tauch or Mac. change o using the rear camera and back again by Tapheretotake ave tapping here EB ecto of ne person youe chatng to. See ou Bag Ts bution disconnects the call Tap itwhen you've fished chatng to end the FaceTime call and go back tousing your Pad. {ude to the Camera app for information on Live Photo. Tap here to switch of your camera and continue with the callin auto ont orn your end. You can sil see the other persons video feed but yours is blank. Tap the button ‘again to tur lt back on, Using a Stand. You can use either camera in FaceTime but most of the time you'll be using the front camera, so both you and the caller can see each other. Try putting your iPad on a stand so you can sit back a litle from the screen. The contvols window disappears when inactive. Ta summon and dismiss it manually. ap ‘arywhere on screen, Initiating a FaceTime Call Poe’ BI To inate a FaceTime call, open the ap jebar isa lst of recent people with whom you've FaceTimed, whether as a video or audio-onty chat. Tap a name for the same type of chal you had before or the icon to choose between video and audio Portrait/Landscape You can make and receive FaceTime calls in either portrait or landscape mode, but if youre not holding your iPad in the same way the other caller is holding their device, you get ugly black borders like the ones you can see here. Group FaceTime Chat FaceTime [ eo You can also initiate a FaceTime by tapping the + icon atop the sidebar and entering the name, email address or phone number of the person you wish to talk to, ‘They must have registered those numbers and emails with FaceTime, of course, or the service is unavailable, me « s= ator « Fhe A Few Settings Go to Settings > FaceTime. To tum off FaceTime, so you can't be called this way, fick the FaceTime switch. To stop people taking live photos of you during a chat, turn off FaceTime Live Photos. There are other things you can {weak on this screen too Since 10S 0 people at once. During a FaceTime video call, tap 1 the screen to bring up the controls and swipe them up from the top to expand the control box as shown, Tap Add Person, then enter their details in the field provided. By We Peroni Fecetine and theyre ce your video chat. The size of each video feed continually ‘changes to emphasise the person speaking at the time. (Group chats are preserved in the sidebar ciscussed earlier ‘50 you can call everyone together next time. vwvbemeveteatonscom | 128 @E PadOS Apps iTunes Store App For Digital Media You can buy and download media for your iPad at the iTunes Store. You can also buy or rent movies and TV shows and sample short snippets of songs before buying them. Here’s how to purchase your digital media. iTunes Store in Focus Apple Music Adverts. ‘The row of rectangular purple banners near the bottom of the screen are adverts for the Apple Music seaming serve. Tap one for more information on this service, hich we talk about i this book inthe Music tutorial Tap here for a pop-up window that lets you fiter the music offered on this page ing to is genre, ‘Avaliable genres include Blues, Rock, Jaz, Metal and ‘more, Sol the Genres list ll the way to the bottom for the Tones option, which lets you fiter available ringtones by their genre. The tile ofthe current page. At the moment, 2 you can $00, Music page of you've identified using (see the Siri quide for more information) and a ist of tracks you've listened to Th searches throughout the Tunes Store, so search can potentially show musi movies, TV shows, books and its you were looking at when you! di the sear, The Tunes Store's shop window. Tap a price to buy a'song or album or ap the ‘cover or name ofthe item for ‘more information on it This icon opens the Tunes Store's Music page, The page youre currently looking at is usualy highlighted in blue in tis icon bar, but here i's grey as we Tap here if youre terested in buying or renting movies. This part ofthe the section, except forthe adtion of arental option here you can buy individual shows or entie series. ‘according to Songs, Albums ‘and Music Videos ‘The Tunes Genius festure attempts to find music you might be interested in, ‘based on what you've previously bought Tap here fora everything yo previously purchased on the ‘Tunes Stoe, including things thal are not currently on your iPad. You can download ther you wish, without having to pay ‘a second te. Buying Music from iTunes. Find the album or song you want and tap on it. You can ‘see a review if available, When looking at a complete ‘album, a track list is also shown. From here, you can tap, the price at the top, for the whole album or an individual track's price to buy a single song. Previewing Music You can preview a track simply by tapping its name on the purchase screen. A short excerpt from that song is. played, shown by the gradually filing circle with a square init tothe right of the chosen track. Tap that square to stop the preview Buying TV Shows Buying TV shows is similar to buying music in that you can buy an individual show or an entre season, ifs upto you, You 1 choose between HD (high deftion) and the usualy cheaper SD (standard detniion) where both are avaiable. If asked to signin, do so, and the album or rack is downloaded to your Music app, from were you can pay it (on your iPad, For more reviews ofthat album, tap the Reviews tab. For more by that artist or similar music, tap the Related tab, as shown here. Buying Movies “Tap Films at the fot ofthe screen and navigate to the one you want. Choose between HD and SD versions, watch a trailer and either buy or rent. Rented movies delete 30