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Rally with former editor Madness

Report! Gareth Brown in Brighton!!
NI 19

- 20



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No.400 October 2019
Editio Maga

o o k i n g
L k 60
Scootering Years
through of the S2
the years Lambretta

■ Atllantic Go
old custom Vesppa ■ Oddballs Rally Report

■ LM
ML Factory Closure Pt2 ■ Kev Walsh & The JetSet
■ Te
ech Torque ■ Readers’ Riides ■ Show Us Your Scooters ■ Letters ■ Scootter T
d ■ Events
Latest bgm V4
Lambretta Big Box
· In all points improved quality
· Quieter
· Better fitting thanks to new bracket
· Broad power band
· Lots of torque
· Most versatile Clubman available
bgm is a Scooter Center GmbH trademark. +49 (0) 22 38. 30 74 30
Editor: Dan Clare
Email: [email protected]
Publisher: Tim Hartley
Publishing director: Dan Savage Welcome to the 400th
edition of Scootering!
Designer: Chris Abrams
Picture desk: Paul Fincham, Jonathan Schofield
Production editor: Mike Cowton
General queries and back issues:

Tel: 01507 529529 24hr answerphone
Lines open Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm his month's a ‘big one’ for that’s a different beast altogether. I’ve never
[email protected] Scootering magazine, so we’ve seen anything which has so many positive
Archivist: Jane Skayman 01507 529423 included a few rather poignant aspects to it, be used (and abused) for such a
Email: [email protected] articles, images and references large amount of vile, hate-spreading,
Subscription: Full subscription rates (but see page
34 for offer): (12 months 12 issues, inc post and throughout the edition, to help vindictive, small-minded, disinformation and
packing) – UK £49.20. Export rates are also available draw it all together. I hope you enjoy reading abuse. The arguments, opinions and
– see page 34 for more details. UK subscriptions are
zero-rated for the purposes of Value Added Tax. this edition as much as I've enjoyed putting comments that reel down the screen like
Subscription manager: Paul Deacon it together. pre-soiled toilet roll are just mindboggling.
Circulation manager: Steven O’Hara Amidst the work the team and I have put The topic could be a post about politics, or
Marketing manager: Charlotte Park
Commercial director: Nigel Hole into creating this celebratory edition, I took a which way round the toilet paper goes on its
little time out to reflect on the fast-paced holder, the resulting nonsense (and usually
Gary Thomas – [email protected] digital age we are all now engulfed in. As I abuse) is always the same. So when hordes of
Tel (01507) 529417 pondered the various digital platforms, from the scooter community, with all its illustrious
Stuart Yule – [email protected]
Tel (01507) 529468 booms through social media, one history, rich tapestry and many facets, get
Divisional advertising manager: Zoe Thurling thing which stood out like a sore thumb is the online (in the usual tribal manner) it's often
01507 529412, [email protected] poisonous element of Facebook. When I soul destroying to read. My hope is that,
Group advertising manager: Sue Keily
thought of all the websites which popped up, outside the virtual screens of negativity,
ADVERTISING DEADLINES way back when, as various businesses first got Scootering magazine offers readers a
The advertising deadline for the
next issue of Scootering (November 2019) a chance to share info and sell services/ refreshing oasis of joy amidst a raging digital
is Thursday, October 3, 2019 products over the web, I viewed that in a storm. A real, tangible, solid, familiar and
On sale in newsagents
Thursday, October 24, 2019 positive light. Despite owning a website, then reliable platform, which leaves the digital
costing a fortune, it was a progressive step. As discourse firmly outside the door. I view the
SCOOTERING (USPS:020-245) is published monthly
by Mortons Media Group Ltd, PO Box 99, Horncastle, things moved into the ‘My Space’ era, mag as an old friend, to be picked up and put
Lincolnshire LN9 6LZ USA subscriptions are $60 per individuals and groups became more down when the mood takes me, something to
year from Motorsport Publications LLC, 7164 Cty
Rd N #441, Bancroft WI 54921. Periodical Postage
connected, so again, I saw this as a positive. get lost in for a while, to escape the online
is paid at Bancroft, WI and additional entries. Then came the forums, and by heck… there madness… and, for me, it works. I hope it
Postmaster: Send address changes to SCOOTERING, were plenty of them! They were fabulous for does for you too.
c/o Motorsport Publications LLC, 7164 Cty Rd N
#441, Bancroft WI 54921. 715-572-4595. chris@ clubs, enthusiasts, businesses and individuals The last thing I want to mention, before alike. As you are no doubt aware, I founded you dive in and enjoy this special 400th
SCOOTERING is published by: the Scooterotica forum, and it quickly became edition, is the one-year anniversary of the
Mortons Scooter Media, a division of Mortons Media the UK’s No1 classic scooter forum. The death of scooter legend Kev Walsh. It’s been
Group Ltd © 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this
magazine may be reproduced in any way without the information, discussion, friendship and a pleasure to run the 'Kev's Chronicles'
written permission of the publisher. ISSN 0268 7194 cameraderie which came out of it was series, and though it’s soon ending, we still
Distribution: Marketforce UK Ltd, 5 Churchill Place, fabulous. To be fair, even the arguments and have a few cheeky secrets up our sleeves yet
Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU. minor conflicts were largely constructive and to be unleashed… so keep your eyes peeled
Tel: 0203 787 9001. interesting, or at least entertaining. Anyone on that front.
Printed by: William Gibbons & Sons, Wolverhampton
remember the ‘Sticky vs Randall’ saga? Anyway, that’s enough of my ramblings, it’s
Brilliant. Now Instagram and Twitter have a another belter this month… so please enjoy
popular place in the digital arena, I don’t care this, the 400th edition of Scootering
The Professional
Publishers Association
for them myself, but many do. They serve a magazine in particular.
function at least. However, Facebook… well, Dan

S C O O T E R I N G WA S B R O U G H T T O Y O U W I T H T H E H E L P O F. . .

Stu Smith Nik Skeat Paul Green Stuart Owen Dave Oakley Big Stan Sarge
Vespa & Lambretta Vespa P-range Vespa & Lambretta LCGB ‘life member’, Riding and building 80s scooterboy turned With over four decades
owner, scooter obsessive, well- scooter enthusiast, 100mph Lambretta Club scooters since 1983, long-distance rider. of riding, rally-going
obsessive, amateur travelled rally rider BSSO professional and owner and scooter Dave has been a Be it local, national and competing on both
home mechanic, rally since the 80s, founder general good egg. Our restoration expert to contributor to or international, he’ll Lambretta and Vespa
goer, Mod sympathiser, of the notorious Paul has a long history boot. Scooter rider, Scootering since the ride anywhere in his scooters under his belt,
music lover and Scooterboy World of scootering both on rally-goer, restorer 90s. His builds include quest to bring you this former Freddie
general all-round good forum. He’s also a the road and on the and author. Reaches chops, cutdowns, the tastiest scooters, Mercury lookalike is
egg. He writes your brilliant beer-brewing track, with the the parts other scooter street-racers, autos best roads, trade still going strong.
rally reports, be nice bearded Scootering breakdown bills and journalists just and the most infamous interviews and He’s a top DJ too,
to him. feature writer. crash scars to prove it. can’t reach. custom of the 80s! hidden gems. don’tcha know.
letter from the featured in Scootering’s first edition.
Four hundred magazines and 34 years
A warm welcome to the 400th edition of later the breed is still strong.

The upfront section with all the
64 Kevin’s Chronicles
Part 10 of our homage to scooter
legend Kev Walsh. After decades of hard
latest news, views and product reviews! work, building an institution up was a
proud achievement, but having it all

16 Feature Scooter:
Atlantic Gold
taken away was a bitter pill to swallow.

For over a decade it was one of the UK’s

most popular custom Vespa scooters and
now Atlantic Gold is back, reinvented for
74 Club Do’s & Events
Your essential guide to the scene
– What, Where & When!
a new era.

Scootering Words &

22 Rally Report: IoW

The Isle of Wight Rally is both the
largest and most commercial rally in the
The best of Scootering words and music
as reviewed by Nik and Sarge.
world, but in Stan’s view it’s still one of
the best.
82 Rally Report: Brighton
Mod Rally

28 Rally Report: OddBalls

For those that prefer to get on their
scooters and actually ride them, OddBalls
August Bank Holiday weekend is,
invariably, the most profitable,
with thousands upon thousands of
with former editor
Gareth Brown
in Brighton!


rally provides a real-life nostalgia trip in scooterists descending on the much-



the real world. loved south coast resort of… Brighton! gazi
Edition Mag

32 Mailbox
Readers’ letters, laughs,
feedback and fury – get it off your
88 Dealer Profile: MSC
It’s one of the best-known names
in British scootering, and as Stan
Looki k
the years
pa Oddballs Rally Report
of the S2

old custom Vesp

Atllantic Go Kev Walsh & The JetSet er Trader Events

ML Factory Closure Pt2 Letters Scoote

LM des Show Us Your Scooters

chest man! discovered, Midland Scooter Centre is

Never miss from

ech Torque Readers

still setting standards.

34Subscriptions is s u e £20
Get your mag delivered to the
door, earlier than newsstands, and save 92 Tech Torque: Lambretta
clutch issues
money… cool. Plus – gain access to all Keeping a Lambretta in original factory
Subscribe today
on page 34
the benefits of the ‘Scootering Extra’ condition is saving its history for future
subs-club. generations. Customising it will mean
the history is gone forever, so which to

36 Show us your scoots!

The best of our readers’ rides as

sent in by you.
100 BSSO Double bill
The best of all things fast

42 400 and not out!

As Scootering magazine celebrates
its 400th edition, we take a nostalgic look
and furious from Pembrey and Three

back to the very first issue to see how

much things have changed. 104 Feature Scooter:
Wigan Casino
There are plenty of Northern Soul

50A quick one

Gareth Brown, former editor of
Scootering, takes a look back in time as
themed scooters, but the theme of
Wigan Casino, ‘The Heart of Soul’, is
probably one of the most inspirational
well as giving his opinions on the scene in and thought-provoking.
more recent times.

52 LML - Then and Now

Last month we broke the news that
115Scooter Trader
Sales and Classifieds section.

LML’s factory was being dismantled. This

month we take a look at both the good and
bad times.
128Revvin’ Fun
Quick Ride: High

Some scooters cry out to be ridden hard

and as Stan discovered, this

58Feature Scooter: DTC

The original Rosa Bianca
RB-powered Lambretta is more than
willing to oblige.


42 88

Below is a list of the entry categories for 2020. All
More trophies, more monetary prizes! scooters on display in the show are eligible for judging,
but obviously some will only fall into certain classes.


plus £100 and 1 year’s mag subscription


plus £100 and 1 year’s years mag subscription


(recently built custom scooter that hasn’t won any
trophies yet)
plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
Th S
The Scooter
t W World
ld h
ll return
Newark County Showground over the One of the criticisms we often hear BEST OLD SKOOL CUSTOM
weekend of January 11-12, 2020 to about scooter custom shows is that it’s (custom scooter that has previously won trophies)
form their part in the Carole Nash always the same custom scooters doing plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
sponsored Classic Bike Guide ‘Winter the rounds and winning the ‘Best
Classic’ event. Custom’ trophy (obviously they win it
plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
Since its inception in 2013, Scooter for a reason). Not wanting to dampen
World has expanded over the years, the enthusiasm of someone who has BEST VESPA
culminating in 2019 with what was entered their pride and joy for the first plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
arguably one of the largest scooter time, we are proposing a split in the
shows in the UK with 145 scooters ‘Custom’ class by breaking it into two
plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
on display. categories – ‘Best New Build Custom’
Plans are already moving forward for and ‘Best Old Skool Custom’. Please BEST ORIGINAL LOOKING
2020 and this includes the expansion make us aware which one you’re plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
of the Scooter World Custom Show with entering when returning your entry form
more entry categories – plus a monetary (incorrect declarations will
plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription
prize to go with every single trophy! be disqualified).
plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription

plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription


plus £50 and 1 year’s mag subscription

10 ‘Highly Commended’ rosettes also to be awarded


An online entry form can be found at the

following link:
Get your entry in now!


As we continue to showcase the final days of LML’s factory in preferred option of selling off the plant and machinery, but has
Kanpur, it seems that news from Lucknow isn’t much better. also indicated that it may be prepared to dispose of ‘non core
If local news reports are to be believed, it appears that the assets’ to improve cash flow. A report has been submitted to
Government of India’s patience with the loss-making concern the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management
is all but exhausted. Although it’s decades since complete and a decision is expected shortly.
scooters rolled off the production line, the factory has Although SIL has always struggled to be profitable, its recent
continued to produce spares and three-wheelers. Having problems are part of a broader downturn in the Indian
failed to secure a private buyer, it seems the Ministry of automotive sector. With the Government’s patience running low
Finance may order the factory to cease operations in the very and investors unlikely to gamble on an industry in decline, the
near future. future for SIL’s Lucknow plant doesn’t look bright.
The Government, which owns 97.7% of SIL shares, has a Thanks to Manish Mittal of UniAuto for the update.


This information is provided by Stephen
Hattersley of WildWood Legal, a firm of
solicitors specialising in claims for
injured scooterists. Stephen, a qualified

solicitor for 25 years, has been riding
scooters for over 30 years, and has acted for injured riders across the
UK. He knows the tricks and pitfalls that insurers use and pulls no
punches in his dealings with them. He rides to work every day and
understands the challenges you face out there.
Q. I was knocked off my bike and badly
injured. I am self-employed so I am not going to
earn anything for a while. I know claims take a
need for money on the victim’s part. It
should be enough to tide you through the
early stages whilst you are unable to earn any
long time. How am I going to pay my bills in money. If the claim takes longer than
the meantime? expected, further requests can be made for
additional payments. It is not uncommon at
A. Sorry to hear that and hope you recover all for there to be several during the lifetime
soon. The good news is that your solicitors of a complex case.
could and should be asking the defendant’s If you need advice on a scooter-related
insurers for what is called an ‘interim legal question, email stephen@
payment’. This is a payment made early in The best Q&A will be
the claim in cases where liability is clear-cut, published in Scootering magazine in
the injuries are significant and there is a confidence.


Last month we featured a report on the final event to be held at the former Len’s of Shipley
site. As part of that report Stan appealed for any photos of the elusive ‘Lenbretta Twin’.
Built years before the factory prototype was uncovered and when Tino Sacchi could only
dream of bringing the technology to market, this home-built 400cc oddity was cruising the
streets of Shipley.
Plagued by overheating problems and in the absence of modern CAD engineering or
computer modelling the project fizzled out, becoming lost in the midst of time. One of those
to recall the twin is Lee Clift, who took these photographs during a visit to Len’s in the early
1980s. Admittedly they aren’t the best quality, but they may just be the only surviving images
of this Yorkshire legend.


T 0117 971 9200

E [email protected]

This classic styled wet-waxed cotton jacket is produced by British levels. It has a big YKK zipper at the front, hand-warmer pockets
Millerain, a company which harks back to a day when goods were and a short connection zip for adding pants. There is provision for a
transported by wind-powered ships. Their sails were made from back protector of your choice, and CE Level 1 protectors to shoulders
cotton, which was waxed to protect against the ravages of the and elbows as standard. The whole jacket is CE approved to level A.
sea. The material consequently found its way into the clothing Available in red or green.
which sailors wore to protect themselves from the same weather. £199
Respectful of the material's heritage, designers have employed
traditional tailoring methods to assemble the outer garment. For
example, pockets are pleated in order to lie flat when empty, but
provide space to expand when full. The collar and accompanying
belt are designed and cut in three dimensions, rather than as
simple, flat panels, and the resulting fit is spot on. The triple-
stitching employed in all the key and critical impact areas are
both pleasing to the eye and highly protective. The result is a
highly protective jacket, which looks and feels great.
Inside, it has a breathable membrane for added protection
against the weather and a classic Oxford lining. The collar features
corduroy facing on the inside, as do the cuffs, adding to comfort


crankcase has been designed to withstand block. Gone are the M7 bolts securing the
increased power with reinforcing webbing crankcase halves together, and in their
in key locations, and is supplied with place M8 allen bolts now feature. Malossi
main bearings for the flywheel side and for have also redesigned the mating face to
the drive side, which both use balls remove the need for a central gasket,
instead of rollers, and offer greater radial (sometimes a cause of problems on high
load tolerance and an additional power motors), allowing the use of a
resistance to axial loads, which is not gasket sealant in its place. The crankcase
possible with the original roller bearings. is supplied with engine mounting rubbers,
Dedicated seals are also supplied. The cylinder studs, crankcase bolts, drain
transfer ports have been machined to plugs and washers, reed valve inlet
‘match’ the range of Malossi PX200 manifold, crank bearings and oil seals.
cylinder kits, saving both time and money With Malossi’s heritage in Vespa tuning,
The Malossi VR-One MHR crankcase, for on porting work. Supplied with a reed the new crankcases are sure to be a very
the Vespa PX200, provides the ideal valve manifold suitable for carburettors up popular starting point for performance engine
foundation for your next performance reed to 30mm in size which has been designed builders looking for excellent reliability, with
valve engine. for a much larger reed block (included) an outstanding quality of finish.
Manufactured in Italy, this high-quality that is equivalent in size to a 6 petal More info:


This kit is a more modern and performance based reinterpretation of the
historic 122cc model for Vespa Small Frames. Many changes have been
made to the new cylinder kit, starting with the number of ports from 3 to 7,
a larger exhaust port, the 8-stud head and the new high-performance
single-ring piston. The new Pinasco 122cc cylinder kit combines classic with
modern, and thanks to the displacement of under125cc, it allows
homologation in countries where possible.
Product Name: Cylinder Kit 122cc Item: 25030790
Suitability: Vespa Small Frame More info:


After the journey home from the Isle of Wight, Stan’s GTS
seemed to have half the insect population of the south baked on
to his legshields. An ideal opportunity to try Silkolene’s ‘Wash
Off’ cleaner. This promises to ‘rapidly remove all types of dirt
from metals and plastics with minimum effort’. Although
Silkolene suggest spraying from the bottle and then hosing off,
Stan used the traditional sponge and bucket method. With only a
few seconds’ soaking time, Wash Off made light work of all the
accumulated debris, including one insect that must have been
the size of a small sparrow!
Although it’s not a true degreaser along the lines of Gunk, the
spray also made light work of accumulated two-stroke oil on his
GP, together with some fairly heavy brake dust deposits. We’ve
still to try their silicone ‘Pro-Prep’ spray, which is suggested as a
follow on to maintain a ‘factory fresh finish’, but for now Wash
Off is highly recommended.
Approx £7.50 per litre

With many owners of Vespa GTS/Primavera/Sprint 125 iGet

models finding that they are hitting the inbuilt rev limiter,
Malossi have developed an upgraded gear kit to achieve better
performance than standard. The gear kit utilises Malossi’s H.T.Q.
process, developed using their 20 years’ experience in
manufacturing gear sets for competition and road scooters.
Featuring straight-cut teeth to minimise losses through friction,
this, in turn, helps to reduce the stresses placed on the gear
supports within the gearbox. The new gear kit has a tooth count
of 15-41 with a splined coupling specifically machined to mate
with the existing gearbox assembly.
More info:

'Yate and Sodbury' Scooter lighting up any occasion, and
Clubs, and the Bristol his death leaves a big void
scooter scene, have sadly lost for his partner Sue, his
a well-known and well-loved family, friends and club
Mod and Scooterist Duncan members.
Evans, who passed away
suddenly and unexpectedly
on September 2.
Duncan was well known in
the area and on the
scootering scene for his love
of all things Mod, and
making sure his Lambretta
and Vespa scooters were
always polished and
immaculate, suitably and
tastefully adorned with
lights and mirrors. He had
a zest for life and laughter,


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It’s time to say
thank you
When Scootering magazine reached the
milestone of 400 editions it was a proud
moment in its history. We would like to say
thank you.

efore our launch in1985 the to be different. Perhaps that’s why it still to decide to accept. Now it was my time to
only way of knowing what was going strong, because it can still connect switch from being in front of the camera
happening, or so it seemed, with its readership. There have been plenty to being behind it, feeling very honoured
within the scooter scene was of rivals come and go over that time, but in the process.
by way of Scootermania competition makes you stronger. Ironically, I’ve just finished my 40th
magazine. I remember quite often Let’s not forget the battle against the edition of being actively involved, so a
someone would get hold of a copy on a internet and social media that have tenth of the magazine’s illustrious life.
rally or from a scooter-related shop and changed the way we source our Over that time I have met many people
bring it down the pub on club night. By information. Any magazine, regardless of and characters who grace the world of
the time it had been passed round and its subject matter, has had to fight this scootering, many of whom are happy to
had beer spilled on it, there wasn't much modern revolution and some, in the end, share memories and tell their story.
of it left to read if you actually got the have succumbed to it. Luckily there is one Without sounding patronising, all of them
chance before closing time. It was the advantage a printed magazine has on its are vitally important because without them
vital link connecting us all with what was side. Amazon with the ‘Kindle’ tried to there would be nothing to tell, whether it's
happening, or which dealer to use by way make us all see it a different way by a dealer showcasing a new product,
of the adverts inside. When news broke placing books in an online format. While it someone building a custom scooter, a
that there would be a national magazine works for some it sort of doesn't exist as promoter putting on a rally, or those in
available from the local newsagent, it was such. Perhaps in the future we all will attendance. Each and every person plays a
a breath of fresh air. Not that vital part within the scene. The
there was anything wrong with magazine's job is to collate all
what was on offer already, just that information and present it
the ease at the way you would in a suitable manner for the
be able to source important reader to absorb.
information in the future. That's why a magazine is so
When it did hit the vital and, in my opinion, it is
newsstands it was a revelation. required. Not everyone who
Not only did you have up-to- owns a scooter reads Scootering
date information on rallies and magazine, but on the other
events, but reports on them as hand not everyone is on social
well. Throw in features on the media either. It's a combination
latest custom scooters, and of everything that makes it all
editorial knew they were on to Here's to the next 400 editions... work. That is why everyone at
a winner. Starting off as a Scootering magazine does the
bi-monthly publication, the job to the best of their ability to
wait for the next edition was agonising at read this way, but trying to change give the reader the information they want.
times. Club members would bring their hundreds of years of tradition isn’t going So to all the people who have told me
own copy to the weekly meet sometimes, to happen overnight. The majority of their story and all those that have helped
everyone possessing one. It didn't matter people, whatever they are reading, still with creating them, may I say thank you,
as each page would be read in fine detail want a physical copy in their hands. because without you, it couldn't happen.
and then opinions shared of what had been My own personal involvement, apart Most importantly though, is the
written. The magazine had the power and from buying it, of course, was by having a magazine itself. Though sometimes people
ability to bond scooterists together. scooter featured in the late 1980s. When may think it’s not required, I bet at some
Slowly, over time, the magazine’s content that happens it makes you feel proud you time over the last 400 editions all of us
altered as editors and writers either left or have achieved something, a feeling felt by have either read an article or looked up
joined. What remained the same was the many owners over the years. As time went information or an advert within it. If you
format and layout, which were proving to be by my involvement grew bigger by being a have, then it's done its job successfully.
a winning formula. So much so that it is source of contributing material feature Though over time editors and contributors
similar even 34 years later. Things have writers often used. On the very odd have come and gone, and ownership
changed dramatically over that time, so occasion I even got the chance to write a changed hands, the magazine is still
there are differences in how or what is piece, even though it hardly got noticed. there, in high demand, and hopefully
reported, that taken aside are the original When the offer of being a regular feature always will be, as none of us are bigger
values of why the magazine was perceived writer was put my way it didn't take long than the magazine itself.


‘Type-Two Fun’
The sort of ‘fun’ which is actually only fun at a
later date,, a much later date!

ou know the kind of thing…
you’re riding to a destination
and it’s raining. It’s raining
really heavily, that is until it
turns to sleet, anyway. Your
visor is steamed up, the rain has long
since gone through those jacket seams
and you’re amazed at how wet your feet
can be whilst they are supposedly hidden
behind your leg shields. The gloves that
you bought because they were
‘waterproof’ turn out to really just be
showerproof (at a push). You can’t see a
thing through the visor so you’re riding
with it partially raised, but now your eyes
are streaming and sore from the wind.
Your journey is seemingly endless and the
whole situation just seems grim, really
grim. There’s no other word for it really. d k night,
h re, on a dark
middle of nowhe i the rain.
i ht in rain
The miles pass slowly and the traffic gets Oh how we laughed when we realised it had holed a piston in the
ever slower. Perhaps stopping for a coffee
would help get you warmed up and more passes, weeks later, you’re in the and pick you up in the van when he
lively for the next 60 or so miles. Pulling sunshine outside the pub regaling that finishes work… in another four hours.
up at a McDonalds for a break, you just dreadful journey to your pals over a pint. Once he’s found you that is, being as
want to go to the toilet, but you’ve got to Even managing to now look back and even you’re not entirely sure exactly
battle a ‘waterproof’ layer, then get your laugh about it! In fact, it will probably where you are. Oh yes, and your phone
jacket off, followed by those bib trousers become like the proverbial ‘fisherman’s has just 18% battery power left in it.
that seemed a good idea at the time to tale’ as it goes along. It was quite an Deep joy! Still, it could be worse (maybe).
block those draughts on your back. adventure that journey really, the stuff So yes, Type-Two Fun is really not fun
Carrying your helmet and sopping wet of legends. at the time… only later on, usually ‘from
gloves to the toilet and then battling all Of course, there is the other Type-Two the warm fuzzy glow of your favourite
those layers is getting you pretty hot Fun when the journey becomes a armchair and when holding a beer’
under the collar as you drip water catalogue of errors, disasters and amount of later. The more you ride, the
everywhere and leave a pool behind you. breakdowns. Yes, for sure that time when more chances you have to experience
Then at the counter you’re fumbling trying the rear suspension snapped, sending you Type-Two Fun. Some people get the
to get a card out your wallet with those across two lanes of motorway to the chance to experience it more than other
cold, red fingers that have actually started central reservation with your heart in your people, or at least that’s how it feels to
to shrivel up as they have been wet for so mouth and a stain in your underwear. you. Or perhaps you’re the one who
long. Good job the vinyl seats in McD’s Three hours waiting on the hard shoulder always seems to be experiencing it.
are waterproof, as you leave that trail of for a recovery to arrive, only to find they People riding certain types of scooter get
water everywhere. The napkins you try to are taking you six miles down the road to experience it more often. Lucky devils.
dry your visor with are pretty useless as where another vehicle will come and Then there is always the chance that
your fingers go through it as breaks up recover you home. It’s going to take you could have more than one person in
into a mush when it’s wet. I bet you can’t hours. Social media allows you to share your group experiencing Type-Two Fun on
wait to put that soaking wet helmet back the pain, but the guy who lives down the the same journey. Just when you think
on in 20 minutes’ time, followed by road and can bring you a rear shock on your fun is over, someone else starts to
easing those cold, wet gloves back on over any other day is away on holiday. Bugger. experience it too. That’s when the journey
your now warm fingers! Or maybe it’s that time you holed your really becomes the stuff of legend and
So yep... that’s definitely Type-Two Fun. piston on that moors road absolutely you are not sure whether to laugh or cry
It is most definitely NOT fun at the time, miles from anywhere, for no obvious at any given time. It could be fun… just
most definitely not. No. But as time mechanical reason. Your mate can come not right now.


P u re
G o l d


Nothing has escaped
the engraver’s scribe

For over a decade it was one of the

UK’s most popular custom Vespa
scooters and now Atlantic Gold is
back, reinvented for a new era.

here are few scooters that really sum up an era, but
Atlantic Gold is one of them. Bursting on to the
1980s custom scene it was an instant crowd
pleaser, but its story is complicated. In fact, as
owner and creator Jason Taylor explained, it’s
actually the history of two machines.

Track one
“Many people remember Atlantic Gold from the 1980s,” began
Jason. “That was sprayed by Maca at Down Town Custom and
picked up plenty of trophies at rallies up and down the country. It
was always a ridden scooter and unfortunately that was the cause of
its demise. A car pulled out of a side street and side swiped me.
The scooter was too badly damaged to repair and was scrapped.”

Track Two
With fond memories of his favourite steed it wasn’t too long before
Jason hatched a plan for Atlantic Gold 2, and that made its first
appearance at the Bridlington Custom show in 2001. “I was really
pleased when it picked up ‘Best in Show’, a title it retained for
three years running.” Although few would dispute that decision, it
was the 2003 VMSC Show that produced Atlantic Gold’s most
controversial accolade, ‘Best Engineered’. “I never saw that
coming,” said Jason, who’s still obviously bemused at the decision.
“There was a really strong field of choppers in the show and I can
sympathise with their builders feeling put out when Atlantic Gold
won, but in its defence there’s a lot of very subtle engineering in the
build.” Although most people rarely see past Si Clarke’s stunning
artwork, Jason’s very accurate in his assessment. Pay close
attention and there’s plenty to feast upon. The base of the build is a
1990 PX200, which was first carefully de-seamed and fitted with a
bespoke tailpiece. Next to receive attention were the indicators
which, after their factory fitments had been welded shut, were
hidden behind hand-cut slits. This was carried over to the rear light
and together they create an effect that would suit any street racer.
Get down to ground level and the attention to detail in this build is
apparent. Almost any surface that can be engraved has been, and
those that don’t naturally lend themselves to such treatment have
been adapted. Custom CDI cover anyone? Even areas that are
Solid Gold

Attention to detail is staggering

routinely neglected have been lavished
with attention as few ‘full blown’ Vespa
customs have fuel tanks with murals.
Another component that may have
influenced the judges’ decision was
Atlantic Gold’s sound system.
It doesn’t take a genius to work out the
inspiration behind Atlantic Gold’s scheme.
Both engraving and murals feature great
names associated with the legendary
record label. As Jason eagerly points out:
“It’s impossible to have a scooter about
music without music.” Ignoring the
frame-mounted radio console that was so
commonly fitted in the 80s, Jason
originally concealed a CD player in the
seat. However, Atlantic Gold’s recently
been refurbished and the sound system,
together with other components, has been
radically upgraded.
“About 18 months ago I walked out to
the garage and realised that she was in Seat with a story
need of a rebuild. A decision to put her
into temporary storage had turned into
10 years of neglect. It was a case of now
or never, and I couldn’t bear the thought
of losing her.”

Track three
Although the paint had survived
surprisingly well, the same couldn’t be
said of the brightwork. Most of this was
dispatched to Karl Russell at Quality
Chrome, who worked his usual genius
whilst preserving Ady Clark’s engraving. “I


Paint is almost
20 years old MAN & MACHI
Owner: Jason Taylor
knew that this time round I was more that the seat had to be refinished and Home Town: Wakefield
interested in riding her than in showing interestingly it was workwear specialists Scooter: Vespa PX200EFL (1990)
her, so areas that take a lot of Xamax Clothing who secured the contract Name: Atlantic Gold
maintenance have been powder coated. to re-embroider the cover. Engine: Malossi 210
I’ve also upgraded the rear light to LEDs.” The final part of Atlantic Gold’s rebirth Exhaust: Sterling
Returning to the subject of music, the CD was to bring her performance up to date Paint: Si Clarke
player’s been consigned to history and in and that’s been achieved with the addition Engraving: Ady Clark
its place is a state-of-the-art bluetooth of a Malossi 210 kit. Plating: Quality Chrome
system, which works from an app on Back in October 2011, Dave Oakley
Jason’s smartphone linked to a waterproof used his Nostalgia Column to ask where
JBL speaker that’s been discreetly machines such as Atlantic Gold may be
1. Horncast grill mirrors the rear light cut-outs
mounted under the toolbox. Adapting the hiding away and speculated as to whether
2. Powder coat has replaced some plate
seat to the 21st century technology meant we’d freshly ever see them again. It’s eight

1 1A
2 2A

ears later and we now have the answer.
Attlantic Gold’s still with its original owner,
efurbished, keenly ridden and ready to
pllease the crowds again.
Words: Stan
Photographs: Gary Chapman

I knew that this

time around I was
more interested in
riding her than in
showing her, so areas
that take a lot of
maintenance have
been powder coated.
I’ve also upgraded
the rear light to

Drum brakes lend themselves to engraving

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Don’t Stop the Carnival
The Isle of Wight Rally is both the largest and most commercial rally in
the world, but in Stan’s view it’s still one of the best.

ast year I gave the Isle of Wight camp this year, and I’d like to say that
Rally a miss. There’s no doubt there was some pressing journalistic
that it’s the largest Scooter reason for not doing so, but the truth is I
Rally in the UK and quite simply didn’t want to. It’s the first time
possibly the world, but it’s also I’ve ever used a BandB for the Festival
the most commercial. I’d grown tired of its and it gave me an entirely different
small-wheeled excess, but sometimes it perspective on the event.
takes a break to realise just what a gem it
is. It was obvious on the journey down that F’in great
Making a weekend of it, Jo, Ed, Lisa and Andy the weather forecast was, for once, going Keen-eyed readers will have noticed the
from Hampshire to be spot on. The further south I rode, first appearance of the ‘F’ word and yes,
each petroleum stop saw another the IoW rally is a Festival, so from now on
baselayer removed and by the time I was that’s what I’ll call it. Even VFM have
filtering along a gridlocked M25 my recognised that the event is bigger than its
summer gloves were out. A repeat of last BSRA National status and a subtle change
year’s mud-caked rally site and rained off to the flyer listed the Smallbrook site as
ride out definitely weren’t on the cards. At the ‘Rally Hub’. It’s a small change in
this point I’d like to explain why I didn’t branding, but suddenly the message is

Yes it’s commercial, who cares?


Hidden treasure?

Not taking it too seriously

Phil and Damon with a spot of ‘Routine maintenance’

that National isn’t just for die hards, it’s 40 years later not only would I be working universal acclaim. Proof again that the
the centre of activities and everyone’s for an international scooter magazine but VFM can scoop the best of both new and
welcome. Adding to this sense of I’d also be covering a Secret Affair gig, I’d established talent.
community is the Main Arena’s transfer have laughed in their face. It wasn’t just As I tucked into my full English on
from the large shed at the top of the hill to me who felt that warm glow of nostalgia Saturday morning and reflected on what a
a marquee near the race track. This makes and I’ll save the blushes of several lovely night’s sleep I’d had, the
for a more compact site and a ‘hard-core’ scooterists by not naming temperatures were already rising. With the
fantastic atmosphere. those who could be seen rolling back the sun enticing riders out onto the road even
years on the dance floor. For before the Custom Show had opened,
Let your heart dance entertainment value the band were hard to Smallbrook was packed. Anyone waking
Having dumped my gear at the BandB I beat, and Ian Page’s voice has stood the up with a raging hangover could have been
headed down to see Friday’s headline act, test of time. Some I spoke to said that forgiven for thinking they’d lost a day
Secret Affair. In truth I was never a big their heroes hadn’t weathered well but, somewhere as the sun brought out the
fan, but if someone had interrupted newsflash, few of us have. Flying the flag crowds and the number of scooters on site
14-year-old me dancing to ‘Time for for a new generation on Saturday night matched some post ride out Sundays. As
Action’ at the school disco to tell me that were Smoove and Turrell, who received ever the Custom Show drew in some

No one complained about this car on the campsite Tasso and

his cut-down
Royal Alloy

This gem didn’t hang

around for long

Sh kli hhome off Pl
t ((nott th
the cartoon
t dog).
d )

The Rally’s traditional climax is the
Sunday Lunchtime ride out. Whether or
not you choose to take part in this clutch
destroying adventure is immaterial. This incredible examples of British scootering. parked
k d outside
t id seafront
f t bars.
is one of the great spectacles of Many were first-time entrants and It was the same wherever I rode,
scootering to be found anywhere in the although Gary Wickham’s superb ‘Breaking evidence that although VFM has done a
world and as a result unmissable. This Rocks’ was capable of scooping almost superb job of revitalising the Smallbrook
year marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day every ‘Best of’ trophy, it was nice to see experience the rally, sorry, Festival, has a
and as a tribute to the Island’s key role in the judges spreading their love and life of its own.
the Invasion of Europe, the parade was pressing trophies into the hands of some
led by a pipe band several veterans and surprised, but very deserving entrants. The final countdown?
the Armed Forces Scooter Club. Perhaps it’s because I stayed off site, Although it’s impossible to imagine a rally
but this year the rally seemed different. I season without it, there were the usual
spoke to many visitors who’d combined rumours that this would be the last Isle of
the weekend with a longer stay. For them Wight National. Although there’s nothing
the National was part of the experience, new to such speculation, this year they
not the whole reason for visiting. A trip may have some substance. The long-
around the island is always worth the planned redevelopment of the Smallbrook
effort. The riding and sights are site seems to have gained momentum
comparable with anything Europe has to and a community group has been formed
offer, and as I took my annual tour I to coordinate funding bids. If the local
noticed how widely dispersed people newspaper is to be believed, a completely
were. The campsite at Smallbrook was new facility that offers ice skating and
busy, but clearly I wasn’t the only one to tennis courts, amongst other attractions,
have taken the BandB option. With Ryde could be open within 12 months.
seemingly booked solid for the Bank We’ll all have to wait until the BSRA
Holiday weekend until at least 2064, I meeting in Southport to see whether
stayed a little further afield in Shanklin this news means business as usual, a
and, although no one’s proclaimed it as new site on the island or a completely
the centre of the island’s night life, fresh National venue. Two things are for
scooters still lined the streets and were certain: firstlyy the traders on the island


Anyone who confines themselves to the twin sites of Ryde Green and Smallbrook is
missing a trick, the Island has some fantastic roads and is well worth exploring. This year
I stumbled (not literally) across the Adgestone Vineyard. Here it’s possible to take a self
guided tour of the vineyard and then sample the wines produced from the very vines in
front of the building. With live music ever weekend in the summer it’s the prefect
destination for a club excursion. If being in the saddle means that alcohol is off the menu
there’s also a range of cream teas and snacks to be taken in the garden.

will want us back, and secondly even if for more. I, for one, hope that August
the National was to move ‘off island’, on the IoW continues for many years to
the Festival would continue. The Isle of come. If you’ve not been for a few
Wight may be the scooterist equivalent years, give the IoW another chance. If
of a theme park, but whilst I may you’re looking for fun by the sea you’ll
occasionally tire of Disneyland’s never find a better way!
rampant commercialism, I still go back Words Photographs: Stan

First Time Entrant Hammer Horror
Mod Accessories Series 2 982 XVA
Vintage Lambretta pre 1965 Series 1 496 YWJ
Custom Lambretta Breaking Rocks
Restored Lambretta NYPD LI JHU 231
Vintage Non Lambretta/Vespa Lambretini 50
Best Ridden Scooter NYPD LI JHU 231
Streetracer Lambretta Rule Britannia
Mural Breaking Rocks
Vinyl/Graphics Pimms O’Clock
Best Auto Repsol Replica
Engraving Breaking Rocks
Display Fyffes Flying Banana
Champions Champion O Fortuna
Cutdown Old School Classic Cut
Original Scooter SX200 MOD 18F
Vintage Vespa pre 1972 Green Goddess
Custom Vespa Hammer Horror
Restored Vespa Rally 200 AWU 474K
Best Chop Blue Summer
Best Oddity Bruce Wayne Bat Scoot
Street Racer Vespa Peaky Blinders
Best Paint Rallymaster 135 ABV
Best Hybrid Rum Runner
Best Engineering Repsol Replica
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Oddballs 5
Nostalgia is even better than it used to be. Certainly, if the content of
some social media sites is to be believed. Those proverbial rose-tinted
specs are working flat out.

he 80s scooterboy era is in both size and stature. At this year's
arguably more popular now Oddballs rally, I'd estimate there were
than it actually was back in more than 2000 scooterists along with a
the 80s! For those who prefer small number of friendly bikers in
to get on their scooters and attendance. Host venue, Abingdon Rugby
actually ride them (instead of spending Club, is easily accessible from the A34,
countless hours chained to a keyboard, one of the UK’s main transport arteries.
pouring over grainy images, reminiscing In the clubhouse there are proper
and pontificating), the Oddballs rally showers and facilities, along with a
provides a real-life nostalgia trip in the well-stocked bar, supplemented by a
real world. Reminiscent of a typical cash-only beer tent operating when the
scooter rally from the scooterboy years, it live acts are performing inside the
embraces most of the good parts but few, wristband-only access, official
if any, of the not so salubrious elements of entertainment arena. 1980s psychobilly
those heady days, plus a more outfit The Highliners were the Saturday
contemporary twist adding emphasis to night headliners, ably supported by King
the fun factor. Over its five-year existence, Hammond, with Oddballs faves The
Oddballs hasn't just grown, it’s exploded Corsairs topping the bill on Friday night.


Theme for this year’s Friday after (live) rally-goers, Both sides of the area were set sign,
sign inspired by television's Bullseye
show party was Studio 54, and rally-goers aside to host Saturday's custom show, programme. As always, a leisurely stroll
were invited to dress the part in 70s fancy which attracted a vast, varied and vintage around the vast camping area revealed as
dress. Needless to say there were plenty of range of machines, and had just about many interesting scooters that hadn’t been
subscribers. At every Oddballs so far there everything to appeal to every taste. entered in the show. It was good to see
has been an overall theme, this year being Full-blown customs glistened in the sun some previous Scootering featured
the Wild West, with a fancy dress with rusteration creations, all manner of machines in evidence at Oddballs, too.
competition on the Saturday afternoon. radically engineered steeds, chops, At previous Oddballs there have been
There were plenty of takers on site cut-downs and bike-engined scoots sitting chilli (eating) challenges. Moving up a
sporting cowboy outfits, with frontier alongside bog-standard classics, mod- gear this year was the aptly titled Stinky
pioneers, hillbillies, Tex -Mex amigos and styled as well as the weird and the Fish challenge!
native American-inspired attire. wonderful, all lined up together with There are few rules at Oddballs... No
Breakfast served in the clubhouse in the awards given for the winner in each of fires, BBQs are fine, but not on the grass
mornings was supplemented by plenty of the categories. (it's a rugby club, after all), and you’re
food stalls on site offering a huge range of Typifying the fun factor that Oddballs is welcome to bring your own beer/alcohol on
food. A trader village offered all manner of about, this year 'runners-up' were notified site, but (obviously) not into the
clothing (new and vintage) and scooter similarly, with an amusing ‘Almost a entertainment arena. Basically, leave any
spares, with all kind of goodies to tempt winner, look what you could have won' negative vibes at the gate, come on in and

Scootering Serena Says…

wheels. Oddballs Rally actively offers a

cheery welcome to scooterists, bikers,
It’s August, I’m in Abingdon, it must be camper vans and car owners (not
that ODD time of the year again! Greeted everyone's cuppa tea I know – but it
at the gate by Andrew Stacey sporting a genuinely works), embracing a fun-
fetching pair of rainbow crochet shorts packed weekend with an enthusiastic
confirmed that I had most definitely approach for partying, raising cash for
arrived at my destination. The Gate the Teenage Cancer Trust and Clic
Keeper later changed into a pair of disco Sargent (childhood Cancer). Fellow
hot pants complete with a sequinned campers raised more money by
boob tube, and by Saturday afternoon encouraging head shaving, offering
had morphed into Laura Ingalls from walkabout shots (of the liquid kind – not
Little House on the Prairie. Oddballs pistols), pics on scoots and a grand
Rally has become renowned for ‘anything finale beard shave for Vince Wooloff
goes’ and dressing up is positively himself, which alone raised £325 for the
encouraged and most definitely coffers! Bouncers worked FOC and
embraced.This year’s rally theme was stallholders donated to the charity cause.
Wild West with no shortage of cowboy Weekend fun and games took place in
hats, saloon gals, squaws and sheriffs. the arena, conveniently situated by the
Friday night was Studio 54 with open bar (yeh) with one lucky winner
bumping, grinding disco tunes spun by being the recipient of the Raffle Vespa
Oddballs DJs Chris Abrams and Kevin Scooter, customised and painted by
Beynon. There were DJs galore all Gatch. Without a doubt, the crowd-puller
weekend, including Wilko and Levi in the was the Stinky Fish Challenge. I didn’t
Northern Soul Room. A total of eight get close enough to check out the
bands graced the stage this weekend, contents of the fermented herring, but I
including No Lip, Jack the Lad, Dakka could smell it! Well done to the plucky
Skanks, King Hammond and The Rude six who took part, with bonus points and
Boy Mafia. Oddballs favourite ‘resident a trophy to the winner, Spencer Dyke.
band’ The Corsairs took the marque by Next year’s date for Oddballs 6 is
storm on Friday night, with two band August 7-9. 2020. Confirmed bands,
members suitably dressed for the Demented Are Go, King Kurt, Band
Called Malice, 2 Tone All Skas, Filthy
Spectacula, No Lip, Shakin DTS and, of
course….The Corsairs. What a line-up!

occasion as Batman and

Robin (remember – anythin goes)
whipped the crowd into a p chobilly
rockabilly frenzy with a tou of punk
and ska too (and why not). eckin Ejits
and The Highliners finishe he weekend
in style on Saturday night nging the
crowd to a wreckin’ frenzy.
The Custom Show was ra med with
quality scooters and bikes, flecting
rally campers favoured choi e of two


have a good time. Participate and/or
spectate as much or as little as suits. his beardd sh
havedd offf. Three Word
ds Tatttoo
If chilling with mates, talking scooters Atelier generously donated takings of
and putting the world to rights, with a £400. There were a couple of
few 24 packs appeals, or partying hard unconnected scooterist stag and hen
all day and night is your preference, take parties, who had chosen to mark their end
your pick. For those with the party of freedom, Oddballs style.
WE SPOKE TO... animal tendency, Oddballs is a home Due to the volunteer stewards and
from home. marshals being required on site, there
Name: Shane Hayter It was created by Vince Wooloff as a was no ride out this year, not that it was
From: Gosport fundraiser for charity, specifically, (but missed. However, it will be back next
Scooter Club: British Forces Scooter not exclusively) the Teenage Cancer year with a local club marshalling and
Club Trust, in memory of Vince's pal, Ron planning the route. The spirit of 80s
Scooter: O'Fortuna, full-blown custom Morgan. To date an impressive £30k has scooter rallies are alive and thriving at
Lambretta been raised, with another sizeable Oddballs, which must be one of, if not
How was the journey? donation to be added after this year’s the best, regional rally in the UK. It’s
It took us about 3 hours. It was a nice, event. As well as money from admission fun, as well as a fundraiser, and it’s as
steady ride up. We chose the back fees, a Gatch-painted P-Range, with parts full on or as laid back and chilled as
route instead of main roads, which donated by Beedspeed, built by volunteer suits the individual. It’s everything and
tend to be packed this time of year. scooterists, was up for raffle. Other more that makes a great gathering. See
Travelling on the back roads meant we fundraising happenings on site, to add to you there next year for more of the same.
could really enjoy the journey. the total, included organiser Vince having W
Words & Photographs: Sarge
Have you been to Oddballs' before?
No, it’s our first time at Oddballs.
Heard it was great from lots of people.
I've ridden up to Oddballs this year to
experience it for myself.
What are you looking forward to at
As a club, BFSC turn up en masse at
one southern and one northern rally
every year. Oddballs is our chosen
southern rally for a bit of a get-
together this year. Personally, to see
and be a part of what people have
been talking about since last year, for
myself. And to see The Corsairs play
live... I love ‘em.

Feedback, Scootering Magazine, PO Box 99, Horncastle, Lincs LN9 6LZ or feedback@scootering.

footboards so that I could give my much
loved Italian icon a wash and wax, I
noticed some bubbling to the paint
Rusty Vespa? Don’t despair! between the runners. Giving it a gentle
Anyone who's ever owned a post-1995 poke with my finger to assess the
Vespa PX, unless perhaps they live in seriousness of the problem, imagine my
California or Montpellier (or have won a horror as said finger went right through the
lifetime supply of Acf-50), knows about a metal (or whatever it is Piaggio uses to
rusted seam down the back of their front make scooters with these days). Same
mudguard. It is as inevitable as the soles thing happened on the corresponding
splitting on their well-cared-for (relatively footboard so, it being a sunny day, I laid on
new) ox-blood Doc Marten boots. The the ground to check out underneath and
reason? Inferior materials and/or bad then spent 10 minutes picking and peeling
workmanship. There can be no other off pieces, sometimes sheets, of factory
explanation. But it hasn't always been that applied silver paint to reveal – you guessed
way. Time was when your Docs would last it – RUST! Then too, I couldn't ignore nor
forever, as would your hardy and ever- quite believe the huge rusty gash along the
reliable 1980s PX. So what went wrong middle of the floor pan above the exhaust. The writer of our Star Letter wins a pair of
and how did Piaggio allow their flagship On closer inspection of the scooter as a Weise ‘Tundra’ Jeans. Find out more at
model to fall into such disrepute? And I'm whole I noticed bubbling paint on several
not just talking about rusted mudguard other random parts of the body, and really
seams here. That is just the tip of the do fear the worst. where you'll have to look I'm afraid,
iceberg or, rather, the disintegrating hull of On a Lambretta, of course, none of this because you will rarely (if ever nowadays)
the submerged Titanic. would matter so much with its sensible get to see one in the flesh. Why? Because
I admit that my own 2006 PX lives interchangeable, Meccano-like body parts. they were made of cheap Russian metal
outside (I have no choice unfortunately), But on the multi-troublesome monocoque that was not fit for purpose and so have
and is therefore (as I live in the northwest Vespa frame, as we know, this is not so sadly rusted themselves into (almost)
of Lancashire) no stranger to the elements. easy to remedy. extinction. They are certainly an
Nevertheless it has, I would like to think, There might, however, be an upside to all endangered species. A half-decent Alfasud
been well looked after and has been the this – a silver lining. Remember the subtly goes for silly money now when one surfaces
recipient, in the 12 or so years I've owned beautiful, yet affordable Alfasud of the for sale, for that very reason.
it, of much (to coin a phrase) time, trouble 1970s and 80s made by Alfa Romeo? So if you have the misfortune to be the
and money. And after all, it is a scooter, not (Another fine and respected Italian motor owner of one of the later rust-bucket PXs,
a boat or canal barge requiring regular company that should have known better.) don't despair. You might be sitting on a
waterproofing and blacking. Or is it? Really great looking cars. Go and have a gold mine and not even know it… if it lasts
A couple of weeks ago, upon removing look at one on the internet if you don't that long!
the protective rubber mat from the believe me. If you want to see one, that's Wayne Auty from Lancaster

NSU Prima
Dear Dan,
It was a pleasure to see a picture like my
old NSU Prima Scooter in May’s edition,
and wanted to write in because I have not
seen one anywhere else before and it
brought back lots of fond memories for
me. I bought my yellow and black scooter
way back in 1959 when I was 19 for
£198.06, but sadly no longer have it and
at the time I didn’t realise what a little
gem was under my bum.
There were many adventures over the
few years I had it, travelling from
Cumbria in the northwest, over to the
northeast with a friend, but in those days
we didn’t even have helmets for a
another NSU. The gears were by my
protection, which was silly of us. feet, which made it more special to me,
Although I still have all my hair and long s I am wondering if anyone knows if
sideburns, I would trade those in to have these models are still produced
my wonderful NSU back again. My a
anywhere? I have not had much luck
winkle pickers and Teddy Boy clothes, trracking one down.
such as my lace tie, still make an Regards
appearance, but I would love to own Carl Kemp


French adventures
Hi Dan,
We are currently doing a week in the south
of France near Perpignan through the
Pyrenees. Here is our photo of Barry Hart,
Tony Amos, Peter Fuller, Tibbs, Gav and
myself on the Spanish side of the boarder
in the Pyrenees.
Rob Walker

Where are you MSC?

Hi Dan,
I read with interest your article about
Midland Scooter Centre opening their new
showroom in Nottingham city centre. As I
was going to Nottingham soon I turned to
their advert on the back page, but it was
still their Pasture Road address. Not to
worry I thought, I’ll go to their website,
and guess what – there’s no mention of
the new showroom on it either. So come
on MCS, where are you?

Hi David, Gareth Jones, Rhyl, reading Scootering in Charlie Clifford of Old Claytonians SC,
The Pasture Road premises are still active, Gran Canaria, 2018 Bradford, reading Scootering magazine
but the new address is Colin Street, in 35° at Lara Beach, Turkey
Nottingham NG1 7EQ. Parking is down
the right side of the building as you look
at it from the main road. Just ride up to
the glass doors and they’ll
open automatically!

My wife Jackie Fouracre reading my Shaun Williams taking some time out in
Scootering magazine in Benidorm Crete reading Scootering Al Nicko in Khao Lak, Thailand


style with a
modern edge. T 0117 971 9200
E [email protected]


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us your
WIN a smart
T-shirt with your photo

Pepper Brodie, sent in by Gary Brodie.

For your chance to win a stylish Manu Piazza, from Belgium, sent this in of
Scootering magazine T-shirt, email us their LML 125 from 2008.
your HI-RES pics to: suys@scootering.
com or post your pics to Show Us Your
Scooters, PO Box 99, Horncastle, Lincs
LN9 6LZ, and the least crap snap wins!
For full terms and conditions,

DATA: Protection of your personal data is important to

Mortons. Your data will be stored securely and only be
used for the purpose of processing the competition and
notifying the winners. Data will then be destroyed.

Three of Girvan SC (Alan Stevenette, Stephen

Flanagan and Scott Wilson ) outside Turnberry
hotel. Sent in by Alan Stevenette. Tony Card with grandson Frankie
on grandad’s LML auto.

Paul Barry’s Vespa PX200E by

Ballycotton Lighthouse, East Cork, Paul Greenway’s 85 Douglas winning Best
Sent in by Skee. Ireland. Vespa at recent Mad Dogs Rally.
Taken at Kelso Scooter Rally 2015,
pictured from left to right are: Bill
King, Paddy Corbett, Ian Greenhalgh
and Dave Harrison. Sent in by Ian
LML Star with a PX125 and Molossi 177 kit. Sent in by David Roberts.

Dave Wrenn’s GTS 125 at Chatham Docks.

Great day at Freshwater Bay. Sent in by Scomadi time with my girl. Sent in by Rod
John Elkins. Conway.

Alan Fitzgerald’s trip back from Euro

Lambretta in Abejar. Stuart Grice’s scoot, Billy. Sent in by Alan Murray.
us your

Tom Eldred’s PX 125 on top of Combe Gibbet.

Shane Hutchinson’s son, Oliver, on Shane’s Helen Speak’s Lambretta GP125. Li150 and original orange SX150 built and
Series 2. rode by the owner, Colin Moore.

Sedge and Woody at the IoW Rally, 2018. PX150 and T5 scoots. Sent in
by Steve Hallett.
Peter Reid of Scooter Moda sent this in
of Tony Humphreys. Peter lent Tony his
1967 Vespa sidecar unit for his wedding
to Tina, and donated the money he paid
to the Rosemere Cancer Ward charity fund
that they support.
Frank (Mick) Collins on a Vespa GS160. Sent in by Mark Collins.

Geoff Adkins spent four days in Brighton out and about on scooters. The weather was good
Mark Collins on his Vespa PC, Isle of
and they had a nice ride up to Beachy Head. He also headed out to Chicago and Detroit, and
is pictured with the Roadrunners Scooter Crew.

Least crap snap

THIS MONTH’S WINNER: Taken at the 2

Toots ride to the Island, an annual char
run to Lindisfarne in Northumberland. Sent ity
Some of the Old Gits SC. in by David Tompkins.
No one ever wanted to see excessive smoke
from their exhaust as this spelled trouble. It all
depended on where it was coming from, though

illing up your scooter at the Euro Lambretta. There were lots of blipped their throttles through the
petrol station always small groups making their way into mayhem of the traffic. In the middle
required one important task. mainland Europe all to the same was Colin, his tuned Lambretta coping
One that if you didn't destination, Strasbourg. The majority quite well with the conditions.
adhere to signalled trouble would be camping and this meant not Traveling behind him, it became
for the engine, filling up with oil. For only having to carry enough clothes for more and more noticeable that his
those that owned a Vespa, certainly one the week, but also camping equipment. Lambretta seemed to be smoking far
of the new fandangled ones, this didn't By the time everything was shoved on more than everyone else’s. In the damp
matter so much. They had a fancy auto to the scooter there wasn't much room conditions and continuing two-stroke
lube system that mixed the oil for you left to sit on it. Some though had found could fall-out, it was not always clear to
from a separate tank. For hardcore digs near to the rally, meaning they see. However, it soon become apparent
Lambretta riders it was different didn't need to carry so much luggage. that there was something drastically
though, requiring you to do it yourself. One of those was Colin, a regular rally wrong with his scooter, the steady
The problem came with getting the attender and always on a tidily turned stream of smoke emanating from his
measurement exactly right. out Lambretta. Colin’s whole exhaust now beginning to resemble a
The Lambretta petrol tank didn't hold appearance was one of looking smart, Saturn-V rocket launch. More to the
that much, being just shy of two dressed in the best designer clothes. point was that the smoke had changed
gallons, and there were two types of Even after a long journey by scooter, it into something more alarming... flames.
methods when it came to mixing Fellow ridders began to wave their
the oil. One was simply to pour arms furiously, telling Colin to pull
some directly from the bottle. For The steady stream of over. To start with he took no notice,
those a bit more sophisticated, it
required measuring it exactly with
smoke emanating from his seemingly oblivious to the potential
disaster unfolding behind him. Once
what was often referred to as ‘the exhaust now began to he did look round, it took about a
dunce jug’. Simply tipping it in
quite often meant the scooter
resemble a Saturn-V second for him to stop and jump off
his Lambretta like a rat out of a
would billow smoke as it went down rocket launch. trap.
the road for the first few miles in We all pulled over to help and,
an attempt to burn off the excess oil. It looked as though he had just ridden more importantly, put the fire out. In
wasn’t doing any harm as such, but round the corner. His Lambretta was a the ensuing chaos, Colin had forgotten
would often foul the spark plug and real head-turner, painted by Maca at to turn the ignition off, so the machine
cause the exhaust to coke DTC and featured in all the magazines was still running. To everyone's
up unnecessarily. of the time. He always wanted it to look surprise, both the engine and scooter
If you did measure the oil correctly spotless, so if pulling up for fuel, the seemed fine. What wasn't fine was his
and smoke continued to be present, flies or dirt off the road that had luggage bag, which was by now in
then quite often it spelled the dreaded adhered themselves to the paintwork desperate trouble. Colin feverishly
news that the drive side oil seal had would be subjected to a cloth to remove unstrapped the bag from the tiny sprint
failed. Yes, the engine would run, but it them. There was nothing wrong with the rack on the back of the frame and threw
meant at some point a full strip-down approach of tidiness and organisation, it on the floor, where it continued to
was required to replace it. It was part of and that was reflected in the billow out smoke. Carefully unzipping
Lambretta ownership, but when it appearance of his scooter at all times. it, out came designer tops, jeans and
happened that feeling of deflation when As the small groups of riders all even trainers, all with huge holes burnt
knowing what it was always took over. congregated into one big convoy just through them. The culprit was a failed
When travelling in a group to a rally it outside the city, it was a sight to behold bungee cord that had popped off, which
was a common sight to see a cloud of for any enthusiast of the Lambretta. had allowed the bag to hang over the
two-stroke fumes following the gaggle of The same couldn't be said of the exhaust. The hot gases coming from it
riders like some poisonous cloud. No weather, raining on and off, making it now sat directly underneath the bag,
one ever seemed bothered, as long as even more tricky for the 200 or so which was slowly burning its way
there was nothing untoward. riders. In all the confusion the cloud of through like a hot blowtorch. Colin
That was until the time of the first two-stroke smoke seemed to be getting really did have a smoking two-stroke,
trip by Lambrettas en masse to the even thicker as everyone constantly but not the way he had intended.

400 editions
and counting!
As Scootering magazine celebrates its 400th edition
we take a nostalgic look back to the very first issue to
see how much things have changed

n the early months of 1985 rumours began circulating
within the scootering ranks that a new magazine was on
the horizon. At the time there were other alternatives in
the shape of Scootermania and The British Scooterist
Scene, but they were different. Only available from
certain outlets such as scooter-related businesses or on rallies, it
made getting hold of a copy slightly awkward. The supposedly
new magazine would be different as it was going to be sold
nationally through newsagents and retail outlets. This meant two
things: one was that it would be far easier to obtain a copy, and
the other was that it signalled progress of the scene.
By now scooter rallies were reaching their peak and plenty of
entrepreneurs were making money from it all, so perhaps that had
already happened. News of the impending first edition was welcomed
by both scooterists and dealers alike. Now there was a national
platform from which to advertise from or read about what was
happening on a regular basis. No one ever doubted the decision and
this was exactly what was needed at the time. From now on if you
wanted to read what was happening in the world of scootering all you
had to do was simply go to your local newsagents and pick up a copy,
or perhaps even easier… have it delivered to your door.
When it came to celebrating this important milestone in the
magazine's history we thought we would do it in a different way for a
change. Rather than just highlight some of the events that have
happened over the last 34 years, instead we decided to go right
back to the first edition, going through what was reported and
exactly how the scooter scene was at that time. To help, some of the
interesting pages and topics have been laid out with actual images
that were taken that year, a sort of illustrated history showing just
how much things have changed. Apart from one thing... the passion
we all have for scooters, which has always been the same.


1) The inside of the front cover was a 5) Adverts were 8) The first rally report was from
huge advert for DISC 85 held at Donington plentiful, even Morecombe, where two things could
Park. The weekend’s events would see though it was the always be guaranteed – damp, wet
various custom shows as well as bands first edition. Do weather and run-down
performing. It was topped off with scooter you remember old slot machine
racing and showed just how diversified a this: ‘Scootering arcades. Never the
rally could be when held in the right World’, a less it had some great
location. magazine that venues and drinking
survived for just establishments, and
one copy? Spread was one of the
across the front cover was one of the favourites on the rally
all-time greats, ‘Italian Stallion’. Back calendar throughout
issues were being offered here for just the 1980s.
£1.50 and were a collector’s item,
according to the print. They weren’t
wrong, with copies selling for over
10 times that amount in the early days.

2) Pages four and five were full of news,

but if anything were rather blandly laid out.
Amongst other things such as rally dates
and club news, a report that Allspeed were
expanding their premises. Remember them,
the importer of the Spanish Serveta, which 9) Undoubtedly the top custom chopper at
by this time was suffering from poor build the time was ‘exile’ built by Russell
uuality. Hardly Mitchell. Even so, there were plenty of
urprising as one other good examples providing strong
week the factory competition. Though the Lambretta was
mployees would be by the far easiest to convert, there were
building sewing plenty who proved you could do the same
machines, followed with the Vespa. Russell later moved to
by scooters the week America where he runs the successful
after, allegedly. company Exile Cycles.
6) It seemed that many of the paint shops
around back then were keen to be seen in
3) The Lambretta Club Great Britain the magazine. After all, this was the 10) Taking up residence on the back
announced it was holding its first major height of the custom paint revolution that page were Midland Scooter Centre run by
custom show at Telford that summer. was sweeping the scooter nation at the Dave Webster and Norrie Kerr. Staying
Making its debut at that show was none time. One such advertiser was ‘Sweet loyal to the magazine, MSC have
other than ‘Sign of the Snake’, the dreams, whose paint artist was none remained there ever since. The premises
stunning Lambretta built by Mick Howard. other than Paul Karslake, son of at the time of the advert was based at 13
It picked up awards for Best Lambretta Lambretta legend Mike. Having painted Station Road, but they moved soon after
and punters’ ‘dazzle’, the top custom scooter at the to 61/67, shown in the pictures.
choice becoming time, they were keen to cash in on the Dominating the scooter racing
one of the hottest fact, even though the advert looked like it championships at the time, their on-track
custom scooters had been cobbled together in a few success was mirrored in the shop. Norrie
on the circuit seconds with a stencil set. left at the end of the 1980s and today
that year. owns VE UK.

7) Page 32 would belong to the first

custom Vespa ever featured – ‘The
4) According to sweetest feeling’. Popular on the show
hhe article, the circuit that year, it was painted by Maca,
first scooter to be who proved that his allegiance lay with
eeatured was one Vespa as well as the Lambretta.
belonging to a
chap called
Brendan McNallyy.
I m prettyy sure we all
a know
no him better as
legendary painter Maca of DTC fame. Thee
Lambretta in question was his Rosa
Bianca GP, which has been one of the
most iconic and copied race paint
schemes of the last 35 years. At the time
Maca was more interested in racing it
than anything else, though.

CHANGED – TUNING It wasn't 1985 when choppers and cutdowns first appeared,
AND PERFORMANCE but it seemed it was the year they were at their most popular.
This is reflected in the adverts of the first edition with several
Back when the first edition came out, Lambretta tuning was a offering extreme fabrication services. At the time cutting up
different entity to what it is today. Back then stage tuning was an old frame was all the rage and with a huge availability, was
all the rage, with stage six being supposedly the most easy and affordable to do. Towards the end of the decade,
advanced for a road-going machine. Everything was based owners were trying to do the opposite as restoration began to
around extensively porting a cast barrel. In 1986 all that was take hold. I’m sure many of us were guilty of taking a hacksaw
thrown out of the window with the launch of the TS1. With its or angle grinder to a perfect Lambretta frame. Those that now
aluminium body and reed valve induction, it revolutionised the think they shouldn’t have done it at the time needn’t dwell on
tuning industry. Though cast barrel tuning is still done here it too much. Look at it this way – you were creating scooter
and there, it is regarded as old school these days. history with those creations, so much so that even Wikipedia
has a page specifically for the scooter cutdown.

Back then hours upon hours were spent by tuners painstakingly grinding out
the ports on a cast iron barrel

The general rule of thumb for a cutdown was simple enough. Usually this
entailed cutting the back end off and removing the majority of the panel work

Converting the Lambretta toolbox into a petrol tank to give it more range
when fitted with a 30mm Amal or Dellorto carburettor

The must-have item every tuned Lambretta had back in 1985 was a Fresco
expansion pipe. Usually, the only way to fit it was with a hammer, as the Choppers certainly looked the part, but were never the most com orta e o
mounting holes never seemed to line up correctly things to ride


Back in 1985, it seemed street racers were in their infancy. Not Perhaps a lot of this is down to the fact that there are so many
actual engine tuning that was as popular as ever, but in the extras now from which to choose from. Paintwork too, is far
general layout of the scooter itself. Compared to what's on offer more flamboyant nowadays and no one can argue that there are
currently, certain items such as suspension and brakes were stunning examples built on a regular basis. Trying to capture
fairly primitive. Even so, the creations back then had a the spirit of how they were done back in the 1980s isn't as easy
subtleness about them that still give great appeal today. as it looks, in all probability because there is a tendency to
over-complicate them by trying to out do the competition.

The Lambretta street racer in 1985 had clean lines and one thing for certain – a hole for the carburettor on the left-hand side. In 2019 they are far more striking as
the competition these days is so much greater

Exactly the same can be said of the Vespa, but in a way it only reflects the natural progression of technology

To prove the point the front end of two Lambrettas, 34 years apart

N O T H A N K S – T H E V E S PA E T S
The first road test to be featured was
for the Vespa ETS. In the big
two-page advert, the slogan claimed
‘Its New’ ‘It’s Fast’ ‘It’s Vespa’. What
should have been put underneath all
that was ‘It’s not very good’. At its
launch, loyal Vespa owners far and
wide disliked not only the design, but also its performance.
It had a striking resemblance to the PK series with its squared-off, box-looking shape,
a far cry from the more classic line of the PX. It only lasted two years in production
before being replaced by the T5, which was far superior. The mainstay of Piaggio’s
success was undoubtedly the PX range and even though the MK 1 had been replaced
with the slightly less appealing Arcobaleno, it was still the most popular choice. Did you
know some dealers still had one or two of the MK 1 PX in stock when the magazine first came out? They were few and far between
by then, but could be picked up for around £700 as dealers wanted to shift what to them was outdated stock.


Many of the adverts either showcased
services or items that are very rarely
advertised, if not at all theses days. Can
you remember rear set kits, ace bars, stage
tuning, Kawasaki conversions, reverse cone
Frescos, Pitone exhausts, Bradford back
rests, exchange chrome, pike and dome
nuts, Maltese cross and tombstone back
lights, chrome cable covers, side stands,
folding kickstarts, bead blasting, 10 spring
clutches, sun dance grips, quick action
throttles, headlamp stone guards, high
comp heads, etcetera? To top it off, if you
ordered by phone then the one service all
shops use to offer was cash on delivery.


Many of the businesses featured in the
first edition were and still are regular
household names within the scooter
scene, businesses like AF Rayspeed, PM
Tuning and Chiselspeed to name just a
few. But what became of the lesser-known
ones? Believe it or not, Route 66 is still
going strong all these years later. Though
not known for their scooter work these
days, at the time they did radical
fabrication on many custom scooters. The
business is still in the same location and
has the exact same sign above the shop.


Scooter racing featured in both adverts with an article on capable of speeds close to 100 mph. Roll on 34 years and it’s
Maca’s Group 4 machine. When the magazine first started, clear to see that technology has advanced significantly. Speeds
racing was on the verge of its peak, with over 400 riders now are easily in excess of 100mph on a modern group six
licensed to race. The more there were, the greater the machine. It would be interesting to put both up alongside each
competition became. This, in turn, encouraged development at other in a race to give a real comparison and see just how far
a fast pace. A group six Lambretta back then would still use a scooter tuning has moved on since then.
cast barrel like the one shown, this one being Taffspeed
tuned. Even so, it still kicked out plenty of power and was

A group six Lambretta in 1985 was effective in performance, but rather Present day, it is clear to see what more than three decades of development can
cluttered looking achieve, but just how much faster is it?

1985: May of that year saw the first magazine to Mortons Media Group and Since edition number one was first
edition produced by Myatt McFarlene Martin ‘Sticky’ Round becomes editor published, there have been well over
with Mike Roberts as the editor. for just one edition. He is promptly 55,000 pages written, designed, edited
1987: After the sad passing of Mike replaced by Andy Gillard, who and printed by us on the subject of
in 1987 the new person in charge continues the role for another 13 years. scooters. Over that time there have
would be Gareth Brown. 2016: The magazine goes through a big been several editors, many writers and
1989: Having seen rival magazine transition. Dan Clare of Scooterotica a whole host of photographers, all of
Scooter Scene begin to build up a fame is bought in to be the new editor, whom have played their part. Also, not
big readership, Myatt McFarlene and establishes a refreshed writing forgetting the designers, printers,
bought them out. Its editor Stuart team, whilst also retaining long-term ad-sales team, and general staff who in
Lanning was put in charge, and later contributors such as Richie Lunt, Nik one way or another have all played a
bought Scootering magazine from Skeat, Mark Sargeant and Dave Oakley, part in getting the magazine published.
McFarlene. Lanning continued to amongst others. It's no easy task!
publish the magazine himself in to 2019: Scootering magazine Then there are the businesses, the
the millennium. celebrates its 400th edition after dealers and traders who have
2003: Stuart Lanning sells the 34 years of publication. advertised within the pages, some of
them since the very beginning. Without
them, it would be hard to survive in the
unforgiving environment of magazine
VA L U E F O R M O N E Y publishing. We also thank the people
who have supplied information, news
The first edition of the magazine went on sale for just £1.20, which at the time and stories, the owners of scooters
seemed value for money... or was it? The first six editions were bi-monthly, usually which have been featured, and
black and white sections, and each one only 48 pages in total. Compared to today organisations and clubs that have put
where the magazine is monthly, full colour and over 130 pages… often with free on rallies, which the magazine has
supplements, calendars, wall planners and various cover-mount gifts included. reported on.
It must be remembered, the magazine was only on trial to start with and once it Most of all though, we thank you...
became apparent that sales were strong enough, it soon moved to a monthly the reader. Every one of you who has
publication in the spring of 1986. With figures adjusted for inflation, today purchase a copy, a subscripion, or has
Scootering magazine has stayed in line and at the current price of £4.30 offers great contributed a story over the years.
value for money. Over the last 400 editions, or to put it another way… 34 years, Without you, none of this can happen,
many scooter-related magazines have come and gone. If you looked at all two- so from all of us here at Scootering
wheeled magazines since then many have started up, but not lasted the duration of magazine, we thank you for your
time. Every person who has worked on Scootering, been involved in it along the way loyal support.
since issue number one, or quite simply bought a copy, should take a bow. Each SC
person has played an important role in the success story that is Scootering magazine.




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of Cambridge
1989 to 2019


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A Quick One with
Gareth Brown
Scootering magazine has reached the landmark of 400 editions, so we
caught up with the man who was arguably responsible for it starting up.
Former editor Gareth Brown takes a look back, as well as giving his
opinions on the scene in more recent times.

oing back to the beginning,
tell us how you first
discovered the scooter scene
and your input into how
Scootering magazine began?
I'd been heavily into the growing mod
revival scene in 78, pre-Quadrophenia,
and my first experience of a rally was a
Lambretta event in Southend. In the
South between Southend 78 and
Brighton 81 there was no basic structure,
it was all quite mod inclined. Although I
didn't realise it at the time, there was a
different, stronger scooter scene up
north, which had been evolving for years.
1982 for me was when the two blended,
specifically the Easter rally in
Scarborough 82. It was cold and it
snowed over the weekend. I felt like an
intrepid explorer. I went to Scarborough a
mod and came back a Scooterboy. I met
Martin Dixon there, and ended up writing
a few pieces for Scootermania, also The Georgie Fame (far
frie nd San dra after a Geo rgie Fame gig, pictured with
Gareth and (then) girl Sea, circa 1980/81
Ralliest. At the time I was doing my
ked ly brilliant dru mm er. Barron’s MOD Club, Leigh-on-
right) and his wic
engineering apprenticeship. Myatt-
McFarlane had their biker lifestyle
magazine Back Street Heroes out. At that One of my most memorable and proudest
time it was only a few issues old. I wrote achievements, while I was involved with
to them several times about having a Scootering, took place before I became
scooter-inclined section or features, or editor. Both myself and the first editor of
even to consider a dedicated scooterist Scootering, Mike Roberts, rode from
magazine. When the first issue of Land’s End to John O’Groats on scooters.
Scootering came out I bought a copy and Mike, bless him, was a lovely bloke, but
wrote to them, basically saying they he was more used to bikes than scooters.
needed a scooterist writing first-hand We reached a point on the journey where
rally reports. To cut a long story short, I I decided to press on, leaving Mike with
was commissioned to cover Clacton rally the back-up van following him, travelling
and they would see what I submitted. at a more leisurely pace. I set a time of
They must've liked what I did as I was 23 hours 23 minutes – under 24 hours!
then commissioned to cover Yarmouth. – which is still a record time, I believe,
Scootering went from bi-monthly to for one rider, one bike, Land’s End to Gareth on his firstt scooter: a Vespa 90cc,
monthly in 1986. I was still only John O’Groats. Going from freelance in 1979.
commissioned for one forthcoming rally contributor to staff writer to editor all
at at that point, but changes to that were happened in quite a short time. From glossy A4 magazine Scooter World. I
just on the horizon. covering national rallies by commission, became editor of Scootering after Mike
I was asked to become a staff writer, (Roberts) sadly died in an accident.
You went from freelance contributor to which meant relocating to the north- There were talks at the editorial office
staff writer, to Editor in a relatively short west. Shortly after moving up there I regarding Mike becoming editor of a title
time, what are your recollections from found the original letters I'd written to they were hoping to acquire, which
that period and what are standout Back Street Heroes and Scootering, didn't happen in the end, and Mike's
memories from your tenure as Scootering along with correspondence from Pete untimely passing saw me
Editor? Sherwin, who produced the one-off becoming editor.


Gareth and Si having an ‘arresting time’.
IoW National Scooter Rally, 1983.

Gareth and a few fellow Prize Guy SC members. Scarborough National Rally, 1983.

What are your retrospective opinions There was a shortish period a few years good-natured, between scooterists and
regarding the various incarnations of ago where Scootering seemed to be bikers there. It does seem to me that the
Scootering magazine? distancing itself from some of the more scene in general, certainly in the UK,
Right from when the first issue of (scooterist) lifestyle elements, but has something of a moddy leaning in
Scootering was published it was viewed thankfully that part of the spectrum has recent times. Fair play to them, I'm not
as a bit corporate. I loved British Scooter returned to the magazine. I think all too fond of lights and mirrors myself.
Scene when it first came out, even more elements of the scene have validity and That said there's a localish group of
so Scooter Scene. There was a friendly therefore should be covered in the youngsters, Rittle mod Squad. They ride
rivalry between Scootering and Scooter biggest scooter magazine there is. their scooters everywhere, fair play to
Scene early on. We were all mates from Scooterists, in general, like to have a them, too. I'm a scooterboy who loves
the scooter rallies, exchanging a bit of moan and complain. Scootering is an Northern Soul, but to each their own, if
banter between those who were writing easy target. After 400 issues it must be people are riding scooters and enjoying
for either title. I left Scootering in 1989, doing something right, as it’s still the themselves, that keeps the scene alive
and shortly after, in the same year, biggest dedicated Scooter magazine. and healthy. I don't have any problem
Scooter Scene and Scootering merged, with those who've come on to the
initially under Myatt McFarlane before As a scooter scene veteran, still active scooter scene later in life, in the 90s or
Stuart (Lanning) took overall control, today, what's your overview of how the noughties, As far as I'm concerned they
until 2002, which is when Mortons took scene is today and in recent times? are as welcome as everyone else. What
ownership. When social media became I'm much less active these days. I just does wind me up a bit are the
commonplace in everyday usage, around have the one scooter now, along with my pretenders, the bullshitters who've
2010, Scootering was the social glue Harley. I sold my GP back in 2007 when joined the scene late on, but claim they
that held the scooter scene together. If my third kiddie arrived out of the blue were around earlier. To me all are
you wanted to know what was on and and we needed to equip the nursery. I've welcome, but don't bullshit, and don't
what was happening it's how you kept in got my Kegra Malossi Vespa PX and a try to rewrite history you were never a
touch. It suffered criticism, especially few weeks ago, along with a few from part of.
before social media… some fair, most Prize Guys SC we went up to Great
not really so. People complain and like Yarmouth; some great memories from Finally, what are you up to these days?
to slag the magazine off but still go and the 80 and had a nostalgic pint in The These days I'm a school teacher, I teach
buy it, more so if there's a picture of Barking Smack, my hostelry of choice history and provide cover. It can be
them or their mates in any particular when in Yarmouth. One of my favourite taxing at times as I teach problem kids.
edition. The way I see it, Scootering has events is the annual Mods N Rockers I'll never be rich, but I enjoy what I do
always been a vital tool to both the rally put on by HA in Kent, I alternate and sometimes other than financial
British and international scooter scenes, what I ride there each year, Harley one rewards it can be as satisfying. Last time
promoting the scootering lifestyle. year, Vespa the next. Love the banter, all I was interviewed in Scootering (2004),
I was a bank manager, a job I did for a
S C O O T E R B OY S 3 0 T H few years and absolutely hated it.
I do a bit of writing on the side, most
A N N I V E R S A RY E D I T I O N recently for Airgun World, as I do a bit
of shooting in any spare time I have.
Gareth Brown wrote the original Scooter Boys book. First I've got my Harley and my Vespa, which
published in 1989, it sold over 2500 copies over three I try to ride as often as I'm able. I
decades. Recently it’s had its final update, with some new rrecently did the final update to my
additions for what will be its 10th reprint. Watch this space Scooter Boys book. One thing I
regarding the forthcoming 30th anniversary edition of absolutely love is the anonymity I have
Scooter Boys. tthese days. I'm just a tall, bald
Price: £14.99 sscooterist these days, no longer Gareth
Out: 11/10/19 ffrom Scootering.
Pre-order: Words: Sarge
Photographs: Gareth Brown

Then and Now
Last month we broke the news that LML’s factory was
being dismantled. This month we take a look at both the
good and bad times.

t is two years since LML filed for tooling will survive the attention of demolition gang will be poised to reduce
bankruptcy and since then owners scrappers and that which survives is being the remaining buildings to rubble. What
and traders alike have speculated purchased by various buyers. It’s highly was once a thriving community is no
about the factory’s future. Last unlikely that Piaggio has any intention to more, but thanks to images taken by
month we published the first set of revive the PX, so once LML’s tooling has Manish of UniAuto, who’s been a recent
images to emerge of the factory’s current been removed from the site there’s no visitor, and Ulf at Scooter Centre, who
condition and they made for a depressing prospect that production of complete visited in 2015, we can present a unique
sight. The production line stands empty, machines will be resumed. look at the factory, as it was then and how
whilst both abandoned scooters and The Indian Government has set a tight it looks now before disappearing forever.
components lie discarded under a thick timescale for the site to be cleared and by Words: Stan
layer of dust. Make no mistake, not all the time these words are read the Photos: Manish Mittal, Scooter Centre Koln

Complete 2t units were widely sold into the trade


Located just outside Kanpur, in the state
of Uttar Pradesh, the LML factory was an
important local employer. The factory’s
driveway that once welcomed visitors
from around the world now stands
derelict and strewn with litter.

Feew shots were taken of Star Lite production

old technology – the ‘Select II’ being a prime example.

Like Serveta before them, LML tried their best to refresh

Production of the PX and its derivatives
were a problem for both Piaggio and
LML, as their assembly was a labour-
intensive process. No doubt Henry Ford
would have spun in his grave had he
seen how four-stroke production was
managed. Whilst the two-stroke assembly
line moved on a belt system, with
machines moving between the different
stages of assembly, the 2015 images
show that 4ts were mostly built by hand.
Major assembly took place in one
location, with components being
delivered as required. Only final
assembly took place on the moving line.
Today the assembly line stands waiting
for the scrap man’s cutting torch.
Paint being hand finished.

Four-stroke scooters had their own assembly

Production is halted forever. methods.

Spray booth. Ever wondered

who machined
your clutch

(of sorts).

Panel pins, each one made by hand Great additions to any man cave. Where are they now?


The Innocenti factory was well known for adapting
production machines for factory purposes and the
ambulance is now a favourite exhibit at Vittorio
Tessera’s museum. The LML factory also made some
local modifications, including a four-wheeled,
four-stroke articulated unit. Unfortunately, little more
than the cannibalised skeletons of these unique
machines have survived.

In the factory’s heyday it exported globally.

Back in 2015 these ‘Hawa LML’ frames were
The first many British scooterists knew of LML was in destined for the Egyptian market.
the early 90s when Taffspeed imported a ‘grey’ batch
of Indian-built TX200s. One of the buyers was our
very own Stan, who recalls that his introduction to
LML electrics was “unpleasant”.

Practicing what they preached, LML were FOUR-STROKE FOLK
an enthusiastic user of their own products
and maintained a large fleet of NV If the news for PX parts is optimistic, sadly the same can’t be said for four-stroke
four-strokes. There’s were registered in components. Before going any further it’s worth pointing out that there’s no public
the UP78TC**** range, but most appear record of who’s bought what and whether it’s destined for sale, scrap or re-
to have been cannibalised and now manufacture. Even with that caveat it seems that news on the 4t front isn’t good.
lie abandoned. Looking at images of the factory, there’s no shortage of abandoned scooters and the
overwhelming majority appear to be engineless 4t models. Unfortunately, this suggests
that LML’s stock of 4t spares was such that the only way they could maintain their own
fleet was by a gradual process of cannibalisation.
Amongst those ‘picking’ at the factory, the most desirable items are those that are
compatible with the Vespa PX. With hundreds of thousands of those machines still in
daily use, there’s a steady global demand for suitable components. Unfortunately,
LML’s 4ts were produced in far fewer numbers and from a business perspective there’s
no point having the monopoly on a LML 4t ‘widget’ if worldwide demand is small. The
costs involved in production, storage and distribution simply don’t add up. The best
advice for 4t owners is to keep an eye on both dealer and auction sites for any NOS
parts being offered, as they’re likely to be the last available from LML’s tooling.

Machinery once used to clean castings
PRESSING MATTERS now rots outside.

Metal bodied scooters need heavy presses

and LML produced most panels on site. The
Spiertz equipment is German in origin
whilst those manufactured by Schuler are
French. These are most likely a remnant of
LML’s early European collaboration in the
manufacture of textile machinery. Whilst
the presses themselves are antiquated and
most likely destined for scrap, it’s
understood that the moulds for many major
components have new owners.

That’s what we call a frame jig!

Why did PX production end? The costs involved in producing a machine that was essentially unchanged since the 1950s were uneconomic.


G et your
ur name
me on on a
G P30 00 NOW
N OW £
OW £4
uss o
u otr

ian Sp

o s a B i anca
o r ig i n al R in g ’s fir st
The i n S c o oter
featuredFour hundred later
edition. es and 34 years
magazind is still strong.
the bree

I’d always
wanted a DTC,
but it’s only
recently that could I
turn the dream into
reality. The ‘New
Breed’ schemes are
smart, but in my eyes the
originals are pure class.


Mick and his heart’s desire

GP in a bar, not an everyday sight

ften imitated but never equalled, Maca’s
classic Rosa Bianca schemes have
timeless appeal. They also seem to attract
a certain type of owner, one who likes to
ride their machine hard, and Mick ‘Grebo’
Robinson’s no exception to that rule. Having grown up
in Leeds, the spiritual and physical home of DTC, Mick
had grown up with the sight and sound of Maca’s work.
“I’d always wanted a DTC,” began Mick, “but it’s only
recently that could I turn the dream into reality. The
‘New Breed’ schemes are smart, but in my eyes the
originals are pure class.”
Having secured his place in
Maca’s diary, Mick had some
decisions to make. His would
be Rosa Bianca number 19,
but there’s no ‘cookie cutter’
approach to Maca’s work.
Each example is unique and
Mick was in no doubt how to
go about that. “I’ve lost three
good friends over the years
and wanted to remember
them, hence the tool box lid
tribute.” There are other
subtle enhancements to the
classic design, including the
classic white rose mudguard,
which now reflects that of
Yorkshire’s pride, the Rosa Bianca

No prizes for guessing Mick’s birthday

Ld fuel gauge is a nice touch

the Rosa Bianca Elite Scooter Club, of with a 225cc TS1 providing the necessary
which Mick is a long-standing member. power for Mick to travel the country in his
Anyone fancying their chances against role as VFM crew. Keen-eyed readers will
Mick’s DTC at the lights is in for a notice that the carb hole is slightly
surprise. In a nod to the base machine’s misaligned. This is due to Mick’s ongoing
origins as a 1971 Innocenti-built 125, love affair with both Amal and Mikuni
Mick asked Maca to badge it accordingly. carbs. The hole is cut for Mikuni, but at
Under the panels it’s a very different story, the time of our shoot he was in an Amal

The truth is that my wife travels almost

everywhere with me and we’ve yet to find a
sports seat that’s comfortable for us both. I
keep telling people the plan is to go full 1980s
and fit a flip over back rest!



Owner: Mick ‘Grebo’ Robinson

Hometown: Leeds
Club: Lambretta Club Great Britain, Rosa
Bianca Elite
First involvement with scooters: 1987

Model: Innocenti GP 125 (1971), an original

British registered scooter
Inspiration: Absent friends – ‘Mr Duck’, Mark
McKenna, Jeremy Elphick
Engine: TS1, 225cc
Carb: Mk 2 Amal 34mm (or Mikuni!)
Exhaust: Chiselspeed ADS
Gearbox: SX200
Paint: Maca
Powder Coat: Midas Touch

Thanks to: My wife Maria, Maca, Martin at


1 1A 1 1A 1 1A

Seat is practical, not pretty On British roads since 71

Mick’s dream, now a reality

1 1A 1 1A
1 1A

Rayspeed tank adds range

An award-winning scooter photographed
at an award-winning brewery, Stan’s
had worse days at work...
Based in Garforth, close to
Chiselspeed HQ, is the Quirky Craft
Brewery. This is another example of
Yorkshire excellence, as in its four
years of existence its picked up both
awards and a loyal following for its
range of small batch ales. For any club
in search of a different night out,
Quirky’s offer a brewery tour, at the
conclusion of which participants can
blend and brew their own beer. This can
be taken away on the night to mature in
the bottle, or Quirky’s will nurse it in the
frame of mind. One thing that sets Mick’s it’s a reality he’s lost no time in clocking cask and await your return visit.
DTC apart from the crowd is the seat. “I up the miles. “I’ve even had to break the
get a lot of stick about that,” he laughed. news to Maca that there are a few stone
“The truth is that my wife travels almost chips!” he grimaced. The DTC owner’s
everywhere with me and we’ve yet to find club is a select band. Not only do they
a sports seat that’s comfortable for us own some of the most iconic scooters ever
both. I keep telling people the plan is to produced, but also they aren’t afraid to
go full 1980s and fit a flip over use them. Thankfully, Mick’s no exception
back rest!” to that rule.
It’s taken a long time for Mick to realise Words: Stan
his dream of owning a DTC racer and now Photographs: Gary Chapman

Our first feature scooter

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C ust
Gone were the days of being in charge at the AGM

Kev's Chronicles: episode 10

After decades of hard work, building an institution up
was a proud achievement, but having it all taken away
was a bitter pill to swallow…

n 2009 it was 30 years since Kev
had become general secretary of
the LCGB. Though he was only part
of a group who had revived it in
1977 he finally become its
recognised leader just two years later.
From the moment he took control there
was only one thing he ever wanted, a club
to unite all Lambretta enthusiasts, one
they could enjoy being part of and feel
involved in. It was an uphill battle from
the outset, but no matter what obstacles
lay in his path Kev would clear them to
make the club even stronger. Not even he
thought it would become as big as it did,
which created yet more problems.
The more people that joined, the more
administration work it entailed. Rallies
and custom shows had to be organised
correctly to give the members value for
money when attending. The club magazine
needed to be on time and full of up-to-
date information. It was okay saying Announcing winners of the club’s trophies at the presentation
everything would be done, but one person
on their own couldn't possibly sort
everything out. That's what the committee
was for, to designate people to do the right Funds were swelling in the club’s
job. Thankfully, there were enough people
ready to give up their time to make
coffers to the point where there was a huge
this happen. surplus after operating costs.


Paid role his day job and continue to run the club
As the club became bigger it soon to the level which was required… certainly
became apparent that those doing as the membership was continuing to
the work voluntarily couldn't cope. increase monthly. Something had to give,
Some would retire due to the fact and quickly, to alleviate the pressure he
that they had little spare time to was under.
carry their duties out. It was For a while, the talk of paying someone
common for one or two committee to run the club had been discussed. The
members to quit now and then, but club was much stronger financially now
there was always someone ready and and to a certain extent there were funds to
willing to replace them. Thankfully, make this a reality.
this meant at least the pressure Kev told the club that he was in a
would be off for the time being. This position to take voluntary redundancy and
was the end of the 1990s and in doing so the financial package would
Lambretta ownership was going leave him better off. If the club now paid
through a resurgence. As it did, the him to do this job, the wages required
membership began to swell even wouldn't be so great. It was put to the vote
further. Gone were the days of a few and passed. From then on the general
hundred members, as this figure was secretary's job would be a paid role.
now in the thousands.
Many members were beginning to Emergency meeting
question where Kev found the time to
q The first year in which he was paid to run
complete all the duties required for
c the club was 1998. With everything in
him to run the club smoothly, while place and nothing else to distract him,
at the same time hold down a day job
a everything would run much more
and spend time with his family. It
a smoothly. There was a problem though,
ssoon became apparent that he was because the vote on paying someone to
sstruggling with it all. It was down to a run the club wasn't an overwhelming
lot of things, and having time off work majority. Many members disliked the fact
due to being ill with stress and
d that club funds were being used in this
The person leading the way in their finest
depression wasn't helping. By 1997
d way. The problem was that the job was
there was no wayy he could hold down now too big for anyone to do it on a
voluntary basis. For a while club affairs
continued, but there were rumblings in
the background. Finally, it all came to a
head in 2000 at an EGM where Kev was
close to being booted out of the club.
The result of the meeting meant he was
no longer to be paid for his role and he
would go back to a normal day job. This
was fine for keeping the members happy,
which to him was the most important
thing, but where was the time to run the
club going to come from? The reality was
they had spent three years going round in
a big circle and were now back in the
same situation they had started with in
Now a new era beckoned for Kev with parts fairs like Wicksteed Park the first place. Though Kev would still
devote all his spare time, he now had to

Organising club rallies

earn his living elsewhere, so couldn't be
constantly at the club’s beck and call.

Beginning of the end

The fall-out from the EGM had left him
very upset, but he vowed to fight on. After
all, as a group, they had achieved great
things and it seemed a shame to throw it
all away. Keen to find a quick solution and
with the committee down in numbers,
Kev's idea was to recruit new people…
long-term and loyal members who had put
their shift in when asked in the past.
People who had been there in the hard
times when the club was struggling.
It didn't take long, as a new era of
committee members hungry to succeed in
what they were doing began to help shape
the future of the LCGB.
For a while everything seemed fine. Kev
was at the helm steering the ship, reliably
supported by those who worked with him.
As they did, membership began to grow to
unprecedented levels, along with a
healthy bank balance. Funds were
swelling in the club’s coffers to the point
that there was a huge surplus after
operating costs. Being in such a strong
Most important of all was time to relax and enjoy life, leaving
it to others to attempt to
financial position was what everyone
follow in his footsteps wanted but the question was… What
should they do with the leftover budget?
Ideas quickly began to circulate, from a
museum with headquarters to buying
As far as he was concerned he had put huge collections of vintage Lambrettas.
the club before himself and he was bloody The problem then was, rumours began to
proud of the fact. spread that money was being sanctioned
without everyone being informed.

Rallying the troops when the going was tough


Being the spokesperson for an institution he had helped create

Kev was well aware of the fact and did

his best to calm the situation. As far as he
was concerned, no money would be spent
outside of the daily running of the club
unless it was decided on by the members.
The museum idea was always thought to
be a good one and had been supported
since the days of the LPS being
disbanded. Ways of raising money in the
past had been thought of with members
becoming patrons. That was beset with
many problems and had been dead in the
water for quite a while. There was the
failed attempt at a museum with Eric
Tudor, and Kev still hadn't forgotten the
resentment that came his way when he
presented the idea at an earlier AGM.
The problem is, though, that when you
have a lot of money to hand, the
temptation to spend it becomes greater. At
the end of the day it was the club’s money
and the members were part of the club, so
it would be a combined decision if and
when it happened. It was beginning to
cause a bit of friction, which was quite
ironic. After years of wishing that the club
one day would be in a strong financial
position, now it was, there was a tone of
unhappiness about it all.

Breakdown Being the head of the national club at the Euro Lambretta

Personally, for Kev, it was not a great time

in his life. Still struggling with stress,
depression and a breakdown in his to take over from him and make decisions committee members. In his mind, he felt
marriage, things were taking their toll on on matters without him. they were trying to take full control and
him both physically and mentally. This all Slowly Kev gathered his life back push him out. While he was still there
saw him taking his eye off the ball when it together, but as far as he was concerned nothing could happen, but the internal
came to club affairs. there was a split beginning to form battle would soon begin to affect the club
He began to feel the committee starting between him and some of the main as a whole. Kev then made a decision,

one which he often later reflected on by
saying: “I have regretted that outburst
ever since and will do so for the rest of my
life.”. Things had come to boiling point
and at an ill-tempered meeting, he
personally pointed his finger at those he
wanted to be rid of from the committee.
The problem was, Kev had shown his hand
so they knew what was coming at the next
AGM. In his mind this would give them
time to rally enough support, possibly
preventing them from being removed. The
tension between the two sides escalated,
with Kev being on his own. It cut a frosty
atmosphere between them and personally
he was very upset that it had become like
this. It now meant a power struggle for
control of the club and he knew in his
heart it would be damaging.

Hardest decision of his life

In the summer of 2009, Kev thought very
hard about his next move. Knowing the
looming AGM could tear the club apart,
he made the decision to stand down as
general secretary. He believed it was the
right thing for the club he loved so much,
but felt his hand was forced by the
animosity of others. The resignation was Prize giver to winning members
done in the summer months through the
pages of the club magazine and came as a
complete shock to each and every there was no going back on his decision. changed. From now on he was free of
member, I'm sure. This way, Kev hoped As far as he was concerned he had put responsibility regarding what happened to
there would be no in-fighting, no splits the club before himself and was bloody the LCGB, even though he would watch it
between supporting groups and hopefully proud of the fact. He wasn't going to give like a hawk.
a new beginning, one that he would not be up his membership and if he didn't like
part of any more. After 32 years at the their decisions, he could now challenge Not finished, just yet
helm his time was done, handing over the the committee as an ordinary member. Not one person can say they are
reins to the committee he had welcomed He knew the club inside out and what responsible for shaping the scooter scene
in only a few years earlier. made it work, so it was easy for him to over the last 40 years. Kev, whether
He was devastated that something that pick holes in what they were doing. He anyone thinks to the contrary, was
had become such a major part of his life could become a social commentator on responsible for a major part of it
would be no more. It seemed hard to affairs of the LCGB, knowing many becoming what it is today. He wasn't after
believe that it had ended this way,
y but supported
pp his comments, even if nothingg admiration or medals, he just wanted it to
be good for the masses. Even today
arguments wrangle over whether he was
treated unfairly and question him
standing down. Perhaps he should have
fought to the end, but as usual he put
others before himself.
Not running the LCGB had left a big
hole in his life, and perhaps others in his
position would have simply bowed out of
the scene. Not Kev, he was a fighter and
swiftly made a move. He had set up a new
business, Kev Walsh Promotions, and was
now running parts fairs, including the
jewel in the crown, Wicksteed Park. A
deal had been agreed and he now had
sole control of them with no one being
able to interfere. It wasn't easy, they were
hard work and some didn't turn a profit.
They made him a living though, and also
made him feel part of the scene he had
helped create. Though he would never get
over what had happened with the LCGB
committee, he was happy with his life,
which was all that mattered.
Next month: The legacy that is Kevin
Celebrating with former leaders of the club as he was now one himself Walsh.
Words: Stu Owen


Sixty-year love affair
The Lambretta
Series 2
1959 would see the introduction by Innocenti of
the Lambretta Series 2. In what would be the
company’s glory years this machine led the way.

The original press release by Lambretta Pre-delivery inspection of the Li 150

Concessionaires announcing the arrival of the TV at the factory in Croydon before being
175 series 2 in the spring of 1959 dispatched to dealers

s the 1950s came to a several significant changes. The most that much different in its appearance. A
close and the new decade notable was the design of the headset. For clever move, as it has been proven over
was welcomed in, it was a the first time ever on a Lambretta, the time that changing something too much
time when Innocenti was at headlamp would be housed in the can drive the public away.
its greatest. Sales of the headset. More importantly, it would turn
Lambretta had reached new levels both with the handlebars. Up till that point, all Launch
home and abroad and it seemed that Lambretta headlights were in a fixed Innocenti first announced details of the
nothing could stop their domination of position below the headset. This new series 2 to the Press on March 9, 1959. A
the two-wheeled market. A new model design would allow far greater vision when week later Lambretta Concessionaires
was on the horizon and if it was a good as driving at night and was deemed an followed suit as first news broke in the
predicted then this would make the important safety feature. Other UK. What surprised many was the one
company even stronger. Labelled simply improvements were to the engine with a chosen to be launched first, the TV 175.
as the series 2, it would be made revised cylinder layout on all models to This was the highest specification model
available in three different variants, increase power slightly. and by far the most expensive. More
starting with the budget Li 125 followed Though there were other slight changes, worryingly for dealers were its technical
by the standard 150 and finally the most none were as drastic as the headset. specifications. Alarm bells were quickly
powerful of all, the TV 175. Innocenti, it seemed,didn't want to alter a ringing throughout the industry as it soon
The design was a natural progression winning formula too much and upset their became apparent that there were vast
from the series 1, but it offered far more customers. Though the series 2 was an differences between it and the TV series
than just a few upgrades and involved improvement over its predecessor it wasn't 1. Upon closer inspection virtually every


component was different. Many dealers The TV 175 series 2 would go on sale
who had been told previously to stock up in the UK in May 1959 and would cost
with a huge amount of spares for the TV 1 £189.10.0. This was followed in the
were up in arms as it was now an obsolete summer months by both the 125cc and
model. There was little that they could do 150cc variants. The Li 150 with its
apart from vent their anger. competitive price tag of £20 less would
The only saving grace was that the become by far the most popular selling
Lambretta was so popular their order model, so much so that by the end of the
books were full for the new machine even year the Lambretta would become the
before it had landed on UK soil. biggest selling two-wheeled vehicle in the
Thankfully, the 125 and 150 variants UK. Even the big motorcycle
remained the same so there was no extra manufacturers like BSA and Triumph
worry where they were concerned. couldn't compete.
Innocenti had lost out hugely by making It wasn't the series 2 that had created
the TV 1 unique in its engineering. This this statistic. That was down to all the
had been stopped by making all models in hard work over the last decade. It was This factory demonstration picture shows tightening
the series 2 range compatible and would there at the right moment in time though, up of the exhaust. The two securing studs used 6mm
remain this way throughout production and its popularity had made the threads, which were not strong enough. These were
right up to the Grand Prix. Lambretta a world leader. upgraded to 8mm when the series 3 was introduced

aturation point
At a time when sales of the Lambretta were
in the thousands each week, to keep
puushing the brand even further required
heeavy investment in advertising. This
meeant far more than just road tests in
maagazines and the odd advert here and
there. Almost every public vehicle,
billboard or outdoor advertising space
woould have a Lambretta on it and the
model on show a series 2.
Magazines would be full of adverts for
hem as well as national newspapers. To
toop it off a huge television advertising The Rallymaster based around the Li 150 Series 2. The
campaign would make the series 2 the only time a true sports Lambretta was ever produced
m viewed Lambretta ever by the UK

A bowling green doesn’t seem quite the right

place to demonstrate the versatility of the
series 2, but no one seems to be that bothered

s the subject of the

The Series 2 Lambretta wa
g campaign, bought
‘Lambrettability’ advertisin
any saw as plagiarising
about due to what the comp
ll-known rivals
of their adverts by other we

An Li 125 being lined up for factory promotional
shots. Note the circular lion shield badge on the
right-hand side. Originally fitted by Lambretta
concessionaires on the Series 1 and discontinued
with the launch of the Series 3

public. Eventually it would reach available. Neither Lambretta introduced it made the series 2 look
saturation point, but not until the series Concessionaires or Innocenti failed to rather outdated and this showed in its
2 had sold in the tens of thousands. capitalise on its short-lived success so second-hand value. Many dealers would
the series 2 will go down in history as the take them in as a trade-in against the
Racing pedigree only Lambretta to have a sports model. newer model, but the price they would
Though scooter racing and to a large offer was detrimental, even if the
extent tuning were still a few years off, ‘Slimline’ range condition was good. The problem was
the series 2 would be the first Lambretta By 1961 Innocenti was well into revising compounded by the fact that it had sold
ever to have a tuned engine from the the Lambretta design with the series 3. so well in the first place, meaning that
factory. This wasn’t created by Innocenti, This was totally different in its styling and there were now thousands flooding the
but by Lambretta Concessionaires in the would be known as the ‘Slimstyle’. With second-hand market.
shape of the ‘Rallymaster’. Only available its sleeker looks and profile, it would bear Currently, the series 2 has a loyal set of
to the UK market, it was seen as the first little resemblance to the series 2. Even devotees amongst Lambretta enthusiasts.
ever purpose-built sports Lambretta and, so, many of the technical aspects such as Those that are see it as the last properly
in fact, the only one. the engine would use the same format. built Lambretta before the introduction of
Though tuning was basic and according Though it didn't become available until inferior materials used in production
to the official release ‘stage two tuning’, the later part of 1962 it signalled the end such as plastic.
it showed what was possible. There were of the series 2, the last ones rolling off Whether or not that statement is
other added extras, most notably a rev the production line in the latter part of entirely true doesn’t really matter,
counter to make it more appealing to the 1961. According to official figures over because what’s more important is that
sports enthusiast. The model was based 300,000 were built, of which the Li 150 after 60 years the Lambretta Series 2 is
around the Li 150, but unfortunately no made up over half of that amount. still going strong. Happy birthday.
production figures were ever made As soon as the ‘Slimstyle’ range was Words: Stu Owen


The Dual control series 2 based around
the Li 150 and first introduced in 1960

Showing its true properties,

D I D YO U K N OW ? a two-up touring machine

1) During early production of the TV 175

Series 2, a ribbed seam was welded
along the centre of the frame tube. This
was due to Innocenti being worried that
the frame may not cope with the extra
power. It is referred to as the ‘ridgeback’,
but it is unknown just how many had
this modification.

2) The Series 1 was still available in some

variants during the majority of 1959, which
was referred to at the time as the crossover
period. Dealers expressed their concerns
over the matter as they felt embarrassed at
having to sell what to them was an
outdated model compared to the Series 2.

3) Originally the first batch of TV 175

machines to reach the UK were only
available in glacier blue. Shortly
afterwards they would be offered in straw
yellow (commonly referred to as ivory)
and would become the primary colour

4) The initial Press release in the UK

quoted the top speed of the TV 175 as
between 65 to 70mph.

5) The Li 150 was originally offered

with the choice of nine different
colours for its side panels. The TV 175
only three, the choices being
Winchester blue, red and coffee.

If your scooter club is holding a do or event just drop us a line for some FREE advertising.
Unfortunately we can ONLY accept details by post or via the website due to workloads. Please keep
wording to a minimum and be warned that listings may be edited due to space restrictions.

SEPTEMBER Stereo Total, Big Boss Man and AON SC at Standard Triumph Garage/Freakbeat and Psych on the
Baltic Fleet. (see main advert) Club, 1130-1140, Herald planet! Resident DJ Dr Robert +
20-23 National BSRA #7 25-27 National BSRA #8 Avenue, Coventry CV5 6UB. The guests.
Woolacombe Southport Trade & Custom Jam DRC live on stage with DJ 31 Le Beat Bespoke, presents
20-21 Blues SC, 40th support from Jimi Quinsey, Paul Rock And Roll Circus New Years
Anniversary do. Arties Mill, Brigg, NOVEMBER Roberts and Andi Poole.Tickets
Eve Party. 9pm-5am. Paper Dress
N. Lincs. DN20 9LF £10 adv, £10 adv (£12 OTD subject to
Vintage, London E8 1HR www.
£15 otd 1 The Circles 40th anniversary availability) Doors 7.30pm .
21 Cambridge Ska Festival 4, with support plus DJs. 8pm till
wth Big 10, The Two Tones and
The Gangsters at Cambridge
2am, St Anne’s club, Alcester
Street, Digbeth, B’Ham B12 0PH.
15-18 Great Eastern, Mablethorpe
(see main advert)
Junction.CB1 7GX. £14. 01223 Tickets £8.00 or £10 otd. 07854 21-25 Skamouth, extended
51151 620386 weekend of live act with JANUARY
27-29 Jersey rally, Westhill Hotel accommodation at Vauxhall
nr St Helier. See FB Holiday Park, Great Yarmouth 26 Bradford Parts Fair,
28 Amberley Museum Classic (see main Richard Dunn Sports Centre,
Scooter day, Arundel BN18 9LT. ad) Roobey Rd, Bradford BD6 1EZ. 23 New Untouchables 22nd [email protected]
27-29 Buchan Coasters, Anniversary, Party. @ Orleans,
Pitlochry Scooter Weekend. 259 Seven Sisters Road, London FEBRUARY
McKays Hotel PH16 5AG. See FB N4 2DD. NUTs DJ’s and special
27-29 Ribble Valley, scooter guests from 10pm-6am/ Adm £8. 6-9 Scooterist Meltdown, The
weekend, Clitheroe, Lancs. Friday 1st November 8pm-2am
all-inclusive rally at Wunderland,
Weekend of bands, scooters and With DJ’s 24 Walsall Parts Fair, Bloxwich
Tigger - Tony Reynolds Kalkar, Germany. www.scooterist-
stalls. Ride in from The Cross Active Living Centre WS3 2DA.
Playing All The Best In Beat - Reggae -
Keys, East Marton, BD23 3LP at [email protected]
Northern South - Classic - Indie - R&B etc 15 AON SC 35th Anniversary Do,
12.30 Saturday, meet from 11am. 29 Nov-2 Dec Warmwell, SWSC
BCNU there Okeh! Standard Triumph Club, 1130-
Winter Warmer rally, Warmwell
OCTOBER Info: 07738 758348 & 07854 620386
£8 Admission or £12 on the door
Holiday Park nr Weymouth, Dorset 1140, Herald Avenue, Coventry
CV5 6UB. The Three Sixties live
4-6 Clacton Weekender, Martello on stage with DJ support from
Caravan Park, CO15 2LF Sam Evans. Tickets £10 adv.(£12
5 Scooters |In The Square, OTD subject to availability). Doors
Merthyr Tydfil 7.30pm
6 Wicksteed Parts Fair, Kettering.
NN15 6NJ. Lammygirl1982@
11-12 Scootermaniacs SC
6-9 Modrapheniacs, Sandford,
Annual do, Minehead, West
Dorset..20th Anniversary event.
27-29 Teignmouth, SWSC rally.
19 Crossfire Allnighter, London.
9pm-6am @ 229 The Venue,
Gt Portland St. £12. 3 rooms 8-9 Southern Scooter Shakedown, DECEMBER APRIL
of musical perfection. www. Winchelsea Sands Holiday 7 Mousetrap Psychedelic Park, www.southcoast-scooter- Allnighter, Orleans 259 Seven 8-13 National BSRA#1
24 Blow Up 25th Anniversary, Sisters Rd, Finsbury Park, London 9-13 London International Ska
at The 100 Club, London.Guests 9 Scooterists Charity Night, by N4 2DD (10pm-6am). Primest Festival,

and all of the


Newark Autojumble

Also: Nov 17, Dec 8
Newark Showground, Newark-on-Trent, Notts NG24 2NY

• Indoor & outdoor plots • Free parking • Classic vehicle display •

Early Bird Admission from 8am, £10 • General Admission from 10am, £7
Classic drivers save £2


Trade plots from £18
FREE Saturday night camping for traders
For more information: Visit
Call 01507 529593 Email [email protected]


Scunthorpe Silhouettes SC, Time,
Trouble & Money 2, Brumby Hall BLOWUP.CO.UK
1-3 Mid-Cheshire Charity, rally, Sports Club, Scunthorpe
back with a new venue. www. 10-12 Morecambe Rides Again, First Kick Collective
8-10 Skegness scooter rally, main
24-26 Weymouth National,
venue is The Suncastle. 8-10
National BSRA #2
24-26 Devizes rally, Rowde,
8-10 Troon Mod weekend, Troon, YEARS OF
Wilts. SN10 2QW
25 AONSC 35th Anniversary,
15-17 Phoenix Nights, Hinckley,
Leics. rally.
22-25 National BSRA #3 31 Jly –Aug 2 Messy 6, Lucarlys, CLUB • ReCoRd LABeL • MUSIC PUBLISHING
Cleethorpes LIVE GUESTS
JUNE 31 Jly-Aug 2 Salford Knights,
Rally On Regardless
4-7 EuroLambretta, Libramont, 31 Jly – Aug 2 Solent Cougars,
Belgium 20th Anniversary.


12-14 Sleaford AllKnighters SC,
Sleaford RFC, Lincs. NG34 8SP AUGUST

7-9 Oddballs, rally. Abingdon
RFC, Oxfordshire.
2-5 Vespa World Days, Guimaraes,
21-24 Wangerland Summer
Meltdown, Germany. The new
3-4 Tramore Scooter Show, by
Waterford SC, O’Sheas Hotel, Summer all-inclusive rally from DJ PAUL TUNKIN
Scooterists 84.


Waterford, Ireland
3-5 Kilbirnie 20/20 SC, Mad Dog
rally, Lochwinnoch PA12 4JB. SEPTEMBER
£15 100 oxfoRd StReet LoNdoN W1d 1LL
10-12 Hellcat Run, Torrington FC, 4-6 Mersea Island, Colchester

Words & Sounds
Contained in music somehow more than just sound...
The Total Rejection – Everybody Knows What You Don’t Know – Raving Pop Blast (Vinyl LP)
While Stone Roses had a five-year gap between their first and second albums, and the legendary PP Arnold had a 39-year and
then 12-year gap between solo album releases, The Total Rejection have their follow-up to their excellent debut Wrapping
Yourself in Silver Foil Won’t Protect You from the Blast, written, recorded and ready to go in under 12 months! Not only does their
new offering, with a baker’s dozen of blistering tracks, pick up where its predecessor finished, it propels their blend of raw ‘n’
raucous 60s garage, 70s punk and 80s Medway delta tinged sleaze, with more than a hint of Art rock, too. Opening number Slip
It To Me sets the bar high as a statement of intent of what is to follow – a slice of scorching punk-infused power pop. Title track,
well sort of, Hawky (Everybody Knows What You Don’t Know), draws heavily from 60s garage punk, 15 Miles Out of My Mind
employs a clever use of feedback in a manner not heard since late 60s art-rock pioneers Creation were at their peak. Shook Up!
Is an unrelenting, psyche-tinged workout that takes no prisoners and leaves no survivors as it lays everything in its path to waste.
It’s not all sub three-minute assaults on the senses. TTR go all epic in
track length, by their standards, on the sweaty ‘n’ grimy workout Take a
Step Outside (party 8). Closing track on side one is Bridget (song for Billy
Childish), a homage of sorts to the iconic Medway musician. Elements of
rock ‘n’ roll meld with garage punk on side two’s opener Reflections,
complete with ‘yeah, yeah, yeah’ backing vocals, that hook into the
subconscious. Strangely Strange is overflowing with snotty-nosed attitude,
while Maureen! Maureen! Maureen! evokes pubescent red-blooded male
thoughts. Contrast to the epic track on side one is the sparse, near
spoken word, a short snippet of a number The Girl Who Loved the Flower
Priest. Stamping down hard on the overdrive for the breathtakingly manic
Circles in the Sky, which is followed by the sheer punk-pop brilliance of
How Can I Luv You? before Chilly chilly brings this delightfully and
intentionally lo-fi album to an incendiary conclusion. All tracks have been
penned by the prolific Andrew Arthur Jarrett. Look carefully on the album
artwork, because within the collage is a GP Lammy with rider and pillion
on board. Don’t be surprised to see TTR’s third album following this one
in the near future!

The Skatonics – Hope Street/Valentine – Ska’d Stiff Records

The Skatonics have been around for a good few years
now, functioning primarily as a covers act, performing
the classic 2-Tone sound to appreciative audiences.
With that in mind, I was somewhat hesitant to give this a
spin. I felt I wasn’t sure that the world was ready for yet
another band riffing on the sounds of the past.
I shouldn’t have worried. All that time playing together has
given them a solid base to create their own sound that
acknowledges what has gone before, but doesn’t owe it
anything. This double-A side single captures a band
confident in their abilities, meshing together with practiced
experience. Opener Hope Street is very much in the modern
take on 2-Tone style. Bouncing keyboards drive the track
along while the brass haunts that background, coming to the
fore when needed. It doesn’t have the punk of many bands
these days, giving a much smoother sound than I had
expected, making it the more radio friendly of the two tracks.
Valentine is a very different animal. A soulful experience, the
female lead gently pulls you into a laid-back skank that has a
vague connection to some of Madness’ sound, but the
overwhelming feel is almost that of Dexy’s Midnight Runners
at their gentlest. Two very different tracks, both with an eye
on what’s happening on the modern ska scene, yet not really
drawing from it. Hopefully there will be an album of original
material to follow this, but it’s a good benchmark they’re
setting themselves with this release.


The Touch – Lost And Found – Touching Flames Records – CD album
and rare album, (The Mods) Lost Touch, Stand-out tracks from an impressive
which, largely down to the detective work collection of original songs are And I Fell,
of Dizzy at Detour Records, was finally unmistakably influenced, if not inspired by
reissued last year. First release of their early material of both The Jam and The
debut album inexplicably had ‘The Mods’ Who, with a hint of The Chords too;
prefixed by their record company at the Twilight Golden draws from storming 60s
time. Detour with the reissue put the title soul, with a nod in the direction of The
as it should’ve been. The Touch original Action in there for good measure; Grey Day
line up reformed for a reunion show in comes with more reference points towards
Brixton in August 2018, to coincide with The Chords, as well as a touch of The
Detour reissuing their original album. The Buzzcocks. It not all crashing power chords
band members discovered they still had a and buzz-saw riffs, albeit many of the
spark between them, and after a few tracks are, as Walk in the Park, with a
messages were exchanged they were back psychedelia-flavoured leaning. Also, the
in the studio cutting 14 tracks, nine of emotive Melanie demonstrates The Touch
which were from their glory years, plus five had more than one string to their bow. Well
‘new’ tracks, the result being the Lost and crafted and equally well delivered songs, in
Rewind 40 years, The Touch were very Found CD album, which is out mid July via the main, but not exclusively, power pop
much a part of the mod revival of that Touching Flames Records. Given The Touch 79 style. Its 40 years since the mod
time. Their rising star shone brightly, albeit were a 79 revival band, and the majority of revival. The Touch couldn’t have picked a
briefly, from the summer of 79 until very the songs hark back to that era, the feel of better time to unleash their second album.
early 81. Their legacy was their collectable the album is very much of that time. Sarge

One Way System 1981-84 – Captain Oi!

Although One Way System were formed in the
small Lancashire town of Fleetwood at the back of
the first wave of punk bands, originating in late 79,
it took them another two years to release their first
material. By this point they had become leading
exponents of what is now known as the UK82
sound: short, three-chord walls of sound
underpinned with sledgehammer drums and
topped off by pointed lyrics. No time for intricacy
on these tracks, just plough through in a race to
the end, an amphetamine-fuelled assault on the
ears and the very definition of what most people
think of as punk rock. Although best known for
their anthemic track Jerusalem, they released a
couple of albums and a handful of 7” records in
the next three years, meeting with various levels of
success. Captain Oi! have brought these releases
together on a three-disk box set. The first two disks
contain their debut album, All Systems Go, and
follow-up long player, Writing On The Wall, while
the third is probably the most interesting side of
the set, containing non LP singles such as Stab the
Judge and Give Us A Future alongside their
appropriate rework of Slade’s Cum On Feel The
Noize, and a handful of demo tracks. One of the northwest’s biggest contributors to the early punk scene, this collection is well
overdue and reminds us that it wasn’t just southern cities that had a thriving punk scene. It truly was a national phenomenon.

RAF Mod Band - Want You To Know/Get What You Get - Time For
Action Vinyl 45
While originally a British subculture during the 60s, Mod, now heading into its
sixth decade, is, withoutdoubt, genuinely an international phenomenon. By
example, this powerhouse double-sided vinyl 45 is released via German-based
Time For Action Records. RAF Mod Band are American, with the two contrasting
sides both influenced and inspired by British 60s music. Get What You Get revisits
and revives the instant pop appeal of early 60s Merseybeat, with a superbly
crafted and delivered RAF Mod Band original. Contrastingly, drawing from the
mid-60s comes the equally strong Want You To Know, which nods in deference to
The Yardbirds’ evergreen For Your Love, yet retains a freshness as well as its own
identity. Both sides wouldn’t sound out of place played alongside classic 60s
originals. This is a scorching double A-side single with huge dance floor appeal.

Morecambe Rides Again...
Kicking off in Morecambe. It’s not like it used to be… thank God!

he First Kick Scooter ‘Make Morecambe great again’, to get it giving original new creators a fair hearing
Collective organised back on the National Runs map. because ‘they don’t know it’? If the latter
‘Morecambe Rides Again’ Morecambe is an entirely different place is the case, then the scene will end up
over the weekend of July to my first foray as a fresh-faced V90 rider disappearing down its own plug-hole.
12-14. First Kick’s main back in 83. There’s no heavy police Fact. One cracking idea First Kick did was
objective is to put Morecambe back on the presence and no pitched battles through the fold-up leaflet, which outlined the
map. If you’ve not been there for a while, the town, a change for the better and no whole event, with the venues, maps, artist
you’ll be in for a shock. It’s having more mistake. First Kick have taken the task on times and the like all in one tidy small
than a face-lift, it’s had Botox, seriously and professionally. No, it wasn’t piece, brilliant for a no direction Herbert
liposuction, nose job, boob job, buttock all bells and whistles that you’d expect like me. It helped when you bowled up and
implants – the lot! Even the Almighty had from a National, but it didn’t pretend to thought, ‘Looks a bit busy in there, I’ll try
laid on cracking weather. Your tenner be. It’s a neat venue and it was well elsewhere.’ There were a goodly number of
wristband bought you a whole weekend of organised. There was a nice mix of sounds traders too, and those I chatted to all
entertainment and a campsite pitch, too. from bands as varied as The Skapones to agreed (on the whole) that this year had
This was indeed a bargain, whether you Marquis Drive. Yes, there were cover been the busiest yet… there’s something in
took up the offer of tenting it or not. First bands, but this raises questions, too. Are the wind, eh? The Vespa Club of Britain
Kick are ambitious, and their mission is to the bands to be blamed for doing covers, held a ‘Sign up here’ stall in the Platform
catch the eye of the big boys in order to or are the attendees to be blamed for not Venue itself, and there were a number of


the usual suspects with pitches, too. One I don’t think Morecambe is ready for
particular trader slipped me the wink on a a National… yet. But that’s for folk CUSTOM SHOW
new product which I’ll be toddling down to loftier than I to decide and create. Do I RESULTS
cover for the mag very shortly, so watch think the place has got legs to sustain it
this space. as a go-to place? Definitely, but then Best Vespa: Phil Niblock – So Soulful
Whilst Bobby of First Kick Scooter again, I’m totally biased as I’ve always Best Lambretta: Philip Brayshaw – 1969
Collective played tracks and kept the crowd had a soft spot for it. GP200 yellow ochre
entertained outside ‘The Platform’, the Rose-tinted specs aside, the town is Best Scomadi: Jamie Kerr – No.13
Collective handed out trophies for various being developed and is now a lot more Scomadi TL300
categories of scoot. welcoming to scooters (on the surface at Best Auto: Chereth Bebb – Vespa S
Naturally, the standard of machines least) than it ever has been, venues are 125
entered is increasingly high; it’s getting re-opening or being created anew, and Best chop: Bob Bewley Smith – On Fire
more and more difficult to judge these the whole town feels ‘fresher’. First Best Mod: Keith Gilbert –1961 VBB
things (nice problems to have). During the Kick, five stars and more power to you. mk1 VTT
ceremony, I bumped into Dave Lucky and As a final positive end note, I managed Best Custom: Marsey – Junk Yard Dog
he remarked that it was only a few years to grab a pic at the car park of ‘The LD225
ago that he felt the scene was turning a bit Platform’ of a decidedly young dude Furthest travelled: Michael Howarth
stale, but he’s been proved wrong. gripping on to a PX. Best Attended club: Ready Steady Go
We agreed that the ‘custom’ end has God bless ’em and let’s hope their
become more varied and detailed than brainwashing becomes complete, for
ever. No longer is it how much gold plate, there’s the next torch bearer for the future
engraving and murals can you chuck on a scene, right there.
scoot, but these days there has to be some Words: Rik
nuance, too. Photographs: Rik and Paul Kelly

Brighton Mod Rally 2019
Sixties mod-god, the late Pete Meaden, coined the phrase ‘clean
living under difficult circumstances’, to describe what being an
original mod meant.

lthough said quote was made What a lovely welcome Brighton council
decades ago, it could've been gave with that policy! Last time a similar
made to describe what being welcome was given to scooterists there
of the mod persuasion was the one National rally that took place
meant, and applied to in the 80s, when all scooters arriving were
August Bank Holiday weekend, Brighton in effect impounded at the far end of
2019. The tired, iconic Victorian seafront Madeira Drive. Brighton needs cash to
architecture along Madeira Drive has fund restoration of the historic seafront.
supposedly been undergoing refurbishment Officiously coming down like a ton of
for several years. Instead of any visible bricks on visitors is not, I'd say, the way to
progress, more areas along the seafront ensure return business! Rightly or wrongly,
have been closed off, while parts of the Brighton has been elevated to the ultimate
town centre are undergoing extensive (re) visit Brighton for the August mod rally. It's mod mecca. A certain film released 40
building works. Dirty, drab and distinctly blossomed into the second biggest years back has had more than a bit of
unwelcoming are accurate descriptions of gathering of scooters, anywhere. It almost influence on Brighton's mythical status.
Brighton Bank Holiday 2019. goes without saying that the injection of Many local businesses and outlets have
mod money provides a significantly sizable tailored their enterprises to target
That, my son, is Brighton boost to the local economy. For the first Brighton’s inextricable link with the mod
August Bank Holiday mod rally has been a time that I'm aware of, instead of movement for visitors all-year round.
fixture on the calendar for some time, welcoming those in town for the weekend August Bank Holiday weekend is,
certainly since 2014 as many thousands gathering, Brighton traffic wardens invariably, the most profitable, with
declared open season on scooters parked thousands upon thousands descending on
up in the town, issuing £70 parking
u the South Coast resort.
ttickets to scooters parked up around bars,
pubs and eateries away from the seafront.
p I hear there's a
few mods about
Centred around New Untouchables
'official' mod rally locations of daytimes at
Volks Bar on Madeira Drive, and nights at
Komedia on the edge of The Lanes,
August Bank Holiday weekend has grown
into an event of epic proportions. Live
original bands, along with covers and
tribute acts, are in abundance from
Thursday through till Monday, as are


specialist DJ events, with entrepreneurial basic spirit, ethos and aspirations of mod
promoters looking to, usually successfully, hasn’t changed much over the ensuing
grab a slice of the mod pound. A good decades, although there is a formulaic
barometer, a way to gauge how many are uniform appearance for the differing retro
in Brighton for the mod rally being mod styles these days. Mod in the second
numbers attracted to the free DJ night at decade of the 21st century is global, and
The Dorset. One of the regular door is reflected in the Brighton August Bank
supervisors at that venue informed me Holiday gathering, with many nationalities
that he had never experienced as many represented. Brighton mod rally was
people people in and around the popular created by New Untouchables, who
bar as he had this year! In addition to the initially held their August Bank Holiday
aforementioned, there were a couple of gatherings on the Isle of Wight.
spectaculars held over the duration, with The first NUT Brighton mod rally was a
the charity fundraiser Grand Experience two-day affair, attracting a few hundred
held at the Grand Hotel on the Friday NUT members. Fast forward to 2019, and
night, plus Gary 'Spider' Shail's Brighton mod rally unofficially runs from
Quadrophenia 40th celebration on the Thursday to Monday, attracting many
pier on the Sunday, which was a thousands to the south coast resort. While
fundraiser for Brighton's homeless. Both NUT events are at the epicentre of the
were well subscribed and added to the weekend, just about every interpretation of
numbers visiting Brighton over the what constitutes mod can be seen and
weekend. Contrasting with last year’s catered for over the duration.
washout (Sunday), like most of the UK, Daytimes involve maybe a trip around
Brighton experienced a mega heatwave, the Lanes vintage shops, or a visit to Jump
scorchio being a gross understatement. the Gun, at some point heading to the
Brighton August Bank Holiday weekend seafront. Volks Bar hosts a vintage market,
by tradition is all about peacocking, with NUT DJs providing a suitable
posturing and promenading in your best soundtrack. Meanwhile, both sides of
finery, while showing off your scooter. Madeira Drive have row upon row of
Mods and those of a mod leaning are scooters parked up both sides of the road,
no different to most UK residents, as glinting in the sunshine. If you're planning
when a bit of sunshine arrives, they on meeting someone in Brighton, the
sstrip down to shorts and flip-flops, seafront around Volks Bar is where they'll
exposing parts of the body that be at some stage.
certainly, in some cases, shouldn't be
revealed in public, the result being Lost... and found
lobster-coloured skin, which really isn't Late morning to mid-afternoon on the
helpful if you're planning to be wearing Sunday is peak time for the mod rally,
immaculately tailored vintage attire with the annual scooter show followed by
later. Any material coming into contact the ride out. After being washed out last
with sunburnt flesh tends to bring a year, this year saw over 500 scooters
tear to the eye! eventually set off, albeit after running a
clutch-burning, single file quarter-mile
I don't wanna be the gauntlet of people heading towards
same as everybody else Beachy Head. Maybe instead of targeting
Original 60s mods were about being scooters for parking in the town centre,
ahead of the game in everything – Brighton council should consider safety
clothes, records, scooters and the like. factors and dispatch a few wardens to the
Staying ahead of fast, ever-changing seafront to marshall traffic and
ffashions and styles was an all-important pedestrians? Saturday afternoon saw two
ffactor to any young modernist. From very separate groups of scooters head off for
much a British youth subculture, the
m the same destination from Brighton

seafront. By all accounts, both the Grand
Experience and Quadrophenia 40th were
successful, as were most events aimed at
the mod influx over the four days.
As part of the Quadrophenia 40th, a
Brighton Walk of Fame plaque was
unveiled on the pier to mark the
anniversary of the film. It was reportedly
stolen a few hours after, but after a social
media campaign, it turned up several dayss
later. Thankfully, it wasn't in several
pieces at the bottom of a cliff, as some
suggested! Eddie Piller's live Modcast
event also 'lost' a sizeable banner from
outside their event, with no news to date
regarding its safe return.
All in all it was, in the main, another
superb mod rally in Brighton, aided and
abetted by the weather, of course.
Words & Photographs: Sarge


Into The Valley –
British Vespa Days
Llangollen 2019
In the 37 years that I’ve been riding scooters, I’ve
never got around to trying a national owners club
event. But, in the interests of trying something new, I
broke my duck with the VCB National Rally in the
beautiful Welsh town of Llangollen.

n that same period of time, I’d also damage, thankfully, and a lesson learned. well-appointed venue. A magnificent
never attended a rally on an auto, Motorways next time then. After a marquee-like structure dominated the site.
despite having owned a couple, so five-hour journey, I finally arrived at the Plenty of level grass made for a great
when a friend offered me the use of site in Llangollen. campsite, with a few smaller areas hidden
his I leapt at the chance. As it turns The following morning broke way too away making for an interesting layout with
out, it wasn’t the best idea… early, but thankfully bright and cheerful, excellent facilities.
On the Friday the rain was already and a complete change from the night The afternoon’s activities were soon
coming down quite heavily and I set before. It also brought with it the underway, but sadly these seemed largely
myself in for a long, wet ride across realisation that my plans for following the under-appreciated. The games struggled to
country. Years of experience of struggling rideout to the Horseshoe Pass weren’t attract more than three teams, with
with spray on motorways stupidly going to happen as my shoulder and Cockwombles having some very suspicious
convinced me that it would be a better knuckles had stiffened up after my spill, tactics in the wheelbarrow race, though
idea to cut across the Peak District. In the and I wasn’t riding anywhere immediately. taken in good humour by their opponents,
pouring rain. And strong winds. In the With this in mind, I watched around 300 Valley S.C. Similarly, the talk from Norrie
dark. On an unfamiliar scooter. of the 450 people who’d arrived by this Kerr perhaps didn’t attract as much
Predictably, I had a ‘moment’ as the front time leave the site in an orderly and attention as he deserved as it seemed by
wheel washed out, which led to me leisurely manner, wishing I was tagging on now that half the attendees had wandered
making an apologetic phone call to the behind. As I wasn’t going anywhere, I took off to discover the area (and it’s drinking
owner the following morning. No major the time to have a wander around the houses), whilst most of the others were sat

in the blazing sunshine swapping stories How things have changed! the usual selection of soul/indie/ska/reggae/
and relaxing. Settling down to chat to As a part of the price of the ticket, punk/etc., the DJs from Woolybacks SC
fellow my Vespisti, it took me a while to alongside all the bits in the goodybag, was played nothing but 70s material, and all
work out why the rally felt different to any a sit down, three-course meal. Around from original vinyl. Many attendees made
that I’d attended in previous years. It 500 rally attendees attended, and received the effort to turn up in 70s-inspired
wasn’t until I realised how quiet the site a very Welsh menu of leek and potato soup, clothing, reminding us just how lousy the
was that it dawned on me. No kids running followed by braised lamb with local clothes were back then! Apart from the
around, no dogs trotting up and down, and vegetables, and bara-brith for desert, complete lack of restraint, many of those
no ‘Scootering’s Greatest Hits, Vol 1 and washed down with local beer, all of which walking round must have been a severe fire
2’ blaring out of cars blocking up the made for another pleasant change to the risk from the static they were generating.
campsite. Just scooter owners enjoying usual routine, especially when Glam 45 put on a brilliant live show, taking
each other’s company, something that was accompanied by a harpist. Slightly surreal, quite a wander down the hits, and
commented on regularly by other VCB but in a good way. At the end of the meal, occasionally lesser remembered songs of
virgins that I met over the course of the the grand raffle was drawn. First prize was the era while capturing the feel of an era
weekend. It certainly made for a very a brand new Vespa Primavera Touring 125, long gone. As the night went on, the music
pleasant experience. Another which stood purchased by the club out of funds as a got cheesier and cheesier until last orders
out, was the sheer extent to which the GTS way of giving something back to the were called, meaning that there was only
(and to a lesser extent, other auto Vespa membership. Winner Tony Attwood looked one place that the music could have ended.
models) have succeeded in becoming the completely stunned as he went up to The band that, for many of us growing up in
rally-goer’s vehicle of choice, with easily collect his prize, and I’m not entirely sure that era, pretty much defined the era.
50 per cent of the scooters there being he grasped what had just happened at the Altogether now… ‘Remember, member,
this model. That’s not to say that there was time! I caught up with him later, and he member, what a Womble, Womble, Womble
a dearth of other models – the P range still said that he almost refused the ticket that you are’. Wise words, and ones to live by.
proving a popular model, and if you looked you got as a part of your goodies. I think Words & Photographs: Nik
closely there were representatives of most it’s safe to say that he’s glad that he didn’t. Many, many thanks to Paul & Trish for the
other variants scattered around the site, The weekend wound up, as any scooter loan of the GTS250. I’ll try not to damage
but all were outnumbered by the big autos. rally does, with music. In a change from it next time!

Oostend, Belgium
(Blimey, that’s a long way…)

Vespa GTS 250 ie with 92,000km on
the clock. A great scooter!

How was the journey? I assume it was

pretty long?
Two days!! Ostend to the Eurotunnel,
then across to Bristol, before heading
up to Llangollen. All lesser roads, no
motorways. Rain nearly all the way, but
here safely. Got much the same journey
going back, hopefully in better weather.

Have you done many VCB events this year?

Vespa World Days to Hungary, Alp
Days in Italy, many others too. This is
why I’ve 96,000km on the scooter.


How far have you come?
Stoke-on-Trent (Inbetweeners SC)

What are you riding?

GTS 300 and a Vespa VXL

How was the journey?

We had a good, if short ride over from
Stoke. Heavy rain meant that it took a
couple of hours, but beer was waiting
when the tent was up, so not all bad!

Do you do many VCB events?

We try to do as many Vespa Club events
as we can, including Hungary earlier
this year. We love the friendly
atmosphere, and get to meet new
people from across the
Vespa community.

It’s one of the best-known names in British Scootering

and as Stan discovered, Midland Scooter Centre is still
setting standards.

tart a discussion about the great
names in scootering and it
won’t be long before Midland
Scooter Centre is mentioned.
Hark back to the 80s and it was
the shop of choice for both racers and
road-going scooterists alike. Although the
legendary Dave Webster passed away in
2015, it’s still very much a family-run
business with Dave’s widow, Roz and son
Andrew firmly at the helm.

Moving on up
Today the business occupies two sites and
is one of Piaggio’s prestigious Motoplex
dealers, but as Roz explained, this is all a
far cry from the company’s early days.
“The first premises were in the gatehouse
of an old factory on Long Eaton. It was
absolutely tiny, but very cheap!”
Fortunately, the gamble paid off and they




Earlier this year MSC added a completely new showroom on Colin Street in Nottingham
city centre. Although the existing Stapleford shop remains a critical part of the business,
this venture enabled Roz and Andrew to rethink how a showroom can look. Although it
offers the full range of MSC stock and services, it’s a very different environment to a
traditional motorcycle dealership. With the floorspace more associated with a car
showroom, the scooters and motorcycles have room ‘to breathe’. Life-size images of
Nottingham landmarks adorn the walls, park benches are strategically placed, and
ornamental trees add to the impression of this being an outside space. The aim is to
attract not only die-hard enthusiasts, but also the next generation of riders and, of
course, to entice commuters on to two wheels. It’s a spectacular concept that
demonstrates how it’s possible to be forward thinking, whilst simultaneously caring for
loyal customers. Thankfully, thanks to free undercover customer parking, it’s also easy
for riders to visit. A trip is highly recommended, if only to be reassured that the future
i moved to an old terraced house on isn’t so scary as many imagine!
Station Road. In 1986 it moved to a
former Honda showroom, but as Roz
explained, it wasn’t long before another
move was required.
“Dave and I knew that we had to grow
the company,” said Roz. “Initially I
managed the accounts, but quickly
became involved with all aspects of the
business. We were still renting the old
Honda dealership, which didn’t make
commercial sense, particularly as we had
a difference of opinion with the landlord.
We thought that a roof should be
watertight, but he disagreed!”
In 1990 MSC purchased its own
premises in Stapleford on the outskirts of
Nottingham, and it’s this showroom which
remains MSC’s main hub of activity to this “Stapleford is close to the motorway and enthusiast. Much of the credit for bringing
day. “We’ve never really thought about being in the Midlands we are, by MSC into the 21st century goes to
moving anywhere else,” said Roz. definition, halfway from anywhere!” Andrewv who matches his father’s
enthusiasm with keen business acumen.
Forward vision “Although we stock a full range of original
We’ve kept our Since its creationv MSC has prided itself Piaggio sparesv we also offer a wide
relationship with on building relationships with its selection of after-market parts,” began
customers. Back in the 1980s its open Andrew. “We’ve kept our relationship with
Malossi, but can also days were legendary and regarded as ‘mini Malossi, but can also supply parts from
supply parts from rallies’ in their own right. Although it’s Pinasco, Polini and SIP. The workshop
Pinasco, Polini and some years since engine tuning was a
routine activity, MSC still offers a full
team has a wealth of experience in both
two-strokes and autos, whilst on the sales
SIP. range of services to suit the discerning front we always have a wide range of both

Although MSC usually has a selection of selected used two-strokes in stock, the business
has more recently specialised in four-stroke autos. All at the company have been
impressed with the Royal Alloy range’s build quality and after-sales support. Few dealers
have committed to the GTS more fully than MSC. In fact, they’re probably the only shop
that currently offers Dealer Specials of this popular machine. Schemes and accessory
packs vary, so it’s always worth keeping an eye on the website to see MSC’s latest
offerings, all of which are supported by their nationwide delivery service.




The reason why Dave Webster was probably not that’s what he did. Campaigning in
the most successful scooter racer ever is a groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 wasn’t an easy task,
simple question to answer. Not only was he but somehow he achieved it at every
a good engine tuner, but his riding style and meeting. Dave knew he was the man to
track knowledge were impeccable. Having beat and sometimes he was, although his
a powerful and fast engine is not enough to mere presence put the fear into others.
win you a race. You need to be able to get The Lambretta now stored at MSC is
the maximum out of the machine on the Dave’s group 4 Lambretta. It was raced
track. That’s what Dave could do, no matter by him for many seasons and is probably
which circuit he was at. the most famous of all his race-winning
It was a time where the grid was at the machines. Together they were a
fullest and the competition very strong. formidable package in an era when he
Even if he had a poor start off the line dominated the sport.
Dave had only one thing in mind, namely Stu Owen
getting to the front, and more often than

new and used machinery on offer.”

Although best known as a Vespa
specialist, MSC also stock Royal Alloy and
the V- Special Lambretta, together with a
wide range of e-scooters from Super Soco.
The latter may not be at the forefront of
enthusiasts’ minds, but the range is
proving very popular with Nottingham
commuters and serves to illustrate MSC’s
determination to keep moving forward.
It’s a long way from its origins of the
small gatehouse where MSC began, but its
mission remains the same, providing the
best range of products for both enthusiasts
and commuters alike. Long may the
Websters continue to reign.
Words: Stan/Stu Owen
Images: Stan/Stu Owen





Keeping a Lambretta in original factory condition is saving its history for
future generations. Customising it will mean the history is gone forever,
so which to choose?

inding an old Lambretta or any
scooter for that matter in an
old garage or shed is a dream
we all have. To some it does
become a reality, but it raises
the question of what should be done with
it. Should it have a total restoration from
bare metal upwards or perhaps left as it is
from the day it came out of the factory?
Many factors make up the final decision.
Is the paint free from rust and the majority
of it still intact? Does the engine turn over
or is it seized solid? Is everything still
connected ready to work after cleaning
up? If the answer to these questions is yes
then preservation is by far the best option.

Why should you preserve

rather than restore
The last Innocenti Lambretta rolled off the
production line almost 50 years ago. Since
that time the amount left that are still in
We all dream of barn finds like this. They are out there if you look hard enough
original untouched condition has rapidly
declined. Many thousands of examples
since having being restored. No one can
be blamed for this happening. Who was to
know that the Lambretta would gain such
popularity after production had finished?
These days if one is found how it left the
factory then it seems everything is done to
preserve it. This decision is dictated by
the fact that its value is greater than if it's
restored, certainly for the rarer and more
sought-after models.
More importantly than the financial gain
by keeping it this way is the fact that
Lambretta history is been saved. Once the
paintwork has been removed and the
engine changed there is no going back.
It's impossible to avoid that cliché, ‘it's
only original once’… but the fact is, it's
true. The Mona Lisa has been cleaned and
preserved, but no one would ever say let’s
touch the paint up or go over the faded
areas again. So that's how Lambretta Despite wishing to preserve Lambretta history sometimes you have to surrender to the inevitable and realise a
preservation should be looked at, like a full restoration is the only option
priceless painting that must remain as is.





This SX 150 does have rust spots on the paintwork,

even more noticeable where it’s white. Even though it
may be tempting to touch it up it should remain as it is

scene where some owners would hardly

have any of the original paint left. Special
The series two on the left is in the ideal state for preservation, as is the GP, even though the factory paint has waxes are now available where the bare
been sprayed over at a later date metal can be treated and preserved.
Even if all the paintwork is intact, there
No one is saying you can’t clean one up it will have stood idle for decades. If left will be the odd rust spot. This will be
and sort things that need repairing uncovered then there will be years of dust along with scratches and paint scuffs. To
because that’s what this series is about. laying on top, even in a garage find one without any marks is almost
What you don’t want to do is take it too far environment. One thing to note is that impossible, even if they are only minor.
and remove history unnecessarily. Lambretta paint is pretty hardy stuff and Don't let that worry you. If it was near
though on the surface it may look bad, it perfect then somehow it wouldn't look
Deciding if it's does clean up well. Most of the problem quite right. The odd mark and dent help
good enough to save stems from whether or not it has rusted show a vehicle’s true age. The other thing
The first thing you have to ask yourself is badly and a lot of the paint has come off. to look at is whether the scooter in
whether the Lambretta in question is good In saying that, some owners like it when
enough to save? If you have found a the paint has gone and there is just bare
proper old barn find then more than likely metal. This fashion first started in the VW

This rare SX 125 Unfortunately, the rear

looks perfect from footboards and side panels have
the front in its original been resprayed taking its originality
factory paint with the away. At the same time making it look
odd mark here and there. rather odd as the painted panels are to perfect




Above and Left: Two unrestored examples that don't require anything more than
polishing the paintwork to keep them clean. Taking them apart to do so is unnecessary

Though a lot of paint is missing from the TV 175, the owner has left it that way to Though annoying, some of the paint is missing don’t be tempted to touch it in,
keep its originality. Often referred to a rusteration as you will never get it to blend in correctly with the rest of the paintwork

question has been painted some time in been left in damp conditions and if the tyres should only be used for shows or
the past. If so, and for argument's sake it spark plug and drain plug have been display to give a period look. Items such
was done in the 1960s, then perhaps that removed. If they have then corrosion and as the forks or hubs can retain most parts,
too should be preserved. Edition 379 of rust will be present. Even so, it is possible except items such as bearings and seals.
Scootering magazine featured one such to replace badly damaged parts with good Other parts like bushes in the fork links
example of a Supertune Lambretta. second-hand Innocenti items. This will be can be kept as long as they are not worn.
Whether it was a famous dealer special or covered fully later in the series. What you Regardless, all these items will need
even a home done paint job from that era, do need to remember is that an engine striping and thorough inspection when
they all contain history from a bygone age. can be saved, even when it looks bad. So doing a preservation project.
The next thing to look at is the engine. don't write off a preservation job because
Assuming the bodywork is good, then in the engine looks too far gone at Missing parts
all probability the engine will be also. It first glance. One of the most annoying situations
will need overhauling regardless, and The same can be said of the wheels, when you find an old Lambretta is that
attempting preservation without stripping hubs and running gear. No one should try something is missing. This can be
the engine is not recommended. The and save a tyre from the 1960s as it will anything from a side panel or footboard
problem with the engine comes when it's be too dangerous to use on the road. Old to perhaps the headset top. Something
like a headlamp or light lens is not so
bad, as an original replacement can
Replacing wholesale parts of the usually be found. When it comes to
bodywork is perhaps taking it a bit too far, but bodywork this is far more difficult. A lot
if there is a genuine reason for something to be of people try to save original paintwork
items and it’s surprising what you can
replaced then do it. pick up. The question is then asked:





This TV200 shed find was taken to bits in the

late 1960s. Thankfully, all of it was kept
together and can be put back to how it was
before being taken apart

should you, for instance, use a pair of More recently looks too good for the rest of the paintwork.
side panels from another source and fit
them on your Lambretta if they are
there has been a Even if the colour match is perfect, it looks
odd because there are no marks whatsoever
missing? The answer to that is yes. If Facebook group set on the newly painted piece.
that's all that is missing and a pair that
have the correct colour original paint are
up for original paint Quite often this method is exercised on
the wheel rims and hubs. Both of these
available, then why not? items to be sold or parts usually have paint chips or areas
Look at it this way. If a piece of exchanged. This is missing, and certainly on the aluminium
bodywork was damaged years ago and of the hubs. By painting them and leaving
replaced at the time, no one would know ideal if you are them looking perfect, they stand out like a
when the Lambretta is discovered in the searching for that sore thumb on a preserved Lambretta. If
present day. Therefore, if you have found
genuine replacements and they are from
elusive part you can't stand looking at an area that has
paint missing or damage regardless, don't
that period, it doesn't matter. Replacing be lured into painting it as it will look
wholesale parts of the bodywork is you is what left the factory together. totally out of place. The other option is to
perhaps taking it a bit too far, but if Some time during its life part of it may hide it by perhaps placing a rack over the
there is a genuine reason for something have been replaced, you just don't know. area or, believe it or not, a strategically
to be replaced then do it. The same goes placed period sticker. What they do is take
with engine parts. If the barrel and Being sympathetic the eye away from the main area of
piston are too far gone, but replaced with As already mentioned, it may be that some damage, making it look less noticeable. Of
original items of the same specification, of the paintwork is damaged or rusted. This course, this depends on where abouts the
so be it. If they had been damaged back is more frustrating when the majority of the damage is on the bodywork, but works well
then they would have been replaced. paintwork is perfect, only to be let down when the method can be implemented.
Perhaps you may find a perfect, well kept perhaps by one part. It can be very
original Lambretta that only requires tempting to respray that part to make it Biding your time
minor preservation work. Even then you blend in. The problem with this (often It may be that you need to find a
don't know everything you see in front of referred to as sympathetic restoration) is it replacement piece of bodywork with the




Complete or apart but hopefully with no pieces missing.

When you come across an original example If it is a complete example then
Lambretta there are two ways you will find sometimes they are so good they only need
it, either as a complete machine, which is a general clean. It seems pointless
the most or common, or taken apart. It stripping the bodywork if there is no need
would appear that some owners back in the to. The outer paintwork can easily be
1970s, after the demise of the Lambretta, polished if your example is perfect.
decided to keep theirs, but in the process Finally, it's up to you how far you go in
take it to pieces. cleaning your Lambretta. Some choose to
Odd ones found this way were usually leave all the years of dirt and rust as it is,
stored away in the loft or a room in the as long as everything is mechanically
house. Whilst the benefit is that everything sound, whereas others try to remove every
is well preserved, the problem is that some blemish possible in an attempt to make it
of it may be mislaid. look perfect. Whichever route you choose
If you do find one this way then it's to go down with your preservation is
perfectly salvageable, but always check you entirely up to you, and hopefully this
have everything that is there. What you will series will help with that decision.
end up with is a huge Lambretta jigsaw, Words & Photographs: Stu Owen

An electric start version of the LD. Changing

anything on it after surviving more than 60 years
untouched would be sacrilege

same colour match of original paint, or

perhaps an original light lens or genuine
part. They don't always turn up at the
time you want them during the
preservation work. Don't worry about it,
and if you have to put a modern-day
replacement on for now then do so.
When you finally find the correct part
you can then change it. What you don't
have to do is leave a part missing, Hand-painted in the late 1970s and
perhaps something that is stopping you off the road ever since, this GP has
from taking your Lambretta out on the a certain bit of nostalgia about it.
road. Just be patient as you will find Some owners would rather keep it
what's missing in the end. this way once cleaned up

Sourcing the impossible

So where do you find that left-hand side
footboard with the same colour match of
the original paint, or perhaps original leg
shield trim which isn't scuffed? The
answer a lot of the time is your local
scooter dealer. Quite often they are
requested by the customer to restore a
scooter, regardless of its original
condition. Some will save paintwork items
if possible, depending on whether a
customer will allow the parts to be
exchanged. Most of the trim and
consumables will be removed and usually
kept, so this is the ideal source. The
majority of the time during restoration the
seat cover is replaced. If yours is beyond
saving, it’s surprising how many dealers
have a good original example in stock.
More recently there has been a Facebook
group set up for original paint items to be
sold or exchanged. This is ideal if you are
searching for that elusive part (www. Even later examples like this original condition Jet 200 are becoming harder to find. Perhaps worth more than if it were restored


Kempton Park Racecourse, TW16 5AQ (J1 off M3)

Gates open: 9.30am
ADMISSION: Adult £7 Child/OAP £6
EARLY BIRD ENTRY (7.45am): £10
Free parking.


CONTACT: Andy Kitchen TEL: 01507 529435 MOB: 07887 051652
EMAIL: [email protected]




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• Covers the rise of the nomadic scooter boy lifestyle in all its glory - the rallies, the scooters and the music



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Faro Basstardo

Hubs are


Not being able to afford his dream scooter wasn’t going to
stop Graham Rhodes owning it. He just built his own.

raham told us: “I’ve had and that meant finding a frame from
scooters for years, but before August 1, 1986, as after that date
somehow the Faro Basso had it’s illegal to remove factory-fitted
completely escaped me. A indicators. Fortunately, a 1985 frame fell
couple of years ago I into my hands and the project was on!”
stumbled across a photograph and Being a thrifty Yorkshireman there was
instantly fell in love. There was something no way that Graham was going to buy a
about its lines, the naked handlebars and, new set of the GS/PX bodywork. It took
of course, the mudguard mounted patience, but by carefully monitoring eBay
headlight which really appealed.” Working and various forums he slowly assembled a Kick start and quadrant are from a Sprint
in engineering, Graham’s more than full kit. Unfortunately, his frugal ways
capable of taking on a rebuild and with a didn’t always pay dividends. “I saw a set
Basso in his sights the trawl for a suitable of LML casings advertised for just over
project began. “The prices were eye- £150, including shipping from India. At
watering,” he laughed. “There was no way that price I knew they’d need work, but
I could justify the cost of even a rough wasn’t prepared for just how bad they
specimen and as my knowledge of the were. None of the gasket faces were
type increased, the more I realised how finished; they’d been cleaned with a wire
different it was to the PXs I’d worked on.” brush, but that was it. The machinist at
Reproduction handlebars bolt straight on
work cleaned them up, but then we
Budget Basso discovered that the cylinder mouth was
At this point most people would have out of square. We could have adapted it, ‘Nammer seat set
given up on their dream, but Graham’s but there comes a point when something
made of sterner stuff. Whilst trawling the becomes more trouble than it’s worth.”
internet in the search for an original The LML cases were consigned to scrap
machine, he realised that there were a and replaced by a set of original Piaggio
host of reproduction parts that could be items. On to this Graham bolted a 177
used to convert a PX, and the cogs in his Parmakit barrel, a 28mm Dellorto and a
mind began to turn. “The starting point lightened flywheel. A close-ratio gearbox
was sourcing a suitable frame,” he also lives inside the casings, whilst a TSR
explained. “The look meant no indicators revolver provides a very similar look and


sound to the classic Frescos of years gone
by. According to Graham, the Parmakit
was very fussy to set up, but although it
hasn’t yet been fully run in, Graham’s
pleased with its performance as after all
this build was always more about looks
than performance.
Another critical part of the Basso look
are the ‘car wheel’ hubs. Having dismissed
the logistics of reverse engineering PX
components as too complicated, Graham
adopted a far more practical solution. “We
machined some bolt-on plates, and other
than tapping them out for fastenings the
original hubs are completely untouched.”
One of the few parts that Graham could
neither source as used nor recreate in the
workshop were the handlebars, and these
were purchased as a complete unit from a
supplier in Belgium. These reproductions
bolted straight on to the Rally forks and
also facilitated the fitting of another key
Basso feature – namely cables, which
emerge from the frame tube.
Contrary to popular belief there’s no such model as a Faro Basso. Roughly translating
Brotherly love as ‘Low Light’, it’s a term applied to most Vespa models produced in the 1940s and
Having secured all the necessary early 1950s that feature a mudguard mounted headlight. Thanks to contemporary
components, Graham was in no doubt as British lighting regulations, Douglas never produced a low light model, being obliged
to who would apply the paint. “My brother to move the headlight on to the leg shields. Fortunately, times have changed,
is a sign-writer and offered to paint any opening the door to the latest in Vespa’s Faro Basso series, their Sei Giorni GTS.
scheme I chose. The plain Vauxhall green
doesn’t do his skills justice, but it’s
exactly what the Basso look requires.” As modified the fan cowl and laser cut the enthusiasts, but on a summer’s day it
with all great builds, it’s attention to detail stainless trim.” brings a smile to the face of strangers.
which completes the effect. “At first I Unlike the dangerous copies emerging Other than the single seat “which took
didn’t cut the panel, but soon changed my from the Far East, Graham’s Basso isn’t some getting used to”, Graham’s pleased
mind as it’s such a characteristic of the intended to deceive and he freely admits with his budget build. “I wanted the look
early Vespas. Unfortunately, on the dry that he’s made no attempt to recreate the and I got it.” Faro Basstardo proves that
build it just looked like a gaping hole. Basso’s finer details. As the scooter’s with imagination, anything’s possible.
Fortunately, John Thornton at Bronte name implies this is a mongrel, but a very Words: Stan
Engineering came to the rescue. He both good-looking one at that. It may not fool Photographs: Gary Chapman

Waiting for Audrey Hepburn

It’s all about the light


Owner: Graham Rhodes
Job: Engineer and electrician
Inspiration for project: Lack of money!
Name: Faro Basstardo
Model: Vespa PX (1985)
Paint: Andrew Rhodes
Engine: Parmakit 177, close ratio gearbox
Carb: 28mm Dellorto
Exhaust: TSR Revolver

A nervous wait

Chasing Nikita

s usual there was timed and took 2 class wins, but was beaten in riders. Shaun Nickells, Justin Offland, Bob
quailing for grid positions the final race of the weekend by James West and Rob Fielder are all battling for
followed by three races over Lancaster, who made a welcome return to position on the very evenly matched
the weekend for each class. racing after some time out. His racing production class machines.
Many riders took the style was immediately recognisable and on Automatics saw Nikita McNally again
opportunity of reduced cost second races an engine that was rather cobbled together take three dominant wins from veteran
to campaign two machines, or enter a at the last minute, it probably won’t be the Mark Shirley on Zip 80cc automatics in
smaller cc scooter in another class to give last time we see him this year. the standard Group 10 classes, but
themselves some very economical extra Production Class saw Graham Tatton Stephen Hamilton and Tom Shaw also
track time and experience. start the weekend in great form with a raced bigger cc autos on a Gilera Runner
Group 4 only had a couple of entries flag-to-flag win, but was really pushed all and Scomadi. The automatic scooters are
and it was SRP rider Jason Metivier who the way by Justin Price, swapping a great way into the sport for all ages and
took all three races on the track, being positions until he dropped off the pace on can be raced very economically.
easily the fastest scooter on track in the the last lap having spent the whole race Geared Specials were the fastest class
standard classes. under a second apart. On Sunday it was a on track and there are some very trick and
Group 4 Evo is now a regular feature different story with Justin Price being on well engineered machines which make the
and getting established, offering a top form to take two wins and further most of the more open tuning and
relatively easy way to gain extra power and consolidate his position as class leader. development opportunities that the class
speed from the Production Class. Pete Price and Tatton are really dominating the presents. Moving from Autos to geared
Molkenthin continues to develop his skills class, but behind them is a group of four specials has been no problem for Warren


Wilkinson and he is leading the class this James Lancaster on his return
year, taking the fastest lap of the weekend to BSSO racing
and three class wins.
Behind him, old school racers Stuart It was good to see you back on track.
Day and Steve Wright continue to push What prompted you to race at Pembrey?
and show that experience still counts for a After having a few years out of racing
lot. They were in podium positions in all and scootering in general. I missed just
three races, waiting to punish any slip riding a bike and went to Spain a few
or mistake. times doing trackdays on the bikes with
Although Wilkinson suffered a bad start other scooter racers and quickly got the
in the third race, he was virtually in last bug back. On my return circumstances
place before cutting through the field, changed and I had more free time, so
taking only three laps to find the front. what better to do than go back racing.
Chiselspeed’s Chris Cook made one of his
sporadic appearances and had a solid What was the engine spec... it was
weekend of finishes just off the podium. cobbled together quickly?
Auto Specials have provided a huge RFS tuned me a 4e engine, which
talking point of the weekend and with good showed good potential on the dyno, but
reason. Chiselspeed have put together a trick sadly while strobing on the drive the
special class version of a Piaggio Zip for the ring peg came out and wiped out the
only current female scooter racer, Nikita barrel. Three days to go we had to
McNally. She certainly put the new machine
M chuck a standard RB barrel on to get
tto good use and used the additional power out on track, so the only difference
aand speed to put herself in fourth place on between this and a production spec
tthe track, lapping only just off the times of engine was the 34mm Dellorto.
Wilkinson, Day and Wright, and is certainly
sshowing she has a natural talent. I’m sure How did it feel to be back and in the thick
tthere are plenty who would love to see Nikita of things?
oon a geared scooter before too long! It was great to not only be out on track
Despite lower rider numbers, once again again, but also racing against the usual
tthe BSSO series provided some absolutely front runners. I even managed a win in
brilliant scooter racing, held as always with
b the third race on Sunday and was
a fabulous camaraderie between the racers leading the second race until Pete
aand team supporters with some great came past me with two corners to go
eentertainment in the paddock once the and managed a second after having a
rracing was over for the day. great race with Justin, Graham, Nikita,
More info: Hammy, Stuart and Pete. Also getting
Words: Paul Green RFS tuning their first win as well, so I
Photographs: KRC Photography was happy for them.

A thing of beauty

Scooter Racing Comes Home
BSSO riders have a love/hate relationship with Three Sisters. Its tight, twisty
and a great leveller, where riding skills count as much as engine power.

t’s the first time in a few years that biggest class, again benefitting from Day must have completed several
scooter racing has been to the production class bikes getting more track thousand laps of Three Sisters in his 30
northwest’s Three Sisters Circuit. time. Former champion Darren Conneely years of racing, and he put in a solid
Since the last visit it now has a new came back for the weekend and with the weekend with a second place and two
company running it, and has been first race being held in extremely wet fourth places to show for it. Darren
resurfaced and had a general tidy up all conditions, he showed his class and the Conneely naturally posted the fastest lap
round. For many riders it was a first visit strength of his replay race scooter, and in of the weekend with a 1min 3sec lap.
to the spiritual home of scooter racing, but the two races he finished he ran away, Group 6A Auto Specials was battled out
for others it was a return to a place they gaining over a second a lap on the rest of by Nikita McNally and John Woods, and
knew very well. Three Sisters can have a the field. Behind him, Chiselspeed’s Chris was 2-1 in favour of Nikita at the end of
habit of throwing up a few surprises, one Cook was back out and picked up two the weekend.
of which was the return of sibling rivalry in third places, with Warren Wilkinson taking It was great to see Stephen Hamilton
the form of two of the Conneely brothers two second places. In the third race it was out on an auto. You just can’t keep that
back for a play, and the talented Nikita DSC veteran Steve Wright taking the win man away from scooter racing and the
McNally out on a new special class by under a second from Warren Wilkinson, familiar grin was never far away.
Zip scooter. showing that age and experience is a great Group 4 benefitted from the Conneely
Groupp 6 Geared Sp pecials was the asset around this tricky circuit. SRP Stuart brothers’ return and with the first two

Round the outside goes Graham Tatton

Legends have
broad shoulders
– Bob West



Here I come,
ready or not

races being (very) wet there was an brushes sweeping standing flood water off
interesting mix of results. First surprise the track! In the second race Steve
was that although in a different class, Conneely had found his sea legs and took
Nikita McNally was very close to matching the win by 0.85secs from his hard-chasing
Darren Conneely’s lap times in the first brother, showing that his wet weather
race and took a second place overall, skills are still there. the
h sharp
h end,
d showing
h i she h h has very
splitting Darren from Jason Metivier, with Group 10 Auto Standards was a natural wet weather talents, no doubt
Steve Conneely following them home. This runaway for Nikita, who quickly got to honed by her motocross background.
was after several riders had helped with grips with things and was battling right at Production Class Auto saw DSC’s
Stephen Hamilton take a clean sweep on
the team’s Gilera Runner. Tom Shaw
D I A R Y O F A R O O K I E R AC E R : piloted the Scomadi to a second place in
LY D D E N H I L L & P E M B R E Y PA R K the first race, but unfortunately didn’t
feature in other races.
Meeting number four of the season for a slight worry as the engine screamed Production Class Geared saw the usual
Justin Offland as a rookie racer would underneath him. intense and entertaining battle between
see him make the trip down south to the Pembrey Park in South Wales would Graham Tatton and Justin Price, and once
notorious Lydden Hill race circuit. This be the host venue in the next instalment again it was Price who just came out on
is a track like no other with its huge of Justin's spectacular debut season, a top 2-1, with two of the races being under
hairpin hill and corners, all of which run track with long straights and some a second gap over the line, showing just
on a camber. Justin openly admitted to high-speed corners offering different how well matched these two riders are,
being nervous, so was happy to take challenges. Final qualifying left Justin locking out the first two places in each
advice from fellow SRP teammate and with a best time of 1.23mins towards the race. Dave Delaney campaigned his small
experienced racer Stuart Day for exactly middle of the grid. Best race time was frame Vespa to two third places. It’s
what to look out for. Thankfully, exactly the same, but gave him a always good to see a small frame Vespa
conditions were perfect with it declared third-place finish in the production class. swooping round Three Sisters, echoing the
a dry race. With a lap being quite short, What was more noticeable was that he memories of Norrie Kerr and Terry
he was hoping to qualify in a time of beat several group 4 riders in the Frankland doing the same thing in years
under one minute and in the end he just process, reaffirming his consistent gone by. Justin Offland continued his
made it with a time of 59 seconds. improvement at each track visited. ever-increasing speed and took a fourth
Though towards the back of the grid his Commenting that some of the sweeping and a third place from the weekend.
progress towards the front soon came, corners were taken flat out in top gear Group 4 Evo was another class with
and by the finish of the weekend did a and that he was wringing the neck off, it different winners over the weekend. First
best lap time of 58.2 seconds. proved this was the best he could win of the weekend was for Pete
This now leaves him third overall in achieve. Molkenthin, who saw off Stuart Day by
the production class and once again his In the final race of the weekend, just 0.2secs across the finish line, but
vastly improving style is causing ripples everything was looking good until then Stuart Day got himself sorted and
in the paddock. Both man and machine handling at the rear was becoming an took the remaining two race wins. Drew
performed flawlessly, but he did admit issue, and an abrupt stop on the side of Duncan took a solid set of third places,
that going flat out down the long hill was the track was required. Upon inspection, pushing back James Lancaster into fourth.
it became apparent that the rear hub had With the season coming to a climax it
split and detached around its entire was a fabulous weekend for scooter racing
circumference. Justin’s progress despite the weather. Even a few riders
continues, as his experience grows! who normally have a grumble about Three
Words: Stu Owen Sisters were smiling at the end of the
weekend after some great racing, despite
the thrills and spills that the weather
caused. The final two rounds of the 2019
season will see scooter racing at Cadwell
Park, but then the season finale at Lynden
Hill will be a month later than usual,
bringing the season to a close at the end
of October.
More info:
Words: Paul Green
Photographs: KRC Photography

Wigan Casino
The Heart of Soul
There are plenty of Northern Soul themed scooters, but the
theme of Wigan Casino, ‘The Heart of Soul’, is probably one
of the most inspirational and thought provoking…

Authentic flyers Inner legshield artwork

orthern Soul was Northerners wanted more; they wanted the end of an era,
developed in the North of fast-paced music developed from but it certainly
England from its roots, Motown, and the DJs of the time went wasn’t the end of
which had been set in Stateside in search of it. The latest Northern Soul. With a
Mod culture, Motown hard to find records were sought out lot of young ‘Soulies’
and R&B in London. As Mod culture and these records were then ‘broken’ getting into the scene,
phased out in the mid to late 60s the for the first time at Northern Soul it’s probably now fair to
music moved towards an influence of clubs’ all-nighters. say that Northern Soul is
love and psychedelia, which probably Wigan Casino ran from 1973 to possibly more popular than
wasn’t a fitting scene for the hard- 1981 and when it closed it broke a lot it’s ever been. The records
working grit of the Northern mind-set. of people’s hearts. It was considered played these days are nearly all
music with my brother and my mate. Once influence of Wigan Casino, I knew I had to
the music gets into your veins you can’t develop a Wigan Casino tribute scooter.
escape from it; it stays with you, and it “I wanted to ignite people’s memories.
gives you a buzz that only a ‘Soulie’ can For the people who’d been into the
explain. My first all-nighter was at the Northern Soul scene since it started I
Queen’s Hall Swimming Baths/Leisure wanted the scooter to take them on a trip
Centre in Derby in 1979. After I’d been to down memory lane.
that I was hooked and I wanted more. I’d “For those who were newer to the
heard the music and I’d now seen the scene, I wanted the scooter to tell the
dancing in action; it was infectious! story of Northern Soul and give them a
“I first went to Wigan Casino in 1980. taste of the excitement of the day. And for
We got a mini-bus from the Beau those who’d never heard of Northern Soul,
Brummel pub in Derby to Wigan. When we I wanted the scooter to tell them a bit
got there it was out of this world and about the history of Northern Soul and
ENDORSEMENT Northern Soul had been taken to a inspire them to listen to the music.”
different level. DJ-ing that night was the
The bridge piece of the scooter was creator of the Wigan Casino all-nighters. The scooter
autographed by Russ Winstanley when Russ Winstanley and the tracks he was “Most Lambrettas which deliver a lot of
Darryl met him at a Northern Soul playing were all one after another custom artwork are usually based around
function. Also, Russ came along to the floor fillers. the lines of a GP, but I didn’t want to use
photoshoot to add his endorsement. a GP for this theme. I’m aware that the
Inspiration model was around at the time that Wigan
floor fillers, as over the years the wheat “I got into scooters a while after I’d been Casino was at its height, but for me the
has been sorted out from the chaff and into the Northern Soul scene, but when I sporty appearance of the GP conflicted
the quality of the music delivered at got into scooters it was clear that the two with the way I wanted to deliver the
Northern Soul events is also probably the sub-cultures were very well connected. I theme. I decided that the more curvy lines
best it’s ever been. mean, there’s nearly always a Northern of the SX would be more fitting to the
Darryl Braga has always been a Soul room at every scooter rally you go to. music and would carry the emotion of the
passionate true ‘Soulie’. “I grew up with With my love of scooters and Northern music better.”
Northern Soul. I used to listen to the Soul, and having experienced the Having chosen the model of scooter,

K2 choke and petrol taps

Closing year Custom seat

1 1A 1 1A
1 1A
Name: Darryl Braga
Job: Service Engineer
Scooter club & town: Mercia S.C.
Your first scooter: Lambretta SX200
replica based on an Li150
Favourite scooter model: Classic Vespas
‘Faro Basso’ etc and Lambretta TV
Series 1 & 2
Favourite style of custom scooter: ‘Mille
Miglia’ Sir Stirling Moss tribute
Lambretta Series 1
First rally or event: W.o.T rally
How did you get there: Scooter
Funniest experience with a scooter:
When I was a kid I used to ride them
around on the fields just for the laugh!
What do you like about rallies:

‘Soulies’ make the journey

to the club by mini-bus Russ and Darryl

which would form the canvass for the completed the artwork inside the
paintwork, artwork and graphics, Darryl legshields. The combination of the
had to decide how he wanted the subject artwork, graphics and paint works
to be presented. “This process was perfectly and causes the theme to be
critical to the success of the delivery of delivered with precision and interest.
the theme. The theme is massive; the
options were numerous and they had to Unique custom addition
be put into an order which would As well as creating a fantastic custom
deliver the story correctly. scooter, Darryl wasn’t going to stop there.
“To complete this I had to “I knew I would be showing the scooter a
meticulously go through a lot of media, lot at rallies and at Northern Soul events,
photos, posters and flyers and put them so this gave me the idea to create a
into an order, which truly reflected Wigan themed show/display stand. The stand was
Casino’s influence on the scene.” fabricated by hand and it’s reinforced to
Having decided on the images and the carry the weight of the scooter. It has a lot
graphics for the artwork, Darryl now of Northern Soul flyers and patches on it,
needed to decide what the base colour of and it works with the scooter to support
the scooter would be. “I chose to have the the whole presentation of the theme and
scooter mainly white but with red touches. makes it more eye-catching.”
P L AQ U E The white would allow the artwork and It’s clear from the thought, time, effort
graphics to stand out and the red would and presentation of this scooter that all
The Grand Arcade Shopping Centre in add presence to the scooter. And of course the elements of the theme Darryl was
Wigan now stands on the ground where the two colours were the colours of the hoping to deliver have been achieved.
the original Wigan Casino building once Wigan Casino logo and background.” When I first saw this scooter on its
stood. There is also a plaque on the wall With the paint and artwork decided display stand at a custom show it looked
in the place where the doors to the upon, Darryl contacted ‘Phoenix’ to amazing. When I started to look round it,
club were. complete the initial phase of the artwork it re-ignited my memories of the days
and then a secret contact of his when I was at school discos and Northern

Soul was played; and that’s the endearing Acknowledgement: Scootering The story begins
thing about this scooter. magazine would like say a special
“Although I never went to Wigan thank you to John Sanson, Gill Sarath
Casino, looking over the graphics and the and all the staff at the Grand Arcade
artwork it took me to a place where I Shopping Centre, Wigan, who helped
almost felt as though I could have been with the photoshoot and allowed us
there. For me, that’s what makes this the use of the premises.
scooter probably one of the best Wigan
Casino/Northern Soul themed tribute Words: Stu Smith
scooters on the circuit.” Photos: Gary Chapman

Neat original front The shoot attracts

wheel set up a lot of attention

Opening year The scooter and

club memorabilia

1. Gently does it

2. An interested shopper watches Gary Chapman in action

1 1A 2A

Ghostly figures
from Wigan
Casino admire
the scooter
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Here for the day and showing support

Prodigy Scooter
Collective Resurrection
yT The Second Coming
Start your scooters for a super fun-filled party in a field,
organised by a group of 20 to 30-year-olds who are
bringing an inspiring mind set to the old skool style rally.

he Ashton-on-Mersey rugby English breakfast checked out what was going on inside, I
club was the venue made Saturday morning saw some tired faces, returned back to the campsite and chatted
ready for the weekend’s but from first thing the clubhouse was on with some of the rally-goers. The main
activities. With the banners hand to serve up some eagerly awaited full message that I picked up from them about
set up on the gate and the English breakfasts and butties. After a the rally was that its main appeal is that
team gazebo at the entrance, the event steady start to the morning, more arrivals
saw a steady flow of weekend campers were greeted at the gate by the friendly
arriving to pitch their tents on the team and were quickly directed on to the
campsite on Friday. By early afternoon the campsite to get themselves settled in. In
DJs had got themselves set up in the the meantime, a small traders market was
clubhouse and were delivering a flow of being set up by the entrance to the
scooter tunes. In the meantime, more clubhouse. By lunchtime the clubhouse
arrivals who’d waited until Friday evening’s bar opened and whilst smooth Reggae
rush hour had died down were now turning tunes were played on the P.A., a warm
up and pitching their tents. atmosphere was developing. Having
That evening, Danny Firth came on
stage and delivered an electric/acoustic
set of indie songs from the 90s and 00s.
After Danny had completed his set, DJs
Terror and Matt carried on the party until
midnight and then things moved over to
the silent disco. Due to some unforeseen
circumstances the silent disco wasn’t able
to be delivered in the clubhouse as
planned. However, with a bit of initiative,
and after some creative thinking the team
found some plug sockets in the changing FANTASTIC
rooms and had the silent disco outside on
the patio. When the rain came, they The custom show trophies were all unique and were very well appreciated by their lucky
moved it inside into the changing room winners. It was also clear from the fabrication of the trophies that a lot of thought, time
area; the lights were turned off and were and effort had gone into developing them.
replaced by multi-coloured lights.


Salford Knight’s S.C., who’d ridden in for

the day. “We’re supporting these kids with
this rally. We think it’s a great idea and it’s
great to see the younger end getting
Shaun Salmon, an independent rider from involved. We’ve got our rally next weekend
Stoke-on-Trent. It was Shaun’s first Prodigy and we’re looking forward to that as well.”
Collective rally and he was making the All were in good spirits and were riding a
most of the weekend. “I’m a rally-going wide variety of scooters.
scooterist and I’m here supporting my
generation of scooterists! I’ve known Matt
and the team for about six years and I think
it’s a great thing they’re doing.”

w award
Tim Girvan receives the Best in Sho

Darryl Hill of the British Forces S.C., who

managed to emerge from his tent just
before noon on Saturday. Darryl had ridden
in the day before from Stevenage on his
German built Vespa. “The scooter’s a
standard P200E, but I’ve got a Pinasco
Tim Girvan, who’d ridden in on his custom exhaust, 28mil carb, and YSS shocks on it
‘Prodigy’ themed Vespa from Wisbech. to stiffen it up. Before I changed the
“It’s around 160 miles each way. shocks it was like sitting on a rocking
I set off at 8am on Friday and had a couple chair! The scooter was originally built by
of stop-offs on the way, one of which Ted Perry for his wife, Urte, who are the
included a big pub dinner! I was here by proprietors of ‘Style of 69’ and sell
2pm, ” smiled Tim. Skinhead and Mod clothing.”

2019 Rally pattchh

Friday night’s ‘patio’ silent disco Service with a smile Kate and Lyndsey

Team Prodigy Scooter Collective

Headline band Indie Division


it’s delivered by a team of young Division, played a cracking set of tracks by
scooterists who have a keen appetite for the Stone Roses, the Smiths, Joy Division
the scene. Also, the different style of and others. After Indie Division had
music offered throughout the weekend was completed their set the DJs took over, who
another significantly positive attraction. were then followed by the silent disco,
which was this time held in the clubhouse
Forming up and went on into the early hours.
The custom show scooters had started to
form up next to the traders’ stands, and in Passion for scootering
spite of the weather the custom show Matt Howarth of the collective said: “We
attracted a healthy line-up of scooters. hope we’ve delivered a successful event
The custom show awards covered 13 that everyone’s enjoyed. We’d like to thank
categories and the trophies had been SMART for the weekend’s security, T O P R E S U LT !
personally handcrafted by friends of the Lyndsey, Josh and staff from the rugby
collective, Liam Simm, Lloyd Watts and club, the bands, and everyone that’s Having recently completed the Dutch
Jake Cox. The judging of the custom show supported us with the rally. We’re a group Lions Rally and a 1200-mile round trip to
started just after 1pm and a couple of late of 20 to 30-year-olds who are balancing the South of France, Jacko Jacks and his
arrivals just made it into the competition. our careers and education with our son Tommy were at the event. Jacko won
Meanwhile, inside the clubhouse warm passion for scootering, and we’re trying to best Rat/Cut-down with his scooter, ‘Pig
food was being served and the music had do something different. Iron’, and Tommy won the Youngest
changed over to Manchester and Indie “As well as the existing scootering Scooterist award. When Jacko received
sounds. The custom show results were community, we also hope that our rally will his trophy, which was in the shape of an
announced and Best in Show went to Tim attract younger people to the scene and angle grinder, he smiled and said: “I’ll
Girvan’s superb custom Vespa. show them what’s on offer.” have this wired up and working when I
The evening’s entertainment started Words: Stu Smith get home!”
with the DJs and then the live band, Indie Photos: Stu Smith & Matt Howarth

Best vintage, Rhiannon Donnelly’s Li150
DJ Matt
Best Lambretta: Li – RCA 486B (Billy
Grimes) Pitched for the weekend
Best Vespa: ‘Prodigy’ Vespa PX (Tim
Best Vintage: Lambretta Li 150 – WSV
395 (Rhiannon Donnelly)
Best Auto: Stealth GTS (Andy Williams)
Best Oddity: Lambretta S2 – 344 UYT
Hardy souls brave Saturday’s weather
Best Other: Honda CBR Gulf Racing
Café Racer (Jake Roberts)
Best Rat/Cut-down: ‘Pig Iron’ (Jacko
Best Street Racer: Servetta S-Type – VEF
248M (Tim Drummond)
Best in Show: ‘Prodigy’ Vespa PX (Tim
Best Turned Out Club: Manchester Night
Furthest Travelled: Paul Jackman (239
Youngest Scooterist: Tommy Jacks
Punter’s choice: Lambretta GP – A865 TAG

Sco gM
g g

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vgc, was on Lambretta TV175, completely 103-A1, 175cc, 1958, new tyres, batteries Series 2 with mild tune RB200 kit, AF restored by an enthusiast, £1500 Tel.
restored inside & out, Rimini crash bars & locks, only 36,000 miles, solid rust free crank, MB bearings, Viton oil seals, 07857 789430.
front & rear, fittings for attachment to bodywork, V5, £3500 Tel. 07812 208444. Dellorto 34mm carb, LI150 gearbox,
bike, £2200 Tel. 01322 559623. £4000 ono Tel. 07551 154273.


Silver Special, great condition, good full nut and bolt restoration, six digit Series 2 with mild tune RB200 kit, AF Series II, imported from Italy with all
runner, all original, well maintained, number plate with dating certificate from crank, MB bearings, Viton oil seals, paper work and nova, restored few years
13,100 miles, £4200 Tel. 07957 600669. Lambretta Owners Club, £3500 Tel. Dellorto 34mm carb, LI150 gearbox, ago and never used, £3950 Tel. 07971
01329 826638. £4000 ono Tel. 07551 154273. 551798.


2017, stored in the garage, only 517 modified to 200cc, MoT, good runner, original British turquoise, owned since 1969, yellow ochre, 200cc, 4 speed, 495
miles, top box, on Sorn, great looking many extras indicators Union Jack side 1996, very rare original paint battery miles, 3 in 2 rear carrier, £2995 Tel. 07497
scooter, sold as seen, £750 Tel. 07534 panels, front mudguard and horncasting, model, always been dry stored, £5500 858571.
540349. Norfolk Tel. 07500 774663. Tel. 07887 500385.


1958, full nut & bolt restoration in the 1960 Classic, Series 2 Elbar, currently on vgc, original Italian with matching frame Series 3, fully restored to original spec,
UK, engine & frame numbers all correct, Sorn, comes complete with spare wheel, and engine numbers, restored two to including original factory colour for the
£7950 Tel. 07802 346652. mirrors and Lambretta toolkit, £3900 Tel. three years ago, runs superb, new tyres, model, rides superb, £3995 Tel. 07973
07856 553090. £4250 Tel. 07941 387767. 450556.


1965, Silver Special, restored some time Silver Special, concours, 1964, Eibar, 1963, recent engine rebuild and 1963, Italian import, restored, registered
ago in Italy, 15,110 miles, £4400 Tel. 32,038km, £6450 Tel. 07581 245540. respray, lots of new parts, engine runs 150cc, bored to 180, V5, lots of new
07402 832733. well, no tax or MoT reqd, £3995 ono Tel. parts, 6V AC Clubman exhaust, £4200
Dave 01622 862101. Kent ono Tel. 07904 427519. Lancs


Special, reg as 125, Italian import, all fully refurbished, reg Lambretta in V5C, 1969, full nut & bolt restoration, matching 1966, only six miles on the clock, starts
original condition, side panels resprayed fitted with a stage four 225cc LTH Reed numbers with dating certificate from every time and runs smoothly, £10,000
professionally, age related number, runs valve engine that still needs running in, Lambretta Owners Club, full engine Tel. 07709 645031.
flawlessly, £3900 Tel. 07794 029749. £4750 Tel. 07415 170865. rebuild, £5495 ono Tel. 07971 551798.

1968, excellent condition, Italian standard 1964 frame and engine numbers are 1963, beautiful fully restored to a very Special, 1966, Pearlescent white and
200 engine with a 22mil carb, sterling correct, paint work is good but not high standard, very good condition, maroon, 175cc engine, BGM ignition and
exhaust, £12,000 Tel. 07484 770549. showroom, tax & MoT exempt, lovely £6995 Tel. 07837 566253. new exhaust fitted, 3400 miles, £3995
Hertfordshire example, £10,800 Tel. 07976 586846. Tel. 07775 525057.


Liberty 125, 3V scooter, 2015, two lady 300cc, can be ridden on a car licence, Beverly 2013, Sport Touring, 350cc, only nearly new, immaculate, ABS brakes,
owners, low mileage, excellent condition, comes with a 2 x helmet top box, service 500 dry miles, top box, as new, £2400 very low mileage, all keys, books etc,
MoT, £1250 Email. woodys48@hotmail. history, MoT & service, £2695 Email. Tel. 07968 187505. Bristol £3295 Tel. 01623 721337.
com [email protected]


400 miles only, cream - Old English white, 2016, new condition, dry-stored all its life Sprint Douglas 150cc, barn find, 1966 reg, 1975, Super Sprint, had this bike three
immaculate showroom condition, one in a garage, only 246 miles, air-cooled frame & engine number all match, square years, it’s been in storage since, 2010
and half years warranty left, £3700 Tel. 2-stroke 50cc engine, £1295 Tel. 01278 head lamp, 10” wheels conversion, miles, £2500 Tel. 07917 453078.
07929 337789. 448690. £2295 Tel. 07957 966723. Kent


1979, originally 125cc engine, now 2003 Vespa PX200E Series Special No T5 engine, Sito Plus, T5 front, SIP Rep Douglas 152 L2, genuine British built
fitted with 150cc engine, Vespa helmet 125, 1999 Vespa PX200E, 27,247 miles. seat all attached to cutdown frame, at Douglas factory, original paperwork,
included, MoT, £2495 Tel. 07555 352337. 1984, Vespa PX125E Douglas needs new rings (1K), all working, £700 Email. looks great and excellent runner, £3500
restoration, £4500 Tel. 07624 496622. [email protected] Tel. 07974 366815.


great commuter, never gave me any 1979, Primavera ET3, original paint, fully restored, 125 on log book, kitted 2016 immaculate, MoT, SIP tubeless rims
issues and it has a great motor, comes imported from Italy 1997, last used 2005, Polini 177, resprayed, new seals & & Continental Whitewalls, SIP 2 sports
with a top box, 13,544 miles, £800 Tel. now on Sorn, in storage ever since, bearings, new tyres, cables, sound exhaust, £3400 Tel. 07788 217014.
07960 354797. 25,040 miles, £850 Tel. 07837 467785. engine, MoT, £1800 Tel. 07439 502728.


Special, 1972, 4 gears, V5B3T, got it in really good restored condition, but not 1975, been stored undercover, recently Primavera small frame, orange,
2015 in Sicily, Italy and imported it into perfect, 12V electronic ignition new serviced, £1995 Tel. 07977 817936. purchased six years ago as a nuts & bolts
the UK in Feb 2018, £1000 Tel. 07847 switches (lights & rear brake), £3500 Tel. full restoration, £3200 Tel. 01924 200069.
483689. 07912 201452.


VS5, not an import, some of the paint 1962, original Italian, Mark 1, brought as a vgc, original engine & genuine scooter, VNL2T 1967, rare scooter, all original,
needs a bit of tidying up, totally original, collectors piece in 2002 and was the focal new chrome rims & tyres, new exhaust, historic vehicle reg, fully rebuilt last year,
full engine rebuild, not yet run in, £6900 point in our reception at work, £6800 Tel. no rust & runs well, £4650 Email. presently on Sorn, £3500 Tel. 01909
Email. [email protected] 01398 351575. [email protected] 568349.


1968, vgc, hardly used, 1283km, 2011, 5060kms, screen, rear carrier, 1982, Mark One, in very straight and Mark One, excellent road going condition,
barely run in, fitted with a 150cc rebuilt removable decals, MoT, new oil, filter, plug rot-free condition, starts and rides well, everything works, runs as it should, spent
Sprint Veloce engine, £4795 Email. & battery, two keys & handbook, good everything works as it should, £1450 Tel. its life in Valencia, £1350 Tel. 07413
[email protected] condition, £1500 Tel. 07599 545854. 07413 116296. 116296.


full engine rebuild, new seals & bearings, 4721 miles, beautiful bike, starts with 2 70th Anniversary Special, only done 446 very good condition, good runner, one
new tyres, cables, new carburettor, MoT, kicks of the kick start, S.I.P race exhaust klms, Road Sip 2 exhaust fitted, original owner from new, 10,000 miles, £2500
V5, great condition, no rust, sound body, with D-Cat, years MoT, £2300 Tel. 07453 exhaust comes with it, vgc, £4000 Tel. Tel. 07974 366815.
£1650 Tel. 01427 372510. 448842. 07738 354155.


Malossi 166, kitted with Malossi pipe, 2003, reg as a PX125, has a 177 polini kit Series Speciale, MoT, No 184 of 400 2002, Series Special, vgc, number 352
reg’d 125, 15,023km, £2500 Tel. 07908 with matching casings, 26mm carb & a produced, collectors item, vgc, modied of 400 comes with commemorative box
048099. SIP Road 2 exhaust, 12,400 miles, £1395 up crash bars, lights etc, £5300 Tel. book & watch, Sip tubeless wheels & Sip
Tel. 07493 981672. 01322 559623. 2 exhaust, £3500 Tel. 07988 402129.


Piaggio, 2003, vintage green, 3875 klm, non runner, needs new pipe, possible rebuilt and resprayed last year with new 1999, 27,247 miles, totally standard,
owned since 2004, recent service & MoT, new shocks, in good condition, 2003, one parts and disc brake added, no rust or starts 1st or 2nd time, engine runs like
vgc, both keys & handbooks, Datatag, owner, £1400 Tel. 01689 619250. rot, everything works as it should, £1525 a dream, needs tlc, £1500 Tel. 07624
£2450 Tel. 07912 680512. Tel. 07413 116296. 496622.


1988, runs and rides as it should, 150cc, restored a few years ago fitted 150 reg as 125, vgc, tax and MoT 1964, 125cc, 3 speed, running and
everything works, will easily pass UK with a new LML engine that hasn’t been exempt, lots spent including complete registered, V5, painted in green rainbow
MoT, lived in Alicante all of its life, £1295 run in yet, UK log book, tax and MoT new wiring and 12V conversion, 2929 flake metallic, £1400 Tel. 07527 488288.
Tel. 07413 116296. exempt, £2500 Tel. 07551 246439. miles, £2800 Tel. 07951 403491.
LAMBRETTA LI Special Series 3, 1965, VESPA GTS125 2014, ABS model front VESPA PRIMAVERA excellent condition,
Automatics Italian for restoration complete not seized, shocker and front hub, £80. Original £2000. Tel. 07539 898741.
PIAGGIO 601V, 1980-90 trike engine and buyer collects some spares as well, £850. exhaust as new, £95. Spare wheel, new
gearbox, windscreen, side glass, offers Tel. 07803 322268. tyre, £45. Pair rear shockers, £40 Tel. Wanted
invited Tel. 01724 733996. Lincs. LAMBRETTA SX150 1968 1968, one 07541 234684. West Midlands. INFORMATION ON tracking down
SCOMADI 125TL one owner from owner from new, fully restored 2010, VESPA GTS300 2014, blue, low mileage, remains of my Vespa Rally 200 reg
new, low mileage, side panel stickers upgraded to a 12V electronic ignition, rear excellent runner, great condition, non ABS,
number SBL 98M last known in the
removed, colour is black, new rear tyre, backrest, spare wheel & front windshield, ceramic coated exhaust, Vespa top box,
Dereham, Norfolk area, £250 minimum
new battery, good condition, £1500. Tel. £6000. Tel. 01792 702586. Swansea. Florida bars, Oxford heated grips, Faco
07377 671385. extending full screen & standard Vespa full reward Tel. 07941 614998.
SCOMADI TL200 2016, done about 1000 Lambretta Parts screen, handlebar muffs, modified footers LAMBRETTA TV175 Series 3 frame
miles had a new speedo, painted in candy FLORIDA BARS with blue gems, and original foot pegs too, small scratch wanted with Nova, others considered
red, comes with two new spare tyres, purchased these circa 1997, they are on LH sidepanel where I dropped my keys why? Tel. 07738 468866.
£2500. Tel. 09770 645298. remakes of 1960s/1970s Florida Bars for once, apart from that it’s lovely, £3250 WANTED FOR Vespa 50 Special,
SCOMADI TT200 2019, immaculate Lambretta, paid £150 at the time and they ovno Tel. 07963 482875. complete set of front forks including front
showroom condition, only done 360 miles, have had little use, very good condition VESPA LX125IE 2010, bronze metallic hub Tel. 01403 264776. West Sussex.
still under manufacturers warranty, originally and just need a polish to bring them paintwork with chrome nudge bars, WANTED TRIUMPH T10 SIDE PANEL
bought from Scooter Moda Preston for back up to pristine condition, £49.99 Tel. MoT till Oct 2019, two previous keepers, for a Triumph T10 scooter please, not a
£4500, selling due to not getting used 07748 171012. alarmed, full set of keys, £1175. Tel. Tina one they don’t fit, mines a 1965 Tel.
enough, metal bodied scooter with slimmer LAMBRETTA SEATS front and rear 02082 811803.
07508 447892.
design, Angel eye LED headlight & LED rear single seats nearly new, £160 when VESPA P200 1979, T reg, MoT & tax
light, new design digital speedo, fold out bought new, asking £80 Tel. 07738 exempt, no expense spared restoration, Miscellaneous
rear foot pegs, no part exchange, can be 714647. ready to show or use, you won’t be
viewed in the Rotherham area £3899. Tel. RALPH SAXELBY 205 Suzuki engine, disappointed, £2795. Tel. 07950 455498. SCOOTERING MAGAZINES in binders
07929 337789. custom built Lambretta engine, one of the VESPA PIAGGIO 50cc, white, good 2013 onwards, collection only, free Tel.
SUKIDA COMMANDER 125cc, Chinese best available, done approx 1500 miles, runner, electric and kick start, MoT til July 07951 290106. South West London.
scooter, 2006, 21,000klms, complete powder coated black, fitted with BGM V4 2020, small signs of corrosion nothing
good body work, engine ran, non starter, exhaust, has spare MSC Micron, and or major, £999. Email. [email protected]
chrome exhaust, good tyres, buyer JL4 done 600 miles, engine is in scooter, VESPA PX touring, silver, 180 kit fitted,
collects, cute small scooter silver/blue, can be tested before purchase, call Barry excellent condition, full new MoT, very
£80. Tel. 07415 655100. Herts. for more info, £2500. Tel. 07922 643022. fast, £3100. Tel. 07789 644609.

VESPA PX200E 2002, metallic green,
Lambretta Vespa 100% mechanics, a few marks, spare
LAMBRETTA GP125 modified 200cc, VESPA 125 Super GTI, low mileage, no seat, new spare, new stainless carrier,
good runner, full MoT, indicators, all
moded up, £3750. Tel. 07500 774663.
MoT, original Vespa back rack & original
Vespa half screen, some scratches to the
£1200. Tel. 02086 682364. Surrey.
VESPA PX200E metallic green, totally INSURANCE
LAMBRETTA GP200 1976, Monza 240
engine, Sip wheels, speedo, blue/white,
side, £2600. Tel. 07951 000058.
VESPA GT300 only done 1200 miles,
original, just been MoT’d, in great condition
and works perfectly, recent new exhaust,
0800 781 9287
very fast scooter, well looked after, 15ltr excellent condition, comes with all books owned for one year and is a very reliable Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd is
authorised and regulated by the Financial
stainless tank, ring for details, £5500. and manuals plus two keys and all MoTs, machine, disc brake version with electric Conduct Authority.
Tel. 07746 114017. Lancashire. £2600. Tel. 07746 911148. start, £2150. Tel. 07921 818576.

Scootering Reader Adverts Complete the form below and return it to:
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Soul Rebel
A scooter created on a shoestring, but built and ridden with
a passion. Christian explores the story behind... Soul Rebel.

t was a hot day in Roma when Sabrina and I
met in the centre of Monteverde suburb, a
big smile welcomed me and my notebook,
eyes hidden behind a slight touch of
make-up were looking with apprehension and
possible questions. I had the feeling Sabrina was
waiting for such an encounter her entire life,
because as we joined a table inside a ‘Gelateria’
her conversation was quick and nervous. Music,
Lambretta lifestyle, travel, joy of riding, you name
it… she discussed it. Endless information
seasoned along with quotes, winks and giggles
released in less than five minutes while I had
barely the time to write a single note about my
first impression.
The coastal storm in which I was trapped ended
up being so strong that I pressed toward
scheduling a new appointment within her house,
fifty km North Roma. “Christian, I want to be clear by a front door, a black ‘n’ red machine was waiting to
with you, I am not a gal who wants ‘Pin-Up’ pictures, greet me. “My scooter adventure began at 15 years
I use my Lambretta daily with no mercy, but I make old when I had not a clear idea about myself in the
sure she returns inside my kitchen after every trip,” two-wheel community. Everything changed because of
she reported. There it was, the glimpse of a story to a friend of mine,” Sabrina narrated as we passed
follow. A few days later I travelled near Cerveteri- nearby the Lambretta parked in her kitchen. “A
Ladispoli to meet again with the owner, designer and turmoil moment occurred when we first met. He was
rider of Soul Rebel. Next to an outside alley, protected riding a scooter fitted with dozens of mirrors and when
we met I mocked him at the first sight. I
was wearing a studded jacket, and he a
green Parka. I must admit that his figure
had something curios and interesting
which made me reflect back during the
following weeks. Most important of all
though, we liked different music… and in
that period of my life, music comparison
was my method of evaluation. This factor
was, to me, a matter of deep study. We
slowly began to read and get informed on
related topics. Clash, Rolling Stones
versus The Who, The Beatles and
Northern Soul were my internal eddies for
a while.”
Surrounded by walls covered in scooter
pictures, I wondered how bad this girl
wanted to share her personal two-strokes


adventure. So I decided, for that time in hand, my trip companions and I got lost revival was blissfully unexpected, the
only, to embrace the information which a hundred times and faced the troubles magic being condensed in two peculiar
was about to thunder over my head and with a smile, minimal money and a moments. First, during a job-related visit
kept my mouth shut, I posed no sleeping bag. Drugs were part of the to a notary I noticed a few Lambretta
questions. Coffee was served and she equation as well.” A shadow darkened pictures in his office and asked for
continued: “It’s incredible how a random Sabrina’s face and her piercing nestled information. The man was puzzled by my
encounter changed my life, the famous beneath the lower lip danced a bit as if curiosity and mocked me, as if being a
movie too (needless to say which one), titillated by some shadows past. “This was woman was the ceaseless condition to
because from that moment on I a milestone in my scooter life. As a matter remain in the shadow of the scooterism.
perpetually loved and welcomed the of fact, it turned in an endless will to His regard was so great that we eventually
Lambretta world. My hair changed, attend, and participate in, scooter rallies. visited the garage. Under his nose I listed
wardrobe refreshed and ready for the most Somebody reported the time as the Italian all the tech detail concerned. I then
important feature, I sapped all my savings golden era, scooter boys regrouping from spotted a Golden Lambretta. Unexpectedly
– from tons of random jobs – and bought afar were considered heroes, and nobody I was asked to take the machine as a
for 150,000 Italian Lire a pea-green Li wore ‘event-bracelets’ like these modern gift… along with the solemn promise to
Lambretta, which to me was the most ‘village vacations’. Later my life permitted ride and care for the scooter daily.”
marvellous thing ever. Step-by-step trips more freedom to explore the custom spare Perplexed, this reporter was at first
to the hardware store began to grow, part dilemma, so I took a flight and landed uncertain to believe or not to this part of
proportionally to the will of customisation. in London. There were no custom dealer the story; a single tear slipped away from
I was poor and coming out from a social shops in Italy then, and if they did, Sabrina’s control, and sight of her
services house so spray painting my steed nothing counted for real. I spent my first quivering hand made me embrace her
was exciting enough to call me a scooter three salaries on juicy bits. Only problem version and frankly showed me what the
girl. I hated the so-called ‘modette’. was counterfoil in which I had to pay my notary saw in her eyes that day. “The
Riding behind the handlebars, and not parts. Back home the postman lost the second fact made our encounter possible,
behind a boy’s arse, was my first clear and receipt and he could not read English, Christian... the ‘Soul Rebel’. I had a
cardinal idea, which at the same time was despite I had payed already he demanded dream to design a steed by myself, at
a weak point due to a total money. A pickle that generated a semi-riot least on paper, so I bought a Serveta Lince
technical incapability.” between me and the Central Post Office for just 600 Euros. I must admit, I
Despite Sabrina avoiding eye contact for where I went to protest.” manage such a sweet deal using a trick to
most of the time, she stared at me for this Sabrina continued: “The climax to the previous owner, to whom I concurred
one piece of information, as if desiring a higher and higher scooter achievements to use the machine as a countryside mule,
certainty in my comprehension. “It was reached a peak and then it all suddenly aimed to transport wood and general
1987 and Rimini rally was about to stopped due to my marriage and the goods.” Sabrina hidden behind her
happen. Since the destination was pretty decision to become a mother. This was my tattooed arms started to laugh loudly then
much the only one in whole Italy where first scootering ‘standstill’. My daughter continued. “Would you call yourself a
scooter boy, mods and skinheads were came to light and life went on for a while scooter boy, if your only route would be to
attending, I fought the roads from Roma, dealing with money issues and usual go to a custom garage and cough up
biting the ‘Via Aurelia’ parental predicaments. Presenting myself 10,000 Euros for the final product? No,
dust toward Emilia to the world as a mother was a unique me neither! Starting from the bare
Romagna. Street map experience, though. The later scooter machine, and thanks to my best friend, ‘Il


3 3A
3 3A

Despite the great

attention Sabrina put into
the machine, her connection
with the Lambretta was even
more obsessive, since on
every possible occasion she
gazed at the red creation.
Bassa’, who actually did a tremendous electronics, and after a few pasta bites my
amount of welding, we crafted the idea knowledge went deeper, discovering a
together. A dozen return tickets from 5-plate clutch kit, IWIS chain and CASA
Roma to Ferrara were necessary and bit by chain tensioner. Despite the great
bit, shaping her outline with a permanent attention Sabrina put into the machine,
marker we created my dream scooter her connection with the Lambretta was
which had to be not only a beautiful even more obsessive, since on every
object to look at, but a reliable machine possible occasion she gazed at the red
too, safe for rallies and commuting. creation. More interesting of all was her
Another problem was my low budget, so relationship with the possible technical
thousands of visits on the web market problem. “See Christian, I know that
were a must.” Sabrina claimed that the Vespas are more reliable in the long run,
bright red (Blood Kandy by Houston but travel is more about the journey
Colours) Soul Rebel was showing off instead the destination to me. Due to
outside represented the best picture of huge technical ignorance, I cannot deal
herself. Therefore, the dark black scooter with a major breakdown, but sometimes
interior, protected by the mudguard and when Soul Rebel won’t start, I remove the
panels, were the reflection of Sabrina’s plug, clean it, screw it back again and…
complicated ‘inner reality’. Very few shiny you guessed it, she will start again.”
parts took place in the modification by Courage was one of the most prominent
Bassa and Sabrina. Welcoming, warm and characterisation of Sabrina’s core, not the
exciting appearance to a surface look… usual crazy nonsense courage, but driven
but very dark, complicated and rough by hardcore passion. A small village
inside, that explained the Line-X paint latched on a brown rock named Ceri was
job. “We rebuilt the back end to the photo location. Sabrina kicked hard
accommodate the rear lamp structure, the starter, pushed her beauty outside the
which remained hidden under a white kitchen and wore sunglasses. From that
grill. This was a nightmare Bassa dwelled moment on, a smile grew shiny under the
on for weeks. I wanted a general 60s helmet. While leaving her house behind,
hot-rod mood, so we removed part from focusing on the next article, I wondered
the front mudguard and the front how many girls would like to share their
legshield. A few centimetres lower was my fierce scooter stories. Maybe we, men, are
cup of tea since I am not a 1.80 metres afraid to find out that proper scooter girls
tall modette. A metal flake 15 and 30 would beat us badly in passion and
grain completed the project.” resilience. At the end, when you really get
Time was running fast in my clock so I down to the nitty-gritty of your innermost
explored the mechanical parts by myself self, happiness and dreams are the most
while Sabrina managed to cook pasta: A important gamble to take because if you
‘Mugello’ based kit and a 28mm PHBH reach them and grab their tremendous
Dell’Orto, breathed through a PM pipe and powers, you will learn to fight back
were fuelled from an 18-litre tank. troubles in kind.
Varitronic ignition provided the Words & Photograpy: Christian Giarrizzo

7 7A 7 7A

7 7A 7 7A


Revvin’ Fun
Some scooters cry out to be ridden hard C

and as Stan discovered, this RB-powered

Lambretta is more than willing to oblige…


riginally built in 2012 by tuning
supremo John Balcomb, this Indian
GP was first featured back in
edition 308. Although it wasn’t
intended, its stunning paint
scheme would inadvertently become JB’s ‘house
scheme’. Thankfully, the paint remains
untouched, but that’s about all that’s left from
its previous incarnation. Although the spanner
work is mostly by Brad, the hand of JB can still
be felt throughout the machine so it’s still very
much a JB ‘Dealer Special’.
The heart of this beast is, of course, the engine
which reads 33bhp on JB’s dyno. Built on Indian
casings, the whole system revolves around an
RB25 kit which JB has fettled to his own recipe.
The addition of a LTH 62x116 crank boosts the
kit’s cubic capacity further, and a 35mm flatslide
Mikuni feeds in fuel via a set of V-Force 4 reeds.
A Bullet exhaust manipulates the burnt gasses
and a Rimini Lambretta Centre Cyclone 5 gearbox
transmits all that power to the road via a cassette
clutch. There can be no doubt that it’s an
impressive specification, but what’s it like to ride?

Keep on Runnin’
Once kicked into life the first thing I
notice is the crisp exhaust note. The
Superstrong clutch is obviously high
performance, but the effort required to
activate sits just on the right side of
comfortable. One test of a well-set-up
engine isn’t just how it performs at the top
end, but also how easy it is to ride at low revs,
and this RB is surprisingly docile at low speeds.
Once on the open road it’s a different matter.
Snap open the throttle and it responds instantly,
a real ‘thump in the chest’ experience. When I
stop to talk to Brad I’m grinning from ear to ear,
but he asks why I’m taking things gently. With
his assurance that the engine doesn’t stop until
10,000rpm he tells me to “Give it the beans”
and I oblige. The SIP speedo shows crazy
numbers, but the engine’s happiest at around
8,500rpm and easily pulls 5th gear. The Cyclone
Grin factor 10/10


RB manifold

35mm Mikuni is surprisingly frugal

RLC Cyclone has been trouble free MAN & MACHINE
Owner: Brad Preston
Club: LCGB
Scooter: 1975 Lambretta GP
Engine: RB250 (260cc)
Carb: 35mm flatslide Mikuni
Crank: LTH62x116
Clutch: BGM Superstrong
Gearing: 19 x 46
Gearbox: RLC Cyclone 5 Speed
Ignition: BGM
Exhaust: Revolver

Targa line shocks gave

an impressive ride

Getting ready for the off

Simple yet stunning scheme

gives crisp gear selection and movement spot at around 4500 revs, but the motor the straight at Monza… just as he was
on the twist change feels similar to that had more than enough torque to pull changing up to 5th! I’m usually sceptical
of a four-speed box. If I’ve any criticism through it. After the test, JB suggested of such claims, but however hard I tried it
it’s that the gap between third and fourth fitting a Casatronic ignition and Brad says was hard to make the engine complain, it
feels slightly long, but that really is this has eliminated the flat spot just wanted to rev and then rev some
splitting hairs. This is the first scooter I completely. That man Balcomb knows more. Long-distance touring isn’t this
can recall riding with Tino Sacchi’s Targa his stuff… engine’s natural environment, it’s just too
Line suspension both front and rear, and I energetic for comfortable mile crunching.
was impressed with the smoothness of Something for However, as a weekend screamer it’s hard
the ride. The shocks also gave just the the weekend? to imagine any engine more willing to
right amount of feedback to let me know Prior to the test Brad told me that he please or a scooter that’s more fun to ride.
exactly what was going on. I noticed a flat GPS’d the RB at 85mph, in 4th gear, on Words & Photographs: Stan




imon Rickers purchased an ETS all the boxes and it was advertised with a Name: Simon Rickers.
in bits from a local Telford lad reasonable price! I hit ‘buy it now’ and a Scooter club & town: Telford Shropshire,
who was having a garage deposit was agreed. The seller promised to no club at the present. Telford Tigers
clearance. The scooter was send me more comprehensive pictures and back in the day.
complete. However, it came with a video of the scooter running, which he What was your first scooter: J125
the engine cases split and in boxes of parts. promptly did.” Starstream, field bike!
Having paid £120, Simon had the intention Years before, a friend of Simon’s gave First legal: P125X.
of rebuilding it as a first scooter for his him a house-warming card to mark the First rally or event: Scarborough 1982
eldest son, Ben, then aged 16. “The scooter occasion. “The card had a painting of a Easter Rally.
languished in my garage for months without Vespa on the front, so I kept it. Over the Favourite custom scooter of all time:
any progress. Then myself and Ben came by intervening years I wrote the registration ‘Revenge’ and ‘Little Rascal’.
a complete and road legal Vespa that we numbers of all the scooters owned in the Thanks to: Previous owner Craig for selling
bought for him to use as his first scooter. I card, the last entry being a Lambretta GP I it to me and understanding what it meant.
wasn't very clued up on Vespa small-frames purchased in summer 2018.
so decided to part with the ETS, giving it to “When the pictures of the ETS and video boxes of scooter paraphernalia and the
a mate of mine to sell at Kettering parts fair. from the seller arrived on my phone I house-warming card was located, I could
My mate sold it on for £140 and I was £20 scrolled through them, becoming more and barely believe it! It was the scooter I’d
up!” However, immediately after Simon let more pleased with my purchase. I then owned! The scooter is now my pride and joy
the ETS go he subsequently became aware played the video. The seller, Craig, started and is sitting along with my other scooters
of the scarcity of the ETS small-frame and the scooter up and did a ‘walk round’ it in my garage. Its in an original, unrestored
started to regret the decision. “The ETS showing it in all its original condition. It condition and the patina is perfect. It rides
model then became something of an had all the correct patina signs of aging and beautifully and the engine set up is
obsession of mine!” he explained. Having had all the correct factory-fitted decals, testament to Craig's ability as a mechanic.
recently turned 55, Simon took advantage seat, exhaust, etc... Amazing! When I got the scooter it needed running in
of a private pension option, so with some “As Craig passed over the back of the and I found every possible excuse that I
extra cash he began looking again, and scooter with the video the number plate could to get out on it! I’ve always believed
eventually one popped up on-line. “It was came into view... my heart skipped a beat that you shouldn't purchase a vehicle with
local, being located only 20 miles up the and the hairs on the back of my neck stood your heart, as it can often end badly.
road in Dudley. I got straight on the phone up! Amazing doesn't describe the feeling. However, I think you'll agree, I just had to
to the seller, and started making inquiries Could this be the exact same ETS that I’d buy this scooter!” Simon smiled.
about the scooter. As he was describing it to sold all those years earlier? A quick trip to Words: Stu Smith and Simon Rickers
me, it became apparent that it was ticking my garage and a rummage through my Photos: Simon Rickers

Reliable engine set up Aged with

time and

An amazing on-line find Patina

130 | S T E 0

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