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 The process by which organisms takes food, digest & assimilate is known as
 The methods by which the protozoa obtained their nourishment very greatly in
different cases.
 Protozoa represents all most all types of nutrition.
 The following points highlights the seven important modes of nutrition in protozoa.

The modes are

1. Halozoic or Zootrophic
2. Pinocytosis
3. Autotrophic or Halophytic
4. Saprozoic
5. Parasitic
6. Caprozoic
7. Mixotrophic


 Majority of protozoa nitrite holozoically, i.e. like animals on solid food.

 The food of protozoa consists of microorganisms like bacteria, diatoms,
rofifers, crustaceans, larvae, other protozoans, algae, small fragments of
large animals etc..
 This mode of nutrition essentially involves the process like intake of food
i.e. ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion of undigested residues.

 The mode of food ingestion in protozoa is characteristically referred to as

phagocytosis or phagotrophy.
 In flagellates which are colorless or who have lost their chromatophores
capture food with the help of their flagella.
 The captured food ingested either at definite sites on their naked bodies.
Like Budo or through characteristic oral apparatus like euglena where
cytostome and cytopharynx help in ingestion.
 In some other flagellates like paranema, special rod like structures called
trichites help in capturing the food.
 In sarcodina, pseudopodia helps in food capturing by forming food cups.
 According to Rhumbler (1930) the ingestion of food in Amoeba occurs by
circum vallation, circum fluence, import and invagination.

 It is generally emplayed by amoeba in capturing on active prey, such as
chilomonas or paramecium.
 A food cup is formed by throwing out pseudopodia which surrounded
the prey from all sides without coming in contact with it.
 Evently the cup is completed forming a food vacuole enclosing the prey
with a large amount of water.

 The method is employed by azopods and reficalopods in capturing an

immobile prey, such as the bacterioglea.
 The food cup advances always in contact with the prey and the
cytoplasm flows around to engulf it.

 In this case, the prey is held fast and killed by toxic and adhesive
secretion of pseudopodium.
 The ectoplasm in contact with the prey is invaginatedthus enclosing it
in to a food vacuole in to the endoplasm.
 Digestion in protozoa is intracellular with in food vacuoles.
 The food vacuoles undergo changes in pH & in their size during digestion.
 At first the contents of food vacuoles are acidic and the vacuoles decrease in size,
during this phase living prey dies.
 After initial acid phase the cytoplasm of the protozoan produces enzymes in an
alkaline medium, the enzymes pass in to the food vacuoles and the vacuoles increase
in size & vbecome alkaline.
 Then the contents of the vacuoles are digested.
 The proteins are converted in to dipeptides in acidic medium and the dipeptide in to
amino acids in alkaline medium.
 The fat digesting enzymes have also been reported in some protozoa.

 The digested food from the food vacuole is diffused out in to the endoplasm and finally
assimilated in the body to manufacture the protoplasm.
 The excess of food is stored in form of glycogen paramylon para glycogen bodies in
the endoplasm.

The indigestible remains of the food are egested out from the body at anybody surface
e.g. in amoeba. But ciliates possess a definite opening for the egestion of undigested
remain called cytoproct or cytopyge.

 Pinocytosis or cell-drinking has also been reported in some protozoa like Amoeba
proteus and also in certain flagellates and ciliates.
 It is related to the ingestion of liquid food by invagination of the general body
 It may occur at any part of the body during pinocytosis. Some pinocytic channels
are formed from the outer body surface deep into the body.
 The inner ends of these channels contain pinocytic vesicles or pinosome which get
separated after engulfing liquid food through the channels.
 The separated pinosomes become the food vacuole. This process is induced in
presence of certain salts and some proteins.


 Protozoa with chlorophyll or some allied pigment can manufacture complex
organic food, like those of green plants, from simple inorganic substance.
e.g.- Euglena, Noctiluca
 Often there may be protein bodies called pyrenoids which are the centers of
 Some protozoa have no chromatophores but they have chlorophyll bearing
algae zooxantliellae or zoochldrellae which manufacture organic food for the
host by photosynthesis.
e.g.- stentor, thalassicola, Paramecium bursaria
 Nitrates or ammonium compounds are sufficient as the source of nitrogen for
autotrophic forms.


 Some protozoa absorb complex organic substances in solution through the

body surface by the process of osmosis called osmotrophy, these protozoa are
called saprozoic.
 Saprozoic form needs ammonium salts, amino acids or peptones for their
nutritional requirements.
 Decaying of animal and plants in water forms protein & carbohydrates.
 The saprozoic protozoa are usually parasites like monocytes.
 Some parasites, like Entamoeba histolytic a and balantidium coli feeding
holozoically also absorb dissolved organic substances through their general
body surface.
 Some colourless flagellates like chilomonas, polytoma & species of euglena
absorb nutrients from their surrounding environment through their general
body surface.


 The parasitic forms feed either holozoically of saprozoically. Thus, the parasites
may be grouped in to two categories on the nature of food their mode of
i.e. food-robbers & pathogenic
Food- robbers:-
 The parasites feeding upon the undigested or digested food stffs of their hosts
are known as food-robbers.
 These parasites feed holozoically on solid food particles, while few other like
opalina feed upon the liquid food by the process of osmosis through general
body surface.
 The food-robbers are generally non-pathogenic to their hosts.
 The protozoans parasites causing harm to their hosts, usually feed upon the
living tissue of the host.
 They absorb liquid food through their general body surface. E.g Trypanosoma,
Plasmodium, etc.

Caprozoic nutrition

 Certain free-living protozoans are in habit to feeding upon the faecal matters
of the other organisms like Clamydophrys & Dimastigamoeba.


 Some protozoa nourish themselves by more than one method at the same
time or at different time due to change in environment. This is called as
mixotrophic nutrition.
e.g.- Euglena gracilis & Peranema are both saprozoic and autotrophic in their
nutrition, and some flagellates are both autotrophic and zootrophic.
 However, protozoa in feed on a large variety of food organisms are called
euryphagus & those which feed only on new kinds of food are stenophagus.
On the basis of the nature of food & feeding mechanism in protozoa, they
are placed in the following groups-
i. Macrophages feeders are those which feed on large piece of
food (Amoeba).
ii. Macrophages feeders are those which feed on very small
particles, they rarely stop feeding & their food in with a current
of water (Paramecium).
iii. Fluid feeders are saprozoic and parasitic protozoa which absorb
liquid food through their surface (Monocytes).

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