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Assad is the new Saddam?

The goal of every leader is to represent the wills and interests of the people that he/she
represents. And every government, big or small, has the responsibility of protecting their
nation’s economic and national security. This means that the government should not
torture their people and should provide additional support to protect their people’s
interests. Some nations, like Saudi Arabia and Iran, still follow inhumane laws like
beheading criminals and forcing women to wear burkhas (head to toe) in public. But the
worst crime committed by any leader, is conducting the serial killing of the very people
you represent. Hitler did this, Stalin did this, and even Mao Zedong did this, under whose
direction around 16 million Chinese civilians were mass-murdered.
Since the United States attained global hegemony in the 1990’s, the Iraqi Ba’ath Party
Leader Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, was the new leader to act in a mass-
murdering manner. Under Saddam, the Baathist Military orchestrated the murder of a
quarter-million Iraqis, and conducted a mass genocide of the Kurdish population. As the
Turks were to the Armenians, the Iraqis were to the Kurds. Along with this, Saddam
planned and had begun to force the removal of Shia Muslims from Iraq. The United States,
under the W. Bush Administration, suspected the dictator of having weapons of mass
destruction. And, this suspicion led to the Iraq War of 2004.
Regardless of whether Iraq had these weapons, a mass-murdering leader that murders half
of his population should be removed from power and attacked. And now, this is the case
with Syrian President Bashar Hafez-al Assad.
We had an inclination that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction, but we know
for certain that Assad has chemical weapons. And with these chemical weapons, he
periodically attacks his own Syrian population. Assad’s actions gave birth to the terrorist
group ISIS and the United States and the world can be blamed for this.
Assad is supported by these two dictatorial regimes: Putin’s Russia and the Ayatollah
dominated Iran. Due to the fear that we would start a war and escalate negative relations
with Russia, we didn’t take action against Assad. And now with the gradual removal of
ISIS, Assad is back to do what he does best. Blowing up his own people!
The United Nations and the Global Hegemon-The United States have the responsibility of
keeping our world safe. And when a leader like Assad, murders and persecutes his own
people, every nation is required to take action. As President Trump has stated perfectly,
“Assad is an Animal. And terrorists that murder innocent civilians like Assad, even if they
are world leaders, should be brought down to their knees.” With our recent attacks
alongside France and Great Britain, we are showing the world that we aim to protect the
lives of innocent civilians.
We shouldn’t worry about the fact that Assad is Putin’s puppet. Because, I highly doubt
that we will got to war with the Russians over Assad. Russia already knew that this will
happen when Assad was chemically bombing his own people. At most, Russia may
condemn our attack, but the world knows that Russia and Iran are condoning Assad’s
behavior. And all of these regimes, will be thrown additional sanctions on them by the UN.
But, Russia cannot risk declaring war on the United States. Because every UN member,
including Saudi Arabia and China, will definitely get involved by aiding the US under the
banner of human rights. And, this is kind of ironic.
Regardless, Assad needs to pay the price of killing his own citizens and America has done
the right thing by taking action.

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