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A Research Proposal

Presented to

Faculty of Senior High School of

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Antonio, Shena Mae A.

Botron, Ruhvic R.

Ebajo, Vince Ronnie D.

Fallorina, Henry

Fernandez, Aron

Mecaydor, Ralph Niño

Miraña, Janus D.

Ms. Jane L. Espiritu

(Research 2 adviser)

October, 2018
1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the study and its background. The chapter also
includes the aim of the researchers and their reason in pushing through to successfully finish the

Having a combative attribute that also serves as a psychological determinant in leveling

to social standard, positive self-esteem is an important advantage in taking steps to more successful
achievements inside a competitive society in the near future. It is important to positively develop
this starting in the early age of an individual. As mentioned, there are some ways in improving self-
esteem depending on the personality and past achievements a person can add in the long due
process. Among the early years, in the adolescence stage, the life of an individual revolves inside
the learning place where molding a keen intellect and inevitable competition of minds happened.
A student’s scholastic performance or achievement and his sense of personal worth or self-esteem
is likely to be mediated by a number of factors such as personal and familial aspirations, peer
accomplishments and teachers and school expectations.

Self-esteem can be defined as an individual’s judgment of his self-worth. It is generally

considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that
includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the
construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-
confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is
also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within
individuals. Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related
to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness),
behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attribution bias), and clinical concepts (e.g.,
anxiety and depression), (Tomaka and Blascovich, 2010). Environment of acceptance and success
raises self-esteem, while environment of failures lower it. Studies suggest that for children of age
seven to adolescents, school frequently represents the first occasion in which they act on their own
and measure themselves against others. Thus, school represents an initial proving ground. The
image one has about one self as children often affects how one feel about one self as adults.
Academic challenges may lead to low self-esteem, withdrawal and behavior problems (Kemp and
Segal 2012). Noted that a sense of power and control over one’s environment affects a person’s
academic self-efficacy, and this may be negative or positive. Bandura suggested in 1997 that earlier
negative academic performance is likely to lesson a student's belief in their ability to achieve
academically; this will in turn affect the self-esteem conversely. Rosenberg (2011) believed that
the general concept of self-esteem stems from the idea that “Every society or group has its standard
of excellence, and it is within the framework of these particular standards that self-evaluation
occurs”. Thus, Self-esteem is “the individual’s positive or negative attitude toward the self as a
totality” and it has to be viewed within the social and cultural context of the individual. In an
educational institution, the ultimate measure of the outcome of education is academic performance,
the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. On the
part of the students, good grades are indicators of good academic performance. On the contrary,
poor grades denote bad academic performance. Students’ academic performance is monitored
closely in order to determine any student whose performance is likely to lead to academic failure.
The faculty works with individual students to provide academic guidance to maximize the chances
of all students to succeed. In a language class, for example, a student may be good in speaking but
not in writing and vice versa. There are always one or two aspects that a person is good at. But no
matter what it is, there will always be grounds that affect it, may it be a contributor or a hindrance.
Rank orderings created through group comparisons can profoundly shape self-esteem and academic
self-concept. Students compare themselves to their peers, generating informal rankings. Some
youngsters proactively look for cues to determine their position among their peers; others tend to
react to positive and negative communications peers and adults.

In examining the research on self-esteem, and particularly involving adolescents, a number

of research questions arose. Most research indicated that adolescents experience a steady decline
in self-esteem as they move through the developmental stage seen as the transition between
childhood and adulthood. However, research indicated that this is not the case. Some researchers
reported no change in self-esteem levels during adolescence while others reported increases in self-
esteem during this time. This research will explore and describe the academic performance of senior
high school students studying in Our Lady of Fatima University as it affects their self-esteem in the
learning process. This study specifically aimed to unveil the relationship between self-esteem and
academic performance among Senior High School students of OLFU Quezon City. It will reveal
the identification of factors affecting students’ self-esteem, for instance; demographic data (Age,
Gender and Strand), stress and body image. The study also identifies other contributing factors
affecting students’ academic performance such as stress and age. Thus, this study was aimed to
explore the level of self-esteem amongst the senior high school students of OLFU QC and to
determine the corollary factors on academic performance stemmed on the variables related to the
formation of self-esteem of the students.
The relevance of this study is that in succession, this will help the future students to cope
with the psychological, emotional, and academic realities of higher education. The aim of this study
is to describe academic performance as a factor affecting high or lowness of one's self-esteem given
that an individual’s self-esteem is contingent on achievement, disengagement may occur if
difficulties are encountered, in order to prevent loss of self-esteem. This research will educate the
public about the impact of academic performance to the self-esteem of the students. This can inform
the people not to put standards in a student's academe that may cause a student to degrade his self-
esteem. Also, this will serve as a guide on how students will manage their overall health over
academic errands. This research will contribute to the whole research field in finding the
appropriate action on balancing the scholar activities and the level of the self-esteem of the
respondents. Overall, the research can be used as a reference for future studies and needs more
analysis in order to give depth and action to the solutions that are recommended.

2.0 Conceptual Framework




2.1 Statement of the Problem
This study entitled “The impact of academic performance to the self-esteem of the senior high
school students in Our Lady of Fatima Quezon City” aims to determine the relationship between
the academic performances to the self- esteem of the senior high school students in Our Lady of
Fatima Quezon City. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What is the average academic performance of the respondents in terms of:
2.1 Quarterly Exam
2.2 GWA (General Weighted Average)
3. What is the level of self-esteem in terms of the following:
3.1 Self-satisfaction
3.2 Self-worth
3.3 Physical attributes
4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and level of self-
esteem in the respondents?

2.2 Research Paradigm


 Demographic  The use of survey  To determine the
profile of the questionnaire relationship between
respondents method to identify academic performance
the relationship to the self-esteem of the
- Age between academic senior high school
- Gender performance and  To formulate
self-esteem of the recommendations in
students. regards to the academic
 Utilizing results for performance and the
statistical treatment, self-esteem
answering the
research hypothesis
3.0 Research Methods
This chapter discusses the methods, procedures and entire preparations by the researchers
to get all the data’s needed in the study. The researchers consulted the entire research
methodology process to the professionals helping in the study to make sure its effectiveness,
validity and reliability.

3.1 Research Design

The researchers used a Quantitative approach in this study for it focuses more on
statistical presentation and analysis. Under the Quantitative, the researchers specified
it to correlational design for it will be suited in relating the two variables which is the
main aim of the study. In this research, the researchers believe that the data will be
presented and analyzed with the use of the chosen approach and design. With the help
of the provided questionnaire, which are all close ended, the correlational design will
provide a conclusive data and because the researchers are in quantitative approach, the
gathered information can be quantified with the use of statistical treatments. The
variables used in this study can be classified to independent, the causal factor and
dependent variable, the factor that is can be changed depending on the result of the
study. The academic performance of the students will serve as the independent variable
while the self-esteem will be the researcher’s dependent variable. By putting this factor
in the said variables respectively, the study will provide a relevant result that will not
only enclosed inside the learning place but will be a guide for everyone in composing
a positive self-concept in the near future.

3.2 Research Locale

The venue that the researchers have chosen was Our Lady of Fatima University
(OLFU), Lagro Quezon City, located at #1 Esperanza St. Hilltop Mansion heights.
OLFU merely known as “Fatima Medical Science Foundation Incorporated” (FMSFI)
is a private university in the Philippines. The said school is a big school and has a large
amount of population. The study was conducted in OLFU because the researchers want
to know if the academic performance can affect the self-esteem of the students inside
the said learning place. In addition, the researchers believe that OLFU is a well-suited
location for this research and the population is enough to satisfy the responds needed
in this research.
3.3 Population and Sampling/Key Informants
In this study, Senior High School (SHS) students of Our Lady of Fatima University
Quezon City, was chosen to be the respondents. The questionnaire will be distributed to
fifty (50) SHS students in OLFU in Quezon City. The respondents were chosen using
simple random technique. This sampling technique gave equal opportunity to all SHS
students to be part of the sample. Anyone from students of Senior High in OLFU QC.

3.4 Research Ethics

After getting the permission to conduct a study inside the school premises, the
researchers asked fifty (50) Senior High School (SHS) students if they are able to
participate and answer some questions about the study. If the respondents agreed and
signed the consent form, the researchers will start to disseminate survey forms to each
respondent and will gather information’s coming from the responses of each
respondent and use it for data analysis. All the information entrusted to the researchers
is strictly and was only used for the research purpose only. Also, the proper citation of
authors and other references based on American Psychological Association (APA)
were cited and acknowledge. The researcher does not plagiarize any content of any
research study.

3.5 Research Instruments

In this study, the researchers used a Likert rating scale type of questionnaire and a
provided confidence level test from Fetzer Institute as a medium of getting through the
empirical phase which is getting all the data needed in fulfillment of the aim of the study.
The rating scale test is composed of eight (8) questions and/or situations that will be
answered by the respondents honestly and wholeheartedly in the self-esteem level test, two
(2) questions for academic performance level test that will help the respondents to rate
themselves. Both questionnaires will provide a relevant answer that will serve as a guide
for the researchers in correlating the chosen variables.

3.6 Data Collection

The researchers went to Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) to conduct the
data collection. A letter of permission was presented to all the classes that were used as the
subjects. They used survey questionnaire consisting of ten (10) questions. The survey
forms were disseminated to five (5) Senior High School classes and for every room, ten
(10) students were chosen to answer the said forms. Ethical clearance was observed in
conducting the collection. The data gathered were encoded and tabulated with the use of
Microsoft Excel. The data were interpreted and analyzed intensively by the researchers to
get the result of the study.

3.7 Data Analysis

Percentage formula:

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 (𝑷) = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

Where: f = frequency

n = sample size

Mean formula:
̅) =
𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏 (X n

Where: ̅ = sample mean (read as “X bar”)


X = the value of any particular observations

∑ 𝑿 = sum of all Xs

n = total number of values in the sample

 Pearson product-moment correlation (Pearson’ r)

-statistical treatment to measure the degree of relationship between variables.

Pearson’s r:

𝑵 ∑ 𝑿𝒀 − (∑ 𝑿)(∑ 𝒀)
√[𝑵(∑ 𝑿𝟐 ) − (∑ 𝑿)𝟐 ][𝑵(∑ 𝒀𝟐 ) − (∑ 𝒀)𝟐 ]
Where: r = Pearson r,

X and Y = paired raw scores, and

N = number of pairs of X and Y scores

4.0 Results
This chapter provides the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data which were
gathered by the researchers. The data are presented in tables and were analyzed and interpreted
to effectively answer the problems presented in this study through the statistical treatments
used by the researchers. Information presented here should answer the Statement of the
Problem on Chapter I.
Table 1.1

Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender


MALE 26 52%
FEMALE 24 48%
TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their gender.

Table 1.1 display the demographic profile of sample population of the respondents in terms
of gender. Table presents that there were twenty-six (26) respondents that fall into gender of male,
with percentage of fifty-two (52%). Twenty-four (24) respondents that fall into gender of female
with percentage of forty-eight (48%). In total, there are fifty (50) respondents with an overall
percentage of one hundred (100%). Whitesell et al. (2009), emphasized that males are more likely
higher in terms of academic achievement and high self-esteem.
Table 1.2

Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age


15-17 33 66%
18-20 17 34%
Total 50 100%

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age.

The table above shows the demographic profile of sample population of the respondents in
terms of age. Table presents that there were thirty-three (33) respondents that fall within the age of
fifteen and seventeen (15-17), in percentage there are sixty-six (66%) percent respondents.
Seventeen (17) respondents that fall within the age of eighteen and twenty (18-20) with percentage
of thirty-three (33%). In total there are fifty (50) respondents with an overall percentage of one
hundred (100%). Caprara (2010), in which the result and conclusions of the study that academic
performance at the age bracket of 13 to 17 has a big contributes on self-efficacy or self-confidence
among high school grades.

Table 2.1

Self-esteem and academic level of the respondents

Items for academic Total Weighted Score Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
performance (TWS) (WM)
and self-esteem
(Dependent Variable)
1. I tend to consider 126 2.52 Average
my GWA for this
semester was good
enough to get an
2. I tend to consider 134 2.68 Average
my quarterly exam
for this semester was
good enough.
3. On a whole, I am 160 3.2 High
satisfied with myself.
4. At times, I think 137 2.74 Average
that I am no good at

5. I feel like I have a 139 2.78 Average

number of good
6. I am able to do 146 2.92 Average
things as well as most
people do.
7. I feel I do not have 111 2.22 Low
much to be proud of.
8. I certainly feel 129 2.58 Average
useful at times.
9. I feel I am a person 152 3.04 High
of worth, at least on
an equal plane with
10. I take positive 155 3.1 High
attitude towards
TOTAL 1389 2.8 Average

Like what in the 2.1 table presents, it shows that all of the results were mostly average. It
only means that most of the respondent’s academic performance level was good enough based on
the results. Most of the respondents, consider their GWA (general weighted average) and quarterly
exam was okay for them. Potter (2017), stated that the general weighted average is similarly a score
used to evaluate the success during the entirety of degree program. It’s an average number that
shows what student typically scored in classes throughout the semester, term, and year. Students
GWA (general weighted average) can go up and down throughout student’s time at the university,
and will change according to how much they improve their overall grades. Additionally, it only
means that many of the respondent’s confidence and trust towards to their selves are enough.
However, in item number 3, it shows that respondents scored high in this item, pointing out that
majority of the respondents are satisfied in towards to their selves. Perez (2010), stated that life
satisfaction among the students has been found.

Table 3.1

Relationship between independent variable and dependent variable



Table 3.1 represents the relationship between independent variable and dependent
variable based on the results

In table 3.1, shows that the r value of independent and dependent variable has a total of
0.32836 which is higher than the value of c 0.243. If r values are greater than the c values that
means there is a significant relationship, then the decision must be REJECT Ho. Therefore, there
is significant relationship between the academic performance and level of self-esteem in the
respondents). Chauhan (2009), in his study about the relationship between academic self-esteem
and educational achievement. Results and discussion showed that high academic self-esteem helps
in increasing educational achievement or vice versa.

5.0 Discussion
This chapter focuses on the summary of findings after obtaining the data necessary for this
study. This also includes the conclusion of the array of concepts formed with corresponding
recommendations based on the results which came up after conducting series of data presentation,
interpretation, and analysis of data.

5.1 Conclusion

1. The respondents with the age bracket of 15-17 have the most frequency among all the
brackets while subjects within the range of 18-20 have the least frequency. Thus, the
researchers concluded that the majority of the respondents see the academic
performance affects the self-esteem of the students are males and most of them are
ages 15-17.

2. It can also be concluded that the gender of the subjects has something to do with their
perception with regards to how they will define their own self-esteem. This means that
gender can be one of the contributing factors in how the respondents appreciate and
value themselves.

3. It is also observed that the respondents mostly agreed in terms of the satisfaction
regarding their General Weighted Average (GWA) and quarterly exams. In fact, there
is no presence of disagree nor strongly disagree on the survey results. It can be
concluded that all the respondents are considering their academic performance is
enough for their own standards.

4. It was also observed that most of the respondents are satisfied and confident with
themselves however there are some who do not value themselves that much. Thus, the
researchers concluded that the respondents are possessing the different types of self-
esteem. Those respondents who said that they are no good at times and do not have
much respect for themselves belongs to the person who possesses Low Self-Esteem.
The respondents that consider themselves as a person of worth, satisfied and can say
that they are also capable of what are others are doing belongs to High Self Esteem
individuals. And lastly, those respondents who answered that they tend to feel superior
over others when achieves something, they belong to the person who possesses the
Inflated type of Self-Esteem
5. The researchers concluded that there is a significant relationship between independent
and dependent variables. The results showed that there is an impact when the academic
performance is on excellent level, the self-esteem is increasing also. Disregarding the
current type of self-esteem whether it is on Low, High or Inflated, the self-esteem of
the students boosts whenever they get an academic achievement.

5.2 Recommendation

On the basis of present study some recommendations for students in the schools are
drawn as follows:

1. It would be worthwhile for all stake holders in education parents,

teachers and other students to encourage students in ages 18-20 in their respective areas
of responsibilities, such as providing study materials, conducive place of
study, recognizing excellence, reciting and do their daily task.
appreciating students hard work as soon as possible among others. These will help to motivate the
students positively towards their self-esteem and academic achievement.

2. It is necessary for the respondents to accept themselves at any rate. They must put in mind that
gender is not a limit for them to succeed. Focusing in their positive qualities instead of their
negative qualities will not give them benefits. Associating with other genders; Participating in
activities that could improve their qualities; Leading a group and joining an organization
empowering their own gender could put them in a state of mind that gender is not a hindrance at

3.The researchers suggest to everyone that has a good grade is to maintain it, also improving it is
much better. Self-satisfaction is another form of well self-esteem that enlighten trust towards on

4.Positivity is highly recommended by researchers to give to everyone, positivity is one factor

that has a big contribution in the case of self-esteem. It may relate on how people depend on their
mood of how they act. Confidence and trust towards to their selves are one of the highly
recommend of the may imply good results into the students. Confidence to self may
add and improve self-esteem and may lead to having a high score and grades. Maintaining good
confidence and trust is better in making decisions to have a low chance of getting low

5.It is recommended by the researchers to focus on the academic studies if they want to increase
their self-esteem. The result of well finish task and good scores may affect self-esteem and it may
rise the self-satisfaction or self-esteem. Otherwise it is a vice versa. Completing task and getting a
high score is an academic achievement.

 Acknowledgement
The researchers would like to acknowledge the following for helping us in making this
research possible.
The Respondents, who willingly participate, give their time and effort in answering the
survey questionnaire for the researchers’ study.
The Researchers’ Parents and Friends, who are always supportive financially, giving us
motivational words and inspiring us all throughout the research process.
Our Research Adviser, Ms. Jane L. Espiritu for being always patient, responsible and
hands on research adviser who is always free to consult about our study, in giving her
immense knowledge about the subject.
 Appendices
Part I.
Name (Optional): __________________________
Age: _______
Gender: Male Female
Direction. Rate each situation based on your own experience and perspective. Please put a check
(/) on the desired box. The researchers encourage you to answer this survey questionnaire
seriously and honestly.


1. On a whole, I am satisfied with

2. At times, I think that I am no good

at all.

3. I feel like I have a number of good


4. I am able to do things as well as

most people do.

5. I feel I do not have much to be

proud of.

6. I certainly feel useful at times.

7. I feel I am a person of worth, at

least on an equal plane with other.

8. I take positive attitude towards

Part III.



1. I tend to consider my GWA for

this semester was good enough to
get an honor.
2. I tend to consider my quarterly
exam for this semester was good
Psychology Department
#1 Esperanza St. Hilltop Mansion Heights, Greater Lagro, Quezon City

September, 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Permission to Conduct Research Study

We, students from STEM 12-Bio1, are writing to request permission to conduct a
research study. As part of our study, we are required to survey certain students. Hence in this
regard, "The impact of academic performance to the self-esteem of Senior High School
Students in Our Lady of Fatima University Quezon City".

We are requesting to kindly permit us to collect the required data from the said students inside the
university. The identity and information gathered from students will be strictly kept confidential
and will be use for the research study purpose only.

Your approval will be greatly appreciated.

Antonio, Shena Mae
Botron, Ruhvic
Ebajo, Vince
Fallorina, Henry
Fernandez, Aaron
Mecaydor, Ralph Niño
Miraña, Janus

Noted by:

Ms. Jane L. Espiritu, MAEd

Research Adviser

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