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XyMaxSM and Advanced MHAI

ExxonMobil’s leading edge in xylene

isomerization technology

ExxonMobil offers two highly selective xylene

isomerization processes – XyMaxSM
isomerization and Advanced MHAI – for
commercial licensing to produce paraxylene
and/or orthoxylene from feedstocks rich in C8
aromatics. These technologies can be easily
retrofitted into existing equipment, where
they can debottleneck operations, boost
product yields, increase profits and provide
more flexibility than competitive processes.
XyMax and Advanced MHAI services provide
full support for licensees from initial
consultation through technology transfer
and ongoing improvements.

With more than 35 years of commercial deployment, ExxonMobil xylene

isomerization technologies have been licensed throughout the Americas,
Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Approximately one-third of the world’s
paraxylene capacity is produced using our technology.
Figure 1: Process Flow Diagram


C8 Heart Cut

XyMaxSM (xylene isomerization) advantages: a unique dual-bed catalyst system with each bed tailored
High ethylbenzene conversion with low xylene losses to perform specific functions, these processes optimize EB
Designed to meet specific plant needs, the XyMax and conversion, non-aromatics cracking, and the isomerization
Advanced MHAI isomerization processes can debottleneck of metaxylene and orthoxylene to paraxylene. Users may take
operations by maximizing ethylbenzene (EB) conversion advantage of these features to increase the capacity of an
while minimizing xylene losses. For sites with lower reactor existing unit by as much as 30%.
temperature limitations and those that use crystallization for
paraxylene separation, the Advanced MHAI process offers Simple fixed-bed process
optimum operation. For sites with higher reactor temperature The process flow (shown) is typical for a vapor-phase
capability and those that use adsorption-based paraxylene reaction in a fixed-bed reactor. In XyMax and Advanced
separation technology, the XyMax process is the right choice. MHAI processes, feed is a mixture of fresh and recycled C8
aromatics in which the paraxylene (and orthoxylene, if desired)
Both XyMax and Advanced MHAI can offer significant concentrations are less than equilibrium. The mixed xylene
advantages over competing processes, such as: feed, combined with hydrogen-rich recycle gas, is preheated
and passed through the reactor, where EB is dealkylated to
• Higher throughput and paraxylene production produce benzene and ethane, and xylene isomerization occurs
• Paraxylene approach to equilibrium of 100% or more to produce a paraxylene concentration in excess of 100% of
throughout the operating cycle equilibrium.
• Lower operating costs - up to 25%
• Lower catalyst requirement Reactor effluent is cooled by heat exchange and the liquid
• Long operating cycles and optimal catalyst life products are separated from the recycle gas, stripped to
remove light ends and fractionated to remove benzene and
Advanced catalyst technology toluene. Bottoms from the fractionation section are then
XyMax and Advanced MHAI processes incorporate the latest recycled to the paraxylene recovery section.
advances in ExxonMobil’s zeolite catalyst technology. Using

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