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Fordham Law Review

Volume 82 | Issue 5 Article 12


Bankruptcy’s Corporate Tax Loophole

Diane Lourdes Dick
Seattle University School of Law

Recommended Citation
Diane Lourdes Dick, Bankruptcy’s Corporate Tax Loophole, 82 Fordham L. Rev. 2273 (2014).
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Diane Lourdes Dick*

Imagine you are a company with a failing business that is drowning in

debt. On the bright side, you also possess a very valuable asset. This asset
is unique because, unlike most assets, if you liquidate the business through
a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it will be extinguished and its value will not be
realized by any shareholders or creditors. On the other hand, even if you
substantially liquidate the business using Chapter 11, you can, thanks to an
extraordinary ambiguity in the law, preserve this valuable asset. Even
better, you can direct the value of this asset to your preferred
stakeholders—whether they are shareholders or creditors—rather than
have the asset’s value allocated among stakeholders according to
bankruptcy’s absolute priority rule. You can do this because you have the
most information about this valuable asset and because bankruptcy law and
courts effectively ignore its existence, leaving you to allocate its value as
you see fit. What is this unique asset? Valuable tax attributes, including
net operating losses and credit carryovers. This scenario is not purely
hypothetical; Solyndra and Washington Mutual, among others, have
effectively used Chapter 11 to divert the value of tax losses and credits to a
select group of shareholders and creditors in contravention of bankruptcy’s
distributional norms. This Article recommends statutory revisions to the
tax and bankruptcy laws to remove the unintended tax advantage and thus
neutralize the tax consequences of corporate restructuring decisions.

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 2274 
BANKRUPTCY AND TAX LAW....................................................... 2282 
A. Bankruptcy-Related Tax Provisions ....................................... 2285 

* Assistant Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law; LL.M. in Taxation, 2011,
University of Florida Levin College of Law. Earlier versions of this Article were presented
at the 2013 National Business Law Scholars Conference at The Ohio State University
Michael E. Moritz College of Law, the 2013 annual meeting of the Southeastern Association
of Law Schools, and the 2013 Pacific West Business Law Scholars Colloquium at the
University of Oregon School of Law. Special thanks to Yariv Brauner, Kara Bruce,
Michelle Arnopol Cecil, Brooke Coleman, Wendy Couture, Steven Davidoff, Eric Franklin,
Charlotte Garden, Andrew Hayashi, Julie Hill, John Hunt, Lily Kahng, Stephen Lubben,
Charlene Luke, Mohsen Manesh, Colin Marks, Shu-Yi Oei, Elizabeth Pollman, Karena
Rahall, Anna Roberts, and Julie Shapiro for thoughtful comments on previous drafts.


B. Tax Law’s Treatment of a Debtor’s Tax Attributes in

Bankruptcy ............................................................................ 2288 
1. Tax Attributes As Assets Under Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles ..................................................... 2288 
2. Assigning Value to Tax Attributes Under GAAP ............ 2290 
3. Transferability of Tax Attributes: General Rules............ 2291 
4. Transferability of Tax Attributes in Bankruptcy .............. 2295 
C. Discussion: Valuable Tax Attributes As Property of the
Bankruptcy Estate ................................................................. 2297 
II. THE LOOPHOLE .................................................................................. 2298 
A. How Valuable Tax Attributes Escape Bankruptcy’s
Distributional Norms ............................................................ 2300 
B. Chapter 11 As an Anticompetitive Environment for
Negotiating Allocations of Valuable Tax Attributes ............. 2304 
III. CLOSING THE LOOPHOLE .................................................................. 2307 
A. Revisions to the Bankruptcy Laws .......................................... 2308 
1. Modifications to Bankruptcy Disclosure Rules ............... 2308 
2. Amendments to the Chapter 11 Plan
Confirmation Tests .......................................................... 2309 
B. Revisions to the Tax Laws....................................................... 2311 
C. Reassessing the Intersection of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
and Tax Law.......................................................................... 2312 
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 2315 

In September 2011, the financially troubled solar cell manufacturing
company Solyndra LLC and its parent, 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc.,
filed voluntary petitions for bankruptcy protection in U.S. Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Delaware.1 By generally accepted financial and
accounting conventions, Solyndra2 was insolvent.3 In preliminary
disclosures made to the court, the privately held company reported assets of
$854 million and liabilities of $863 million.4
Solyndra’s difficulties were not merely financial. By most accounts, the
company failed because of fundamental deficiencies in its business model.5
The company produced solar panels made from innovative materials that
became increasingly difficult to market as commodity price shifts and

1. Voluntary Petition, In re Solyndra LLC, No. 11-21799 (Bankr. D. Del. Sept. 6,

2011); Voluntary Petition, 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc., In re Solyndra, No. 11-21799.
2. Unless the context indicates otherwise, “Solyndra” refers to Solyndra LLC and 360
Degree Solar Holdings, Inc., together.
3. Under bankruptcy law, a company is insolvent when “the sum of such entity’s debts
is greater than all of such entity’s property, at a fair valuation.” 11 U.S.C. § 101(32)(A)
4. Schedules of Assets & Liabilities of Solyndra LLC (Second Amended) at 1, In re
Solyndra, No. 11-21799 (Feb. 14, 2012).
5. See, e.g., Yulia Chernova, Loan Was Solyndra’s Undoing, WALL ST. J., Sept. 16,
2011, at B1.

governmental subsidies drove down the cost of competitor products.6

Additionally, Solyndra became embroiled in political controversy and fraud
accusations arising out of the U.S. Department of Energy’s guarantee of a
$535 million loan to the company.7 The morning after the company filed
for bankruptcy, the FBI raided the company’s facilities in search of
documents and electronic files that might evidence any wrongdoing in the
company’s dealings with the Department of Energy.8
According to conventional wisdom, companies that suffer financial
difficulties may be resuscitated via debt restructuring, while companies that
also struggle with deeper economic problems, such as outmoded business
models, should be liquidated.9 But despite falling into the latter category,
Solyndra did not pursue liquidation under Chapter 710 of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code.11 Instead, Solyndra filed under Chapter 11,12 which is
often cited as a source of rehabilitative relief, enabling debtors to reorganize
and emerge from bankruptcy with a fresh start.13
Were Solyndra’s stakeholders overly sanguine about the company’s
long-term prospects and drawn to Chapter 11 as the “optimist’s valhalla”?14
Probably not. Although Chapter 11 is more commonly associated with its
rehabilitative relief mechanisms, it also offers tools to liquidate a
business.15 And in Solyndra’s case, it seems that from the outset, the
company’s insiders intended to use Chapter 11’s liquidation mechanisms
rather than its rehabilitative devices.16 Almost immediately after filing for

6. Id.
7. Eric Morath, Lawmaker Seeks Solyndra Examiner, WALL ST. J., Sept. 20, 2011, at
8. Thomas Catan & Deborah Solomon, FBI Raids Solar-Panel Maker, WALL ST. J.,
Sept. 9, 2011, at B1.
9. See, e.g., Michael Bradley & Michael Rosenzweig, The Untenable Case for Chapter
11, 101 YALE L.J. 1043, 1050–51 (1992).
10. 11 U.S.C. §§ 701–784 (2012) (providing for liquidations of bankrupt persons).
11. All references herein to the Bankruptcy Code are to the Bankruptcy Reform Act of
1978, Pub. L. No. 95-598, 92 Stat. 2549 (codified as amended at 11 U.S.C.).
12. 11 U.S.C. §§ 1101–1174 (providing for reorganizations and liquidations of bankrupt
13. This purpose of Chapter 11 was articulated at the time of its adoption in 1978:
“Chapter 11 deals with the reorganization of a financially distressed business enterprise,
providing for its rehabilitation by adjustment of its debt obligations and equity interests.” S.
REP. NO. 95-989, at 9 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787, 5795. “The purpose of
a business reorganization case, unlike a liquidation case, is to restructure a business’s
finances so that it may continue to operate, provide its employees with jobs, pay its creditors,
and produce a return for its stockholders.” H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 220, reprinted in 1978
U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963, 6179.
14. In re Maxim Indus., Inc., 22 B.R. 611, 613 (Bankr. D. Mass. 1985).
15. Liquidation can be accomplished by selling all or substantially all of the company’s
assets in a sale conducted during the pendency of the case or pursuant to a confirmed
Chapter 11 plan. Asset sales may be conducted under 11 U.S.C. § 363(b)(1), which provides
that, in the course of a Chapter 11 case, a debtor in possession, “after notice and a hearing,
may . . . sell . . . other than in the ordinary course of business, property of the estate . . . .”
Moreover, 11 U.S.C. § 1123(b)(4) permits the sale of all of the property of the estate and the
distribution of the proceeds to creditors pursuant to a liquidation plan. See 11 U.S.C.
§ 1123(b)(4).
16. See infra notes 17–18.

bankruptcy, the company sought approval to sell substantially all of its

assets.17 In pleadings before the court, stakeholders argued the classic
economic case for liquidation: that the company’s assets were worth more
either in the hands of a higher-valuing end user or in an alternative use.18
Solyndra’s pursuit of liquidation under Chapter 11 is not exceptional. As
other commentators observe, business debtors increasingly conduct
liquidations under Chapter 11 rather than Chapter 7.19 For one thing,
Chapter 11 allows a debtor’s incumbent management team to command the
liquidation process,20 whereas Chapter 7 requires management to relinquish
control to a trustee.21 Similarly, some bankruptcy scholars reason that
Chapter 11 liquidations are faster and less expensive and may generate
higher payouts to creditors.22
But Solyndra’s case differs from the typical Chapter 11 liquidation23 in a
very important respect. Although Solyndra also sold substantially all of its
assets during the pendency of its Chapter 11 case, it pursued a vaguely
styled “Joint Chapter 11 Plan” (the Solyndra Plan),24 claiming to effectuate
both a reorganization and a liquidation.25 In particular, the Solyndra Plan
contemplated that the parent would be reorganized and would continue to
exist, while the operating subsidiary would be dissolved.26 Following a

17. Motion of Solyndra LLC Pursuant to Sections 105(a) and 363 of the Bankruptcy
Code for Authority to (A) Conduct an Auction for Core Assets, and (B) Sell Assets to the
Successful Bidders at an Auction Free and Clear of all Encumbrances at 1, In re Solyndra
LLC, No. 11-12799 (Bankr. D. Del. Nov. 22, 2011).
18. Id. at 17. Solyndra’s stakeholders sought to sell the company’s assets to a turnkey
buyer. Id. at 3. However, they also solicited court approval to sell the assets separately if
necessary. Id. at 17.
19. See, e.g., H. Jason Gold & Dylan G. Trache, Liquidation of Troubled Businesses:
Chapter 11 Liquidations Increasing, METROPOLITAN CORP. COUNS., Apr. 2009, at 10;
Michael Cooley, How To Succeed at Chapter 11 Without Really Reorganizing, J. CORP.
RENEWAL (Aug. 27, 2008),
20. The debtor in possession “generally has the authority to exercise the same powers as
a trustee.” Weingarten Nostat, Inc. v. Serv. Merch. Co., 396 F.3d 737, 742 n.4 (6th Cir.
2005) (discussing and citing 11 U.S.C. §§ 1107(a), 1108).
21. 11 U.S.C. §§ 701–702.
22. See, e.g., Arturo Bris et al., The Costs of Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 Liquidation Versus
Chapter 11 Reorganization, 61 J. FIN. 1253, 1301 (2006); Stephen J. Lubben, Business
Liquidation, 81 AM. BANKR. L.J. 65, 81 (2007); see also 9C AM. JUR. 2D Bankruptcy § 2818
bankruptcy scholars, however, agree that Chapter 11 offers a more efficient method of
achieving any outcome. See generally Diane Lourdes Dick, The Chapter 11 Efficiency
Fallacy, 2013 BYU L. REV. 759 (highlighting Chapter 11’s inherent structural
23. Consider, for instance, the recent Chapter 11 liquidation of the beleaguered
bookseller Borders. The debtor in possession proposed and sought court approval of a
“Chapter 11 Plan of Liquidation,” which contemplated that the debtor would sell its assets
and then dissolve. See First Amended Joint Plan of Liquidation Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code Proposed by the Debtors and the Official Committee of Unsecured
Creditors at 15, In re Borders Grp., Inc., No. 11-10614 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Nov. 2, 2011).
24. Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan at 1, In re Solyndra LLC, No. 11-12799
(Bankr. D. Del. Sept. 7, 2012).
25. Id. at sec. I.
26. Id.

series of sales to liquidate the assets of the subsidiary,27 the parent bore
little resemblance to its previous incarnation as the holding company to a
solar cell manufacturer. With no operating subsidiary, no manufacturing
assets, no significant employee base and no active business,28 the
“reorganized” parent was arguably a mere shell. The Solyndra Plan’s
preservation of the parent was especially perplexing given that the company
adopted a parent-subsidiary structure just seven months prior to the
bankruptcy filing.29
In terms of economic substance, the Solyndra Plan clearly contemplated
liquidation of Solyndra’s historic business enterprise of manufacturing solar
panels. But in terms of legal form, the Solyndra Plan also devised a
reorganization of the parent. The company’s shareholders, led by two
private equity firms,30 exploited the disconnect between substance and form
to extract a noteworthy economic privilege: the future ability to use nearly
$1 billion of Solyndra’s tax losses and credits.31 These valuable tax
attributes came to rest on the books of the corporate parent because the
operating subsidiary was an unincorporated flow-through entity with only
one corporate member, and therefore disregarded for tax purposes.32 While
not disclosed as assets at the time of the company’s bankruptcy filing,33
these losses and credits have substantial value because they can be used to
reduce federal income tax liabilities on future earnings.34

27. See Michael Kanellos, Failed Solar Company’s Auction Draws Bargain Hunters,
N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 1, 2011, at B1; Michael Bathon, Solyndra Wins Court Approval To Sell
Manufacturing Plant, BLOOMBERG.COM (Sept. 24, 2012, 1:05 PM),
28. The company terminated operations and laid off virtually all of its employees prior
to its bankruptcy filing. Declaration of W.G. Stover, Jr., Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer, in Support of First Day Motions at 13, In re Solyndra, No. 11-12799
(Sept. 6, 2011).
29. Stakeholders reorganized the company in February 2011. Id. at 6–11.
30. See Solyndra, Inc., Amendment 1 to Form S-1 (Form S-1), at 2, 98 (Mar. 16, 2010)
(noting that Argonaut Ventures I, LLC, and its affiliates (Argonaut) beneficially owned
approximately 35.7 percent of the company’s outstanding common stock, and Madrone
Partners, L.P., (Madrone) beneficially owned 11 percent of the company’s outstanding
common stock). The remaining investors were other equity funds, officers, and directors of
the company. See id. However, pursuant to the February 2011 restructuring, the company
issued equity warrants that would revert ownership of 99.9 percent of the company’s
outstanding common stock to Argonaut and Madrone. See The Solyndra Memorial Tax
Break, WALL ST. J. (Oct. 17, 2012, 12:01 AM),
872396390444799904578050803545600588; see also Solyndra, Inc., Notice of Exempt
Offering of Securities (Form D) (Mar. 10, 2011).
31. See Michael Bathon, Solyndra Lenders Ahead of Government Won’t Recover Fully,
BLOOMBERG.COM (Oct. 17, 2012, 5:53 PM),
32. Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-3(a) (2006).
33. The tax attributes are not disclosed on the company’s schedules of assets and
liabilities filed with the court. See Schedules of Assets & Liabilities 360 Degree Solar
Holdings (Amended), In re Solyndra LLC, No. 11-12799 (Bankr. D. Del. Jan. 19, 2012);
Schedules of Assets & Liabilities Solyndra LLC (Second Amended), In re Solyndra, No. 11-
12799 (Feb. 7, 2012).
34. See infra Part I.B.

Because Solyndra’s parent emerged from bankruptcy with no active

business, its managers immediately set out to raise capital and conduct
acquisitions of profitable businesses to realize the tax benefits. Once
utilized, these tax attributes may generate up to $350 million of federal
income tax savings35 for any investments “stuffed” into the parent, thereby
enhancing the company’s cash position and giving shareholders a sizable
investment advantage.36 To place these amounts in perspective, Solyndra’s
unsecured creditors—including the Department of Energy—received
approximately $3.8 million under the Solyndra Plan: an estimated three
cents on the dollar for their claims.37
With the exception of rules that apply to consolidated enterprises,38 the
tax laws generally39 do not allow a corporation taxed under Subchapter C40
to transfer its tax attributes to another person, whether in bankruptcy or
otherwise.41 Thus, in order to retain the future ability to use its valuable tax
attributes, a debtor company must emerge from bankruptcy intact. Of
course, Solyndra would not have been able to exit bankruptcy if it had been
liquidated under Chapter 7.42 Congress specifically prohibits the continued
existence of business entities following bankruptcy liquidation in an effort
to prevent “trafficking in corporate shells.”43 For the same reasons,
Solyndra’s stakeholders would not have retained the company’s tax
attributes if they pursued a pure plan of liquidation in Chapter 11.44 In both

35. These figures assume a 35 percent federal income tax rate on corporate income. The
corporate income tax is imposed pursuant to I.R.C. § 11(B)(1)(D), based upon the statutory
rates set forth in that section.
36. See The Solyndra Memorial Tax Break, supra note 30.
37. See Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan, supra note 24, at 18, 38.
38. Under I.R.C. § 1501, an affiliated group of corporations may file a consolidated
return. Consolidated enterprises are subject to extensive regulations promulgated under
§ 1501. See I.R.C. § 1501 (2012).
39. There are, of course, some highly specific exceptions. See, e.g., Alvin C. Warren, Jr.
& Alan J. Auerbach, Transferability of Tax Incentives and the Fiction of Safe Harbor
Leasing, 95 HARV. L. REV. 1752, 1768 (1982) (providing an early critique of the continuing
practice of “safe harbor leasing,” whereby taxpayers lease the tax benefits of ownership of
an asset to another party who can use them). Similarly, to the extent we think of tradable
pollution credits as tax attributes, then these would also exemplify a departure from the
general rule. See Richard F. Kosobud et al., Tradable Environmental Pollution Credits: A
New Financial Asset, 1 REV. ACCT. & FIN. 69 (2002).
40. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “corporation” refers to entities taxed
under Subchapter C of the Tax Code and not to corporations governed by Subchapter S of
the Tax Code. The former are taxpaying entities while the latter are generally treated as
“pass through” entities, with shareholders responsible for paying taxes on income. See
sources cited infra note 149.
41. See infra Part I.B.3.
42. Unlike individual debtors, business debtors are not entitled to discharge debts in a
Chapter 7 bankruptcy. 11 U.S.C. § 727(a)(1). Instead, Chapter 7 debtors must distribute all
property in full or partial satisfaction of claims against the estate. Id. § 726. Debtors who are
not individuals are then dissolved. See infra note 43 and accompanying text.
43. H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 384–85 (1977); S. REP. NO. 95-989, at 98–99 (1978),
reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787.
44. Chapter 11 liquidating plans typically contemplate that the debtor will sell its assets
and remit the proceeds to a liquidating trust. Under federal income tax regulations,
liquidating trusts are permitted to exist solely for the purpose of satisfying claims and

cases, any excess tax benefits would have expired with the then defunct
parent and subsidiary entities.45
Although Chapter 11 offered Solyndra’s stakeholders the best
opportunity to keep the company intact and therefore preserve its valuable
tax attributes, Chapter 11 carries its own restrictions. Most notably, debtors
are not permitted to discharge debts and exit bankruptcy pursuant to a plan
that essentially achieves liquidation rather than reorganization.46 For these
reasons, Chapter 11 bankruptcy only became economically attractive to
Solyndra following its February 2011 adoption of a parent-subsidiary
structure. Then, the company could enter Chapter 11 as two separate
debtors and creatively sidestep these confirmation requirements.
Predictably, the evidence presented by the Solyndra Plan’s opponents
strongly suggests that the company’s path through Chapter 11 was tax
driven. The Solyndra Plan was designed to take advantage of an ambiguity
in the law that allows a company to liquidate its business under Chapter 11
and preserve valuable tax attributes for future use by reorganizing only the
corporate parent.47 Solyndra has not been the only company to employ this
strategy in recent years. Among others,48 Washington Mutual followed a
similar path through Chapter 11, liquidating its business assets and
reorganizing the parent to preserve nearly $18 billion in valuable tax
Nonetheless, the bankruptcy court endorsed the Solyndra Plan in October
201250 over the objections of the Internal Revenue Service51 (IRS) and the

otherwise effectuating the plan of liquidation. Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-4(d) (as amended in
45. See supra notes 43–44.
46. Section 1141(d)(3) expressly proscribes the granting of a discharge if “(A) the plan
provides for the liquidation of all or substantially all of the property of the estate; (B) the
debtor does not engage in business after consummation of the plan; and (C) the debtor would
be denied a discharge . . . if the case were a case under chapter 7.” See 11 U.S.C.
§ 1141(d)(3); Borsdorf v. Fairchild Aircraft Corp. (In re Fairchild Aircraft Corp.), 128 B.R.
976, 982 (Bankr. W.D. Tex. 1991) (describing the purpose of this provision). What is more,
a Chapter 11 plan may not be confirmed unless it complies with the provisions of 11 U.S.C.
§ 1129(a). A plan must be feasible, demonstrating that the debtor will generate profits from
future business operations. See Fin. Sec. Assurance v. T-H New Orleans Ltd. P’Ship (In re
T-H New Orleans Ltd. P’ship), 116 F.3d 790, 801–02 (5th Cir. 1997). The proponent of a
Chapter 11 plan bears the burden of proof with respect to each element of 11 U.S.C.
§ 1129(a). See In re Genesis Health Ventures, Inc., 266 B.R. 591, 610 (Bankr. D. Del. 2001).
47. See sources cited infra notes 51–52.
48. See Order Confirming First Amended Plan of Reorganization, In re PMI Grp., Inc.,
No. 11-13730 (Bankr. D. Del. July 25, 2013), ECF No. 1015 (confirming a Chapter 11 plan
pursuant to which a corporate parent reorganized to preserve valuable tax attributes).
49. Peg Brickley & Mike Spector, WaMu Gets Closer to Bankruptcy Exit, WALL ST. J.
(May 25, 2011, 12:01 AM),
804576343803438618670. The tax attributes are discussed in greater detail in In re Wash.
Mut., Inc., 461 B.R. 200, 225–26 (Bankr. D. Del. 2011), vacated in part, No. 08-12229
(MFW), 2012 WL 1563880 (Bankr. D. Del. Feb. 24, 2012).
50. Order Confirming Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan, In re Solyndra LLC,
No. 11-12799 (Bankr. D. Del. Oct. 22, 2012).
51. Objection of the United States of America, on Behalf of the IRS, to Confirmation of
Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan, In re Solyndra, No. 11-12799 (Oct. 10, 2012).

U.S. Trustee.52 The government argued that the principal purpose of the
Solyndra Plan was tax avoidance, as evidenced by the fact that the parent
would emerge from bankruptcy with valuable tax attributes and no active
business.53 In approving the Solyndra Plan, the court reasoned that the
parent’s business purpose was merely to serve as a holding company and
that the valuable tax attributes would motivate the parent to continue its
historical line of business of investing in companies.54
Yet this “pseudo-reorganization” tax avoidance strategy, as I call it in this
Article, arguably cannot withstand a closer reading of tax and commercial
law.55 But it would miss the mark to focus only on the dubious merits of
this particular deal structure. The pseudo-reorganization is just one of
many recent and high-profile attempts to circumvent Chapter 11’s
distributional norms by exploiting ambiguity in the corporate tax and
bankruptcy laws. Thus, whether one agrees or disagrees with the Solyndra
court’s reasoning, the case invites one to explore the relatively uncharted
junction between these two areas of the law,56 and to give deeper theoretical
consideration to various provisions of the U.S. Tax Code57 that benefit
bankrupt companies.
A central claim of this Article is that bankruptcy-specific exceptions in
the tax laws transform the debtor’s valuable tax attributes into marketable
property that, in many cases, gives the estate its intrinsic value. Yet the
bankruptcy laws leave these tax assets vulnerable to siphoning by dominant
stakeholders who are in a position to extract excess returns.58 The problem
arises because one of the Bankruptcy Code’s most important safeguards
instructs courts to evaluate the fairness of nonconsensual Chapter 11 plans
against a hypothetical Chapter 7 liquidation.59 But because under the tax

52. U.S. Trustee’s Objection to Confirmation of the Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11
Plan, In re Solyndra, No. 11-12799 (Oct. 10, 2012).
53. See id. at 5–6.
54. See supra note 50 and accompanying text. A similar decision was more recently
rendered in the PMI Group, Inc.’s Chapter 11 case. See Order Confirming First Amended
Plan of Reorganization at 10, In re PMI Grp., Inc., No. 11-13730 (Bankr. D. Del. Jul. 25,
2013), ECF No. 1015.
55. See infra Part III.C.
56. There is a relative dearth of legal scholarship at the confluence of tax and
bankruptcy. There are, however, some recent exceptions. See, e.g., Michelle Arnopol Cecil,
Abandonments in Bankruptcy: Unifying Competing Tax and Bankruptcy Policies, 88 MINN.
L. REV. 723 (2004); Frances R. Hill, Toward a Theory of Bankruptcy Tax: A Statutory
Coordination Approach, 50 TAX LAW. 103 (1996); Shu-Yi Oei, Taxing Bankrupts, 55 B.C.
L. REV. 375 (2014); Katherine Pratt, Shifting Biases: Troubled Company Debt
Restructurings After the 1993 Tax Act, 68 AM. BANKR. L.J. 23 (1994); Jack F. Williams,
Bifurcation for Claim Filing Purposes of a Corporate Tax Year That Straddles the Petition
Date, 9 AM. BANKR. INST. L. REV. 463 (2001).
57. All references herein to the Tax Code are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(codified as amended at 26 U.S.C.).
58. Such excess returns are the very essence of economic rents. See LUCIAN BEBCHUK &
COMPENSATION 62 (2004) (referring to economic rents as “extra returns that firms or
individuals obtain due to their positional advantages”). See generally GORDON TULLOCK,
59. 11 U.S.C. § 1129(a)(7) (2012).

laws, the debtor’s valuable tax attributes do not survive liquidation, they are
overlooked.60 The problem is exacerbated by the fact that these tax
attributes are often omitted from the debtor’s asset disclosures.61 This
amounts to a perfect storm, where some of bankruptcy’s most vital
protective devices neglect to take into account what is often the debtor’s
most valuable asset. As I argue in this Article, this extraordinary ambiguity
at the intersection of federal tax and bankruptcy law not only facilitates
inequitable allocations of economic benefits and burdens in Chapter 11 but
also causes a much broader, systematic misallocation of resources. In
particular, it contributes to an overall reduction in social welfare, as parties
in a position to exploit the information asymmetry and control the
restructuring are able to monetize the tax assets as excess returns and then
use them to shelter income from unrelated assets.62
This ambiguity and its negative collateral consequences should be
addressed now because both the Tax Code and the Bankruptcy Code are the
subject of major reform efforts. President Obama has expressed interest in
corporate tax reforms, with policymakers in both political parties studying
proposals.63 At the same time, the American Bankruptcy Institute recently
convened the Commission to Study the Reform of Chapter 11, laying the
groundwork for a comprehensive rewriting of Chapter 11.64 As
policymakers work to reshape the corporate tax system and the commercial
bankruptcy framework, special attention must be given to the areas of
This Article proceeds as follows. Part I offers those new to the literature
a short overview of commercial bankruptcy under Chapter 11. Part I also
contains a discussion of various bankruptcy-specific provisions of the Tax
Code. Part II revisits the Solyndra case and others to understand the role of
valuable tax attributes in large commercial bankruptcies. This Part reveals
how these tax attributes not only give the bankruptcy estate its intrinsic
value, but also become a source of excess returns for persons in a position
to exploit the restructuring. Part III proposes a new legal framework for the

60. See supra notes 43–44.

61. See supra note 33. In the Solyndra case, the government complained about this very
issue. See Objection of the United States of America, on Behalf of the Department of Energy
and the IRS, to Debtors’ Motion for an Order at 4, In re Solyndra LLC, No. 11-12799
(Bankr. D. Del. Aug. 24, 2012) (“Nowhere does the Disclosure Statement describe, quantify,
or estimate the potential value [of] these net operating losses, which [Solyndra]’s equity
owners intend to take out of this bankruptcy under the Plan.”). Debtors typically decline to
disclose valuable tax attributes in preliminary asset disclosures, only later describing them in
subsequent disclosures buried in hundreds of pages of material submitted at the plan
confirmation stage of the case. See infra note 257 and accompanying text.
62. On the relationship between excess returns and overall social welfare, see TULLOCK,
supra note 58.
63. See, e.g., John D. McKinnon, Obama’s Budget Seeks Overhaul of Business-Tax
Codes, WALL ST. J. (Mar. 4, 2014, 7:53 PM),
64. Katy Stech, Bankruptcy Leaders Call for Chapter 11 Overhaul, WALL ST. J. (Apr.
19, 2012, 5:30 PM),

treatment of valuable tax attributes in commercial bankruptcies, based on

the arguments developed in Part II.


Chapter 11 bankruptcy is frequently described as a legal process that
offers debtors much-needed “breathing room” from the demands of
creditors.65 The filing of a bankruptcy petition creates an estate that
includes “all legal or equitable interests of the debtor in property.”66
Although, under this broad definition, all of the debtor’s assets are deemed
property of the bankruptcy estate,67 the debtor typically retains possession
and may continue to operate its business.68 Meanwhile, the commencement
of a bankruptcy case also imposes an automatic stay, which enjoins
creditors from enforcing pre-petition obligations or exercising remedies
against the debtor’s property.69
With creditors barred from pursuing collections during the pendency of
the case, attention quickly shifts to negotiating the debtor’s exit from
bankruptcy on terms that will allow maximum repayment of claims. A
Chapter 11 debtor emerges from bankruptcy by obtaining judicial
confirmation of a Chapter 11 plan.70 A plan ordinarily classifies claims
against the estate, delineates the debtor’s future as a going concern, and
identifies any cash or property distributions to be made to each class of
Traditionally, Chapter 11 plans contemplate reorganization of the
debtor.72 Under these so-called plans of reorganization, claimants may
receive equity interests in the debtor or in a newly formed company in
exchange for all or part of their claims.73 Alternatively, under a “plan of
liquidation,” the debtor may propose to sell its assets, distribute proceeds to

65. See, e.g., 5 COLLIER ON BANKRUPTCY ¶ 541.01 (Alan N. Resnick & Henry J.
Sommer eds., 16th ed. 2013) (noting as a “fundamental purpose[] of the Bankruptcy Code”
the “breathing room given to a debtor that attempts to make a fresh start”); Local Loan Co.
v. Hunt, 292 U.S. 234, 244 (1934) (“[Bankruptcy] gives to the honest but unfortunate debtor
. . . a new opportunity in life and a clear field for future effort, unhampered by the pressure
and discouragement of preexisting debt.”).
66. 11 U.S.C. § 541(a) (2012). As this expansive language suggests, Congress intended
a wide range of property to be included in the bankruptcy estate. See United States v.
Whiting Pools, Inc., 462 U.S. 198, 203 (1983).
67. “The scope of [§ 541(a)(1)] is broad. It includes all kinds of property, including
tangible or intangible property, causes of action . . . and all other forms of property currently
specified in section 70a of the Bankruptcy Act.” H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 367 (1977); S.
REP. NO. 95-989, at 82 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5868, 6323.
68. 11 U.S.C. §§ 1107(a), 1108.
69. See id. § 362. The court can grant relief from the automatic stay only under certain
specified conditions or for cause. See id.; see also FED. R. BANKR. P. 4001.
70. 11 U.S.C. § 1141.
71. Id. § 1123.
72. See supra note 13.
73. For instance, in the General Motors bankruptcy, creditors received equity security
interests in a newly formed company. Parker v. Motors Liquidation Co. (In re Motors
Liquidation Co.), 430 B.R. 65, 72 (S.D.N.Y. 2010).

creditors in satisfaction of their claims, and then dissolve.74 While the latter
plan achieves substantially the same outcome as a Chapter 7 bankruptcy,
the debtor is able to manage the sale of its assets under Chapter 11.75
Broadly speaking, the Chapter 11 plan is a distributional exercise,
detailing how and to what extent economic benefits and burdens will be
borne by various constituents. Acknowledging the significance of the plan
to the bankrupt company, the Bankruptcy Code gives the debtor the
exclusive right to file a Chapter 11 plan for a period of 120 days.76 In
addition to its draft plan, the debtor must also prepare adequate financial
and nonfinancial disclosures.77
Once proposed, the Chapter 11 plan is subject to a vote by classes of the
bankrupt company’s creditors and equity security holders.78 In some cases,
the debtor and its creditors are able to negotiate a Chapter 11 plan that all
classes either affirmatively accept or are deemed to accept because they will
be paid in full, such that their interests are not impaired.79 In cases of this
sort, the bankruptcy court must confirm the plan unless the plan proponent
is unable to meet its burden of proving certain additional requirements.80
For instance, the plan must be feasible, proposed in good faith, and not
violate any applicable laws.81
Typically, however, a Chapter 11 plan faces opposition from one or more
classes. In these cases, at least one class of impaired claims must vote in
favor of the plan.82 Additionally, with respect to each impaired class of
claims or interests, under the plan each holder must receive property equal
to or greater than the amount that such holder would so receive if the debtor
were liquidated under Chapter 7.83 In other words, the claimants should be

74. See supra note 44. For an example of a plan of liquidation, see supra note 23.
75. See supra note 20.
76. 11 U.S.C. § 1121(b).
77. With respect to plans of reorganization, the debtor must also provide an estimate of
the value of the debtor as a going concern. See id. § 1125. Reorganization value, or
“enterprise value,” is used to determine value received or retained in the form of equity
security interests in the debtor. Under GAAP, enterprise value is the “fair value” of the
company before liabilities. Fair value refers to “the price that would be received to sell [an]
asset . . . in an orderly transaction between market participants . . . at the measurement date.”
157 (2006) (effective Nov. 15, 2007), available at
78. 11 U.S.C. § 1126. Consent thresholds are explored in greater detail in David Arthur
Skeel, Jr., The Nature and Effect of Corporate Voting in Chapter 11 Reorganization Cases,
78 VA. L. REV. 461, 467 (1992).
79. For a discussion of a recent uncontested Chapter 11 plan, see Peg Brickley,
GateHouse Media Wins Confirmation of Chapter 11 Restructuring, WALL ST. J. (Nov. 6,
2013, 3:36 PM),
80. 11 U.S.C. § 1129(a).
81. See id. (setting forth the remaining elements of plan approval).
82. Id. § 1129(a)(10). “Insiders” are not taken into account for the purposes of
satisfying this requirement. Id. In bankruptcy law, the term “insider” includes a person in
control of the debtor, as well as any person so closely related to the debtor as to suggest that
any transactions were not conducted at arm’s length. Id. § 101(31)(B)(iii).
83. Id. § 1129(a)(7).

given at least what they would receive if the debtor were liquidated.84
Finally, the bankruptcy court may “cramdown”85 the plan over the
objections of a dissenting class only if certain additional statutory
requirements are satisfied.86 Chief among these is the condition that a plan
be “fair and equitable” with respect to dissenting classes.87 A plan is fair
and equitable if members of the dissenting class receive property equal in
value to their permitted claims or, to the extent the class receives less than
this amount, no creditor of lesser priority (or any equity security holder)88
receives any distribution under the plan.89 This requirement, which is a
core tenet of bankruptcy law, is known as the “absolute priority rule.”90 It
serves as an important safeguard for creditors by ensuring that, unless their
claims are paid in full or they agree otherwise, the Chapter 11 plan will—
with limited exceptions91—respect the relative collection rights of creditors
under state law.92
As this brief overview reveals, Chapter 11 principally functions to
preserve all potential sources of economic value that can be used to satisfy
the debtor’s obligations, while setting legal parameters on the distribution
of such wealth. By imposing these protective distributional norms, Chapter
11 allows debtors to continue their business operations while negotiating
with creditors to restructure their financial obligations. Against this
backdrop, the following sections consider how the tax laws not only
facilitate a firm’s use of federal bankruptcy process to resolve financial

84. Id. This test is commonly known as the “best interests of creditors” test. See
generally Jonathan Hicks, Note, Foxes Guarding the Henhouse: The Modern Best Interests
of Creditors Test in Chapter 11 Reorganizations, 5 NEV. L.J. 820 (2005).
85. This term does not appear in the Bankruptcy Code, but is used to refer to judicial
confirmation of a plan notwithstanding the objections of dissenting impaired classes. See
generally Charles D. Booth, The Cramdown on Secured Creditors: An Impetus Toward
Settlement, 60 AM. BANKR. L.J. 69, 69 (1986).
86. 11 U.S.C. § 1129(b).
87. Id.
88. Id. But see infra note 91 (discussing the “new value exception” to the absolute
priority rule).
89. See Booth, supra note 85.
90. The doctrine, presently codified at § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii), originated in judicial
opinions. See, e.g., Case v. L.A. Lumber Prods. Co., 308 U.S. 106 (1939); N. Pac. Ry. Co. v.
Boyd, 228 U.S. 482 (1913); see also Douglas G. Baird & Thomas H. Jackson, Bargaining
After the Fall and the Contours of the Absolute Priority Rule, 55 U. CHI. L. REV. 738 (1988);
Walter J. Blum & Stanley A. Kaplan, The Absolute Priority Doctrine in Corporate
Reorganizations, 41 U. CHI. L. REV. 651 (1974); Ralph Brubaker & Charles Tabb,
Bankruptcy Reorganizations and the Troubling Legacy of Chrysler and GM, 2010 U. ILL. L.
REV. 1375, 1391 (referring to the absolute priority rule as “one of the most central,
fundamental distribution-value protections of a chapter 11 plan”).
91. See infra notes 210–12 and accompanying text.
92. The rights of secured and unsecured creditors are determined under state law, in
statutes and case law governing contracts, debtor-creditor relations, as well as liens in real
and personal property. For instance, the relative priority of secured creditors and other lien
holders are set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted in each state. See, e.g.,
U.C.C. § 9-317 (2000) (setting forth the basic rule governing priority between lien creditors
and secured parties); id. § 9-322(a)(1) (setting forth the basic rule governing priority among
conflicting security interests).

distress, but also unexpectedly generate additional value for the bankruptcy

A. Bankruptcy-Related Tax Provisions

Certain tax laws are designed to work in conjunction with the Bankruptcy
Code, enabling companies to resolve financial distress via the bankruptcy
process without harsh tax consequences. For instance, bankruptcy-related
provisions of the Tax Code extend nonrecognition treatment to certain
transactions entered into by bankrupt companies93 and permanently exclude
some of a debtor’s income from taxation.94 Whether we view these
provisions as necessary and legitimate exceptions that allow for a truer
picture of the debtor’s income95 or as preferential departures from the
normal taxing system that amount to “tax expenditures”96 of governmental

93. See infra notes 98–103 and accompanying text.

94. See infra notes 104–11 and accompanying text.
95. The normal taxing system assigns tax consequences to realization events, such as
dispositions of assets. This generally means that less income is taxed than would be under a
pure economic definition of income. See, e.g., HENRY C. SIMONS, INCOME TAXATION 50
(1938) (setting forth what is now known as the Haig-Simons definition of income: “the
algebraic sum of (1) the market value of rights exercised in consumption and (2) the change
in the value of the store of property rights between the beginning and end of the period in
question”); see also Charlene Luke, What Would Henry Simons Do?: Using an Ideal To
Shape and Explain the Economic Substance Doctrine, 11 HOUS. BUS. & TAX L.J. 108, 127
(2011) (providing a thorough discussion of the Haig-Simons definition of income).
However, the normal taxing system can also result in the imposition of the income tax even
where there is no income in an economic sense. Nonrecognition rules are an attempt to
bring the normal taxing system into better alignment with the economic definition of income.
96. Tax expenditures are defined under the Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974 as “revenue losses attributable to provisions of the Federal tax laws
which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which
provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability.”
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-344, § 3(3),
88 Stat. 297. Tax expenditure analysis was famously introduced by Stanley Surrey and
further developed by Surrey and Paul McDaniel. See generally STANLEY S. SURREY,
EXPENDITURES (1985); Stanley S. Surrey & Paul R. McDaniel, The Tax Expenditure
Concept: Current Developments and Emerging Issues, 20 B.C. L. REV. 225 (1979); Stanley
S. Surrey & Paul R. McDaniel, The Tax Expenditure Concept and the Budget Reform Act of
1974, 17 B.C. INDUS. & COM. L. REV. 679 (1976); Stanley S. Surrey, Assistant Sec’y, U.S.
Dep’t of the Treasury, Excerpts from Remarks Before the Money Marketeers on the U.S.
Income Tax System—the Need for a Full Accounting (Nov. 15, 1967), in U.S. DEP’T OF THE
conceptual framework, tax expenditure analysis first assumes a normal income tax, based
upon “the definition of net income, the specification of accounting rules, the determination
of the entities subject to tax, the determination of the rate schedule and exemption levels”
which comprise the “revenue-raising aspects of the tax.” SURREY & MCDANIEL, supra, at 3.
Then, the concept invites analysts to identify any deviations from the normal revenue-raising
structure of the income tax system, in the form of exemptions, exclusions, deductions,
credits, deferral, and preferential tax rates. These deviations are assessed as a form of
government spending, albeit through forgone tax revenue rather than direct expenditures.

resources,97 in either case, they function to protect the interests of bankrupt

companies and their stakeholders.
For example, as noted above, the Tax Code extends nonrecognition
treatment to certain acquisitions of a debtor’s assets.98 “Nonrecognition
treatment” means that the transaction will be tax-free to the parties if certain
other requirements are met.99 At least one party to the acquisition must be
under bankruptcy court jurisdiction and the court must approve the transfer
of assets.100 As a deviation from broader provisions of the Tax Code that
impose the income tax on wealth realized through dispositions of assets,101
nonrecognition treatment is provided to transactions that demonstrate
continuity of investment and continuity of business enterprise.102 This
treatment is premised on the belief that while the form of an investment has
changed, its economic substance remains the same: qualifying transactions
are merely adjustments of continuing interests in property under a new
corporate form.103
The Tax Code also offers favorable treatment to insolvent persons
through an exception to cancellation of indebtedness rules. Under the
normal income tax structure, cancelled debt is considered income.104
Although the borrower does not receive cash at the time a debt is
discharged, the borrower’s net worth improves in an amount equal to the
forgiven obligation.105 However, a taxpayer may exclude cancelled debt
from gross income if the taxpayer is insolvent at the time of the debt

97. As the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation explains, the distinction is not
always clear: “The determination of whether a provision is a tax expenditure is made on the
basis of a broad concept of income that is larger in scope than ‘income’ as defined under
general U.S. income tax principles. The Joint Committee staff uses its judgment in
distinguishing between those income tax provisions (and regulations) that can be viewed as
part of normal income tax law and those special provisions that result in tax expenditures.”
2012–2017, at 2 (2013).
98. I.R.C. § 368(a)(1)(G) (2012). The acquisition of a debtor’s assets will be a
nonrecognition event if the stock or securities of the acquiring corporation are distributed in
a transaction that qualifies under §§ 354, 355, or 356 of the Internal Revenue Code. Id.
99. Id.
100. See Id. § 368(a)(3)(B)(ii). For instance, a debtor’s equity security holders would not
recognize gain or loss if they exchanged their equity interests for stock or securities of either
the corporation acquiring the debtor’s assets or a corporation controlled by the acquiring
corporation. Id. §§ 354, 355. However, gain must be recognized to the extent of any money
or other property received. Id. § 356.
101. See supra note 95. Under normal income tax law, dispositions of property are
taxable pursuant to the calculation described in I.R.C. § 1001.
102. To receive nonrecognition treatment for reorganizations described in I.R.C. § 368,
transactions must also satisfy nonstatutory requirements set forth in accompanying
regulations. The principal tests are the continuity of interest and continuity of business
enterprise requirements, which are described in Treasury Regulations § 1.368-1 (2011) and
§ 1.368-2 (2010).
103. See Treas. Reg. § 1.368-1(d) (2011).
104. I.R.C. § 61(a)(12); United States v. Kirby Lumber Co., 284 U.S. 1, 2 (1931); Treas.
Reg. § 1.61-12 (as amended in 1997).
105. See Treas. Reg. § 1.61-12.

discharge.106 This exception codifies a longstanding view that the insolvent

debtor does not have income, as a definitional matter.107
Yet in a quiet departure from these established principles of taxation, the
Tax Code also permanently excludes cancellation of indebtedness income
where the discharge occurs pursuant to a bankruptcy case,108 regardless of
the debtor’s solvency at the time of the discharge.109 Although the latter
provision is not identified as a tax expenditure,110 it functions as such by
extending a special exclusion from the broad concept of income. However,
the benefits are not without some limitations; under both the insolvency and
bankruptcy exception, the taxpayer’s valuable tax attributes must be
reduced in an amount equal to the cancelled debt excluded from gross
Through bankruptcy-specific tax provisions of this sort, the government
declines to impose the federal income tax on certain transactions entered
into by bankrupt companies. While these provisions seem to reflect a
legislative intent to capture a truer picture of the debtor’s income, and thus
were probably not intended to function as tax expenditures, they may be
overbroad as codified. In a world where companies can use Chapter 11 for
strategic112 and even abusive purposes,113 rather than merely as a vehicle
for reorganizing financially troubled companies, it may not be appropriate
to extend beneficial tax treatment to all bankrupt debtors.114 I return to this
point in subsequent sections. In the meantime, the following section draws
upon the concept of tax expenditures to identify a type of favorable tax
treatment that goes even further, effectively transforming certain of the
debtor’s tax attributes into marketable property.

106. I.R.C. § 108(a)(1)(B).

107. The distinction highlights the difference between definitional income and economic
income. See, e.g., Hirsch v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue, 115 F.2d 656, 657 (7th Cir. 1940)
(“In determining what constitutes income, substance rather than form is to be given
controlling weight.”). Although the discharge of indebtedness causes an accession to wealth,
the insolvent debtor who receives a discharge does not enjoy “gain from capital and labor, or
from either of them, or in profit gained through the sale or conversion of capital.” Bowers v.
Kerbaugh-Empire, 271 U.S. 170, 175 (1926). Thus, the transaction does not lead to income;
rather, as the Supreme Court noted, such a transaction results in a loss. Id. The Court’s
holding was later codified into a predecessor statute to § 108. See Act of June 29, 1939, Pub.
L. No. 76-155, 53 Stat. 862, 875 (codified at I.R.C. § 22(b)(9) (1939)).
108. I.R.C. § 108(a)(1)(A) (2012).
109. Id. § 108(a)(2)(A) (clarifying that the requirement that a taxpayer be insolvent at the
time of the discharge is not applicable where the discharge occurs in a bankruptcy case).
110. JOINT COMM. ON TAXATION, supra note 97, at 5.
111. See I.R.C. § 108(b)(1). The taxpayer’s tax attributes are reduced in the order
provided in the statute. Id.
112. See Dick, supra note 22, at 778; see also infra note 199 and accompanying text.
113. See In re S. Beach Sec., Inc., 606 F.3d 366, 376 (7th Cir. 2010) (rejecting a debtor’s
abusive Chapter 11 plan).
114. This point will be discussed in future sections. See infra Part III.A.

B. Tax Law’s Treatment of a Debtor’s Tax Attributes in Bankruptcy

One need only scan bankruptcy-related news stories to appreciate the
importance of tax attributes, such as net operating losses (NOLs), in
Chapter 11.115 They carry significance because, under federal tax law,
certain tax attributes of a bankrupt debtor are deemed transferred to its
bankruptcy estate.116 For instance, property that is part of the bankruptcy
estate maintains its historical adjusted basis, holding period, and
character.117 Similarly, NOL carryovers,118 capital loss carryovers,119 and
tax credit carryovers120 are transferred to the estate.121
In Chapter 11, the debtor is expected to identify and allocate economic
value pursuant to a fair and equitable plan; tax attributes introduce a number
of conceptual challenges. Although at first glance tax attributes are mere
bookkeeping entries, many such attributes are subjectively valued by
stakeholders and also capable of objective appraisal.122 To gain a better
sense of how they function as assets, the following sections consider tax
attributes from both an accounting and legal perspective.
1. Tax Attributes As Assets Under
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Because bankruptcy necessarily requires an inventory of the debtor’s
assets and liabilities, a preliminary question is whether valuable tax
attributes are bankruptcy “assets.” Under generally accepted accounting

115. See, e.g., Marie Beaudette & Jacqueline Palank, Kodak Files Plan To Exit
Bankruptcy Protection, WALL ST. J. (May 1, 2013, 5:00 PM),
articles/SB10001424127887324266904578457030412008730 (noting sizable NOLs in
Kodak’s bankruptcy estate); Erik Holm & Eric Morath, Ambac Files for Chapter 11, WALL
ST. J. (Nov. 9, 2010, 12:01 AM),
3514904575602911478916800 (noting substantial NOLs in Ambac’s bankruptcy estate).
116. I.R.C. § 1398.
117. Id. § 1398(g)(6).
118. Companies accrue NOLs when deductions exceed gross income during the tax year.
Id. § 172. Once accrued, NOLs can be used to offset income in a different tax year. Id.
§ 172(b)(1)(A). Specifically, NOLs may be carried back and applied against income in
previous years, or carried forward and applied against income in subsequent years. Id.
§ 172(b)(2).
119. Individual taxpayers are permitted to deduct a maximum of $3,000 of net capital
losses (total capital losses less total capital gains) in any given tax year. Id. § 1211(b). Net
capital losses in excess of $3,000 may be carried forward to subsequent tax years, subject to
the same limitation of being deductible only to the extent of capital gains plus a maximum
additional deduction of $3,000. See id. § 1212(b). Corporate taxpayers do not have the
benefit of the additional $3,000 and have greater restrictions on the number of years
carryforwards are permitted. However, corporate taxpayers are permitted a limited
carryback, which is not available to noncorporate taxpayers. Id. § 1212(a).
120. For instance, certain unused business and investment credits may be carried forward
to subsequent years. See, e.g., id. § 39 (allowing for the carryforward of unused general
business credits); id. § 904(c) (allowing for the carryforward of unused foreign tax credits).
121. See id. § 1398(g).
122. Conflicting approaches to the appraisal of tax attributes are considered in In re
Washington Mutual, Inc., 461 B.R. 200, 231–32 (Bankr. D. Del. 2011), vacated in part, No.
08-12229 (MFW), 2012 WL 1563880 (Bankr. D. Del. Feb. 24, 2012).

principles (GAAP),123 an asset is any “probable future economic benefit[]

obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions
or events.”124 Flowing from this broad definition, certain tax attributes,
such as loss and credit carryovers, are recorded on a company’s balance
sheet as “deferred tax assets.”125 This designation reflects the fact that
these tax attributes have the potential to reduce a subsequent period’s
income tax expense and can therefore be presently valued.126 For instance,
NOLs may generally be carried back two years to generate tax refunds and
forward twenty years to reduce future taxable income.127
Tax attributes are often the most sizable asset of a struggling company,128
with a face value that can exceed the company’s market capitalization.129
For this reason, whether inside or outside of bankruptcy, companies take
great pains to protect their valuable tax attributes.130 But while tax
attributes are consistently treated as assets under accounting principles, they
are not generally disclosed to the bankruptcy court in the debtor’s initial
asset disclosures.131 From a formal perspective, the requisite disclosure
form does not expressly call for disclosures of tax attributes.132 Further, as

123. GAAP are uniform standards of, and guidelines to, financial accounting and
reporting. See Frequently Asked Questions, AM. INST. CPAS,
FAQs/Pages/FAQs.aspx (last visited Mar. 25, 2014). The Financial Accounting Standards
Board and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board are authorized by the Securities
and Exchange Commission to establish these principles. See id.
125. Under GAAP, deferred tax assets represent the increase in taxes refundable (or
saved) in future years as a result of deductible temporary differences existing at the end of
STANDARDS NO. 109, at 5 (1992).
127. I.R.C. § 172(b)(1)(A) (2012).
128. See, e.g., Bill Rochelle, Harrisburg, Madoff, Ambac, Old GM, Friendly:
Bankruptcy, BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK (Oct. 14, 2011),
news/2011-10-14/harrisburg-madoff-ambac-old-gm-friendly-bankruptcy.html (noting that a
commercial debtor declared that its NOLs were its most valuable asset); Robert Willens, CIT
Moves To Protect Its NOLs, CFO.COM (Dec. 28, 2009),
tax/2009/12/cit-moves-to-protect-its-nols/ (describing the steps taken by CIT Group Inc. to
protect its NOLs as a vitally important asset).
129. Such was the case in Selectica, Inc. v. Versata Enterprises, Inc., No. 4241-VCN,
2010 WL 703062 (Del. Ch. Feb. 26, 2010), discussed infra notes 260–66 and accompanying
130. Outside of bankruptcy, the “poison pill” is becoming an increasingly common
planning device to protect NOLs. This strategy has been given scholarly attention recently.
See, e.g., Michael R. Patrone, Case Note, Is the “Tax Poison Pill” the Last Stand for
Protecting NOLs After Health Care Reform?, 1 HARV. BUS. L. REV. ONLINE 11 (2010).
131. For instance, Judge Posner notes that although NOLs were the only asset of Chapter
11 debtor South Beach Securities, Inc., they were not disclosed as assets in the company’s
initial asset disclosures. In re S. Beach Sec., Inc., 606 F.3d 366, 373 (7th Cir. 2010); see also
supra note 33; infra note 133.
132. See B 6B (Official Form 6B), Schedule B—Personal Property, available at
pdf. The debtor’s valuable tax attributes could potentially come under item 18, “Other
liquidated debts owed to debtor including tax refunds.” Id. However, most debtors do not

a matter of customary practice, debtors do not typically disclose valuable

tax attributes under any asset categories, even going so far as to omit them
expressly as “excluded assets.”133
While there is no legislative or rulemaking history clarifying this
omission,134 there are two possible explanations. On the one hand, the
oversight may be traced to a blurred distinction between an asset and its
valuation; alternatively, the oversight may reflect deeper uncertainty as to
whether these assets qualify as property of the estate.135 These potential
explanations are considered in greater detail in the following sections.
2. Assigning Value to Tax Attributes Under GAAP
Under GAAP, deferred tax assets are subject to valuation rules that
reduce their carrying value to what the company might reasonably realize in
the future, taking into account any impairment costs.136 These rules, which
were designed to prevent companies from overstating their financial
position, require companies to consider the totality of evidence, both
positive and negative, when assigning value to assets.137 With respect to
deferred tax assets, a company must take into account a “valuation
allowance” if it is more likely than not that all or part of the tax asset will
not be realized on future tax returns.138 While the analysis naturally relies
heavily upon subjective judgments, companies are required to give greater
weight to evidence that can be objectively verified.139
In accordance with these requirements, companies that are experiencing
severe economic difficulties generally take a full valuation allowance for
any deferred tax assets.140 This conservative stance reflects an assumption
that the company’s poor past performance strongly suggests that it will not

fully disclose valuable tax attributes here or elsewhere in their disclosures; this is likely a
function of the valuation principles discussed infra Part I.B.2.
133. See, e.g., Schedule of Assets and Liabilities for Eastman Kodak Co. at 5, Eastman
Kodak Co. v. Apple Inc. (In re Eastman Kodak Co.), No. 12-10202 (ALG) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.
Apr. 18, 2012) (noting as a disclaimer that the asset disclosures exclude tax accruals).
134. Bankruptcy law is unique in that statutory interpretation and policymaking resides
almost entirely with the courts rather than with administrative agencies. See Rafael I. Pardo
& Kathryn A. Watts, The Structural Exceptionalism of Bankruptcy Administration, 60
UCLA L. REV. 384, 391 (2012).
135. For a more detailed discussion of the distinction between an asset and its valuation,
see infra note 146 and accompanying text.
136. See FIN. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BD., supra note 126, at 5–6.
137. See id.
138. Id. at 6.
139. See id.
140. For instance, the struggling oil and gas company Ultra Petroleum took a full
valuation allowance against its deferred tax assets in 2012. Ultra Petroleum Corp., Annual
Report (Form 10-K), at 42–43 (Dec. 31, 2012); see also Zoltek Cos., Quarterly Report (Form
10-Q), at 13 (June 30, 2012) (“The Company has recorded a full valuation allowance against
its deferred tax assets in Hungary, the United States and Mexico because it is more likely
than not that the value of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.”); The Spectranetics
Corp., Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q), at 12 (Mar. 31, 2012) (“Due to the Company’s history
of losses and the lack of sufficient certainty of generating future taxable income, the
Company has recorded a full valuation allowance against its deferred tax assets.”).

generate profits in the near future. When a company takes a full valuation
allowance, its deferred tax assets are reflected with zero value on financial
Of course, companies that are suffering economic difficulties are often
the very companies that eventually file for bankruptcy. For instance,
Solyndra’s financial statements leading up to its bankruptcy filing reflect
zero value for its deferred tax assets, accompanied by the following
notation: “Due to its history of operating losses, the Company has recorded
a full valuation allowance against its deferred tax assets.”142 Because of
this, the company’s initial asset disclosures to the bankruptcy court—which
do not contain any reference to tax attributes—are facially consistent with
financial statements that recorded zero value for deferred tax assets.143
Thus, it seems that the interaction of accounting rules and federal
bankruptcy procedure yields a peculiar result: one of the debtor’s most
important assets is not disclosed at the outset of the bankruptcy case. But
there is another possible explanation for the lack of disclosure: although
tax attributes are “assets,” they may not be consistently thought of as
“property” of the estate. The following section considers this theoretical
question in the context of tax and bankruptcy law.
3. Transferability of Tax Attributes: General Rules
Tax attributes are undeniably an important source of value to most
bankruptcy estates, even after taking into account any reductions caused by
anticipated cancellation of indebtedness.144 Thus it is not surprising that, as
the previous section articulates, they are recognized as assets under modern
accounting principles. But with respect to their treatment in bankruptcy
law, a wider question remains: Are valuable tax attributes property of the
estate? Or are they merely legal entitlements, reflecting the debtor’s future
and highly contingent ability to receive value by operation of the tax laws?
The question implicates a principal distinction in property law: “not only is
there valueless property, but there is also propertyless value . . . . [I]n short,
property is not wealth.”145 Thus, what amounts to an “asset” under modern
accounting principles may not be “property” in a legal sense.146

141. See supra note 140.

142. Consolidated Financial Statements of Solyndra, Inc., (Amendment No. 1 to Form S-
1), at 168 (Mar. 16, 2010).
143. See sources cited supra note 33.
144. See supra note 111 and accompanying text.
145. Felix S. Cohen, Dialogue on Private Property, 9 RUTGERS L. REV. 357, 364 (1954).
146. As a legal concept, private property is defined as “a right vested in individuals
thought of as set over against one another, . . . requir[ing] the recognition and protection of
RIGHTS 70 (2d ed. 1922); see also RESTATEMENT OF PROP. ch. 1 intro. note (1936); Cohen,
supra note 145, at 363–64. The question of whether an asset is “property” has received
scholarly attention in other contexts. See, e.g., Darian M. Ibrahim, The Unique Benefits of
Treating Personal Goodwill As Property in Corporate Acquisitions, 30 DEL. J. CORP. L. 1, 5
(2005) (considering personal goodwill as property rather than the present value of future
earnings potential).

Generally speaking, tax attributes are a difficult asset to convey or

monetize. In this way, they behave more like a legal entitlement than
private property. Although the debtor’s tax attributes are deemed
transferred to the bankruptcy estate in a Chapter 11 case,147 they do not
survive the debtor’s liquidation148 and cannot be passed directly to
stakeholders pursuant to a Chapter 11 plan. These limitations on direct
transfers reflect the nature of the corporate income tax generally: to the
extent an entity is taxed as a corporation under Subchapter C of the Tax
Code, its gains and losses do not flow through to its shareholders.149
Accordingly, with the exception of corporations that elect either to file a
consolidated return150 or to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Tax
Code,151 there is generally152 no mechanism in the tax laws—whether in
bankruptcy or otherwise—for a corporation to distribute valuable tax
attributes, such as NOLs or tax credits, to any other persons, including the
corporation’s shareholders.153
Moreover, the tax laws also impose restrictions on the indirect transfers
of valuable tax attributes. Although such limitations technically expand the
future tax liabilities of certain taxpayers, they are not characterized by the
government as “negative tax expenditures,”154 but rather as compliance and
enforcement provisions that prevent abuse.155 In the case of NOLs,
Congress was especially concerned about “exploit[ation] by persons other
than those who incurred the loss.”156 This is because, while loss carrybacks
and carryforwards are theoretically necessary to temper the economic
distortions that arise when a business cycle fails to fall neatly within the

147. See supra note 116 and accompanying text.

148. See supra notes 42–45 and accompanying text.
149. I.R.C. § 11 (2012) (imposing a tax on the taxable income of every corporation). In
contrast, the Tax Code provides that entities taxed as partnerships, “shall not be subject to
the income tax imposed by this chapter. Persons carrying on business as partners shall be
liable for income tax only in their separate or individual capacities.” Id. § 701. Thus, while
the Tax Code creates a flow through regime for partnerships, it directly taxes corporations.
Therefore, with the exception of those corporations that elect either to file a consolidated
return or to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Tax Code, gains and losses of the corporation
are used to calculate income tax liability at the entity level.
150. See id. § 1501.
151. The election is made pursuant to I.R.C. § 1362 by eligible corporations. See id.
§ 1362. Upon so electing, “[e]xcept as otherwise provided . . . an S corporation shall not be
subject to [federal income taxes].” Id. § 1363(a). Thus, gains and losses flow through to the
shareholders, who are liable for income tax only in their individual capacities.
152. For examples of highly specific exceptions to this general rule, see supra note 39.
153. All corporations other than those qualified corporations who make the election to be
taxed as S Corporations are subject to taxation under Subchapter C of Chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended. See Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-2(c) (as amended in
2012) (the “check the box” entity classification regulations).
154. By “negative tax expenditures,” I mean “[t]ax provisions that provide treatment less
favorable than normal income tax law and are not related directly to progressivity.” JOINT
COMM. ON TAXATION, supra note 97, at 3.
155. Id.
156. H.R. REP. NO. 83-1337, at 42 (1954). The same concerns motivated more recent
amendments to the Tax Code. See, e.g., STAFF OF THE JOINT COMM. ON TAXATION, 100TH

taxable year,157 it would violate the important principle of tax neutrality to

allow loss carryovers to be used to offset income earned by a different
taxpayer via indirect transfers, such as through a change in ownership of a
corporate taxpayer.
Advancing this legislative intent, broad anti-abuse rules thwart taxpayers
from acquiring unprofitable companies to harvest their mounting tax losses
and use them to shelter income.158 For example, a longstanding anti-abuse
provision of the Tax Code states, in pertinent part, “If any person or persons
acquire . . . control of a corporation, . . . and the principal purpose for which
such acquisition was made is evasion or avoidance of Federal income tax
. . . then the Secretary may disallow such deduction, credit, or other
Due to the evidentiary challenges associated with a standards-based
approach of this sort,160 Congress subsequently enacted a bright-line rule to
limit the ability of a company to indirectly transfer its valuable tax
attributes to other persons through a change of ownership.161 Under this
rule, a change of ownership occurs if the percentage of a corporation’s
shares held directly or indirectly by one or more of its 5 percent
stockholders increases by more than fifty percentage points over the lowest
percentage of shares owned by those shareholders at any time during a
three-year period.162 In other words, if enough of a company’s stock
changes hands, the corporation will face restrictions on the use of its prior
losses to offset future income.

157. The Joint Committee staff explains that “normal income tax law would provide for
the carryback and carryforward of net operating losses . . . . [T]he general limits on the
number of years that such losses may be carried back or forward were chosen for reasons of
administrative convenience and compliance concerns and may be assumed to represent
normal income tax law.” JOINT COMM. ON TAXATION, supra note 97, at 8. Theoretical
justifications for NOLs have been discussed in the academic literature. See Michelle M.
Arnopol, Why Have Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Failed So Miserably? A Reappraisal of
Congressional Attempts To Protect a Corporation’s Net Operating Losses After Bankruptcy,
68 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 133, 138 (1992); Daniel L. Simmons, Net Operating Losses and
Section 382: Searching for a Limitation on Loss Carryovers, 63 TUL. L. REV. 1045, 1057
(1989); J. Henry Wilkinson, Jr., The Net Operating Loss Deduction and Related Income Tax
Devices, 45 TEX. L. REV. 809, 855 (1967).
158. Some of the legislative concerns are highlighted in H.R. REP. NO. 83-1337 (1954).
159. I.R.C. § 269(a)(1) (2012).
160. Section 269(a)(1) is so rarely used to defeat transactions because, for the principal
purpose of a transaction to be tax avoidance, the purpose of tax evasion has to clearly
overshadow any other purpose. See U.S. Shelter Corp. v. United States, 13 Cl. Ct. 606, 621
(1987) (discussing evidentiary challenges).
161. I.R.C. § 382 was initially enacted over fifty years ago. The section was substantially
overhauled in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. See BORIS I. BITTKER & LAWRENCE LOKKEN,
162. I.R.C. § 382(g). A “5 percent stockholder” is a shareholder who held at least 5
percent of the company’s shares during the test period. Id. All shareholders who do not own
at least 5 percent of the company’s shares are aggregated and treated as a single 5 percent
stockholder. Id. Transfers between such stockholders are disregarded for purposes of
determining whether an ownership change has occurred. Id. Thus, so long as 50 percent or
more of the shares is owned by less than 5 percent equity holders throughout the three-year
testing period, there will be no change in control. Id. § 382(g)(4)(A). These limitations are
also triggered by certain tax-free reorganizations. See id. §§ 368(a)(1), 382(g)(1).

The restrictions on use of these tax assets are quite severe. Generally
speaking, where a change of ownership has occurred, the corporation’s
ability to use its NOLs to reduce future income is capped at an annual rate
equal to the value of the corporation immediately before the ownership
change163 multiplied by the highest adjusted long-term tax exempt bond
rate for that month and the two prior months.164 For example, if a company
has $1,000 of NOLs and the fair market value of the company on the date
of the change of ownership is only $500, then the available NOLs are
reduced to $500. Assuming a 3 percent bond rate at the time of the change
of ownership, the annual usable value of the NOLs would be reduced to a
meager $15. If the corporation does not continue its historic business, its
available NOLs generally are reduced to zero.165 These rules apply to the
corporate merger, acquisition, and recapitalization context and were
designed to neutralize the tax consequences of corporate investments.166
With respect to other forms of valuable tax attributes, the same statute
limits a corporation’s recognition of built-in losses during the five-year
period following a change of ownership,167 while a successive statute limits
indirect transfers of certain tax credit or capital loss carryovers.168
Taken together, these rules effectively proscribe direct and indirect
transfers of a corporation’s valuable tax attributes. Thus, at least outside of
bankruptcy,169 tax attributes are reminiscent of the “propertyless value” that
courts must occasionally grapple with in cases under Article 9 of the
Uniform Commercial Code.170 Like liquor licenses,171 Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) licenses,172 and other governmental
permits that figure prominently in such cases, tax attributes are generally
treated as creatures of statutory law, subject to direct and indirect transfer
restrictions.173 Similarly, their future economic benefits are theoretically
revocable by the government at any time, through revisions to federal tax
laws, regulations, or interpretations thereof.174 Accordingly, while they

163. In determining the value of the corporation, I.R.C. § 382(l)(1) generally disregards
any capital infusions received within two years of the ownership change. Id. § 382(l)(1).
164. Id. The rate is published monthly by the U.S. Treasury. See, e.g., Rev. Rul. 2014-1,
2014-2 I.R.B. 263 (providing the adjusted long term rates for January 2014).
165. I.R.C. § 382(c)(1); Treas. Reg. § 1.368-1(d) (2012).
166. BITTKER & LOKKEN, supra note 161, § 95.5.1 (“Congress sought a limitation that
would make NOL carryovers a relatively neutral factor in acquisitions.”).
167. I.R.C. § 382(h).
168. Id. § 383.
169. See infra Part I.B.4.
170. See, e.g., Jackson v. Miller (In re Jackson), 93 B.R. 421, 423 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 1988)
(stating that a purported security interest in a liquor license was void and of no effect
because the license was classified as nonproperty under state law). The issue of whether an
asset constitutes “property” is important in cases of this sort, because Article 9 applies only
to transactions “intended to create a security interest in personal property.” U.C.C. § 9-110
171. In re Jackson, 93 B.R. at 424.
172. See Thacker v. FCC (In re Magnacom Wireless, LLC), 503 F.3d 984, 990 (9th Cir.
2007); Kidd Commc’n v. FCC, 427 F.3d 1, 5 (D.C. Cir. 2005).
173. See supra notes 148–62 and accompanying text.
174. See, e.g., In re Jartran, Inc., 44 B.R. 331, 380 (Bankr. N.D. Ill. 1984) (“[T]he
realization of the tax savings [from use of NOLs] is subject to a number of contingencies,

may be regarded as assets, they usually function more like legal

entitlements and less like property.175 But as the following section
explores, special provisions in the Tax Code lift the restrictions on indirect
transfers of certain tax attributes by corporate debtors in Chapter 11. These
rules have the effect of reversing any potential expansion of future tax
liability caused by the compliance and enforcement rules described in this
section. Even more, they effectively transform the debtor’s valuable tax
attributes from a legal entitlement to an item of property that can be
monetized through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.
4. Transferability of Tax Attributes in Bankruptcy
As the previous section explained, tax attributes are ordinarily subject to
onerous restrictions on direct and indirect transfers. With respect to the
latter, the Tax Code imposes severe annual limitations on the future use of a
corporation’s valuable tax attributes following a change of ownership. In
the bankruptcy context, these limitations would be especially burdensome:
assuming that a bankrupt company has zero equity value as determined
under GAAP,176 the requisite calculation for limiting the annual use of the
company’s NOLs following a change of ownership would consistently
return zero, thereby effectively eradicating all of the debtor’s NOLs.177
In part to prevent this harsh outcome, drafters of the Tax Code crafted
special rules to apply to changes of ownership that take place pursuant to a
confirmed Chapter 11 plan. These rules are quite generous, allowing a
company to emerge from bankruptcy without any limitation on its future
use of NOLs,178 and without the ordinarily applicable continuity of business
enterprise requirement.179 To qualify for this preferential treatment, some

including continuation in effect of relevant tax provisions . . . .”). Likewise, the government
can take steps to enhance the economic benefits associated with tax attributes. See, e.g., J.
Mark Ramseyer & Eric B. Rasmusen, Can the Treasury Exempt Its Own Companies from
Tax? The $45 Billion GM NOL Carryforward, 1 CATO PAPERS PUB. POL’Y 1, 3–5 (2011)
(describing the government’s issuance of a series of notices permitting General Motors to
engage in a § 363 sale in Chapter 11 without subsequently running afoul of the Tax Code’s
§ 382 NOL limitations).
175. This principle is reflected in Revenue Ruling 74-175, wherein the Internal Revenue
Service declined to allow a decedent’s estate to deduct his losses, on the grounds that “only
the taxpayer who sustains a loss is entitled to take the deduction.” Rev. Rul. 74-175, 1974-1
C.B. 52.
176. Of course, this valuation would typically not assign value to the debtor’s tax
attributes. See supra Part I.B.2.
177. This perverse outcome is noted in Kelly Kogan, Solyndra: Now It’s IRS’s Turn, 217
DAILY TAX REP. 1, 3 (2012).
178. I.R.C. § 382(l)(5) (2012).
179. See Treas. Reg. § 1.382-9(m)(1) (as amended in 1994) (“If section 382(l)(5) applies
to an ownership change of a loss corporation, section 382(c) and the regulations thereunder
do not apply with respect to the ownership change.”). However, there is a limited continuity
of business enterprise requirement under the more broadly applicable § 269. See Treas. Reg.
§ 1.269-3(d) (as amended in 1992) (“Absent strong evidence to the contrary, a requisite
acquisition of control or property in connection with an ownership change to which section
382(l)(5) applies is considered to be made for the principal purpose of evasion or avoidance
of Federal income tax unless the corporation carries on more than an insignificant amount of
an active trade or business . . . .”).

combination of historic shareholders and creditors of the bankrupt company

must receive at least 50 percent of the reorganized debtor’s equity interests
in full satisfaction of their claims against the debtor.180 In this way, the rule
permits a change of ownership of the bankrupt company, and thus an
indirect transfer of its valuable tax attributes.181 Relying on this provision,
many Chapter 11 plans contemplate that creditors will receive equity
interests in the debtor in exchange for all or part of their debt claims.182 It
is important to note, however, that to the extent a second change of
ownership occurs within two years of the Chapter 11 plan, the available
NOLs will be effectively reduced to zero.183
By allowing companies in Chapter 11 to retain the benefit of NOLs that
can be used to shelter future income notwithstanding a change of
ownership, the tax laws improve the economic position of bankrupt
companies relative to similarly situated nonbankrupt companies.184 These
rules reflect a departure from the otherwise applicable compliance and
enforcement provisions described in the previous section and lead to
forgone governmental revenues: in this case, the taxes that would have
been due on the future income sheltered by the losses.185 But these
provisions go far beyond the typical tax expenditure provision,186 as the
value enhancements they deliver do not merely take the form of a reduced
overall tax liability. By easing transfer restrictions, they enable one of the
bankruptcy estate’s most sizable assets to function less like a legal
entitlement and more like an item of property. This metamorphosis is more
than a mere mincing of legal terms; by allowing tax attributes in effect to be
transferred to the corporation’s new owners (such as a select group of

180. The 50 percent threshold must be satisfied by “old and cold” holdings, meaning that
relevant stakeholders have kept their interests for at least eighteen months. See I.R.C.
§ 382(l)(5)(E)(i).
181. However, recall that NOLs (and certain other valuable tax attributes) are subject to
reduction in an amount equal to any cancellation of indebtedness income excluded by the
debtor from taxable income. See supra note 111 and accompanying text. The reduction is
made after calculating the tax for the year in which the cancellation of indebtedness occurs.
I.R.C. § 382(l)(5)(B). Additionally, NOLs must be reduced for certain interest payments
made within the past three years to creditors that receive equity interests in the debtor under
the Chapter 11 plan. Id. Finally, if an “ownership change” occurs in the two years following
the debtor’s emergence from bankruptcy, the NOLs must be reduced to zero. See id.
§ 382(l)(5)(D).
182. See supra note 73 and accompanying text.
183. See I.R.C. § 382(l)(5)(D).
184. Strategic planning opportunities are described by Mark Gelfeld & Karen Lobl, Tax
Planning Opportunities for Debtor Corporations in Title 11 Proceedings, 91 COM. L.J. 417,
429 (1986).
185. Rules that allow taxpayers to retain valuable tax attributes, such as NOLs, have been
characterized as tax incentives elsewhere. For example, the Joint Committee on Taxation
notes that any extensions in the time limits for carrybacks and carryforwards constitute tax
expenditures. JOINT COMM. ON TAXATION, supra note 97, at 3; see also Ramseyer &
Rasmusen, supra note 174, at 8–9 (using the term “tax breaks” to describe the government’s
issuance of notices exempting the § 363 sale of General Motors from § 382 restrictions);
Julie Tennyson, Tax Incentives for the Biotechnology Industry: Should Tennessee Offer
Sales Tax Exemptions and Net Operating Loss Extensions?, 70 TENN. L. REV. 567, 578
(2003) (analyzing extensions in the time limits for NOL carryovers as tax expenditures).
186. See supra note 96.

former creditors and/or shareholders), the tax laws allow these assets to be
monetized by corporate stakeholders in a way that makes Chapter 11
bankruptcy especially appealing.

C. Discussion: Valuable Tax Attributes As

Property of the Bankruptcy Estate
As the previous sections articulate, modern accounting principles
recognize valuable tax attributes as “assets,”187 while at the same time
imposing valuation rules that have the practical effect of obscuring them on
a bankrupt company’s financial statements. Meanwhile, an intricate web of
compliance and enforcement provisions of the Tax Code normally ensures
that tax attributes function more like revocable, nontransferable legal
entitlements and less like private property. However, these special
provisions ease the restrictions for debtors in Chapter 11 cases. In doing so,
the tax laws allow the debtor’s valuable tax attributes to become marketable
property for a certain subgroup of privileged stakeholders.188
This property view of tax attributes clearly manifests in bankruptcy law,
where judges regularly treat certain valuable tax attributes—such as NOLs
and tax credit carryovers—as property interests of the bankruptcy estate for
certain purposes. For instance, bankruptcy judges take proactive measures
to protect valuable tax attributes for the benefit of the estate.189 To this end,
courts routinely bar any action by shareholders that has the potential to
adversely affect the debtor’s future ability to use its valuable tax
attributes.190 In a 1991 decision, the Second Circuit held that a debtor’s
sole shareholder’s taking of a worthless stock deduction violated the
automatic stay to the extent it would eliminate the value of NOLs by
triggering a change of ownership under the tax laws.191 Acknowledging the
contingent nature of these assets, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the
Northern District of Ohio explained, “What is certain is that the NOL has a
potential value, as yet undetermined, which will be of benefit to creditors
and will assist Debtors in their reorganization process.”192 Reflecting this
view, many bankruptcy courts enjoin, as a matter of course, stock trading
by significant shareholders during the pendency of the case.193

187. See supra Part I.B.1.

188. The notion that the tax laws can cause tax attributes to function as marketable
property is explored in Simmons, supra note 157, at 1057–58.
189. See infra notes 191–93 and accompanying text.
190. See, e.g., sources cited infra note 193.
191. In re Prudential Lines Inc., 928 F.2d 565, 573–74 (2d Cir. 1991). If a change of
ownership were to occur, the tax attributes would be restricted due to the annual limitation
imposed by the Tax Code. Id. at 574.
192. In re Phar-Mor, Inc., 152 B.R. 924, 927 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 1993).
193. See, e.g., Jean Morris, Imposition of Transfer Limitations on Claims and Equity
Interests During Corporate Debtor’s Chapter 11 Case To Preserve the Debtor’s Net
Operating Loss Carryforwards: Examining the Emerging Trend, 77 AM. BANKR. L.J. 285,
285–86 (2003); see also Final Order Pursuant to Sections 105(a) and 362 of the Bankruptcy
Code Establishing Notification Procedures and Approving Restrictions on Certain Transfers
of Interests in the Debtors’ Estates at 2, In re Wash. Mut., No. 08-12229 (Bankr. D. Del.
Nov. 19, 2008), ECF No. 315 (recognizing that the NOLs were property of the bankruptcy

Of course, this judicial treatment of tax attributes is consistent with

Congress’s intention to “bring anything of value that the debtors have into
the estate.”194 In the words of the influential U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the
Southern District of New York, “It is beyond peradventure that NOL
carrybacks and carryovers are property of the estate of the loss corporation
that generated them.”195 The Eighth Circuit advanced a similar view of tax
attributes, noting that the “right to carry forward the [debtor’s] NOLs”
constituted a “property interest” of the estate.196
To be sure, these fairly routine declarations that valuable tax attributes
are property of the estate bring us back full circle. Against this backdrop, it
is difficult to find any legal support for the routine omission of a debtor’s
valuable tax attributes from preliminary asset disclosures. But the problem
of inconsistent legal treatment of valuable tax attributes extends much
further. As the following sections explain, the debtor’s tax attributes are
also not consistently taken into consideration as a source of value that can
be distributed to creditors under a Chapter 11 plan. This oversight derives
from an ambiguity at the junction of tax and bankruptcy law.


As Part I describes, the Tax Code contains numerous bankruptcy-specific
provisions designed to facilitate resolutions of corporate financial distress
via Chapter 11 bankruptcy.197 Most notably, the tax laws allow bankrupt
companies to preserve valuable tax attributes for future use without
limitation, even where a change of ownership has taken place.198 By easing
indirect transfer restrictions on a valuable asset, this latter tax provision
effectively transforms a legal entitlement into marketable property. Of
course, while the tax laws allow indirect transfers of the debtor’s valuable
tax attributes, these transfers must take place pursuant to a confirmed
Chapter 11 plan and are therefore—at least theoretically—subject to
bankruptcy law’s broader limitations on transfers of the debtor’s wealth. In

estate and that substantial equity trades would violate the automatic stay); Revised Final
Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 105(a) and 362 Establishing Notification Procedures for
Substantial Claimholders and Equity Security Holders and Approving Restrictions on
Certain Transfers of Interests in the Debtors’ Estates at 2, In re AMR Corp., No. 11-15463
(Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Apr. 11, 2013), ECF No. 7591 (stating that NOL carryforwards were
property of the debtors’ estates and approving notification procedures and restrictions on
transfers of claims against and interests in the debtors to protect tax credits).
194. H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 176 (1977), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963, 6136.
195. Nisselson v. Drew Indus., Inc. (In re White Metal Rolling & Stamping Corp.), 222
B.R. 417, 424 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1998).
196. Gibson v. United States (In re Russell), 927 F.2d 413, 417–18 (8th Cir. 1991).
While courts do not classify NOLs as any particular type of property, these assets would
presumably qualify as general intangibles as the term is defined in the Uniform Commercial
Code. Under U.C.C. § 9-102(42), “general intangibles” is a catch-all term, referring to “any
personal property, including things in action, other than accounts, chattel paper, commercial
tort claims, deposit accounts, documents, goods, instruments, investment property, letter-of-
credit rights, letters of credit, money, and oil, gas, or other minerals before extraction. The
term includes payment intangibles and software.” See U.C.C. § 9-102(42) (2001).
197. See supra Part I.A.
198. See supra Part I.B.

other words, while the tax laws may function to bolster the value of the
bankruptcy estate, it ought to be squarely within the domain of bankruptcy
law to account for and distribute this value to satisfy claims against the
estate. The very purpose of bankruptcy is to provide for the fair and orderly
distribution of the debtor’s property in accordance with established legal
and equitable principles.199
An expectation that bankruptcy law provides a distributional framework
may explain why legal scholars were not troubled by the initial adoption of
the tax laws that allow debtors to indirectly transfer valuable tax attributes
through Chapter 11.200 Scholars, much like the judges tasked with
construing these provisions, largely assumed that Chapter 11 would
function to efficiently and fairly reallocate the value of these newly
monetized assets to the company’s true residual owners.201 Reflecting this
view, Professor Michelle Arnopol Cecil noted in a 1992 article that the
bankruptcy-specific rules on transferability of tax attributes rest upon the
“sound assumption that historic creditors of a loss corporation are its true
owners and should be treated as equity holders for tax purposes.”202
According to Professor Arnopol, this would “effectuat[e] the policy of tax
neutrality by allowing only the owners of the loss corporation to have
unfettered use of its net operating losses.”203
Of course, implicit within this reasoning is an expectation that
Chapter 11 in fact functions to allow the true residual owners of a
corporation to succeed to its remaining assets, including its valuable tax
attributes. In other words, the argument rests upon an assumption that tax
attributes, like all other potential sources of value, are accounted for in
bankruptcy. Further, the logic assumes that any indirect transfers of
valuable tax attributes that take place pursuant to a confirmed Chapter 11
plan merely vest the future economic benefits in the persons who have
borne the corresponding economic losses, such that they would be entitled
to distributions from the debtor’s estate in the first place. But, as we shall
see, this reasoning assumes too much about the manner in which valuable
tax attributes are disclosed, appraised, accounted for, and indirectly
transferred in Chapter 11.

199. See, e.g., Rine & Rine Auctioneers, Inc. v. Douglas Cnty. Bank & Trust Co. (In re
Rine & Rine Auctioneers, Inc.), 74 F.3d 854, 860 (8th Cir. 1996).
200. See, e.g., Martin M. Van Brauman, The Carryforward of Net Operating Losses and
Other Tax Attributes After Bankruptcy Reorganizations, 23 ST. MARY’S L.J. 461, 489 (1991)
(“[T]he ability to currently structure an acquisition solely for the carryover of tax attributes
from a non-affiliated corporation is somewhat comparable to Sir Galahad’s quest for the
Holy Grail.”); see also William M. Davidow, Jr., Limitations Imposed by the Tax Reform Act
of 1986 on a Corporation’s Use of Net Operating Loss Carryovers After an Ownership
Change, 17 U. BALT. L. REV. 331, 353–59 (1988) (thoroughly critiquing § 382 and the
regulations promulgated thereunder, but expressing no concerns about the bankruptcy-
specific exceptions).
201. Judge Posner identifies this expectation regarding § 382’s bankruptcy-specific
exception in In re South Beach Securities, Inc., 606 F.3d 366, 374–75 (7th Cir. 2010).
202. Arnopol, supra note 157, at 195.
203. Id.

A. How Valuable Tax Attributes Escape

Bankruptcy’s Distributional Norms
A central claim of this Article is that the debtor’s valuable tax attributes
function as marketable property and escape Chapter 11’s distributional
norms. To be sure, it would violate fundamental principles of tax law to
distribute a corporate debtor’s tax attributes directly to parties in
bankruptcy.204 But because the tax laws allow indirect transfers of the
debtor’s tax attributes in Chapter 11,205 they essentially permit these
valuable assets to be beneficially distributed to parties in bankruptcy via the
debtor’s equity security interests. Moreover, even where the tax attributes
are not indirectly transferred in Chapter 11 plans pursuant to bankruptcy-
specific tax laws, they are nonetheless distributed by the bankruptcy court
to the extent their economic benefits are permitted to remain with
shareholders notwithstanding the impairment of creditor claims.206 Parties
who receive or retain valuable tax attributes may then use them to shelter
income from unrelated assets and increase after-tax investment returns.
Chapter 11 debtors and their stakeholders routinely engage in the indirect
transfer of valuable tax attributes through changes of ownership in the
reorganized company. For instance, some Chapter 11 plans contemplate
that the debtor’s historic creditors will succeed to the equity interests of the
reorganized company. In the recent Chapter 11 case of In re PMI Group,
Inc., the debtor’s equity security interests were cancelled and new common
stock was issued to creditors in exchange for their debt claims; this
arrangement allowed creditors to enjoy the benefit of approximately $1.2
billion of NOLs.207 At least on the surface, these restructurings seem to
come the closest to vesting the future economic benefits of tax attributes in
the parties who have borne the economic burdens of the underlying losses,
as the indirect transfer of the tax assets at least seems to follow the absolute
priority rule.
However, there are other instances where a Chapter 11 plan contemplates
that shareholders will receive equity interests of the reorganized debtor even
though creditors will receive minimal or no distributions. Indeed, as noted
above, Solyndra’s historic shareholders retained their equity interests under
the Solyndra Plan,208 effectively stepping ahead of creditors who received

204. See supra notes 38–41 and accompanying text. Judge Posner notes this
impossibility in In re South Beach Securities, Inc., 606 F.3d at 376.
205. See supra Part I.B.4.
206. See infra notes 207–13 and accompanying text.
207. See First Amended Plan of Reorganization of the PMI Group, Inc. Pursuant to
Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11, In re PMI Grp., Inc., No. 11-13730 (Bankr.
D. Del. June 3, 2013), ECF No. 882. An earlier example includes In re Celotex Corp., 204
B.R. 586, 614 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1996) (allocating 50 percent or more of the stock of the
reorganized company to asbestos claimants, as creditors of the debtor).
208. In this way, Solyndra’s plan did not turn on application of I.R.C. § 382(l)(5), as any
changes in equity ownership pursuant to the warrants would take place outside of the
Chapter 11 plan. See generally Amy S. Elliott, Setting the Record Straight on Solyndra’s
NOLs Post-bankruptcy, 136 TAX NOTES 1493 (2012).

only three cents on the dollar for their claims.209 Solyndra’s shareholders
relied upon a limited, judicially created210 exception to the absolute priority
rule where shareholders are permitted to invest new capital in the
reorganized debtor in exchange for the right to retain their equity security
interests, even though creditors are not paid in full.211 To meet this “new
value exception,” investors must contribute new and substantial money or
money’s worth that is necessary for a successful reorganization and is
reasonably equivalent to the interest received.212 Finally, creditors must
either have a right to bid for the equity interests or the bankruptcy court
must determine the market value of the new equity interests.213 In the
Solyndra case, the court found that an $810,000 capital contribution,214
coupled with a commitment to make secured financing available to the
reorganized debtor,215 was sufficient to allow shareholders to retain their
equity security interests, thereby preserving their rights to nearly $1 billion
of the company’s tax attributes. As these numbers suggest, restructurings
of this sort pose a more obvious threat to the absolute priority rule.
But both types of restructurings have the potential to yield inequitable
and inefficient allocations of value. This is because, astonishingly, whether
the Chapter 11 plan vests beneficial ownership of a debtor’s valuable tax
attributes in creditors or shareholders, bankruptcy’s most vital safeguards
do not apply to the transfer. Indeed, the law fails to provide an efficient
mechanism for both recognizing the value enhancements that these tax
attributes bring to the debtor’s corporate stock and ensuring that such value
is subjected to Chapter 11’s distributional norms.
The disconnect is caused by an ambiguity at the junction of tax and
bankruptcy law. Recall that under bankruptcy law, a court must confirm a
Chapter 11 plan before a debtor can exit bankruptcy.216 Where there is
controversy, such as where the debtor is attempting to obtain judicial
confirmation over the objections of dissenting impaired classes, the court
must ensure that the plan is “fair and equitable.”217 As noted above, this
analysis requires, in pertinent part, that the court evaluate whether the plan
provides each impaired and dissenting creditor with at least as much as it

209. See supra note 37 and accompanying text.

210. Some argue, however, that 11 U.S.C. § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii) contemplates an exception
of this sort; the statute bars any claimant from retaining equity “on account of” such person’s
junior interest. See 11 U.S.C. § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii) (2012). Thus, to the extent the claimant
has contributed new value to the reorganized debtor, such person is not retaining equity on
account of a junior interest, but rather receiving them in consideration of a new capital
211. Bank of Am. Nat’l Trust & Savs. Ass’n v. 203 N. LaSalle St. P’ship, 526 U.S. 434,
445 (1999) (citing Case v. L.A. Lumber Prods. Co., 308 U.S. 106, 121–22 (1939)); Bonner
Mall P’ship v. U.S. Bancorp Mortg. Co., 2 F.3d 899, 908–09 (9th Cir. 1993).
212. Bonner Mall, 2 F.3d at 907, 911.
213. Bank of Am. Nat’l Trust & Savs. Ass’n, 526 U.S. at 456–57.
214. Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan at 14, 51–54, In re Solyndra LLC, No. 11-
12799 (Bankr. D. Del. Sept. 7, 2012).
215. See id. at 14, 17, 31.
216. See supra note 70 and accompanying text.
217. 11 U.S.C. § 1129(b)(1) (2012).

would have received in a hypothetical Chapter 7 liquidation.218 But this

analytical device is defective. Testing the Chapter 11 plan against a
hypothetical liquidation naturally omits the debtor’s valuable tax attributes
from consideration, as they would be extinguished when the liquidated
debtor is subsequently dissolved.219 In effect, this means that the “fair and
equitable” analysis ignores the presence of what may be the debtor’s most
valuable asset.220 For instance, disclosures accompanying the Solyndra
Plan explained that the “[d]ebtor may have various other miscellaneous
assets, including net operating loss carry-forwards and/or rights to tax
refunds. No value has been ascribed to such other miscellaneous assets for
purposes hereof.”221 Considering the substantial value placed on these tax
assets, how can bankruptcy law’s most important safeguard allow these
assets to be relegated to an excluded, miscellaneous category? Indeed, the
very asset that motivated Solyndra’s restructuring was a mere footnote in
the “fair and equitable” analysis used to test compliance with the absolute
priority rule.222
In practice, this astonishing gap in the law means that impaired
dissenting classes must rely on their relative bargaining power in private
negotiations, without the benefit of statutory safeguards, to determine
whether and how valuable tax attributes will be allocated. Disgruntled
claimants who appreciate the magnitude of the debtor’s tax attributes but
are either unable to gain a seat at the negotiation table,223 or who wrestle
their way into the negotiations but lack the power to bargain for better
treatment, are left with only one recourse: they must challenge the plan’s
estimation of the debtor’s enterprise value.224 In challenges of this sort,
claimants essentially plead with the court to bring tax attributes within
bankruptcy’s distributional norms by demonstrating that certain classes of
creditors or equity holders will receive or retain value under the plan in

218. Id. § 1129(a)(7)(A)(ii).

219. See supra notes 43–44 and accompanying text.
220. The practice of excluding valuable tax attributes from the liquidation analysis is
widespread and longstanding. See, e.g., Calpine Liquidation Analysis, Exhibit 11 to
Supplement to Debtors’ First Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization Pursuant to Chapter 11
of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 6, Calpine Corp. v. Nev. Power Co. (In re Calpine Corp.),
No. 05-60200 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Aug. 27, 2007), ECF No. 5704 (“The Debtors’ NOLs are
assumed to offset federal taxes . . . expected to be incurred by the Trustee in a liquidation;
any NOLs remaining are ascribed no value in the Liquidation Analysis because the
remaining NOLs do not retain value in a chapter 7 liquidation.”); Exhibit C, Consolidated
Hypothetical Liquidation Analysis for Delta Air Lines, Inc., and its Subsidiaries at 5–6, In re
Delta Air Lines, Inc., No. 05-17923 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Dec. 19, 2006), ECF No. 3906-3
(“The Liquidation Analysis assumes no recovery for deferred income taxes . . . .”).
221. Disclosure Statement in Respect of Debtors’ Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan,
Exhibit 3 at 3 n.6, In re Solyndra, LLC, No. 11-12799 (Bankr. D. Del. Sept. 7, 2012).
222. See supra notes 220–21 and accompanying text.
223. The importance of assembling coalitions in order to gain a seat at the negotiation
table is discussed in Michelle M. Harner & Jamie Marincic, Behind Closed Doors: The
Influence of Creditors in Business Reorganizations, 34 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 1155, 1158–59
224. Such was the case in In re Washington Mutual, Inc., 461 B.R. 200 (Bankr. D. Del.
2011), vacated in part, No. 08-12229 (MFW), 2012 WL 1563880 (Bankr. D. Del. Feb. 24,

violation of the absolute priority rule, in the form of equity security interests
in the debtor that either exceed the value of the holders’ claims, or that
exceed the value of any new money they intend to contribute to the
reorganized debtor.
But these disputes are extremely costly and time consuming, often
requiring expert testimony to consider how various tax attributes should be
appraised under complex financial valuation models.225 And even the most
comprehensive valuation models are ultimately based on multiple
assumptions and subjective determinations.226 For instance, in the highly
contested In re Washington Mutual, Inc. case, the consolidated debtors’
expert applied a financial model that declined to take into consideration the
likelihood that the reorganized company would receive new capital or debt
infusions to acquire profitable businesses; accordingly, the plan’s estimated
reorganization value was quite conservative.227 Meanwhile, the expert for
the plan’s opponents speculated that the reorganized debtor could raise
billions of dollars to realize more of the tax benefits.228 The court
ultimately adopted a conservative valuation estimate, noting that “the
Reorganized Debtor should be able to raise additional capital and debt over
the next twenty years equal to twice the value of its current assets,”229
which the court found to be approximately $140 million.230 Within months
of exiting bankruptcy, the reorganized debtor had already executed debt
instruments allowing it to borrow over $250 million to acquire profitable
businesses and utilize the tax benefits, thereby rapidly outpacing the court’s
ballpark figure.231
Thus, while challenges to the debtor’s reorganization value may provide
a last resort for impaired dissenting classes, they do not offer meaningful
safeguards. Moreover, much has changed in the decades following the
initial adoption of Chapter 11 in 1978 and the revamping of the Tax Code
in 1986.232 As I have argued elsewhere, modern corporate restructurings
are highly political processes, in which insiders, traditional bank lenders,
hedge funds, distressed-debt investors, and other powerful stakeholders are
able to engage in strategic conduct to acquire control of the process.233 In
this environment, Chapter 11 enables parties with existing market power in
the securities and capital markets to extract excess returns at the expense of
other constituents.234 Negotiations often focus on the distribution of
economic burdens, on one hand, and the exploitation of rent-seeking

225. See id. at 226–28.

226. See generally JAMES R. HITCHNER, FINANCIAL VALUATION 27–54 (3d ed. 2011).
227. In re Wash. Mut., 461 B.R. at 228.
228. Id. at 230 n.24.
229. Id. at 236.
230. Id. at 226–28.
231. WMI Holdings Corp., Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) at 26, 29 (Aug. 9, 2013).
232. The new reality is eloquently described in Harvey R. Miller, Bankruptcy and
Reorganization Through the Looking Glass of 50 Years (1960–2010), 19 NORTON J. BANKR.
L. & PRAC. 193 (2010).
233. See Dick, supra note 22, at 762.
234. Id. at 765, 790.

opportunities, on the other.235 As the following section explores, some

constituents are placed at a considerable disadvantage early in the process,
where they must find the resources to overcome costly barriers to entry and
significant collective action obstacles. Because bankruptcy law fails to
appraise and account adequately for the debtor’s valuable tax attributes, the
tax attributes have become a principal source of excess returns in this
deeply flawed process.

B. Chapter 11 As an Anticompetitive Environment for Negotiating

Allocations of Valuable Tax Attributes
Theoretically, allocations of a bankrupt company’s wealth are
determined—or at least severely constrained—by the Bankruptcy Code.
But for the reasons discussed in previous sections, the debtor’s valuable tax
attributes largely escape these constraints, leaving it to the parties to
negotiate to receive the future benefits of the debtor’s valuable tax
attributes. What is more, Chapter 11 constructs an anticompetitive
environment for these negotiations. For example, the omission of tax
attributes from a debtor’s preliminary asset disclosures leads to information
asymmetries as to the nature and extent of what may be the debtor’s most
sizable asset. Additionally, not only does bankruptcy law fail to remedy the
market failure, it also buttresses it through legal rules that impose barriers to
entry and that effectively entrench the market power of certain parties, such
as insiders, dominant lenders, hedge funds, and other institutional investors.
Finally, principal-agent problems arise as these dominant stakeholders with
superior information and market power use their negotiating positions to
steer the case towards an outcome that allows them to extract the tax
benefits to privilege future, unrelated investments. Each of these problems
is considered in greater detail below.
First, the lack of adequate disclosure of valuable tax attributes early in
the bankruptcy case causes an information asymmetry.236 This asymmetry
rewards sophisticated stakeholders at the expense of other constituents and
allows them to negotiate with more or better information as to the true value
of the bankrupt company.237 Further, in light of the debtor’s exclusive right

235. Id. at 822.

236. For further detail on the problem of information asymmetries, see Joseph E. Stiglitz,
Professor, Columbia Bus. Sch., Nobel Prize Lecture: Information and the Change in the
Paradigm in Economics (Dec. 8, 2001), available at
economics/laureates/2001/stiglitz-lecture.pdf (detailing Stiglitz’s contributions to the field).
See generally George A. Akerloff, The Market for “Lemons”: Quality, Uncertainty and the
Market Mechanism, 84 Q.J. ECON. 488 (1970) (exploring the effect of information
asymmetries in the used car market); Bruce C. Greenwald & Joseph E. Stiglitz, Externalities
in Economies with Imperfect Information and Incomplete Markets, 101 Q.J. ECON. 229
(1986) (considering the role of the government in addressing market inefficiencies caused by
information asymmetries).
237. To be sure, it is theoretically possible for anyone to reconstruct the debtor’s tax
attributes by parsing through its historical financial statements. But less sophisticated
claimants, as well as those without professional representation, are less likely to engage in
this discovery process.

to file a Chapter 11 plan during the first 120 days,238 those stakeholders
who are in the best position to know the nature and extent of the debtor’s
tax attributes are also most likely to be tasked with preparation and
advancement of the debtor’s Chapter 11 plan. The resultant power
imbalance infects the restructuring with strategic, rather than transparent
and competitive, bargaining. And, ironically, because Chapter 11 relies on
consensus- and market-based processes to reach case outcomes,239 these
information asymmetries have the potential to thwart the efficient resolution
of corporate financial distress.
This ambiguity in the law also manifests in a more subtle—yet equally
troublesome—way: it weakens the negotiating power of certain parties
from the outset of the case by obscuring the true enterprise value of the
debtor. For instance, the debtor’s failure to disclose the nature and extent of
its valuable tax attributes early in the case can prevent common
shareholders from gaining a seat at the negotiation table. The U.S.
Trustee’s power to appoint an official committee to represent equity
security holders is discretionary, rather than mandatory, and the U.S.
Trustee will only appoint a committee where shareholders prove that they
are not already adequately represented.240 Courts reiterate that the
appointment of an equity committee is extraordinary relief, and their
formation “should be the rare exception.”241 Under the strictest standard,
shareholders bear the burden of demonstrating “a substantial likelihood that
they will receive a meaningful distribution in the case under a strict
application of the absolute priority rule.”242
Without early and meaningful disclosure of the debtor’s assets, including
its tax attributes, shareholders cannot meet this burden. In that event, the
U.S. Trustee is likely to determine that the equity security holders have no
reasonable expectation of a recovery and thus do not require the
appointment of an equity committee.243 For precisely these reasons,
shareholders in the recent In re Eastman Kodak Co. bankruptcy case had to
“take matters into their own hands . . . [and were] forced to represent
[themselves].”244 This creates both a substantial barrier to entry and a
collective action obstacle in Chapter 11 negotiations.245

238. See supra note 76 and accompanying text.

239. See Dick, supra note 22, at 766.
240. 11 U.S.C. § 1102(a)(1)–(2) (2012).
241. In re Williams Commc’ns Grp., Inc., 281 B.R. 216, 223 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2002).
242. Id.
243. Such was the case in the Eastman Kodak bankruptcy. See Jonathan Stempel, Kodak
Shareholders Won’t Get Voice, Creditors Back Chapter 11 Exit, REUTERS (Aug. 15, 2013,
5:58 PM),
244. Motion in Support of an Order Approving the Appointment of an Official Equity
Committee and Response to the Objection of the U.S. Trustee at 10, Eastman Kodak Co. v.
Apple Inc. (In re Eastman Kodak Co.), No. 12-10202 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. July 31, 2013), ECF
No. 4500.
245. Dick, supra note 22, at 822.

Along similar lines, the market for the debtor’s tax benefits is further
insulated from competition by legal barriers, such as the exclusivity rule,246
as well as strategic barriers, such as Chapter 11–plan proponents’ frequent
and deliberate creation of impaired classes to vote in favor of a
controversial plan.247 Indeed, the enormous transaction costs associated
with a plan-confirmation battle also serve as a legal barrier of sorts,
particularly where only certain parties enjoy reimbursement of attorney’s
fees from the debtor’s estate.248
These inefficiencies, in turn, lead to principal-agent problems.
Chapter 11 relies on formal and informal grouping mechanisms, whereby
persons designated as agents represent an aggregated grouping of similarly
situated claimants. For instance, in a Chapter 11 case, similarly situated
claimants may be recognized collectively in official committees comprising
persons holding the largest claims.249 Yet within these agency structures,
certain dominant stakeholders with superior information, as well as market
power in the capital and securities markets, such as insiders, traditional
bank lenders, hedge funds, and distressed debt investors, are able to lobby
the agent to steer the case towards an outcome that allows them to extract
excess returns.250 For instance, in the Solyndra case, dominant
shareholders arguably took control of the case long before the company
filed for bankruptcy by advancing the February 2011 restructuring and
securing warrants to obtain additional equity in the debtor.251 These same
dominant shareholders also served as proponents of the company’s Chapter
11 plan, advancing a plan that would enable them to use the tax attributes to
privilege their future, unrelated investments.252
For these reasons, Chapter 11 creates an anticompetitive environment, in
which the debtor’s valuable tax attributes become economic rents for
dominant stakeholders. In this manner, the muddled overlap of tax and
bankruptcy law facilitates a bewildering result. Valuable tax attributes,
which are routinely recognized by bankruptcy courts as “property” of the
estate253 and are often a debtor’s most substantial asset, are permitted to

246. See supra note 76 and accompanying text.

247. See, e.g., In re Mach. Menachem, Inc., 233 F. App’x 119, 121 (3d Cir. 2007)
(addressing the problem of class gerrymandering).
248. Persons other than the debtor or trustee seeking payment of attorneys’ fees from a
bankruptcy estate must show that their actions constituted a “substantial contribution” to the
debtor’s reorganization. See 11 U.S.C. § 503(b)(3)(D) (2012).
249. 11 U.S.C. § 1102(a)(1)–(2) (authorizing the appointment of creditors’ and equity
security holders’ committees). In some cases, claimants form unofficial committees. See In
re Wash. Mut., Inc., 419 B.R. 271, 279 (Bankr. D. Del. 2009) (“[C]ollective action by
creditors through the use of ad hoc committees or groups allows creditors to utilize other
group members’ holdings to obtain a greater degree of influence in a bankruptcy case than
single creditors acting alone.”).
250. See Dick, supra note 22, at 816. The concerns I raise in my previous work to some
extent echo early criticisms of Chapter 11’s predecessor law. See generally SEC. &
251. See supra note 31 and accompanying text.
252. See supra notes 31–35 and accompanying text.
253. See supra Part I.C.

disappear down the proverbial rabbit hole, sidestepping bankruptcy’s vital

safeguards and falling to the mercy of monopolized negotiations, where
they can be exploited as excess returns.
To be sure, valuable tax attributes are not the only assets that meet this
fate. Other intangible assets, such as goodwill, intellectual property, and
litigation claims arguably meet a similar fate and thus present the same
challenges to bankruptcy practice. But the case of valuable tax attributes
has especially profound legal implications, as it also calls into question the
historical justifications for generous tax laws that facilitate Chapter 11
restructurings.254 If the goal of tax law, to the extent it intersects with
bankruptcy law, is to enable economically efficient restructurings of
business enterprises, then the tax consequences of the choice to pursue
Chapter 11 bankruptcy ought to be neutral. But the ability to extract
valuable tax attributes for future use substantially changes the incentive
effects of the corporate income tax on financially distressed companies and
their stakeholders. In this way, the law motivates stakeholders of distressed
companies to engage in lengthy and expensive Chapter 11 cases255 and to
pursue acquisitive investments that they would not otherwise pursue
following emergence from bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the taxpayers
essentially subsidize, via the Tax Code, unnecessary and economically
inefficient reorganizations that reward dominant stakeholders.256 The
following section considers various reform proposals to improve the overall
efficiency and fairness of commercial bankruptcies under Chapter 11.


This Article has shown how an ambiguity at the intersection of the
corporate tax laws and Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code enables certain
of a corporate debtor’s most valuable assets to escape bankruptcy’s
distributional norms and serve as excess returns to dominant parties. The
resulting inefficiencies implicate the fields of corporate taxation and
commercial bankruptcy. Thus, to address the issues identified in this
Article, policymakers must target reform efforts in three major policy areas:
(1) reforming the bankruptcy laws to ensure that value created by the tax
laws is adequately disclosed and fairly distributed in the course of a
restructuring; (2) reforming the tax laws to prevent corporate debtors from
receiving the benefit of specialized tax provisions unless they are actually
reorganizing the business enterprise in substance rather than merely in
form; and (3) redesigning the overlap of the tax and bankruptcy laws to

254. See, e.g., Arnopol, supra note 157.

255. Solyndra’s decision to conduct its liquidation via bankruptcy process carried a
substantial investment of time and resources: the company spent nearly fourteen months in
Chapter 11, incurring costs of nearly $8 million for professional advisors alone. See
Certification of Counsel with Respect to Proposed Omnibus Order Approving Final Fee
Applications of Professionals at Exhibit A, In re Solyndra, No. 11-12799 (MFW) (D. Del.
Dec. 26, 2012).
256. See supra Part II.

ensure greater coordination and fewer opportunities for abuse. Each of

these goals is discussed in greater detail below.

A. Revisions to the Bankruptcy Laws

Two principal reforms are needed to the bankruptcy laws: first,
bankruptcy disclosure rules should be amended to require disclosure of a
debtor’s valuable tax attributes as assets early in the case; second,
Chapter 11 must affirmatively bring the debtor’s valuable tax attributes
under bankruptcy’s distributional norms. Each of these specific reforms is
explained in the following subsections.
1. Modifications to Bankruptcy Disclosure Rules
As a preliminary matter, bankruptcy disclosure rules should be modified
to require early and meaningful disclosure of a debtor’s valuable tax
attributes as assets. While bankruptcy law requires that a plan proponent
disclose the material tax consequences of the reorganization,257 these
disclosures come much later in the Chapter 11 case, when the collateral
consequences of inadequate asset disclosures have already taken place.
Early and meaningful disclosure can be facilitated by expressly including
the debtor’s valuable tax attributes as a separate category of the currently
required “Schedule B—Personal Property” of the debtor’s asset disclosure
schedules.258 Alternatively, a new “Schedule K—Tax Attributes” can be
created, with space for the debtor to list and describe its various tax
attributes. Instructions accompanying the relevant form would require that,
for disclosure purposes, the debtor must identify the face value of tax
attributes rather than their carrying value as determined under GAAP.259
To be sure, richer asset disclosures promote the goals of bankruptcy and
better protect the interests of creditors. What is more, an amendment of this
sort reflects the principled approach adopted by the Delaware Court of
Chancery in a 2010 corporate decision, which appreciates the economic
significance of tax attributes even where they suffer full impairment under
the accounting rules. In Selectica, Inc. v. Versata Enterprises, Inc.,260 the
court approved a corporation’s use of penalty provisions in stockholder
rights plans to deter transactions that might jeopardize the corporation’s
future ability to use its NOLs.261 In deciding that this NOL “poison pill”262
was a valid exercise of the corporate board’s authority, the court concluded

257. 11 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(1) (2012).

258. See B 6B (Official Form 6B), supra note 132.
259. The differences are described supra Part I.B.1.
260. No. 4241-VCN, 2010 WL 703062 (Del. Ch. Feb. 26, 2010).
261. Id. at *25.
262. The typical poison pill dilutes any stockholder who acquires shares in excess of a
specified ownership threshold without prior board approval. For a more detailed discussion
of poison pills specifically designed to protect a firm’s NOLs, see Merle Erickson & Shane
Heitzman, NOL Poison Pills: Selectica v. Versata, 127 TAX NOTES 1369 (2010); Peter B.
Siegal, Using Appraisal To Protect Net Operating Loss Carryforwards, 106 NW. U. L. REV.
927, 929–30 (2012).

that NOLs were a “company asset worth protecting.”263 Responding to a

claim that the NOLs did not constitute an asset because any value they had
was highly contingent and subject to legal restrictions on their use, the court
took great pains to separate the question of whether the NOLs were an asset
from the calculation of their value under GAAP.264 To this end, it rejected
the argument that the company’s decision to take a full valuation allowance
for the NOLs in its recent financial statements suggested that they were not
assets worth protecting.265 Notwithstanding the accounting write-down, the
NOLs were subjectively valued by the firm’s stakeholders and had been
assigned substantial economic value by the company’s professional
Applying the Selectica court’s reasoning to bankruptcy law’s asset
disclosure requirements, it seems that debtors ought to disclose fully tax
attributes as potentially valuable assets at the outset of the bankruptcy case,
regardless of their valuation as determined under GAAP.267 Of course,
while enhanced asset disclosures would reduce information asymmetries,
additional legal reforms are needed to bring valuable tax attributes within
bankruptcy’s distributional norms. The following section considers a
proposal to achieve this end.
2. Amendments to the Chapter 11 Plan Confirmation Tests
This Article has demonstrated how valuable tax attributes can be
monetized and transferred through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Yet this
allocation process largely escapes bankruptcy’s distributional norms,
occurring entirely via private negotiations that tend to be monopolized by
dominant parties, such as insiders, hedge funds, and other powerful
distressed-debt investors.
Thus, Chapter 11’s safeguards should take into account the debtor’s
valuable tax attributes. To this end, the rules governing judicial
confirmation of nonconsensual Chapter 11 plans should be modified.
Courts may continue to evaluate the fairness of nonconsensual plans against
a hypothetical Chapter 7 liquidation; however, the statutory test268 should
be amended to expressly take into account the net present value of the
debtor’s available tax attributes. The net present value calculation would
assume (1) that all available valuable tax attributes will be utilized pro rata
over a period not to exceed five years following the debtor’s reemergence
from bankruptcy, and (2) in each such tax year, the debtor will be subject to
the highest federal income tax bracket ever applied to the debtor and which

263. Selectica, 2010 WL 703062, at *17.

264. Id. at *19.
265. Id.
266. Id. at *19 n.161.
267. Arguably, to the extent companies are able to steer the Chapter 11 case to an
outcome that preserves and maximizes valuable tax attributes for future use, companies
should no longer take a full valuation allowance once they have entered Chapter 11
268. See 11 U.S.C. § 1129(a)(7) (2012).

is then in effect.269 Tax attributes would be valued as of the effective date

of the plan, taking into account the time-value of money and any reductions
mandated by the tax laws, such as the reduction for cancellation of
indebtedness income excluded by the debtor from taxable income.270 That
amount would be added to the total liquidation value as an additional,
hypothetical, cash-equivalent asset. Then, with respect to each impaired
class of claims or interests, each holder would receive under the proposed
plan property equal to or greater than the amount that such holder would
receive if the debtor company were liquidated under Chapter 7 and the
debtor’s assets, including the hypothetical cash-equivalent asset, were
distributed to all claimants.271
Of course, in many cases this calculation will be ill suited to the actual
economic circumstances confronting the debtor. In situations of this sort,
the court would set an evidentiary hearing to determine the value of the
debtor’s tax attributes. The debtor would bear the initial burden of proving
by a preponderance of the evidence272 that its tax attributes are worth less
than the amount determined under the net present value calculation
described above. Likewise, impaired classes of claimants would bear the
initial burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the
debtor’s valuable tax attributes are worth more than the amount determined
under the net present value calculation. In either case, opponents would be
required to prove the value of tax attributes using a discounted cash flows
analysis.273 In these proceedings, the court would not be bound by the
conclusions reached by expert witnesses and may make adjustments to
arrive at a final judgment on the value of the debtor’s tax attributes.
By forcing the Chapter 11 plan to take into account the value of the
debtor’s tax attributes to those persons who hold equity security interests in
the debtor at the time it exits bankruptcy, this rule would make valuable tax
attributes a neutral factor in Chapter 11 restructurings. At the same time, it

269. This framework assumes that the reorganized debtor will take steps to maximize its
economic interests vis-à-vis the valuable tax attributes. This assumption is consistent with
broader corporate jurisprudence. See, e.g., Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co., Ltd. v. Zenith Radio
Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 588–89 (1986) (assuming that firms behave in an economically rational
270. See supra notes 111, 181 and accompanying text.
271. The proposed modification would be made to 11 U.S.C. § 1129(a)(7).
272. The Supreme Court has explained that the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard
is appropriate for deciding most bankruptcy claims. See Grogan v. Garner, 498 U.S. 279, 286
(1991) (“Because the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard results in a roughly equal
allocation of the risk of error between litigants, we presume that this standard is applicable in
civil actions between private litigants unless ‘particularly important individual interests or
rights are at stake.’” (quoting Herman & MacLean v. Huddleston, 459 U.S. 375, 389–90
273. A discounted cash flows analysis would estimate the tax attributes’ value by using
forecasted future cash flows, and by applying an appropriate discount rate. See DAVID T.
be relevant to the forecast include: (1) proposed or otherwise anticipated changes to the
reorganized company’s business enterprise, (2) forecasted revenue growth rates for such
industry, and (3) estimated future expenses. Id.

would further advance the congressional intent to prevent the use of the
bankruptcy process to traffic in corporate shells.274

B. Revisions to the Tax Laws

As a preliminary matter, the Tax Code should be amended to prevent
corporate debtors from receiving the benefit of tax provisions that are
designed to facilitate Chapter 11 restructurings unless they are actually
reorganizing the business enterprise in substance rather than merely in
form. Considering how these provisions are utilized in modern Chapter 11
proceedings, they essentially function as unintended tax expenditures to
benefit dominant corporate stakeholders. Imposing additional limitations
on these provisions would also bring them into greater harmony with sound
tax policy and the economic realities of a particular transaction.275
Most importantly, the bankruptcy-specific tax law that allows debtors to
preserve their valuable tax attributes, notwithstanding a change of
ownership,276 should be amended to apply only to Chapter 11 plans that
satisfy the more stringent business continuity requirements.277 The analysis
would emphasize economic substance over legal form, taking into account
the historic business that generated the tax attributes rather than the historic
business of a mere holding company or other corporate entity presently
possessing the tax attributes.
Amendments of this sort would allow the Tax Code’s bankruptcy-
specific provisions to more narrowly target troubled businesses that utilize
Chapter 11 to rehabilitate and restructure in a way that preserves jobs and
continues a productive business enterprise. At the same time, they would
prevent the use of the bankruptcy process to cleanse a company of its
unsecured debts and underperforming assets and restructure it as an
investment vehicle with built-in, taxpayer-subsidized investment returns. In
doing so, these amendments would help take valuable tax attributes from
the position of being a driving force in Chapter 11 cases and relegate them
to playing the incidental role that Congress envisioned.278 Further, these
modifications would drive home the point that when companies pursue
bankruptcy protection, they necessarily submit all of their assets to the
court’s jurisdiction, including their tax assets.
To this end, as an alternative to the revision I proposed above to
bankruptcy’s “best interest of the creditor’s test,”279 the tax laws could also
be modified to prevent stakeholders from using valuable tax attributes as a
source of excess returns in bankruptcy. For example, Congress could
clarify that, so long as historic shareholders and creditors receive at least 50
percent of the reorganized debtor’s equity security interests, the debtor may
retain only a share of its available tax attributes, calculated by applying the

274. See supra notes 43–44 and accompanying text.

275. See infra notes 283–89 and accompanying text.
276. See I.R.C. § 382(l)(5) (2012).
277. These requirements are set forth in Treas. Reg. § 1.368-1(d)(4)(ii) (2011).
278. See supra note 45.
279. See supra Part III.A.2.

ratio of (i) the allowable claims, as determined under bankruptcy law,280 of

the historic shareholders and creditors that are deemed to be fully satisfied,
because such persons will have received equity security interests in the
reorganized debtor, to (ii) the total of all allowable claims against the
debtor.281 The amount of available tax attributes would take into account
any reductions mandated by the tax laws, such as the reduction for
cancellation of indebtedness income excluded by the debtor from taxable
income.282 For example, if a company with $1,000 of NOLs reorganizes
pursuant to a Chapter 11 plan that vests 100 percent of the reorganized
debtor’s equity security interests in historic creditors who together hold
only 75 percent of the total allowable claims against the debtor, then the
available NOLs would be reduced to $750.
A rule of this sort takes into consideration the theoretical argument that
creditors of an insolvent corporation are its true owners; however, it only
allows such owners to receive their pro rata share of the tax benefits. Of
course, from a tax policy perspective, this revision may not be sufficient to
prevent tax-motivated Chapter 11 reorganizations. Dominant stakeholders
would still have the ability to extract a large share of valuable tax attributes
without regard for the interests of the debtor’s other constituents.
Accordingly, changes to the bankruptcy laws are still needed to address
these distributional elements.

C. Reassessing the Intersection of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Tax Law

In addition to the specific reforms noted above, greater attention is
generally needed at the crossroads where the tax and bankruptcy laws
intersect. Modern commercial bankruptcies have grown ever more
complex; meanwhile, the tax laws have increased in magnitude and
difficulty. These trends create ample opportunity for sophisticated
companies and their advisors to find and exploit ambiguities and
inadequacies in the law.
These two intricate areas of law must be assessed to ensure seamless
overlap. Presently, federal tax law largely defers to Chapter 11, affording
valuable tax benefits with minimal restrictions. The problems identified in
this Article appear to derive, at least in part, from a false assumption in the
tax laws that companies in bankruptcy pursue either rehabilitative relief
under Chapter 11 or liquidation under Chapter 7. But as corporate
structures have grown more complex in the years following Chapter 11’s
initial enactment, and as Chapter 11 is increasingly used to engage in
liquidations of all or part of a company’s business assets,283 these tax laws
rest upon an outmoded and incorrect assumption. Now that Chapter 11 is
routinely used to liquidate some entities in the corporate structure and
reorganize others, broad bankruptcy-related exceptions in the tax laws are

280. See 11 U.S.C. § 502.

281. See id.
282. See supra notes 111, 181 and accompanying text.
283. See, e.g., supra note 27 and accompanying text.

especially susceptible to abuse. Rather than relying on loose references to a

“plan of reorganization,”284 the Tax Code ought to develop its own
definitions of rehabilitative versus liquidating bankruptcies and invoke
these definitions in bankruptcy-specific tax laws.
More broadly, greater coordination is needed between the IRS and the
U.S. Trustee to combat abuse of Chapter 11 to harvest tax losses and use
them to shelter income. For one thing, both agencies can appeal to the
bankruptcy courts to use their judicial discretion to apply broad anti-abuse
rules to questionable restructurings.285 Similarly, there are numerous
judicial doctrines, stretching across both disciplines, that can be used to
challenge Chapter 11 plans that seek to exploit the debtor’s tax attributes in
bankruptcy.286 For instance, the doctrine of substance over form is used in
tax law to force a taxpayer to realize tax consequences in accordance with
the economic substance of a transaction rather than its legal form.287
Meanwhile, the same doctrine has been applied in bankruptcy cases to
determine the true nature of a debtor’s interest in property.288 Similarly, the
step transaction doctrine assigns legal consequences to an entire integrated
event rather than a series of separate steps,289 while the sham transaction
doctrine allows courts to unwind structures intended to avoid income tax
liability.290 Finally, the business purpose doctrine challenges transactions
that fail to be motivated by the exigencies of business and are instead
devices for tax avoidance.291
These doctrines could have been used to successfully challenge
Solyndra’s pseudo-reorganization. However, doing so would have required
the IRS to look beyond the tax laws and the U.S. Trustee to look beyond the
bankruptcy laws, such that each would appreciate the broader consequences
of various steps taken by Solyndra and its stakeholders. For instance, the
government could have argued that Solyndra’s purported reorganization

284. For instance, Treasury Regulation § 1.382-9 refers repeatedly to a “plan of

reorganization.” See Treas. Reg. § 1.382-9 (as amended in 1994).
285. I.R.C. § 269(a)(1).
286. Tax doctrines, including “substance over form,” were invoked by Judge Posner in a
spirited opinion addressing an unsuccessful attempt by South Beach Securities, Inc., to use
Chapter 11 to preserve valuable tax attributes in an uncontested Chapter 11 case involving
only insiders as creditors. See In re S. Beach Sec., Inc., 606 F.3d 366, 374 (7th Cir. 2010).
Tax doctrines were also invoked by the IRS to find that an acquisition of a corporation with
substantial NOLs did not satisfy the § 382 bankruptcy-specific rules, even though the
transaction technically met statutory requirements. See I.R.S. Tech. Adv. Mem. 200915033
(Apr. 10, 2009), available at
287. See, e.g., Gregory v. Helvering, 293 U.S. 465, 469–70 (1935).
288. See, e.g., United Airlines, Inc. v. HSBC Bank USA, N.A., 416 F.3d 609, 614 (7th
Cir. 2005).
289. Comm’r v. Clark, 489 U.S. 726, 738 (1989).
290. See, e.g., Cohen v. Comm’r, No. 110869, 1943 WL 9207 (T.C. Aug. 4, 1943).
Judicial consideration of “corporate shams” was given recent empirical attention in Joshua
D. Blank & Nancy Staudt, Corporate Shams, 87 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1641, 1659–65 (2012)
(finding that the courts have produced a consistent body of law to identify abusive corporate
sham transactions).
291. See, e.g., Frank Lyon Co. v. United States, 435 U.S. 561, 583–84 (1978); Treas. Reg.
§ 1.368-1(b) to (c) (2012).

was a sham, and that the Chapter 11 plan used the legal form of a
reorganization to achieve the economic substance of a liquidation. To this
end, the step transaction doctrine could have been used to collapse
Solyndra’s February 2011 adoption of a parent-subsidiary structure and the
later Chapter 11 plan. Doing so may have demonstrated that the purported
business purpose motivating the February 2011 restructuring was
insufficient to disguise the true tax-driven character of the transaction, that
the reorganization elements of the Chapter 11 plan lacked economic
substance, and that the Solyndra Plan in substance contemplated only a
liquidation of the business and a preservation of the future tax benefits to
benefit future, unrelated investments. The U.S. Trustee, in its role as a
“watchdog in bankruptcy proceedings,”292 should be more proactively
examining Chapter 11 cases for abuses of this sort, drawing upon
bankruptcy and tax statutory law, as well as doctrinal principles.
Of course, sound application of these judicial doctrines to complex
questions at the confluence of bankruptcy and tax law requires greater
coordination from the bench. As modern commercial bankruptcies feature
increasingly nuanced tax issues, presiding judges must be well versed in the
tax laws. Thus, while bankruptcy jurisdiction may continue to reside in the
bankruptcy judge,293 judges should be required—or at least strongly
encouraged—to refer cases and proceedings to the U.S. tax court for
guidance on the tax implications of decisions rendered in the bankruptcy
case. Indeed, Congress should reconsider providing U.S. bankruptcy courts
jurisdiction to resolve tax matters that arise in bankruptcy cases.294 A full
discussion of the proper jurisdictional balance for tax and bankruptcy
matters is outside the scope of this Article, but on the surface it seems that
the traditional efficiency arguments that favor more streamlined case
management cannot justify failures of the sort identified here.
Finally, while also beyond the scope of this Article, there is a deeper
question that deserves thoughtful scholarly attention: should bankruptcy
law continue to defer to GAAP as the primary way for parties to disclose
their economic condition? Skeptics exist in the legal and accounting
scholarly communities.295 Although modern accounting principles allow
for the systematic reporting of assets and liabilities, the rules were designed
to serve a different purpose and do not necessarily give the truest picture of
a person’s overall economic condition. Indeed, just as tax law strays from
GAAP in computing a corporation’s earnings and profits for the purposes of

292. In re S. Beach Sec., Inc., 606 F.3d 366, 370 (7th Cir. 2010) (discussing the duties
assigned to the U.S. Trustee under 28 U.S.C. § 586(a)(3) (2006)); see also 28 U.S.C.
§ 586(a)(3)(B) (authorizing the U.S. Trustee to monitor Chapter 11 plans and disclosure
statements); Morgenstern v. Revco D.S., Inc., 898 F.2d 498, 500 (6th Cir. 1990) (referring to
the U.S. Trustee as a “watchdog”).
293. See generally 28 U.S.C. § 1334.
294. Questions of this sort are raised in Steve R. Johnson, The Phoenix and the Perils of
the Second Best: Why Heightened Appellate Deference to Tax Court Decisions Is
Undesirable, 77 OR. L. REV. 235, 239–42 (1998).
295. See generally Mark J. Cowan, A GAAP Critic’s Guide to Corporate Income Taxes,
66 TAX LAW. 209 (2012).

identifying taxable distributions to shareholders,296 so should bankruptcy

law stray from GAAP in computing a debtor’s economic condition. For
instance, bankruptcy law might depart from GAAP by providing a method
for debtors to value tax attributes during the pendency of a Chapter 11 case.
More broadly, continued diligence and thoughtful attention to the overlap
of tax law and commercial bankruptcy are needed to maintain a fair,
efficient, and tax-neutral system for restructuring financially distressed
firms. This will require, in part, additional thoughtful exchanges between
tax and bankruptcy scholars and practitioners. I hope that this Article, and
the responses it generates, contribute richly to this enhanced dialogue.

Between tax law and bankruptcy law lies fertile ground for companies in
financial distress to design abusive, tax-motivated restructuring
transactions. For example, Solyndra’s pseudo-reorganization takes
advantage of Chapter 11’s historic role as a rehabilitative device to cloak a
corporate liquidation with some semblance of reorganization and exploit
valuable tax attributes as excess returns. When troublesome ambiguities of
this sort are exploited, taxpayers are left subsidizing economically irrational
restructurings, while providing built-in investment returns for future,
unrelated investments. Because these tax benefits manage to escape
bankruptcy’s distributional norms, the benefits largely accrue to insiders,
traditional bank lenders, hedge funds, distressed-debt investors, and other
powerful stakeholders. Meanwhile, the distressed company’s other
constituents—employees, unsecured creditors, or common shareholders, as
the case may be—bear a disproportionate share of the company’s losses
without any of the accompanying tax benefits. Not only is this outcome
inequitable and inefficient, but it fails to satisfy basic elements of sound tax
and bankruptcy policy. Working together to advance meaningful legal
reforms, tax and bankruptcy experts can eradicate abuses of this sort and
help to restore the functionality of the commercial restructuring process.

296. The method of calculating a corporation’s earnings and profits is set forth in
regulations promulgated under 26 I.R.C. § 312. See, e.g., Treas. Reg. § 1.312-6 (2012).

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